Effects of Elevated Atmospheric CO2 Concentration and Nitrogen Fertilizer on the Yield of Summer Maize and Carbon and Nitrogen Metabolism After Flowering
LI Ming,1, LI YingChun1, NIU XiaoGuang1, MA Fen1, WEI Na1, HAO XingYu2, DONG LiBing1,2, GUO LiPing,11Institute of Environment and Sustainable Development in Agriculture, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences/Key Laboratory for Agro-Environment, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Beijing 100081 2College of Agronomy, Shanxi Agricultural University, Taigu 030801, Shanxi
Received:2020-09-10Accepted:2020-12-18 作者简介 About authors 李明,E-mail: liming3633@163.com。
摘要 【目的】研究大气CO2浓度升高(eCO2)及氮肥施用对夏玉米开花吐丝后不同组分碳氮代谢物含量及动态和产量的影响,为全球气候变化下玉米生理过程及产量形成的变化提供理论支撑,同时为玉米作物模型调参提供实证数据。【方法】利用自由大气CO2富集(FACE)平台,以夏玉米品种农大108为试验材料开展田间试验。在常规大气CO2浓度(aCO2,(400±15) μmol·mol-1)和高CO2浓度(eCO2,(550±20) μmol·mol-1)下分别设置不施氮(ZN)和施氮(CN,180 kg N·hm-2)2个氮水平。对夏玉米产量及其构成要素、干物质积累、花后碳代谢物(可溶性糖、淀粉、总碳)动态和氮代谢物(硝态氮,游离氨基酸、可溶性蛋白、非溶性氮化合物细胞壁氮素和类囊体氮素、总氮)动态以及碳氮比动态进行监测。【结果】(1) eCO2与施氮对夏玉米生物量积累有一定促进作用,但对产量及产量构成因素的影响均不显著。(2)eCO2使玉米花后功能叶碳组份中的可溶性糖浓度显著提高,灌浆后期叶片碳氮比显著提高。(3)eCO2下花后玉米功能叶氮代谢中的必需功能氮组分浓度未受影响,而一些结构性氮组分浓度有降低,eCO2对功能叶中功能氮组分(如可溶性蛋白)的含量没有显著影响;氮代谢中的简单组分(如游离氨基酸)在功能叶中的浓度仅在开花期比aCO2有显著增加,后期没有显著影响;但eCO2下氮代谢中的非溶性氮组分(如细胞壁氮素和类囊体氮素)含量在花后一些时期显著降低。(4)氮肥施用使玉米从抽雄到灌浆后期功能叶非结构性碳水化合物(如可溶性糖)浓度、硝态氮浓度、细胞壁氮素和类囊体氮素含量显著提高;中等土壤肥力下不施氮处理的功能叶可溶性蛋白含量没有受影响,但非溶性氮组分(如类囊体氮和细胞壁氮)含量降低,氮素优先满足作物生长必需的可溶性蛋白。(5)eCO2和氮肥交互作用对不同组分碳氮代谢物的影响不同,体现在不同时期,主要表现为提高了玉米功能叶简单碳氮组分(如可溶性糖和硝态氮)在后期的浓度,且碳氮比提高;提高了灌浆初期细胞壁氮素含量,功能叶总氮浓度仅在灌浆后期表现降低、其他时期没有显著影响。【结论】eCO2对夏玉米的生物量增加有一定作用,玉米穗位叶碳氮比在一些时期显著增加,但对产量无显著影响;eCO2下玉米花后穗位叶非结构性碳水化合物浓度增加,但总氮和非溶性氮素化合物在花后均发生不同程度降低。在未来大气CO2浓度升高为特征之一的气候变化情景下,合理增施氮肥对促进作物碳氮代谢的协调有一定必要性。 关键词:玉米;CO2浓度升高;氮肥;产量;碳氮代谢
Abstract 【Objective】 To provide the theoretical support on the mechanism on the sustainable production of maize under future climate change and give suggestions on associate parameter adjustment for crop models, the effects of elevated atmospheric CO2 concentrations (eCO2) and nitrogen application on the content and dynamics of different carbon and nitrogen metabolites after flowering of summer maize were studied. 【Method】 Based on the free atmospheric CO2 enrichment (FACE) platform, a field experiment was carried out with Nongda 108, a summer maize variety, as the experimental material. Two nitrogen levels (ZN-zero nitrogen and CN-180 kg N·hm-2) were set under the ambient atmospheric CO2 concentration (aCO2) of about (400±15) μmol·mol-1 and high CO2 concentration of (550±20) μmol·mol-1, respectively. The following measurements were monitored in the experiment: the maize yield and its components, accumulation of dry matter, content and dynamics of carbon metabolites, including non-structural carbohydrates (ie. soluble sugar and starch), total carbon and nitrogen metabolites including soluble nitrogen (ie. nitrate nitrogen, free amino acids, and soluble protein), and insoluble nitrogen compounds (ie. cell walls-N, thylakoid-N, and total-N), and the carbon to nitrogen ratio. 【Result】 (1) eCO2 and nitrogen application could promote the accumulation of biomass of summer maize, however the effects on maize yield and yield components were not significant. (2) Under eCO2, the concentration of soluble sugar, one of the components of carbon metabolites, showed significant increase in the functional leaves after the flowering stage, as well as the C/N ration at the late seed-filling stage. (3) Under eCO2, the concentration of essential functional N components did not show obvious variation in the functional leaves after the flowering stage, but the content of some structural nitrogen components were decreased: The content of soluble protein, the functional N component, was not affected by eCO2 in the functional leaves. The concentration of free amino acid, one of the simple N components, only showed increase at the flowering stage and then showed less change at the later growth period compared with that under aCO2. However, the content of cell wall-N and thylakoid-N, the non-soluble N components, were significantly decreased at the late period after flowering stage. (4) Nitrogen fertilizer application could increase the concentration of non-structural carbohydrates (soluble sugars) and nitrate-N significantly in functional leaves from tasseling to the later stage of filling, as well as the content of cell wall-N and thylacoid-N. However, the content of soluble protein was not affected in functional leaves without nitrogen application under the medium soil fertility. In comparison, the content of thylakoid-N and cell wall-N showed decrease in the functional leaves in the treatment without nitrogen fertilizer application, implying that nitrogen was usually preferentially supplied for the soluble protein to meet the necessary requirement of crop growth. (5) The interaction function of eCO2 and nitrogen fertilizer showed difference for varied components of the carbon and nitrogen metabolites, usually exhibited at different stages: combination of N application and eCO2 improved the concentration of simple carbon and nitrogen components, such as soluble sugars and nitrate nitrogen in the later stage of maize functional leaves, and increased the C/N ration. The content of cell wall nitrogen could be increased at the early stage of grouting for summer maize. For total nitrogen content in functional leaves, it showed decreased only at the later stage of seed filling grouting, and there was no other impact on the total nitrogen at other stages in summer maize growth period. 【Conclusion】 eCO2 had a certain effect on the biomass increase of summer maize, and the carbon nitrogen ratio of ear to leaf increase significantly in some stages, but had no significant effect on the yield. Under eCO2, the content of unstructured carbohydrates in ear leaves increased, but the total nitrogen and insoluble nitrogen compounds decreased to different degrees after flowering. Therefore, it was important to increase nitrogen application level rationally under the future climate change scenarios in which eCO2 would be one of the characteristics. Keywords:maize(Zea mays L.);elevated CO2 concentration;nitrogen fertilizer;production;carbon and nitrogen metabolism
PDF (610KB)元数据多维度评价相关文章导出EndNote|Ris|Bibtex收藏本文 本文引用格式 李明, 李迎春, 牛晓光, 马芬, 魏娜, 郝兴宇, 董李冰, 郭李萍. 大气CO2浓度升高与氮肥互作对玉米花后碳氮代谢及产量的影响. 中国农业科学, 2021, 54(17): 3647-3665 doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2021.17.008 LI Ming, LI YingChun, NIU XiaoGuang, MA Fen, WEI Na, HAO XingYu, DONG LiBing, GUO LiPing. Effects of Elevated Atmospheric CO2 Concentration and Nitrogen Fertilizer on the Yield of Summer Maize and Carbon and Nitrogen Metabolism After Flowering. Scientia Acricultura Sinica, 2021, 54(17): 3647-3665 doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2021.17.008
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【研究意义】气候正在以人类能够明显感知到的速度发生着变化。2017年全球和中国陆地区域大气中的CO2平均浓度已分别达(405.5±0.1)μmol•mol-1和(407.0±0.2)μmol•mol-1[1]。根据不同的温室气体排放情景预估,到2050年大气CO2浓度将达到450— 550 μmol•mol-1(IPCC,2001);到21世纪末,将增加到约900 μmol•mol-1(IPCC,2014)。大气CO2浓度升高(简称eCO2)可以通过影响植物的各项生理活动而影响根、茎、叶等器官的生长发育,并影响作物的产量[2]。目前国内外关于eCO2对植物影响的研究手段主要有控制环境试验(controlled environment,CE)、开顶式气室(open-top chambers,OTC)和自由开放式高浓度CO2试验(free-air CO2 enrichment,FACE)[3],eCO2对作物生长的影响研究方面,目前主要对C3植物开展的研究较多。氮素是植物生长发育中所不可或缺并且也是最重要的矿质营养元素,是植物生长和产量形成的重要限制因子,在植物的各种生长代谢过程中都起到直接作用。氮素是氨基酸、蛋白质、叶绿体、细胞核等组份及细胞器的重要组成元素,根据氮素的存在状态可将含氮化合物分为可溶性含氮化合物(包括氨基酸、硝态氮、可溶性蛋白等)和非溶性氮素化合物(包括细胞壁、类囊体、细胞膜氮素等)两大类[4]。碳水化合物是植物光合作用的主要产物,按其存在形式可分为结构性碳水化合物(SC)和非结构性碳水化合物(NSC)两大类,NSC是光合碳同化物在植物源库间转运的主要形式,对植株生理代谢过程和产量形成起直接作用[5]。碳代谢指碳水化合物代谢,它包括碳的同化即光合作用、复杂碳水化合物的合成、分解(包括呼吸作用)和碳水化合物的相互转化等方面。氮代谢则是指植物体内含氮化合物的吸收、合成、分解和再合成,如由铵态氮合成为氨基酸、氨基酸合成蛋白质的过程等。碳氮代谢是作物生长最基本的代谢过程,其在生育期间的动态变化与光合作用各过程及光合产物的形成、转化以及矿质营养的吸收、蛋白质的合成密切相关,并受到环境因素的影响。氮代谢需要依赖碳代谢提供碳源和能量,而碳代谢则又需要氮代谢提供酶和光合色素等重要物质,多种代谢过程共同完成作物产量建成及品质形成[6]。碳、氮代谢的协调程度不仅影响作物生长发育进程,还是源-库关系协调的基础,最终关系到产量和品质高低[7,8,9]。作为光合底物,eCO2不仅会影响植物的光合作用过程,而且会影响碳氮代谢及产量形成[10]。eCO2对植物生长的影响还与养分供应及水分状况等环境因素密切相关[11,12]。玉米花后储存在营养器官中的养分开始转移到籽粒中并决定粒数和粒重[4, 13]。养分是影响植物生长的主要因素之一,生产实践中气候变化是与多种环境因子共同交互存在的,有必要开展多因素互作(如eCO2与氮肥对不同光合途径作物花后的碳氮代谢及产量反应的互作)效应研究。【前人研究进展】ZONG等[14]通过对玉米的研究发现,eCO2会缓解干旱对光合作用的限制,缓解情况随供氮水平的不同而不同。在eCO2下,一些植物碳同化能力增强,生物量积累加快,对氮素供给提出了更高的要求[15]。土壤养分通过影响光合作用和植株生长发育而影响CO2同化,进而影响产量和品质[16]。这与作物体内C/N[17]和源库关系[3]有关。梁煜等[18]采用OTC盆栽试验的研究表明,氮素胁迫在aCO2(常规大气CO2浓度)和eCO2下均显著降低了谷子叶片比叶质量和叶片氮含量。eCO2下谷子叶片光合性能较aCO2对氮素胁迫的响应更加敏感,但构成籽粒产量的参数并未显著下降。王小娟等[19]在油菜上的研究表明,eCO2下氮素胁迫的植株中根茎粗和地上部干重的增加幅度显著低于充足氮素处理。有研究表明,eCO2环境下,植物光合作用显著提高将促进植物的碳同化,导致茶树叶片中的葡萄糖、果糖和淀粉等碳水化合物明显增加[20,21,22];另一方面,eCO2下茶叶中的游离氨基酸有所下降[23],并改变茶树的碳氮代谢。eCO2促进了茶树的碳同化,而叶片中的氮素含量会显著降低,进而导致植株碳氮比升高[20,21]。LEAKEY等[23]证明eCO2促进了淀粉代谢、糖代谢、糖酵解、三羧酸循环及线粒体电子转移链相关基因的表达,这些基因表达水平的改变与光合作用碳固定效率和暗呼吸速率的提升有关联。有报道表明,在相同施氮水平下,eCO2对于玉米产量没有显著影响[24]。也有研究显示,eCO2长期处理会使得茶树的光合作用不再上升,甚至可能慢慢低于对照。这种由于在eCO2环境下长期培养而导致的植物光合能力下降的现象被称为“光适应现象”[20]。目前关于光适应现象的发生机理,学界还没有达成共识。【本研究切入点】目前关于eCO2和氮肥互作对作物影响的研究主要集中在C3作物上,并且大多数利用开顶式气室进行,对C4作物的研究较少,C4作物产量及碳氮代谢在eCO2和氮肥互作下的影响尚不明确。玉米作为重要的C4作物,是全球及我国种植面积最广的作物,气候变化是一个多因素变化的综合体现,在当前全球变化背景下,研究eCO2与其他因子如供氮水平等的交互作用对玉米生长的实际影响非常必要。无论从影响机理、对产量和品质的影响及对模型评估参数的校准等各方面都需要这些直接的试验数据。【拟解决的关键问题】本研究利用中国农业科学院建立在北京市昌平区的FACE平台系统,研究eCO2与氮素互作对玉米生物量和产量以及花后功能叶不同碳氮组分的含量及动态的影响,为全球气候变化下玉米的稳产增产提供理论指导及为玉米作物模型调参提供实证数据。
在aCO2和eCO2下分别设置无氮和施氮(分别简称ZN和CN)2个氮水平,对应的氮肥用量分别为 0和180 kg N·hm-2,氮肥基追比为4﹕6,追肥在玉米大喇叭口期降雨前撒施。各处理的磷钾肥用量相同,分别为 150 kg P2O5·hm-2和 90 kg K2O·hm-2;磷肥和钾肥全部作为基肥一次性施入。2019年6月19日施基肥、施入方式为条施。夏玉米于2019年6月20日播种、9月28日收获。其中,6月21日喷灌约3 cm以保证出苗整齐;7月29日雨后土壤湿润、8月1日撒施氮肥追肥;灌浆后期(8月30日)由于土壤偏干,进行了一次渠灌,灌溉量约5 cm,夏玉米生育期气温和降水情况见图2。
ZN、CN分别指不施氮和常规氮用量处理,aCO2和eCO2分别指常规浓度CO2处理和高浓度CO2处理。V6:6叶期;V12:大喇叭口期;VT:吐丝期;R2:吐丝后14 d;R3:吐丝后28 d;R6:成熟期。不同小写字母表示在同一时期不同处理间差异达5%显著水平。ns表示不显著。下同 Fig. 3The above-ground biomass of summer maize under different treatments
ZN and CN mean the treatments of no nitrogen and control nitrogen. aCO2 and eCO2 mean the CO2 treatment of control concentration and elevated concentration. V6: 6-leaf stage; V12: 12-leaf stage; VT: Silking stage; R2: 14 days after silking stage; R3: 28 days after silking stage; R6: Physiological maturity. Different lowercase letters indicate a 5% significant difference between different treatments in the same stage. ns means not significant among different treatments at 5% level. The same as below
Table 1 表1 表1不同处理下的夏玉米产量及产量要素 Table 1The yield and associated compositional elements of summer maize under different treatments
处理 Treatment
穗重 Ear weight (g)
穗粒重 Kernel weight (g)
千粒重 1000-kernel weight (g)
产量 Grain yield (t·hm-2)
差异显著性 Significance
ZN、CN分别指不施氮和常规氮用量处理,aCO2和eCO2分别指常规浓度CO2处理和高浓度CO2处理,ns表示不显著。下同 ZN and CN denote the treatments of zero-N and conventinal-N, respectively; aCO2 and eCO2 mean the ambient CO2 concentration and elevated CO2 concentration, respectively, ns means no significance. The same as below
** 表示同一生育期CO2、氮肥及其交互作用在P<0.01水平显著。下同 Fig. 4The concentration of soluble sugar in the functional leaves after flowering during summer maize growth stage
** indicate significant effects of CO2, nitrogen fertilizer and their interaction during the same growth stage at P<0.01. The same as below
氮肥过量施用也会使植物产生一定程度的贪青晚熟而引起一定的负面影响。李雪涛等[70]对玉米的研究结果表明,土壤中氮素过多会使玉米茎秆变得细嫩、易倒伏,而倒伏率每增加1%,玉米大约减产108 kg·hm-2。孟战赢等[71]的研究结果表明,相同水分条件下,氮肥追肥量为180 kg N·hm-2的处理产量高于追肥量为120 kg N·hm-2的处理,而追氮量为240 kg N·hm-2的处理产量低于追肥量为180 kg N·hm-2的处理。水肥互作共同对作物产量产生影响,本试验7月中旬至8月中旬为夏玉米拔节期,此期间的降水量占到全玉米生育期降水量的60%(图2),玉米生育期水分充足、加之土壤基础肥力高保证了氮供应,在此基础上再施氮玉米生长速度快、易发生徒长。试验记录表明,试验期间7月22日夜间发生极端大风灾害事件,玉米出现倒伏现象,其中施氮处理的玉米较不施氮玉米倒伏现象更为严重,虽未发生根折茎折并且在随后一周内自行恢复,但也可能对产量造成了一定的影响。这也可能是造成本试验施氮处理产量差异不显著的又一原因。
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