Effects of Spartina alterniflora invasion on soil organic carbon composition of mangrove wetland in Zhangjiang River Estuary
SUN Hui-Min1, JIANG Jiang![](https://www.plant-ecology.com/richhtml/1005-264X/richHtml_jats1_1/images/REemail.gif)
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孙慧敏, 姜姜, 崔莉娜, 张水锋, 张金池. 互花米草入侵对漳江口红树林湿地土壤有机碳官能团特征的影响. 植物生态学报, 2018, 42(7): 774-784 doi:10.17521/cjpe.2018.0104
SUN Hui-Min, JIANG Jiang, CUI Li-Na, ZHANG Shui-Feng, ZHANG Jin-Chi.
滨海湿地生态系统的碳汇过程是近10多年“蓝碳”研究的热点问题(Cai, 2011; Mcleod et al., 2011; Doughty et al., 2016; 周晨昊等, 2016)。作为“蓝碳”的重要组成部分, 海岸带的红树林、海草床和盐沼储存大量的碳, 具有极高的固碳效率。红树林生态系统是生产力最高的森林生态系统, 生长于热带到亚热带之间的海陆交界处, 有很强的固碳能力以及与周边海域的碳交换能力, 其有机碳储量对全球碳平衡有重要影响(Bouillon et al., 2008; Alongi, 2014)。然而自1979年互花米草(Spartina alterniflora)引种到我国滨海湿地之后, 同时由于城市建设以及人为干扰, 红树林湿地面积不断缩减, 其生态服务功能受到严重干扰, 土壤碳库组成发生显著变化(张莉等, 2013; 廖宝文和张乔民, 2014)。湿地土壤碳库与植被覆盖类型以及生态系统的生物量有很强的相关性(Ouyang et al., 2016), 植物入侵主要通过改变生物量以及土壤碳库和氮库来影响生态系统物质循环过程(Ehrenfeld, 2010)。关于互花米草入侵滨海湿地的研究近年来成为热点, 不少****将互花米草与本地生态系统的固碳能力以及入侵前后生态系统碳储量的大小作比较。如张旭辉等(2008)的研究结果表明, 在互花米草入侵红树林生态系统30年后, 红树林生态系统土壤碳库减少0.4-0.8 t·km-2, 土壤固碳能力下降; 有研究发现, 在江苏盐城采集互花米草光滩0-20 cm表层土, 选择入侵1年、3年、5年与12年样地测定土壤有机碳组分以及分布, 发现互花米草的入侵可以显著改变土壤有机碳组分(王刚等, 2013)。这些研究都集中突出土壤碳库的变化, 且大部分研究主要是针对0-20 cm的表层土壤, 关于0-100 cm深度土壤碳库的变化鲜有报道。而表层土与深层土在物理、化学性质上有很大差异, 碳的动态循环过程以及对外界环境的响应也有不同的机制, 土壤剖面上由表层到深层的差异性不可忽略(Fontaine et al., 2007; Rumpel & K?gel-Knabner, 2011)。虽然表层土壤有机碳含量更高, 但是大量的有机碳储存在深层土壤中, 深层土壤的有机碳储存机制尚未得到清晰的研究(Wang et al., 2004)。因此研究深层土壤剖面上的有机碳组分及结构变化对了解土壤固碳机制有重要意义。
土壤有机碳库是全球最大的碳库(Fontaine et al., 2007; Schmidt et al., 2011)。有机碳库的分解、转化以及储存可以影响大气中的碳浓度进而影响全球气候变暖进程, 其转化及稳定过程一直是土壤学研究的核心内容(Albaladejo et al., 2013)。目前土壤有机碳稳定机制理论认为有机碳的固定机制主要包括物理、化学和生物稳定机制(Sollins et al., 1996; 刘满强等, 2007)。到目前为止, 关于互花米草与红树林群落的土壤碳库稳定机制的研究较为缺乏, 较少有研究通过土壤有机碳官能团含量及结构去揭示其化学稳定机制。土壤有机碳是由不同的官能团组成的(李婷等, 2011)。官能团是指决定化合物化学特性的原子或原子团(Mikutta et al., 2006)。不同的官能团含量在不同环境下的土壤中差异较大, 植物在分解与腐殖化过程中, 土壤有机碳官能团组成也呈现动态变化, 官能团组成特征与土壤有机碳的分解密切相关(Li et al., 2015), 因此其结构特征在某种程度上可以揭示植被更替过程中土壤碳库稳定性以及性质变化规律, 同时揭示土壤有机碳化学稳定机制。关于入侵种互花米草对滨海红树林生态系统影响的研究, 在土壤碳库变化以及垂直分布等方面已有大量文献(王刚等, 2013; 白静等, 2017), 然而对于互花米草以及红树林群落的土壤官能团特征还未见报道。
综上所述, 红树林作为一种特殊的海岸带湿地生态系统, 处于海陆交界处, 是全球气候变化的敏感区域, 对指示气候变化有重要作用, 因此了解互花米草入侵后红树林生态系统土壤碳库变化及有机碳官能团特征变化, 对评价互花米草入侵红树林生态系统的效应以及了解沿海湿地碳储量和碳汇能力有着重要的意义。本研究以福建漳江口红树林自然保护区作为研究区域, 采用空间换时间的方法对红树林-互花米草生态交错区不同群落的土壤进行官能团结构特征分析, 以了解互花米草入侵后土壤碳组分及结构变化, 分析互花米草入侵对土壤生物地球化学循环过程的影响, 以期为科学掌握互花米草入侵对红树林土壤有机碳库的影响提供理论依据。
1 材料和方法
1.1 研究区概况
研究区域处于福建省漳州市云霄县漳江口国家级红树林自然保护区内(23.90°-23.93° N, 117.40°- 117.50° E), 保护区位于漳江入海口, 属亚热带海洋性季风气候, 年平均气温21.2 ℃, 最高气温38.1 ℃, 最低气温0.2 ℃。最热月份在7-9月; 年降水量1 714.5 mm, 降水主要集中在4-9月。样地内有蜡烛果(Aegiceras corniculatum)林等13个群系, 优势红树植物为秋茄(Kandelia obovata)、海榄雌(Avicennia marina)、木榄(Bruguiera gymnorrhiza), 冠层高度为3-5 m。保护区内湿地资源丰富, 生态环境典型且具代表性。1.2 样品采集
2017年7月在漳江口国家级红树林湿地自然保护区内由海向陆选取未受入侵的红树林群落(MC), 秋茄-互花米草过渡带(TC)以及全被互花米草占据的互花米草群落(SC)共3条样带T1、T2、T3 (图1), 每条样带选取以上3个类型样地, 每个样地选取3个采样点(呈品字形分布, 每两个采样点之间相距5-10 m), 用1 m深土钻分层取5层样品(0-15、15-30、30-50、50-75、75-100 cm)放入自封袋保存。图1
图1研究区域位置及采样点分布。MC, 红树林群落; SC, 互花米草群落; TC, 秋茄-互花米草过渡带。
Fig. 1The location of study area and sampling sites. MC, mangrove community; SC, Spartina alterniflora community; TC, Kandelia obovata-S. alterniflora transitional community.
1.3 研究方法
“空间换时间”是一种比较常见的研究种群更替以及群落生态的手段, 在研究植被入侵、群落更替等方面得到了广泛使用。尽管这种方法不可避免会因为空间上选择的不同样地存在其他非可控的差异性, 但目前在海陆交错带的研究中“空间换时间”仍然是比较流行的研究方法。海陆交错带总体上存在海陆相对位置的差异, 但在样地尺度上由于当地地形地貌的影响, 海陆位置带来的影响往往较小。本文由陆向海选取MC-TC-SC样带, 拟通过不同的植被覆盖类型去模拟不同的入侵状态, 揭示互花米草入侵对红树林生态系统土壤碳库的影响。1.4 试验方法
(1)土壤理化性质测定 土壤pH值采用pH计(PHS-3D, 雷磁, 上海)测定(水土体积质量比5:1), 土壤有机碳、颗粒有机碳用元素分析仪(Vario MACRO cube, Elementar, Langenselbold, Germany)测定, 土壤可溶性有机碳用总有机碳分析仪(TOC-L CPH/CPN, Shimadzu, Kyoto, Japan)测定。(2)土壤无机碳的去除 称取1 g土壤置于洗净的50 mL烧杯中, 加入5 mL 1 mol·L-1的HCl溶液, 待土壤溶液无反应后将烧杯置于105 ℃的电热板上加热溶液至近干, 然后将烧杯放入105 ℃烘箱中烘干至恒质量。研细后干燥环境下保存, 用元素分析仪测定其有机碳含量。
(3)可溶性有机碳 (DOC)的测定 称取土样5 g, 按水土体积质量比5:1加蒸馏水, 振荡机振荡30 min (200 r·min-1), 离心20 min (4 000 r·min-1), 并用0.45 μm滤膜抽气过滤。土壤提取液中DOC采用总有机碳分析仪(TOC-L CPH/CPN)测定。
(4)颗粒物有机碳(POC)的测定 取过2 mm筛的风干土10 g, 放入150 mL三角瓶中, 加入5 g·L-1的六偏磷酸钠50 mL, 恒温振荡器振荡18 h (90 r·min-1), 将上部悬浮液过53 μm滤膜, 并用蒸馏水反复冲洗, 直到冲下的水清澈。滤膜上的物质即为POC。然后于烘箱中60 ℃恒温下烘至恒质量, 称量并计算其在土壤中的含量。分离出的颗粒有机碳干物质用元素分析仪测定其有机碳含量, POC含量(g·kg-1) =颗粒物中SOC含量(g·kg-1) ×颗粒物占土壤的百分比。
(5)本研究中土壤有机碳官能团结构分析采用核磁共振(NMR)波谱法, 该方法不仅能进行定性分析, 而且可以对样品进行定量分析, 并且适应性较强, 因此样品的前期处理操作相对简单, 谱图能提供比较全面的土壤有机碳官能团结构信息(王俊美等, 2008)。图谱中不同波峰对应不同的碳官能团结构, 图谱积分面积转化为百分比后可以表示不同碳组分在土壤有机质中的相对含量(李国栋等, 2010)。
核磁共振土壤样品的预处理 为了去除样品中金属离子的干扰, 提高核磁共振测定结果的精确度, 土壤样品在进行核磁共振分析前先用HF去除金属离子干扰。 具体实验步骤如下: 称取6 g (等量混合3个采样点)土壤样品置于100 mL离心管中, 加入50 mL HF (10%, V/V)溶液, 摇床振荡1 h (25 ℃, 160 r·min-1)后, 置于离心机3 000 r·min-1离心10 min, 倒出上清液, 残留物继续用HF溶液处理。以上步骤共重复8次, 摇床时间依次设置为: 第1-4次1 h, 第5-7次12 h, 第8次24 h。上述处理完成后离心管内剩余的残留物用蒸馏水清洗以除去其中残留的HF溶液, 操作如下: 离心管内加50 mL蒸馏水, 振荡10 min, 离心10 min (3 000 r·min-1), 倒出上清液后继续重复此步骤4次。最后离心管内的剩余残留物在40 ℃的烘箱中烘干, 过60目筛后干燥环境下保存待测。处理后的样品用固体核磁共振仪(AVANCE III 600 MHz, Bruker Instrument, Billerica, USA)进行测定。测试参数: 光谱频率75.5 MHz、旋转频率5 000 Hz、接触时间2 ms、循环延迟时间2.5 s。
1.5 数据分析
用SPSS 17.0对实验数据进行单因素方差分析和相关性分析, 选择单因素方差分析进行显著性检验。用Origin 9.0作图。2 结果和分析
2.1 不同植被覆盖下土壤TOC含量差异
由图2可知, 3种植被类型土壤TOC含量随土层深度的增加显著减少(表1), 在同一土层, 土壤TOC含量表现为MC > TC > SC。SC的TOC含量显著低于其他两个植被类型。MC各土层之间差异较大, 最大值为18.09 g·kg-1在0-15 cm处, 最小值为9.01 g·kg-1 在75-100 cm处。SC各土层之间差异较小, 最大值为表层土的2.33 g·kg-1, 最小值为75-100 cm的1.43 g·kg-1。图2
图2各土层土壤有机碳(TOC)含量(平均值±标准偏差)。不同大写字母表示同一植被类型不同土层间差异显著, 不同小写字母表示同一土层不同植被类型间显著差异(p < 0.05)。MC, 红树林群落; SC, 互花米草群落; TC, 秋茄-互花米草过渡带。
Fig. 2Total organic carbon (TOC) content at different soil depths (mean ± SD). Different capital letters indicate significant differences in different soil layers of the same vegetation type (p < 0.05); and different lowercase letters indicate significant differences in different vegetation types of the same soil layer (p < 0.05). MC, mangrove community; SC, Spartina alterniflora community; TC, Kandelia obovata-S. alterniflora transitional community.
Table 1
Table 1
效应 Source of effects | 平方和 Sum of squares (SS) | 自由度 d.f. | 均方 Mean square (MS) | F | p |
土层深度 Soil depth | 853.659 | 4 | 213.415 | 34.747 | <0.001 |
植被类型 Vegetation type | 521.694 | 2 | 260.847 | 42.470 | <0.001 |
土层深度×植被类型 Soil depth × Vegetation type | 136.912 | 8 | 17.114 | 2.786 | 0.008 |
2.2 不同植被覆盖下土壤POC含量差异
由图3可知, 随土层变深, 3种植被类型POC含量显著减少(表2), 除SC在15-30 cm到30-50 cm处稍有增加。在同一土层, POC含量表现为MC > TC > SC, SC的POC含量始终显著低于MC, 在50-75 cm土层SC稍高于TC。各植被类型POC含量随土层变化差异较大。图3
图3各土层土壤颗粒有机碳(POC)含量(平均值±标准偏差)。不同大写字母表示同一植被类型不同土层间差异显著, 不同小写字母表示同一土层不同植被类型间显著差异(p < 0.05)。MC, 红树林群落; SC, 互花米草群落; TC, 秋茄-互花米草过渡带。
Fig. 3Particulate organic carbon (POC) content at different soil depths (mean ± SD). Different capital letters indicate significant differences in different soil layers of the same vegetation type (p < 0.05); and different lowercase letters indicate significant differences in different vegetation types of the same soil layer (p < 0.05). MC, mangrove community; SC, Spartina alterniflora community; TC, Kandelia obovata-S. alterniflora transitional community.
Table 2
Table 2
效应 Source of effects | 平方和 Sum of squares (SS) | 自由度 d.f. | 均方 Mean square (MS) | F | p |
土层深度 Soil depth | 961.322 | 4 | 240.330 | 525.104 | <0.001 |
植被类型 Vegetation type | 440.351 | 3 | 146.784 | 320.711 | <0.001 |
土层深度×植被类型 Soil depth × Vegetation type | 118.343 | 8 | 14.793 | 32.321 | <0.001 |
2.3 不同植被覆盖下土壤DOC含量差异
土壤溶解性有机碳是指能溶解于水, 并且能通过0.45 μm滤膜的含碳有机物, 有已被微生物分解的特性, 是土壤中微生物可直接利用的一种土壤碳源(卫东等, 2011)。由图4可知, 随着土层深度的变化, MC与SC的DOC含量均没有表现出明显的变化趋势, TC有减少趋势, 各土层间DOC含量差异较大(表3), 在75-100 cm处稍有增加。在同一土层, 除30-50 cm处, 其他土层都表现出SC显著低于MC。图4
图4各土层土壤溶解有机碳(DOC)含量(平均值±标准偏差)。不同大写字母表示同一植被类型不同土层间差异显著, 不同小写字母表示同一土层不同植被类型间显著差异(p < 0.05)。MC, 红树林群落; SC, 互花米草群落; TC, 秋茄-互花米草过渡带。
Fig. 4Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) content at different soil depths (mean ± SD). Different capital letters indicate significant differences in different soil layers of the same vegetation type (p < 0.05); and different lowercase letters indicate significant differences in different vegetation types of the same soil layer (p < 0.05). MC, mangrove community; SC, Spartina alterniflora community; TC, Kandelia obovata-S. alterniflora transitional community.
Table 3
Table 3
效应 Source of effects | 平方和 Sum of squares (SS) | 自由度 d.f. | 均方 Mean square (MS) | F | p |
土层深度 Soil depth | 19 929.215 | 4 | 4 982.304 | 13.063 | <0.001 |
植被类型 Vegetation type | 24 698.588 | 2 | 12 349.294 | 32.379 | <0.001 |
土层深度×植被类型 Soil depth × Vegetation type | 19 651.572 | 8 | 2 456.446 | 6.441 | <0.001 |
2.4 不同植被覆盖下土壤NMR波谱变化
土壤有机碳固态NMR碳谱主要可划分为以下7个共振区域(Mathers et al., 2002), 烷基碳(0- 45 mg·kg-1)、N-烷氧碳(45-60 mg·kg-1)、烷氧碳(60-90 mg·kg-1)、缩醛碳(90-110 mg·kg-1)、芳香碳(110-145 mg·kg-1)、酚基碳(145-165 mg·kg-1)和羰基碳(165-210 mg·kg-1)。根据现有的文献(Biederbeck et al., 1994; Mathers et al., 2002; Chen et al., 2004; 薛菁芳等, 2007)所述, 在烷基碳共振区内, 可在21-22、25-26、31、33和43-44 mg·kg-1等处观察到吸收峰, 其中30 mg·kg-1处的吸收峰最明显; 烷氧碳共振区内50-60 mg·kg-1处的吸收峰为甲氧基碳, 60-110 mg·kg-1处的吸收峰为碳水化合物碳; 芳香碳区内, 110-145 mg·kg-1处的吸收峰是芳香碳, 145-160 mg·kg-1处的吸收峰为酚基碳; 羰基碳区内, 172-174 mg·kg-1处的吸收峰为羧基、酰胺和脂碳。不同植物群落表层土壤(0-15 cm)与深层土壤(75-100 cm)有机碳化学组分的化学位移见图5。0-15 cm的表层土从MC到SC, 吸收峰最明显的区域由60-90 mg·kg-1转移到0-45 mg·kg-1, 即有机碳组成由以烷氧碳为主转变为以烷基碳为主。90- 110 mg·kg-1范围内吸收峰趋于平缓, 即缩醛碳含量逐渐减少。75-100 cm的深层土有机碳含量最高的组分为烷基碳, 其次为烷氧碳与芳香碳, 3种植被类型下的深层土有机碳组分变化差异很小, 碳组分组成稳定, 说明深层土壤碳库稳定, 没有大程度受到植被变化的干扰。在3种植被类型下, 表层土与深层土吸收峰最明显的区域集中在0-45、60-90、110-145和165-210 mg·kg-1 4个共振区域, 即有机碳含量最高的组分中包含烷基碳、烷氧碳、芳香碳以及羰基碳。
Fig. 5Nuclear magnetic resonance spectra of three vegetation types at different soil depths. T1, T2 and T3 are three transect lines of S. alterniflora community, transitional community and mangrove community, respectively.
2.5 不同植被类型土壤有机碳组成结构特征分析
3种植被类型下土壤中的有机碳形态都以烷基碳与烷氧碳为主(表4), N-烷氧碳与酚基碳含量最少。在0-15 cm土层, 从MC到SC, 烷基碳与烷氧碳呈现增加趋势, 但并无显著差异, 芳香碳与酚基碳显著减少, 其余有机碳组分无显著差异。在75- 100 cm土层, 随着植被类型的变化, 土壤有机碳组成结构统一表现为无显著差异, 说明深层土壤有机碳组成结构趋于稳定, 不易受植被干扰。Table 4
Table 4
土壤深度 Soil depth | 植被类型 Vegetation type | 烷基碳 Alkyl C | N-烷氧碳 N-alkyl C | 烷氧碳 O-alkyl C | 缩醛碳 di-O-alkyl C | 芳香碳 Aromatic C | 酚基碳 Phenolic C | 羰基碳 Carbonyl C | 烷基碳/ 烷氧碳 A/O-A | 芳香度 Aromaticity | 疏水碳/亲水碳 Hydrophobic/ hydrophilic C | 脂族碳/芳香碳 Aliphatic/ aromatic C |
0-15 cm | MC | 0.199 6ab | 0.072 9a | 0.216 5a | 0.108 0ab | 0.172 3a | 0.091 1a | 0.139 7a | 0.503 0ab | 0.3065 a | 0.862 9a | 2.269 7a |
0-15 cm | TC | 0.157 2a | 0.080 0a | 0.260 0a | 0.118 5a | 0.185 8b | 0.084 1a | 0.114 3a | 0.343 6a | 0.304 8a | 0.746 0a | 2.281 8a |
0-15 cm | SC | 0.240 3b | 0.083 7a | 0.234 9a | 0.095 8b | 0.157 5c | 0.065 6b | 0.122 3a | 0.602 6b | 0.254 7b | 0.867 3a | 2.941 0b |
75-100 cm | MC | 0.234 6a | 0.076 5a | 0.228 9a | 0.085 3a | 0.156 9a | 0.068 0a | 0.149 8a | 0.628 2a | 0.264 1a | 0.855 8a | 2.892 9a |
75-100 cm | TC | 0.270 4a | 0.088 7a | 0.213 7a | 0.077 9a | 0.150 0a | 0.061 3a | 0.138 1a | 0.710 4a | 0.246 0a | 0.930 2a | 3.161 2a |
75-100 cm | SC | 0.216 9a | 0.078 3a | 0.220 2a | 0.082 2a | 0.170 9a | 0.071 4a | 0.160 0a | 0.584 7a | 0.288 6a | 0.854 6a | 2.502 5a |
烷基C0-45/烷氧C45-100比值反映了物质烷基化程度的高低。在0-15 cm土层, 烷基C0-45/烷氧C45-100比值表现为SC > MC > TC, 但MC与SC之间差异不显著, 反而过渡带烷基化程度最低, 反映出未完全分解的可能性; 在75-100 cm土层, 各群落类型间无显著差异。
芳香度(C110-165/C0-165×100%), 在0-15 cm土层, 芳香度表现为SC最小, MC与TC无显著差异; 在75-100 cm土层, 芳香度在各植被类型下均无显著差异。
烷基碳+芳香基碳为疏水碳, 烷氧碳+羰基碳为亲水碳, 疏水C/亲水C = (C0-45 + C110-165)/(C45-110 + C165-210)。在表层与深层土中, 疏水碳和亲水碳的比值均没有表现出显著差异, SC与MC比值差别甚微。
脂族C0-110/芳香C110-165, 在0-15cm土层, 该比值表现为SC > TC > MC, SC显著大于其他两种植被类型, MC与TC无显著差异; 在75-100 cm土层, 各比值无显著差异。
3 讨论
3.1 不同植被类型下土壤有机碳差异
互花米草群落进入盐沼湿地之后, 会逐渐替代本土植物盐地碱蓬(Suaeda salsa)然后形成以互花米草为优势群落的湿地生态系统, 表层土壤有机碳含量显著增加达70%, 且随着入侵时长而明显增加(张耀鸿等, 2011)。因此, 互花米草的入侵可能会加速沿海湿地生态系统的碳积累过程。然而, 有研究表明在互花米草入侵红树林群落长达40年后, 土壤碳密度减少40 t C·hm-2, 且由于互花米草生物量显著低于红树林, 因此互花米草入侵红树林后可能会加快红树林生态系统碳汇过程的衰退(Kelleway et al., 2015)。本研究中土壤TOC含量随土层深度逐层递减, 在同一土层, 土壤TOC含量表现为MC > TC > SC, 与白静等(2017)在闽东滨海湿地红树林的研究结果一致。SC的TOC含量显著低于其他两个植被类型。各土层之间TOC含量差异显著。
颗粒有机碳(粒径在53-2 000 μm之间), 通常被定义为易被微生物分解的有机碳组分, 其属于植物枯枝落叶转变为土壤腐殖质过程的中间产物, 在某种程度上可以用来表征土壤碳库含量, 在土壤有机碳积累以及周转中发挥着至关重要的作用。在气候、地形等环境因素相似的条件下, 枯落物是土壤有机碳的主要来源。不同森林类型的物种组成不同, 就直接导致了其枯落物的种类以及数量也不同, 与此同时也影响了土壤微生物群落的环境与分解效率(Wynn et al., 2006; 杨万勤等, 2007)。而POC由分解过程中的植物残体和微生物构成, 因此不同植被类型直接影响颗粒有机碳的含量与分布(Tiessen & Stewart, 1983)。
本研究对不同植被覆盖下土壤POC的变化研究表明, 从MC到SC, 颗粒有机碳含量有明显的差异, 互花米草POC含量在各土层都显著低于红树林群落, 且差异较大, 除表层土互花米草POC含量稍高, 其余各土层含量都很低, 总体呈下降趋势, 与陈志杰等(2016)关于漳江口土地利用变化下有机碳组分研究中POC研究结果一致。MC与TC颗粒有机碳含量高于互花米草, 且随土层深度变化趋势明显, 红树林POC含量显著高于其他两种植被类型。
可溶性有机碳占总有机碳比例很小, 但由于其是土壤有机质中最活跃的碳组分, 很容易被微生物利用, 因此是有机质中至关重要的组分(李淑芬等, 2002)。DOC直接参与土壤生物化学转化过程, 对土壤微环境的变化十分敏感(Coleman et al., 2017), 由于其活跃性, 其对土壤的重要作用近年来逐渐成为全球碳循环的研究热点。溶解有机碳含量与土壤理化性质、地表植被覆盖类型以及土地利用方式乃至不同的提取方法等因素有密切关系, 随环境不同DOC含量差异很大。
本研究中DOC含量范围在209-279 mg·L-1之间, 与Linn和Doran (1984)认为在森林土壤中DOC含量一般不超过200 mg·L-1结论不一致, 可能是由于本研究中的森林生态系统是滨海湿地生态系统, 由于频繁的潮汐运动, 其与周边海域碳交换的能力较强, 另外红树林生态系统以及互花米草群落本身的固碳能力显著高于其他类型的森林生态系统, 淋溶作用以及分解的DOC含量也会高于其他类型森林生态系统。有研究对比了江苏盐城的互花米草与碱蓬(Suaeda glauca)、芦苇(Phragmites communis)的土壤有机碳组分, 发现互花米草对盐沼的入侵显著增加了水溶性有机碳(Yang et al., 2013)。有研究认为DOC含量随土层深度增加而下降, 土壤越深, DOC停留时间越长, 有效性越低(Gregorich et al., 1991)。本研究中随着土壤深度变化, 红树林群落与互花米草群落的可溶性有机碳含量均没有表现出明显的变化趋势, 过渡带有减少趋势, 在75-100 cm处稍有增加。在同一土层, 除30-50 cm处, 其他土层都表现出互花米草群落显著低于红树林群落, 可能是由于其地理位置特殊性, DOC很大程度上受到潮汐以及采样时间的影响。
3.2 不同植被类型下土壤有机碳官能团特征差异
Mathers和Xu (2003)的研究结果认为, 土壤有机碳中含量最高的组分为烷基碳; 杭子清等(2014)对盐城互花米草盐沼的研究结果表明土壤有机碳结构以烷氧碳和芳香碳为主, 芳香碳的平均比例最高; 从本研究结果来看, 3种植被类型下土壤中的有机碳形态都以烷基碳与烷氧碳为主, N-烷氧碳与酚基碳含量最少。不同的研究中有机碳结构所占比例差异较大, 与森林类型、植被种类以及环境因素等都有很密切的关系。在0-15 cm, 过渡带的有机碳结构除芳香碳外均和红树林群落没有显著差异, 可能是因为采样点更靠近红树林群落, 土壤有机碳积累更易受到红树林群落的影响, 其烷氧碳比例高于其他两种群落, 即稳定性低于红树林群落与互花米草群落, 土壤更易分解, 所以造成在0-15 cm过渡带颗粒有机碳含量显著低于红树林群落; 然而其烷基碳比例低于其他两种群落, 说明其有机碳分子结构更复杂, 造成总有机碳含量显著高于互花米草群落。烷基C0-45/烷氧C45-100比值可以表示物质烷基化程度的高低。一般认为, 烷基碳来自于微生物代谢产物和木栓质、角质等植物生物聚合物(Ussiri & Johnson, 2003; Dou et al., 2008)。烷氧碳则相对易于分解, 因此烷基碳/烷氧碳的比值可以反映土壤有机碳库分解程度的指标。在0-15 cm, 烷基C0-45/烷氧C45-100比值表现为SC > MC > TC, 这说明当植被从红树林变为互花米草后, 土壤有机碳库分解程度更高; 在75-100 cm, 比值无明显差异, 表示深层土壤有机碳库稳定。该结果与吴亚萍(2015)在江苏盐城互花米草盐沼得出的结论一致, 其结果认为, 互花米草凋落物烷基C0-45/烷氧C45-100比值最大, 分解水平高, 且盐沼发育时间较长、更靠近陆地的样地在一定时间内分解水平较低, 而发育时间短、更靠近海洋的互花米草样地分解程度更高。
芳香度(C110-165/C0-165×100%)值越大, 表明芳香核结构越多, 分子结构越复杂。在0-15 cm, 芳香度表现为SC最小, MC与TC无显著差异, 表明红树林在表层土壤中有机碳分子结构复杂, 腐殖质中芳香核结构更多, 也说明红树林群落的土壤有机碳库稳定性更强。在75-100 cm, 芳香度在各植被类型下表现为SC > MC > TC, 无显著差异。此结果表明互花米草入侵红树林可能会导致表层土壤有机碳稳定性降低, 分解程度提高, 不利于土壤有机碳的积累, 此结果与陈桂香等(2017)在沿海红树林湿地的研究结果一致。
烷基碳+芳香基碳为疏水碳, 烷氧碳+羰基碳为亲水碳, 疏水碳和亲水碳的比值能够反应土壤有机碳和团聚体结合的稳定性。疏水C/亲水C = (C0-45 + C110-165)/(C45-110 + C165-210), 其比值越大则说明由团聚体作用引起的有机碳稳定性越高(Spaccini et al., 2006)。在表层与深层土中, 疏水碳和亲水碳的比值均没有表现出显著差异。本研究两者比值范围在0.75-0.93之间, 说明红树林群落与互花米草群落有机碳稳定性较高, 与杭子清(2013)在盐城互花米草盐沼的研究结果范围一致。
脂族C0-110/芳香C110-165, 该比值越高表明腐殖质中芳香核结构越少、脂肪族侧链越多、缩合程度越低、分子结构越简单。在0-15 cm, 该比值表现为SC显著大于其他两种植被类型, MC与TC无显著差异。说明互花米草土壤有机碳分子结构更简单, 即当植被从红树林转变为互花米草后, 土壤有机碳库稳定性会减弱, 此结果与芳香度表现一致。在75-100 cm, 该比值在3种植被类型下无显著差异。在江苏盐城关于互花米草盐沼的研究结果表明, 互花米草群落随着发育时间的增长, 有机碳组分的分子结构变化有限, 建群5年的互花米草群落脂族C0-110/芳香C110-165比值低于建群1年、12年与23年, 差异不显著(杭子清, 2013)。
综上所述, 红树林群落的土壤碳储量显著高于互花米草群落, 说明互花米草入侵红树林群落后, 会显著降低生态系统碳储量; 在0-15 cm表层土壤, SC土壤有机碳分子结构简单, 分解程度更高, MC有机碳分子结构复杂, 有机碳库稳定性更强, 说明红树林被互花米草入侵之后, 土壤有机碳结构会更加简单, 加速分解, 分解程度更高; 在75-100 cm土壤有机碳组分结构在两群落类型间无显著差异, 说明深层土壤碳库稳定, 受植被变化影响较小。以上结果表明, 互花米草入侵红树林湿地在一定程度上减弱了土壤的固碳能力以及有机碳稳定性, 进而影响滨海红树林湿地土壤有机碳库的储存以及周转。本研究为互花米草入侵红树林湿地对有机碳稳定性的影响提供了数据支撑, 对研究互花米草与红树林的碳汇潜力有重要意义。
致谢 感谢南京林业大学现代分析测试中心杨世龙老师在核磁共振实验中的耐心帮助。
参考文献 原文顺序
DOI:10.1007/s11368-012-0617-7URL [本文引用: 1]
AbstractPurposeThe sensitivity of soil organic carbon to global change drivers, according to the depth profile, is receiving increasing attention because of its importance in the global carbon cycle and its potential feedback to climate change. A better knowledge of the vertical distribution of SOC and its controlling factors—the aim of this study—will help scientists predict the consequences of global change.Materials and methodsThe study area was the Murcia Province (S.E. Spain) under semiarid Mediterranean conditions. The database used consists of 312 soil profiles collected in a systematic grid, each 1202km covering a total area of 11,00402km. Statistical analysis to study the relationships between SOC concentration and control factors in different soil use scenarios was conducted at fixed depths of 0–20, 20–40, 40–60, and 60–10002cm.Results and discussionSOC concentration in the top 4002cm ranged between 6.1 and 31.502g65kg, with significant differences according to land use, soil type and lithology, while below this depth, no differences were observed (SOC concentration 2.1–6.802g65kg). The ANOVA showed that land use was the most important factor controlling SOC concentration in the 0–4002cm depth. Significant differences were found in the relative importance of environmental and textural factors according to land use and soil depth. In forestland, mean annual precipitation and texture were the main predictors of SOC, while in cropland and shrubland, the main predictors were mean annual temperature and lithology. Total SOC stored in the top 102m in the region was about 7902Tg with a low mean density of 7.1802kg65Cm. The vertical distribution of SOC was shallower in forestland and deeper in cropland. A reduction in rainfall would lead to SOC decrease in forestland and shrubland, and an increase of mean annual temperature would adversely affect SOC in croplands and shrubland. With increasing depth, the relative importance of climatic factors decreases and texture becomes more important in controlling SOC in all land uses.ConclusionsDue to climate change, impacts will be much greater in surface SOC, the strategies for C sequestration should be focused on subsoil sequestration, which was hindered in forestland due to bedrock limitations to soil depth. In these conditions, sequestration in cropland through appropriate management practices is recommended.
DOI:10.1146/annurev-marine-010213-135020URLPMID:24405426 [本文引用: 1]
Abstract Mangroves are ecologically and economically important forests of the tropics. They are highly productive ecosystems with rates of primary production equal to those of tropical humid evergreen forests and coral reefs. Although mangroves occupy only 0.5% of the global coastal area, they contribute 10-15% (24 Tg C y(-1)) to coastal sediment carbon storage and export 10-11% of the particulate terrestrial carbon to the ocean. Their disproportionate contribution to carbon sequestration is now perceived as a means for conservation and restoration and a way to help ameliorate greenhouse gas emissions. Of immediate concern are potential carbon losses to deforestation (90-970 Tg C y(-1)) that are greater than these ecosystems' rates of carbon storage. Large reservoirs of dissolved inorganic carbon in deep soils, pumped via subsurface pathways to adjacent waterways, are a large loss of carbon, at a potential rate up to 40% of annual primary production. Patterns of carbon allocation and rates of carbon flux in mangrove forests are nearly identical to those of other tropical forests.
DOI:10.13332/j.1000-1522.20160202URL [本文引用: 2]
DOI:10.13332/j.1000-1522.20160202URL [本文引用: 2]
DOI:10.1016/0038-0717(94)90317-4URL [本文引用: 1]
The dynamics of organic matter (OM) in prairie soils play an important role in long-term soil productivity and in the global carbon cycle. Temporal fluctuations in OM occur primarily in the readily-decomposable, labile fractions. We analyzed soils from a long-term study on a Brown Chernozem (Aridic Haploboroll) in southwestern Saskatchewan to determine the effect of cropping practices on OM content and composition under arid conditions. Soils (0617.5 and 7.5–15 cm layers) from various rotations of spring wheat ( Triticum aestivum L.), winter wheat, flax ( Linum usitatissimum L.), lentil ( Lens culinaris Medikus) and fallow were analyzed for organic C, total N and selected indicators of labile OM [light fraction(LF)-C, LF-N, mineralizable-C, mineralizable-N, microbial biomass(MB)-C and MB-N]. The indicators of labile OM were all more sensitive than total OM to agronomic variables. Treatment effects on all characteristics were usually similar in the 0617.5 and 7.5–15 cm layers, but effects in the surface layer were often more highly significant. Frequency of fallow in the rotation was the dominant factor influencing labile OM. For example, LF-C in the 0617.5 cm layer of well-fertilized continuously-cropped spring wheat, bare fallow-wheat-wheat and bare fallow-wheat was 3.15, 1.55 and 1.17 mg C kg 611 soil, respectively. The corresponding values for CO 2 -C mineralized at 21°C in 30 days were 371, 184 and 158 mg C kg 611 soil and those for cumulative net N mineralized in 16 weeks at 35°C were 126, 96 and 80 mg N kg 611 soil. MB-C and MB-N exhibited similar trends (e.g. MB-C was 368, 256 and 257 mg C kg 611 soil for the three treatments, respectively). Application of N fertilizer and substitution of winter wheat (with chemical fallow) for spring wheat (with tilled bare fallow) tended to increase labile OM, while substitution of flax or lentil for spring wheat had little effect or reduced labile OM. Differences in labile OM appeared to be related, not only to residue inputs, but also to moisture and temperature conditions. Our findings suggest that it may be possible to manipulate the timing of residue inputs and moisture through cropping practices and thereby maintain adequate labile OM concentrations and improve the synchrony of mineralization with crop requirements. Our results also imply that LF and mineralizable fractions may be useful as early indicators of OM change.
DOI:10.1029/2007GB003052URL [本文引用: 1]
Mangrove forests are highly productive but globally threatened coastal ecosystems, whose role in the carbon budget of the coastal zone has long been debated. Here we provide a comprehensive synthesis of the available data on carbon fluxes in mangrove ecosystems. A reassessment of global mangrove primary production from the literature results in a conservative estimate of 72 Tg C a When using the best available estimates of various carbon sinks (organic carbon export, sediment burial, and mineralization), it appears that >50% of the carbon fixed by mangrove vegetation is unaccounted for. This unaccounted carbon sink is conservatively estimated at 85 Tg C a equivalent in magnitude to 40% of the global riverine organic carbon input to the coastal zone. Our analysis suggests that mineralization is severely underestimated, and that the majority of carbon export from mangroves to adjacent waters occurs as dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC). CO2 efflux from sediments and creek waters and tidal export of DIC appear to be the major sinks. These processes are quantitatively comparable in magnitude to the unaccounted carbon sink in current budgets, but are not yet adequately constrained with the limited published data available so far.
DOI:10.1146/annurev-marine-120709-142723URLPMID:21329201 [本文引用: 1]
Estuaries are a major boundary in the land-ocean interaction zone where organic carbon (OC) and nutrients are being processed, resulting in a high water-to-air carbon dioxide (CO) flux ( 0.25 Pg C y). The continental shelves, however, take up CO(藴0.25 Pg C y) from the atmosphere, accounting for approximately 17% of open ocean COuptake (1.5 Pg C y). It is demonstrated here that COrelease in estuaries is largely supported by microbial decomposition of highly productive intertidal marsh biomass. It appears that riverine OC, however, would bypass the estuarine zone, because of short river-transit times, and contribute to carbon cycling in the ocean margins and interiors. Low-latitude ocean margins release CObecause they receive two-thirds of the terrestrial OC. Because of recent COincrease in the atmosphere, COreleases from low latitudes have become weaker and COuptake by mid- and high-latitude shelves has become stronger, thus leading to more dissolved inorganic carbon export to the ocean.
DOI:10.2136/sssaj2004.2820URL [本文引用: 1]
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DOI:10.1111/j.1365-2389.2007.01012.xURL [本文引用: 1]
DOI:10.1007/s12237-015-9972-0URL [本文引用: 1]
Submarine groundwater discharge represents a major but poorly constrained component of coastal marine chemical budgets. In the current study, the geochemical behavior of 224 Ra, inorganic nitrogen species, and Fe in shallow coastal groundwater was characterized to improve estimates of chemical flux via submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) at a site in the York River estuary, VA (USA). Directly measured SGD rates varied between 3.965±651.202cm02day 611 offshore, and 8.965±652.602cm02day 611 close to shore. A clear inverse relationship was observed between SGD and tidal height, reflecting the hydraulic gradient between groundwater and surface water. Discharge rates varied spatially in conjunction with the subterranean estuary location, and there was a strong inverse correlation between seepage rates and seepage salinity. Dissolved 224 Ra activity in the mixing zone reached levels up to 602dpm02L 611 and co-varied with salinity in the groundwater but not in the surface water or seepage water. Instead, a consistent sigmoidal trend of Ra with pH was observed, which matched previous laboratory experiment results. Dissolved NH 4 + reached concentrations up to 12002μM in the groundwater and appeared to mix conservatively with respect to salinity in the subterranean estuary. In contrast, NO x (NO 2 61 65+65NO 3 61 ) was low in both fresh groundwater and surface water and showed non-conservative enrichment (up to 2302μM) within the subterranean estuary. Dissolved Fe also showed non-conservative excess in the subterranean estuary, reaching concentrations up to 5002μM. SGD-derived chemical fluxes were estimated using several different commonly used approaches: average groundwater concentrations, pore water constituent-salinity trends coupled with directly collected seepage salinity, constituent concentrations in directly collected seepage, and concentrations in shallowest groundwater samples. Different flux estimates were compared with a “variable endmember” approach based on the observed geochemical distribution and inferred behavior.
DOI:10.1146/annurev-ecolsys-102209-144650URL [本文引用: 1]
DOI:10.1038/nature06275URLPMID:17994095 [本文引用: 2]
Abstract The world's soils store more carbon than is present in biomass and in the atmosphere. Little is known, however, about the factors controlling the stability of soil organic carbon stocks and the response of the soil carbon pool to climate change remains uncertain. We investigated the stability of carbon in deep soil layers in one soil profile by combining physical and chemical characterization of organic carbon, soil incubations and radiocarbon dating. Here we show that the supply of fresh plant-derived carbon to the subsoil (0.6-0.8 m depth) stimulated the microbial mineralization of 2,567 +/- 226-year-old carbon. Our results support the previously suggested idea that in the absence of fresh organic carbon, an essential source of energy for soil microbes, the stability of organic carbon in deep soil layers is maintained. We propose that a lack of supply of fresh carbon may prevent the decomposition of the organic carbon pool in deep soil layers in response to future changes in temperature. Any change in land use and agricultural practice that increases the distribution of fresh carbon along the soil profile could however stimulate the loss of ancient buried carbon.
DOI:10.1016/0038-0717(91)90152-AURL [本文引用: 1]
After 1.25 days of incubation, the non-living 14 C accounted for 12 to 23% of added to glucose 14 C; after 90 days it ranged from 11 to 20%. The ratio of living to non-living 14 C was consistently higher in soils with more clay. This was attributed to adsorption of non-living C by clay and to product utilization by a secondary population.
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DOI:10.1111/gcb.13158URLPMID:26670941 [本文引用: 1]
Abstract Shifts in ecosystem structure have been observed over recent decades as woody plants encroach upon grasslands and wetlands globally. The migration of mangrove forests into salt marsh ecosystems is one such shift which could have important implications for global ‘blue carbon’ stocks. To date, attempts to quantify changes in ecosystem function are essentially constrained to climate-mediated pulses (3002years or less) of encroachment occurring at the thermal limits of mangroves. In this study, we track the continuous, lateral encroachment of mangroves into two south-eastern Australian salt marshes over a period of 7002years and quantify corresponding changes in biomass and belowground C stores. Substantial increases in biomass and belowground C stores have resulted as mangroves replaced salt marsh at both marine and estuarine sites. After 3002years, aboveground biomass was significantly higher than salt marsh, with biomass continuing to increase with mangrove age. Biomass increased at the mesohaline river site by 13002±021802Mg biomass km61202yr611 (mean02±02SE), a 2.5 times higher rate than the marine embayment site (5202±021002Mg biomass km612 yr611), suggesting local constraints on biomass production. At both sites, and across all vegetation categories, belowground C considerably outweighed aboveground biomass stocks, with belowground C stocks increasing at up to 23002±026202Mg02C02km612 yr611 (±02SE) as mangrove forests developed. Over the past 7002years, we estimate mangrove encroachment may have already enhanced intertidal biomass by up to 2830209702Mg and belowground C stocks by over 5000200002Mg in the state of New South Wales alone. Under changing climatic conditions and rising sea levels, global blue carbon storage may be enhanced as mangrove encroachment becomes more widespread, thereby countering global warming.
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大量有机物料投入下的雷竹强度经营方式下,了解其土壤有机质的转化有一定的现实意义。本研究采集分析了不同种植年限下雷竹林土壤的有机质,用13C核磁共振方法分析有机质组成,并通过分解培养试验了解土壤有机质的稳定状况。结果表明,雷竹种植初期土壤有机质较对照稻田有明显下降,但在覆盖经营后则极大地提高了土壤有机质含量,每年每亩表层有机质增加达到616 kg,占投入物料的23.8%;核磁共振分析及分解试验表明土壤增加的有机质其稳定性也有所提高,说明雷竹林经营中有机质可被有效固定,在土壤固碳方面具有一定的意义。
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大量有机物料投入下的雷竹强度经营方式下,了解其土壤有机质的转化有一定的现实意义。本研究采集分析了不同种植年限下雷竹林土壤的有机质,用13C核磁共振方法分析有机质组成,并通过分解培养试验了解土壤有机质的稳定状况。结果表明,雷竹种植初期土壤有机质较对照稻田有明显下降,但在覆盖经营后则极大地提高了土壤有机质含量,每年每亩表层有机质增加达到616 kg,占投入物料的23.8%;核磁共振分析及分解试验表明土壤增加的有机质其稳定性也有所提高,说明雷竹林经营中有机质可被有效固定,在土壤固碳方面具有一定的意义。
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1674-5906.2002.04.024URL [本文引用: 1]
系统地综述了DOC的来源、组成、性质、影响因素、环境效应及测 定方法等.尽管关于土壤DOC的研究目前还不完善,至今对DOC的组成、性质等问题都不是很清楚,但现有的研究已经表明,DOC是土壤圈中一种非常活跃的 化学物质,它对土壤中化学物质的溶解、吸附、解吸、迁移和毒性等行为均有显著的影响.
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1674-5906.2002.04.024URL [本文引用: 1]
系统地综述了DOC的来源、组成、性质、影响因素、环境效应及测 定方法等.尽管关于土壤DOC的研究目前还不完善,至今对DOC的组成、性质等问题都不是很清楚,但现有的研究已经表明,DOC是土壤圈中一种非常活跃的 化学物质,它对土壤中化学物质的溶解、吸附、解吸、迁移和毒性等行为均有显著的影响.
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DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0124359URLPMID:4401563 [本文引用: 1]
Chemical composition of soil organic carbon (SOC) is central to soil fertility. We hypothesize that change in SOC content resulting from various long-term fertilization strategies accompanies the shift in SOC chemical structure. This study examined the effect of fertilization strategies along with the time of fertilizer application on the SOC composition by 13C nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. The soils (Aquic Inceptisol) subjected to seven fertilizer treatments were collected in 1989, 1999 and 2009, representing 0, 10 and 20 years of fertilization, respectively. The seven fertilizer treatments were (1–3) balanced fertilization with application of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) including organic compost (OM), half organic compost plus half chemical fertilizer (1/2OM), and pure chemical NPK fertilizer (NPK); (4–6) unbalanced chemical fertilization without application of one of the major elements including NP fertilizer (NP), PK fertilizer (PK), and NK fertilizer (NK); and (7) an unamended control (CK). The SOC content in the balanced fertilization treatments were 2.3–52.6% and 9.4–64.6% higher than in the unbalanced fertilization/CK treatments in 1999 and 2009, respectively, indicating significant differences in SOC content with time of fertilizer application between the two treatment groups. There was a significantly greater proportion of O-alkyl C and a lower proportion of aromatic C in the balanced fertilization than in unbalanced fertilization/CK treatments in 1999, but not in 2009, because their proportions in the former treatments approached the latter in 2009. Principal component analysis further showed that the C functional groups from various fertilization strategies tended to become compositionally similar with time. The results suggest that a shift in SOC chemical composition may be firstly dominated by fertilization strategies, followed by fertilization duration.
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系统综述了中国东南沿海红树林的空间分布、种类组成及其面积变化特征。红树林的分布与生长状况受多种因素共同影响,主要包括气温、洋流、波浪、岸坡、盐度、潮汐和底质等。中国红树林主要分布于东南沿海热带、亚热带海岸港湾、河口湾等受掩护水域。由海南岛向北,随着纬度逐渐升高,气候带由中热带(海南岛南部)、北热带(海南岛北部、雷州半岛和台湾岛南部)、南亚热带(广西省、广东省、台湾省北部和福建省南部沿海地区)到中亚热带(福建省北部和浙江省沿海),红树林分布面积和树种数都显著降低,林相也由乔木变为灌木,树高降低,充分显示温度对红树林分布的宏观控制作用。中国红树林的总面积在历史上曾达25×104hm2,1950年约为4.2×104hm2,2001年为2.28×104hm2,总体上,中国红树林面积在急剧萎缩。2001年,中国各主要省份现存红树植物面积由大到小排序依次为:广东省(9 084.0 hm2)、广西省(8 374.9 hm2)、海南省(3 930.3 hm2)、福建省(615.1hm2)、香港特别行政区(510 hm2)、台湾省(278 hm2)、浙江省(19.9 hm2)、澳门特别行政区(60 hm2)。另外,从红树植物的种类组成上来看,加上2种从国外成功驯化引种的无瓣海桑(Sonneratia apetala)和拉关木(Laguncularia racemosa),目前中国红树林现有真红树植物26种,半红树植物12种,合计38种。
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系统综述了中国东南沿海红树林的空间分布、种类组成及其面积变化特征。红树林的分布与生长状况受多种因素共同影响,主要包括气温、洋流、波浪、岸坡、盐度、潮汐和底质等。中国红树林主要分布于东南沿海热带、亚热带海岸港湾、河口湾等受掩护水域。由海南岛向北,随着纬度逐渐升高,气候带由中热带(海南岛南部)、北热带(海南岛北部、雷州半岛和台湾岛南部)、南亚热带(广西省、广东省、台湾省北部和福建省南部沿海地区)到中亚热带(福建省北部和浙江省沿海),红树林分布面积和树种数都显著降低,林相也由乔木变为灌木,树高降低,充分显示温度对红树林分布的宏观控制作用。中国红树林的总面积在历史上曾达25×104hm2,1950年约为4.2×104hm2,2001年为2.28×104hm2,总体上,中国红树林面积在急剧萎缩。2001年,中国各主要省份现存红树植物面积由大到小排序依次为:广东省(9 084.0 hm2)、广西省(8 374.9 hm2)、海南省(3 930.3 hm2)、福建省(615.1hm2)、香港特别行政区(510 hm2)、台湾省(278 hm2)、浙江省(19.9 hm2)、澳门特别行政区(60 hm2)。另外,从红树植物的种类组成上来看,加上2种从国外成功驯化引种的无瓣海桑(Sonneratia apetala)和拉关木(Laguncularia racemosa),目前中国红树林现有真红树植物26种,半红树植物12种,合计38种。
DOI:10.2136/sssaj1984.03615995004800040019xURL [本文引用: 1]
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Solid-state 13C nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, with cross-polarisation (CP) and magic angle spinning (MAS), was used to characterize soil organic matter (SOM) in a 2-year-old exotic pine plantation of subtropical Queensland, Australia, under two contrasting harvest residue management regimes. Soil samples were collected from the 0 10 cm depth of experimental plots receiving either no harvest residues (no harvest residues) or the double quantity of harvest residues applied (double harvest residues). Carbon-13 CP and dipolar dephasing (DD) NMR techniques were able to detect differences in SOM composition and quality under the two contrasting residue treatments. The SOM under no harvest residues displayed an increased extent of decomposition, as determined by the alkyl C/ O-alkyl C (A/O-A) ratio, and lower potentially mineralizable nitrogen (PMN), organic C, total P and total N contents. The CP spectra displayed little evidence of strong aromatic signals derived from lignin or tannin structures. This was confirmed by the DD spectra, which rapidly lost signal in the methoxyl and alkyl C regions, indicating protein and amide structures with little mobility might be dominant in the aromatic spectral region. The DD spectra also indicated that SOM under double harvest residues might have a small amount of condensed tannin structures, which did not exist in the SOM under no harvest residues. The carbonyl C region displayed resonances indicative of oxalate, carboxyl, amide and ester C in both treatments. Overall, the results of this study indicate that residue removal following harvest of exotic pine plantations on low-fertility soils in subtropical Australia can remove valuable nutrients from the site, which in turn may increase the extent of decomposition, leading to decreased SOM quality in subsequent rotations.
DOI:10.1071/sr01073URL [本文引用: 2]
Hydrofluoric acid (HF) was used to pre-treat forest soils of south-east Queensland for assessing the effectiveness of iron (Fe) removal, carbon (C) composition using 13C cross-polarisation (CP) with magic-angle-spinning (MAS) nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) before and after the HF pre-treatment, and the improvement of 13C CPMAS NMR spectra. Soil samples were collected from 4 experimental sites of different soil types, harvest residue management or prescribed burning, and tree species. More than 86% of Fe was in all soil types removed by the HF treatment. The 13C NMR spectral quality was improved with increased resolution, especially in the alkyl C and O-alkyl C regions, and reduced NMR run-time (1-5 h per sample compared with >20 h per sample without the pre-treatment). The C composition appeared to alter slightly after the pre-treatment, but this might be largely due to improved spectrometer conditions and increased resolution leading to more accurate NMR spectral integration. Organic C recovery after HF pre-treatment varied with soil types and forest management, and soluble soil organic matter (SOM) could be lost during the pre-treatment. The Fourier Transform-Infrared (FT-IR) spectra of HF extracts indicated the preferential removal of carboxylic C groups during the pre-treatment, but this could also be due to adsorbed water on the mineral matter. The NMR spectra revealed some changes in C composition and quality due to residue management and decomposition. Overall, the HF treatment was a useful pre-treatment for obtaining semi-quantitative 13C CPMAS NMR spectra of subtropical Australian forest soils.
DOI:10.1890/110004URL [本文引用: 1]
Recent research has highlighted the valuable role that coastal and marine ecosystems play in sequestering carbon dioxide (CO ). The carbon (C) sequestered in vegetated coastal ecosystems, specifically mangrove forests, seagrass beds, and salt marshes, has been termed "blue carbon". Although their global area is one to two orders of magnitude smaller than that of terrestrial forests, the contribution of vegetated coastal habitats per unit area to long-term sequestration is much greater, in part because of their efficiency in trapping suspended matter and associated organic during tidal inundation. Despite the value of mangrove forests, seagrass beds, and salt marshes in sequestering C, and the other goods and services they provide, these systems are being lost at critical rates and action is urgently needed to prevent further degradation and loss. Recognition of the sequestration value of vegetated coastal ecosystems provides a strong argument for their protection and restoration; however, it is necessary to improve scientific understanding of the underlying mechanisms that control sequestration in these ecosystems. Here, we identify key areas of uncertainty and specific actions needed to address them.
DOI:10.1007/s10533-005-0712-6URL [本文引用: 1]
Soil organic matter (OM) can be stabilized against decomposition by association with minerals, by its inherent recalcitrance and by occlusion in aggregates. However, the relative contribution of these factors to OM stabilization is yet unknown. We analyzed pool size and isotopic composition (0166C, 0106C) of mineral-protected and recalcitrant OM in 12 subsurface horizons from 10 acidic forest soils. The results were related to properties of the mineral phase and to OM composition as revealed by CPMAS 0106C-NMR and CuO oxidation. Stable OM was defined as that material which survived treatment of soils with 6 wt% sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl). Mineral-protected OM was extracted by subsequent dissolution of minerals by 10% hydrofluoric acid (HF). Organic matter resistant against NaOCl and insoluble in HF was considered as recalcitrant OM. Hypochlorite removed primarily 0166C-modern OM. Of the stable organic carbon (OC), amounting to 2.4-20.6 g kg6301 soil, mineral dissolution released on average 73%. Poorly crystalline Fe and Al phases$(\text{Fe}_{\text{o}},\text{Al}_{\text{o}})$and crystalline Fe oxides$(\text{Fe}_{\text{d}-\text{o}})$explained 86% of the variability of mineral-protected OC. Atomic$\text{C}_{\text{p}}/(\text{Fe}+\text{Al})_{\text{p}}$ratios of 1.3-6.5 suggest that a portion of stable OM was associated with polymeric Fe and Al species. Recalcitrant OC (0.4-6.5 g kg6301 soil) contributed on average 27% to stable OC and the amount was not correlated with any mineralogical property. Recalcitrant OC had lower Δ0166C and δ0106C values than mineral-protected OC and was mainly composed of aliphatic (56%) and O-alkyl (13%) C moieties. Lignin phenols were only present in small amounts in either mineral-protected or recalcitrant OM (mean 4.3 and 0.2 g kg6301 OC). The results confirm that stabilization of OM by interaction with poorly crystalline minerals and polymeric metal species is the most important mechanism for preservation of OM in these acid subsoil horizons.
DOI:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2016.10.218URLPMID:27836338 [本文引用: 1]
61We explored controls on mangrove sediment organic carbon and CO2flux in one model.61Light, edaphic and biotic factors combined drive sediment CO2flux.61Spatio-temporal, edaphic and biotic factors combined drive sediment organic carbon.61Sediment water content and grain size are essential to blue carbon management.61Chlorophyll a is a positive driver of both sediment organic carbon and CO2flux.
DOI:10.1007/s11104-010-0391-5URL [本文引用: 1]
Despite their low carbon (C) content, most subsoil horizons contribute to more than half of the total soil C stocks, and therefore need to be considered in the global C cycle. Until recently, the properties and dynamics of C in deep soils was largely ignored. The aim of this review is to synthesize literature concerning the sources, composition, mechanisms of stabilisation and destabilization of soil organic matter (SOM) stored in subsoil horizons. Organic C input into subsoils occurs in dissolved form (DOC) following preferential flow pathways, as aboveground or root litter and exudates along root channels and/or through bioturbation. The relative importance of these inputs for subsoil C distribution and dynamics still needs to be evaluated. Generally, C in deep soil horizons is characterized by high mean residence times of up to several thousand years. With few exceptions, the carbon-to-nitrogen (C/N) ratio is decreasing with soil depth, while the stable C and N isotope ratios of SOM are increasing, indicating that organic matter (OM) in deep soil horizons is highly processed. Several studies suggest that SOM in subsoils is enriched in microbial-derived C compounds and depleted in energy-rich plant material compared to topsoil SOM. However, the chemical composition of SOM in subsoils is soil-type specific and greatly influenced by pedological processes. Interaction with the mineral phase, in particular amorphous iron (Fe) and aluminum (Al) oxides was reported to be the main stabilization mechanism in acid and near neutral soils. In addition, occlusion within soil aggregates has been identified to account for a great proportion of SOM preserved in subsoils. Laboratory studies have shown that the decomposition of subsoil C with high residence times could be stimulated by addition of labile C. Other mechanisms leading to destabilisation of SOM in subsoils include disruption of the physical structure and nutrient supply to soil microorganisms. One of the most important factors leading to protection of SOM in subsoils may be the spatial separation of SOM, microorganisms and extracellular enzyme activity possibly related to the heterogeneity of C input. As a result of the different processes, stabilized SOM in subsoils is horizontally stratified. In order to better understand deep SOM dynamics and to include them into soil C models, quantitative information about C fluxes resulting from C input, stabilization and destabilization processes at the field scale are necessary.
DOI:10.1038/nature10386URL [本文引用: 1]
DOI:10.1016/S0016-7061(96)00036-5URL [本文引用: 1]
We present a conceptual model of the processes by which plant leaf and root litter is transformed to soil organic C and CO 2 . Stabilization of a portion of the litter C yields material that resists further transformation; destabilization yields material that is more susceptible to microbial respiration. Stability of the organic C is viewed as resulting from three general sets of characteristics. Recalcitrance comprises molecular-level characteristics of organic substances, including elemental composition, presence of functional groups, and molecular conformation, that influence their degradation by microbes and enzymes. Interactions refers to the inter-molecular interactions between organics and either inorganic substances or other organic substances that alter the rate of degradation of those organics or synthesis of new organics. Accessibility refers to the location of organic substances with respect to microbes and enzymes. Mechanisms by which these three characteristics change through time are reviewed along with controls on those mechanisms. This review suggests that the following changes in the study of soil organic matter dynamics would speed progress: (1) increased effort to incorporate results into budgets for whole soil (e.g., converting to a kg/ha basis) so that the relative importance of processes can be judged; (2) more attention to effects of inter-molecular interactions (especially Al complexation) on enzyme activity and substrate degradation; (3) increased effort to experimentally manipulate soils, preferably across a range of soil types; (4) study of stabilization and destabilization mechanisms under conditions that are well defined yet more relevant to soil environments than those used previously; and (5) experiments better designed to isolate mechanisms so results are not confounded by effects of other mechanisms operating simultaneously.
DOI:10.1016/j.geoderma.2005.04.015URL [本文引用: 1]
The dynamics of the stable fractions of soil organic matter (SOM), the humic substances, has been rarely studied in tropical soils. We evaluated extraction yields, elemental composition, isotopic 13C abundance and solid-state 13C NMR spectra of humic fractions isolated from five forested and cultivated soils in Ethiopia in order to assess the influence of deforestation and subsequent cultivation on the composition of humic fractions. In all locations, humic (HA) and fulvic (FA) acids, humin (HU) and a humic hydrophobic fraction extracted with an acetone Cl solution (HE) were decreased as a result of deforestation and cultivation, but the magnitude of decrease was site-specific. While the elemental composition of HA, FA and HU did not vary significantly with land use, that of the hydrophobic HE generally decreased with deforestation. Cultivation varied the 13C values of humic fractions with location and their high values suggested a history of C4 plants incorporation in soil. The 13C NMR spectra of HA, FA and HU showed that hydrophobic components (HB) were generally lower than hydrophilic ones (HI), resulting in a degree of hydrophobicity (HB/HI) being < 1.00. On average, cultivation decreased the HB/HI values of these humic fractions in all soils except for the Andisol. The HE material was much richer in hydrophobic groups showing a HB/HI ranging from 1.48 to 3.44 in the forested sites, but cultivation substantially reduced HB/HI ratios also for HE. Our data suggest that deforestation and progressive cultivation in tropical conditions decreased the content of soil humic substances and that the resulting humic pool was poorer in alkyl components and less hydrophobic than in forested conditions.
DOI:10.2136/sssaj1983.03615995004700030023xURL [本文引用: 1]
Abstract Losses of carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus from soil particle-size fractions during cultivation were examined and their implications on the nutrient-supplying potential of soils is discussed. Particle-size fractions were obtained by ultrasonic dispersion in water from three north American grassland soils (Cryborolls) of different textures. Soils that had been cultivated under small grain-fallow rotations for between 4 and 90 years were compared with similar soils under native prairie.
DOI:10.1016/S0016-7061(02)00257-4URL [本文引用: 1]
Soil organic matter plays an important role in soil properties and influences ecosystem cycles of C, N, Al, Fe, and other major and trace elements. We examined spatial variations in the structure and chemistry of soil organic matter at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest in New Hampshire, USA. Humic substances were extracted and isolated chromatographically into humic acid, fulvic acid, and polysaccharide fractions. Chemical methods and solid-state 13C NMR spectroscopy were used to determine structural chemistry. On average, extractable humic substances accounted for nearly 50% of soil organic matter, with alkyl and O-alkyl C (carbohydrate) being the largest C fractions in whole soils and isolated humic substances. Alkyl C ranged from 33% to 56% of C, while O-alkyl C comprised 20 45% of C. Alkyl C increased, while O-alkyl C decreased with soil depth in whole soils, humin, and humic acid. Aromatic C increased with soil depth in whole soils and humin, while carbonyl C increased with depth in whole soils and fulvic acids. Fulvic acids were more acidic than humic acids, and were less phenolic and aliphatic than humic acids. Carboxylic acidity accounted for about 80% and 50% of total acidity in fulvic acid and humic acid, respectively. Soil from higher-elevation sites exhibited greater alkyl C and lower O-alkyl and aromatic C in the Oa horizon, suggesting a greater degree of decomposition of the organic matter in the Oa horizon of these conifer-rich sites. Mineral soils in conifer-rich sites contained organic matter that was more aromatic than in hardwood sites. Variations in humification processes, source materials, and transport of organic matter could account for variations in the structure and chemistry of organic matter in these forest soils.
DOI:10.5846/stxb201201100056URL [本文引用: 2]
在江苏盐城新洋港互花米草(Spartina alterniflora)盐沼选择光滩(MF),互花米草入侵1a(SAF-1),3a(SAF-3),5a(SAF-5)和12a(SAF-12)样地,采集0—20 cm表层土壤样品,分别测定土壤有机碳(SOC)、顽固性有机碳(RC)和活性有机碳(LC)含量,碳氮比(C/N),土壤有机碳和顽固性有机碳的δ13C值,分析互花米草海向入侵过程中土壤有机碳组分、分布及来源变化。结果表明:(1)SOC、RC、LC含量分别介于0.82—7.60 mg/g,0.58—4.02 mg/g和0.23—3.58 mg/g,由海向陆呈递增趋势:SAF-5SAF-12SAF-3MFSAF-1。入侵12 a的SAF-12样地表土SOC储量最大,年均碳汇积累速率为1.8 t/hm2。(2)互花米草来源SOC、RC和LC含量分别为0.06—3.01 mg/g、0.04—1.06 mg/g和0.03—2.00 mg/g,各占5.75%—47.40%、6.77%—31.77%和3.20%—64.40%。互花米草来源SOC、RC、LC由海向陆均呈递增趋势:SAF-12SAF-5SAF-3SAF-1MF。(3)互花米草植物来源SOC、RC、LC含量、比例与入侵时间显著正相关(P0.01)。互花米草入侵对LC的影响较大,对RC的影响较小。(4)随着入侵时间的增长,互花米草来源有机碳的输入显著改变了土壤SOC组分。以上结果表明,短期内互花米草海向入侵能够提高土壤碳汇能力。
DOI:10.5846/stxb201201100056URL [本文引用: 2]
在江苏盐城新洋港互花米草(Spartina alterniflora)盐沼选择光滩(MF),互花米草入侵1a(SAF-1),3a(SAF-3),5a(SAF-5)和12a(SAF-12)样地,采集0—20 cm表层土壤样品,分别测定土壤有机碳(SOC)、顽固性有机碳(RC)和活性有机碳(LC)含量,碳氮比(C/N),土壤有机碳和顽固性有机碳的δ13C值,分析互花米草海向入侵过程中土壤有机碳组分、分布及来源变化。结果表明:(1)SOC、RC、LC含量分别介于0.82—7.60 mg/g,0.58—4.02 mg/g和0.23—3.58 mg/g,由海向陆呈递增趋势:SAF-5SAF-12SAF-3MFSAF-1。入侵12 a的SAF-12样地表土SOC储量最大,年均碳汇积累速率为1.8 t/hm2。(2)互花米草来源SOC、RC和LC含量分别为0.06—3.01 mg/g、0.04—1.06 mg/g和0.03—2.00 mg/g,各占5.75%—47.40%、6.77%—31.77%和3.20%—64.40%。互花米草来源SOC、RC、LC由海向陆均呈递增趋势:SAF-12SAF-5SAF-3SAF-1MF。(3)互花米草植物来源SOC、RC、LC含量、比例与入侵时间显著正相关(P0.01)。互花米草入侵对LC的影响较大,对RC的影响较小。(4)随着入侵时间的增长,互花米草来源有机碳的输入显著改变了土壤SOC组分。以上结果表明,短期内互花米草海向入侵能够提高土壤碳汇能力。
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1000-4556.2008.02.018URL [本文引用: 1]
Soil organic matters (SOM) are important components in soil, and they would affect the physicochemical, chemical and biological properties of the soil directly or indirectly. Many researchers and various advanced techniques have been involved in the investigation of SOM. As a powerful technique for organic analysis, NMR has played an important role in this field. In this paper, the analytical methods commonly used in agrology research were reviewed, and the NMR methods were discussed in detail.
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1000-4556.2008.02.018URL [本文引用: 1]
Soil organic matters (SOM) are important components in soil, and they would affect the physicochemical, chemical and biological properties of the soil directly or indirectly. Many researchers and various advanced techniques have been involved in the investigation of SOM. As a powerful technique for organic analysis, NMR has played an important role in this field. In this paper, the analytical methods commonly used in agrology research were reviewed, and the NMR methods were discussed in detail.
DOI:10.1007/s00267-003-9130-5URL [本文引用: 1]
中国科学院机构知识库(CAS IR GRID)以发展机构知识能力和知识管理能力为目标,快速实现对本机构知识资产的收集、长期保存、合理传播利用,积极建设对知识内容进行捕获、转化、传播、利用和审计的能力,逐步建设包括知识内容分析、关系分析和能力审计在内的知识服务能力,开展综合知识管理。
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DOI:10.1029/2005GB002576URL [本文引用: 1]
[1] We present data on soil organic carbon (SOC) inventory for 7050 soil cores collected from a wide range of environmental conditions throughout Australia. The data set is stratified over the spatial distribution of trees and grass to account for variability of SOC inventory with vegetation distribution. We model controls on SOC inventory using an index of water availability and mean annual temperature to represent the climatic control on the rate of C input into the SOC pool and decomposition of SOC, in addition to the fraction of soil particles <63 m in diameter as a measure of textural control on SOC stabilization. SOC inventories in the top 30 cm of soil increase from 35 mg/cm2 in the driest regions to a modeled plateau with respect to a threshold of water availability at 335 mg/cm2, excluding variables controlling SOC decomposition. Above this threshold, decomposition factors begin to control SOC inventory, which we attribute to energetic control on microbial decomposition rates, and relatively weak stabilization of SOC in association with fine particles. When combined, these relationships provide an overall prediction of SOC inventory that accounts for 89 90% of the variance observed in the measured data set. Deviations from this relationship are most likely due to additional factors that also control decomposition rate such as hydrochemical and soil drainage conditions not accounted for by soil texture. Outliers within this data set are explained with respect to these conditions.
DOI:10.3321/j.issn:0564-3945.2007.02.009URL [本文引用: 1]
DOI:10.3321/j.issn:0564-3945.2007.02.009URL [本文引用: 1]
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. The total area of global mangrove forests is about 152000 km, only accounting for 0.4% of all forest area. There are about 230 km mangrove forests in China. The mangrove forests in the tropics have an average carbon storage as high as 1023 Mg·hm, and the global mangrove forests can sequestrate about 0.18-0.228 Pg C·a. In addition to plant species composition, a variety of factors such as air temperature, seawater temperature and salinity, soil physical and chemical properties, atmospheric CO concentration, and human activities have significant effects on the carbon storage and sink ability of mangrove forests. Many approaches based on field measurements, including allometric equations, remote sensing, and model simulation, are applied to quantify the carbon storage and sink ability of mangrove forest wetland. To study the carbon storage and sink ability of mangrove wetland can promote the further understanding of the carbon cycle of mangrove wetland and related controlling mechanisms, being of significance for the protection and rational utilization of mangrove wetland.
URL [本文引用: 1]
. The total area of global mangrove forests is about 152000 km, only accounting for 0.4% of all forest area. There are about 230 km mangrove forests in China. The mangrove forests in the tropics have an average carbon storage as high as 1023 Mg·hm, and the global mangrove forests can sequestrate about 0.18-0.228 Pg C·a. In addition to plant species composition, a variety of factors such as air temperature, seawater temperature and salinity, soil physical and chemical properties, atmospheric CO concentration, and human activities have significant effects on the carbon storage and sink ability of mangrove forests. Many approaches based on field measurements, including allometric equations, remote sensing, and model simulation, are applied to quantify the carbon storage and sink ability of mangrove forest wetland. To study the carbon storage and sink ability of mangrove wetland can promote the further understanding of the carbon cycle of mangrove wetland and related controlling mechanisms, being of significance for the protection and rational utilization of mangrove wetland.
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1673-1719.2008.04.002URL [本文引用: 1]
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1673-1719.2008.04.002URL [本文引用: 1]
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Land use and climate change impacts on soil organic carbon stocks in semi-arid Spain
... 土壤有机碳库是全球最大的碳库(
Carbon cycling and storage in mangrove forests
... 滨海湿地生态系统的碳汇过程是近10多年“蓝碳”研究的热点问题(
... 土壤有机碳库是全球最大的碳库(
... 本研究中土壤TOC含量随土层深度逐层递减, 在同一土层, 土壤TOC含量表现为MC > TC > SC,
... 土壤有机碳库是全球最大的碳库(
... 本研究中土壤TOC含量随土层深度逐层递减, 在同一土层, 土壤TOC含量表现为MC > TC > SC,
Labile soil organic matter as influenced by cropping practices in an arid environment
... 土壤有机碳固态NMR碳谱主要可划分为以下7个共振区域(
Mangrove production and carbon sinks: A revision of global budget estimates
... 滨海湿地生态系统的碳汇过程是近10多年“蓝碳”研究的热点问题(
Estuarine and coastal ocean carbon paradox: CO2 sinks or sites of terrestrial carbon incineration?
... 滨海湿地生态系统的碳汇过程是近10多年“蓝碳”研究的热点问题(
Soil carbon pools in adjacent natural and plantation forests of subtropical Australia
... 土壤有机碳固态NMR碳谱主要可划分为以下7个共振区域(
... 芳香度(C110-165/C0-165×100%)值越大, 表明芳香核结构越多, 分子结构越复杂.在0-15 cm, 芳香度表现为SC最小, MC与TC无显著差异, 表明红树林在表层土壤中有机碳分子结构复杂, 腐殖质中芳香核结构更多, 也说明红树林群落的土壤有机碳库稳定性更强.在75-100 cm, 芳香度在各植被类型下表现为SC > MC > TC, 无显著差异.此结果表明互花米草入侵红树林可能会导致表层土壤有机碳稳定性降低, 分解程度提高, 不利于土壤有机碳的积累, 此结果与
... 芳香度(C110-165/C0-165×100%)值越大, 表明芳香核结构越多, 分子结构越复杂.在0-15 cm, 芳香度表现为SC最小, MC与TC无显著差异, 表明红树林在表层土壤中有机碳分子结构复杂, 腐殖质中芳香核结构更多, 也说明红树林群落的土壤有机碳库稳定性更强.在75-100 cm, 芳香度在各植被类型下表现为SC > MC > TC, 无显著差异.此结果表明互花米草入侵红树林可能会导致表层土壤有机碳稳定性降低, 分解程度提高, 不利于土壤有机碳的积累, 此结果与
... 本研究对不同植被覆盖下土壤POC的变化研究表明, 从MC到SC, 颗粒有机碳含量有明显的差异, 互花米草POC含量在各土层都显著低于红树林群落, 且差异较大, 除表层土互花米草POC含量稍高, 其余各土层含量都很低, 总体呈下降趋势,
... 本研究对不同植被覆盖下土壤POC的变化研究表明, 从MC到SC, 颗粒有机碳含量有明显的差异, 互花米草POC含量在各土层都显著低于红树林群落, 且差异较大, 除表层土互花米草POC含量稍高, 其余各土层含量都很低, 总体呈下降趋势,
Fundamentals of soil ecology
... 可溶性有机碳占总有机碳比例很小, 但由于其是土壤有机质中最活跃的碳组分, 很容易被微生物利用, 因此是有机质中至关重要的组分(
Effect of organic matter applications on 13C-NMR spectra of humic acids of soil
... 烷基C0-45/烷氧C45-100比值可以表示物质烷基化程度的高低.一般认为, 烷基碳来自于微生物代谢产物和木栓质、角质等植物生物聚合物(
Mangrove range expansion rapidly increases coastal wetland carbon storage
... 滨海湿地生态系统的碳汇过程是近10多年“蓝碳”研究的热点问题(
Ecosystem consequences of biological invasions
... 滨海湿地生态系统的碳汇过程是近10多年“蓝碳”研究的热点问题(
Stability of organic carbon in deep soil layers controlled by fresh carbon supply
... 滨海湿地生态系统的碳汇过程是近10多年“蓝碳”研究的热点问题(
... 土壤有机碳库是全球最大的碳库(
Turnover of carbon through the microbial biomass in soils with different texture
... 本研究中DOC含量范围在209-279 mg·L-1之间, 与
互花米草(Spartina alterniflora)盐沼土壤有机碳组分、来源及结构特征研究
... 烷基碳+芳香基碳为疏水碳, 烷氧碳+羰基碳为亲水碳, 疏水碳和亲水碳的比值能够反应土壤有机碳和团聚体结合的稳定性.疏水C/亲水C = (C0-45 + C110-165)/(C45-110 + C165-210), 其比值越大则说明由团聚体作用引起的有机碳稳定性越高(
... 脂族C0-110/芳香C110-165, 该比值越高表明腐殖质中芳香核结构越少、脂肪族侧链越多、缩合程度越低、分子结构越简单.在0-15 cm, 该比值表现为SC显著大于其他两种植被类型, MC与TC无显著差异.说明互花米草土壤有机碳分子结构更简单, 即当植被从红树林转变为互花米草后, 土壤有机碳库稳定性会减弱, 此结果与芳香度表现一致.在75-100 cm, 该比值在3种植被类型下无显著差异.在江苏盐城关于互花米草盐沼的研究结果表明, 互花米草群落随着发育时间的增长, 有机碳组分的分子结构变化有限, 建群5年的互花米草群落脂族C0-110/芳香C110-165比值低于建群1年、12年与23年, 差异不显著(
互花米草(Spartina alterniflora)盐沼土壤有机碳组分、来源及结构特征研究
... 烷基碳+芳香基碳为疏水碳, 烷氧碳+羰基碳为亲水碳, 疏水碳和亲水碳的比值能够反应土壤有机碳和团聚体结合的稳定性.疏水C/亲水C = (C0-45 + C110-165)/(C45-110 + C165-210), 其比值越大则说明由团聚体作用引起的有机碳稳定性越高(
... 脂族C0-110/芳香C110-165, 该比值越高表明腐殖质中芳香核结构越少、脂肪族侧链越多、缩合程度越低、分子结构越简单.在0-15 cm, 该比值表现为SC显著大于其他两种植被类型, MC与TC无显著差异.说明互花米草土壤有机碳分子结构更简单, 即当植被从红树林转变为互花米草后, 土壤有机碳库稳定性会减弱, 此结果与芳香度表现一致.在75-100 cm, 该比值在3种植被类型下无显著差异.在江苏盐城关于互花米草盐沼的研究结果表明, 互花米草群落随着发育时间的增长, 有机碳组分的分子结构变化有限, 建群5年的互花米草群落脂族C0-110/芳香C110-165比值低于建群1年、12年与23年, 差异不显著(
Seventy years of continuous encroachment substantially increases “blue carbon” capacity as mangroves replace intertidal salt marshes
... 互花米草群落进入盐沼湿地之后, 会逐渐替代本土植物盐地碱蓬(Suaeda salsa)然后形成以互花米草为优势群落的湿地生态系统, 表层土壤有机碳含量显著增加达70%, 且随着入侵时长而明显增加(
... (5)本研究中土壤有机碳官能团结构分析采用核磁共振(NMR)波谱法, 该方法不仅能进行定性分析, 而且可以对样品进行定量分析, 并且适应性较强, 因此样品的前期处理操作相对简单, 谱图能提供比较全面的土壤有机碳官能团结构信息(
... (5)本研究中土壤有机碳官能团结构分析采用核磁共振(NMR)波谱法, 该方法不仅能进行定性分析, 而且可以对样品进行定量分析, 并且适应性较强, 因此样品的前期处理操作相对简单, 谱图能提供比较全面的土壤有机碳官能团结构信息(
... 可溶性有机碳占总有机碳比例很小, 但由于其是土壤有机质中最活跃的碳组分, 很容易被微生物利用, 因此是有机质中至关重要的组分(
... 可溶性有机碳占总有机碳比例很小, 但由于其是土壤有机质中最活跃的碳组分, 很容易被微生物利用, 因此是有机质中至关重要的组分(
... 土壤有机碳库是全球最大的碳库(
... 土壤有机碳库是全球最大的碳库(
Differences in chemical composition of soil organic carbon resulting from long-term fertilization strategies
... 土壤有机碳库是全球最大的碳库(
... 滨海湿地生态系统的碳汇过程是近10多年“蓝碳”研究的热点问题(
... 滨海湿地生态系统的碳汇过程是近10多年“蓝碳”研究的热点问题(
Aerobic and anaerobic microbial populations in no-till and plowed soils
... 本研究中DOC含量范围在209-279 mg·L-1之间, 与
... 土壤有机碳库是全球最大的碳库(
... 土壤有机碳库是全球最大的碳库(
Solid-state 13C NMR spectroscopy: Characterization of soil organic matter under two contrasting residue management regimes in a 2-year-old pine plantation of subtropical Australia
Hydrofluoric acid pre-treatment for improving 13C CPMAS NMR spectral quality of forest soils in south-east Queensland, Australia
... 土壤有机碳固态NMR碳谱主要可划分为以下7个共振区域(
... ;
A blueprint for blue carbon: Toward an improved understanding of the role of vegetated coastal habitats in sequestering CO2
... 滨海湿地生态系统的碳汇过程是近10多年“蓝碳”研究的热点问题(
Stabilization of soil organic matter: Association with minerals or chemical recalcitrance?
... 土壤有机碳库是全球最大的碳库(
Structural equation modelling reveals factors regulating surface sediment organic carbon content and CO2 efflux in a subtropical mangrove
... 滨海湿地生态系统的碳汇过程是近10多年“蓝碳”研究的热点问题(
Deep soil organic matter— A key but poorly understood component of terrestrial C cycle
... 滨海湿地生态系统的碳汇过程是近10多年“蓝碳”研究的热点问题(
Persistence of soil organic matter as an ecosystem property
... 土壤有机碳库是全球最大的碳库(
Stabilization and destabilization of soil organic matter: Mechanisms and controls
... 土壤有机碳库是全球最大的碳库(
Changes of humic substances characteristics from forested to cultivated soils in Ethiopia
... 烷基碳+芳香基碳为疏水碳, 烷氧碳+羰基碳为亲水碳, 疏水碳和亲水碳的比值能够反应土壤有机碳和团聚体结合的稳定性.疏水C/亲水C = (C0-45 + C110-165)/(C45-110 + C165-210), 其比值越大则说明由团聚体作用引起的有机碳稳定性越高(
Particle-size fractions and their use in studies of soil organic Matter: II. Cultivation effects on organic matter composition in size fractions
... 颗粒有机碳(粒径在53-2 000 μm之间), 通常被定义为易被微生物分解的有机碳组分, 其属于植物枯枝落叶转变为土壤腐殖质过程的中间产物, 在某种程度上可以用来表征土壤碳库含量, 在土壤有机碳积累以及周转中发挥着至关重要的作用.在气候、地形等环境因素相似的条件下, 枯落物是土壤有机碳的主要来源.不同森林类型的物种组成不同, 就直接导致了其枯落物的种类以及数量也不同, 与此同时也影响了土壤微生物群落的环境与分解效率(
Characterization of organic matter in a northern hardwood forest soil by 13C NMR spectroscopy and chemical methods
... 烷基C0-45/烷氧C45-100比值可以表示物质烷基化程度的高低.一般认为, 烷基碳来自于微生物代谢产物和木栓质、角质等植物生物聚合物(
... 滨海湿地生态系统的碳汇过程是近10多年“蓝碳”研究的热点问题(
... 土壤有机碳库是全球最大的碳库(
... 滨海湿地生态系统的碳汇过程是近10多年“蓝碳”研究的热点问题(
... 土壤有机碳库是全球最大的碳库(
... (5)本研究中土壤有机碳官能团结构分析采用核磁共振(NMR)波谱法, 该方法不仅能进行定性分析, 而且可以对样品进行定量分析, 并且适应性较强, 因此样品的前期处理操作相对简单, 谱图能提供比较全面的土壤有机碳官能团结构信息(
... (5)本研究中土壤有机碳官能团结构分析采用核磁共振(NMR)波谱法, 该方法不仅能进行定性分析, 而且可以对样品进行定量分析, 并且适应性较强, 因此样品的前期处理操作相对简单, 谱图能提供比较全面的土壤有机碳官能团结构信息(
Vertical distribution of soil organic carbon in China
... 滨海湿地生态系统的碳汇过程是近10多年“蓝碳”研究的热点问题(
... 土壤溶解性有机碳是指能溶解于水, 并且能通过0.45 μm滤膜的含碳有机物, 有已被微生物分解的特性, 是土壤中微生物可直接利用的一种土壤碳源(
... 土壤溶解性有机碳是指能溶解于水, 并且能通过0.45 μm滤膜的含碳有机物, 有已被微生物分解的特性, 是土壤中微生物可直接利用的一种土壤碳源(
互花米草(Spartina alterniflora)凋落物有机碳原位分解动态
... 烷基C0-45/烷氧C45-100比值可以表示物质烷基化程度的高低.一般认为, 烷基碳来自于微生物代谢产物和木栓质、角质等植物生物聚合物(
互花米草(Spartina alterniflora)凋落物有机碳原位分解动态
... 烷基C0-45/烷氧C45-100比值可以表示物质烷基化程度的高低.一般认为, 烷基碳来自于微生物代谢产物和木栓质、角质等植物生物聚合物(
Continental-scale measurement of the soil organic carbon pool with climatic, edaphic, and biotic controls
... 颗粒有机碳(粒径在53-2 000 μm之间), 通常被定义为易被微生物分解的有机碳组分, 其属于植物枯枝落叶转变为土壤腐殖质过程的中间产物, 在某种程度上可以用来表征土壤碳库含量, 在土壤有机碳积累以及周转中发挥着至关重要的作用.在气候、地形等环境因素相似的条件下, 枯落物是土壤有机碳的主要来源.不同森林类型的物种组成不同, 就直接导致了其枯落物的种类以及数量也不同, 与此同时也影响了土壤微生物群落的环境与分解效率(
... 土壤有机碳固态NMR碳谱主要可划分为以下7个共振区域(
... 土壤有机碳固态NMR碳谱主要可划分为以下7个共振区域(
Consequences of short-term C4 plant
... 本研究中DOC含量范围在209-279 mg·L-1之间, 与
... 颗粒有机碳(粒径在53-2 000 μm之间), 通常被定义为易被微生物分解的有机碳组分, 其属于植物枯枝落叶转变为土壤腐殖质过程的中间产物, 在某种程度上可以用来表征土壤碳库含量, 在土壤有机碳积累以及周转中发挥着至关重要的作用.在气候、地形等环境因素相似的条件下, 枯落物是土壤有机碳的主要来源.不同森林类型的物种组成不同, 就直接导致了其枯落物的种类以及数量也不同, 与此同时也影响了土壤微生物群落的环境与分解效率(
... 颗粒有机碳(粒径在53-2 000 μm之间), 通常被定义为易被微生物分解的有机碳组分, 其属于植物枯枝落叶转变为土壤腐殖质过程的中间产物, 在某种程度上可以用来表征土壤碳库含量, 在土壤有机碳积累以及周转中发挥着至关重要的作用.在气候、地形等环境因素相似的条件下, 枯落物是土壤有机碳的主要来源.不同森林类型的物种组成不同, 就直接导致了其枯落物的种类以及数量也不同, 与此同时也影响了土壤微生物群落的环境与分解效率(
... 滨海湿地生态系统的碳汇过程是近10多年“蓝碳”研究的热点问题(
... 滨海湿地生态系统的碳汇过程是近10多年“蓝碳”研究的热点问题(
... 滨海湿地生态系统的碳汇过程是近10多年“蓝碳”研究的热点问题(
... 滨海湿地生态系统的碳汇过程是近10多年“蓝碳”研究的热点问题(
... 互花米草群落进入盐沼湿地之后, 会逐渐替代本土植物盐地碱蓬(Suaeda salsa)然后形成以互花米草为优势群落的湿地生态系统, 表层土壤有机碳含量显著增加达70%, 且随着入侵时长而明显增加(
... 互花米草群落进入盐沼湿地之后, 会逐渐替代本土植物盐地碱蓬(Suaeda salsa)然后形成以互花米草为优势群落的湿地生态系统, 表层土壤有机碳含量显著增加达70%, 且随着入侵时长而明显增加(
... 滨海湿地生态系统的碳汇过程是近10多年“蓝碳”研究的热点问题(
... 滨海湿地生态系统的碳汇过程是近10多年“蓝碳”研究的热点问题(
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