1.Frontier Science Center for Deep Ocean Multispheres and Earth System (FDOMES) and Physical Oceanography Laboratory, Ocean University of China, Qingdao 266100, China 2.Laboratory for Ocean Dynamics and Climate, Qingdao Pilot National Laboratory for Marine Science and Technology, Qingdao 266100, China 3.College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences, Ocean University of China, Qingdao 266100, China 4.Atmospheric Sciences and Global Change Division, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA 99352, USA Manuscript received: 2021-03-03 Manuscript revised: 2021-05-06 Manuscript accepted: 2021-05-19 Abstract:Under external heating forcing in the Southern Ocean, climate models project anomalous northward atmosphere heat transport (AHT) across the equator, accompanied by a southward shift of the intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ). Comparison between a fully coupled and a slab ocean model shows that the inclusion of active ocean dynamics tends to partition the cross-equatorial energy transport and significantly reduce the ITCZ shift response by a factor of 10, a finding which supports previous studies. To understand how ocean dynamics damps the ITCZ’s response to an imposed thermal heating in the Southern Ocean, we examine the ocean heat transport (OHT) and ocean circulation responses in a set of fully coupled experiments. Results show that both the Indo-Pacific and the Atlantic contribute to transport energy across the equator mainly through its Eulerian-mean component. However, different from previous studies that linked the changes in OHT to the changes in the wind-driven subtropical cells or the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC), our results show that the cross-equatorial OHT anomaly is due to a broad clockwise overturning circulation anomaly below the subtropical cells (approximately bounded by the 5°C to 20°C isotherms and 50°S to 10°N). Further elimination of the wind-driven component, conducted by prescribing the climatological wind stress in the Southern Ocean heat perturbation experiments, leads to little change in OHT, suggesting that the OHT response is predominantly thermohaline-driven by air-sea thermal interactions. Keywords: Southern Ocean, ocean dynamics, atmospheric energy transport, oceanic energy transport 摘要:当南大洋受到外界热强迫的扰动时,气候模型通常能够模拟出跨赤道的大气热输运异常,并伴随着热带辐合带(ITCZ)位置的偏移。对比全耦合模型和混合层海洋模型的实验结果发现,海洋动力过程的引入能够产生极强的跨赤道海洋热输运(OHT)异常,从而大大减弱大气跨赤道能量输运的负担,同时抑制了ITCZ的偏移幅度。前人的研究认为该OHT异常的产生与副热带海洋环流圈(STC)或者大西洋经向翻转环流的变化有关。为了探究海洋动力学如何抑制ITCZ对南大洋热强迫的响应,本研究在全耦合模型中对南大洋海域施加理想的热强迫探究OHT和海洋环流的变化,发现在印度-太平洋海盆和大西洋海盆都存在跨赤道OHT异常,该OHT异常源于STC下方广泛分布的顺时针环流异常(等温线5°C -20°C,50°S-10°N)。本研究进一步地通过风应力部分耦合实验,揭示了该环流异常主要受海气热交换过程的控制而并非通常认为的风应力过程驱动,成功地阐明了南大洋热吸收通过海洋动力过程影响低纬度气候的机制。 关键词:南大洋, 海洋动力过程, 大气热输运, 海洋热输运
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2.1. Coupled and partially coupled experiments
The model we use includes both the fully coupled and the slab ocean version of the Community Earth System Model version 1 (CESM1). The fully coupled model (CESM1-CPL) is comprised of the Community Atmosphere Model version 5, the Community Land Model version 4, the Community Ice CodE, and the Parallel Ocean Program version 2. For both atmosphere and land models, the horizontal resolution is 2.5° longitude × 1.9° latitude, with the atmospheric component discretized on 30 uneven vertical levels. For the sea ice model and ocean models, the horizontal resolution is at a nominal 1°, telescoped meridionally to ~0.3° at the equator. Vertically, the ocean model has 60 uneven levels with the thickness varying from 10 m near the surface to 250 m at the bottom. It should be noted that we run all the following experiments with perpetual equinox conditions, which reduces complexities in the results. Starting from an equilibrium state that is available at NCAR, a control simulation (CTRL-CPL; Table 1) is integrated for 120 years under equinoctial solar radiation. We then perform two experiments with additional heating and cooling band forcing $ {Q}^{*} $ added to the Southern Ocean, and they are denoted as HEAT-CPL and COOL-CPL. In such a way the total surface heat flux $ {Q}_{{\rm{t}}} $ into the Southern Ocean can be expressed as $ {Q}_{\mathrm{t}}={Q}_{\mathrm{a}\mathrm{o}}+{Q}^{*} $, where $ {Q}_{\mathrm{a}\mathrm{o}} $ is the sum of radiative and turbulent heat fluxes. $ {Q}^{*} $ is designed to be a 24°-wide band with the maximum amplitude of +/?12 $ \mathrm{W}\;{\mathrm{m}}^{-2} $ at 55°S (Fig. 1a), and the area mean heat flux perturbation over the forced ocean is +/? 4.8 $ \mathrm{W}\;{\mathrm{m}}^{-2} $. Each simulation is integrated for 70 years, and the data of the last 40 years are used for estimating the forced response by subtracting the CTRL-CPL data therefrom. To check how symmetric the climate response is to the heating and cooling thermal forcings in the Southern Ocean, we estimate the symmetric and asymmetric response as ${{X}}_{\mathrm{l}}={(\mathrm{\delta }{X}}_{+}-{\mathrm{\delta }{X}}_{-})/2$ and ${{X}}_{n}=({\mathrm{\delta }{X}}^{+}+{\mathrm{\delta }{X}}^{-})/2$, respectively. Admittedly, the climate system in our work is still far from equilibrium because of the sluggish deep ocean (Long et al., 2014; Stouffer, 2004), and the precise depiction of the atmospheric and oceanic responses at their full equilibrium stage is beyond the scope of this study. A recent study by Lembo et al. (2020) examined the response of global ocean heat uptake to an abrupt doubling of CO2 and found that the anomaly of global ocean heat uptake displays two prominent time scales: the fast response in which the upper ocean is in quasi-equilibrium with the radiative forcing, and the subsequent slow response owing to the gradual adjustment of the deep ocean. The timescale of the fast ocean heat uptake response is on the order of a few decades, while the timescale of the slow response is thousands of years or longer, which is too computationally expensive with the fully coupled model. However, as shown later, most of the oceanic temperature, density and circulation changes in this study occur in the upper ocean (< 800 m), the timescales for these fast responses are relatively short and can be separated from the millennial timescale for deep ocean equilibration. In addition, we extend the HEAT-CPL run to 120 years, and the precipitation, TS, zonal mean temperature, and MOC anomalies averaged over years 70 to 120 are indeed very similar to those over years 30 to 70 (Fig. 2), giving confidence that the responses discussed in this study are steady and robust.
RUN (yrs)
Fully coupled experiments
Fully coupled control run
Perturbed by an additional heating in the Southern Ocean
Perturbed by an additional cooling in the Southern Ocean
Wind stress overriding experiments
Same as HEAT-CPL, but wind stress is specified to climatology
Same as COOL-CPL, but wind stress is specified to climatology
Slab ocean experiments
Slab ocean control run
Perturbed by an additional heating in the Southern Ocean
Perturbed by an additional cooling in the Southern Ocean
Table1. Experiments with fully coupled and slab ocean CESM1
Figure1. (a) Geographical locations of the energy perturbation bands. The zonal mean climatology of (b) TS (K), (c) precipitation (mm d?1), and (d) AHT (PW) in CTRL-CPL (black) and CTRL-SOM (red). TS = surface temperature; AHT = atmospheric heat transport.
Figure2. (a) Zonal mean precipitation (blue lines; left axis) and TS (red lines; right axis) responses in CPL-HEAT averaged over years 30 to 70 (solid lines) and years 70 to 120 (dashed lines). (b?c) The total MOC response (Sv) in CPL-HEAT averaged over years 30 to 70 and years 70 to 120.
To disable the wind-driven oceanic processes, we further perform a pair of partially coupled heating and cooling experiments (HEAT-WS and COOL-WS; Table 1). The partial coupling is realized through overriding the wind stress at the air-sea interface to a daily mean climatology (also see Liu et al., 2017a for details), which is derived from the 120-year CTRL-CPL run. Therefore, the OHT, as well as ocean circulation changes, are a result of air-sea thermal interaction, and the wind stress contribution to the oceanic changes can be estimated by subtracting the results of CPL-WS from those in CPL. This technique has been successfully used to examine the formation processes of SST in response to global warming in many previous studies (Lu and Zhao, 2012; Luo et al., 2015; Liu et al., 2017a, b).
2 2.2. Slab ocean experiments -->
2.2. Slab ocean experiments
To test the impact of the active ocean dynamics, we also use a slab ocean version of CESM1 (CESM1-SOM). In this model, the ocean and atmosphere are only thermodynamically coupled, and SST is computed from surface heat flux and q-flux that accounts for the missing ocean dynamics. We integrate a slab ocean control run (CTRL-SOM) for 100 years, both the mixed layer depth and the q-flux are derived from the climatology of CTRL-CPL. The q-flux is allowed to vary in space and has a repeating seasonal cycle, while the mixed layer depth is only allowed to vary in space. Branching out from the 21st year of the control run, a pair of heating and cooling experiments are integrated for 80 years with the same band forcing $ {Q}^{*} $ added to or subtracted from the Southern Ocean (HEAT-SOM and COOL-SOM; Table 1). Again, only the last 40 years of the model integration are used for analysis. The zonal mean climatology of surface temperature (TS), precipitation, and AHT in the coupled and the slab models are compared in Figs. 1b–d. Although some minor differences can be found between them, the large-scale distributions are remarkably similar, legitimizing the following comparison of their responses to the same external forcing.
2 2.3. Oceanic heat transport -->
2.3. Oceanic heat transport
Following Yang et al. (2015), the zonally integrated full-depth OHT ($ {\mathrm{O}\mathrm{H}\mathrm{T}}_{\mathrm{T}\mathrm{o}\mathrm{t}} $) can be calculated as the residual of three components: where $ {\rho }_{0} $ is the density of seawater, $ {c}_{p} $ is the specific heat of seawater, $ \theta $ is potential temperature, $ \overline {v} $ and $ {v}^{*} $ are Eulerian-mean and eddy-induced meridional velocity, respectively, $ D $ denotes diffusion and other subgrid processes. Therefore, the total OHT is decomposed into components induced by Eulerian-mean flow, eddies, and diffusion. Among the three components, the Eulerian-mean component can be easily calculated with model output potential temperature and Eulerian-mean velocity. The eddy component, which results from both mesoscale and sub-mesoscale processes, is not resolved in our ocean model. Instead, the mesoscale eddies are parameterized by the Gent–McWilliams scheme (Gent and McWilliams, 1990), in which a variable coefficient enables an appropriate ocean response to surface momentum forcing. The sub-mesoscale eddies are parameterized following Fox-Kemper et al. (2008). The response of the Eulerian-mean OHT can be further decomposed into the advection of mean temperature by the circulation anomaly, the advection of temperature anomaly by mean circulation, and a nonlinear component, i.e., Following Yu and Pritchard (2019), we term them as dynamic, thermodynamic, and nonlinear components, respectively. On the other hand, the total OHT can be separated into contributions from individual basins. Since the mass flow in the Indian Ocean or the Pacific Ocean alone is not closed due to the Indonesian Throughflow, the heat transport of the two basins is summed together.
2 2.4. Meridional Overturning Circulation -->
2.4. Meridional Overturning Circulation
The MOC is calculated by integrating meridional velocity zonally and vertically. Since the meridional velocity can be decomposed into Eulerian-mean and eddy-induced components $ v=\overline {v}+{v}^{*} $, the MOC can also be decomposed into these two components: