1.Key Laboratory of Marine Hazards Forecasting, National Marine Environmental Forecasting Center, Ministry of Natural Resources, Beijing 100081, China 2.LASG, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100029, China 3.Ministry of Education Key Laboratory for Earth System Modeling, Department for Earth System Science, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China Manuscript received: 2020-12-15 Manuscript revised: 2021-03-12 Manuscript accepted: 2021-03-31 Abstract:Initial errors in the tropical Indian Ocean (IO-related initial errors) that are most likely to yield the Spring Prediction Barrier (SPB) for La Ni?a forecasts are explored by using the CESM model. These initial errors can be classified into two types. Type-1 initial error consists of positive sea temperature errors in the western Indian Ocean and negative sea temperature errors in the eastern Indian Ocean, while the spatial structure of Type-2 initial error is nearly opposite. Both kinds of IO-related initial errors induce positive prediction errors of sea temperature in the Pacific Ocean, leading to under-prediction of La Ni?a events. Type-1 initial error in the tropical Indian Ocean mainly influences the SSTA in the tropical Pacific Ocean via atmospheric bridge, leading to the development of localized sea temperature errors in the eastern Pacific Ocean. However, for Type-2 initial error, its positive sea temperature errors in the eastern Indian Ocean can induce downwelling error and influence La Ni?a predictions through an oceanic channel called Indonesian Throughflow. Based on the location of largest SPB-related initial errors, the sensitive area in the tropical Indian Ocean for La Ni?a predictions is identified. Furthermore, sensitivity experiments show that applying targeted observations in this sensitive area is very useful in decreasing prediction errors of La Ni?a. Therefore, adopting a targeted observation strategy in the tropical Indian Ocean is a promising approach toward increasing ENSO prediction skill. Keywords: initial error, tropical Indian Ocean, La Ni?a prediction, sensitive area, targeted observation 摘要:该研究使用复杂地球系统模式CESM揭示了最易导致拉尼娜事件“春季预报障碍”的印度洋海温初始误差。根据误差的空间结构特征,将这些初始误差分为两类。第一类误差的海表温度异常呈现西正东负的跷跷板结构,而第二类误差则表现为西负东正的海表温度误差结构。两类误差均低估拉尼娜事件的强度,但两者具有不同的演变机制。第一类误差主要通过印-太大气桥的作用影响太平洋海温的发展,使东太平洋区域海温误差的发展具有局地性特征;而第二类误差主要通过印尼贯穿流影响太平洋拉尼娜事件的预报。基于两类初始误差及其演变机制,该研究确定了拉尼娜事件预报的印度洋海温的目标观测敏感区,并通过敏感性试验验证了在该敏感区内展开目标观测对减小拉尼娜事件预报不确定性的有效性。 关键词:初始误差, 热带印度洋, 拉尼娜预报, 敏感区, 目标观测
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6. Implications for targeted observations During ENSO forecasts, data assimilation in coupled models is quite important (Gao et al., 2016; Zhang et al., 2020b), and a targeted observation strategy can provide additional valuable observations for the assimilation. To improve a forecast at time t1 (verification time) in an area of concern (verification area), additional observations are deployed at a future time t2 (target time; t2 < t1) in some key areas (sensitive area) where additional observations are expected to have a considerable contribution to the forecast in the verification area (Snyder, 1996; Mu, 2013; Mu et al., 2015). One challenge is the determination of the sensitive area. Normally, the locations of SPB-related initial errors with large values can be assumed as the sensitive areas for targeted observations (Mu et al., 2014; Duan and Hu, 2016). So, the large value area of SPB-related initial errors in the Indian Ocean may also be the sensitive area for La Ni?a predictions. In this study, the sensitive area is identified where the SPB-related initial errors are larger than 0.2°C. As shown in Fig. 8, the large values mainly exist in the subsurface of the eastern Indian Ocean, suggesting the possibility of this area being the sensitive area for La Ni?a predictions. Will the prediction skill be improved with targeted observations applied there? To answer this question, a number of sensitivity experiments are carried out. In sensitivity experiments with targeted observations applied inside the sensitive area, which are marked as Sensi-1, we simply wipe out the initial errors in the sensitive area and set the initial errors to zero. For sensitivity experiments with targeted observations applied outside the sensitive area, which are signified as Sensi-2, initial errors outside the sensitive area are erased. Here, predictions with the original initial errors superimposed (i.e., with no targeted observation strategy applied) are regarded as the control run. Figure8. The sensitive area (shaded in red) of targeted observations in the tropical Indian Ocean for the La Ni?a predictions.
The results of the targeted observations sensitivity experiments are shown in Table 1. The bulk of non-sensitive area in the tropical Indian Ocean is about 2.22 × 107 km3, which is four times larger than the sensitive area. Although the area is much larger, adopting the targeted observation strategy in the non-sensitive area provides little help toward achieving better La Ni?a predictions. Surprisingly, the prediction skill is reduced (?0.14%) in general. From Sensi-1, where targeted observation strategies are applied inside the sensitive area, La Ni?a prediction skill can be improved by 20.59%. The averaged benefit is defined following Zhou et al. (2020) (i.e., β= improvement of La Ni?a prediction skill / volume of the area with targeted observations applied). Here, β measures the effectiveness of adopting targeted observation strategies since it can represent the prediction skill improvement per km3 for a certain area. In this study, the effectiveness β from both Sensi-1 and Sensi-2 are calculated. β of Sensi-1 is very large, reaching up to 399.90; β of Sensi-2 is ?0.06 on average. Although the sensitive area occupies a very small area of the tropical Indian Ocean, it is very effective to adopt targeted observation strategy there to reduce the prediction errors of the La Ni?a forecasts.
Prediction errors for Exp-ref (Err0)
Predictions errors with targeted observations (Err)
The improvement for El Ni?o events ($1 - { { {\rm{Err} } } }/{ { {\rm{Er} }{ {\rm{r} }_0} } }$)
The bulk of sensitive area (107 km3)
Averaged benefit for the targeted observation β (10?7 km?3)
Table1. The averaged prediction errors and the averaged benefits of the targeted observation strategy conducted inside/outside the sensitive area for La Ni?a predictions.
Prediction errors of sea temperature from the control run, Sensi-1, and Sensi-2 are shown in Fig. 9. In the control run, without any targeted observations applied, positive sea temperature errors dominate as the main feature at the end of the forecasts, as shown in Fig. 9a. In Fig. 9b, where targeted observation strategies are applied inside the sensitive area, positive prediction errors of sea temperature are still there, but both the magnitude and the area of the errors are reduced. As in Fig. 9c, when targeted observation strategies are adopted outside the sensitive area, the spatial pattern and the magnitude of the prediction errors are much like those from the control run, implying little improvements of La Ni?a prediction skill. The differences of prediction errors between these different sensitivity experiments support the former conclusion that adopting targeted observation strategies in the sensitive area in the Indian Ocean can significantly reduce the prediction errors and improve the forecast skill of La Ni?a events. Figure9. Prediction errors in Dec(0) in the tropical oceans for La Ni?a predictions starting from Jan(0), (a) for predictions superimposed with the whole initial errors in the tropical Indian Ocean, (b–c) for predictions with targeted observation strategy conducted inside/outside the sensitive area in the tropical Indian Ocean, respectively.
The predicted SSTA are also shown in Fig. 10. Figure 10a shows the “true state” of typical La Ni?a events, with negative SSTA prevailing in the tropical Pacific Ocean. When SPB-related initial errors exist in the tropical Indian Ocean, the La Ni?a event mode is disappeared due to the large influences from the IO-related initial errors. When targeted observation strategies are adopted outside the sensitive area in the Indian Ocean, as in Fig. 10d, predicted SSTA shows larger negative SSTA in the tropical Pacific Ocean when compared with that from Fig. 10b, showing some improvement. However, when targeted observation strategies are adopted inside the sensitive area in the tropical Indian Ocean (Fig. 10c,), the predicted SSTA in the tropical Pacific Ocean shows a typical La Ni?a mode pattern with a relatively reduced magnitude, implying that the prediction skill for La Ni?a events is significantly improved. Figure10. Predicted SSTA in Dec(0) in the tropical oceans for La Ni?a predictions starting from Jan(0), (a) for the “true state” of La Ni?a events, (b) for predictions superimposed with the whole initial errors in the tropical Indian Ocean, (c–d) for the predictions with targeted observation strategy conducted inside/outside the sensitive area in the tropical Indian Ocean, respectively.
In short, La Ni?a prediction is sensitive to the sea temperature errors in the sensitive area which resides in the eastern tropical Indian Ocean, and it is very useful to apply targeted observations in this sensitive area, instead of other places, to obtain better La Ni?a forecasts.
7. Summary and discussion The influences of IO-related sea temperature errors on La Ni?a predictions are explored by using coupled earth system model CESM. From plenty of sensitivity experiments, the initial errors in the Indian Ocean that are most likely to yield the SPB for La Ni?a forecasts (i.e., SPB-related initial errors) are revealed. These SPB-related initial errors in the tropical Indian Ocean can be categorized into two types according to their spatial structures by cluster analysis. SPB-related Type-1 initial error has a positive IOD-like structure with positive errors of sea temperature in the western Indian Ocean and negative errors in the east. The structure of Type-2 initial error is nearly opposite to that of Type-1. For Type-1 initial error, which has a positive IOD-like error pattern in the tropical Indian Ocean, errors keep growing and persist in that spatial pattern by the end of the prediction; positive errors of sea temperature first show up in the central Pacific Ocean and develop into an El Ni?o-like error pattern by the end of the prediction. For Type-1 initial error, it is the atmospheric bridge that plays the crucial role in IO-related initial errors influencing the SSTA in the Pacific Ocean. For Type-2 initial error, which manifests in a negative IOD-like pattern, the prediction errors in the tropical Indian Ocean decay and then develop into a positive IOD-like pattern; meanwhile, the positive errors of sea temperature in the eastern Indian Ocean can lead to downwelling anomalies which can penetrate into the equatorial western Pacific Ocean through the ITF. Also for Type-2 initial error, the prediction errors of sea temperature in the tropical Pacific Ocean have an El Ni?o-like pattern at the end of the prediction. The sensitive area in the tropical Indian Ocean for La Ni?a forecasts is then identified based on those SPB-related initial errors. We also have evaluated the effectiveness of adopting targeted observation strategies in this sensitive area. The results indicate that the averaged benefit of applying targeted observations in the sensitive area is overwhelmingly large, even though the sensitive area is only one-fifth of the whole tropical Indian Ocean. So, it is much more effective to adopt targeted observation strategies inside the sensitive area rather than any other region. Two types of optimal conditional initial errors in the tropical Indian Ocean that have the largest influences on La Ni?a predictions are explored in this study. Type-1 and Type-2 SPB-related initial errors, with positive and negative IOD-like structures respectively, are both very similar to the SPB-related initial errors in the tropical Indian Ocean of the El Ni?o predictions discovered by Zhou et al. (2019). Therefore, the Type-1 initial errors calculated from both the El Ni?o events and La Ni?a predictability studies are marked as “Type-1 initial error,” and same for Type-2 initial errors. A brief summary is presented in Table 2. For El Ni?o forecasts, both Type-1 and Type-2 initial errors tend to have negative prediction errors of sea temperature in the tropical Pacific Ocean; the ITF and the atmospheric bridge play leading roles in IO-related Type-1 and Type-2 initial errors influencing the SSTA associated with ENSO prediction, respectively. When it comes to the La Ni?a forecasts, both types of IO-related initial errors tend to result in positive errors of sea temperature in the tropical Pacific Ocean, and IO-related Type-1 and Type-2 initial errors incline to influence the ENSO predictions by virtue of the atmospheric bridge and the ITF, respectively.
Prediction errors induced by the IO-related initial errors
Dynamic mechanism for Type-1 initial errors
Dynamic mechanism for Type-2 initial errors
El Ni?o events
Negative initial errors
Atmospheric bridge
La Ni?a events
Positive initial errors
Atmospheric bridge
Table2. A brief table of the influences of IO-related initial errors (both Type-1 and Type-2) on the SSTA predictions in the Pacific Ocean, and the possible main dynamical mechanisms behind them.
Even though these IO-related Type-1 and Type-2 initial errors for both El Ni?o and La Ni?a predictions have much in common, there are still some differences that cannot be neglected. For SPB-related Type-1 initial errors of El Ni?o, the positive errors dominate between 10°S and 10°N in the western Indian Ocean, while for Type-1 initial errors of La Ni?a, the positive errors only appear in the southern Western Indian Ocean. Ojha and Gnanaseelan (2015) suggest that a north-south dipole is the dominant mode in the subsurface. Unfortunately, the region for the initial errors in the tropical Indian Ocean is not big enough to include the whole southern pole in the subsurface in our study. More studies should be carried out if we want to figure out the similarity between the SPB-related Type-1 initial errors of La Ni?a and the subsurface dipole. For the IO-related initial errors that have the largest influence on El Ni?o predictions with start month Jan(0), all the predictions tend to underestimate the magnitude of the La Ni?a events. This is also the case for most of the sensitivity experiments carried out during the study of La Ni?a predictions, with one exception represented by the purple line in Fig. 2b. Why is this initial error so special? Is it just a random case? Or may it have any implications? Two types of SPB-related initial errors are revealed in the tropical Indian Ocean, and the roles of both the ITF and the atmospheric bridge are analyzed. Are they independent? Can their influences be quantified? These questions will need to be answered in the future with more carefully designed sensitivity experiments and analyses. In this study on La Ni?a predictability, we only use the traditional Ni?o-3 index to represent La Ni?a events. However, ENSO events are diverse, including both EP-type and CP-type (Kao and Yu, 2009; Kug et al., 2009) events, and prediction barriers exist for them both (Ren et al., 2016; Tian et al., 2019). So, more studies should be carried out to explore the different influences of IO-related initial errors on the two different types of ENSO events. It can be concluded that both positive and negative IOD-like initial errors have the largest influences on the predictions of ENSO events, leading to the SPB phenomena. Mu and Jiang (2011) pointed out that the optimally growing initial errors in the onset predictions of blocking events and the optimal precursors that trigger the onsets have a lot in common. And the optimal precursors and the conditional nonlinear optimal perturbation always share similar structures (Mu et al.,, 2014, 2017). So, what is the optimal precursor of ENSO events in the tropical Indian Ocean? Will the optimal precursor in the tropical Indian Ocean share similar structures with these SPB-related initial errors? What’s more, ensemble forecasts are one of the most useful ways to improve ENSO prediction skill, and a good ensemble forecast relies on good ensemble initial errors. So, could this kind of IO-related initial error that grows fastest be considered as one of the ensemble initial errors in order to improve the ensemble forecast skill? These questions can be explored in the future studies. According to the large value area of these SPB-related initial errors, the sensitive area in the tropical Indian Ocean for La Ni?a forecasts is revealed. And adopting targeted observation strategies in this sensitive area can significantly decrease the prediction errors of La Ni?a forecasts. Zhou et al. (2020) have also identified the sensitive area in the Indian Ocean for El Ni?o forecasts. It can be noticed that, both kinds of sensitive areas mainly reside in the equatorial eastern Indian Ocean. So, whether this region can be treated as the common sensitive area for ENSO predictions is also one of our concerns. What’s more, due to the large computational cost, sensitivity experiments of the targeted observations are only carried out with the SPB-related cases. Since most cases are not SPB-type, whether the sensitive area still works is another interesting question. So further studies should be carried out to answer these questions. Also because of the huge computational cost, only sensitivity experiments starting from Jan(0) are completed. More sensitivity experiments starting from other start months, such as Apr(0), Jul(0), and so on, should be completed to explore the influences of IO-related initial errors on SSTA forecasts during La Ni?a predictions bestriding its decaying phase. The National Marine Environmental Forecast Center has an operational global SST forecast model, which also shows good performance for ENSO prediction (Zhang et al., 2018, 2019). Though the conclusions from this paper are all based on the “perfect model” assumption, it is still of our interests to apply them to operational forecasts to see how it works in real time. What are the influences of the initial errors of sea temperature in the tropical Indian Ocean on real La Ni?a predictions? Will the sensitive area identified in this study remain effective in operational forecast models? ENSO prediction skill can be further improved once these questions are answered with sensitivity experiments carried out with the operational forecast model. In this study, we simply assume the model is perfect, so no model errors are considered. However, due to an overly strong Bjerknes feedback simulated in the equatorial Indian Ocean, most Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase Three (CMIP3) and CMIP5 models (including the CESM we used in this study) have IOD bias (Cai and Cowan, 2013). Moreover, like many other coupled models, the CESM also has an overly strong variability of sea surface temperature in the eastern Indian Ocean because of its exaggerated sensitivity to thermocline variations (Wieners et al., 2019). Our conclusions may be model-dependent since we only use the CESM, which is also flawed, to complete the sensitivity experiments. If we can reduce the model errors in ENSO predictions following the strategy of Tao et al. (2020) (i.e., using the Nonlinear Forcing Singular Vector (NFSV) approach), ENSO prediction skill may be further improved. Acknowledgements. This study was supported by the National Key R&D Program of China (Grant No. 2019YFC1408004), together with the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 41930971, 41805069, 41606031) and the Office of China Postdoctoral Council (OCPC) under Award Number 20190003