Patterns of variations in leaf turgor pressure and responses to environmental factors in Populus tomentosa
LI Dou-Dou1,*, XI Ben-Ye1,*, WANG Fei2, JIA Su-Ping3, ZHAO Hong-Lin4, HE Yue-Lin1, LIU Yang1, JIA Li-Ming
编委: 王锁民
责任编辑: 李敏
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Supported by: | SupportedbytheKeyTechnologiesR&DProgramofChina( |

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李豆豆, 席本野, 王斐, 贾素苹, 赵洪林, 贺曰林, 刘洋, 贾黎明. 毛白杨叶片膨压变化规律及其对环境因子的响应. 植物生态学报, 2018, 42(7): 741-751 doi:10.17521/cjpe.2018.0097
LI Dou-Dou, XI Ben-Ye, WANG Fei, JIA Su-Ping, ZHAO Hong-Lin, HE Yue-Lin, LIU Yang, JIA Li-Ming.
在干旱、半干旱和季节性干旱地区, 水分是杨树(Populus spp.)生长的重要限制因子, 因此灌溉被广泛用于提高杨树人工林的生产力(贾黎明等, 2004; Dong et al., 2011; Hogg et al., 2013; Xi et al., 2016)。然而, 我国水资源极度亏缺, 必须采用高效灌溉策略提高杨树生产力, 而明确杨树不同生长阶段对水分的需求是实现高效用水的前提和关键。近年来, 微灌尤其是滴灌的广泛使用, 大大提高了水分利用效率(李久生等, 2016)。同时, 人们也更多地关注能精准指示植物水分状况的指标, 以期实现实时、精准的灌溉。这些指标主要包括基于土壤的指标(土壤含水率、土壤水势等)和基于植物的指标(液流、叶片膨压、茎干直径微变化、气孔导度、叶片温度等)? (Jones, 2004; Ferna?ndez, 2014), 其中后者较前者能更准确、直接地指示植物水分状况, 但其在田间实际应用中却存在诸多困难。
水势是植物重要的水分生理参数, 可用于确定植物的受旱程度和抗旱能力, 也可作为指导灌溉的生理指标, 因此被广泛应用于植物水分关系研究(柏新富等, 2012; Moriana et al., 2012; Ferna?ndez, 2014; 赵燕东等, 2016)。目前, 植物组织水势的测定方法主要有小液流法、压力室法、热电偶法和木质部压力探针法。小液流法因具有破坏取样、测量准确性差和效率低等缺点, 限制了其在科学研究中的实际应用(王军和孟祥增, 1997)。压力室法具有操作方便、测定快速等优点, 在国际上被广泛运用(Mengel et al., 1982; Navaro et al., 2007; Parent & Ameke, 2010; Johnson et al., 2011), 但其测定结果易受观测偏差的影响。热电偶法测定水势具有应用范围广、样品使用量少等优点(荆家海和肖庆德, 1986; Martinez et al., 2011), 但其测定结果常出现超低值。木质部压力探针技术是目前唯一可直接测定木质部负压的方法(Benkert et al., 1995; 万贤崇和叶清, 2008), 但其对测定技术要求极高, 且不能实现连续测量。
植物叶片水势的实时连续测定存在诸多困难。近年来, 一种能精确表征植物水分状况的非侵入式磁性膜片钳压力探针(ZIM-探针)的出现使该问题的解决成为可能。ZIM-探针因具有不破坏叶片组织、测定精度高、能实时连续监测、操作简单等优点在植物水分关系研究中逐渐得到应用(Bramley et al., 2013; Zimmermann et al., 2013; Chehab et al., 2017; Marti?nez-Gimeno et al., 2017)。ZIM-探针能对叶片膨压的微小变化进行精确测定, 其工作原理为: 将植物叶片放置在两个圆柱形磁体之间, 上部磁体可以移动, 下部磁体内置一个高敏感度的压力传感器; 测定过程中, 两个磁体施加于叶片上的压力(Pclamp)保持恒定, 然后ZIM-探针对Pclamp和叶片膨压(Pc)间的压力差(相对叶片膨压, Pp)进行测定(Zimmermann et al., 2008)。Westhoff等(2009)通过研究不同气候条件下3个葡萄(Vitis vinifera)品种叶片Pp的日变化, 发现Pp对降雨和灌溉的响应非常敏感; Rodriguez-?Dominguez等(2012)和Padilla-Díaz等(2016)的研究结果表明, Pp曲线的形状能很好地表征油橄榄(Olea europaea)树体的水分胁迫程度, 且可用于指导灌溉; Marti?nez-Gimeno等(2017)发现Pp值和正午茎干水势的相关性最高, 比茎干直径微变化等指标能更好地反映柿(Diospyros kaki)树的水分状况。然而, 整体而言, 目前利用ZIM-探针开展的叶片膨压研究还相对较少, 现有的研究主要局限在油橄榄、柿、柑橘(Citrus reticulata)等果树以及小麦(Triticum aestivum)、玉米(Zea mays)等农作物上, 研究区域则集中在西班牙、意大利等地中海气候区和非洲北部干旱地区。而针对人工林, 相关研究至今未见报道; 同时, 国内目前亦未见有关于ZIM-探针的应用研究。
三倍体毛白杨(triploid Populus tomentosa)作为我国速生丰产林建设的重要树种, 在华北地区广泛栽培, 但其林地生产力远未达其生长潜力。前人在该树种上的研究表明, 高效灌溉能显著提高其林分生长(席本野等, 2012; Xi et al., 2013, 2016), 且已对该树种的蒸腾耗水特性有初步了解(Yan et al., 2015; 李广德等, 2016; Xi et al., 2017)。但是, 可用于精确诊断毛白杨树体水分亏缺状况的相关技术体系尚未建立, 一定程度上限制了其水分管理制度的进一步优化。
因此, 本研究采用ZIM-探针技术, 同时结合全自动气象站和热扩散液流测定技术, 测定了二年生毛白杨的叶片膨压、液流速率和林地环境因子, 以实现以下研究目标: (1)明确二年生毛白杨Pp在不同典型天气条件下的日变化规律及其对环境因子的响应特征; (2)明确毛白杨Pp与液流速率的协同变化规律; (3)对比不同水分处理下Pp值的差异性。
1 材料和方法
1.1 研究区概况
试验地位于山东省高唐县国有旧城林场(36.81° N, 116.09° E), 海拔30 m。该地属暖温带半干旱季风区域大陆性气候, 具有显著的季节变化, 光照充足, 热量丰富。年降水量544.7 mm, 降水主要集中在7-8月, 年蒸发量1 880 mm, 年平均气温12.0-14.1℃, 极端最高气温41.2 ℃, 极端最低气温-20.8 ℃。年日照时间达2 651.9 h, 无霜期204天, 地下水位6 m左右。试验地土壤基本理化性质见表1。Table 1
Table 1
土壤深度 Soil depth (cm) | 颗粒组成 Particle size distribution (%) | 质地1) Texture1) | 容重 Bulk density (g?cm-3) | 田间持水量 Field water- holding capacity (cm3·cm-3) | 饱和含水量 Saturated water content (cm3·cm-3) | 有机质 Organic matter (g·kg-1) | 速效磷 Available phosphorus (mg·kg-1) | 速效钾 Available potassium (mg·kg-1) | ||
砂粒 Sand | 粉粒 Silt | 黏粒 Clay | ||||||||
0-50 | 61.79 | 35.52 | 2.70 | 砂壤土 Sandy loam | 1.41 | 0.34 | 0.44 | 4.7 | 7.26 | 44.42 |
50-140 | 63.92 | 33.69 | 2.39 | 砂壤土 Sandy loam | 1.43 | 0.36 | 0.45 | 2.3 | 0.97 | 27.85 |
140-300 | 29.62 | 65.54 | 4.84 | 粉壤土 Silt loam | 1.46 | 0.35 | 0.44 | 2.6 | 1.63 | 41.98 |
试验地于2015年春季采用三倍体毛白杨无性系B301 (P. tomentosa × P. bolleana) × P. tomentosa)两根一干苗造林, 林木采用均匀配置模式, 株距2 m, 行距3 m。2015年10月完成滴灌系统的安装, 并于2016年4月投入使用。滴灌系统采用以色列耐特菲姆公司生产的滴灌管, 滴头流量1.6 L·h-1, 滴头间距50 cm, 置于地表, 沿树行方向一行二带式(滴灌管分别位于树体两侧距树30 cm处)铺设。此外, 生长季内亦对林木进行常规施肥(穴施), 并定期用除草剂除去影响林木生长的杂草。
1.2 试验设计
试验设置充分灌溉(FI)和控水灌溉(CK)两个处理, 灌溉方式均为地表滴灌。2016年4月4日试验开始前, 两个处理均进行一次充分灌水; 之后, 在FI处理中, 根据毛白杨生长与土壤水分有效性间的定量关系(Xi et al., 2016), 设定当滴头正下方20 cm处的土壤水势达到-20 kPa时(即田间持水量(θf)的79%, 土壤水分有效性(rθ)的73%), 即开始灌溉。在CK处理中, 当滴头正下方20 cm处的水势达到-45 kPa时开始灌溉。两个处理每次都将土壤湿润区内的土壤含水率灌至田间持水量。1.3 测定指标与方法
于2016年6月1日至12日, 连续测定不同试验处理的相对叶片膨压(Pp, kPa)、土壤温度(Ts, ℃)、土壤水势(Ψs, kPa)和液流速率(VSF, cm·s-1), 同时对试验地内的气象因子进行连续监测。1.3.1 相对叶片膨压Pp
在各处理试验小区20株试验树中共选择3株平均胸径约为5.2 cm的样树(FI处理选择2株样树, CK处理选择1株), 每株样树选择3片位于冠层中上部靠近内部(避免阳光直射)的健康、成熟、大小一致的叶片, 将ZIM-探针(YARA ZIM Plant Technology GmbH, Hennigsdorf, Germany)安置在叶片上(避开叶脉), 探针初始输出压力值Pp设定在10-25 kPa之间, 无线数据接收器固定在树干的合适位置(Zimmerman et al, 2008; Westhoff et al., 2009)。探针与无线数据接收器连接并将数据传输到数据站点, 每5 min计算一次平均值并存入数据采集器。Pp为ZIM-探针的测定值, 其值越大, 代表叶片膨压越小, 即叶片水势越低, 反之亦然。探针构造和工作原理见图1。

图1ZIM-探针构造和工作原理图。Pc, 植物叶片膨压; Pclamp, 两个磁体施加于植物叶片上的压力; Pp, Pc和Pclamp二者的压力差。
Fig. 1Diagram of ZIM-probe structure and working principle. Pc, the turgor in the leaf patch; Pclamp, the pressure by the magnets on the leaf patch; Pp , the pressure of difference between Pc and Pclamp.
1.3.2 气象因子
气象因子利用试验地中部的全动气象站(Delta-T DevicesLtd, Cambridge, UK)进行测定, 测定指标包括光合有效辐射(PAR, mmol·m-2·s-1)、空气温度(Ta, ℃)、空气相对湿度(RH, %)、风速(WS, m·s-1)、降水量(P, mm)等。每10 min采集一次数据并存入数据采集器(DL2 Data Logger, Delta-T DevicesLtd, Cambridge, UK)。水汽压亏缺(VPD)利用气象数据, 通过下式计算:

式中 a, b, c为常数, 分别为0.61121 kPa、17.502和240.97 ℃。
1.3.3 土壤水势及土壤温度
在两个试验小区中分别随机选择5个滴头, 并在每个滴头正下方20 cm深处安装1个土壤水势温度传感器(TM2, GeoPrecision GmbH, Ettlingen, Germany), 每个传感器同时测定Ts和Ψs。每 10 min采集一次数据并存入数据采集器(I-logger, 北京时域通科技有限公司, 北京)。试验期间FI处理的Ψs (-20 kPa左右)明显高于CK处理(-35 kPa左右) (图2)。

图2充分灌溉(FI)和控水灌溉(CK)处理滴头正下方20 cm深处土壤水势动态变化。
Fig. 2Variations of soil water potential at 20 cm depth and 0 cm distance from a dripper in treatments of full irrigation (FI) and control (CK).
1.3.4 树干液流
在布设ZIM-探针的样树上, 于树干距地面1.5 m处的南方位安装一套热扩散探针(TDP10, Dynamax, Houston, USA)测定树干液流速率(VSF)。探针长度10 mm, 直径1.0 mm, 两针间距40 mm。探针安装后, 在其外侧粘贴一层防水橡皮泥并用泡沫固定探针, 然后用气泡遮阳挡包裹探针以减小外部温度变化对探针的影响, 最后在遮阳挡外侧再包裹一层防辐射的锡箔纸。液流速率每10 s测定一次, 然后每10 min计算一次平均值并存入数据采集器(CR1000, Campbell Scientific, Logan, USA)。
1.4 数据分析
将每天的Pp值除以当天7:00的测定值, 得到标准化后的相对叶片膨压ΔPp (Bramley et al., 2013),然后利用标准化后的数据进行相关模型拟合和不同处理间的横向对比。为明确叶片膨压变化规律及其对环境因子的响应, 选择在土壤水分充足的条件下(FI处理), 分析叶片Pp日变化与环境因子、液流的协同变化, ΔPp与环境因子的相关关系; 为明确叶片膨压变化在两处理间的差异, 分析了FI和CK处理中Pp曲线变化差异和ΔPp对环境因子的响应差异。以上数据采用Excel 2013进行数据处理和初步分析, 采用Origin 9.0进行曲线拟合, 采用SPASS 20.0对日均ΔPp与环境因子进行Pearson相关性分析。
2 结果
2.1 叶片Pp日变化及与环境因子的协同变化
图3展示了不同典型天气下, 充分供水条件(FI处理)中两株样树上共计6个叶片的Pp日动态和相应的环境因子变化。整体而言, 不同天气下, 各叶片Pp均呈明显的“昼高夜低”变化。其中, 晴天(6月1日)和阴天(6月7日), 叶片Pp呈“缓慢升高-峰值处上下波动-降低”的变化趋势, 但阴天Pp开始升高的时间(7:00左右)略早于晴天(8:00左右), 而其峰值宽度也明显较小。雨天(6月5日), 叶片Pp在白天只存在小幅上升, 且无剧烈波动。图3

图3相对叶片膨压(Pp)与环境因子的日变化。I-1, 2, 3和II-1, 2, 3分别代表充分灌溉(FI)处理第一和第二株样树上的各3个ZIM-探针。
Fig. 3Diurnal changes of leaf patch clamp pressure (Pp) and environmental factors. I-1, 2, 3 and II-1, 2, 3 represent 3 ZIM-probes on leaves of the 1st and 2nd sample trees in the full irrigation (FI) treatment, respectively.
晴天和阴天, 叶片Pp日变化与PAR、Ta和VPD间均存在一定协同性, 其峰值出现时间一般与PAR峰值时间相一致, 但早于Ta和VPD; 叶片Pp与RH的日变化趋势相反, 而与WS、Ψs和Ts间未出现协同变化现象。雨天, 叶片Pp与所有环境因子间均不存在明显的协同变化。
2.2 叶片Pp与树干液流的协同变化
叶片Pp与树干液流在晴天和阴天存在明显的协同变化(图4)。晴天, VSF在5:30左右启动并快速升高, 约9:00达到高峰, 之后逐渐降低, 并在20:00以后持续维持在较低水平; Pp日变化趋势与VSF相似, 其上午开始升高的时间与VSF相同, 但达到峰值的时间(11:00左右)却有所滞后; 此外, 当Pp上升至一天内的较高水平时即开始出现剧烈波动, 而类似的现象在VSF上却未发生。阴天, Pp启动升高的时间(5:00)明显提前于VSF (8:00), 但二者达到日最高峰的时间却几乎相同, 且之后逐渐减低的趋势也基本一致。雨天, 由于Pp和VSF均未出现明显的日变化规律, 所以二者之间不存在明显的协同变化。图4

Fig. 4Diurnal changes in leaf patch clamp pressure (Pp) and sap flow velocity (VSF) under different weather conditions in the full irrigation (FI) treatment.
不同天气下, ΔPp与VSF间均存在显著的正相关关系, 但相关程度却有较大变化, 二者间定量关系模型的决定系数R2从大到小依次为: 晴天(0.87) >阴天(0.72) >雨天(0.31)。
2.3 ΔPp与环境因子的相关关系
由图5可知, 充分供水条件下(FI处理), 小时尺度上, 毛白杨ΔPp与WS、PAR、Ta以及VPD间均呈极显著(p < 0.01)的正相关关系, 其中与PAR的相关程度最高(R2 = 0.672), 其次为Ta、VPD和WS。ΔPp与RH间存在极显著(p < 0.01)的负相关关系(R2 = 0.204), 但与Ts间无相关关系(p > 0.05)。然而, 在天尺度上, 毛白杨日均ΔPp与各环境因子间均不存在显著相关关系(p > 0.05)(表2)。图5

Fig. 5Correlation analysis between normalized leaf patch clamp pressure (ΔPp) and environmental factors. Hourly average ΔPp from June 1st to 12th in the full irrigation (FI) treatment.
Table 2
Table 2
环境因子 Environmental factors | 光合有效辐射 Photosynthetically active radiation | 空气温度 Air temperature | 风速 Wind speed | 空气相对湿度 Relative air humidity | 饱和水气压差 Vapor pressure deficiency | 土壤温度 Soil temperature |
相关系数 Correlation coefficient | -0.080 | 0.066 | 0.313 | -0.332 | 0.236 | 0.287 |
显著性水平 Sig. | 0.804 | 0.838 | 0.321 | 0.291 | 0.461 | 0.365 |
2.4 不同水分处理间叶片Pp变化差异
由图6可知, FI和CK处理林木叶片Pp的变化趋势均受PAR、Ta和RH的控制。阴天, 两处理Pp峰值均会较前一天降低, 如6月3日和6月5日; 在土壤逐步干旱过程中, Pp峰值会逐渐升高(如6月6-9日); 灌溉后, Pp峰值会明显大幅降低(如FI处理6月3日)。在CK处理逐步干旱过程中, 起初两处理间Pp变化趋势基本一样, 但随着FI处理灌溉两次(6月3日和6月9日)而CK处理土壤一直干旱, 两个处理Pp峰值出现的时间以及峰值宽度出现了明显的差异, 具体表现在: 6月11-12日, CK处理的Pp峰值较FI处理提前, 且峰值在较高水平保持的时间较短。图6

图6不同水分处理下相对叶片膨压(Pp)曲线的变化特征。图中红色箭头表示当天充分灌溉(FI)处理灌溉, 灰色柱形表示黑夜(18:00-6:00), 红色矩形选中的为两处理峰值差异明显的6月10-12日。
Fig. 6Variations in leaf patch clamp pressure (Pp) curves under different water treatments. The red arrow shows irrigation in the full irrigation (FI) treatment; nocturnal hours (18:00-6:00) are marked by grey columns, and the period of June 10th-12th is marked by red rectangle when significant difference of Pp peaks occurs between the full irrigation (FI) and control (CK) treatments.
2.5 不同水分处理间ΔPp对环境因子的响应
由图7可以看出, ΔPp的日变化与各环境因子间(PAR、VPD、Ta、RH和Ts)均呈现时滞现象, 且不同灌溉处理时滞圈的大小存在明显差异。FI处理中毛白杨叶片ΔPp与PAR的日变化过程较为一致, 当土壤水分受限时(CK处理), 相同PAR下, 上午的叶片ΔPp略高于下午。此外, 在两个处理中, 相同VPD、Ta和RH条件下上午叶片ΔPp均高于下午, 且当土壤水分受限时(CK处理), 下午ΔPp随VPD、Ta和RH下降的速度小于FI处理。相同Ts下, 两个处理上午的叶片ΔPp小于下午, 且CK处理ΔPp随Ts下午上升的速度大于FI处理。此外, FI处理中ΔPp与VPD、Ta、RH和Ts构成的时滞圈均明显大于CK处理, 说明FI处理的Pp日变化幅度也明显更大。图7

Fig. 7Hysteresis between normalized leaf patch clamp pressure (ΔPp) and environmental factors. Hourly average ΔPp from June 1st to 12th in full irrigation (FI) and control (CK) treatments, respectively.
3 讨论
水分充足条件下(FI处理), 毛白杨叶片Pp日变化呈现“昼高夜低”的单峰型曲线, 且晴天峰值宽度大于阴天。Pp日变化与Ta呈正相关, 而与RH的变化呈负相关关系, Zimmermann等(2008)、Westhoff等(2009)、Ru?ger等(2010)、Bramley等(2013)和Ballester等(2017)分别在葡萄等藤本植物、小麦等作物以及柿等果树上也发现类似规律。关于Pp与环境因子的关系, 已有的研究主要是分析了Pp和空气温湿度的关系, 但是对于Pp与其他环境因子间的关系却不清楚。基于此, 本研究对Pp与PAR、VPD、WS、Ψs和Ts之间的协同变化也进行了分析, 发现Pp开始升高和下降的时间主要受PAR的影响, 而略早于VPD, 但与WS、Ψs和Ts的日变化没有明显的协同趋势。此外, 本研究还发现, 不同天气条件下, Pp与VSF存在不同程度的协同变化, 二者间也存在显著的正相关关系, 且相关程度在晴天时最大(图4)。该规律与Bramley等(2013)在小麦上的研究结果相一致。不同环境因子对ΔPp的影响程度不同, 且这种影响主要出现在短时间尺度上(图5), 日均ΔPp与各环境因子并无显著相关关系(表2)。ΔPp与环境因子的时滞现象(图7)说明当前Pp的高低并不是由当前环境因子所决定, 很可能是受之前的环境因子的影响, 而当前环境因子也可能对之后的Pp产生明显影响。Bramley等(2013)研究得出ΔPp与空气温度存在顺时针时滞关系, 且土壤水分充足条件下的时滞圈要大于土壤水分亏缺处理的, 这与本研究结果一致。不同处理ΔPp与环境因子时滞圈的大小不同说明土壤水分与各环境因子(PAR、VPD、Ta、RH和Ts)共同影响叶片膨压的变化。液流与环境因子的时滞现象也有类似结果, St?hr和L?sch (2004)发现, 当欧洲白蜡遭受的干旱胁迫加重时, 树干液流对环境要素响应的非对称性增加, 环的开度更大。对于引起时滞的原因, 有人认为植物体内的储水现象是导致液流时滞现象的主要原因。植物体内由叶肉细胞至树干胸高处导管间水势的传递过程需要一定时间, 由此产生液流与冠层蒸腾间的时滞。此外, 环境、树种、树干贮水、水力导度和树形因子等也是引起液流与环境因子时滞效应的原因(赵春彦等, 2015), 而对于Pp与环境因子时滞现象产生的原因有待进一步的研究。总之, Pp对环境因子的响应是极其复杂的, 各环境因子之间也是相互影响相互制约的。树木作为一个独立的个体, 外界环境条件的波动会在树体内部的液流上反映出来, 同时也会在冠层的叶片上表现出来。因而, 只有明确环境因子对Pp的影响机制, 才能了解树种的水分生理特性对于环境的反应与适应, 从而利用环境因子对树木的水分状况进行精准指示。
二年生毛白杨在受到水分胁迫时, 其Pp曲线的形状与土壤水分充足条件下有明显差异, 说明Pp可以用来指示树体水分状况。近些年来Pp研究的热点集中在通过Pp曲线的反转程度来判定植物受水分胁迫的程度, 以此指导干旱半干旱地区的灌溉。Ferna?ndez等(2011)研究得出中度或重度水分胁迫下油橄榄叶片Pp曲线会出现明显的半反转或者反转现象; 之后, Rodriguez-Dominguez等(2012)再次证明了通过Pp曲线的反转程度来指导油橄榄果园的灌溉是可行的; Padilla-Di?az等(2016)的试验证明与作物系数方法相比, 借助Pp曲线的形状变化指导不同林龄的油橄榄调亏灌溉能达到更好的节水效果。此外, Marti?nez-Gimeno等(2017)对两种不同基因型的柿树的研究得出Pp与茎干水势高度相关, 且Pp曲线发生反转的临界茎干水势值是-0.8 MPa。这些研究充分说明了在线监测的叶片膨压探针可以用来表征植物水分状况以指导精准灌溉, 且操作简单无需对数据做更多的处理, 直接通过ZIM网站观察可视化的数据曲线即可判断林分是否缺水, 对于实现自动化灌溉有极大的推动作用。但是不同树种、林龄以及地区的林木发生水分胁迫时Pp的响应程度不一样, 如本研究的二年生毛白杨叶片Pp在不同水分处理间并无曲线反转现象, 但是两处理Pp峰值宽度差异明显。这可能与土壤水分条件、树木本身的生理特性、林龄、环境条件及水分胁迫程度等因素有关。在今后的研究中将继续观测Pp曲线形状对毛白杨水分状况的响应, 同时将Pp与其他植物水分指标(茎干水势、树干液流、茎干直径微变化相关指标)协同分析, 以期得到更为精准的通过Pp变化来指导灌溉的方法。
4 结论
研究植物水分状况亏缺诊断指标对于精准灌溉的实现至关重要。本研究通过对不同水分条件下毛白杨叶片膨压的连续监测, 发现: (1)毛白杨叶片膨压具有明显的昼高夜低变化规律, 且与环境因子和液流速率有明显的协同变化规律, 其中在晴天与液流速率的协同变化最一致(R2 = 0.87)。(2)叶片膨压对不同环境因子均存在明显的时滞效应, 不同水分处理时滞圈的大小不同; 光合有效辐射是叶片膨压升高的主要决定因子。(3)水分亏缺处理的叶片膨压的峰值早于水分充足处理的出现, 但水分充足处理的叶片膨压的峰值宽度大于亏缺处理, 表明可通过ZIM叶片膨压探针监测毛白杨树体水分状况以指导灌溉。致谢 感谢高唐县国有旧城林场工作人员在外业试验中给予的大力支持; 感谢北京时域通公司李新工程师在仪器使用及维护过程中给予的帮助。

参考文献 原文顺序
DOI:10.11707/j.1001-7488.20121220URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]

The results and characteristics of water potential measurements with four different methods, namely the Chardakov method, Pressure chamber, in situ hygrometry and leaf disc hygrometry were compared on several plants species. Experimental results showed that the former 3 methods produced similar results, but the leaf disc hygrometry yielded significant different results from the other 3 methods. Further investigation showed that the results with the leaf disc hygrometry varied considerably with the equilibrium time and was not able to show the actual water potentials of the plants. The Chardakov method was time-consuming, and its efficiency was very low. Pressure chamber was able to provide accurate and reliable measurements of plant water potentials if the sample water loss could be avoided and the repetitious samples were available. While the in situ hygrometry showed the merits such as more reliable results, non-destructive to plants, no harsh prerequisites for plants and could measure the same spot of a plant continuously.
DOI:10.11707/j.1001-7488.20121220URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]

The results and characteristics of water potential measurements with four different methods, namely the Chardakov method, Pressure chamber, in situ hygrometry and leaf disc hygrometry were compared on several plants species. Experimental results showed that the former 3 methods produced similar results, but the leaf disc hygrometry yielded significant different results from the other 3 methods. Further investigation showed that the results with the leaf disc hygrometry varied considerably with the equilibrium time and was not able to show the actual water potentials of the plants. The Chardakov method was time-consuming, and its efficiency was very low. Pressure chamber was able to provide accurate and reliable measurements of plant water potentials if the sample water loss could be avoided and the repetitious samples were available. While the in situ hygrometry showed the merits such as more reliable results, non-destructive to plants, no harsh prerequisites for plants and could measure the same spot of a plant continuously.
[本文引用: 1]

[本文引用: 1]
DOI:10.1007/s11104-012-1568-x [本文引用: 5]

Being able to monitor the hydration status of a plant would be useful to breeding programs and to providing insight into adaptation to water-limited environments, but most current methods are destructive or laborious. We evaluated novel non-invasive pressure probes (commercial name: ZIM-probe) for their potential in monitoring the water status of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) leaves.The probes consist of miniature pressure sensors that clamp to the leaves via magnets and detect relative changes in hydration status. Probes were clamped to leaves of six individual plants of the cultivar Wyalkatchem at the stem elongation stage and compared against traditional plant water relations measurements.Output from the probes, called patch-pressure (P (p) ), correlated well with leaf water potential and transpiration of individual plants. Variation between plants in the original clamp pressure exerted by the magnets and leaf individual properties led to variations in the amplitude of the diurnal P (p) profiles, but not in the kinetics of the curves where P (p) responded simultaneously in all plants to changes in the ambient environment (light and temperature).Drying and rewatering cycles and analysis of the curve kinetics identified several methods that can be used to test comparisons of water status monitoring of wheat genotypes under water deficit.
DOI:10.1016/j.agwat.2017.07.013URL [本文引用: 1]
DOI:10.1080/00380768.2010.549445URL [本文引用: 1]

Chinese white poplar (Populus tomentosa Carr.) is an indigenous tree species in China which plays a key role in the establishment of plantation forests and the conversion of cropland to forestland. By using response surface methodology based on rotatable central composite design, we conducted a test with clone 87 of P. tomentosa seedlings to quantify the interactions among soil water content (W), nitrogen application (N), and phosphorus application (P) on plant stem height (SH), leaf area (LA), net photosynthetic rate (P N) and biomass yield (BY). Our results showed that W, N and P had obvious positive effects on plant SH, LA, P N and BY, and the magnitude of effects in decreasing order was W65>65N65>65P. There were synergistic effects of W65×65N on SH, LA and BY, whose values first increased and then decreased with N increasing under a fixed level of W and also with W increasing under a fixed N. A similar trend was found with the interaction of W65×65P significantly effecting LA. A multiple target decision model synthesizing all four parameters was established to obtain the optimized combination. We concluded that the recommended combination of W, N and P for growers was W65=6578.1% of the field capacity, N65=654.4865g65plant611, and P65=651.6765g65plant611. These recommendations should help to achieve maximum growth potential of P. tomentosa seedlings, obtain high water and fertilizer use efficiencies and reduce the risk of nitrate pollution of groundwater in arid and semi-arid regions.
DOI:10.1016/j.agwat.2014.04.017URL [本文引用: 2]

Despite their potential for water stress monitoring, sap flow (SF), trunk diameter variation (TDV) and leaf turgor pressure (LTP) related measurements are rarely used in commercial orchards. The reasons for this lack of popularity are analysed here, as well as possible solutions for the identified limitations. I worked with data collected from different olive orchards as well as with findings from the literature reported for other fruit tree species. SF sensors are difficult to install but easy to maintain. TDV sensors are easier to install, but require greater maintenance. Both methods are highly demanding in terms of data processing, especially sap flow. The usefulness of SF records for monitoring water stress is curtailed on recovery periods, due to the delayed recovery of stomatal conductance. TDV records, on the other hand, depend on plant water status, but also on plant age, phenological stage and crop load, among other factors. For correct data interpretation, therefore, a deep understanding of the response of the monitored variable to plant and environmental conditions is required. For LTP related measurements we used ZIM probes. They showed to be easy to install and use, and robust enough to withstand field conditions for long irrigation seasons. Severe water stress, however, limited their performance. New approaches are being developed to increase the potential of the tested methods for being used in commercial orchards. These include combining the plant-based methods with remote imagery, deriving more user-friendly water stress indices from the collected records and hiring the services of specialized companies which provide the user with easy-to-interpret summaries of the collected information. With the help of new tools and applications, and the hiring of specialized companies if required, the assessed plant-based methods can be reliable and profitable tools for monitoring water stress and scheduling irrigation in commercial orchards.
DOI:10.1016/j.agwat.2011.08.015 [本文引用: 1]

The need for sophisticated irrigation strategies in fruit tree orchards has led to an increasing interest in reliable and robust sensor technology that allows automatic and continuous recording of the water stress of trees under field conditions. In this work we have evaluated the potential of the leaf patch clamp pressure (LPCP) probe for monitoring water stress in a 4-year-old ‘Arbequina’ hedgerow olive orchard with 166702trees02ha. The leaf patch output pressure () measured by the LPCP probe is inversely correlated with the leaf turgor pressure (>5002kPa). Measurements of were made over the entire irrigation season of 2010 (April to November) on control trees, irrigated up to 100% of the crop water needs (ET), and on trees under two regulated deficit irrigation (RDI) strategies. The 60RDI trees received 59.2% of ET and the 30RDI trees received 29.4% of ET. In the case of the RDI trees the irrigation amounts were particularly low during July and August, when the trees are less sensitive to water stress. At severe water stress levels (values of stem water potential dropped below ca. 611.7002MPa; turgor pressure02 curves were observed. Reason for these phenomena is the accumulation of air in the leaves. These phenomena were reversible. Normal diurnal profiles were recorded within a few days after rewatering, the number depending on the level of water stress previously reached. This indicates re-establishment of turgescence of the leaf cells. Crucial information about severe water stress was derived from the inversed diurnal curves. In addition values measured on representative trees of all treatments were compared with balancing pressure () values recorded with a pressure chamber on leaves taken from the same trees or neighbored trees exposed to the same irrigation strategies. Concomitant diurnal measurements were performed in June and September, i.e. before and after the period of great water stress subjected to RDI trees. Results showed close relationships between and , suggesting that the pressure chamber measures relative turgor pressure changes as the LPCP probe. Therefore the probe seems to be an advantageous alternative to the pressure chamber for monitoring tree water status in hedgerow olive tree orchards.Highlights? When 02 curves were recorded. ? This was reversible: normal curves were recorded within a few days after rewatering. ? Information on water stress was derived from the inversed curves. ? An early detection of water stress can be achieved with LPCP probes installed in the east part of the canopy. ? The LPCP probe is an advantageous alternative to the pressure chamber in hedgerow olive orchards.
DOI:10.1016/j.agrformet.2013.04.025URL [本文引用: 1]

Tree ring studies have shown that drought is a major factor governing growth of aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx.) forests in western Canada. Previous analyses showed that interannual variation in aspen radial growth is moderately well-correlated with a climate moisture index (CMI), calculated annually as the difference between precipitation (P) and potential evapotranspiration (PE). However, there are multi-year lags, where current year growth is significantly related to CMI over each of the preceding 5 years. We postulated that such lags arise because of tree growth responses to soil water content, which in deep soils may change slowly in response to interannual variation in P and PE. To address this, a model was developed that simulates changes in a soil moisture index (SMI) from inputs of P and PE only. The SMI represents the quantity of available soil water (mm) for aspen forest evapotranspiration and growth, and also provides a measure of relative soil water content ( r). Model performance was tested using measurements made at an intensively instrumented boreal aspen stand in Saskatchewan, Canada, over a 9-year period that included an exceptionally severe drought (2001 2003). Following optimization of the equations describing soil water limitations on evapotranspiration, the model was successful in simulating the observed, monthly variation in r (r2=0.86 0.88). The model was then used to estimate historic variation in the SMI across a regional network of aspen stands where historical variation in growth was reconstructed from tree-rings. Subsequent analyses showed that average SMI during the current growing season was comparable to the CMI in its ability to explain temporal variation in aspen growth. However, the multi-year lags associated with the CMI were no longer statistically significant when the SMI was used as the independent moisture variable. In a case study of aspen stands that had been free of significant defoliation by insects, tree-ring analysis showed that growth was significantly related to CMI in each of the preceding 5 years, but was significantly related to SMI only in the current year and the preceding year. Thus, hydrological lags can explain much of the apparent delay in aspen growth responses to moisture, and future tree-ring studies may benefit from using modeled SMI as a more realistic index for assessing drought impacts on the productivity of aspen and other forest types.
DOI:10.11707/j.1001-7488.20040211URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]

<p>研究了北京沿河沙地I-214杨树人工林地下滴灌和常规灌溉林地树木生长与光合特性,结果表明:与常规灌溉相比,地下滴灌能大大增加树木的生长量,提高林地生产力。2000年(栽植第4年) ,地下滴灌区树木平均胸径、树高和单株材积分别达到21.18cm、14.23m和0.1815m<sup>3</sup>,比常规灌溉增加了54.5 %、36.9%和247.6 % ;林地生产力达到22.78~25.81m<sup>3</sup>·hm<sup>-2</sup> a<sup>-1</sup> ,比常规灌溉增加了3.9~4.6倍。树木生长改善和林地生产力提高的生理机制是地下滴灌可促进树木光合作用和水分利用效率。地下滴灌区树木叶净光合速率在一天中几乎一直显著高于对照,幅度达10.0 %~21.4 % ;从一个滴灌周期来看,滴灌区树木叶净光合速率显著高于对照9.0%~9.9% ;滴灌区树木水分利用效率也较对照区显著提高。通过相关分析表明,表层土壤(15~25cm)水分含量在5%~8%时树木叶净光合速率能在长时间维持较高水平,而水分含量低于4% ,树木叶净光合速率将降低。建议在干旱半干旱和季节性干旱地区营造速生丰产用材林时应结合当地经济条件推广地下滴灌技术,这不仅有利于水资源的可持续利用,而且将大幅度提高林地生产力,使我国人工林生产力赶超世界先进水平。</p>
DOI:10.11707/j.1001-7488.20040211URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]

<p>研究了北京沿河沙地I-214杨树人工林地下滴灌和常规灌溉林地树木生长与光合特性,结果表明:与常规灌溉相比,地下滴灌能大大增加树木的生长量,提高林地生产力。2000年(栽植第4年) ,地下滴灌区树木平均胸径、树高和单株材积分别达到21.18cm、14.23m和0.1815m<sup>3</sup>,比常规灌溉增加了54.5 %、36.9%和247.6 % ;林地生产力达到22.78~25.81m<sup>3</sup>·hm<sup>-2</sup> a<sup>-1</sup> ,比常规灌溉增加了3.9~4.6倍。树木生长改善和林地生产力提高的生理机制是地下滴灌可促进树木光合作用和水分利用效率。地下滴灌区树木叶净光合速率在一天中几乎一直显著高于对照,幅度达10.0 %~21.4 % ;从一个滴灌周期来看,滴灌区树木叶净光合速率显著高于对照9.0%~9.9% ;滴灌区树木水分利用效率也较对照区显著提高。通过相关分析表明,表层土壤(15~25cm)水分含量在5%~8%时树木叶净光合速率能在长时间维持较高水平,而水分含量低于4% ,树木叶净光合速率将降低。建议在干旱半干旱和季节性干旱地区营造速生丰产用材林时应结合当地经济条件推广地下滴灌技术,这不仅有利于水资源的可持续利用,而且将大幅度提高林地生产力,使我国人工林生产力赶超世界先进水平。</p>
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DOI:10.1093/treephys/tpr050URLPMID:21724585 [本文引用: 1]

Adequate water transport is necessary to prevent stomatal closure and allow for photosynthesis. Dysfunction in the water transport pathway can result in stomatal closure, and can be deleterious to overall plant health and survival. Although much is known about small branch hydraulics, little is known about the coordination of leaf and stem hydraulic function. Additionally, the daily variations in leaf hydraulic conductance (K(leaf)), stomatal conductance and water potential (Ψ(L)) have only been measured for a few species. The objective of the current study was to characterize stem and leaf vulnerability to hydraulic dysfunction for three eastern U.S. tree species (Acer rubrum, Liriodendron tulipifera and Pinus virginiana) and to measure in situ daily patterns of K(leaf), leaf and stem Ψ, and stomatal conductance in the field. Sap flow measurements were made on two of the three species to compare patterns of whole-plant water use with changes in K(leaf) and stomatal conductance. Overall, stems were more resistant to hydraulic dysfunction than leaves. Stem P50 (Ψ resulting in 50% loss in conductivity) ranged from -3.0 to -4.2 MPa, whereas leaf P50 ranged from -0.8 to -1.7 MPa. Field Ψ(L) declined over the course of the day, but only P. virginiana experienced reductions in K(leaf) (nearly 100% loss). Stomatal conductance was greatest overall in P. virginiana, but peaked midmorning and then declined in all three species. Midday stem Ψ in all three species remained well above the threshold for embolism formation. The daily course of sap flux in P. virginiana was bell-shaped, whereas in A. rubrum sap flux peaked early in the morning and then declined over the remainder of the day. An analysis of our data and data for 39 other species suggest that there may be at least three distinct trajectories of relationships between maximum K(leaf) and the % K(leaf) at Ψ(min). In one group of species, a trade-off between maximum K(leaf) and % K(leaf) at Ψ(min) appeared to exist, but no trade-off was evident in the other two trajectories.
DOI:10.1093/jxb/erh213URLPMID:15286143 [本文引用: 1]

This paper reviews the various methods available for irrigation scheduling, contrasting traditional water-balance and soil moisture-based approaches with those based on sensing of the plant deficits. The main plant-based methods for irrigation scheduling, including those based on direct or indirect measurement of plant water status and those based on plant physiological responses to drought, are outlined and evaluated. Specific plant-based methods include the use of dendrometry, fruit gauges, and other tissue water content sensors, while measurements of growth, sap flow, and stomatal conductance are also outlined. Recent advances, especially in the use of infrared thermometry and thermography for the study of stomatal conductance changes, are highlighted. The relative suitabilities of different approaches for specific crop and climatic situations are discussed, with the aim of indicating the strengths and weaknesses of different approaches, and highlighting their suitability over different spatial and temporal scales. The potential of soil- and plant-based systems for automated irrigation control using various scheduling techniques is also discussed.
DOI:10.5846/stxb201409171846URL [本文引用: 1]

定量分析单木及林分的蒸腾耗水特征,是林木水分管理的关键环节。采用热扩散式边材液流检测技术,结合自动气象站,对三倍体毛白杨树干边材液流及环境因子进行了连续2年的动态观测。结果表明:(1)单株尺度上,三倍体毛白杨边材液流速率日变化在晴天表现为"单峰型",关键影响因子为水汽压亏缺(VPD)和太阳辐射(Qs),日平均液流速率在4—10月分别为0.65×10^-3、2.12×10^-3、2.09×10^-3、1.78×10^-3、1.84×10^-3、1.76×10^-3、1.04×10^-3cm/s;(2)林分尺度上,三倍体毛白杨在2008、2009年(栽植第4年和第5年)的蒸腾耗水量分别为339.52和410.62 mm,主要影响因素为气孔导度(Gc)、相对湿度(RH),以及VPD;(3)多元线性回归模型可以较好的模拟三倍体毛白杨边材液流速率对环境因子的响应特征(P〈0.01,2008年),模型预测值较实测值偏大6.39%(2009年),二者极显著线性相关(R^2=0.910,Sig.=0.00054,n=1008)。
DOI:10.5846/stxb201409171846URL [本文引用: 1]

定量分析单木及林分的蒸腾耗水特征,是林木水分管理的关键环节。采用热扩散式边材液流检测技术,结合自动气象站,对三倍体毛白杨树干边材液流及环境因子进行了连续2年的动态观测。结果表明:(1)单株尺度上,三倍体毛白杨边材液流速率日变化在晴天表现为"单峰型",关键影响因子为水汽压亏缺(VPD)和太阳辐射(Qs),日平均液流速率在4—10月分别为0.65×10^-3、2.12×10^-3、2.09×10^-3、1.78×10^-3、1.84×10^-3、1.76×10^-3、1.04×10^-3cm/s;(2)林分尺度上,三倍体毛白杨在2008、2009年(栽植第4年和第5年)的蒸腾耗水量分别为339.52和410.62 mm,主要影响因素为气孔导度(Gc)、相对湿度(RH),以及VPD;(3)多元线性回归模型可以较好的模拟三倍体毛白杨边材液流速率对环境因子的响应特征(P〈0.01,2008年),模型预测值较实测值偏大6.39%(2009年),二者极显著线性相关(R^2=0.910,Sig.=0.00054,n=1008)。
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DOI:10.5424/sjar/20110901-295-10URL [本文引用: 1]

The determination of leaf water potential is useful in the establishment of irrigation guidelines for agricultural crop management practices and requires the use of various methods, among which thermocouple psychrometers (TCP). TCP have been widely used for this purpose. However, the psychrometric technique is complex and difficult to understand and the instrumentation required is difficult to ...
DOI:10.1007/s00271-016-0527-3URL [本文引用: 3]

Continuous plant water status monitoring is crucial in order to improve irrigation management. The noninvasive Yara ZIM-probe was assessed for detecting plant water stress in Persimmon trees (Diospyros kaki L.f.). The probe measures the pressure transfer function (Pp) through a patch of an intact leaf, which is inversely correlated with the turgor pressure. This technology was evaluated in two parallel experiments involving either distinct watering regimes or rootstocks with different drought tolerance [Diospyros lotus (L) and Diospyros virginiana (V)]. Concomitant measurements of midday stem water potential (Ψstem) and trunk diameter variations were taken throughout the experiments. Pp was highly correlated with Ψstem. Persimmon leaves exhibited the inversed Pp curve phenomena under water stress, which enabled the association of a particular range of Ψstem to each of the three leaf turgor states defined. Persimmon trees with no sign of initial or total inversion ensured Ψstem above 610.8 MPa, values considered of a well-watered Persimmon tree. Yara ZIM-probe readings as well as Ψstem and trunk diameter variation measurements pointed L as a more sensitive rootstock to drought than V. In conclusion, results showed that the Yara ZIM-probe can be used to continuously monitor water status in Persimmon trees although further research would be needed to ensure their feasibility for scheduling irrigation.
DOI:10.1111/j.1399-3054.1982.tb00699.xURL [本文引用: 1]

Abstract The effect of potassium on the water potential, the osmotic potential and the pressure potential in younger and older leaves of Phaseolus vulgaris grown in hydroponic culture was studied. Inadequate potassium supply resulted in an increase of the osmotic potential. In the older leaves the water potential was raised, in the younger leaves the pressure potential was depressed in the treatment insufficiently supplied with potassium as compared with leaves with an adequate potassium supply. Cell size of the younger leaves was smaller in the treatment with the low K + supply in comparison with the leaves well supplied with K + . Potassium had a beneficial effect on plant growth, especially on fresh matter production. The water status of leaves (water content, pressure potential, osmotic potential) responded more sensitively to potassium supply than dry matter production. Besides organic N and organic anions, K + was the most abundant solute found in the press sap of the leaves. From the results it is concluded that K + is indispensible for attaining an optimum potential (turgor) in young leaves which in turn has an impact on plant growth.
DOI:10.1016/j.agwat.2012.06.003URL [本文引用: 1]

Irrigation scheduling of fruit trees according to the water balance showed significant differences between locations. In recent years, water status measurements such as leaf water potential have been suggested as irrigation tools in different fruit trees. The aim of this study was to adjust water potential threshold values previously studied and water application approaches that permit the estimation of irrigation requirements of olive trees based on midday stem water potential. The experiments were performed during three seasons (from 2005 to 2007) in two different locations (Badajoz and Ciudad Real) with different weather and cultural conditions. In both locations, the olive orchards were seven years old at the beginning of the experiment but had significantly different canopy development. In Ciudad Real the canopy shaded area at the beginning of the experiment was 15% and the first crop was harvested in 2003. On the other hand, the canopy shaded area of the olive orchard in the Badajoz experiment was 40% and the first crop was harvested in 2001. We therefore considered the Ciudad Real orchard as young and Badajoz as mature. Three different irrigation treatments were compared in both locations: Control treatment with traditional water balance as irrigation scheduling and two treatments in which midday stem water potential (SWP) provided the information about water management. In the midday stem water potential irrigation (WI) treatment the threshold value of SWP was 1.2MPa before the beginning of the massive pit hardening period and 1.4MPa after this date. Finally, in the deficit irrigation (DI) treatment the threshold value of SWP was 2.0MPa throughout the season. In the WI and DI treatments irrigation was applied when SWP reached the threshold value. No significant differences were found between Control and WI in any of the seasons or locations when SWP, leaf conductance, shoot and fruit growth and yield (fruit and oil) were considered. In both locations, the same SWP value in WI treatment resulted in similar water application as the Control treatment. In DI treatment, shoot growth was significantly reduced in both locations in all the seasons. The SWP in DI trees was clearly affected in both locations, while leaf conductance was only reduced in the Badajoz experiment. In the Ciudad Real experiment no significant differences between DI and the other treatments were found in fruit growth, whereas differences were found in Badajoz. However, in Ciudad Real yield in DI treatment was significantly reduced, but not in Badajoz. WI treatment was successful for non-water-stress conditions. On the other hand, DI treatment was a mild water stress treatment which reduced yield only in low covered orchards, but not in the orchards with almost maximum canopy shaded area.
DOI:10.1016/j.plantsci.2006.10.006URL [本文引用: 1]

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the physiological and anatomical changes that occur in Arbutus unedo plants under saline conditions in order to understand the response of this species to salinity. A. unedo plants were grown in a greenhouse and submitted to three irrigation treatments using solutions containing 0, 52, and 105 mM NaCl with an electrical conductivity of 0.85 dS m 611 (control treatment), 5.45 dS m 611 (S.1) and 9.45 dS m 611 (S.2). After 16 weeks, the leaf water relations, root hydraulic conductivity, gas exchange, ion concentrations and leaf ultrastructure were determined. Salinity induced a significant decrease in total biomass, leaf area and plant height. The concentration of Cl 61 in leaves increased with increasing salinity and was higher than the corresponding concentration of Na +. Net photosynthesis ( P n) was reduced and the chloroplast ultrastructure was altered by salinity. Thylakoids were dilated and the number of plastoglobuli was greatly increased in both saline treatments compared with the control leaves. In addition, a reduction in the intercellular spaces of the lagunar mesophyll was observed in the saline treatments, affecting stomatal and mesophyll conductance to CO 2. Root hydraulic resistance increased under saline conditions, affecting the water flow the root system. Pressure–volume analysis revealed osmotic adjustment values of 0.2 MPa at 52 mM and 0.5 MPa at 105 mM of NaCl, accompanied by 31 and 99% increases in the bulk tissue elastic modulus ( 07, wall rigidity) and resulting in turgor loss at the same relative water content in control and at 5.45 dS m 611 and a higher relative water content at 9.45 dS m 611. Osmotic adjustment and a high 07 together are seen as an effective means of counteracting the negative effects of salinity on the water balance of A. unedo plants.
DOI:10.1016/j.agwat.2015.08.002URL [本文引用: 2]
DOI:10.1111/j.1365-3040.2010.02145.xURLPMID:20302604 [本文引用: 1]

Rice is known to be sensitive to soil water deficit and evaporative demand, with a greatest sensitivity of lowland-adapted genotypes. We have analysed the responses of plant water relations and of leaf elongation rate (LER) to soil water status and evaporative demand in seven rice genotypes belonging to different species, subspecies, either upland- or lowland-adapted. In the considered range of soil water potential (0 to 0.6 MPa), stomatal conductance was controlled in such a way that the daytime leaf water potential was similar in well-watered, droughted or flooded conditions (isohydric behaviour). A low sensitivity of LER to evaporative demand was observed in the same three conditions, with small differences between genotypes and lower sensitivity than in maize. The sensitivity of LER to soil water deficit was similar to that of maize. A tendency towards lower sensitivities was observed in upland than lowland genotypes but with smaller differences than expected. We conclude that leaf water status and leaf elongation of rice are not particularly sensitive to water deficit. The main origin of drought sensitivity in rice may be its poor root system, whose effect was alleviated in the study presented here by growing plants in pots whose soil was entirely colonized by roots of all genotypes.
DOI:10.1016/j.agwat.2012.07.007 [本文引用: 2]

Stem sap flow (Q) and leaf turgor pressure (Pc) were measured simultaneously on 4-year-old, 2.4m tall rbequina olive trees in a hedgerow orchard. Measurements were performed on well-watered control trees as well as on 60RDI and 30RDI trees (RDI=regulated deficit irrigation). The 60RDI trees received 59.2% of the crop water needs (ETc), and the 30RDI trees received 29.4% of ETc. Pc was determined non-invasively using the magnetic leaf patch clamp pressure probe (ZIM probe). The patch pressure Pp measured by the probe is inversely correlated with turgor pressure at Pc>ca. 50kPa. Pc is coupled with xylem pressure; thus Pp yields information about the development of tension in xylem. In the case of the control trees a positive correlation between Q and Pp was generally found, i.e. Q increased usually with increasing Pp and decreased with decreasing Pp, as expected. However, Q peaking did not always coincided with Pp peaking at noon. Occasionally, Q peaking preceded or followed Pp peaking with a time difference of up to 3h in both cases. Under some circumstances, the onset of Q after sunrise was greatly delayed, even though a pronounced increase of Pp was observed. A delayed onset of Q after sunrise resulted in hysteresis phenomena, i.e. the linear increase of Q and Pp in the morning hours did not coincide with the corresponding decrease of Q and Pp in the afternoon. The development of severe water stress (Pc<ca. 50kPa) associated with the increase in the intercellular spaces of the spongy tissue in the leaves resulted in inverted diurnal Pp curves, i.e. minimum Pp values were recorded at noon and maximum Pp values during the night on the 30RDI trees. The effects were reversible as shown by re-watering. By contrast, the magnitude of Q decreased continuously from the turgescent state to the state of severe water stress; maximum Q values were still recorded around noon. The data suggests that short-range tension forces are responsible for water lifting in olive trees and that water uptake from water storage reservoirs must play an important role in the supply of the leaves with water. Furthermore, for setting of irrigation thresholds the finding of shape changes of the Pp curves upon severe water stress seems to be a useful indicator. Such shape changes are detected and monitored more sensitively than changes in the magnitude of sap flow rates or of turgor pressure.
DOI:10.1111/j.1755-0238.2010.00101.xURL [本文引用: 1]

Background and Aims: Effects of four irrigation treatments on leaf turgor pressure of grapevines were studied using the novel leaf patch clamp pressure (LPCP) probe. Data were correlated with yield and yield components.Methods and Results: The LPCP probe measures leaf water status by monitoring the attenuation of an external pressure applied magnetically to a leaf patch. The output pressure signals, Pp, are inversely correlated with cell turgor pressure. Measurements showed that changes in transpiration and stomatal conductance induced by environmental parameters were reflected nearly immediately in Pp. Ongoing non-irrigation resulted in a continuous increase of Pp, in the occurrence of stomatal oscillations and in an increased turgor pressure recovery phase during afternoon. Interestingly, analysis of the numerous diurnal Pp data sets showed that east-directed leaves responded more sensitively to water stress than west-directed leaves.Conclusions: For the cultivar and conditions used in this study, the probe data as well as the yield data support irrigation on a 3-day basis with relatively small amounts of water.Significance of the Study: The results show that the LPCP probe is a user-friendly, high precision instrument for online-monitoring of leaf turgor pressure in dependency on changes in microclimate and irrigation, thus helping growers to increase yield while simultaneously saving water.
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DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1674-3466.2008.04.017URL [本文引用: 1]

压力探针技术是一种用来测定微系统中压力大小和变化的新技术.其 最初被没计用于直接测定巨型藻类的细胞膨压.随着操作装置的进一步微型化和精密化,后来被应用于测定普通高等植物细胞膨压及其它水分关系参数.该技术的发 展建立在一系列相应的流体物理学理论基础上.通过这些物理学公式的计算,该技术能测定跨细胞膜或器官的水分运输速度以及它们的水力学导度:测定溶液中水分 和溶质的相对运输速度以及它们之间的相互影响:还可以测定细胞壁的刚性等.目前压力探针技术已成为植物生理学和生态学领域研究中的多用途技术.它可以在细 胞水平上原位测定水分及溶质跨膜运输及分布情况,这对于阐明水通道功能具有极其重要的意义.此外,木质部压力探针技术是目前唯一可以商接测定导管或管胞中 负压的工具.该技术还可以崩于单细胞汁液的样品采集,结合微电极技术测定导管或其它细胞中的pH值、离子浓度以及细胞膜电位.本文重点介绍该技术使用的基 本原理和相应的理论基础,并详细地描述了操作过程中的技术和技巧.
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1674-3466.2008.04.017URL [本文引用: 1]

压力探针技术是一种用来测定微系统中压力大小和变化的新技术.其 最初被没计用于直接测定巨型藻类的细胞膨压.随着操作装置的进一步微型化和精密化,后来被应用于测定普通高等植物细胞膨压及其它水分关系参数.该技术的发 展建立在一系列相应的流体物理学理论基础上.通过这些物理学公式的计算,该技术能测定跨细胞膜或器官的水分运输速度以及它们的水力学导度:测定溶液中水分 和溶质的相对运输速度以及它们之间的相互影响:还可以测定细胞壁的刚性等.目前压力探针技术已成为植物生理学和生态学领域研究中的多用途技术.它可以在细 胞水平上原位测定水分及溶质跨膜运输及分布情况,这对于阐明水通道功能具有极其重要的意义.此外,木质部压力探针技术是目前唯一可以商接测定导管或管胞中 负压的工具.该技术还可以崩于单细胞汁液的样品采集,结合微电极技术测定导管或其它细胞中的pH值、离子浓度以及细胞膜电位.本文重点介绍该技术使用的基 本原理和相应的理论基础,并详细地描述了操作过程中的技术和技巧.
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DOI:10.1111/j.1438-8677.2008.00170.xPMID:19689778 [本文引用: 3]

An advanced non-invasive, field-suitable and inexpensive leaf patch clamp pressure probe for online-monitoring of the water relations of intact leaves is described. The probe measures the attenuated output patch clamp pressure, P p , of a clamped leaf in response to an externally applied input pressure, P clamp . P clamp is generated magnetically. P p is sensed by a pressure sensor integrated into the magnetic clamp. The magnitude of P p depends on the transfer function, T f , of the leaf cells. T f consists of a turgor pressure-independent (related to the compression of the cuticle, cell walls and other structural elements) and a turgor pressure-dependent term. T f is dimensionless and assumes values between 0 and 1. Theory shows that T f is a power function of cell turgor pressure P c . Concomitant P p and P c measurements on grapevines confirmed the relationship between T f and P c . P p peaked if P c approached zero and assumed low values if P c reached maximum values. The novel probe was successfully tested on leaves of irrigated and non-irrigated grapevines under field conditions. Data show that slight changes in the microclimate and/or water supply (by irrigation or rain) are reflected very sensitively in P p .
DOI:10.1016/j.agwat.2016.06.017URL [本文引用: 3]

To establish the methodological basis for developing optimal irrigation strategies for increasing the productivity of triploidPopulus tomentosaplantations using modelling methods, the accuracy of HYDRUS models for simulating one-dimensional (HYDRUS-1D) soil water dynamics under rainfed natural conditions (NC), and two-dimensional soil water dynamics (HYDRUS (2D/3D)) under subsurface drip irrigated (SDI) conditions was evaluated using field data. The relationship between tree growth and soil water availability (rθ) at different depths, which has not been thoroughly investigated in poplar plantations, was also examined. In general, the average soil water content (θ) in different soil layers predicted by both HYDRUS models and theθwithin the two-dimensional domain around drippers predicted by HYDRUS (2D/3D) agreed well with the observed values. Under both treatments, therθincreased with depth and was most variable in the surface 30cm soil. The amount of variation in basal area at breast height (ABH) growth explained byrθin various soil layers ranged widely, suggesting that soil water at different soil depths made different contributions to the variation in growth. The proportion of variation in ABH growth explained by averagerθwas highest (R2=0.709) in the 0–30cm layer, and decreased with increasing integrated depth of the root-zone. Tree growth was unconstrained when therθof the 0–30cm layer was above 0.7. Based on these results, it can be concluded that HYDRUS-1D and HYDRUS (2D/3D) can be used as tools to accurately simulate long-term soil water dynamics inP. tomentosaplantations, at least in sites with similar characteristics to ours. HYDRUS modeling can be used to assess the impacts ofrθon productivity of matureP. tomentosaplantations. This study also shows that monitoring soil moisture of the surface soil provides a robust means for predicting tree growth ofP. tomentosaplantations at sites with similar soil to ours.
DOI:10.1016/j.foreco.2017.02.016URL [本文引用: 1]

To help achieve precise irrigation inPopulus tomentosaplantations, the stand water use characteristics of a matureP. tomentosaplantation under well-watered drip irrigated conditions were investigated over two growing seasons (April–October) in 2010 and 2011. Crop coefficient models for predicting stand water use were constructed and tested. The quantitative responses of stand water use to groundwater level (GWL) under different irrigation conditions and soil water availability (rθ) in different soil layers, which have not been thoroughly examined in poplar plantations, were also investigated. The stand evapotranspiration (ETa) was dominated by soil evaporation (Es) before late April and after the middle of September, but transpiration (Tr) became the dominating component ofETabetween late April and mid-September accounting for 77%. The mean dailyTr,EsandETafor non-rainfall periods were 2.67, 1.04 and 3.71mmd611, respectively. The relative mean absolute error of the crop coefficient models used to predictETa(13%) andTr(16%) in the non-irrigated treatment (CK) during periods with no water stress were small, suggesting these models can be used to accurately predict stand water use ofP. tomentosaunder well-watered conditions. Fractional transpiration rate ofP. tomentosawas significantly (p<0.0001) correlated torθof different soil layers within 0–70cm depth, but the same relationship was not detected forrθbelow 70cm depth. The proportion of variation inTrexplained byrθwas highest (R2=0.630) in the 0–30cm layer. Tree transpiration was unconstrained when therθof the 0–30cm layer was above 0.6, but ifrθin the surface 30cm soil was not maintained above 0.6, there was a reduction of water uptake and transpiration inP. tomentosa.Significant (p<0.0001) correlation was found between fractional transpiration rate and GWL in the CK treatment, and as the GWL decreased below 300cm depth,TrofP. tomentosadeclined gradually. Whereas, similar phenomenon was not observed in the irrigation treatment. This study therefore indicates (1) that the shallow soil layers should be the key soil zone for irrigation water management in plantations ofP. tomentosaand similar tree species located on sites similar to those in our study, and (2) as the GWL declines below 300cm depth, irrigation should be applied inP. tomentosaplantations to maintain water uptake and tree growth.
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DOI:10.1016/j.agwat.2012.11.006URL [本文引用: 1]

The form and water uptake characteristics of the fine root system in a 5-year-old triploid Populus tomentosa plantation were investigated to make recommendations related to irrigation water management for P. tomentosa plantation. Fine roots for analysis were collected from 2106 soil cores taken around eight trees. Soil moisture, trunk sap flow and evaporation were measured concurrently for four months in two experimental plots using time-domain reflectometry, thermal dissipation sensors and micro-lysimeters, respectively. Nearly half (44%) of fine roots corresponded to 0.2–0.5mm diameter. Generally, lateral root distribution was even, however, the vertical root profile showed an unusual pattern (nearly an ‘S’ shape). Dense fine roots occurred in surface soil and nearly one third (28%) of total fine roots occurred below 100cm depth, indicating the plantation had developed a dimorphic root system. With increasing distance from the tree, root distribution tended to be shallower. Mean fine root diameter was significantly larger (P<0.05) below 120cm, probably due to soil texture change or/and anoxia. Root water uptake in the 0–20cm layer contributed 58% of that within the 0–90cm soil layer, suggesting surface roots played the major water uptake role in shallow soil (<90cm). On average, P. tomentosa extracted 57% of transpired water from deep soil (>90cm), implying deep roots can contribute significantly to the water relations of mature P. tomentosa plantations. This functional significance of deep roots might be determined by their high length density and relatively large diameter. Based on these results, three irrigation management strategies were recommended: (1) irrigation schedules should be devised based on periodic measurement of the depth to water table; (2) water should be mainly provided to and maintained in the surface 40cm soil; and (3) water should be applied to the zone within 1m from the tree.
DOI:10.1007/s10310-015-0485-2URL [本文引用: 1]

090008Natural090009 flooding events are increasing in China as a consequence of climate change. Poplar plantations are widely established in northern China and there are large areas located in easily flooded lowlands. To investigate the response of poplar plantations'' water use to flooding, we measured xylem sap flow in irrigated and non-irrigated poplar plantations, covering both before flooding and during flood periods in the growing season. Stem xylem sap flow, soil moisture, and meteorological variables were measured using thermal dissipation sensors, time-domain reflectometry, and a weather station, respectively. The results showed that the daily courses of sap flux density (SFD) followed the patterns of solar radiation (Rs), vapor pressure deficit (VPD) and reference evapotranspiration (ET0). Under similar meteorological conditions expressed by the same daily values of Rs or VPD, the daily averages of SFD were lower in the flooding period than those in the before flooding period, and the percent attenuation of SFD caused by flooding was lower in irrigated trees than non-irrigated trees. In addition, the nocturnal SFD for both irrigated and non-irrigated trees were higher in the flooding period than those in the before flooding period, and the difference in trees with irrigating management was significant. It is concluded that: (1) SFD in poplar was reduced by flooding and that the effect was lower in irrigated trees than in non-irrigated trees; and (2) nocturnal SFD increased in response to flooding and the increases were significant in irrigated trees, suggesting that irrigation decreases the vulnerability of poplar plantations to flooding.
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1001-7461.2015.05.16URL [本文引用: 1]

DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1001-7461.2015.05.16URL [本文引用: 1]

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DOI:10.1093/jxb/ern171PMID:18689442 [本文引用: 3]

A high-precision pressure probe is described which allows non-invasive online-monitoring of the water relations of intact leaves. Real-time recording of the leaf water status occurred by data transfer to an Internet server. The leaf patch clamp pressure probe measures the attenuated pressure,Pp, of a leaf patch in response to a constant clamp pressure,Pclamp.Ppis sensed by a miniaturized silicone pressure sensor integrated into the device. The magnitude ofPpis dictated by the transfer function of the leaf,Tf, which is a function of leaf patch volume and ultimately of cell turgor pressure,Pc, as shown theoretically. The power functionTf=f(Pc)theoretically derived was experimentally confirmed by concomitantPpandPcmeasurements on intact leaflets of the lianaTetrastigma voinierianumunder greenhouse conditions. SimultaneousPprecordings on leaflets up to 10 m height above ground demonstrated that changes inTfinduced byPcchanges due to changes of microclimate and/or of the irrigation regime were sensitively reflected in corresponding changes ofPp. Analysis of the data show that transpirational water loss during the morning hours was associated with a transient rise in turgor pressure gradients within the leaflets. Subsequent recovery of turgescence during the afternoon was much faster than the preceding transpiration-induced water loss if the plants were well irrigated. Our data show the enormous potential of the leaf patch clamp pressure probe for leaf water studies including unravelling of the hydraulic communication between neighbouring leaves and over long distances within tall plants (trees).
DOI:10.1590/S2197-00252013000100002 [本文引用: 1]

... 水势是植物重要的水分生理参数, 可用于确定植物的受旱程度和抗旱能力, 也可作为指导灌溉的生理指标, 因此被广泛应用于植物水分关系研究(
... 水势是植物重要的水分生理参数, 可用于确定植物的受旱程度和抗旱能力, 也可作为指导灌溉的生理指标, 因此被广泛应用于植物水分关系研究(
Usefulness of the ZIM-probe technology for detecting water stress in clementine and persimmon trees
... 水分充足条件下(FI处理), 毛白杨叶片Pp日变化呈现“昼高夜低”的单峰型曲线, 且晴天峰值宽度大于阴天.Pp日变化与Ta呈正相关, 而与RH的变化呈负相关关系,
Long-term xylem pressure measurements in the liana Tetrastigma voinierianum by means of the xylem pressure probe
... 水势是植物重要的水分生理参数, 可用于确定植物的受旱程度和抗旱能力, 也可作为指导灌溉的生理指标, 因此被广泛应用于植物水分关系研究(
Non-invasive pressure probes magnetically clamped to leaves to monitor the water status of wheat
... 植物叶片水势的实时连续测定存在诸多困难.近年来, 一种能精确表征植物水分状况的非侵入式磁性膜片钳压力探针(ZIM-探针)的出现使该问题的解决成为可能.ZIM-探针因具有不破坏叶片组织、测定精度高、能实时连续监测、操作简单等优点在植物水分关系研究中逐渐得到应用(
... 将每天的Pp值除以当天7:00的测定值, 得到标准化后的相对叶片膨压ΔPp (
... 水分充足条件下(FI处理), 毛白杨叶片Pp日变化呈现“昼高夜低”的单峰型曲线, 且晴天峰值宽度大于阴天.Pp日变化与Ta呈正相关, 而与RH的变化呈负相关关系,
... ).该规律与
... 不同环境因子对ΔPp的影响程度不同, 且这种影响主要出现在短时间尺度上(
Effect of the Super Absorbent Polymer Stockosorb? on leaf turgor pressure, tree performance and oil quality of olive trees cv. Chemlali grown under field conditions in an arid region of Tunisia
... 植物叶片水势的实时连续测定存在诸多困难.近年来, 一种能精确表征植物水分状况的非侵入式磁性膜片钳压力探针(ZIM-探针)的出现使该问题的解决成为可能.ZIM-探针因具有不破坏叶片组织、测定精度高、能实时连续监测、操作简单等优点在植物水分关系研究中逐渐得到应用(
Interactions between soil water content and fertilizer on growth characteristics and biomass yield of Chinese white poplar (Populus tomentosa Carr.) seedlings
... 在干旱、半干旱和季节性干旱地区, 水分是杨树(Populus spp.)生长的重要限制因子, 因此灌溉被广泛用于提高杨树人工林的生产力(
Plant-based sensing to monitor water stress: Applicability to commercial orchards
... 在干旱、半干旱和季节性干旱地区, 水分是杨树(Populus spp.)生长的重要限制因子, 因此灌溉被广泛用于提高杨树人工林的生产力(
... 水势是植物重要的水分生理参数, 可用于确定植物的受旱程度和抗旱能力, 也可作为指导灌溉的生理指标, 因此被广泛应用于植物水分关系研究(
Online-monitoring of tree water stress in a hedgerow olive orchard using the leaf patch clamp pressure probe
... 二年生毛白杨在受到水分胁迫时, 其Pp曲线的形状与土壤水分充足条件下有明显差异, 说明Pp可以用来指示树体水分状况.近些年来Pp研究的热点集中在通过Pp曲线的反转程度来判定植物受水分胁迫的程度, 以此指导干旱半干旱地区的灌溉.
A simple soil moisture index for representing multi-year drought impacts on aspen productivity in the western Canadian interior
... 在干旱、半干旱和季节性干旱地区, 水分是杨树(Populus spp.)生长的重要限制因子, 因此灌溉被广泛用于提高杨树人工林的生产力(
... 在干旱、半干旱和季节性干旱地区, 水分是杨树(Populus spp.)生长的重要限制因子, 因此灌溉被广泛用于提高杨树人工林的生产力(
... 在干旱、半干旱和季节性干旱地区, 水分是杨树(Populus spp.)生长的重要限制因子, 因此灌溉被广泛用于提高杨树人工林的生产力(
... 水势是植物重要的水分生理参数, 可用于确定植物的受旱程度和抗旱能力, 也可作为指导灌溉的生理指标, 因此被广泛应用于植物水分关系研究(
... 水势是植物重要的水分生理参数, 可用于确定植物的受旱程度和抗旱能力, 也可作为指导灌溉的生理指标, 因此被广泛应用于植物水分关系研究(
Hydraulic patterns and safety margins, from stem to stomata, in three eastern U.S. tree species
... 水势是植物重要的水分生理参数, 可用于确定植物的受旱程度和抗旱能力, 也可作为指导灌溉的生理指标, 因此被广泛应用于植物水分关系研究(
Irrigation scheduling: Advantages and pitfalls of plant-based methods
... 在干旱、半干旱和季节性干旱地区, 水分是杨树(Populus spp.)生长的重要限制因子, 因此灌溉被广泛用于提高杨树人工林的生产力(
... 三倍体毛白杨(triploid Populus tomentosa)作为我国速生丰产林建设的重要树种, 在华北地区广泛栽培, 但其林地生产力远未达其生长潜力.前人在该树种上的研究表明, 高效灌溉能显著提高其林分生长(
... 三倍体毛白杨(triploid Populus tomentosa)作为我国速生丰产林建设的重要树种, 在华北地区广泛栽培, 但其林地生产力远未达其生长潜力.前人在该树种上的研究表明, 高效灌溉能显著提高其林分生长(
微灌在中国: 历史、现状和未来
... 在干旱、半干旱和季节性干旱地区, 水分是杨树(Populus spp.)生长的重要限制因子, 因此灌溉被广泛用于提高杨树人工林的生产力(
微灌在中国: 历史、现状和未来
... 在干旱、半干旱和季节性干旱地区, 水分是杨树(Populus spp.)生长的重要限制因子, 因此灌溉被广泛用于提高杨树人工林的生产力(
Use of psychrometers in field measurements of plant material: Accuracy and handling difficulties
... 水势是植物重要的水分生理参数, 可用于确定植物的受旱程度和抗旱能力, 也可作为指导灌溉的生理指标, 因此被广泛应用于植物水分关系研究(
Evaluating the usefulness of continuous leaf turgor pressure measurements for the assessment of persimmon tree water status
... 植物叶片水势的实时连续测定存在诸多困难.近年来, 一种能精确表征植物水分状况的非侵入式磁性膜片钳压力探针(ZIM-探针)的出现使该问题的解决成为可能.ZIM-探针因具有不破坏叶片组织、测定精度高、能实时连续监测、操作简单等优点在植物水分关系研究中逐渐得到应用(
... )树体的水分胁迫程度, 且可用于指导灌溉;
... 二年生毛白杨在受到水分胁迫时, 其Pp曲线的形状与土壤水分充足条件下有明显差异, 说明Pp可以用来指示树体水分状况.近些年来Pp研究的热点集中在通过Pp曲线的反转程度来判定植物受水分胁迫的程度, 以此指导干旱半干旱地区的灌溉.
Effect of potassium on the water potential, the pressure potential, the osmotic potential and cell elongation in leaves of Phaseolus vulgaris
... 水势是植物重要的水分生理参数, 可用于确定植物的受旱程度和抗旱能力, 也可作为指导灌溉的生理指标, 因此被广泛应用于植物水分关系研究(
Midday stem water potential as a useful tool for estimating irrigation requirements in olive trees
... 水势是植物重要的水分生理参数, 可用于确定植物的受旱程度和抗旱能力, 也可作为指导灌溉的生理指标, 因此被广泛应用于植物水分关系研究(
Effects of sodium chloride on water potential components, hydraulic conductivity, gas exchange and leaf ultrastructure of Arbutus unedo plants
... 水势是植物重要的水分生理参数, 可用于确定植物的受旱程度和抗旱能力, 也可作为指导灌溉的生理指标, 因此被广泛应用于植物水分关系研究(
Scheduling regulated deficit irrigation in a hedgerow olive orchard from leaf turgor pressure related measurements
... 植物叶片水势的实时连续测定存在诸多困难.近年来, 一种能精确表征植物水分状况的非侵入式磁性膜片钳压力探针(ZIM-探针)的出现使该问题的解决成为可能.ZIM-探针因具有不破坏叶片组织、测定精度高、能实时连续监测、操作简单等优点在植物水分关系研究中逐渐得到应用(
... 二年生毛白杨在受到水分胁迫时, 其Pp曲线的形状与土壤水分充足条件下有明显差异, 说明Pp可以用来指示树体水分状况.近些年来Pp研究的热点集中在通过Pp曲线的反转程度来判定植物受水分胁迫的程度, 以此指导干旱半干旱地区的灌溉.
Rice leaf growth and water potential are resilient to evaporative demand and soil water deficit once the effects of root system are neutralized
... 水势是植物重要的水分生理参数, 可用于确定植物的受旱程度和抗旱能力, 也可作为指导灌溉的生理指标, 因此被广泛应用于植物水分关系研究(
Concomitant measurements of stem sap flow and leaf turgor pressure in olive trees using the leaf patch clamp pressure probe
... 植物叶片水势的实时连续测定存在诸多困难.近年来, 一种能精确表征植物水分状况的非侵入式磁性膜片钳压力探针(ZIM-探针)的出现使该问题的解决成为可能.ZIM-探针因具有不破坏叶片组织、测定精度高、能实时连续监测、操作简单等优点在植物水分关系研究中逐渐得到应用(
... 二年生毛白杨在受到水分胁迫时, 其Pp曲线的形状与土壤水分充足条件下有明显差异, 说明Pp可以用来指示树体水分状况.近些年来Pp研究的热点集中在通过Pp曲线的反转程度来判定植物受水分胁迫的程度, 以此指导干旱半干旱地区的灌溉.
Remote monitoring of leaf turgor pressure of grapevines subjected to different irrigation treatments using the leaf patch clamp pressure probe
... 水分充足条件下(FI处理), 毛白杨叶片Pp日变化呈现“昼高夜低”的单峰型曲线, 且晴天峰值宽度大于阴天.Pp日变化与Ta呈正相关, 而与RH的变化呈负相关关系,
Xylem sap flow and drought stress of Fraxinus excelsior saplings
... 不同环境因子对ΔPp的影响程度不同, 且这种影响主要出现在短时间尺度上(
... 水势是植物重要的水分生理参数, 可用于确定植物的受旱程度和抗旱能力, 也可作为指导灌溉的生理指标, 因此被广泛应用于植物水分关系研究(
... 水势是植物重要的水分生理参数, 可用于确定植物的受旱程度和抗旱能力, 也可作为指导灌溉的生理指标, 因此被广泛应用于植物水分关系研究(
... 水势是植物重要的水分生理参数, 可用于确定植物的受旱程度和抗旱能力, 也可作为指导灌溉的生理指标, 因此被广泛应用于植物水分关系研究(
... 水势是植物重要的水分生理参数, 可用于确定植物的受旱程度和抗旱能力, 也可作为指导灌溉的生理指标, 因此被广泛应用于植物水分关系研究(
A non-invasive probe for online monitoring of turgor pressure changes under field conditions
... 植物叶片水势的实时连续测定存在诸多困难.近年来, 一种能精确表征植物水分状况的非侵入式磁性膜片钳压力探针(ZIM-探针)的出现使该问题的解决成为可能.ZIM-探针因具有不破坏叶片组织、测定精度高、能实时连续监测、操作简单等优点在植物水分关系研究中逐渐得到应用(
... 在各处理试验小区20株试验树中共选择3株平均胸径约为5.2 cm的样树(FI处理选择2株样树, CK处理选择1株), 每株样树选择3片位于冠层中上部靠近内部(避免阳光直射)的健康、成熟、大小一致的叶片, 将ZIM-探针(YARA ZIM Plant Technology GmbH, Hennigsdorf, Germany)安置在叶片上(避开叶脉), 探针初始输出压力值Pp设定在10-25 kPa之间, 无线数据接收器固定在树干的合适位置(
... 水分充足条件下(FI处理), 毛白杨叶片Pp日变化呈现“昼高夜低”的单峰型曲线, 且晴天峰值宽度大于阴天.Pp日变化与Ta呈正相关, 而与RH的变化呈负相关关系,
Modeling growth response to soil water availability simulated by HYDRUS for a mature triploid Populus tomentosa plantation located on the North China Plain
... 在干旱、半干旱和季节性干旱地区, 水分是杨树(Populus spp.)生长的重要限制因子, 因此灌溉被广泛用于提高杨树人工林的生产力(
... 三倍体毛白杨(triploid Populus tomentosa)作为我国速生丰产林建设的重要树种, 在华北地区广泛栽培, 但其林地生产力远未达其生长潜力.前人在该树种上的研究表明, 高效灌溉能显著提高其林分生长(
... 试验设置充分灌溉(FI)和控水灌溉(CK)两个处理, 灌溉方式均为地表滴灌.2016年4月4日试验开始前, 两个处理均进行一次充分灌水; 之后, 在FI处理中, 根据毛白杨生长与土壤水分有效性间的定量关系(
Modeling stand water use response to soil water availability and groundwater level for a mature Populus tomentosa plantation located on the North China Plain
... 三倍体毛白杨(triploid Populus tomentosa)作为我国速生丰产林建设的重要树种, 在华北地区广泛栽培, 但其林地生产力远未达其生长潜力.前人在该树种上的研究表明, 高效灌溉能显著提高其林分生长(
... 三倍体毛白杨(triploid Populus tomentosa)作为我国速生丰产林建设的重要树种, 在华北地区广泛栽培, 但其林地生产力远未达其生长潜力.前人在该树种上的研究表明, 高效灌溉能显著提高其林分生长(
... 三倍体毛白杨(triploid Populus tomentosa)作为我国速生丰产林建设的重要树种, 在华北地区广泛栽培, 但其林地生产力远未达其生长潜力.前人在该树种上的研究表明, 高效灌溉能显著提高其林分生长(
Characteristics of fine root system and water uptake in a triploid Populus tomentosa plantation in the North China Plain: Implications for irrigation water management
... 三倍体毛白杨(triploid Populus tomentosa)作为我国速生丰产林建设的重要树种, 在华北地区广泛栽培, 但其林地生产力远未达其生长潜力.前人在该树种上的研究表明, 高效灌溉能显著提高其林分生长(
Response of sap flow to flooding in plantations of irrigated and non-irrigated triploid poplar
... 三倍体毛白杨(triploid Populus tomentosa)作为我国速生丰产林建设的重要树种, 在华北地区广泛栽培, 但其林地生产力远未达其生长潜力.前人在该树种上的研究表明, 高效灌溉能显著提高其林分生长(
... 不同环境因子对ΔPp的影响程度不同, 且这种影响主要出现在短时间尺度上(
... 不同环境因子对ΔPp的影响程度不同, 且这种影响主要出现在短时间尺度上(
... 水势是植物重要的水分生理参数, 可用于确定植物的受旱程度和抗旱能力, 也可作为指导灌溉的生理指标, 因此被广泛应用于植物水分关系研究(
... 水势是植物重要的水分生理参数, 可用于确定植物的受旱程度和抗旱能力, 也可作为指导灌溉的生理指标, 因此被广泛应用于植物水分关系研究(
A novel, non-invasive, online-monitoring, versatile and easy plant-based probe for measuring leaf water status
... 植物叶片水势的实时连续测定存在诸多困难.近年来, 一种能精确表征植物水分状况的非侵入式磁性膜片钳压力探针(ZIM-探针)的出现使该问题的解决成为可能.ZIM-探针因具有不破坏叶片组织、测定精度高、能实时连续监测、操作简单等优点在植物水分关系研究中逐渐得到应用(
... 在各处理试验小区20株试验树中共选择3株平均胸径约为5.2 cm的样树(FI处理选择2株样树, CK处理选择1株), 每株样树选择3片位于冠层中上部靠近内部(避免阳光直射)的健康、成熟、大小一致的叶片, 将ZIM-探针(YARA ZIM Plant Technology GmbH, Hennigsdorf, Germany)安置在叶片上(避开叶脉), 探针初始输出压力值Pp设定在10-25 kPa之间, 无线数据接收器固定在树干的合适位置(
... 水分充足条件下(FI处理), 毛白杨叶片Pp日变化呈现“昼高夜低”的单峰型曲线, 且晴天峰值宽度大于阴天.Pp日变化与Ta呈正相关, 而与RH的变化呈负相关关系,
A non-invasive plant-based probe for continuous monitoring of water stress in real time: A new tool for irrigation scheduling and deeper insight into drought and salinity stress physiology
... 植物叶片水势的实时连续测定存在诸多困难.近年来, 一种能精确表征植物水分状况的非侵入式磁性膜片钳压力探针(ZIM-探针)的出现使该问题的解决成为可能.ZIM-探针因具有不破坏叶片组织、测定精度高、能实时连续监测、操作简单等优点在植物水分关系研究中逐渐得到应用(
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