

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-29

郭剑, 陈实, 徐斌, 申格, 金云翔, 张玉静, 杨秀春
中国农业科学院农业资源与农业区划研究所,北京 100081

Remote sensing monitoring of grassland vegetation greenupbased on SPOT-VGT in Xilingol League

GUOJian, CHENShi, XUBin, SHENGe, JINYunxiang, ZHANGYujing, YANGXiuchun
Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning, Chinese Academy ofAgricultural Sciences, Beijing 100081, China
通讯作者:通讯作者:杨秀春(1975- ),女,河北省迁安人,博士,研究员,主要从事草原遥感监测和土地退化研究。E-mail: yangxiuchun@caas.cn
-->作者简介:郭剑(1990- ),男,山西省临汾人,硕士,主要从事草原物候遥感研究。E-mail: guojianxiaobai@163.com


使用1999-2012年SPOT-VGT NDVI数据,采用D-L滤波方法对NDVI时间序列进行重建,基于动态阈值法提取锡林郭勒盟草原返青期,结合地面实测返青期数据对结果进行验证。研究表明:① 提出的草原植被遥感返青期监测和地面验证相结合的新方法,采用25%动态阈值系数提取了锡林郭勒盟草原的返青期,其精度可达68%。② 锡林郭勒盟大部分地区的遥感返青期发生在4月上旬-5月中旬,呈现由南向北推迟的空间格局。1999-2012年锡盟草原返青期整体上呈现提前的趋势,为-1.5 d/10a。论文成果为增强中国对气候变化的应对能力、指导当地的农牧业生产、保护脆弱的草原生态系统具有重要的理论和实际价值。

This paper extracts grasslands greenup from SPOT-VGT NDVI filtered by D-L during 1999 to 2012, and uses ground greenup date to verify the result. The main conclusions are as follows: (1) A new method, which combine grassland vegetation remote sensing regreening stage monitoring and ground validation, is presented. Greenup date of Xilingol grassland is extracted by using dynamic threshold coefficients of 25% and its precision can reach 68%. (2) The mean greenup date in Xilingol league is mainly observed from early April to late May. The greenup dates are delayed from south to north, with the average change being -1.5 d/10a. Exploring spatiotemporal characteristics of grasslands phenology in Xilingol is of theoretical and practical significance in China's combat to climate change, grassland protection and management in the presence of specific problems, decision making in local agricultural and animal husbandry, and vulnerable grassland ecosystems rehabilitation.

Keywords:greenup date;remote sensing;grassland;NDVI

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郭剑, 陈实, 徐斌, 申格, 金云翔, 张玉静, 杨秀春. 基于SPOT-VGT数据的锡林郭勒盟草原返青期遥感监测[J]. , 2017, 36(1): 37-48 https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201701003
GUO Jian, CHEN Shi, XU Bin, SHEN Ge, JIN Yunxiang, ZHANG Yujing, YANG Xiuchun. Remote sensing monitoring of grassland vegetation greenupbased on SPOT-VGT in Xilingol League[J]. 地理研究, 2017, 36(1): 37-48 https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201701003

1 引言


2 研究区概况与数据来源

-->Fig. 1The grassland types of Xilingol league

(2)遥感数据源为全球SPOT Vegetation数据免费分发网站(http://free.vgt.vito.be/)下载的10 d最大化合成的SPOT-VGT NDVI数据,空间分辨率是1 km,覆盖范围是1999年1月-2012年12月共468景影像。SPOT源数据的预处理包括大气校正、辐射校正、几何校正,将DN值转化成NDVI值,把经纬度投影转换为Albers Equal Area Conic/WGS84投影,生成了10 d最大化合成的NDVI数据,在ERDAS中裁剪出锡林郭勒盟1999-2012年的遥感影像,最后将Tiff格式的数据批量转换为GRASS格式,以便于在TIMESAT软件中进行物候期的提取。
-->Fig. 2The distribution of the field samples

Tab. 1
Tab. 1Mean, standard deviation, and trend of temperature over the year and spring

Tab. 2
Tab. 2Mean, standard deviation, and trend of precipitation over the year and spring


3 返青期遥感提取方法

-->Fig. 3The result of D-L filtering

-->Fig. 4The result of S-G filtering

-->Fig. 5The result of A-G filtering

阈值法通过定义阈值大小,计算效率较高,提取的物候期结果也是比较准确的,但是研究者不同,设定的阈值不同,容易受到人为主观的影响。动态阈值法与固定阈值法相比,动态阈值在时间和空间上都具有更好的实用性。动态阈值的计算方法是: NDVIlim=(NDVImax-NDVImin)×C,式中:NDVIlim为动态阈值;NDVImax为整个生长季中NDVI的最大值;NDVImin为NDVI上升或者下降阶段的最小值;C为系数。
利用2010-2012年的地面数据对遥感返青期结果进行验证,将地面数据日期换算成旬日期,对样地的返青期进行验证,162个样地中有11个样地遥感返青期属于异常值,剔除后剩余151个样地,有102个样地遥感返青期结果与实测结果是一致的,精度达到68%。遥感返青期结果与实测结果最大差为30 d有7个样地,其中5个样地属于荒漠草原地区,遥感返青期结果与实测结果最大差为20 d有22个样地,其中13个样地属于荒漠草原地区,说明在荒漠草原地区使用该阈值进行遥感监测精度不高。使用均方根误差(root mean square error,RMSE)来对提取方法的有效性进行评价。RMSE表示遥感返青期与实际值的偏差,反映出阈值法提取返青期的模拟精度。RMSE的计算公式如下:
通过计算,阈值法提取返青期的RMSE是8.7 d,本文使用的时间序列数据间隔是10 d,所以认为阈值法提取该研究区返青期遥感监测结果是合理的,提取方法是可行的。
利用2000-2012年锡林浩特牧业气象试验站克氏针茅和羊草的地面调查返青期数据对锡林浩特试验站遥感返青期结果进行验证。克氏针茅地面数据时间段为2000-2012年共13年的数据,锡林浩特试验站中2003年、2004年、2008年遥感返青期结果属于异常值,剔除这3年的数据,对10年的数据进行验证,70%的数据遥感返青期结果与地面调查结果是一致的,RMSE是9 d。羊草地面数据时间段为2000年、2001年、2009-2012年共6年的数据,6年中遥感返青期结果无异常值,其中4年的遥感返青期结果与地面调查结果是一致的,RMSE是11 d。从优势牧草返青期精度验证结果可以看出,优势牧草返青期与遥感返青期有70%左右的数据是一致的,所以优势牧草的返青期可以较好地代表该地区的返青期,在进行野外地面调查工作时,可以根据优势牧草的返青期时间来判断样方内植被的返青期时间。

4 1999-2012年草原返青期时空格局

4.1 1999-2012年遥感返青期监测结果

-->Fig. 6Greenup date in Xilingol league during 1999-2012

4.2 遥感返青期的多年平均值

Tab. 3
Tab. 3Area of mean greenup date of each grassland type in different periods (%)

-->Fig. 7Mean greenup date in Xilingol league during 1999-2012

4.3 遥感返青期的标准差

从遥感返青期的时间标准差空间格局(图8)来看,返青期的标准差大部分区域在15 d以上,西部地区主要是苏右旗、二连浩特和苏左旗西南部地区,标准差较大,可达20 d以上,该地区靠近荒漠地区,年际波动比较大,中部地区的标准差大部分为15~20 d,东北部地区主要是东乌旗东部和西乌旗东部地区,标准差较小,在15 d以内。遥感返青期的标准差空间格局,从西南向东北递减。由于降水对不同地区的影响不同,越干旱的地区,降水量对植物返青期的制约越显著,水分达到植物生长所需的时间很大程度上决定着植物返青期,降水变化程度的增加会导致返青期的波动程度变大,在苏右旗和二连浩特地区,属于水分贫乏的温性荒漠草原,降水变率大,降水量随机性高,在旱年,可能会因为水分胁迫导致返青期严重推迟,进而使该区域返青期的波动程度增大。分草地类型来看,温性草甸草原的标准差最小,为12.97 d,其次是温性草原,为18.45 d,温性荒漠草原的标准差最大,可达28.65 d,说明温性荒漠草原的返青期随时间波动幅度较大,对气象因子更敏感,温性草甸草原受气象因子影响相对较小。
-->Fig. 8Standard deviation of greenup date in Xilingol league

4.4 遥感返青期的线性趋势

本文基于1999-2012年锡林郭勒盟草原的返青期,计算每个像元的返青期多年变化趋势(图9)。结果显示,大部分像元返青期的变化趋势在±20 d/10a之内。从返青期的总体趋势来看,有57%的像元具有提前趋势,主要分布在西乌旗大部分地区,苏左旗西南部和中东部地区,苏右旗的南部地区,正蓝旗、正镶白旗、镶黄旗大部分地区以及与它们北部接壤的一些地区,43%的像元具有推迟趋势,主要分布在东乌旗大部分地区,锡林浩特中部和北部地区,阿巴嘎旗中部和西北部地区,苏左旗北部地区,苏右旗北部地区。平均变化趋势为-1.5 d/10a,整体上呈提前趋势。在西北部地区和东北部地区,主要是东乌旗中北部地区、苏左旗中北部地区,推迟的趋势比较大;在西南部地区,主要是苏右旗地区,变化程度较大,但是变化趋势不统一;南部地区总体上呈提前趋势,整体在提前10 d/10a以上;中部地区变化趋势较小,大部分像元处于±10 d/10a内;东南部地区总体上呈提前趋势。锡林郭勒盟草原返青期的变化趋势在空间上的异质性较大,如在苏右旗的西部地区,与其他地区不同,草原返青期存在推迟趋势,这说明草原返青期的变化趋势受到多种要素的共同作用,可能存在除气温外的降水胁迫或者其他更复杂的机理。
-->Fig. 9The greenup date trend in Xilingol league

经统计,线性趋势在±10 d/10a的像元比例达到70%,大部分像元的变化趋势不大,对线性趋势进行F检验,经统计,锡林郭勒盟草原返青期具有显著变化趋势的像元占总数的13.9%,其中显著提前的像元有8%,显著推迟的像元有5.9%。大部分像元的变化趋势不明显。该结果说明,随着全球气候的变化,草原返青期受到多种气象因子的影响,导致在像元上的表现是不一致的,其变化有复杂交错的特点,也就是说,在某一个地区具体到某一年份,返青期均有可能发生提前或者推迟,但是从返青期多年平均值来看,返青期具有提前趋势,但是线性趋势不明显的像元占绝大多数。
分草地类型对遥感返青期线性趋势进行统计,结果(表4)显示,温性荒漠草原返青期中有53.51%的像元呈推迟趋势,并且有20.86%的像元推迟了10 d/10a以上;温性草原中有63.4%的像元呈推迟趋势,大部分像元推迟趋势较小,49.45%的像元推迟了10 d/10a以内,同时有29.56%的像元提前了10 d/10a以上,返青期提前的像元提前趋势较大;温性草甸草原返青期提前趋势的像元较多,达到了53.28%,大部分像元的提前趋势较小,46.11%的像元提前在10 d/10a内。整体上上看,温性草甸草原的变化趋势较小,80%左右的像元趋势在±10 d/10a内,植被生长较稳定,温性草原和温性荒漠草原变化趋势大于10 d/10a的像元均在43%左右,植被对气候变化较温性草甸草原敏感,但是全区仅有13.9%的像元是呈显著性变化趋势,大部分像元返青期的变化都是不显著的。
Tab. 4
Tab. 4The distribution of greenup date trend for each grassland type (%)

表5是本文在锡林郭勒盟草原遥感返青期的变化趋势与其他研究结果的对比,尽管研究区、研究时段和研究所使用的遥感数据是不同的,但是遥感返青期的提前趋势与大部分研究结果是一致的,在数值上有所差异。气候变暖的大背景下,锡林郭勒盟草原返青期受到了一定的影响,返青期整体上有提前的趋势。但是,返青期变化趋势不显著的像元占86%左右。由于不同地区的环境是比较复杂的,返青期变化趋势在空间上的差异是比较大的。由于锡盟草原中温性草原占到65%左右,其中有近30%的像元变化趋势提前了10 d/10a以上,提前趋势大的像元多,所以锡盟整体的变化趋势与温性草原有很大的关系。
Tab. 5
Tab. 5Greenup date trend in different areas


5 结论与讨论

(1)本文提出了草原植被遥感返青期监测和地面验证相结合的新方法,采用25%动态阈值系数提取了锡林郭勒盟草原的返青期,其精度可达到68%,样地对应的遥感返青期的RMSE是8.7 d。对锡林浩特牧业试验站中优势牧草遥感返青期进行验证发现,优势牧草的返青期可以在一定程度上代表该地区的返青期。
(2)锡林郭勒盟草原遥感返青期多年平均值的空间格局复杂,整体上看,返青期呈现由南向北推迟的变化。温性荒漠草原返青期主要集中在4月上中旬,标准差达28.65 d,受气象因子影响较大,波动幅度较大,温性草原返青期主要集中在4月中下旬,标准差为18.45 d,温性草甸草原返青期主要集中在4月下旬和5月上旬,标准差为12.97 d,温性草甸草原的植被最为稳定,返青期随年际变化波动较小。对返青期线性趋势的研究显示,57%的像元具有提前趋势,平均变化趋势为-1.5 d/10a,东南部提前较大,西北部推迟较大,显著提前的像元有8%,显著推迟的像元有5.9%。温性草甸草原的变化趋势较小,80%左右的像元趋势在±10 d/10a内,温性草原和温性荒漠草原变化趋势大于10 d/10a的像元均在43%左右。
本文所用的为SPOT-VGT 10 d合成数据,该数据可以在一定程度上消除云、大气等噪声影响,在TIMESAT中运用D-L滤波对NDVI时间序列进行了平滑处理,重建的时间序列,能更好地反映植被的变化过程。本文所采用的物候期提取模型中使用了同一种参数,没有考虑各草原类型之间的差异和空间异质性,阈值法提取模型对不同草原类型的适宜性还需要进一步的研究。对于物候期结果地面验证这一部分,采集样方时,对植物返青率的估计有一定的主观性,尽管调查人经过统一的培训,肉眼估计还是会有一定的差异,对本文结果的验证会产生一定的影响;另一方面,本文地面验证点的分布不太均匀,有的地区没有收集到物候观察资料,有物候观察资料的地区不一定有连续的资料,对遥感返青期结果的验证有一定的影响,因此,尽可能地对研究区进行连续的物候观测,不仅可以对物候期提取模型进行改进,还可以提高草原物候期监测的精度。
The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

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<p>植物物候现象是环境条件季节和年际变化最直观、最敏感的生物指示器,其发生时间可以反映陆地生态系 统对气候变化的快速响应。近年来,遥感物候观测因其具有多时相、覆盖范围广、空间连续、时间序列较长等特点, 已成为揭示植被动态对全球气候变化响应与反馈的重要手段。文章在介绍植物物候遥感监测的数据集及其预处理 方法的基础上,从植物物候生长季节的划分、植物物候与气候变化、植物物候与净初级生产量、植物物候与土地覆 盖、植物物候与农作物估产等方面系统阐述了近5 年来国内外遥感物候学研究的重要进展,并针对目前研究中存 在的问题,提出近期遥感物候研究的主要方向:(1)发展一种更具普适性的物候生长季节划分方法;(2)通过开展植物 群落的物候观测和选择合适的尺度转换方法,统一地面与遥感的空间信息;(3)定量分析植物物候变化对人类活动 的响应机制;(4)选择适宜的数学方法和模型,实现各种不同分辨率遥感数据的融合;(5)通过动态模拟,预测植物物 候对未来气候变化的响应。</p>
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<p>植物物候现象是环境条件季节和年际变化最直观、最敏感的生物指示器,其发生时间可以反映陆地生态系 统对气候变化的快速响应。近年来,遥感物候观测因其具有多时相、覆盖范围广、空间连续、时间序列较长等特点, 已成为揭示植被动态对全球气候变化响应与反馈的重要手段。文章在介绍植物物候遥感监测的数据集及其预处理 方法的基础上,从植物物候生长季节的划分、植物物候与气候变化、植物物候与净初级生产量、植物物候与土地覆 盖、植物物候与农作物估产等方面系统阐述了近5 年来国内外遥感物候学研究的重要进展,并针对目前研究中存 在的问题,提出近期遥感物候研究的主要方向:(1)发展一种更具普适性的物候生长季节划分方法;(2)通过开展植物 群落的物候观测和选择合适的尺度转换方法,统一地面与遥感的空间信息;(3)定量分析植物物候变化对人类活动 的响应机制;(4)选择适宜的数学方法和模型,实现各种不同分辨率遥感数据的融合;(5)通过动态模拟,预测植物物 候对未来气候变化的响应。</p>
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[4]Zhang X, Sohlberg R A, Townshend J R, et al.Detection of land-cover changes using MODIS 250 m data.
Remote Sensing of Environment, 2002, 83: 336-350.
https://doi.org/10.1016/S0034-4257(02)00081-0URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Abstract The Vegetative Cover Conversion (VCC) product is designed to serve as a global alarm for land cover change caused by anthropogenic activities and extreme natural events. MODIS 250 m surface reflectance data availability was limited both spatially and temporally in the first year after launch due to processing system constraints. To address this situation, the VCC algorithms were applied to available MODIS 250 m Level 1B radiance data to test the VCC change detection algorithms presented in this paper. Five data sets of MODIS Level 1B 250 m data were collected for the year 2000, representing: (1) Idaho – Montana wildfires; (2) the Cerro Grande prescribed fire in New Mexico; (3) flood in Cambodia; (4) Thailand – Laos flood retreat; and (5) deforestation in southern Brazil. Decision trees are developed for each of the VCC change detection methods for each of these six cases. These decision trees are to be used for updating the look-up tables required by the VCC production code. For these change detection cases, the VCC change detection methods worked reasonably well. In the Idaho – Montana wildfire case, a fire perimeter polygon data set compiled by the USDA Forest Service was used to validate the output of the VCC change detection methods. Although the VCC output identified only 32% of the burned pixels within the ground observed Idaho – Montana fire perimeter polygons, the detection accuracy of the VCC output did reach 99% when the VCC product is considered as an alarm system identifying the occurrence of the change in an area. For other cases, the detection accuracy in per-pixel terms of the VCC output ranges from 55% to 90% against reference change bitmaps that were created by image interpretation. Look-up tables created with AVHRR and Landsat Thematic Mapper data require modifications for the MODIS data due to differences in radiometric response between MODIS and the heritage instruments. The applications presented in this paper also evaluate the relative performance of each of the five change detection methods used as VCC algorithms. Conclusions reached in this paper will be used for future refinement of the VCC product.
[5]Friedl M A, Mclver D K, Hodges J.Global land-cover mapping from MODIS: Algorithms and early results.
Remote Sensing of Environment, 2002, 83: 287-302.
Until recently, advanced very high-resolution radiometer (AVHRR) observations were the only viable source of data for global land cover mapping. While many useful insights have been gained from analyses based on AVHRR data, the availability of moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer (MODIS) data with greatly improved spectral, spatial, geometric, and radiometric attributes provides significant new opportunities and challenges for remote sensing-based land cover mapping research. In this paper, we describe the algorithms and databases being used to produce the MODIS global land cover product. This product provides maps of global land cover at 1-km spatial resolution using several classification systems, principally that of the IGBP. To generate these maps, a supervised classification methodology is used that exploits a global database of training sites interpreted from high-resolution imagery in association with ancillary data. In addition to the IGBP class at each pixel, the MODIS land cover product provides several other parameters including estimates for the classification confidence associated with the IGBP label, a prediction for the most likely alternative class, and class labels for several other classification schemes that are used by the global modeling community. Initial results based on 5 months of MODIS data are encouraging. At global scales, the distribution of vegetation and land cover types is qualitatively realistic. At regional scales, comparisons among heritage AVHRR products. Landsat TM data, and results from MODIS show that the algorithm is performing well. As a longer time series of data is added to the processing stream and the representation of global land cover in the site database is relined, the quality of the MODIS land cover product will improve accordingly.
[6]Mark R, Rick C, Mick C, et al.Long-term studies of vegetation dynamics.
Science, 2001, 293(5530): 650-655.
Abstract By integrating a wide range of experimental, comparative, and theoretical approaches, ecologists are starting to gain a detailed understanding of the long-term dynamics of vegetation. We explore how patterns of variation in demographic traits among species have provided insight into the processes that structure plant communities. We find a common set of mechanisms, derived from ecological and evolutionary principles, that underlie the main forces shaping systems as diverse as annual plant communities and tropical forests. Trait variation between species maintains diversity and has important implications for ecosystem processes. Hence, greater understanding of how Earth's vegetation functions will likely require integration of ecosystem science with ideas from plant evolutionary, population, and community ecology.
[7]Zhou L, Tucker C J, Kaufmann R K, et al.Variations in northern vegetation activity inferred from satellite data of vegetation index during 1981 to 1999.
Journal of Geophysical Research, 2001, 106(D17): 20069-20083.
[本文引用: 1]
[8]侯向阳, 韩颖. 内蒙古典型地区牧户气候变化感知与适应的实证研究
. 地理研究, 2011, 30(10): 1753-1764.
[Hou Xiangyang, Han Ying.Herdsmen's perceptions and adaption of climate change in typical areas of Inner Mongolia.
Geographical Research, 2011, 30(10): 1753-1764.]
[9]Hou X, Gao S, Niu Z, et al.Extracting grassland vegetation phenology in North China based on cumulative SPOT-VEGETATION NDVI data.
International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2014, 35(9): 3316-3330.
https://doi.org/10.1080/01431161.2014.903437Magsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
Plant phenology is one of the main indicators of climate or other environmental processes. This paper assesses the detection accuracy of start of season (SOS) and end of season (EOS) for grassland vegetation in north China from 2001 to 2010 using SPOT-VEGETATION normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) data sets and in situ observations. The cumulative NDVI is calculated and fitted using a logistic model to identify phenological transition dates. The curvature of the fitted logistic models predicts phenological transition dates that correspond to the times at which the curvature in the yearly integrated NDVI exhibits local minimums or maximums. Validating with in situ observations, phenological dates are extracted from satellite time series data and are accurate to within 10 days. The spatial trends of SOS and EOS are very similar for 2001-2010. SOS mainly occurs from the day of year (DOY) 110 to DOY 170, and EOS occurs from DOY 240 to DOY 300. SOS displays a marked delay from south to north, while EOS gradually advances, indicating regional differences in climate and terrain. However, the effect of latitude and longitude on the average EOS of alpine grasslands is not significantly different, while SOS at low latitude and high longitude is 10 days earlier than at high-latitude and high-longitude regions. We detected an overall advance in SOS of 3.1 days over 10 years, and a 1.3-day delay in EOS. However, the amplitude is low (about 5 days) and the changes in most regions are not significant (close to zero). The results in this paper are concordant with many reported studies that explored the phenology of grasslands in North China, which is an important component of global grasslands science.
[10]Walker J J, De Beurs K M, Wynne R H, et al. Dryland vegetation phenology across an elevation gradient in Arizona, USA, investigated with fused MODIS and Landsat data.
Remote Sensing of Environment, 2014, 144(1): 85-97.
ABSTRACT The patchy and heterogeneous arrangement of vegetation in dryland areas complicates the extraction of phenological signals using existing remote sensing data. This study examined whether the phenological analysis of a range of dryland land cover classes would benefit from the availability of synthetic images at Landsat spatial resolution and MODIS time intervals. We assembled a series of 500 m MODIS and Landsat-5 TM datasets from April to November, 2005鈥2009, over a study site in central Arizona that encompasses diverse dryland vegetation classes along an elevation gradient of 2000 m. We applied the spatial and temporal adaptive reflectance fusion model (STARFM) to each MODIS image to create a time series of synthetic images at 30 m resolution. We subjected a subset of the synthetic imagery to a pixel-based regression analysis with temporally coincident Landsat images to analyze the effect of the underlying vegetation class on the accuracy of the STARFM results. To evaluate the usefulness of the increased spatial resolution compared to a MODIS product, we analyzed the variability of the date of peak greenness values of all 30 m pixels within unmixed MODIS pixels. Finally, we examined differences in the temporal distributions of peak greenness extracted from both the Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI) and Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) synthetic imagery time series. Our results indicate that characteristics of the vegetation classes strongly influence STARFM algorithm performance, with Pearson correlation coefficient values ranging from 0.72 to 0.96 depending on the Landsat band and the land cover class. Responses in the near-infrared (NIR) spectrum yielded the lowest correlations, particularly for the Ponderosa Pine class. The phenological variability exhibited by each land cover class was dependent on the precipitation patterns of each growing season, but was sufficiently high to make the application of STARFM imagery at this scale uniformly beneficial. The peak greenness dates extracted from EVI and NDVI time series were temporally synchronized for the Grassland class but diverged for the classes of mixed woody and herbaceous vegetation types.
[11]苗正红, 刘志明, 王宗明, . 基于MODIS NDVI的吉林省植被覆盖度动态遥感监测
. 遥感技术与应用, 2010, 25(3): 387-393.
<p>植被覆盖度是植物群落覆盖地表状况的一个综合量化指标,植被覆盖及其变化是区域环境变化的重要指示,对于区域水文及生态状况、全球变化的区域响应等都具有重要意义。以MODIS NDVI为数据源,采用像元二分模型,提取2000~2007年吉林省植被覆盖度,获取不同时期的植被覆盖度图,并进一步分析了植被覆盖度变化的原因。结果表明:吉林省植被覆盖度由东部到西部逐渐降低,其中白山地区植被覆盖情况最好。过去8 a间,吉林省植被覆盖度总体呈上升趋势,2007年植被覆盖度达到最高,为83.04%。在此期间,中部地区和西部地区植被覆盖增加了 797.52 km<sup>2</sup>,占总面积变化的74.79%。生态恢复工程、降水和气温等是影响植被覆盖度变化的主要因素。</p>
[Miao Zhenghong, Liu Zhiming, Wang Zongming, et al.Dynamic monitoring of vegetation fraction change in Jilin province based on MODIS NDVI.
Remote Sensing Technology and Application, 2010, 25(3): 387-393.]
<p>植被覆盖度是植物群落覆盖地表状况的一个综合量化指标,植被覆盖及其变化是区域环境变化的重要指示,对于区域水文及生态状况、全球变化的区域响应等都具有重要意义。以MODIS NDVI为数据源,采用像元二分模型,提取2000~2007年吉林省植被覆盖度,获取不同时期的植被覆盖度图,并进一步分析了植被覆盖度变化的原因。结果表明:吉林省植被覆盖度由东部到西部逐渐降低,其中白山地区植被覆盖情况最好。过去8 a间,吉林省植被覆盖度总体呈上升趋势,2007年植被覆盖度达到最高,为83.04%。在此期间,中部地区和西部地区植被覆盖增加了 797.52 km<sup>2</sup>,占总面积变化的74.79%。生态恢复工程、降水和气温等是影响植被覆盖度变化的主要因素。</p>
[12]Nan C, Piao S L, Chen A C, et al.Spring vegetation green-up date in China inferred from SPOT NDVI data a multiple model analysis.
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2012, (165): 104-113.
Phenological changes are closely related to the carbon cycle of terrestrial ecosystems, and satellite data have been widely used in large scale phenological research. Numerous methods have been developed to reconstruct distinct satellite derived vegetation signals from continuous vegetation index time series and to track the points corresponding to important phenological events. In this study, we perform a multiple-method investigation of the spring vegetation growth onset phenology in temperate China north of 30 degrees N with NDVI (normalized difference vegetation index) data produced from SPOT satellites. The results indicated that the spring onset dates estimated from five different methods show similar spatial pattern along latitudinal or altitudinal gradients, but with significant variances in the dates. In most areas (76% of pixels), the standard deviation (SD) of the estimated spring onset dates from different methods is within one month, while in a few places (2% of pixels), mostly agricultural cropland, the SD is more than 60 days. Comparing the satellite derived green-up onset dates against the gross primary productivity (GPP) time series curves acquired from six eddy covariance towers further highlights the strengths and limits of different methods in estimating phenological events. In a vast region with diverse vegetation types and physical environment, it is critical to choose the "right" method for the "right" place. Generally climate factors such as temperature and precipitation play an important role in controlling the start of vegetation growth in temperate China. Yet this climate-phenology relationship varies largely across different regions and vegetation types. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
[13]张月丛, 赵志强, 李双成, . 基于SPOT NDVI的华北北部地表植被覆盖变化趋势
. 地理研究, 2008, 27(4): 745-754.
[Zhang Yuecong, Zhao Zhiqiang, Li Shuangcheng, et al.Indicating variation of surface vegetation cover using SPOT NDVI in the northern part of North China.
Geographical Research, 2008, 27(4): 745-754.]
[14]宋春桥, 游松财, 柯灵红, . 藏北高原植被物候时空动态变化的遥感监测研究
. 植物生态学报, 2011, (8): 853-863.
<p>利用遥感数据提取的植被物候格局及时空变化特征能很好地反映区域尺度上植被对全球变化的响应。目前关于青藏高原地区植被物候的少量报道基本上是基于物候站点的观测记录展开分析的。该文基于非对称高斯拟合算法重建了藏北高原2001&ndash;2010年的MODIS <em>EVI</em> (增强型植被指数)时间序列影像, 然后利用动态阈值法提取整个藏北高原2001&ndash;2010年植被覆盖的重要物候信息, 包括植被返青期、枯黄期与生长季长度, 分析了植被物候10年间平均状况的空间分异特征以及年际变化情</br>况, 并结合站点观测记录分析了气温和降水对植被物候变化的影响, 结果表明: (1)藏北高原植被返青期在空间上表现出从东南到西北逐渐推迟的水平地带性与东南高山峡谷区的垂直地带性相结合的特征, 近60%区域的植被返青期提前, 特别是高山地区; (2)植被枯黄期的年际变化不太明显, 大部分地区都表现为自然的年际波动; (3)生长季长度的时空变化特征由植被返青期和枯黄期二者决定, 但主要受返青期提前影响, 大部分地区生长季长度延长; (4)研究区内不同气候区划植被物候的年际变化以那曲高山谷地亚寒带半湿润区和青南高原亚寒带半干旱区的植被返青期提前和生长季延长程度最为明显; (5)基于气象台站数据分析气候变化对物候的影响发现, 返青期提前及生长季延长主要受气温升高的影响, 与降水的关系尚不明确。</p>
[Song Chunqiao, You Songcai, Ke Linghong, et al.Spatio-temporal variation of vegetation phenology in the northern Tibetan Plateau as detected by MODIS remote sensing.
Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology, 2011, (8): 853-863.]
<p>利用遥感数据提取的植被物候格局及时空变化特征能很好地反映区域尺度上植被对全球变化的响应。目前关于青藏高原地区植被物候的少量报道基本上是基于物候站点的观测记录展开分析的。该文基于非对称高斯拟合算法重建了藏北高原2001&ndash;2010年的MODIS <em>EVI</em> (增强型植被指数)时间序列影像, 然后利用动态阈值法提取整个藏北高原2001&ndash;2010年植被覆盖的重要物候信息, 包括植被返青期、枯黄期与生长季长度, 分析了植被物候10年间平均状况的空间分异特征以及年际变化情</br>况, 并结合站点观测记录分析了气温和降水对植被物候变化的影响, 结果表明: (1)藏北高原植被返青期在空间上表现出从东南到西北逐渐推迟的水平地带性与东南高山峡谷区的垂直地带性相结合的特征, 近60%区域的植被返青期提前, 特别是高山地区; (2)植被枯黄期的年际变化不太明显, 大部分地区都表现为自然的年际波动; (3)生长季长度的时空变化特征由植被返青期和枯黄期二者决定, 但主要受返青期提前影响, 大部分地区生长季长度延长; (4)研究区内不同气候区划植被物候的年际变化以那曲高山谷地亚寒带半湿润区和青南高原亚寒带半干旱区的植被返青期提前和生长季延长程度最为明显; (5)基于气象台站数据分析气候变化对物候的影响发现, 返青期提前及生长季延长主要受气温升高的影响, 与降水的关系尚不明确。</p>
[15]Hmimina G, Dufrene E, Pontailler J Y, et al.Evaluation of the potential of MODIS satellite data to predict vegetation phenology in different biomes An investigation using ground-based NDVI measurements.
Remote Sensing of Environment, 2013, 132(6): 145-158.
Vegetation phenology is the study of the timing of seasonal events that are considered to be the result of adaptive responses to climate variations on short and long time scales. In the field of remote sensing of vegetation phenology, phenological metrics are derived from time series of optical data. For that purpose, considerable effort has been specifically focused on developing noise reduction and cloud-contaminated data removal techniques to improve the quality of remotely-sensed time series. Comparative studies between time series composed of satellite data acquired under clear and cloudy conditions and from radiometric data obtained with high accuracy from ground-based measurements constitute a direct and effective way to assess the operational use and limitations of remote sensing for predicting the main plant phenological events. In the present paper, we sought to explicitly evaluate the potential use of MODerate resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) remote sensing data for monitoring the seasonal dynamics of different types of vegetation cover that are representative of the major terrestrial biomes, including temperate deciduous forests, evergreen forests, African savannah, and crops. After cloud screening and filtering, we compared the temporal patterns and phenological metrics derived from in situ NDVI time series and from MODIS daily and 16-composite products. We also evaluated the effects of residual noise and the influence of data gaps in MODIS NDVI time series on the identification of the most relevant metrics for vegetation phenology monitoring. The results show that the inflexion points of a model fitted to a MODIS NDVI time series allow accurate estimates of the onset of greenness in the spring and the onset of yellowing in the autumn in deciduous forests (RMSE&#xA0;&le;&#xA0;one week). Phenological metrics identical to those provided with the MODIS Global Vegetation Phenology product (MDC12Q2) are less robust to data gaps, and they can be subject to large biases of approximately two weeks or more during the autumn phenological transitions. In the evergreen forests, in situ NDVI time series describe the phenology with high fidelity despite small temporal changes in the canopy foliage. However, MODIS is unable to provide consistent phenological patterns. In crops and savannah, MODIS NDVI time series reproduce the general temporal patterns of phenology, but significant discrepancies appear between MODIS and ground-based NDVI time series during very localized periods of time depending on the weather conditions and spatial heterogeneity within the MODIS pixel. In the rainforest, the temporal pattern exhibited by a MODIS 16-day composite NDVI time series is more likely due to a pattern of noise in the NDVI data structure according to both rainy and dry seasons rather than to phenological changes. More investigations are needed, but in all cases, this result leads us to conclude that MODIS time series in tropical rainforests should be interpreted with great caution.
[16]Song Youngkeun, John B, Morimoto Y, et al.Drought impact assessment from monitoring the seasonality of vegetation condition using long-term time-series satellite images a case study of Mt. Kenya region.
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2013, 185(5): 4117-4124.
Drought-induced anomalies in vegetation condition over wide areas can be observed by using time-series satellite remote sensing data. Previous methods to assess the anomalies may include limitations in considering (1) the seasonality in terms of each vegetation-cover type, (2) cumulative damage during the drought event, and (3) the application to various types of land cover. This study proposed an improved methodology to assess drought impact from the annual vegetation responses, and discussed the result in terms of diverse landscape mosaics in the Mt. Kenya region (0.4A degrees N 35.8A degrees E similar to 1.6A degrees S 38.4A degrees E). From the 30-year annual rainfall records at the six meteorological stations in the study area, we identified 2000 as the drought year and 2001, 2004, and 2007 as the normal precipitation years. The time-series profiles of vegetation condition in the drought and normal precipitation years were obtained from the values of Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI; Huete et al. 2002), which were acquired from Terra MODIS remote sensing dataset (MOD13Q1) taken every 16 days at the scale of 250-m spatial resolution. The drought impact was determined by integrating the annual differences in EVI profiles between drought and normal conditions, per pixel based on nearly same day of year. As a result, we successfully described the distribution of landscape vulnerability to drought, considering the seasonality of each vegetation-cover type at every MODIS pixel. This result will contribute to the large-scale landscape management of Mt. Kenya region. Future study should improve this method by considering land-use change occurred during the long-term monitoring period.
[17]张戈丽, 欧阳华, 张宪洲, . 基于生态地理分区的青藏高原植被覆被变化及其对气候变化的响应
. 地理研究, 2010, 29(11): 2004-2016.
<p>基于1982~2006年GIMMS NDVI数据集和地面气象台站观测数据,分析了青藏高原整个区域及各生态地理分区年均NDVI的变化趋势,并通过偏相关分析研究不同生态地理分区植被覆被变化对气温和降水响应的空间分异特征。研究表明:(1)近25年来,高原植被覆盖变化整体上趋于改善;高原东北部、东中部以及西南部湿润半湿润及部分半干旱地区植被趋于改善,植被覆盖较差的北部、西部半干旱和干旱地区呈现退化趋势;(2)高原植被变化与气温变化的相关性明显高于与降水变化的相关性,说明高原植被年际变化对温度变化更为敏感;(3)高原植被年际变化与气温和降水的相关性具有明显的区域差异,植被覆盖中等区域全年月NDVI与气温和降水的相关性最强,相关性由草甸向草原、针叶林逐步减弱,荒漠区相关性最弱。生长季植被覆盖变化与气温的相关性和全年相关性较一致,降水则不同,生长季期间高原大部分地区植被变化与降水相关性不显著。</p>
[Zhang Geli, Ouyang Hua, Zhang Xianzhou, et al.Vegetation change and its responses to climatic variation based on eco-geographical regions of Tibetan Plateau.
Geographical Research, 2010, 29(11): 2004-2016.]
<p>基于1982~2006年GIMMS NDVI数据集和地面气象台站观测数据,分析了青藏高原整个区域及各生态地理分区年均NDVI的变化趋势,并通过偏相关分析研究不同生态地理分区植被覆被变化对气温和降水响应的空间分异特征。研究表明:(1)近25年来,高原植被覆盖变化整体上趋于改善;高原东北部、东中部以及西南部湿润半湿润及部分半干旱地区植被趋于改善,植被覆盖较差的北部、西部半干旱和干旱地区呈现退化趋势;(2)高原植被变化与气温变化的相关性明显高于与降水变化的相关性,说明高原植被年际变化对温度变化更为敏感;(3)高原植被年际变化与气温和降水的相关性具有明显的区域差异,植被覆盖中等区域全年月NDVI与气温和降水的相关性最强,相关性由草甸向草原、针叶林逐步减弱,荒漠区相关性最弱。生长季植被覆盖变化与气温的相关性和全年相关性较一致,降水则不同,生长季期间高原大部分地区植被变化与降水相关性不显著。</p>
[18]张晓东, 朱文博, 崔耀平, . 伏牛山地区森林植被动态变化对水热条件的响应
. 地理研究, 2016, 35(6): 1029-1040.
https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201606003Magsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
<p>利用环境一号卫星不同时相多光谱数据,提取伏牛山地区不同森林植被类型。借助S-G滤波算法重构2000-2013年MODIS EVI时间序列影像,并结合气温和降水数据,运用线性回归、相关性分析和ANUSPLIN插值等方法分析伏牛山地区不同森林植被类型变动对水热条件的响应方式。结果表明:① 伏牛山地区植被覆盖较高,EVI平均值为0.48,14年来总体呈上升趋势,但不同森林植被类型变化存在明显差异,其中占比例最大的落叶阔叶林的上升趋势最为明显。② 14年来伏牛山地区气温呈升高趋势,气温距平升高速度约为0.27℃/10a,降水距平百分率呈波动增加趋势。③ 伏牛山地区不同森林植被类型EVI变化和气温、降水的相关性存在明显差异,其中常绿阔叶林EVI与气温的相关性最高,常绿落叶混交林与气温的相关性最弱;除常绿落叶混交林与降水主要呈弱正相关外,其余森林植被类型与降水主要呈弱负相关。④ 伏牛山地区森林植被对气温和降水的响应总体上滞后性不明显,仅在局部区域内常绿落叶混交林与气温和降水存在半个月滞后期。</p>
[Zhang Xiaodong, Zhu Wenbo, Cui Yaoping, et al.The response of forest dynamics to hydro-thermal change in Funiu Mountain.
Geographical Research, 2016, 35(6): 1029-1040.]
https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201606003Magsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
<p>利用环境一号卫星不同时相多光谱数据,提取伏牛山地区不同森林植被类型。借助S-G滤波算法重构2000-2013年MODIS EVI时间序列影像,并结合气温和降水数据,运用线性回归、相关性分析和ANUSPLIN插值等方法分析伏牛山地区不同森林植被类型变动对水热条件的响应方式。结果表明:① 伏牛山地区植被覆盖较高,EVI平均值为0.48,14年来总体呈上升趋势,但不同森林植被类型变化存在明显差异,其中占比例最大的落叶阔叶林的上升趋势最为明显。② 14年来伏牛山地区气温呈升高趋势,气温距平升高速度约为0.27℃/10a,降水距平百分率呈波动增加趋势。③ 伏牛山地区不同森林植被类型EVI变化和气温、降水的相关性存在明显差异,其中常绿阔叶林EVI与气温的相关性最高,常绿落叶混交林与气温的相关性最弱;除常绿落叶混交林与降水主要呈弱正相关外,其余森林植被类型与降水主要呈弱负相关。④ 伏牛山地区森林植被对气温和降水的响应总体上滞后性不明显,仅在局部区域内常绿落叶混交林与气温和降水存在半个月滞后期。</p>
[19]朴世龙, 方精云. 1982-1999年我国陆地植被活动对气候变化响应的季节差异
. 地理学报, 2003, 58(1): 119-125.
Magsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
<p>利用NOAA-AVHRR数据,以归一化植被指数 (NDVI) 作为植被活动的指标,研究中国1982~1999 年四季植被活动的变化,探讨植被活动对全球变化的主要响应方式。结果表明,18年来,中国植被四季平均NDVI均呈上升趋势。春季是中国植被平均NDVI上升趋势最为显著 (P&lt;0.001)、增加速率最快的季节,每年平均增加1.3%;而秋季是NDVI上升趋势最不显著的季节 (P=0.075)。不同植被类型的季节平均NDVI的年变化分析表明,生长季的提前是中国植被对全球变化响应的最主要方式,但这种季节响应方式存在明显的区域性差异。夏季平均NDVI增加速率达到最大的地区主要分布在西北干旱区域和青藏高寒区域,而东部季风区域的植被主要表现为春季NDVI增加速率最大。</p>
[Piao Shilong Fang Jingyun. Seasonal changes in vegetation activity in response to climate changes in China between 1982 and 1999.
Acta Geographica Sinica, 2003, 58(1): 119-125.]
Magsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
<p>利用NOAA-AVHRR数据,以归一化植被指数 (NDVI) 作为植被活动的指标,研究中国1982~1999 年四季植被活动的变化,探讨植被活动对全球变化的主要响应方式。结果表明,18年来,中国植被四季平均NDVI均呈上升趋势。春季是中国植被平均NDVI上升趋势最为显著 (P&lt;0.001)、增加速率最快的季节,每年平均增加1.3%;而秋季是NDVI上升趋势最不显著的季节 (P=0.075)。不同植被类型的季节平均NDVI的年变化分析表明,生长季的提前是中国植被对全球变化响应的最主要方式,但这种季节响应方式存在明显的区域性差异。夏季平均NDVI增加速率达到最大的地区主要分布在西北干旱区域和青藏高寒区域,而东部季风区域的植被主要表现为春季NDVI增加速率最大。</p>
[20]徐韵佳, 戴君虎, 王焕炯, . 1985-2012 年哈尔滨自然历主要物候期变动特征及对气温变化的响应
. 地理研究, 2015, 34(9): 1662-1674.
https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201509005Magsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
[Xu Yunjia, Dai Junhu, Wang Huanjiong, et al.Variations of main phenophases of natural calendar and analysis of responses to climate change in Harbin in 1985-2012.
Geographical Research, 2015, 34(9): 1662-1674.]
https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201509005Magsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
[21]宋春桥, 柯灵红, 游松财, . 基于TIMESAT的3种时序NDVI拟合方法比较研究: 以藏北草地为例
. 遥感技术与应用, 2011, 26(2): 147-166.
URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
<p>以藏北地区2007~2009年MODIS 16 d合成的NDVI时间序列为例,介绍了基于TIMESAT 2.3软件的3种主要拟合算法&mdash;&mdash;非对称高斯函数(AG)拟合、双Logistic曲线(D-L)拟合和Savitzky-Golay(S-G)滤波法的基本原理和实现流程;重点从拟合重建NDVI时间序列对原始NDVI值上包络线的拟合效果及保持原始高质量NDVI点值真实值的程度两个方面,分析比较3种算法的特点。结果表明:① 3种拟合算法均能不同程度提高整个区域的NDVI平均值,AG与D-L拟合法处理后的NDVI时间序列与原始NDVI曲线的整体特征较S\|G滤波方法更加吻合;② AG与D\|L拟合重建的NDVI时间曲线在生长季峰期高于上包络线,S-|G滤波法处理结果低于上包络线,3种方法中AG拟合结果与上包络线最为接近;③ 在保持原始高质量NDVI值真实性方面,AG与D\|L拟合法处理结果相似,除生长季曲线的峰期外,均优于Savitzky-Golay滤波法。该研究结论为基于NDVI时间序列进行陆地系统生态环境各方面研究中数据去噪预处理的方法选择提供参考。</p>
[Song Chunqiao, Ke Linghong, You Songcai, et al.Comparison of three NDVI time-series fitting methods based on TIMESAT: Taking the grassland in northern Tibet as case.
Remote Sensing Technology and Application, 2011, 26(2): 147-166.]
URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
<p>以藏北地区2007~2009年MODIS 16 d合成的NDVI时间序列为例,介绍了基于TIMESAT 2.3软件的3种主要拟合算法&mdash;&mdash;非对称高斯函数(AG)拟合、双Logistic曲线(D-L)拟合和Savitzky-Golay(S-G)滤波法的基本原理和实现流程;重点从拟合重建NDVI时间序列对原始NDVI值上包络线的拟合效果及保持原始高质量NDVI点值真实值的程度两个方面,分析比较3种算法的特点。结果表明:① 3种拟合算法均能不同程度提高整个区域的NDVI平均值,AG与D-L拟合法处理后的NDVI时间序列与原始NDVI曲线的整体特征较S\|G滤波方法更加吻合;② AG与D\|L拟合重建的NDVI时间曲线在生长季峰期高于上包络线,S-|G滤波法处理结果低于上包络线,3种方法中AG拟合结果与上包络线最为接近;③ 在保持原始高质量NDVI值真实性方面,AG与D\|L拟合法处理结果相似,除生长季曲线的峰期外,均优于Savitzky-Golay滤波法。该研究结论为基于NDVI时间序列进行陆地系统生态环境各方面研究中数据去噪预处理的方法选择提供参考。</p>
[22]曹云锋, 王正兴, 邓芳萍. 3种滤波算法对NDVI高质量数据保真性研究
. 遥感技术与应用, 2010, 25(1): 118-125.
Magsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
<p>标准MODIS NDVI产品时间序列仍然存在噪声,必须在利用前处理。理想的去除噪声算法,应该最大限度地去噪,同时最大限度地保留原数据中无噪声像元的真值。以往的研究大多关注不同滤波算法对噪声的处理能力,往往忽略不同算法在滤波处理时对原始高质量数据保真性的研究。基于Timesat 2.3时序滤波工具所提供的3个滤波算法,探讨了原始数据质量差异对滤波算法的保真性的影响以及不同滤波算法对原始高质量数据保真性的差异,通过对比分析发现非对称高斯算法(AG)对原始高质量数据保真性最高,双逻辑曲线拟合算法(DL)性能次之,SG算法拟合结果的保真性较差。</p>
[Cao Yunfeng, Wang Zhengxing, Deng Fangping.Fidelity performance of three filters for high quality NDVI Time-series analysis.
Remote Sensing Technology and Application, 2010, 25(1): 118-125.]
Magsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
<p>标准MODIS NDVI产品时间序列仍然存在噪声,必须在利用前处理。理想的去除噪声算法,应该最大限度地去噪,同时最大限度地保留原数据中无噪声像元的真值。以往的研究大多关注不同滤波算法对噪声的处理能力,往往忽略不同算法在滤波处理时对原始高质量数据保真性的研究。基于Timesat 2.3时序滤波工具所提供的3个滤波算法,探讨了原始数据质量差异对滤波算法的保真性的影响以及不同滤波算法对原始高质量数据保真性的差异,通过对比分析发现非对称高斯算法(AG)对原始高质量数据保真性最高,双逻辑曲线拟合算法(DL)性能次之,SG算法拟合结果的保真性较差。</p>
[23]Ding M J, Zhang Y L, Sun X M, et al.Spatiotemporal variation in alpine grassland phenology in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau from 1999 to 2009.
ChinSci Bull, 2013, 58(3): 396-405.
Plant phenology is the most salient and sensitive indicator of terrestrial ecosystem response to climate change. Studying its change is significantly important in understanding and predicting impressively changes in terrestrial ecosystem. Based on NDVI from SPOT VGT, this paper analyzed the spatiotemporal changes in alpine grassland phenology in Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau from 1999 to 2009. The results are enumerated as follows: (1) The spatial distribution of the average alpine grassland phenology from 1999 to 2009 is closely related to water and heat conditions. Accompanying the deterioration in heat and water conditions from southeast to northwest, the start of growth season (SOG) was delayed gradually, the end of growth season (EOG) advanced slowly, and the length of growth season (LOG) shortened gradually. Elevation played an important role in the regional differentiation of phenology, but a dividing line of approximately 3500 m existed. Below this line, the phenology fluctuated irregularly with altitude change, whereas above the line, the phenology is closely related to altitude change. (2) From 1999 to 2009, SOG of the alpine grassland came earlier by six days per decade ( R 2 =0.281, P =0.093), EOG was late by two days per decade ( R 2 =0.031, P =0.605), and LOG lengthened by eight days per decade ( R 2 =0.479, P =0.018). The early SOG, the late EOG, and the extended LOG mainly occurred at the center and east of the Plateau. SOG in most of the Plateau advanced significantly, especially in the eastern Plateau. (3) The inter-annual phenology changes of the alpine grassland in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau exhibited significant differentiation at different elevation and natural zones. The inter-annual changes at high altitude were more complicated than that at low altitude. The most significant phenology changes were found in the eastern Qinghai-Qilian montane steppe zone, and non-significant changes occurred in the Southern Tibet montane shrub-steppe zone.
[24]Jeong S J, Chang-Hoi H O, Gim H J, et al. Phenology shifts at start vs. end of growing season in temperate vegetation over the Northern Hemisphere for the period 1982-2008.
Global Change Biology, 2011, 17(7): 2385-2399.
Changes in vegetative growing seasons are dominant indicators of the dynamic response of ecosystems to climate change. Therefore, knowledge of growing seasons over the past decades is essential to predict ecosystem changes. In this study, the long-term changes in the growing seasons of temperate vegetation over the Northern Hemisphere were examined by analyzing satellite-measured normalized difference vegetation index and reanalysis temperature during 1982-2008. Results showed that the length of the growing season (LOS) increased over the analysis period; however, the role of changes at the start of the growing season (SOS) and at the end of the growing season (EOS) differed depending on the time period. On a hemispheric scale, SOS advanced by 5.2 days in the early period (1982-1999) but advanced by only 0.2 days in the later period (2000-2008). EOS was delayed by 4.3 days in the early period, and it was further delayed by another 2.3 days in the later period. The difference between SOS and EOS in the later period was due to less warming during the preseason (January-April) before SOS compared with the magnitude of warming in the preseason (June-September) before EOS. At a regional scale, delayed EOS in later periods was shown. In North America, EOS was delayed by 8.1 days in the early period and delayed by another 1.3 days in the later period. In Europe, the delayed EOS by 8.2 days was more significant than the advanced SOS by 3.2 days in the later period. However, in East Asia, the overall increase in LOS during the early period was weakened in the later period. Admitting regional heterogeneity, changes in hemispheric features suggest that the longer-lasting vegetation growth in recent decades can be attributed to extended leaf senescence in autumn rather than earlier spring leaf-out.
[25]Julien Y, Sobrino J A.Global land surface phenology trends from GIMMS database.
International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2009, 30(13): 3495-3513.

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