

本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-01-03

1. 重庆师范大学, 重庆 401331
2. 重庆市文化遗产研究院, 重庆 400013

基金项目: 教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金项目"贵州高原石器文化的动物考古学研究"(批准号:18XJA780001)和重庆市文化遗产研究院2019年度项目"三峡库区消落区地下文物保护涪陵石塔墓地新石器遗址研究"共同资助

作者简介: 王运辅, 男, 43岁, 副研究员, 新石器时代动物考古, E-mail:846557459@qq.com
中图分类号: K871.13;Q915.2+3


Record of flying squirrels and its significance from Dahekou site of Chongqing, China

WANG Yunfu1,,
YANG Hua1,
LI Dadi2
1. Chongqing Normal University, Chongqing 401331
2. Chongqing Cultural Heritage Research Institute, Chongqing 400013

MSC: K871.13;Q915.2+3

--> Received Date: 08 September 2020
Revised Date: 20 November 2020
Publish Date: 30 January 2021

大河口遗址是重庆2018年度六大考古发现之一,位于重庆市涪陵区义和镇朱砂村,分布在长江北岸的一处二级阶地之上。地层堆积分4层,第③层为早期文化层,出土陶片、石制品、兽骨、螺壳等遗物,属于新石器时代晚期的玉溪坪文化系统(5.3~4.6 ka B.P.)。本文研究的鼯鼠类材料采自第③层,伴生有大量人工利用后的螺壳以及一些碎骨,包括少量的鹿、猪及较多的小型兽类。鼯鼠类材料在新石器考古实践之中的发现很少,在同一遗址之中发现多种鼯鼠类动物更是不多见。出土鼯鼠类材料以上、下颌骨碎片及牙齿为主,另外有鼯鼠科未定属种的几件头后骨骼,鉴定为5属5种,它们是毛耳飞鼠(Belomys pearsonii)、复齿鼯鼠(Trogopterus xanthipes)、赤鼯鼠(Petaurista petaurista)、沟牙鼯鼠(Aeretes melanopterus)以及黑白飞鼠(Hylopetes alboniger)。上述鼯鼠颊齿的形态特征与现生居群基本一致,尺寸相似。大河口遗址出土的5种鼯鼠类动物,除了沟牙鼯鼠之外,其余4种在今重庆境内都有分布。复齿鼯鼠是本地最常见的一种鼯鼠,出土鼯鼠材料也以复齿鼯鼠最为丰富。但毛耳飞鼠、黑白飞鼠等两种鼯鼠在当地已很少发现。这意味着至少在新石器晚期当地自然环境曾适合多种鼯鼠类动物的栖息,一是多裸岩峭壁,二是植被茂密,曾有高大的林木分布。沟牙鼯鼠目前分布在两个隔离的地区:河北,以及四川东北部、中部和甘肃南部,在今川东和重庆境内都无分布。大河口材料表明沟牙鼯鼠曾有更广泛的分布地域,后来才由于某种原因导致其栖息地的萎缩。大河口鼯鼠材料堆积应该与史前居民开发利用紧密相关,主要原因有二:其一,其表面缺少捕食者的消化痕迹;其二,与人工利用的螺壳共存。该遗址还出土了49件磨制精美的小型和中型石锛,5件石刮刀和石刀,这些工具可用于制革加工。因此,该遗址的鼯鼠类材料很可能是史前居民利用毛皮的狩猎行为的结果。史前居民曾从遗址周边较广区域猎取多种鼯鼠,然后带入遗址进行加工。并且史前居民的毛皮处理技术应当已经比较成熟,能够处理鼯鼠类薄脆的皮张。

Dahekou site, one of Top Six Archaeological Discoveries in 2018 Chongqing, is located at Zhusha Village(29°41'08″N, 107°10'30″E), Yihe Town, Fuling District of Chongqing, China, on a secondary terrace of the north bank of Changjiang River. The archaeological depositions can be divided into four layers and the layer No.3 is an early culture one, containing pottery fragments, stone artifacts, mammal bones and shells, inferred to be belonged to Yuxiping Culture of Later Neolithic Age(5.3~4.6 ka B.P.) in the Three Gorges Area. All flying squirrels remains were collected from layer No.3, associated with abundant shells processed by prehistoric residents and some mammals bones identified to be deer, boars and small mammals. The record of flying squirrels is unusual in Neolithic archaeological practice, not to say a site containing several flying squirrels. The flying squirrels remains, including abundant fragments of maxillae and mandibles and some postcranial bones, can be identified as such follow 5 species:Belomys pearsonii, Trogopterus xanthipes, Petaurista petaurista, Aeretes melanopterus and Hylopetes alboniger. The Cheek teeth of all these species were identical with the ones of current populations in terms of morphological feature and size. Four of these five species, except for Aeretes melanopterus, still inhabit currently in Chongqing area. Trogopterus xanthipes is the most common flying squirrel in Chongqing area, being consistent with the abundance of Trogopterus xanthipes at Dahekou site. However, Belomys pearsonii and Hylopetes alboniger from this site are rarely found in Chongqing area currently. It indicated that at least in the Later Neolithic Age the local natural environments, which should have rocky cliffs and dense plants of tall trees, were suitable for several species of flying squirrels. Aeretes melanopterus, being not found currently in East Sichuan Province and Chongqing area, only habitats in two isolated areas: the area of Hebei Province and the one of East-north and central Sichuan Province and South Gansu Province. The record of Aeretes melanopterus from Dahekou site indicated that this species once enjoyed much larger habitat area, which experienced deduction later because of some reasons. It could be inferred that the deposition of flying squirrels from Dahekou site should be closely related with the exploitation by prehistoric residents based on the following two facts: first, the surface of bones and teeth were lack of digestion modification from predators; secondly, the bones coexisted with abundant shells utilized by humans. One more fact is that some well-polished stone tools were found at this site such as 49 stone adzes of mini and middle size, 5 stone scrapers and knives, all of which could be used for hide tanning process. Therefore, the accumulation of flying squirrels at Dahekou site could be in all likelihood the result of hunting behavior for fur conducted by prehistoric persons. Early residents once hunted several kinds of flying squirrels in the surrounding area of Dahekou site and took them back to Dahekou camp for further processing. These hunters possessed high skill of hide tanning, understanding how to handle the thin and brittle hides of flying squirrels properly.
Dahekou site/
flying squirrels/
fur game/
hunting behavior


相关话题/材料 重庆 鼯鼠 考古 动物