1.Key Laboratory of South China Sea Meteorological Disaster Prevention and Mitigation of Hainan Province, China Meteorological Administration, Haikou, Hainan 570203, China 2.Hainan Meteorological Services, China Meteorological Administration, Haikou, Hainan 570203, China 3.Research and Development Branch, Bureau of Meteorology, Melbourne 3001, Australia 4.State Key Laboratory of Severe Weather, Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences, Beijing 100081, China Manuscript received: 2018-12-20 Manuscript revised: 2019-09-01 Manuscript accepted: 2019-09-19 Abstract:Diagnostics are presented from an ensemble of high-resolution forecasts that differed markedly in their predictions of the rapid intensification (RI) of Typhoon Rammasun. We show that the basic difference stems from subtle differences in initializations of (a) 500?850-hPa environmental winds, and (b) midlevel moisture and ventilation. We then describe how these differences impact on the evolving convective organization, storm structure, and the timing of RI. As expected, ascent, diabatic heating and the secondary circulation near the inner-core are much stronger in the member that best forecasts the RI. The evolution of vortex cloudiness from this member is similar to the actual imagery, with the development of an inner cloud band wrapping inwards to form the eyewall. We present evidence that this structure, and hence the enhanced diabatic heating, is related to the tilt and associated dynamics of the developing inner-core in shear. For the most accurate ensemble member: (a) inhibition of ascent and a reduction in convection over the up-shear sector allow moistening of the boundary-layer air, which is transported to the down-shear sector to feed a developing convective asymmetry; (b) with minimal ventilation, undiluted clouds and moisture from the down-shear left quadrant are then wrapped inwards to the up-shear left quadrant to form the eyewall cloud; and (c) this process seems related to a critical down-shear tilt of the vortex from midlevels, and the vertical phase-locking of the circulation over up-shear quadrants. For the member that forecasts a much-delayed RI, these processes are inhibited by stronger vertical wind shear, initially resulting in poor vertical coherence of the circulation, lesser moisture and larger ventilation. Our analysis suggests that ensemble prediction is needed to account for the sensitivity of forecasts to a relatively narrow range of environmental wind shear, moisture and vortex inner-structure. Keywords: typhoons, rapid intensification, ensemble simulation, spin-up processes, ventilation, vertical wind shear 摘要:针对超强台风“威马逊”的南海迅速加强(RI)过程进行了集合数值模拟,模拟结果具有明显的集合预报离散度。分析了集合成员的环境风场和中层湿度条件差异对风暴结构、对流组织和RI发生时点的影响,结果表明:(1)风垂直切变数值大小是影响RI发生时点的重要因素;(2)风垂直切变较弱时,通风干冷下沉气流对边界层影响较小,边界层湿空气得以输送到下风一侧,不对称对流发展活跃,切变下风左侧的对流云团明显地朝着眼心螺旋式发展,使得上风方向的高层与低层环流垂直耦合,削弱了涡旋倾斜。发生RI时点较迟的集合成员,其环境风垂直切变较强,通风干冷下沉气流较强,高低层环流垂直耦合度较低。基于上述分析,设计了简单的诊断工具?同步指数,用于判断RI是否发生。 关键词:台风, 迅速加强, 集合模拟, spin-up过程, 通风作用, 风垂直切变
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4.1. Environmental conditions
The onset of RI in a TC often occurs within favorable environmental conditions, as in the aforementioned studies, including warm underlying oceanic conditions monitored by high SST and OHC (e.g., Duan et al., 2013), weak to moderate VWS (e.g. Wang et al., 2015; Chen et al., 2015), and high low-to-mid-tropospheric relative humidity (e.g., Nguyen et al., 2015). An intensifying TC obtains considerable energy from the underlying ocean. High OHC serves as the energy source for RI and also limits the negative effect induced by ocean upwelling resulting from the intensifying cyclonic wind stress curl and the turbulent vertical mixing effect (e.g., Duan et al., 2013). Rammasun entered the warm SCS, and was characterized along its track with high OHC of over 100 kJ cm?2 (Fig. 2a). Therefore, the oceanic conditions were favorable for RI. Although, this does not guarantee RI, since we also require favorable atmospheric environmental conditions. Indeed, even with the same oceanic conditions, several ensemble members forecast a much-delayed RI. This reconfirms that favorable oceanic conditions are a necessary but not sufficient condition for RI (Kaplan et al., 2010). Besides the oceanic conditions, the other main environmental influence on intensity change is thought to be VWS (e.g., Kaplan et al., 2010). The long-term, widely accepted and current prevailing view is that large VWS affects TC intensity by (1) tilting the vortex and preventing vertical alignment, and (2) promoting ventilation, which usually is associated with the intrusion of environmental, low-θe air into the TC’s inner core, inhibiting convective development and causing an erosion of the mid-to-upper-level warm core (e.g., Simpson and Riehl, 1958; Frank and Ritchie, 2001; Tang and Emanuel, 2010). To illustrate the possible ventilation effects for Rammasun, Fig. 3 shows the initialized state of the storm and the differences in 500-hPa zonal wind (Fig. 3c), and low-to-mid-level specific humidity (Fig. 3d), between EarlyRI and LateRI. Before making landfall on Luzon Island and entering the SCS, Rammasun was located equatorward of the western Pacific subtropical high. Mid-tropospheric zonal wind differences highlight the ventilation difference to the north of the storm: weak-member LateRI has stronger mid-tropospheric easterlies to the north and east of the storm, which is on the upshear side. In contrast, EarlyRI has weaker subtropical easterlies and stronger mid-tropospheric westerlies to the south and west of the storm, which is on the downshear side. In addition, similar to Rios-Berrios et al. (2016), precipitable water (PW) differences around the storm show that the stronger-member EarlyRI initially had slightly more low-to-mid tropospheric moisture. This result suggests that, compared with EarlyRI, the storm circulation in LateRI is surrounded by relatively drier midlevel environmental air on the northern, upshear flank. To further elucidate the VWS that affected the simulated storm intensity changes, the evolution of the large-scale mean flow in the vicinity of Rammasun from EarlyRI and LateRI is illustrated in Fig. 4 and shows time series of the vertical profile of area-mean winds, with the vortex removed (Kaplan et al., 2010), averaged within a 500-km radius centered on the storm (Figs. 4a and b), and time series of 200?850-hPa and 500?850-hPa VWS magnitudes for the individual ensemble members (Figs. 4c and d). EarlyRI has relatively weak easterlies and southwesterlies in the upper and lower troposphere, respectively, and eventually weak VWS over both the 200?850-hPa and 500?850-hPa layers. The shears in LateRI and EarlyRI are quite similar before the RI stage, but decrease rapidly in EarlyRI during the early RI stage to eventually become less than in LateRI (Figs. 4c and d). We suggest later in the text that these evolving changes in VWS are important for the tilt of the vortex, and the associated convective asymmetries. Figure4. Time series of area-averaged horizontal winds over a circle of 500-km radius centered on the Rammasun circulation from (a) EarlyRI and (b) LateRI. (c) 200?850-hPa and (d) 500?850-hPa environmental vertical wind shear magnitude (m s?1) for the individual ensemble members, and the ensemble mean of individual members (grey). Red and blue lines depict the EarlyRI and LateRI.
The environmental winds switch from southwesterly to northeasterly with height, indicating low shear below 7 km, and suggest that embedded circulations could stay upright over low- to midlevels. But how were these differences between EarlyRI and LateRI influencing the behavior of the simulated Rammasun circulations? Understanding this appears central to distinguishing the controls on RI in EarlyRI and LateRI, and then possibly in the real atmosphere.
2 4.2. Evolution of convective asymmetries and cloud bands in the observations and in EarlyRI and LateRI -->
4.2. Evolution of convective asymmetries and cloud bands in the observations and in EarlyRI and LateRI
We now compare the simulated and satellite-observed infrared cloud-top brightness temperatures (TBBs) during the RI period as a way of verifying the simulated storm structure and development. First, however, we again draw attention to the changes in observed rain bands during RI, shown in Fig. 1. Note the convective asymmetry to the southwest of the storm center and the inward-spiraling inner cloud band (ICB), which originates over the southwest sector and eventually forms the eyewall cloud. This is highlighted in the diagrams by the arrows and indicates a development of bands that resembles what Houze (2010) called a secondary cloud band. We later describe why we think this ICB is so important and provide reasons why it forms in EarlyRI but is delayed in LateRI. The modeled TBB was calculated by interpolating the temperature to the level of unit optical depth into the cloud. The satellite TBB is from the high-resolution (5 km) Multifunctional Transport Satellite (MTSAT) infrared image. Figure 5 shows the observed and simulated storm convective structures (from EarlyRI and LateRI) at the five given times. Convective asymmetries are evident in the satellite observations and simulated satellite imagery, with more extensive, more active convection located to the southwest of the storm center. From this convective asymmetry, clouds wrap inwards around the circulation in the observations (Figs. 1c-e and Figs. 5a-d) and in EarlyRI (Figs. 5f-j) in the simulation. But what is the origin of the band and what role does it play in the intensification? In LateRI the eyewall convective organization does not occur during this period, even though an active convective asymmetry is visible to the southwest of the circulation. The intensification in LateRI does eventually commence, but much later. The inward-spiraling convective band at small radii eventually forms the eyewall cloud in the observations and in EarlyRI. A re-intensification process of Rammasun, after it passed over the Philippines (Fig. 1), is indicated by an increase in inner-core size, as inferred from the widening of well-defined eyewall convection, and the axisymmetrization of inner-core convection in EarlyRI. This corresponds quite well with the actual imagery at the corresponding time (1200 UTC 17 July), and which is similar to that of Typhoon Megi (2010) discussed by Wang and Wang (2014). The ICB wraps in towards the center of the circulation to eventually form the eyewall cloud, which is similar to the structures illustrated in Houze (2010). On the other hand, over a small radius, LateRI has a relatively less symmetric structure compared to that observed and from EarlyRI. The eyewall cloud in LateRI does not develop on the time scales indicated in the actual imagery, but does develop some 24 hours later. In the following sections we link the observed and forecast structural changes to the impact of environmental shear, moisture and ventilation on the circulations. Figure5. MTSAT satellite infrared (5-km resolution) TBB (°C) images (a?e), and the simulated TBB from EarlyRI (f?j) and LateRI (k?o), at times indicated at the top of the panels. Black rectangles indicate the developing inner cloud band that wraps inwards to form the eyewall cloud.
2 4.3. Impact of environmental moisture and ventilation on thermodynamic storm structure in EarlyRI and LateRI -->
4.3. Impact of environmental moisture and ventilation on thermodynamic storm structure in EarlyRI and LateRI
To further compare the conditions that might support or inhibit convection in EarlyRI and LateRI, we now describe the thermodynamic characteristics in the two members. Figure 6 shows time?radius distributions of the symmetric components of surface-based CAPE, layer-mean diabatic heating rates, and the RMWs from low to upper levels. In EarlyRI, the inward contraction of the RMW and the vertical synchronization of the circulation (or phase-locking of the RMWs) is implied from the decreasing radii and closer approach of the black and gray curves in Fig. 6. The onset of large values of diabatic heating in EarlyRI corresponds with lower values of CAPE (white hatching and shading), suggesting that in this case, (1) convection is exhausting the CAPE and stabilizing its environment, or (2) the circulation is intensifying as the diabatically driven secondary circulation is spinning up the system. This is balanced by an increasing warm core, which decreases the CAPE. LateRI has larger CAPE, initially weaker diabatic heating, and less synchronization of the low- and midlevel circulations (large separation of the black and gray curves). Again, the onset of enhanced diabatic heating about 2200 UTC 17 July corresponds with a reduction in CAPE. The circulation remained more tilted and asymmetric (section 4.3) over time. In the following we provide evidence that downdrafts over the downshear sector induced by the presence of dry-air intrusion limited the convection in LateRI, as suggested in other studies (e.g., Tang and Emanuel, 2012; Molinari et al., 2013; Kanada and Wada, 2015). Figure6. Time?radius distribution of the symmetric components of the surface-based CAPE (shading, J kg?1) and 4-km to 12-km diabatic heating rate exceeding 20 K h?1 (white contours and hatching): (a) EarlyRI; (b) LateRI. Black, purple and gray lines depict the 2-km, 5-km and 8-km radius of maximum wind, respectively.
Azimuthal distributions of surface-based CAPE, overlaying 5?8-km-layer relative humidity, and low-level upward motion, are shown in Fig. 7. The upward motions utilizing upstream CAPE are located mainly in the downshear or downshear-left sectors of the storm, on the southern side, as indicated in Fig. 7. We note that CAPE in EarlyRI is smaller than in LateRI. It seems that CAPE is being consumed more rapidly in EarlyRI, while in LateRI inhibition to active convection is preserving the high values. Relatively drier air (black contours and hatching) exists over the north and northwest sectors in LateRI, while moister air (no black contours) is evident through middle levels in EarlyRI. This is consistent with the environments in LateRI (and the lack of convection) and EarlyRI (and the presence of active convection). The upshear flank (northern region) is a source region for air entering the convective asymmetry to the southwest of the storm center over the downshear quadrant as the storm moves through the SCS, while LateRI has other dry air entering the convective asymmetry from the left-shear to right-shear quadrants during the period 0300 UTC 17 July to 1200 UTC 17 July. In the following we show that, in LateRI, a significant inhibitor of convective development over this region is the intrusion of this dry air. Downdrafts with low-θe air enter the boundary layer, and this air is then transported into the eyewall, which plays a major role in limiting the intensification in LateRI. The dry air intrusion in LateRI is associated with ventilation and with stronger environmental wind shear. Figure7. Time?shear-oriented direction (Hovm?ller) diagrams of surface-based CAPE (shaded, J kg?1), 3-km updrafts (white contours and hatching starting at 1.0 m s?1), and relative humidity over the 5?8-km layer (black hatching less than 50%) over a radius from 30 km to 60 km for (a) EarlyRI and (b) LateRI. DSL, USL, USR and DSR are short for downshear-left, upshear-left, upshear-right and downshear-right, respectively.
The convective asymmetries appear to be an inherent feature of baroclinic vortices and are associated with a shear-induced tilted vortex, as discussed in previous studies (e.g., Jones, 1995; Wu et al., 2006; Nguyen et al., 2015). To illustrate the vertical structure of the baroclinic vortices associated with shear-induced vortex tilt we show the shear-relative, quadrant-averaged asymmetric potential temperature and its perturbation in Fig. 8. As a result, a balanced thermal asymmetry develops in response to the vortex tilt and the potential temperature is cooler downshear-left (downtilt) than upshear-right (uptilt) below the height of 7 km in both EarlyRI and LateRI. Noting that LateRI has a downshear-left cooler anomaly in the lower troposphere than EarlyRI, it appears possible that this may be the result of more evaporative cooling associated with more wavenumber-one convective downdrafts, as discussed by Nguyen et al. (2015). This aspect, which in these forecasts is related to lower environmental moisture and stronger ventilation in LateRI, is discussed in more detail in the following section. In addition, there are very modest differences in midlevel temperature anomalies in EarlyRI and LateRI. The warm temperature anomaly is much deeper in EarlyRI, extending to low levels, again consistent with (1) a more intense vortex, and (2) the possible role of cold downdrafts in the downshear-left quadrant in LateRI. The largest difference is the relatively cool air in the downshear-left quadrant in LateRI. This is a source region for air entering the eyewall cloud from the convective asymmetry and is a very likely factor in delaying the onset of RI in LateRI. Figure8. Asymmetric potential temperature (deviation from the mean over a 500-km radius circle, black solid for positive values; contoured every 1.0 K starting at 1.0 K; gray-dashed for negative values; contoured every 0.5 K starting at ?0.5 K) and its perturbation (shaded) in each shear-relative quadrant, averaged from 2100 UTC 16 July to 0600 UTC 17 July for (a) EarlyRI and (b) LateRI.
Figure 9 shows the shear-relative quadrant-averaged θe, radial inflow and tangential wind components and downdrafts. Relatively higher mid-to-upper-level θe is evident in the downshear- and upshear-right quadrants in EarlyRI, compared with LateRI. This appears to be the result of the convective transport of high boundary layer θe upward through the free troposphere, as indicated in Nguyen et al. (2015). Dry midlevel air (see Fig. 7) intrudes to within a radius of 30?60 km in LateRI prior to the observed onset of RI, while high θe is evident out to at least 80 km in EarlyRI. This shows a moist, midlevel cyclonic vortex has formed, indicated by the stronger upper-tropospheric tangential wind and weaker dry-air entrainment into the ascent (Fig. 9) (e.g., Nguyen et al., 2015). Boundary layer inflow and a much broader moist vortex are evident in EarlyRI. In LateRI, drier low-level air intrudes to within 60 km of the center, consistent with the structure discussed above. Figure9. As in Fig. 8, but for equivalent potential temperature (shaded, units: K), tangential winds (solid black contours every 5 m s?1 starting at 25 m s?1), radial inflow (black hatching less than ?10 m s?1), and downdrafts (white contours and hatching for less than ?0.5 m s?1) over shear-relative sectors for (a) EarlyRI and (b) LateRI.
For decades, the role of VWS in TC intensity has focused on the negative impact of ventilating the TC warm core at mid-to-upper levels and the suppression of eyewall convection (e.g., Simpson and Riehl, 1958; Frank and Ritchie, 2001). Cram et al. (2007) suggested that, in practical situations, ventilation may occur as a sheared storm approaches a mid- and upper-tropospheric air mass with low entropy. The relatively low, downshear-right, upper-tropospheric θe in LateRI is shown in Fig. 9b and is consistent with cold and dry air intrusions, which inhibit convective development. To illustrate this effect in EarlyRI and LateRI, Fig. 10 presents time?height series of shear-relative, radial and quadrant-averaged distributions of relative humidity, and radial and vertical velocities over the eyewall region. In EarlyRI, during pre-RI and RI onset stages (Fig. 10a, upper), the strongest and deepest upward motion occurs with maxima at midlevels, while boundary-layer inflow and mid-to-upper-level outflow downshear are evident during this stage. This result implies a rapid enhancement of the secondary circulation, as emphasized in Wu et al. (2006). However, the enhancement may be associated with the onset of enhanced convective activity over a region with a radius of 30?60 km. As discussed earlier and implied in Fig. 9a, the downshear side in EarlyRI is moistened with the convective transport of boundary-layer θe. In contrast, LateRI has a shallow in-up-out flow pattern corresponding with relatively dry air downshear-left (Fig. 10a, lower). In addition, LateRI has midlevel downdrafts in the downshear-left quadrant, associated with the intrusion of dry midlevel environmental air, and low-level downdrafts over the upshear flank, possibly in association with dry low-level air transported upshear following downdrafts over the downshear-left quadrant. Similar processes were described by Riemer and Laliberté (2015). As a result of mid-to-upper-tropospheric ventilation, shown in Figs. 9b and 10a, the secondary circulation and the mid-to-upper-level warm-core development has been delayed in LateRI. This is depicted in Fig. 10c, which shows time series of the temperature anomalies over inner radii from EarlyRI and LateRI. In EarlyRI, enhanced warming commences just after 0000 UTC 17 July, which is consistent with the observational study of Wang et al. (2016). In LateRI, warming is slow until nearly 24 hours later. Figure10. Time?height series of azimuthally and radially averaged distributions of relative humidity (shaded), radial inflow (dashed gray, contoured every 5 m s?1 starting at ?5 m s?1), radial outflow (solid black, contoured every 5 m s?1 starting at 1 m s?1), ascent (solid white, contoured every 0.5 m s?1 starting at 0.5 m s?1) and descent (solid red, contoured every 0.2 m s?1 starting at ?0.2 m s?1) in the (a) downshear-left (top for EarlyRI, bottom for LateRI) and (b) upshear-right (top for EarlyRI, bottom for LateRI). The radial wind is averaged over 60?120-km radii, while vertical motion is averaged over 30?60-km radii. (c) Azimuthally and radially averaged (0?30 km) distributions of temperature anomalies (K, shaded) and potential temperature (K, contours) (top for EarlyRI, bottom for LateRI).
To better understand the origin and role of convective downdrafts, we now illustrate the boundary-layer structure and downward flux of θe. Following Riemer et al. (2010), we calculate the downward flux at the top of the frictional boundary layer, defined as ${\rm{DFXE}} \equiv w\_\theta _{\rm{e}}'$, where w_ is for downdrafts and the primes denote deviations from the azimuthal mean. The top of the boundary layer is defined here as 1.5 km—roughly the top of the axisymmetric inflow layer. As in Riemer et al. (2010), positive values of DFXE denote downward flux of anomalously low-θe air into the boundary layer. Figure 11 shows time?radius sections of boundary-layer θe and downward θe flux from EarlyRI and LateRI. After the onset of the observed RI (~0000 UTC 17 July), large differences between EarlyRI and LateRI in the downward flux are evident. Values of θe around the RMW in EarlyRI start to rapidly increase and extend outward from about 0600 UTC 17 July. The downward flux of θe in LateRI is much stronger during this period and high values of θe increase more slowly and mostly over inner radii during this time. Downward flux of θe regularly becomes evident as a simultaneous reduction in θe. High values in LateRI only become properly established after 0000 UTC 18 July, but some 24 hours later than the observed onset of RI. We suggest that one reason for the delay in RI in LateRI is the larger ventilation and downward flux of low-θe air in this forecast. But what is the real origin of the low-θe air? The radial distributions of boundary-layer θe and downward θe flux from EarlyRI and LateRI are shown in Figs. 11c and d. In Fig. 11d, a clear association between low values of θe and large values of downward θe flux can be seen. This association strongly suggests that downdrafts are influencing the boundary-layer θe over the southeast sector—the source region for air entering the eyewall cloud. The low values of θe develop over the southern sector and then wrap around the circulation. The RMW is then characterized by relatively low values of θe. Thus, we suggest that relatively low θe values are indeed a result of large downward θe flux, associated with large ventilation in stronger environmental shear and a drier environment. Figure11. Time?radius distribution of the symmetric components of boundary-layer equivalent potential temperature (shaded, averaged over the lowest 1 km, units: K), and downward equivalent potential temperature flux at the height of 1.5 km (black hatching and contours starting at 3 m s?1 K in intervals of every 5 m s?1 K) from (a) EarlyRI and (b) LateRI. White lines depict the 1.5-km level RMW. (c, d) Storm-centered composite horizontal distributions of (c) EarlyRI and (d) LateRI for boundary-layer equivalent potential temperature (shaded, averaged over the lowest 1 km), and downward equivalent potential temperature flux at the height of 1.5 km (black hatching and contours starting at 2 m s?1 K). White circles show the 1.5-km RMW.
2 4.4. Impact of wind shear on the kinematic storm structure in EarlyRI and LateRI -->
4.4. Impact of wind shear on the kinematic storm structure in EarlyRI and LateRI
Besides the negative impact of VWS on TC intensification, VWS can play a potentially positive role by organizing deep convection and vorticity production in the downshear region of the pre-existing vortex during TC development stages (e.g., Molinari et al., 2004; Callaghan and Tory, 2014; Montgomery et al., 2014; Chen et al., 2018). In addition, we demonstrate here that the shear can influence the vertical synchronization of the RMWs, which can assist in the development of the eyewall cloud. We distinguish here between the commonly used tilt of the vortex, which is the separation between the centers of the circulation at vertical levels, and the synchronization of the circulation, which is a measure of the amount of overlapping or phase-locking of the RMWs among vertical levels. Evidence suggests that some shear may be beneficial to the intensification. Figures 12 and 13 illustrate the response of the simulated storm circulations to the VWS. Figure 12 shows forecast reflectivity distributions and Fig. 13 shows the evolution of convective bands over a radius of 30?60 km. In Fig. 12, circles are drawn to illustrate the mid- and upper-level RMWs. The horizontal patterns of reflectivity following the storm’s 2-km-altitude center show that the upper-tropospheric circulation at an altitude of 8 km tilted toward the downshear side, consistent with the diagnosed VWS. In agreement with many previous studies (e.g., Wu et al., 2006; Kanada and Wada, 2015; Nguyen et al., 2015), the wavenumber-one asymmetries indicated by upward motion and large values of reflectivity were nearly aligned with the downshear or downshear-left side of the VWS, and the direction of vortex tilt. We do not illustrate it here, but this convective asymmetry can also be interpreted in terms of the forcing of large-scale ascent in association with (1) initially, differential vorticity advection, as the vortex tilts, and (2) warm-air advection or moist isentropic ascent, associated with the thermal structure of the tilted vortex, which can be diagnosed from the local shear of the circulation winds (e.g., Holton, 2004; Tory, 2014). Then, the clouds and moisture from the downshear-left sector are transported, or wrapped inwards to the upshear-left quadrant; but because of the tilt of the vortex, the RMWs become coincident over this sector. In this way, an inward-spiraling ICB, evident in the actual and model-based cloud imagery, is formed. The larger tilt of the vortex in LateRI compared to that of EarlyRI inhibits this synchronization, defined as an overlapping of the RMWs at mid to upper levels, from occurring (Fig. 12). This is related to the stronger VWS and different circulation sizes in LateRI, which is again consistent with previous studies (e.g., Wu et al., 2006; Kanada and Wada, 2015). In LateRI, there is clearly no vertical synchronization of the circulation during the time of the observed RI. In the initially stronger shear in LateRI, the circulation is poorly organized in the vertical (Fig. 12). Very strong inhibition of convection is expected over the upshear sectors due to the dynamics of the vortex tilt. This in turn prevents the formation of the eyewall cloud as the inward-spiraling cloud is rapidly weakened over the highly unfavorable upshear sector, in a region of mean isentropic descent in the tilted vortex. However, as can be seen in the bottom-right panel, the synchronization does eventually begin, and from this late time the RI commences in LateRI. Figure12. Storm-centered horizontal distributions of 2-km to 8-km simulated radar reflectivity (shading, dBZ) for (a) EarlyRI and (b) LateRI at times given at the top of each panel. Black circles are the 2-km-level RMWs, with the 2-km-level center indicated by the black dot. Purple circles are the 5-km-level RMWs. Gray circles are the 8-km-level RMWs, with the 8-km-level center indicated by the gray dot. Axis labels are in km. The black arrow denotes the direction of environmental vertical wind shear.
Figure13. Time?azimuth (Hovm?ller) diagrams of 1-km to 5-km water vapor mixing ratio (shading, g kg?1) and 3-km updrafts (contours and hatching starting at 1.0 m s?1) along the RMW (roughly over a radius of 30?60 km) for (a) EarlyRI and (b) LateRI. The white, black and magenta solid curves indicate the direction of 200?850-hPa shear, the vortex tilt as indicated by the location of the 8-km center relative to the surface center, and the vortex tilt magnitude (km), respectively.
In addition, the RMWs in EarlyRI at heights from 2 km to 8 km, depicted in Fig. 12, show that the axis of the circulation starts to become upright (the vortex tilt decreases) and RI continues, as presented by Kanada and Wada (2015) and Chen et al. (2018). Moreover, they hypothesized that shallow-to-moderate convection developed around the downshear side of the storm, which moistened the inner-core area and warmed the midlevels through latent heat release. As the inner-core area moistened and warmed, the storm vortex and tilt axis decreased and the circulation became upright. An alternative interpretation is that with the vortex in shear, enhanced downshear-left convection drove a secondary circulation that spun up the low-level circulation, creating the moist warm core. Figure 13 shows time?azimuth sections from EarlyRI and LateRI of water vapor mixing ratio, 3-km updrafts, the shear direction, vortex tilt direction, and vortex tilt magnitude. The water vapor is more axisymmetric in EarlyRI. We have illustrated in Fig. 11 that this might be related to the downward flux of low θe air in LateRI, with the circulation experiencing much stronger ventilation. The direction of the shear is very similar in EarlyRI and LateRI but, as shown in Fig. 13, the magnitude is larger in LateRI (Fig. 4). One large difference between EarlyRI and LateRI in Fig. 13 is the magnitude of the vortex tilt, particularly during the time of the observed RI. The tilt of the vortex in LateRI only becomes comparable with that of EarlyRI 24 hours after the observed RI. It is at this time that the onset of RI occurs in LateRI. For EarlyRI, the RI commences when the tilt of the vortex (magenta curve) is approximately 10 km, and after this time the vortex becomes much more upright, even though the magnitude of the shear (Fig. 4) remains relatively constant. It is during the period (0000?1200 UTC 17 July) that the synchronization of the low- and midlevel RMWs and the formation of the eyewall cloud occurs. These timings are also evident in the water vapor displayed in Fig. 13. In EarlyRI, water vapor mixing ratios increase as RI develops. For LateRI, large values only occur 24 hours after the observed RI. Inhibition to convective development around the inner circulation prevents moistening over this region. The positive impact of VWS on TC intensity is demonstrated in Nguyen et al. (2015) and Chen et al. (2018). It was suggested that the development of mesovortices within the downshear convection acts to enhance the TC vortex, which then reduces the vortex tilt. Following Braun et al. (2006), we show the evolution of the relative vorticity at low levels and upward motion at low and high levels in Fig. 14 as time?azimuth sections. There are clearly large differences between the two ensemble members. Similar to Tropical Storm Gabrielle (2001) and Typhoon Vicente (2012) documented by Nguyen et al. (2015) and Chen et al. (2018), respectively, there were some cyclonic and anticyclonic vorticity anomalies on the southwestern side of EarlyRI during the period 1200 UTC to 2300 UTC 16 July when Rammasun entered the SCS (Fig. 14a) and became much more prevalent after the onset of RI. It has been shown in previous studies that these couplets are generated through a mechanism of tilting of horizontal vorticity into the vertical by convective updrafts (e.g., Montgomery et al., 2006; Nguyen et al., 2015). Moreover, the simulated vorticity anomalies appear to have their origin over the southwest sector and are transported and axisymmetrized over the southeast sector by the parent circulation. They are associated with cyclonic relative vorticity reaching 60 × 10?5 s?1 and were adjacent to updrafts with magnitudes over 2.0 m s?1 at about 2200 UTC 16 July. Over the next 120 min, the cyclonic relative vorticity nearly doubled to 120 × 10?5 s?1, as the adjacent updraft intensified to over 4 m s?1 at 0000 UTC 17 July. The mesovortices are of course similar to the vortical hot towers (VHTs) described in Montgomery et al. (2006). As suggested in Nguyen et al. (2015), the cyclonic flow of the parent circulation may then advect and axisymmetrize the vorticity anomalies after 0600 UTC 17 July (Fig. 14a). The cyclonic anomalies wrap in towards the center via the processes associated with the vortex tilt and synchronization of the RMWs in the vertical and appear to be axisymmetrized during their journey inwards. Via the axisymmetrization, they may provide a source of vorticity for the developing inner core. Similar processes were described in Montgomery and Enagonio (1998). However, we note from the divergence theorem that the integrated effect of the vorticity axisymmetrization does not increase the mean circulation of the broader storm (e.g., Holton, 2004; Tory et al., 2013; Montgomery and Smith, 2017). Instead, it is the mass evacuation from the lower troposphere within the VHTs that enables the circulation to increase, provided it converges mass on the broader storm scale (e.g., Montgomery and Smith, 2017). The VHTs contain strong updrafts, which appear to be favored in regions of isentropic ascent within the circulation. Following Rogers et al. (2013) and Kanada and Wada (2015), the CBs were defined as the updrafts at an altitude of 8 km with a magnitude over 10.3 m s?1. Figure14. Time?azimuth (Hovm?ller) diagrams of 2.0-km vorticity (shaded, 1 × 10?5 s?1) and 3-km updrafts (black contours starting at 2.0 m s?1 every 2.0 m s?1) around the RMW, and radial grid point summations of 8-km updrafts greater than 10.3 m s?1 over a radius from the storm center to the RMW (magenta contours and hatching starting at five grid points): (a) EarlyRI; (b) LateRI.
The CBs were represented as the ascent became progressively stronger at upper levels near the RMW around 1000 UTC 17 July, after the axisymmetrization of vorticity anomalies. This was coincident with the rapid decrease of vortex tilt (Fig. 6), as suggested by previous studies (e.g., Nguyen et al., 2015; Chen et al., 2018). LateRI had a similar pattern of weak vorticity-anomaly couplets and shallow-to-moderate convection but primarily in the downshear side of the storm (Fig. 14b). However, convective clouds in LateRI were more abundant in the downshear and downshear-left sectors but never developed to the upshear sector while Rammasun had relatively symmetric convection during the observed RI episodes. Deep active convection with associated vorticity maxima only developed in the downshear-left southwest sector when RI onset was imminent in LateRI at about 0000 UTC 18 July, nearly 24 hours later than observed. We suggest that the inhibition to the formation of the eyewall cloud is associated with the poor vertical synchronization of the circulation, described previously.