Abstract 【Objective】 Fusarium wilt is one of the most important soil-borne diseases in cotton planting. Chemical methods are mainly used to control this disease, however, it has certain impact on the environment, human and animal safety. Biological control has become an important way to control cotton Fusarium wilt because of its high specificity and safety. The objective of this study is to screen an efficient antagonistic bacteria, and characterize the biocontrol mechanism of bacteria against Fusarium wilt, thus providing a technical basis for cotton Fusarium wilt control with biocontrol bacteria. 【Method】 In a previous study, an endophytic bacterium Bacillus cereus YUPP-10 was isolated from vascular of cotton, which can hydrolyze polysaccharides with β-1,4 linkage. The effects of YUPP-10 on hyphal growth, sporulation, and spore germination of F. oxysporum were tested using the confront culture method, enclosed chamber test and hanging drop method, respectively. The seeds were soaked by YUPP-10, and then, the seeding germination and the biomass of cotton were detected. The cotton were cultivated in substrate with F. oxysporum, and after a week of growth, YUPP-10 cultured with LB liquid medium was treated at different concentrations (1×10 8, 1×107and 1×106 cfu/mL, respectively), and the control efficacy against Fusarium wilt was studied in the greenhouse. The key antibacterial substances of YUPP-10 were obtained by Fosmid library, and the direct effects of recombinant cyclodextrin glycosyltransferase (CGTase) on F. oxysporum hyphal growth, sporulation, and spore germination were studied. The overexpression vector was transformed into Arabidopsis thaliana Col-0 via the floral dip method. The resistance of CGTase-overexpressing transgenic plants against Fusarium wilt was assessed with an in vitro technique. The transcriptional levels of some defense genes were analyzed under pathogen challenge. 【Result】 YUPP-10 significantly inhibited the hyphal growth, sporulation, and spore germination of F. oxysporum, the most inhibition rate of spore yield and germination was 98.41% and 51.65%, respectively. Low concentration of YUPP-10 could promote the germination rate, emergence rate and stem length of cotton seeds. After the treatment of YUPP-10, the diseased plant rate and disease index were significantly lower than those of the control group. The control efficacy was 45.11% at the concentration of 1×10 7 cfu/mL. CGTase was the key antimicrobial substance of YUPP-10, the effects of added CGTase on the transparent circles of carboxymethyl cellulose and glucomannan were measured, the results showed that CGTase could hydrolyze polysaccharides with β-1,4 linkage. CGTase also had significant inhibitory effects on the growth, sporulation and spore germination of the pathogen, the most inhibition rate of spore yield and germination was 62.63% and 30.83%, respectively. The CGTase-overexpressing A. thaliana enhanced disease resistance by enhancing the expression of defense genes. 【Conclusion】 YUPP-10 is an efficient biocontrol agent that inhibits the F. oxysporum growth, promots germination rate, emergence rate and stem length of cotton seeds, and protects cotton plant from F. oxysporum infection. CGTase can inhibit the growth of F. oxysporum, and its transgenic A. thaliana enhances the resistance to Fusarium wilt. Keywords:Bacillus cereus;cotton Fusarium wilt;Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. vasinfectum;cyclodextrin glycosyltransferase (CGTase);control efficacy
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Table 4 表4 表4YUPP-10菌剂处理对棉花枯萎病病株率、病情指数的影响及防治效果 Table 4Effects of YUPP-10 bacterial fertilizer on diseased plant rate, disease index and its efficacy in control Fusarium wilt
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