1.National Centre for Atmospheric Science - Climate, Department of Meteorology, University of Reading, Reading, RG6 6BB, United Kingdom 2.Department of Meteorology, University of Reading, Reading, RG6 6BB, United Kingdom Manuscript received: 2017-10-28 Manuscript revised: 2018-02-11 Manuscript accepted: 2018-02-13 Abstract:During extended winter (November-April), 43% of the intraseasonal rainfall variability in China is explained by three spatial patterns of temporally coherent rainfall. These patterns were identified with empirical orthogonal teleconnection (EOT) analysis of observed 1982-2007 pentad rainfall anomalies and connected to midlatitude disturbances. However, examination of individual strong EOT events shows that there is substantial inter-event variability in their dynamical evolution, which implies that precursor patterns found in regressions cannot serve as useful predictors. To understand the physical nature and origins of the extratropical precursors, the EOT technique is applied to six simulations of the Met Office Unified Model at horizontal resolutions of 200-40 km, with and without air-sea coupling. All simulations reproduce the observed precursor patterns in regressions, indicating robust underlying dynamical processes. Further investigation into the dynamics associated with observed patterns shows that Rossby wave dynamics can explain the large inter-event variability. The results suggest that the apparently slowly evolving or quasi-stationary waves in regression analysis are a statistical amalgamation of more rapidly propagating waves with a variety of origins and properties. Keywords: rainfall in China, spring flooding, Rossby wave dynamics, EOT analysis, predictability, teleconnections 摘要:本文通过对1982-2007年冬季(11月-4月)逐候降水异常开展经验正交遥相关(EOT)分解, 发现中国冬季降水季节内变化的三个主导型态, 可以解释其季节内变率的43%, 且与中纬度扰动有关. 然而, 对强EOT事件的分析发现, 不同EOT事件对应的波动动力演变过程存在较大差异, 说明回归分析得到的前期信号不能作为有用的预测因子. 为了理解热带外预测因子的物理本质, 该文进一步对比分析了英国气象局一体化模式(MetUM)不同分辨率的大气环流模式和耦合模式模拟结果. 所有模拟均能模拟出观测中基于回归方法得到的前期预报因子, 说明了相应动力机制的可靠性. 对观测中降水型动力过程的进一步诊断指出, Rossby波可以解释不同EOT事件间动力过程差异的产生原因. 该文研究表明, 回归分析得到的是明显的演变缓慢的波动或准静止波, 这是统计合并多种起源、多种特性的快速传播的波动的结果. 关键词:中国降水, 春季洪涝, 罗斯贝动力学, EOT分析, 可预报性, 遥相关
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2.1. MetUM simulations
We analyze two 27-year atmosphere-only simulations of the MetUM Global Atmosphere configuration 6.0 (GA6; Walters et al., 2017) and four 100-year coupled simulations of the Global Coupled configuration 2.0 (GC2; Williams et al., 2015). If the model validates well, long simulations would provide synthetic catalogues of events longer than observations, for analysis of extremes and variability with a larger sample size. We refer to them as A96, A216, C96, C216, C512a and C512b, where "A" and "C" stand for "atmosphere-only" and "coupled", respectively, followed by the nodal number (N96: 1.875°× 1.25°, 208 km ×139 km in longitude and latitude at the equator; N216: 0.83°× 0.55°, 93 km × 62 km; N512: 0.35°× 0.23°, 39 km × 26 km). A96 and A216 use historical forcing; the GC2 simulations are present-day control simulations. Key information about the simulations is summarized in Table 1. A more detailed description of each simulation is given in (Stephan et al., 2017b).
2 2.2. Observational data -->
2.2. Observational data
Precipitation data are obtained from the Asian Precipitation-Highly Resolved Observational Data Integration Toward Evaluation of Water Resources (APHRODITE) dataset (Yatagai et al., 2012). This continental-scale daily product, from 1951-2007, with a resolution of 0.5°× 0.5°, is produced from rain-gauge data after applying an objective quality control procedure (Hamada et al., 2011). We use 500 hPa geopotential height (Z500) for 1979-2007 from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts interim reanalysis (ERA-Interim; Dee et al., 2011). The resolution of these data is 0.7°× 0.7°. Additional diagnostics are computed from ERA-Interim potential vorticity fields on isothermal surfaces and 200 hPa horizontal wind fields. For simplicity we refer to ERA-Interim as observations.
2 2.3. EOTs -->
2.3. EOTs
The EOT analysis of 1951-2007 gridded APHRODITE precipitation data by (Stephan et al., 2017a) serves as the basis for this study. EOT analysis extracts spatial patterns of temporally coherent precipitation variability and returns time series that are mutually orthogonal (Smith, 2004). Such variability is likely to have the greatest impact on infrastructure and human life due to its spatial organization. The steps of the algorithm are detailed in (Stephan et al., 2017a). Before applying the technique to simulations, MetUM precipitation data are interpolated to the APHRODITE grid. We use linear regression onto EOT time series to link individual patterns to associated atmospheric precursors. To account for the non-Gaussian distribution of rainfall data, we use Spearman's rank correlations to determine the statistical significance (always at the 10% significance level).
2 2.4. Rossby wave source function -->
2.4. Rossby wave source function
To diagnose the propagation of Rossby waves we compute the Rossby wave source (RWS) function as defined by (Sardeshmukh and Hoskins, 1988) in their Eq. (3). The 200 hPa absolute vorticity η, horizontal wind divergence D, and the divergent horizontal wind vector vχ are combined to form \begin{equation} RWS=-\eta D-{v}_\chi\cdot\nabla\eta .\ \ (1) \end{equation} The first term describes divergence or convergence, respectively, above ascending or descending air, i.e., the vorticity tendency arising from vortex stretching. The second term describes advection and becomes large where divergent wind encounters sharp horizontal vorticity gradients. The vertical profile of the RWS peaks at 200 hPa because vorticity gradients associated with a vertical peak in the jet stream and divergent horizontal winds associated with convective outflow maximize at that level (Scaife et al., 2017).
2 2.5. Rossby wave ray tracing -->
2.5. Rossby wave ray tracing
We perform backward Rossby wave ray tracing to identify regions where waves may have originated. Given a slowly varying zonal flow with velocity U, the dispersion relation of a barotropic Rossby wave is \begin{equation} \omega=Uk-\dfrac{\beta^*k}{K^2} .\ \ (2) \end{equation} Here, ω is the frequency; k and l are the zonal and meridional wavenumbers, respectively; \(K=\sqrt{(k^2+l^2)}\) is the total wavenumber; and β*=β-Uyy is the meridional gradient of the absolute vorticity of the mean flow, which combines the gradient in planetary vorticity β and the curvature of the flow Uyy, i.e., the second meridional derivative of U(Hoskins and Karoly, 1981). For a stationary wave, ω=0, and Eq. (2) becomes \begin{equation} K^{2}=\dfrac{\beta^*}{U} .\ \ (3) \end{equation} Hence, the zonal and meridional group velocities of a stationary wave are given by \begin{equation} c_{\rm gx}=\dfrac{\partial\omega}{\partial k}=\dfrac{2U^2k^2}{\beta^*} \ \ (4)\end{equation} and \begin{equation} c_{\rm gy}=\dfrac{\partial\omega}{\partial l}=\dfrac{2U^2kl}{\beta^*} , \ \ (5)\end{equation} respectively. To trace Rossby waves of a given zonal wavenumber k, we first compute l from Eq. (2). The previous location of the wave front is found from Eqs. (4) and (5), taking into account the spherical geometry of the globe. Points where U=0 form critical lines where the propagation of Rossby waves is not supported; the ray ends. A ray reverses its meridional propagation direction when l approaches zero and thus K2=k2. The background wind U is the November-April mean climatological 200 hPa zonal wind. The background wind is smoothed using a 60° zonal average. The curvature term Uyy is smoothed using a full 360° zonal average. Our choices of pressure level, a two-hour time step, and smoothing of the background wind field, follow the recommendations in (Scaife et al., 2017). They showed that rays are rather insensitive to the curvature term and time step, but that they are clearly affected by the choice of pressure level and the degree of smoothing of the background wind. We do not perform ray tracing on simulated wind data because 200 hPa wind biases are small and would not significantly alter rays.
2 2.6. Rossby wave initiation identification -->
2.6. Rossby wave initiation identification
Rossby wave initiation (RWI) segments are computed using the (R?thlisberger et al., 2016) algorithm. (R?thlisberger et al., 2016) discussed in detail the choice of the algorithm's tuning parameters. We use their recommended parameters and here only briefly describe the algorithm. The algorithm extracts the geometry of isentropic 2 potential vorticity unit (PVU, 1 PVU = 10-6 m2 s-1 K kg-1) contours, corresponding to the dynamical tropopause. For isentropic levels of 310-320 K (340-350 K), the contour is approximately aligned with the extratropical (subtropical) jet and can be used to measure its waviness (Hoskins et al., 1985; Martius et al., 2010). Every six hours and for 60° longitudinal contour segments, starting every 3° of longitude, the waviness d is measured by integrating the absolute latitudinal variations of the contour position over the length of the segment. Hence, a zonally aligned, straight jet corresponds to small d. The algorithm identifies wave-free segments (d<20°) that show a strong increase (>8°) in d within 30 hours. Candidate segments where increases in waviness may result from downstream development of existing waves are discarded if the waviness in one of the segments starting at 45° longitude upstream of the candidate segment exceeds the waviness in the candidate segment by more than 4°. Figure1. (a) Observed and (b-g) simulated EOT-1 patterns. Shading shows regressions of November-April precipitation against the normalized EOT time series. Also shown are correlations of the full precipitation-anomaly time series with the EOT base point exceeding 0.8 (magenta), 0.6 (orange), and 0.4 (green). The EOT base point is marked by the orange inverted triangle.
Small, 25 November, 2019,DOI:https://doi.org/10.1002/smll.201904838Role of Surface RGD Patterns on Protein Nanocages in Tumor Targeting Revealed Using ...