University of S?o Paulo, S?o Paulo 05508120, Brazil Manuscript received: 2020-06-02 Manuscript revised: 2020-11-10 Manuscript accepted: 2020-11-11 Abstract:Anthropogenic climate forcing will cause the global mean sea level to rise over the 21st century. However, regional sea level is expected to vary across ocean basins, superimposed by the influence of natural internal climate variability. Here, we address the detection of dynamic sea level (DSL) changes by combining the perspectives of a single and a multi-model ensemble approach (the 50-member CanESM5 and a 27-model ensemble, respectively, all retrieved from the CMIP6 archive), under three CMIP6 projected scenarios: SSP1-2.6, SSP3-7.0 and SSP5-8.5. The ensemble analysis takes into account four key metrics: signal (S), noise (N), S/N ratio, and time of emergence (ToE). The results from both sets of ensembles agree in the fact that regions with higher S/N (associated with smaller uncertainties) also reflect earlier ToEs. The DSL signal is projected to emerge in the Southern Ocean, Southeast Pacific, Northwest Atlantic, and the Arctic. Results common for both sets of ensemble simulations show that while S progressively increases with increased projected emissions, N, in turn, does not vary substantially among the SSPs, suggesting that uncertainty arising from internal climate variability has little dependence on changes in the magnitude of external forcing. Projected changes are greater and quite similar for the scenarios SSP3-7.0 and SSP5-8.5 and considerably smaller for the SSP1-2.6, highlighting the importance of public policies towards lower emission scenarios and of keeping emissions below a certain threshold. Keywords: dynamic sea level, CMIP6, sea level rise, signal-to-noise, time of emergence 摘要:人为气候强迫会引起21世纪全球平均海平面的升高。相对于全球平均海平面,区域海平面的变化将在气候内部变率的作用下,表现出海盆尺度上的空间差异。本文基于CMIP6中CanESM5模式的50个样本集合和27个不同模式集合,研究了SSP1-2.6,SSP3-7.0和SSP5-8.5三种未来预测情景下海面动力高度的变化。分析过程中重点关注了信号(S,线性趋势)、噪音(N,不确定性)、信噪比(S/N)和显变时间(ToE,气候变化引起的海平面变化明显超出其自然变率范围的时间)等四种指标。两种集合均表明,具有较高信噪比的海域(对应于较小的模拟不确定性),海平面高度的显变时间也更早;海面动力高度的变化将主要发生在南大洋、东南太平洋、西北大西洋和北冰洋。两种集合也表明,海面动力高度的变化会随着排放强度的增加而增大,但排放强度对噪音的影响不显著,这也表明气候内部变率引起的不确定性受外部强迫的影响较小。海平面在SSP3-7.0和SSP5-8.5两种情景下预测的变化较大且相近,在SSP1-2.6情景下变化较小,这表明采取公共政策以维持低排放且不超过特定阈值的重要性。(翻译:舒启) 关键词:海面动力高度, CMIP6, 海平面上升, 信噪比, 显变时间
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1. Introduction Even though human-induced sea level rise (SLR) will continue over the next century at least (Church et al., 2013), the expected regional expression of its global average is rather variable across the ocean basins (Slangen et al., 2014; Bordbar et al., 2015; Meyssignac et al., 2017), influenced by a range of processes (Clark et al., 2015; Slangen et al., 2017). This regional distribution is influenced both by anthropogenic and natural external forcings and by intrinsic climate variability (Marcos et al., 2017). Detection consists of determining if a given signal actually corresponds to an externally forced change or simply falls within possible fluctuations from natural internal variability of the coupled climate system (Stott et al., 2010). Large ensembles (LEs) of climate simulations offer a powerful approach to assess climate change detection. While single-model LEs target the uncertainty arising from internal climate variability (i.e., from natural interactions in the coupled ocean–atmosphere–land–biosphere–cryosphere system), multi-model ensembles also include structural uncertainty (arising from differences in model formulation), but offer, in turn, unique insights on the forced climate response since they provide information from the perspective of diversified efforts to simulate the climate system. Despite the exclusive value of a single-model LE in addressing more specifically the intrinsic climate variability, there is no evidence that any particular model is more realistic at climate projections than others of its class (Deser et al., 2020). In LE analysis, the ensemble mean, which is referred to as the signal (S), represents the forced response (i.e., the anthropogenic climate change); while the ensemble spread, or noise (N), represents the uncertainty arising from two sources: internal variability and model structural differences. Therefore, ensemble spread in single-model LE arises only from internal variability, while in multi-model LEs the spread is due to both the model configuration and internal variability. A third source of projection uncertainty is associated with the possible radiative forcing scenarios. Little et al. (2015) assessed the sources of uncertainty for modeled sea level change in CMIP5 projections and suggested that the combined effect of temperature biases, upper-ocean stratification, and vertical mixing impact the thermosteric sea change across models. Moreover, they discuss that differences in atmospheric models lead to discrepancies in surface fluxes and feedback, which increase uncertainties in multi-model LEs. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) assessments rely on multi-model climate projections based on new alternative development scenarios of future emissions and land-use changes [the Shared Socioeconomic Pathways, or SSPs (O’Neill et al., 2016) and the forcing levels of CMIP5’s Representative Concentration Pathways, or RCPs (van Vuuren et al., 2011)], produced with integrated assessment models participating in phase 6 of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP6; Eyring et al., 2016). The SSPs’ narrative① illustrate possible anthropogenic drivers of climate change over the 21st century (departing from the historical runs) ranging from sustainable to fossil-fueled development (Riahi et al., 2017): ● SSP1 — Sustainability — Taking the Green Road: Low challenges to mitigation and adaptation; ● SSP2 — Middle of the Road: Medium challenges to mitigation and adaptation; ● SSP3 — Regional Rivalry — A Rocky Road: High challenges to mitigation and adaptation; ● SSP4 — Inequality — A Road Divided: Low challenges to mitigation, high challenges to adaptation; ● SSP5 — Fossil-fueled Development — Taking the Highway: High challenges to mitigation, low challenges to adaptation. Beyond improving the understanding of the climate system and characterizing societal risks and response options, numerical climate change projections provide relevant information regarding the emergence of anthropogenically forced trends above internal variability (Carson et al., 2019). This particular time, when S exceeds N above a particular threshold with no turning back below it, is referred to as the time of emergence (ToE). The dynamic sea level (DSL) is the spatiotemporally dependent sea surface topography referenced to the Earth’s geoid and it is influenced by ocean currents, local mass balance and density changes in the water column (Cazenave and Remy, 2011; Griffies and Greatbatch, 2012; Gregory et al., 2013; Richter et al., 2013). DSL does not count for global mean SLR and does not contain any other sea level signal, such as zero global mean thermosteric sea level, land ice melt, land motion, or inverse barometer effects; it is defined to have a global mean of zero (Gregory et al., 2019). According to several past studies, regional sea level changes are usually detected by examining DSL changes (e.g., Slangen et al., 2014; Bordbar et al., 2015; Hu and Bates, 2018). Here, we investigate the most up-to-date projected DSL for the 21st century as simulated by state-of-the-art global climate models and Earth System Models (ESMs) under the auspices of the CMIP6 project (Table 1). First, the results from the 50-member CanESM5 ensemble (Swart et al., 2019) are assessed for two historical CMIP6 experiments: historical (1850 to 2014, full-forcing) and historical-natural (1850 to 2020; natural-only with no anthropogenic forcing). The trends in sterodynamic sea-level [DSL plus global mean thermosteric sea-level, as defined in Gregory et al. (2019)] from these experiments are compared for consistency against satellite altimetry data from the Archiving, Validation and Interpretation of Satellite Oceanographic data (AVISO+,
* Results used in both datasets, the CanESM5 and the CMIP6 multi-model ensembles.
Table1. Earth System Models used.
Projected DSL responses to three distinct SSPs are then presented for the 50-member CanESM5 ensemble mean and a CMIP6-27-model ensemble mean. The three CMIP6 scenarios used are: the SSP1-2.6 (sustainability, low emissions, mitigation – year 2100 forcing of 2.6 W m?2), SSP3-7.0 (business as usual, medium to high emissions — year 2100 forcing of 7.0 W m?2), and SSP 5-8.5 (fossil-fueled development, high emissions — year 2100 forcing of 8.5 W m?2). Our goal is to provide a global picture of projected regional DSL based on the agreement between both the CanESM5 and the CMIP6-27-model ensemble sets. Furthermore, we discuss the projected DSL outcomes from distinct SSP scenarios and how they differ between the single- and multi-model ensemble approaches.
2.1. Initial condition CanESM5 ensemble
For the single-model analysis we employ the 50-member ensemble output from the Canadian Earth System Model version 5 (CanESM5, Swart et al., 2019) retrieved from the CMIP6 archive (hereafter “CanESM5 ensemble”). To compare with satellite-derived observational data, we use the historical scenario with full forcing (i.e., anthropogenic plus natural external forcings and natural internal variability, from 1850 to 2014, Fig. 1b) and the historical scenario with natural forcings only (10 members with all-natural external forcings, e.g., volcanoes, solar, but no anthropogenic emissions, from 1850 to 2020, Fig. 1c). Each historical realization starts at a different year (with 50-year intervals) from the piControl experiment, yielding differences in multidecadal ocean variability among members (Swart et al., 2019). Figure1. Annual mean linear trend (mm yr?1) for the years 1993–2018 of (a) total sea level from satellite observations (AVISO+), (b) sterodynamic sea-level (DSL plus global mean thermosteric sea level) from CanESM5 historical + SSP585 (50 members average) and (c) from CanESM5 historical-natural (10 members average). The altimeter-derived sea levels refer to the ocean topography with respect to the geoid. Figure A1 in the appendix provides information about the CanESM5 intra-ensemble spread in the observed period.
There are two subset variants within this ensemble: 25 members use a conservative wind-stress field interpolation passed from the atmospheric model to the ocean model and the other 25-member subset uses a bilinear remapping scheme. These variants do not produce distinguishable responses on transient climate or global scale dynamics (Swart et al., 2019); hence, for our purposes, we can assume this to be a 50-member ensemble with the spread generated only by initial condition characteristics. The analyses were conducted using yearly means of the CanESM5 ensemble DSL results.
2 2.2. CMIP6 multi-model ensemble -->
2.2. CMIP6 multi-model ensemble
The outputs from the 27 Earth System Models (ESMs) used in this study (Table 1; hereafter “CMIP6 ensemble”) are from the CMIP6 archive. The models selection was based on the availability of the DSL variable (or “zos” in CMIP convention — with zero global-area mean and not including inverse barometer depressions from sea ice) for the three “Tier 1 ScenarioMIP projections”. The model output submissions for the CMIP6 archive do not have the same number of ensemble members, so to compute our multi-model ensemble mean of the projected sea level change for the 21st century we are using a single ensemble member from each model (usually the ‘r1i1p1f1’), and every model is given the same weight for the ensemble statistics. To provide an estimate of the internal variability we are also using the last 200 years from the control run (under constant pre-industrial forcing: piControl).
2 2.3. Methods -->
2.3. Methods
Prior to performing the CMIP6 ensemble analysis, we interpolated the DSL data from 27 different models onto a common 1° × 1° grid using bilinear interpolation with the same land–ocean mask, excluding the marginal seas and interior lakes like the Mediterranean Sea, Red Sea, Arabian Gulf, Black Sea, Caspian Sea, Baltic Sea, and Hudson Bay. Four key metrics in LE analysis were then obtained for the regional DSL data for both the CanESM5 and the CMIP6 ensemble results over the 21st century for each of the three SSPs: (i) S — the forced response — which is the ensemble mean of the absolute linear trend in annual mean DSL spanning the period from 2015 to 2100. Trends are used to estimate sea level changes as well as other climate signals in order to highlight nonstationary behavior in the time series. This low-frequency signal can be assessed in terms of prediction, therefore providing a clearer indication of the future long-term movements in the series (Visser et al., 2015) and playing a role in climate change detection (Church et al., 2013). (ii) N — the ensemble spread representing uncertainty – which is the standard deviation from the linear trend field among the ensemble members. Using model spread to define N should include additional model errors, whereas in the real-world N should be natural forcing and internal variability only. (iii) S/N, as the ratio between the ensemble mean and the ensemble spread, i.e., between forced response and uncertainty. (iv) ToE — the forced response detection time — defined as the decade over which a trend (S) will be statistically above the unforced sea level internal variability [i.e., N (Carson et al., 2019)]. Here, ToE is computed as the year when the DSL time series (with no thermosteric component) at each grid point exceeds two standard deviations of the monthly mean DSL from the piControl experiment, using the same approach as in Bordbar et al. (2015) and Lyu et al. (2014). The computation was performed for each ensemble member separately, and the resulting ToEs were averaged to obtain an ensemble mean ToE. The CanESM5 and CMIP6 ensembles were both de-drifted using their respective piControl runs to remove potential spurious trends caused by model equilibrium adjustment rather than by external forcing. Results do not change significantly, consistent with Gupta et al. (2013), who assessed surface properties other than DSL to report that “when considering multimodel means of surface properties, drift is negligible”. The authors also investigated the steric sea level, which integrates the water column, to conclude that the deep ocean can be dominated by model drift.