中国科学院南京地理与湖泊研究所, 湖泊与环境国家重点实验室, 江苏 南京 210008
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目(批准号:41402154)资助
作者简介: 纪明, 男, 36岁, 助理研究员, 自然地理专业, E-mail:mji@niglas.ac.cn
中图分类号: P534.63+2;P941.78 收稿日期:2018-03-12
Biomass burning patterns around Lake Xingyun during the last 137 years based on a high-resolution analysis of macroscopic charcoal of lake sediment
Ji Ming,Shen Ji,
Zhang Enlou,
Li Yanling,
Chen Rong
State Key Laboratory of Lake Science and Environment, Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing 210008, Jiangsu
MSC: P534.63+2;P941.78
--> Received Date: 12 March 2018
Revised Date: 09 May 2018
Publish Date: 30 July 2018
摘要:星云湖湖泊沉积物连续1 cm分辨率大炭屑(>100 μm)记录提供了该地区过去137年以来年际至10年际尺度上火势演化历史。利用Charster分析程序检测到的火事件(Fire Episode)与历史火灾记录(1933~1989年)之间的较高一致性表明连续高分辨率大炭屑记录重建研究区火势演化历史的可靠性。提取的大炭屑沉积通量(Charcoal Accumulation Rate,简称CHAR)、火事件频率(Fire Episodes Frequency)、火回归间隔(Fire Return Interval)定量重建了火势演化历史,结果表明研究区过去137年以来(1872~2007年)火事件频率总体呈升高的趋势,由最低值1.22FE/30a(1872年)升高至最高值3.64FE/30a(1995年),表明火事件发生逐渐趋向频繁;而火回归间隔与之相反,呈逐渐降低的趋势,由最高值35.23a/fire(1914年)下降至最低值8.24a/fire(1995年),表明相邻两次两次火事件发生的时间间隔呈逐渐缩短的趋势。自1872年以来,气候变化、森林火灾、人类对生物质燃料的使用及人类对林火的管理预防措施等因素共同驱动了研究区生物质燃烧模式的转变。
关键词: 湖泊沉积物大炭屑分析/
Abstract:Fire is proved to be an important ecological and environmental factor in maintaining Pinus yunnanensis forest ecology structure and function by ecological observation. The knowledge about climate-vegetation-fire-human activity is crucial for current and future forest management and biodiversity conservation at the context of global change. However, we know little about the role of fire in Pinus yunnanensis forest formation and evolution. Before research about climate-vegetation-fire-human activity relation using a long sediment core from Xingyun Lake, SW China. We assessed the reliability of fire regime reconstruction by sediment macrocharcoal analysis. Meteorological observation data, social statistical data and historical forest fires data were combined with biomass burning(reconstructed by CHAR) to find driver and mechanism of biomass burning pattern change. Analysis of the sedimentary macroscopic charcoal by 1-cm resolution in a 0.42 m core that retrieved from Lake Xingyun(24°21'33.4″N, 102°47'11.1″E; depth in 7.3 m), SW China provided a record of annual-to decadal-scale changes in fire regime over the last 137 years. Fire episodes detected by a sedimentary macroscopic charcoal analysis were compared with historical fire events(1933~1989). The close agreement between detected fire episodes and historical fire records suggested that a high-resolution sedimentary macroscopic charcoal analysis of Lake Xingyun provides a suitable method for investigating local fire history. A total of 12 fire episodes were detected in the lake sediment. Between 1933 and 1989, 8 fire episodes were detected, which corresponded to 13 local fire events and 1 extra-local or regional fire event. Changes in the CHAR(i.e., charcoal accumulation rate), fire Episode Frequency and the Fire Return Interval reflected changes in the fire regime during the last 137 years. Fire Episode Frequency, which raised from 1.22 FE/30 a to 3.64 FE/a, marked frequently occurred fire events. Climate change, anthropogenic burning of biofuels, forest fires, planting structure change and fire suppression measures had influenced the biomass burning patterns since 1872. Before 1923, there was little biomass burning, corresponding to low temperature of Little Ice Age and little human use of biofuels. High temperatures, increasing anthropogenic biofuels burning and 5 fire episodes contributed to the increase in biomass burning between 1923 and 1965. Between 1965 and 1999, the rapidly increasing human burning of biofuels and 4 forest fire episodes rapidly increased total biomass burning. The biomass burning increasing trend since 1872 around Xingyun Lake, which is opposite with the global biomass burning decreasing trend(which started from 1870 A.D.), suggests the probability of spatial heterogeneity in biomass burning trend since 1870 between China and developed countries, such as Europe and America. However, more data, especially from SW China, is needed to understand the regional and global biomass burning patterns.
Key words:sedimentary macroscopic charcoal analysis/
fire regime/
biomass burning/
Lake Xingyun