Behavioral analyses in mouse models of autism spectrum disorders
Jianfei Wang, Junhai Han, Zichao Zhang,The Key Laboratory of Developmental Genes and Human Disease, School of Life Science and Technology, Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, China
Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China Nos.31871374 Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China Nos.81730034 the Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province No.BK20170080
作者简介 About authors 王剑飞,在读硕士研究生,专业方向:孤独症致病机制。。
Abstract Autism spectrum disorder is a group of genetically-related developmental disorders of the nervous system. Patients mainly present with core symptoms such as social behavior defects, repetitive stereotyped behaviors, and learning and memory disorders. The mouse models are critical for the studies of the pathogenic mechanisms and potential therapeutic strategies of autism spectrum disorder. The assessments of mouse behaviors provide understandings of the effects of different genetic manipulations as well as pathogenic mechanisms of these diseases. This article describes various mouse behavioral assays corresponding to the core symptoms of ASD patients and provides a detailed description of protocols, cautions, and data analysis for those assays, thereby helping researchers to establish their own experimental designs. In addition, behavioral phenotypes of currently known ASD mouse models are summarized to provide a reference for researchers in the field. Keywords:autism spectrum disorder;mouse behavioral analysis;social disorder;repetitive behavior;learning and memory;anxiety
PDF (954KB)元数据多维度评价相关文章导出EndNote|Ris|Bibtex收藏本文 本文引用格式 王剑飞, 韩俊海, 张子超. 孤独症谱系障碍小鼠模型行为学检测方法. 遗传[J], 2021, 43(5): 501-519 doi:10.16288/j.yczz.20-391 Jianfei Wang. Behavioral analyses in mouse models of autism spectrum disorders. Hereditas(Beijing)[J], 2021, 43(5): 501-519 doi:10.16288/j.yczz.20-391
三厢社交实验(three-chamber social test):2004年Crawley等[7]根据小鼠的群居性和社会性以及形成一定社交记忆的原理,开发出自动化的三厢社交实验,可以直接自动化的测量小鼠社交行为,并对实验结果进行标准化和高通量的分析。三厢社交实验的基础是正常小鼠具有社交能力,当面对同类时,会更愿意和同类小鼠接触,而不是单处一室;当出现陌生的同类时,正常小鼠能把它和熟悉的同伴区分开来,更多的和陌生个体接触,表现出社交新颖性。
旷场实验(open field test):将动物置于一个被周围墙壁阻止逃跑的未知环境,是一种被广泛应用的类焦虑行为模型,起初为了评估动物情绪而开发,随后也被Archer等[26,27]用于检测动物的行为运动能力。旷场实验中,小鼠具有畏惧空旷场地而进行躲避的天性,而另一方面又会对空旷中心产生探究的好奇心理,两者冲突从而引发焦虑。
A:行为箱;B:行为箱俯视观测图(中间蓝色圆圈是人为划定的中央区,红色曲线为小鼠运动轨迹)。 Fig. 6Open field test
1.11 高架十字迷宫实验
高架十字迷宫实验(the elevated plus maze test):小鼠具有恐高的天性,对高处天然趋避,但对新环境又有探索的好奇心。1958年Montgomery等发现暴露在高架的迷宫通道中所引发的这种探究-趋避冲突,比暴露在封闭的旷场中所引发的焦虑冲突要强烈得多,基于此设计出开放和封闭区域不均一的高架Y-迷宫实验;1985年Pellow等[28]利用等长的开放和封闭臂优化成高架十字迷宫检测小鼠的焦虑行为。
水迷宫实验(Morris water maze test):小鼠天生厌水,在水中会选择最佳的路线逃离水环境。根据此特性1981年Morris通过强迫实验动物游泳设计出水迷宫实验,并迅速成为评估空间记忆和空间导航的标准任务。通过观测小鼠在逃亡过程中是否能利用周围环境进行定位寻找隐藏在水中的逃生平台来检验小鼠的空间参考记忆能力。小鼠搜寻并登上平台所用的时间越短,小鼠的学习和记忆能力也就越强[31]。
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