Center for Ocean-Atmospheric Prediction Studies (COAPS), Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL, 32310, USA Manuscript received: 2020-11-13 Manuscript revised: 2021-05-25 Manuscript accepted: 2021-05-27 Abstract:Eddying global ocean models are now routinely used for ocean prediction, and the value-added of a better representation of the observed ocean variability and western boundary currents at that resolution is currently being evaluated in climate models. This overview article begins with a brief summary of the impact on ocean model biases of resolving eddies in several global ocean–sea ice numerical simulations. Then, a series of North and Equatorial Atlantic configurations are used to show that an increase of the horizontal resolution from eddy-resolving to submesoscale-enabled together with the inclusion of high-resolution bathymetry and tides significantly improve the models’ abilities to represent the observed ocean variability and western boundary currents. However, the computational cost of these simulations is extremely large, and for these simulations to become routine, close collaborations with computer scientists are essential to ensure that numerical codes can take full advantage of the latest computing architecture. Keywords: ocean modeling, numerical models, horizontal resolution, boundary currents 摘要:涡分辨全球模式现已被广泛运用于海洋预报。模式在这一分辨率下能更好地模拟与观测一致的海洋变率与西边界流,而这些改进为气候模式带来的附加价值也正在评估之中。这篇概述文章首先简要地总结了分辨中尺度涡在几个全球海洋-海冰模式中对于减小模式偏差的作用,然后应用一系列赤道与北大西洋模型来展示其效果:(1)增加水平分辨率(从分辨中尺度涡到分辨次中尺度涡)加上高分辨率的海底地形,以及(2)在海洋模式中加入潮汐,显著改善模式模拟海洋变率和西边界流的能力。然而,这些高分辨率模式的计算成本极其高昂,广泛运行这类模式需要与计算机科学家进行紧密合作,以最大限度地利用最新的计算架构。 关键词:海洋模式, 数值模拟, 水平分辨率, 边界层流
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4.1. Impact of bathymetry
The fact that the modeled high SSH variability is wider than observed near the New England seamounts chain in the 1/50° experiment (Fig. 4b) suggests that interactions with the topography may be overemphasized in that specific configuration. In this section, we will show that the bathymetry has a much more profound impact on the Gulf Stream pathway than one would have a priori anticipated. In Chassignet and Xu (2017), the goal was to perform a convergence study where most parameters are not changed as the grid spacing is refined from 1/12° to 1/50° and the bathymetry used for the 1/50° configuration (hereafter referred to as NEATL) was linearly interpolated from the coarser 1/12° topography based on the 2’ Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) digital bathymetry database, which combines the global topography based on satellite altimetry of Smith and Sandwell (1997) with several high-resolution regional databases. To investigate the impact of a higher-resolution bathymetry, the last five years of NEATL were repeated (hereafter experiment NEATL-HB) with a new bathymetry derived from the latest 15 arc-seconds GEBCO 2019 bathymetry, which contains significantly higher resolution topographic features (see detailed difference in bathymetry displayed in Fig. 7); all other parameters are identical to those of NEATL (see Chassignet and Xu (2017) for a detailed description). The five-year mean SSH for NEATL (coarse bathymetry) and NEATL-HB (fine bathymetry) are shown in Fig. 5 together with the latest observational estimate (Rio et al., 2014). Overall, both agree well with the observed mean (Fig. 5a), but there is a significant difference in the Gulf Stream mean pathway between the two simulations when the Gulf Stream crosses over the New England seamounts chain (area highlighted in the bottom two panels of Fig. 5). The SSH contours are much closer to each other and the Gulf Stream pathway is tighter in the high-resolution bathymetry experiment (NEATL-HB) than in the reference experiment (NEATL) with coarse linearly interpolated 1/12° bathymetry. The impact of the bathymetry is further illustrated by and is more striking in the plots of SSH variability for the last five years of both simulations (Fig. 6). Not only is the excess SSH variability near to the New England seamounts chain found in the experiment with coarse bathymetry (NEATL) gone, the shape of the variability and distribution of the variability in the experiment with high-resolution bathymetry is a very close match to the observations. This includes a deflection of the SSH variability to the north near 64°W when the Gulf Stream passes over the New England seamounts chain (see highlight in Figs. 5 and 6). Figure5. Mean SSH (units: cm) in the Gulf Stream region for (a) 1993–2012 observed mean from Rio et al. (2014), (b) NEATL, and (c) NEATL-HB (years 16–20).
Figure6. SSH (units: cm) in the Gulf Stream region for (a) AVISO (1993–2012), (b) NEATL, and (c) NEATL-HB (years 16–20). The model outputs were filtered as in Fig. 4.
Figure7. (a) NEATL bathymetry in meters; (b) NEATL-HB bathymetry in meters with the names of the major seamounts (Houghton et al., 1977); (c) difference in bathymetry in meters between NEATL-HB and NEATL, blue color indicates a shallower depth in NEATL-HB and vice versa. The gray contours are the modeled five-year mean SSH in NEATL-HB indicating the mean Gulf Stream pathway; and (d) bathymetry along the central portion of the New England seamount chain (black line in left panel) that encounters the Gulf Stream direcly. The four seamounts from west to east are Balanus, Kelvin, Atlantis II, and Gosnold.
The difference in bathymetry between the two experiments for the New England seamounts area is shown in Fig. 7c. In many respects, the differences are quite small (less than 100 m in most areas where the depth is close to 5000 m) with the biggest magnitude being around the seamounts. The bathymetry cross-section along the seamount chain (Fig. 7d) shows that the most striking difference is in the height of the seamounts (500 m higher in the water column), which are closer in NEATL-HB to the base of the permanent thermocline of 1000–1500 meters (Meinen and Luther, 2016). But the higher resolution bathymetry also better resolves the spatial extent of the New England seamounts (Figs. 7a and b), making them narrower and effectively increasing the separation distance between them, especially for the seamounts located between 62°W and 63.5°W (i.e., Atlantis II, Shelldrake, and Gosnold, Fig. 7b) and under the southern extent of the Gulf Stream. We interpret the difference in SSH variability between the two experiments, NEATL and NEATL-HB, as follows: In the coarse bathymetry experiment (NEATL), the three seamounts (Atlantis II, Shelldrake, and Gosnold) between 62°W and 63.5°W are not clearly separated from each other, and therefore, as discussed by Zhang and Boyer (1991), they can act as a single body and will appear as a large obstacle to the eastward flowing Gulf Stream. This in turn leads to larger meanders downstream of the seamounts via conservation of potential vorticity (Holton and Hakim, 2012) and consequently higher downstream eddy kinetic energy (Barthel et al., 2017). In the high-resolution bathymetry experiment, there is a larger separation distance between the seamounts, and the resulting flow field past the seamounts is determined by the interaction of the stream with relatively independent narrow obstacles, leading to less downstream variability (Zhang and Boyer, 1991). Thus, the instability processes induced by the Gulf Stream interacting with the New England seamounts are significantly diminished with better resolved topographic features and isolated seamounts. The reduced instabilities lead to a tighter Gulf Stream mean path that agrees better with the observed path and a narrower extent of high surface eddy kinetic energy that is in excellent agreement with the observations.
2 4.2. Impact of tides on the SSH wavenumber spectra -->
4.2. Impact of tides on the SSH wavenumber spectra
SSH wavenumber spectra are commonly used in the literature to quantify the energy and variability associated with different temporal and spatial scales. In the reference experiment (NEATL), the slope of the surface power spectra in the 70–250 km mesoscale range is mostly independent of latitude and ranges between –5 and –4 (Fig. 8b); it is only slightly flattened near the equator and in the northern North Atlantic near 60°N. However, altimeter observations (Fig. 8a) show large spatial latitudinal variability in the distribution of the SSH wavenumber spectra with steep slopes closer to –5 at midlatitudes and flattened slopes near –1 in the tropics (Xu and Fu, 2011, 2012; Zhou et al., 2015; Dufau et al., 2016). A lack of latitudinal dependence in the 70–250 km band with slopes between –5 and –4 was also found in previous modeling studies (Paiva et al., 1999; Richman et al., 2012, Sasaki and Klein, 2012; Biri et al., 2016), and several explanations have been put forward to explain the differences with the altimeter observations. This includes aliasing and noise in the altimetry data (Biri et al., 2016) and underestimation of the impact of high frequency motions (i.e., internal waves and tides) when using daily averages to compute the wavenumber spectra (Richman et al., 2012; Rocha et al., 2016; Tchilibou et al., 2018). Previous studies (Rocha et al., 2016; Tchilibou et al., 2018) have shown that internal tides can have a significant impact on the wavenumber spectra, especially on small scales. Therefore, we further investigated the latitudinal dependence of the SSH power spectra on high-frequency motions by adding tidal forcing to the 1/50° North and Equatorial Atlantic HYCOM simulation in the last 1.5 years of NEATL (hereafter referred to as NEATL-T-HB). In NEATL-T-HB, eight tidal constituents (M2, S2, O1, K1, N2, P1, K2, and Q1) are added via body and lateral boundary forcing. At the northern and southern boundaries, the phase and amplitude are specified using the TPXO8-atlas global tidal solutions from Oregon State University. All other parameters are identical to that of NEATL (see Chassignet and Xu (2017) for a detailed description). Figure 8 shows the slope of the SSH wavenumber spectra in the 70–250 km mesoscale range in 10° × 10° boxes over the North Atlantic domain from both NEATL and NEATL-T-HB. The latitudinal dependence is drastically different in NEATL-T-HB from that of the reference experiment with slopes that are close to –1 in the tropics as in the observations (Fig. 8a). This is due to tidal forcing and the generation of internal tides since the addition of high-resolution bathymetry alone was found to have only a very small impact on the slope of SSH power spectra in the 70–250 km mesoscale range (sensitivity experiment not shown). The tidal forcing in NEATL-T-HB generates internal tides that have a strong SSH signature (Fig. 9, bottom panel) that is not present in the absence of tidal forcing (Fig. 9, top panel). These internal tides are generated in areas of strong topography around the Azores, the Cape Verde islands, off the North Brazil coast near the Amazon estuary, as well on the northern side of the Georges Bank past the New England seamounts. The surface signal associated with the internal tides significantly modifies the power spectra in the equatorial region (Fig. 10) with two peaks, one in the 110–130 km range and another one at near 70 km, which flatten the slope in the equatorial region (Fig. 8c). This leads to a modeled spectral slope in the equatorial region that is in excellent agreement with the filtered observational estimate of Zhou et al. (2015) (Figs. 8 and 10). The impact of the internal tides on the power spectra is not as large in the midlatitudes (Fig. 8) because the magnitude of the SSH variability is lower in the equatorial region than in the midlatitudes [see Fig. 26 of Chassignet and Xu (2017) for details]. Figure9. Root-mean-square (RMS) of the high-frequency steric SSH variability (units: cm) for (a) NEATL and (b) NEATL-T-HB. The RMS is calculated daily from 24 hourly snapshots of the steric SSH and is averaged over a month (December) – the results do not change if a longer time average is used.
Figure8. Slope of the SSH power spectra in the 70–250 km mesoscale range in 10° × 10° boxes: (a) observational estimate of Zhou et al. (2015); (b) NEATL, and (c) NEATL-T-HB. Note that the sign of the slope was reversed.
Figure10. SSH power spectra calculated along altimeter tracks and computed as a four 10° × 10° boxes average across the equator (35°–15°W, 10°S–10°N). Red and blue lines are results for year 20 of NEATL and NEATL-T-HB; the black lines are observations (unfiltered and filtered for noise) (Zhou et al. 2015); and the gray line are unfiltered observations (Dufau et al. 2016).