1.Key Laboratory of Meteorological Disaster, Ministry of Education (KLME) / Joint International Research Laboratory of Climate and Environment Change (ILCEC) / Collaborative Innovation Center on Forecast and Evaluation of Meteorological Disasters (CIC-FEMD), Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, Nanjing 210044, China 2.Fredy and Nadine Herrmann Institute of Earth Sciences, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Edmond J. Safra Campus, Givat Ram Jerusalem 91904, Israel 3.Department of the Geophysical Sciences, University of Chicago, Chicago 60637, USA Manuscript received: 2020-07-27 Manuscript revised: 2020-10-20 Manuscript accepted: 2020-11-10 Abstract:Using the World Meteorological Organization definition and a threshold-based classification technique, simulations of vortex displacement and split sudden stratospheric warmings (SSWs) are evaluated for four Chinese models (BCC-CSM2-MR, FGOALS-f3-L, FGOALS-g3, and NESM3) from phase 6 of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP6) with the Japanese 55-year reanalysis (JRA-55) as a baseline. Compared with six or seven SSWs in a decade in JRA-55, three models underestimate the SSW frequency by ~50%, while NESM3 doubles the SSW frequency. SSWs mainly appear in midwinter in JRA-55, but one-month climate drift is simulated in the models. The composite of splits is stronger than displacements in both the reanalysis and most models due to the longer pulse of positive eddy heat flux before onset of split SSWs. A wavenumber-1-like temperature anomaly pattern (cold Eurasia, warm North America) before onset of displacement SSWs is simulated, but cold anomalies are mainly confined to North America after displacement SSWs. Although the lower tropospheric temperature also displays a wavenumber-1-like pattern before split SSWs, most parts of Eurasia and North America are covered by cold anomalies after split SSWs in JRA-55. The models have different degrees of fidelity for the temperature anomaly pattern before split SSWs, but the wavenumber-2-like temperature anomaly pattern is well simulated after split SSWs. The center of the negative height anomalies in the Pacific sector before SSWs is sensitive to the SSW type in both JRA-55 and the models. A negative North Atlantic Oscillation is simulated after both types of SSWs in the models, although it is only observed for split SSWs. Keywords: sudden stratospheric warming, CMIP6, surface impact, model simulation 摘要:依照世界气象组织的平流层爆发性增温(SSW)定义方法,本文系统评估了四个参与国际第六次耦合模式比较计划的中国模式(即BCC-CSM2-MR、FGOALS-f3-L、FGOALS-g3和NESM3)对SSW及其对流层影响的模拟技巧。基于平流层极涡几何型态的参数阈值分类技术,可以将SSW分为极涡偏移型和极涡分裂型。研究结果表明,再分析资料中SSW平均每10年爆发6–7次;相比之下,三个中国CMIP6模式(BCC-CSM2-MR、FGOALS-f3-L和FGOALS-g3)远远低估了SSW的爆发频率,只能模拟出半数事件,而NESM3模拟的SSW频率相比再分析资料增加了一倍。再分析资料中观测的SSW主要出现在一二月,四个模式模拟的SSW均偏晚一个月,主要发生在二三月。与再分析结果基本一致的是,多数模式模拟的分裂型SSW爆发之前,正涡旋热通量异常积累时间比偏移型SSW更久,因此分裂型SSW的平均强度相比偏移型SSW强。模式可以成功再现极涡偏移型SSW爆发之前的1波型温度异常分布(欧亚大陆冷异常,北美洲大陆暖异常),偏移型SSW爆发之后的冷异常主要集中在北美的有限区域。在分裂型SSW爆发之前也在近地面观测到1波型温度异常分布,分裂型SSW爆发之后近地面温度异常为2波主导。四个模式对分裂型SSW爆发之前的1波异常温度分布具有不同的模拟能力,但对分裂型SSW爆发之后的2波型温度异常分布普遍具有较好的再现能力。再分析资料和模式模拟都表明,北太平洋的对流层低压异常中心位置因SSW类型不同而异。此外,再分析资料只在分裂型SSW爆发之后出现北大西洋涛动负位相;而模式模拟的负位相北大西洋涛动在偏移型和分裂型SSW爆发之后均出现。 关键词:平流层爆发性增温, 第六次耦合模式比较计划(CMIP6), 近地面影响, 模式模拟
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2.1. Models, experiments and datasets
Table 1 lists the four CMIP6 models with daily outputs available for AMIP experiments. The four models are BCC-CSM2-MR, FGOALS-f3-L, FGOALS-g3, and NESM3, with their full name extensions and affiliations listed in the second column of Table 1. BCC-CSM2-MR is developed by the National Climate Center, China Meteorological Administration, and has a moderate horizontal resolution (T106, i.e., 320 × 160 grids, longitude × latitude). FGOALS-f3-L is developed by the State Key Laboratory of Numerical Modeling for Atmospheric Sciences and Geophysical Fluid Dynamics (LASG), Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and has a moderate (although “L” denotes “low resolution”) horizontal resolution (i.e., C96, i.e., 382 × 194 grids, longitude × latitude). FGOALS-g3 is also developed by LASG, but the atmospheric component is different and has a low horizontal resolution (i.e., 180 × 80 grids, longitude × latitude). NESM3 is developed by the Earth System Modeling Center, Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, and has a low horizontal resolution (i.e., T63, 190 × 95 grids, longitude × latitude). For full details, readers are directed to the model descriptions (Cao et al., 2018; He et al., 2019; Wu et al., 2019; Li et al., 2020). All models have a model top around 1–2 hPa, incorporating the mid-to-lower stratosphere, where SSWs happen. In contrast, BCC-CSM2-MR and NESM3 (46 and 47 levels in total; 18 and 19 levels around 100–10 hPa) have a nicer vertical resolution than FGOALS-f3-L and FGOALS-g3 (32 and 26 levels in total; 8 and 7 levels around 100–10 hPa).
Full name (and affiliation)
Ensemble members
Resolution (and model top/levels around 100–10 hPa)
Total SSWs (and D/S)
Beijing Climate Center, Climate System Model version two, Medium Resolution (National Climate Center, China Meteorological Administration)
Flexible Global Ocean–Atmosphere–Land System model, Finite-volume version 3, Low Resolution (State Key Laboratory of Numerical Modeling for Atmospheric Sciences and Geophysical Fluid Dynamics, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Flexible Global Ocean–Atmosphere–Land System model, Grid-point version 3 (State Key Laboratory of Numerical Modeling for Atmospheric Sciences and Geophysical Fluid Dynamics, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology Earth System Model version 3 (Earth System Modeling Center, Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology)
Table1. The four Chinese CMIP6 models used in this study. One of the DECK experiments, AMIP, is commonly available for the four models. The size of the AMIP runs for each model is listed in the third column, and all ensemble members are analyzed in the composite. D/S in the fifth column represents the ratio of the vortex displacement and split SSWs. The CMIP6 AMIP experiments start from 1979 and end in 2014.
Because daily data from AMIP experiments were available for all of the four models at the beginning of this study (October 2019), we use the AMIP outputs. BCC-CSM2-MR and FGOALS-f3-L have three ensemble members, while FGOALS-g3 and NESM3 have five ensemble members (see the third column of Table 1). All the AMIP experiments are forced by the same external forcings, but the initial fields are different. All the ensemble members from the four Chinese CMIP6 models are used in our paper. Considering that the CMIP6 AMIP runs are from 1979–2014, the extracted Japanese 55-year Reanalysis (JRA-55) from 1979–2014 (JRA-55; Kobayashi et al., 2015) is used as a baseline for model evaluations. The SSW events from different reanalyses show little difference, especially during the satellite era since 1979 (Rao et al., 2015; Butler et al., 2017), so only the JRA-55 reanalysis is shown. Variables used in our paper include zonal and meridional winds, heights, and temperatures at pressure levels. Because NESM3 does not provide daily heights, we also calculate Ertel’s potential vorticity (PV) as a substitute for height in the stratosphere.
2 2.2. Methods -->
2.2. Methods
There are many SSW definitions in the literature (Butler et al., 2015), which is not the focus of this study. Because the WMO definition is one of the most popular algorithms in the literature and considering that our results can be easily compared with earlier studies (Charlton et al., 2007; Butchart et al., 2011; Charlton-Perez et al., 2013; Hu et al., 2014; Manzini et al., 2014; Rao et al., 2018, 2020a), we still use this WMO SSW identification algorithm. According to the WMO SSW definition, the major SSW onset time is the first day when zonal-mean zonal winds at 10 hPa and 60°N reverse from westerlies to easterlies (Charlton and Polvani, 2007). The eddy heat flux ($ \overline{v{'}T{'}} $) is proportional to the vertical component of the Eliassen–Palm (EP) flux (Fz), as a representation of the upward propagation of planetary waves (Limpasuvan et al., 2004; Polvani et al., 2017; Rao et al., 2018). The daily climatology is the long-term mean of each calendar day, and the daily climatology for each variable is smoothed with a 31-day running mean before being subtracted from the full field to get the anomaly field. A vortex-centric diagnostic procedure developed by Seviour et al. (2013) is used to classify the SSW type. This method is established based on the geometry of the stratospheric polar vortex using the geopotential height or PV at 10 hPa. Two-dimensional vortex moments day by day are calculated in the procedure. Two parameters are required, including the centroid and aspect ratio of the stratospheric polar vortex represented by an equivalent ellipse (Mitchell et al., 2011; Seviour et al., 2016). Time series of the centroid and aspect ratio of the stratospheric polar vortex are calculated using a two-dimensional moment equation. The absolute and relative vortex moments (denoted by Mab and Jab) of the modified PV (or height) field are extracted in the Cartesian coordinate. The latitude of the vortex centroid and the aspect ratio of polar vortex during each SSW event are saved using two-dimensional moment diagnostics and geopotential heights (or PVs) on isobaric levels (Matthewman et al., 2009). Note that the results from geopotential height and PV are highly correlated (Seviour et al., 2013, 2016). Following Seviour et al. (2013, 2016), an SSW is classified into the vortex split group if the aspect ratio of the vortex is above 2.4 for at least seven days. An SSW is classified into the vortex displacement group if the centroid of the vortex is situated equatorward of 66°N for at least seven days. This threshold-based method has been confirmed to present a similar classification of split and displaced vortices as conventional methods (e.g., Charlton and Polvani, 2007; Mitchell et al., 2011). To show the feasibility of the threshold-based method, examples of vortex displacement and split SSWs are provided in Fig. 1 from JRA-55 and four CMIP6 models. Obviously, for displacement SSWs, the vortex is far biased from the North Pole, resembling a comma-like shape (Figs. 1a–e). In contrast, for split SSWs, the vortex breaks into two comparable pieces in models, as observed in the selected sample from the reanalysis (Figs. 1f–1j). Although the PV (value range: 30–50 PVU, ?PV is drawn for an easy comparison with other models) is diagnosed for the vortex parameters in NESM3, the displacement and split are also clearly present as in other models. Figure1. Examples of the two types of SSWs for (a, f) JRA-55 on 16 February 1981 and 14 March 1988, (b, g) BCC-CSM2-MR on 11 March 2013 and 11 February 1982, (c, h) FGOALS-f3-L on 24 March 2013 and 10 March 2014, (d, i) FGOALS-g3 on 9 March 2014 and 28 February 1982, and (e, j) NESM3 on 13 February 1981 and 18 February 1980. The left-hand column shows the height or PV at 10 hPa for vortex displacement SSWs, and the right-hand column shows the height or PV at 10 hPa for the vortex split SSWs. All examples in the four Chinese CMIP6 models are selected from the first AMIP run. Note that daily heights are unavailable for NESM3 and Ertel’s PVs is exclusively shown for this model (the PV sign is reversed for an easy comparison with other models; ?PV value ranges: [?50, ?30] PVU).
3. How often do SSWs appear in CMIP6 models? In the JRA-55 reanalysis, 23 SSWs appear during 1979–2014 (~0.64 events per year; Table 2). However, the models (excluding NESM3) tend to underestimate the SSW frequency: 30 events in 108 years for BCC-CSM2-MR (i.e., 36 years from 1979–2014 in three AMIP runs; similar for other models), 31 events in 108 years for FGAOLS-f3-L, 47 events in 180 years for FGAOLS-g3, and 192 events in 180 years for NESM3 (see the fifth column of Table 1). The SSW frequency is 0.28, 0.29, 0.26, and 1.1 events per year for the four models, respectively. Namely, three models underestimate the SSW frequency by half, and NESM3 nearly doubles the observed SSW frequency. To get an overview of SSWs in the four CMIP6 models, the month-by-month distributions of SSWs are shown in Fig. 2. SSWs mainly occur in midwinter (January and February; unfilled bars in Fig. 1) in observations. Obviously, most models simulate a climate drift for SSWs, and more SSWs appear in late winter (February and March), and SSWs in NESM3 are nearly uniformly distributed in most wintertime months except February.
SSW date
SSW type
22 Feb 1979
29 Feb 1980
6 Feb 1981
4 Dec 1981
1 Jan 1985
23 Jan 1987
8 Dec 1987
14 Mar 1988
21 Feb 1989
15 Dec 1998
26 Feb 1999
20 Mar 2000
11 Feb 2001
31 Dec 2001
18 Jan 2003
5 Jan 2004
21 Jan 2006
24 Feb 2007
22 Feb 2008
24 Jan 2009
9 Feb 2010
24 Mar 2010
7 Jan 2013
Table2. Onset dates of SSW events and the corresponding type of the stratospheric polar vortex (D indicates a vortex displacement and S indicates a vortex split) in the JRA-55 reanalysis (1979–2014). The ratio of the vortex displacement and split SSWs is 1.3 (13/10) in JRA-55 during 1979–2014.
Figure2. Seasonal distribution of the total frequency of SSWs (units: number per year) from November to March for JRA-55 (hatched bars) and CMIP6 models (bars in gray shades).
Seasonal distributions of vortex displacement and vortex split SSWs from November–March are shown in Fig. 3. As seen in Fig. 3a, vortex displacement SSWs are nearly uniformly distributed in December–February, followed by March. This peak in February is successfully simulated in NESM3, although SSWs occur much more frequently in this model than in JRA-55. Consistent with the distribution of SSWs in Fig. 2, all the other three models simulate much fewer displacement SSWs, and SSWs are drifted to late winter (February and/or March). Figure3. Seasonal distribution of the frequency (units: events per year) of (a) vortex displacement SSWs and (b) vortex split SSWs in each wintertime month in the JRA-55 reanalysis during 1979–2014 and AMIP runs during 1979–2014 from four Chinese CMIP6 models.
A stronger seasonality of split SSWs than displacement SSWs is observed for JRA-55, comparing the unfilled bars in Figs. 3a and b. More split SSWs appear in midwinter (January–February) in observations, and far fewer are observed in other wintertime months. Such a seasonality of SSWs observed in JRA-55 is drifted one month later to February–March for most models except BCC-CSM2-MR. Such a climate drift can be tracked to the seasonal evolution of the stratospheric polar vortex, which tends to get strongest in February (January) in models (reanalyses) [Fig. 5 in Rao et al. (2015)]. Compared with the three other models, BCC-CSM2-MR is the only one of the four Chinese CMIP6 models that simulates a stratospheric QBO (Rao et al., 2020b, c), which might also affect SSWs. Figure5. Composite pressure–time evolution of the zonal mean zonal wind anomalies area-averaged over 55°–75°N (shading; units: m s?1) from day ?20 to day 60 relative to the onset date for (a–e) vortex displacement SSWs and (f–j) vortex split SSWs for (top row) the JRA-55 reanalysis during 1979–2014, and (second–last rows) four Chinese CMIP6 models during 1979–2014. The last column (k–o) shows the difference of vortex split minus displacement SSWs in each dataset. Black contours mark the composite zonal wind anomalies/differences at the 95% confidence level according to the Student’s t-test.
In addition to their contrasting seasonal distributions for both types of SSWs in JRA-55, the difference can also be identified for their intensities. We use the warming anomalies in the stratospheric polar cap to denote the intensity of SSWs. The composite strength of SSWs in each month for each type is shown in Fig. 4. To reverse the polar night jet that usually reaches climatological maxima in midwinter (Rao et al., 2015), the polar vortex anomalies are expected to be stronger for midwinter SSWs than events in November and March. This expectation is observed in JRA-55 (< 15 K in November and March versus > 20 K in midwinter) and simulated in almost all models for both displacement and split SSWs. Although the SSW frequency is not satisfactorily simulated by most models, the contrast in strength between displacement and split is simulated by models to different degrees of success. Specifically, on average, the strength of split SSWs is larger than displacement SSWs in JRA-55, which is simulated in some models (especially in BCC-CSM2-MR and NESM3). Figure4. Composite area-weighted polar (60°–90°N) temperature anomaly (units: K) at 10 hPa, ±5 days from the onset date of (a) vortex displacement SSWs and (b) vortex split SSWs in each wintertime month for the JRA-55 reanalysis and four Chinese CMIP6 models. The error bar shows uncertainty.
5.1. Lower-tropospheric temperature response to SSWs
Previous studies have confirmed that the continental cold surge is modulated by extreme stratospheric events such as SSWs (Yu et al., 2018; Zhang et al., 2019). Composite temperature anomalies at 850 hPa for displacement SSWs are shown in Fig. 7 for JRA-55 and the models. In JRA-55, continental cold anomalies develop in North Eurasia before onset of SSWs from day ?25 to day ?5 (cold anomaly center magnitude: 3 K), and North America is covered with warm anomalies (warm anomaly center magnitude: 4 K). After the onset of displacement SSWs, cold anomalies decay in North Eurasia (cold anomaly center magnitude: 1.5 K), and cold anomalies develop in North America (cold anomaly center magnitude: 1.5 K; Fig. 7a). The four Chinese CMIP6 models simulate the evolution of the lower-tropospheric temperature response with different degrees of success (Figs. 7b–e). Specifically, BCC-CSM2-MR fails to reproduce the continental-scale cold anomalies in Eurasia before the onset of displacement SSWs, and North America is covered by large cold anomalies (albeit insignificant for most parts of the anomalies) in this model (Fig. 7b). In contrast, the other models generally simulate the cold Eurasian pattern before onset of displacement SSWs (Figs. 7c–e), although the temperature anomalies in FGOALS-f3-L and FGOALS-g3 are not as significant as in JRA-55 and NESM3 due to their different sample sizes. The cold North American pattern is also simulated by all of the four models. Figure7. (a) Composite temperature anomaly distribution (shading, units: K) at 850 hPa in (a) the JRA-55 reanalysis (1979–2014) and (b–e) four Chinese CMIP6 models (1979–2014) during day ?25 to ?15 (first column), day ?15 to ?5 (second column), day ?5 to 5 (middle column), day 5 to 15 (fourth column), and day 15 to 25 (fifth column) relative to the onset date of vortex displacement SSWs. Black contours indicate that the composite temperature anomalies are significant at the 95% confidence level according to the t-test. The latitude range is 20°–90°N.
Similarly, Fig. 8 presents composite temperature anomalies at 850 hPa for split SSWs in JRA-55 and the models. A significant cold Eurasia (cold center anomaly magnitude: 4 K) and warm North America (warm center anomaly magnitude: 2–4 K) pattern is observed before onset of split SSWs in JRA55, whereas both continents are anomalously cold (3 versus 1.5 K) after onset of split SSWs (Fig. 8a). The temperature pattern before day 0 is not well simulated by BCC-CSM2-MR, but the uniform cold pattern in most parts of the Eurasian and North American continents (less significant than the observations) after day 0 (i.e., following onset of split SSWs) is successfully simulated (Fig. 8b). As for displacement SSWs, the other three models simulate the cold signals in most parts of Eurasia before and around the onset date of split SSWs, albeit with a low significance level (Figs. 8b–e). However, the cold anomalies after split SSWs in most parts of North America are underestimated. Figure8. (a) Composite temperature anomaly distribution (shading, units: K) at 850 hPa in (a) the JRA-55 reanalysis (1979–2014) and (b–e) four Chinese CMIP6 models (1979–2014) during day ?25 to ?15 (first column), day ?15 to ?5 (second column), day ?5 to 5 (middle column), day 5 to 15 (fourth column), and day 15 to 25 (fifth column) relative to the onset date of vortex split SSWs. Black contours indicate that the composite temperature anomalies are significant at the 95% confidence level according to the t-test. The latitude range is 20°–90°N.
Comparing displacement and split SSWs, the cold patterns after the onset date are different. For displacement SSWs, cold anomalies mainly develop in North America, and the cold anomalies in Eurasia decay, more resembling a wavenumber-1 pattern. For split SSWs, most parts of both the Eurasian and North American continents are covered with cold anomalies, more resembling a wavenumber-2 pattern. Liu et al. (2019) evaluated two high-top models (CESM1-WACCM and CESM2-WACCM) from CMIP5/6, and the simulated low-tropospheric response was similar to that in other CMIP5/6 models (Seviour et al., 2016; Cao et al., 2019; Liu et al., 2019). In short, the surface response to SSWs is more consistently captured by models than the SSW frequency.
2 5.2. Tropospheric circulation response to SSWs -->
5.2. Tropospheric circulation response to SSWs
On the one hand, tropospheric wave activities can force the development of SSWs; and on the other hand, SSWs can impact the troposphere after onset by inducing a NAM-like response from the stratosphere to the troposphere (i.e., easterly anomalies in the circumpolar region, Fig. 5; or positive polar cap height anomalies; not shown). The two-way coupling is dominated by different processes before and after onset of SSWs. To test the variation of the tropospheric circulation, Fig. 9 shows the evolution of height anomalies at 500 hPa in JRA-55 and models during displacement SSWs. As seen from JRA-55, a significant low anomaly center develops over the North Pacific from day ?25 to day ?5, and a significant high anomaly center forms in the subtropical central Pacific in observations (Fig. 9a). Such a height anomaly distribution resembles a positive phase of the Pacific–North American (PNA) pattern, with another positive lobe in North Canada and another negative lobe in the eastern U.S., respectively. The negative height anomalies over the North Pacific extend westward to the coastal region of China, which can be projected onto the negative phase of the western Pacific (WP) pattern (Wallace and Gutzler, 1981). The low anomaly center over the North Pacific has been reported as a precursor of a (following) weakening stratospheric polar vortex on both subseasonal and interannual time scales (Garfinkel et al., 2010; Dai and Tan, 2016; Hu et al., 2017; Rao et al., 2019). Around and after onset of SSWs, the tropospheric circulation anomalies decay and no significant circulation systems are observed (Fig. 9a). Figure9. Composite geopotential height anomalies (shading; units: gpm) at 500 hPa in (a) the JRA-55 reanalysis (1979–2014) and (b–d) three CMIP6 models (BCC-CSM2-MR, FGAOLS-f3-L, and FGOALS-g3) during day ?25 to ?15 (first column), day ?15 to ?5 (second column), day ?5 to 5 (middle column), day 5 to 15 (fourth column), and day 15 to 25 (fifth column) relative to the onset date of vortex displacement SSWs. Black contours indicate that the composite height anomalies are significant at the 95% confidence level according to the t-test. (e) Composite wind anomalies at 500 hPa for NESM3 due to the unavailability of heights. The latitude range is 20°–90°N. Note that daily heights are unavailable for NESM3 and streamlines are exclusively shown for this model.
The models simulate the tropospheric circulation anomaly pattern with different degrees of fidelity. The negative height anomaly center over the North Pacific in observations is biased to the Arctic in BCC-CSM2-MR from day ?25 to day ?5, and the high anomaly center over the subtropical central Pacific is located further poleward (Fig. 9b). In contrast, the negative height anomaly (i.e., the cyclone anomaly) center over the North Pacific before SSWs is well simulated in the other models (Figs. 9c–e). As the tropospheric wave perturbation propagates upward (denoted by the large eddy heat flux pulse in Fig. 6a), the precursor decays and the low center moves westward to North Asia during day ?5 to day 5 in JRA-55 and the models (middle column in Fig. 9). Although the height dipole (a high center over Iceland and a low center in the subtropics) in the Atlantic sector is not clearly observed in JRA-55, it is consistently simulated in the four CMIP6 models from day 15 to day 25, resembling the negative phase of the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO). Similarly, the evolution of height anomalies at 500 hPa in JRA-55 and the models during vortex split SSWs is shown in Fig. 10. Different from the observed tropospheric height pattern associated with displacement SSWs, the negative height anomaly center is situated further west from the Aleutian Islands, more resembling a WP pattern most of the time from day ?25 to day 5 in JRA-55 (Fig. 10a). The circulation anomalies in the Pacific sector gradually decay after onset of SSWs, and a strong NAO is observed after onset of SSWs in observations. Figure10. Composite geopotential height anomalies (shading; units: gpm) at 500 hPa in (a) the JRA-55 reanalysis (1979–2014) and (b–d) three CMIP6 models (BCC-CSM2-MR, FGAOLS-f3-L, and FGOALS-g3) during day ?25 to ?15 (first column), day ?15 to ?5 (second column), day ?5 to 5 (middle column), day 5 to 15 (fourth column), and day 15 to 25 (fifth column) relative to the onset date of vortex split SSWs. Black contours indicate that the composite height anomalies are significant at the 95% confidence level according to the t-test. (e) Composite wind anomalies at 500 hPa for NESM3 due to the unavailability of heights. The latitude range is 20°–90°N. Note that daily heights are unavailable for NESM3 and streamlines are exclusively shown for this model.
Models have different skills in simulating tropospheric circulation evolutions during SSWs. The low center develops only during day ?25 to day ?15 in BCC-CSM2-MR (Fig. 10b), but decays faster than in JRA-55 and other models. A negative NAO is not clearly simulated after onset of SSWs for this model. In contrast, the WP-like pattern during day ?25 to day 5 is well captured by FGAOLS-f3-L, FGOALS-g3, and NESM3 (Figs. 10c–e). Models tend to underestimate the post-SSW tropospheric response amplitude in the Atlantic sector.