Benefits of Yield, Environment and Economy from Substituting Fertilizer by Manure for Wheat Production of China
LI YongHua

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李永华, 武雪萍, 何刚, 王朝辉. 我国麦田有机肥替代化学氮肥的产量及经济环境效应[J]. 中国农业科学, 2020, 53(23): 4879-4890 doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2020.23.013
LI YongHua, WU XuePing, HE Gang, WANG ZhaoHui.

0 引言
【研究意义】氮素是作物生长的必需营养元素,对农作物产量提高、品质改善起决定性作用[1]。我国2010—2015年期间每年平均氮肥消耗量达3 000万吨、高居世界第一。然而,我国粮食作物的当季氮肥利用效率通常低于35%[2],未被利用的氮肥在带来巨大经济损失的同时,也造成了环境污染和生物多样性减少。因此,优化氮肥管理技术、减少氮肥损失有利于降低经济损失和环境代价。【前人研究进展】有机肥替代化学氮肥技术是减少氮肥损失的一个关键措施。小麦是我国人民群众的主要口粮,尽管目前在小麦生产上已开展关于有机肥替代化学氮肥的田间试验[3,4,5],但由于生态环境、管理、土壤等差异,有机肥替代化学氮肥的小麦产量效应存在巨大变异。在黄淮海平原研究发现牛粪替代50%的化肥时,增加小麦产量5%[6],在西北黄土高原地区发现当牛粪替代30%的化肥,未能显著增加小麦产量[7],在华北潮土地区甚至发现饼肥替代50%的化肥,减少小麦产量3%[8]。由此可见,有机肥替代的小麦产量效应存在较大变异,理解变异的原因对有机肥替代技术的应用至关重要。长期以来,鉴于粮食生产的巨大压力,大多数研究关注有机肥替代的产量效应,而对其带来的环境效应研究很少。施用在麦田的氮肥是氮损失的底物,因此化学氮肥用量、施用方式对氮损失有显著影响[9]。有机肥替代能减少化学氮肥用量,应有减少氮损失的潜力。例如,在华北地区利用猪粪替代50%的化学氮肥使氮损失减少45%[10]。然而,施用有机肥添加了新的氮肥类型、改变了施肥方式(单施化肥变为有机无机配施),有可能激发额外的氧化亚氮(N2O)排放。例如,与单施化肥相比,在西南地区用猪粪替代40%的化学氮肥,增加N2O排放43%[11]。此外,有机肥替代对氨(NH3)挥发也有重要影响。在黄淮海平原发现牛粪替代50%的化学氮肥,氨挥发降低37%[12]。然而,在华北平原用牛粪替代50%的化学氮肥,氨挥发增加49%[13]。由此可见,施用有机肥对N2O的排放和NH3挥发有重要影响。此外,有机肥来源丰富,施入到麦田的有机肥可能带入重金属,从而提高土壤重金属含量,进而增加小麦籽粒重金属含量、危害人体健康。因此,评估有机肥替代化肥的环境效应是必要的。通常来讲,小农户的经济风险抵抗能力较低,经济效益是决定他们是否采用技术措施的核心指标。单位质量的有机肥费用低,但有机肥养分含量低、替代相同数量的氮肥,用量更大、劳动力成本增加,因此有机肥替代的净经济效益有待评估。这些信息的缺乏突显了针对有机肥替代进行农学效应、环境风险、经济效益评估的重要性。【本研究切入点】目前,关于有机肥在小麦生产的研究主要集中在增施有机肥以及有机肥替代的产量效应,而对有机肥替代的环境效应、经济效益研究较少。尽管有零散案例,但缺乏国家尺度上有机肥替代化学氮肥对小麦生产的农学、环境和经济效益的综合评估。【拟解决的关键问题】本研究综合分析了来自78篇文献资料的569对观察值,通过建立有机肥替代化学氮肥的小麦产量、氮损失数据库,构建有机肥替代的经济效益评估方法,期望量化国家尺度上有机肥替代化学氮肥对小麦生产的农学效应、环境代价和经济效益,以期为有机肥在小麦生产上的合理应用提供参考。1 材料与方法
1.1 数据收集
我们收集了2019年12月前经同行评议发表的涉及有机肥替代化肥调控小麦生产的文献。获得的文献用以下标准进行筛选:(1)试验必须为田间试验,且含有机肥替代(SNM)和单施化肥(CF)两个处理;(2)各处理的氮肥折纯量相同;(3)试验至少包含一个关键参数(产量、氮损失、重金属含量)。基于该筛选标准,最终获得78篇符合要求的研究文献。从文献中提取试验点位置(表1),年平均气温,年降雨量,土壤pH,土壤有机质(SOM),有机肥类型,有机肥用量及有机肥的氮、磷、钾含量,有机肥应用年限等信息构建有机肥替代化学氮肥的小麦产量、氮损失数据库。对于单个试验,除有机肥和化肥用量不同外,其他小麦生长和管理条件(如种子、耕作、播种、杂草和害虫防治措施)相同。Table 1
Table 1
地区 Region | 省(市)(试验点个数) Provinces and cities (number of test sites) |
华北地区(15) North China | 北京市Beijing(2)、河北省Hebei(3)、河南省Henan(5)、山西省Shanxi(4)、天津市Tianjin(1) |
华东地区(38) East China | 江苏省Jiangsu(18)、山东省Shandong(14)、安徽省Anhui(6) |
西北地区(10) Northwest China | 甘肃省Gansu(2)、宁夏Ningxia(1)、陕西省Shaanxi(7) |
南方地区(15) Southern China | 湖南省Hunan(5)、湖北省Hubei(2)、四川省Sichuan(6)、重庆市Chongqing(2) |
1.2 产量效应评价
为确定有机肥替代化学氮肥的用量对小麦产量的影响,将有机肥替代化肥用量划分为:<15%、15%—30%、30%—45%、>45%。为理解气候条件、土壤性质和试验持续时间对有机肥替代的影响,基于年降水量、年平均气温、SOM和土壤pH等对有机肥替代的小麦产量效应进行分组。湿润地区、半湿润地区和半干旱地区的年降水量分别为>600 mm、400—600 mm和<400 mm[14],年平均气温分为≤15℃和>15℃,如文献中无年降水量和年平均气温,缺失的数据从中国气象资料共享服务网获取。SOM分为≤15 g·kg-1和>15 g·kg-1,pH分为pH<7和pH≥7。试验持续时间划分为≤3年、3—10年和≥10年。为了确定产量水平和施肥水平对有机肥替代的影响,将产量等级划分为低产、中产和高产,氮肥等级划分为低氮、适中和高氮。产量等级划分具体方法为:单施化肥处理的小麦籽粒产量介于381—10 302 kg·hm-2,90%的产量集中在3 004—8 739 kg·hm-2。以小麦产量的第5%分位数(3 004 kg·hm-2)和95%分位数(8 739 kg·hm-2)为最低和最高极限差(5 735 kg·hm-2),然后以等产量间距(1 912 kg·hm-2)分成3个范围。小麦产量等级从低到高依次分为<4 916 kg·hm-2(低产),4 916—6 827 kg·hm-2(中产),>6 827 kg·hm-2(高产)[15]。
氮肥等级划分具体方法为:依据单施化肥处理实际产量计算的推荐施肥量为合理施氮量(Rec),以推荐施肥的40%为变幅,分为3级进行评价,0—0.8 Rec(低氮),0.8—1.2 Rec(适中),>1.2 Rec(高氮)[15]。
式中,产量为收集的数据单施化肥处理的实际产量;氮素养分需求量指小麦百公斤籽粒需氮量(N)2.28 kg[16]。调整系数指根据土壤养分供应能力确定的调整施肥数量高低的参数,氮的调整系数为1[15]。
1.3 环境效应评价
本研究通过建立有机肥替代化学氮肥的氮损失数据库(包括23篇文献的69对数据,其中N2O排放26对、NH3挥发27对、硝酸盐残留16对),从N2O排放、NH3挥发、硝酸盐残留等方面评估了有机肥替代化肥的氮损失。1.4 经济效益评价
本研究从小麦生产的成本投入与产出评估有机肥替代化肥的净经济效益(小麦生产的总产出与总投入的差值)。小麦生产的产出主要来源于籽粒产量,成本投入主要包括小麦种子、肥料(有机肥)、机械和人工等费用[17]。本研究在评估成本投入时,考虑了小麦生产所需要的农业生产资料,如肥料、农药、种子、机械等。鉴于替代比例、有机肥类型对小麦生产的经济效益影响较大,本研究分析了不同替代比例条件下不同有机肥类型对小麦生产经济效益的影响。通过对有机肥生产企业、肥料销售站、农户和文献等调研,获得的牛粪平均价格为380元/t,鸡粪平均价格为380元/t,猪粪平均价格为310元/t,商品有机肥平均价格为1 150元/t。文献调研结果显示,鸡粪的有机氮平均含量为19.3 g·kg-1,猪粪的有机氮平均含量为19.6 g·kg-1,牛粪的有机氮平均含量为17.2 g·kg-1,商品有机肥有机氮平均含量为20 g·kg-1。1.5 统计分析
通过卡方检验(Chi-square test)进行异质性检验,如果检查结果P>0.05,说明不同处理间或不同研究结果间具有同质性,可选用固定相应模型计算合并统计量,否则采用随机效应模型[18]。对于每对观察值,可以使用响应比来评估有机肥替代对变量的影响(响应值大小可以反映处理组相比对照组的影响效果),有机肥替代化学氮肥的效应值通过以下公式计算[19]:式中,ln RR表示效应量,结果以((RR-1)×100)的百分比形式表示。Xo和Xc表示有机肥替代和单施化肥处理的变量平均值。
式中,Weight表示观察值的权重,No和Nc分别表示有机肥替代和单施化肥处理的重复数。有机肥替代的效应通过观察值加权效应的平均值获得。应用R(Version 3.6.1)的“boot”软件包的bootstrapping程序计算95%的置信区间。当置信区间与0值线重叠时,认为有机肥替代的效应不显著,反之亦然。应用SPSS 19.0软件的单因素方差分析进行统计检验,以确定产量及其产量三要素(图1),NH3挥发、N2O排放,NO3-残留(图3)和经济效益(表2)的差异显著性。当方差分析结果显著时,采用最小显著差异法(LSD)确定处理间的差异显著性。

Fig. 1Effects of substituting fertilizer by manure on yield and its composition
CF: Chemical fertilizer, SNM: Substituting fertilizer by manure. n is the number of observations. Solid and dashed lines in this figure indicate the median and mean, respectively. The box boundaries indicate the 75% and 25% quartiles, and the whisker caps indicate the 95th and 5th percentiles. Differences are considered significant if there is an asterisk between chemical N fertilizer and substituting fertilizer by manure. The same as below
Table 2
Table 2
替代比例 Substitution ratio(%) | 处理 Treatment | 肥料投入Fertilizer input (yuan/hm2) | 总投入 Input (yuan/hm2) | 肥料投入占总投入比例 Fertilizer input as percentage of input (%) | 总产出 Output (yuan/hm2) | 净经济效益 Economic benefit (yuan/hm2) | |
化肥 Chemical fertilizer | 有机肥 Manure | ||||||
<15 | CF | 1812 | — | 6021 | 30 | 14856 | 8835a |
SNPM | 1508 | 341 | 6058 | 31 | 15965 | 9907a | |
SNCHM | 1508 | 440 | 6157 | 32 | 15965 | 9808a | |
SNCM | 1508 | 486 | 6203 | 32 | 15965 | 9762a | |
SNCOM | 1508 | 1265 | 6982 | 40 | 15965 | 8983a | |
15-30 | CF | 1678 | — | 5887 | 29 | 15536 | 9649a |
SNPM | 1292 | 729 | 6230 | 32 | 16237 | 10007a | |
SNCHM | 1292 | 940 | 6441 | 35 | 16237 | 9796a | |
SNCM | 1292 | 1038 | 6539 | 36 | 16237 | 9697a | |
SNCOM | 1292 | 2703 | 8204 | 49 | 16237 | 8033a | |
30-45 | CF | 1765 | — | 5974 | 30 | 15189 | 9215a |
SNPM | 1218 | 1039 | 6466 | 35 | 15342 | 8877a | |
SNCHM | 1218 | 1340 | 6767 | 38 | 15342 | 8575ab | |
SNCM | 1218 | 1480 | 6907 | 39 | 15342 | 8435ab | |
SNCOM | 1218 | 3853 | 9280 | 55 | 15342 | 6063b | |
>45 | CF | 1922 | — | 6131 | 31 | 13558 | 7427a |
SNPM | 1160 | 1628 | 6997 | 40 | 13785 | 6788ab | |
SNCHM | 1160 | 2100 | 7469 | 44 | 13785 | 6316ab | |
SNCM | 1160 | 2320 | 7689 | 45 | 13785 | 6096b | |
SNCOM | 1160 | 6038 | 11407 | 63 | 13785 | 2378c |
2 结果
2.1 有机肥替代的小麦产量效应
本研究通过Meta分析量化了我国有机肥替代化肥的小麦产量效益。结果显示,单施化学氮肥的平均氮肥用量为199 kg N·hm-2、小麦平均产量为5 986 kg·hm-2,有机肥替代处理的化学氮肥用量为113 kg·hm-2、小麦平均产量为6 144 kg·hm-2。有机肥替代减少43%的化学氮肥,未降低小麦产量(图1-A)。分析产量构成要素可知,有机肥替代化肥较单施化肥处理公顷穗数显著增加3%,而对穗粒数和千粒重穗粒数无显著影响(图1-B、1-C、1-D)。2.2 有机肥替代产量变异的影响因素
有机肥替代量和土壤性质影响有机肥替代的小麦产量效应。由图2-A可知,有机肥替代化学氮肥处理的小麦增产效果不同。与单施化肥处理相比,当有机肥替代化肥比例<15%时,有机肥替代化肥处理的小麦产量增加8%;当有机肥替代化肥比例为15%—30%时,有机肥替代化肥处理的小麦产量显著增加5%;当有机肥替代化学比例>30%时,无增产效应。土壤化学性质也影响有机肥替代的小麦产量效应。当SOM>15 g·kg-1时,有机肥替代显著增加小麦产量4%,而SOM≤15 g·kg-1时,无增产效应(图2-B)。在pH<7时,有机肥替代使小麦产量增加8%,而当pH≥7条件下、无增产效应(图2-C)。图2

Fig. 2Substituting fertilizer by manure effects on wheat yield under different conditions
The points and error lines represent the increased percentage and the 95% confidence interval, respectively. If the 95% confidence interval does not span the zero line, the treatment is significantly different from the control. The numbers in brackets represent the number of samples
有机肥类型和气候条件对有机肥替代的小麦产量效应有较大影响。与单施化肥相比,当替代有机肥是鸡粪、猪粪和商品有机肥时,有机肥替代处理分别增产6%、6%和4%(图2-D)。与单施化肥相比,在年降雨量>600 mm区域,有机肥替代使小麦产量显著增加4%;而在年降雨量<600 mm区域,无增产效应(图2-E)。在年平均气温>15℃区域,小麦显著增产5%;而在年平均气温≤15℃时未显著增产(图2-F)。
2.3 有机肥替代改变活性氮损失
单施化肥和有机肥替代处理的NH3挥发量分别为13.2 和10.1 kg N·hm-2,N2O排放量分别为0.98 和1.29 kg N·hm-2,0—200 cm土层硝酸盐残留量分别为304和255 kg N·hm-2(图3)。较单施化肥处理相比,有机肥替代化肥的比例在45%—55%时,有机肥替代处理减少NH3挥发24%、增加N2O排放32%、减少硝酸盐残留16%。图3

Fig. 3Effects of substituting fertilizer by manure on N losses
2.4 有机肥替代影响经济收入
在不同比例条件下,不同类型的有机肥替代对经济效益产生不同的影响。当替代比例<15%、15%—30%、30%—45%和>45%时,与单施化肥相比,有机肥替代减少了化学氮肥用量,减少化肥投入成本304—762元/hm2(17%—40%),然而有机肥投入成本增加341—6 038 元/hm2。总体来看,有机肥替代处理增加了投入成本37—5 276 元/hm2(2%—86%)。小麦籽粒产量是最主要的产出,有机肥替代能增加籽粒产量,从而使有机肥处理的经济收入增加2%—7%(表2)。综合考虑投入与产出,在有机肥替代比例<30%时,不同的有机肥类型替代,净经济效益无显著差异。然而,当替代比例为30%—45%时,商品有机肥作为替代有机肥时,净经济效益较单施化肥处理降低34%;当替代比例>45%时,牛粪和商品有机肥作为替代有机肥时,净经济效益分别降低18%和68%(表2)。
3 讨论
3.1 有机肥替代的产量效应
氮肥是直接决定氮损失的底物,减少氮肥用量是减少氮损失的有效途径之一,用有机肥的氮素养分替代化学氮肥是减少化肥氮肥用量的一个关键途径。然而,由于有机肥的养分释放慢、肥效迟缓,有机肥完全替代化学氮肥通常导致当季作物利用的有效氮缺乏,从而减少作物产量[20]。在华北地区发现有机肥全替代使小麦产量降低了24%[21]。因此,有机肥替代部分化学氮肥是在作物稳产的同时实现减肥的一个关键性技术。本研究通过系统整理我国小麦生产的有机肥替代信息,证实有机肥替代化学氮肥的量低于43%,无产量损失。这主要归因于以下3个方面:(1)有机肥不仅含有氮素养分,还有其他养分,如磷、钾及其他中微量元素养分;有机肥替代化学氮肥的试验通常未考虑这些养分,而它们对促进作物生长,养分吸收非常重要。(2)有机肥投入能刺激并满足土壤中更多微生物生长繁殖需求,提高土壤微生物群落,丰富细菌的多样性,提高土壤生产力[22]。(3)施用有机肥能提高土壤供水供肥能力,减少土壤水分、养分损失,提高作物根系吸收能力和作物生长[23]。土壤性质对有机肥替代的小麦产量效应有重要影响,特别是土壤pH和SOM。有机肥替代处理在酸性土壤上有增加小麦产量的潜力,主要归因于酸性土壤的Ca2+、Mg2+及其他微量元素的含量偏低,施入有机肥在提供氮素养分的同时也供给这些作物必须而土壤含量偏低的营养元素,从而提高小麦产量[24]。此外,施入有机肥能提高酸性土壤的pH,进而改善小麦生长环境、促进小麦生长[25]。有机肥替代处理在SOM>15 g·kg-1时表现增产,主要归因于高有机质含量土壤自身养分含量高,能提供更多氮素养分供小麦生长,更好弥补由于有机肥氮素养分释放缓慢引起的氮素养分缺乏[26,27]。
3.2 有机肥替代的环境效应
作物收获期残留在土壤的硝酸盐是其淋溶最主要的来源,减少硝酸盐残留是减少淋溶、减少地下水污染的关键途径[42]。本研究发现有机肥替代显著减少小麦收获期0—200 cm土层硝态氮累积量8%—38%。相似的,在南方地区发现猪粪替代50%的化学氮肥,硝态氮残留减少13%[43]。化学氮肥是小麦收获期土壤硝态氮残留最主要的来源,有机肥替代大幅减少化学氮肥用量、减少了残留来源,从而减少小麦收获期的土壤硝态氮残留。另外,等氮条件下,有机氮占据一定比例,这部分氮转化成硝态氮需要时间,又因小麦吸氮能力增强,可以有效降低土壤硝态氮的残留[44]。相对于化学氮肥来讲,有机肥来源广,各种有机废弃物均可成为有机肥,这造成有机肥成分复杂,其中可能含有对人体有害的重金属。有研究表明,施用有机肥显著增加了表层土壤重金属含量。然而,由于数据缺乏,目前还不能进行有机肥替代调控小麦籽粒重金属含量的效应评估。此外,施用有机肥有增加土壤中抗生素、有机污染物等风险,也造成了环境危害。因此,在以后的研究中开展更多关于有机肥替代的环境效应评估是必要的。
3.3 有机肥替代的经济效应
4 结论
本研究从农学、环境和经济角度系统分析了我国麦田有机肥替代化学氮肥的产量及经济环境效应。总体来看,小麦的产量效应受有机肥替代比例、土壤性质、有机肥类型、气候条件、试验持续年限和施肥水平的影响。具体表现为,与单施化肥相比,有机肥替代比例<15%和15%—30%时小麦增产8%和5%,在酸性土壤上增产8%,在鸡粪、猪粪和商品有机肥作为替代有机肥时分别增产6%、6%和4%,在高温多雨地区、高氮用量水平均表现较好的增产效应。有机肥替代使小麦生长季的NH3挥发减少24%、小麦收获期的硝酸盐残留量减少16%,但使小麦生长季的N2O排放量增加了32%。小麦生产的净经济效益受替代比例和替代有机肥类型影响。有机肥替代比例<30%条件下,净经济效益无显著性差异;当有机肥替代比例为30%—45%和>45%时,利用商品有机肥作为替代有机肥使净经济效益分别降低了34%和68%。总的来看,有机肥替代在维持小麦产量的同时有大幅减少化学氮肥用量和氮损失的潜力,但未增加净经济效益、使用商品有机肥作为替代有机肥时甚至有减少经济效益的风险。(责任编辑 李云霞)
参考文献 原文顺序
DOI:10.1038/s41598-016-0001-8URLPMID:28442746 [本文引用: 1]

Krabbe disease (KD) is a neurodegenerative disorder caused by the lack of beta- galactosylceramidase enzymatic activity and by widespread accumulation of the cytotoxic galactosyl-sphingosine in neuronal, myelinating and endothelial cells. Despite the wide use of Twitcher mice as experimental model for KD, the ultrastructure of this model is partial and mainly addressing peripheral nerves. More details are requested to elucidate the basis of the motor defects, which are the first to appear during KD onset. Here we use transmission electron microscopy (TEM) to focus on the alterations produced by KD in the lower motor system at postnatal day 15 (P15), a nearly asymptomatic stage, and in the juvenile P30 mouse. We find mild effects on motorneuron soma, severe ones on sciatic nerves and very severe effects on nerve terminals and neuromuscular junctions at P30, with peripheral damage being already detectable at P15. Finally, we find that the gastrocnemius muscle undergoes atrophy and structural changes that are independent of denervation at P15. Our data further characterize the ultrastructural analysis of the KD mouse model, and support recent theories of a dying-back mechanism for neuronal degeneration, which is independent of demyelination.
[本文引用: 1]
DOI:10.1007/s11434-014-0679-6URL [本文引用: 1]
DOI:10.11674/zwyf.2013.0603URL [本文引用: 1]

在连续4年有机无机氮肥配施试验基础上,设置不同冬小麦品种研究氮肥类型(无机肥氮、 有机肥氮以及有机肥氮与无机肥氮配施)和用量(N 0、45、90、120、180 和 240 kg/hm2)对冬小麦子粒品质的影响。结果表明, 中穗型品种石麦15和大穗型品种潍麦8的子粒产量和各项品质指标差异显著,其中石麦15 的产量、沉降值、形成时间和稳定时间分别比潍麦 8 高12.62%、5.09%、5.85%、25.35%,而粗蛋白、 湿面筋和吸水率则比潍麦8 显著低11.03%、15.51%、 5.49%。子粒产量、 粗蛋白、 湿面筋和沉降值及形成时间与植株吸氮量极显著正相关,吸水率和稳定时间与植株吸氮量的相关性较差。单施无机氮180 kg/hm2(0/180 处理)和240 kg/hm2(0/240 处理)及有机无机氮配施 240 kg/hm2(120/120 处理)植株吸氮量最高且三者差异不显著,而单施有机氮240 kg/hm2(240/0 处理)植株吸氮量显著低于0/180、0/240 和120/120 处理。施氮量小于240 kg/hm2 时等氮量比较,单施无机氮吸氮量大于有机无机配施,单施有机氮最小;且施氮量越低,不同施氮类型间吸氮量差异越小。两品种均在单施无机氮180 和 240 kg/hm2 时产量最高且各项品质指标最优,有机无机氮配施120/120 处理对比等量无机氮单施 0/240 处理产量不降低且品质指标不下降,单施有机氮240/0 处理产量和子粒品质都较 0/240 和120/120处理差;施氮量低于240 kg/hm2 时,单施无机氮处理的产量和各项品质指标优于有机无机配施,有机无机配施又优于单施有机氮,这与有机肥供氮不足有关。
DOI:10.11674/zwyf.2013.0603URL [本文引用: 1]

在连续4年有机无机氮肥配施试验基础上,设置不同冬小麦品种研究氮肥类型(无机肥氮、 有机肥氮以及有机肥氮与无机肥氮配施)和用量(N 0、45、90、120、180 和 240 kg/hm2)对冬小麦子粒品质的影响。结果表明, 中穗型品种石麦15和大穗型品种潍麦8的子粒产量和各项品质指标差异显著,其中石麦15 的产量、沉降值、形成时间和稳定时间分别比潍麦 8 高12.62%、5.09%、5.85%、25.35%,而粗蛋白、 湿面筋和吸水率则比潍麦8 显著低11.03%、15.51%、 5.49%。子粒产量、 粗蛋白、 湿面筋和沉降值及形成时间与植株吸氮量极显著正相关,吸水率和稳定时间与植株吸氮量的相关性较差。单施无机氮180 kg/hm2(0/180 处理)和240 kg/hm2(0/240 处理)及有机无机氮配施 240 kg/hm2(120/120 处理)植株吸氮量最高且三者差异不显著,而单施有机氮240 kg/hm2(240/0 处理)植株吸氮量显著低于0/180、0/240 和120/120 处理。施氮量小于240 kg/hm2 时等氮量比较,单施无机氮吸氮量大于有机无机配施,单施有机氮最小;且施氮量越低,不同施氮类型间吸氮量差异越小。两品种均在单施无机氮180 和 240 kg/hm2 时产量最高且各项品质指标最优,有机无机氮配施120/120 处理对比等量无机氮单施 0/240 处理产量不降低且品质指标不下降,单施有机氮240/0 处理产量和子粒品质都较 0/240 和120/120处理差;施氮量低于240 kg/hm2 时,单施无机氮处理的产量和各项品质指标优于有机无机配施,有机无机配施又优于单施有机氮,这与有机肥供氮不足有关。
URL [本文引用: 1]

【Objective】 To evaluate the effect of organic manure and fertilizers long-term located application on soil nutrients and crop yield. 【Method】 The results of crop yields and soil nutrients were measured and collected based on a 22-year long-term located application of organic manure and fertilizers experiment in Yucheng city of Shandong Province. 【Result】 The effect of chemical fertilizers on winter wheat yield was better than organic manure during the first 8-10 years, but the reverse result was observed in summer maize yield. The combined effect of chemical fertilizers with organic manure on wheat and maize yields was very obvious. However, with prolonged application, the yields of each treatment, no matter with organic manure or chemical fertilizer or combined, turned out similar. Soil organic matter content increased with time and application level of organic manure during the 22 years. Soil organic matter and total nitrogen contents were found unrelated to the application rate of chemical fertilizers in this long-term experiment. Increased application of chemical fertilizer could enhance soil available nutrient contents and at the same time be kept relatively stable to some extent. 【Conclusion】 The effect of chemical fertilizer on winter wheat yield was better than organic manure during the first 10 years, however, a reverse result was observed in summer maize yield, and after that the crop yields of all treatments were found similar. Therefore, increased application of fertilizer did not improve the crop yield. The effect of organic manure on soil organic C and N content increase was much better than chemical fertilizer, and the soil organic C and N content increased with the application rate of organic manure. Soil organic C and N content could not be improved by application increase of chemical fertilizer. With prolonged application, organic manure could improve soil available nutrients content continually, and its effect was found much obvious than that of chemical fertilizer.
URL [本文引用: 1]

【Objective】 To evaluate the effect of organic manure and fertilizers long-term located application on soil nutrients and crop yield. 【Method】 The results of crop yields and soil nutrients were measured and collected based on a 22-year long-term located application of organic manure and fertilizers experiment in Yucheng city of Shandong Province. 【Result】 The effect of chemical fertilizers on winter wheat yield was better than organic manure during the first 8-10 years, but the reverse result was observed in summer maize yield. The combined effect of chemical fertilizers with organic manure on wheat and maize yields was very obvious. However, with prolonged application, the yields of each treatment, no matter with organic manure or chemical fertilizer or combined, turned out similar. Soil organic matter content increased with time and application level of organic manure during the 22 years. Soil organic matter and total nitrogen contents were found unrelated to the application rate of chemical fertilizers in this long-term experiment. Increased application of chemical fertilizer could enhance soil available nutrient contents and at the same time be kept relatively stable to some extent. 【Conclusion】 The effect of chemical fertilizer on winter wheat yield was better than organic manure during the first 10 years, however, a reverse result was observed in summer maize yield, and after that the crop yields of all treatments were found similar. Therefore, increased application of fertilizer did not improve the crop yield. The effect of organic manure on soil organic C and N content increase was much better than chemical fertilizer, and the soil organic C and N content increased with the application rate of organic manure. Soil organic C and N content could not be improved by application increase of chemical fertilizer. With prolonged application, organic manure could improve soil available nutrients content continually, and its effect was found much obvious than that of chemical fertilizer.
URL [本文引用: 1]

A field experiment was conducted using the winter wheat (Triticum aestivum) variety Shimai 15. The source of organic nitrogen was cow manure, and four fertilization treatments were included, i.e., no N fertilizer application, single application of urea, single application of cow manure, and mixed application of urea and cow manure. The effects of different applications of inorganic and organic nitrogen on canopy apparent photosynthesis (CAP), photosynthetic rate of flag leaves (Pn), leaf area index (LAI), florescence parameters and grain yield of winter wheat were determined. The results showed that urea had the largest effect on the early growth period, as at this stage the CAP, Pn and LAI of the single application of urea were the highest, which was followed by the mixed application and the single application of cow manure. However, 10 days after anthesis, the single application of cow manure and the mixed application delayed the leaf senescence process when compared with the single application of urea. This could be due to the two treatments having higher antioxidant enzyme activity and promoting a longer green leaf duration, which could maintain a higher photosynthetic capability. What’s more, the mixed application had a better performance and got the highest grain yield. Consequently, the mixed application of organic and inorganic fertilizers could delay leaf senescence and maintain a better canopy structure and higher photosynthesis capability at the late grain filling stage, which resulted in a higher grain yield.
URL [本文引用: 1]

A field experiment was conducted using the winter wheat (Triticum aestivum) variety Shimai 15. The source of organic nitrogen was cow manure, and four fertilization treatments were included, i.e., no N fertilizer application, single application of urea, single application of cow manure, and mixed application of urea and cow manure. The effects of different applications of inorganic and organic nitrogen on canopy apparent photosynthesis (CAP), photosynthetic rate of flag leaves (Pn), leaf area index (LAI), florescence parameters and grain yield of winter wheat were determined. The results showed that urea had the largest effect on the early growth period, as at this stage the CAP, Pn and LAI of the single application of urea were the highest, which was followed by the mixed application and the single application of cow manure. However, 10 days after anthesis, the single application of cow manure and the mixed application delayed the leaf senescence process when compared with the single application of urea. This could be due to the two treatments having higher antioxidant enzyme activity and promoting a longer green leaf duration, which could maintain a higher photosynthetic capability. What’s more, the mixed application had a better performance and got the highest grain yield. Consequently, the mixed application of organic and inorganic fertilizers could delay leaf senescence and maintain a better canopy structure and higher photosynthesis capability at the late grain filling stage, which resulted in a higher grain yield.
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DOI:10.1111/gcb.2010.16.issue-6URL [本文引用: 1]
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DOI:10.1007/s10021-013-9723-7URL [本文引用: 1]

Guaranteeing high crop yields while reducing environmental impacts of nitrogen fertilizer use due to associated losses of N2O emissions and nitrate (NO3 (-)) leaching is a key challenge in the context of sustainable intensification of crop production. However, few field data sets are available that explore the effect of different forms of N management on yields as well as on N losses in the form of N2O or NO3 (-). Here we report on a large-scale field lysimeter (8 x 4 m(2)) experiment, which was designed to determine soil CH4 and N2O emissions, NO3 (-) leaching losses and crop yields from a subtropical rain-fed wheat-maize rotation in the Sichuan Basin, one of the most intensively used agricultural regions in China. One control and three different fertilizer treatments with the same total rate of N application (280 kg N ha(-1) y(-1)) were included: NF: control (no fertilizer); NPK: synthetic N fertilizer; OMNPK: synthetic N fertilizer plus pig manure; RSDNPK: synthetic N fertilizer plus crop residues. As compared to the standard NPK treatment, annual NO3 (-) leaching losses for OMNPK and RSDNPK treatments were decreased by 36 and 22%, respectively (P < 0.05). Similarly, crop yield-scaled NO3 (-) leaching for NPK treatment was higher than those for either OMNPK or RSDNPK treatments (P < 0.05). Direct N2O emissions for RSDNPK treatment were decreased as compared with NPK and OMNPK treatments (P < 0.05). Furthermore, the yield-scaled GWP (global warming potential) was lower for the treatments where either pig manure or crop residues were incorporated as compared to the standard NPK treatment (P < 0.05). Our study indicates that it is possible to reduce the negative environmental impact of NO3 (-) leaching and N2O emissions without compromising crop productivity. Yield-scaled NO3 (-) leaching, similar to the yield-scaled GWP, represents another valuable-integrated metric to address the dual goals of reducing nitrogen pollution and maintaining crop grain yield for a given agricultural system.
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DOI:10.1007/s13593-011-0040-2URL [本文引用: 1]

Conservation agriculture involves reduced tillage, permanent soil cover and crop rotations to enhance soil fertility and to supply food from a dwindling land resource. Recently, conservation agriculture has been promoted in Southern Africa, mainly for maize-based farming systems. However, maize yields under rain-fed conditions are often variable. There is therefore a need to identify factors that influence crop yield under conservation agriculture and rain-fed conditions. Here, we studied maize grain yield data from experiments lasting 5 years and more under rain-fed conditions. We assessed the effect of long-term tillage and residue retention on maize grain yield under contrasting soil textures, nitrogen input and climate. Yield variability was measured by stability analysis. Our results show an increase in maize yield over time with conservation agriculture practices that include rotation and high input use in low rainfall areas. But we observed no difference in system stability under those conditions. We observed a strong relationship between maize grain yield and annual rainfall. Our meta-analysis gave the following findings: (1) 92% of the data show that mulch cover in high rainfall areas leads to lower yields due to waterlogging; (2) 85% of data show that soil texture is important in the temporal development of conservation agriculture effects, improved yields are likely on well-drained soils; (3) 73% of the data show that conservation agriculture practices require high inputs especially N for improved yield; (4) 63% of data show that increased yields are obtained with rotation but calculations often do not include the variations in rainfall within and between seasons; (5) 56% of the data show that reduced tillage with no mulch cover leads to lower yields in semi-arid areas; and (6) when adequate fertiliser is available, rainfall is the most important determinant of yield in southern Africa. It is clear from our results that conservation agriculture needs to be targeted and adapted to specific biophysical conditions for improved impact.
DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2017.14.012URL [本文引用: 3]

【Objective】It is of great significance to clarify the farmers’ nutrient input situation for the realization of stable yield, high yield, and high nutrient use efficiency in dryland wheat production.【Method】A 5-yr long farm survey of 1 261 farmers was carried out to analyze and evaluate their fertilizer applications and the fertilizer reduction potential in Weibei dryland, based on the nutrient requirement determined by the corresponding wheat grain yields and sustainable development of dryland wheat production.【Result】Obtained results showed the farmers’ wheat yields ranged from 750 to 9 000 kg hm-2, with the average of 4 243 kg·hm-2, and they were allocated into five groups as: very low (<2 640 kg·hm-2), low (2 640-3 780 kg·hm-2), moderate (3 780-4 920 kg·hm-2), high (4 920-6 060 kg·hm-2) and very high (>6 060 kg·hm-2), respectively, accounting for 22.0%, 22.2%, 19.3%, 22.8% and 13.6% of the total. Farmers’ nitrogen (N) application rates ranged from 33 to 454 kg N·hm-2 with an average of 188 kg N·hm-2, phosphorus (P) ranged from 0 to 435 kg P2O5·hm-2 with an average of 125 kg P2O5·hm-2, and potassium ranged from 0 to 201 kg K2O·hm-2 with an average of 19 kg K2O·hm-2. However, farmers’ yields showed no significant correlations with the N, P, and K rates, respectively. With the increase of grain yield levels, the proportion of N over application farmers decreased from 97.8% in the very low yield group to 18.0% in very high group, but that of N deficient application farmers increased from 0.7% to 45.9%, correspondingly. Similar to N, the proportion of P over application farmers decreased from 99.3% in very low yield group to 70.9% in very high yield group, and this means P over application was practiced by more than 70.0% of farmers in each yield group. Different from N and P, K deficient application was practiced by more than 60.0% of farmers in each yield group. Therefore, for N, farmers in very low and low yield groups were recommended to reduce 24-144 kg N·hm-2, 28%-73% from their high or very high N application rates, and farmers in moderate, high and very high yield groups were recommended to reduce 50-181 kg N·hm-2, 26%-51% of their high or very high N rates and add 38-134 kg N·hm-2, 41%-345% more to the low or very low N rates. For P, farmers in different yield groups should reduce 7-31 kg P2O5·hm-2, 23%-33% from the high P rates, and reduce 85-118 kg P2O5·hm-2, 61%-85% from the very high P rates. For K, farmers with no or very low K input in different yield groups were suggested to use 13-50 kg K2O·hm-2, and add 7-18 kg K2O·hm-2, 35%-78% for those with low K rates. 【Conclusion】 Compared with the conventional method, which adopted an uniform fertilization rate as the criterion to evaluate the famers’ fertilizer application with variable yields, the present work proposed a yield based approach. This approach is proved to be suitable for the small scale household farming in China, and enable to objectively and accurately understand the arbitrary and over application of fertilizer, and to provide a scientific basis for the effective regulation of farmers’ fertilizer application.
DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2017.14.012URL [本文引用: 3]

【Objective】It is of great significance to clarify the farmers’ nutrient input situation for the realization of stable yield, high yield, and high nutrient use efficiency in dryland wheat production.【Method】A 5-yr long farm survey of 1 261 farmers was carried out to analyze and evaluate their fertilizer applications and the fertilizer reduction potential in Weibei dryland, based on the nutrient requirement determined by the corresponding wheat grain yields and sustainable development of dryland wheat production.【Result】Obtained results showed the farmers’ wheat yields ranged from 750 to 9 000 kg hm-2, with the average of 4 243 kg·hm-2, and they were allocated into five groups as: very low (<2 640 kg·hm-2), low (2 640-3 780 kg·hm-2), moderate (3 780-4 920 kg·hm-2), high (4 920-6 060 kg·hm-2) and very high (>6 060 kg·hm-2), respectively, accounting for 22.0%, 22.2%, 19.3%, 22.8% and 13.6% of the total. Farmers’ nitrogen (N) application rates ranged from 33 to 454 kg N·hm-2 with an average of 188 kg N·hm-2, phosphorus (P) ranged from 0 to 435 kg P2O5·hm-2 with an average of 125 kg P2O5·hm-2, and potassium ranged from 0 to 201 kg K2O·hm-2 with an average of 19 kg K2O·hm-2. However, farmers’ yields showed no significant correlations with the N, P, and K rates, respectively. With the increase of grain yield levels, the proportion of N over application farmers decreased from 97.8% in the very low yield group to 18.0% in very high group, but that of N deficient application farmers increased from 0.7% to 45.9%, correspondingly. Similar to N, the proportion of P over application farmers decreased from 99.3% in very low yield group to 70.9% in very high yield group, and this means P over application was practiced by more than 70.0% of farmers in each yield group. Different from N and P, K deficient application was practiced by more than 60.0% of farmers in each yield group. Therefore, for N, farmers in very low and low yield groups were recommended to reduce 24-144 kg N·hm-2, 28%-73% from their high or very high N application rates, and farmers in moderate, high and very high yield groups were recommended to reduce 50-181 kg N·hm-2, 26%-51% of their high or very high N rates and add 38-134 kg N·hm-2, 41%-345% more to the low or very low N rates. For P, farmers in different yield groups should reduce 7-31 kg P2O5·hm-2, 23%-33% from the high P rates, and reduce 85-118 kg P2O5·hm-2, 61%-85% from the very high P rates. For K, farmers with no or very low K input in different yield groups were suggested to use 13-50 kg K2O·hm-2, and add 7-18 kg K2O·hm-2, 35%-78% for those with low K rates. 【Conclusion】 Compared with the conventional method, which adopted an uniform fertilization rate as the criterion to evaluate the famers’ fertilizer application with variable yields, the present work proposed a yield based approach. This approach is proved to be suitable for the small scale household farming in China, and enable to objectively and accurately understand the arbitrary and over application of fertilizer, and to provide a scientific basis for the effective regulation of farmers’ fertilizer application.
DOI:10.1016/j.fcr.2013.02.015URL [本文引用: 1]
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DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2015.15.009URL [本文引用: 1]

【Objective】 Fertilization practice is one of the key regulating factors on soil organic carbon in cropland. The objectives of this study were to explore the effect size of fertilization practices on total and mineral-associated organic carbon in topsoil under different cropping system and cropland uses, which has important implications for the equilibrium and sustainable management of soil organic carbon in agricultural ecosystem.【Method】By using the data collected from published literatures, a data set (286) with the same soil organic carbon fractionation method from independent research was built up. Meta-analysis method was implied to quantify the effect degree of fertilization practices (chemical fertilizers and organic manure) on the content of soil total organic carbon and mineral-associated organic carbon fraction under different cropping systems, cropland uses, and inherent soil properties (e.g., texture).【Result】Compared with no fertilizer treatment, fertilization practices significantly increased soil total and mineral associated organic carbon content by 39.4% and 27.7%, respectively. The increasing rate of applying organic manure (58.4% and 41.9%) was 3.4 and 5.2 times higher than that of chemical fertilizers application (13.4% and 8.0%), respectively. Generally, the effect degree of fertilization practices on the total soil and mineral associated organic carbon was significantly different among cropping systems, cropland uses, and soil textures. The effect size of organic manure application on total soil organic carbon (58.5%) and chemical fertilizers application on mineral associated organic carbon (10.7%) with mono-cropping were significantly higher than that with double cropping (55.6% and 7.3%), whereas there was no significant difference under chemical fertilizers application on total soil organic carbon (13.3%-13.8%) and organic manure application on mineral associated organic carbon (42.6%-43.5%) between these two cropping systems. For different cropland uses, the application of organic manure and chemical fertilizers in upland resulted in significantly higher increased rate (15.8% and 59.7%) than that in paddy fields (10.0% and 43.3%) on total and mineral associated organic carbon. However, application of chemical fertilizers did not significantly increase total or mineral associated organic carbon content in paddy field. As for soil textures, the increased rate of applying organic manure on total soil organic carbon (64.4%) and that of chemical fertilizers on mineral associated organic carbon (15.6%) in sandy soil with low content of soil organic carbon were significantly higher than that for loam and clay soil, whereas there was no significant difference for that between loam and clay soil with a mean value of 8.0%.【Conclusion】 Overall, applying organic fertilizer including chemical fertilizers combined with organic manure has a great significance to the accumulation and sustainable management of soil organic carbon and fertility, especially for mono-copping system and sandy soil.
DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2015.15.009URL [本文引用: 1]

【Objective】 Fertilization practice is one of the key regulating factors on soil organic carbon in cropland. The objectives of this study were to explore the effect size of fertilization practices on total and mineral-associated organic carbon in topsoil under different cropping system and cropland uses, which has important implications for the equilibrium and sustainable management of soil organic carbon in agricultural ecosystem.【Method】By using the data collected from published literatures, a data set (286) with the same soil organic carbon fractionation method from independent research was built up. Meta-analysis method was implied to quantify the effect degree of fertilization practices (chemical fertilizers and organic manure) on the content of soil total organic carbon and mineral-associated organic carbon fraction under different cropping systems, cropland uses, and inherent soil properties (e.g., texture).【Result】Compared with no fertilizer treatment, fertilization practices significantly increased soil total and mineral associated organic carbon content by 39.4% and 27.7%, respectively. The increasing rate of applying organic manure (58.4% and 41.9%) was 3.4 and 5.2 times higher than that of chemical fertilizers application (13.4% and 8.0%), respectively. Generally, the effect degree of fertilization practices on the total soil and mineral associated organic carbon was significantly different among cropping systems, cropland uses, and soil textures. The effect size of organic manure application on total soil organic carbon (58.5%) and chemical fertilizers application on mineral associated organic carbon (10.7%) with mono-cropping were significantly higher than that with double cropping (55.6% and 7.3%), whereas there was no significant difference under chemical fertilizers application on total soil organic carbon (13.3%-13.8%) and organic manure application on mineral associated organic carbon (42.6%-43.5%) between these two cropping systems. For different cropland uses, the application of organic manure and chemical fertilizers in upland resulted in significantly higher increased rate (15.8% and 59.7%) than that in paddy fields (10.0% and 43.3%) on total and mineral associated organic carbon. However, application of chemical fertilizers did not significantly increase total or mineral associated organic carbon content in paddy field. As for soil textures, the increased rate of applying organic manure on total soil organic carbon (64.4%) and that of chemical fertilizers on mineral associated organic carbon (15.6%) in sandy soil with low content of soil organic carbon were significantly higher than that for loam and clay soil, whereas there was no significant difference for that between loam and clay soil with a mean value of 8.0%.【Conclusion】 Overall, applying organic fertilizer including chemical fertilizers combined with organic manure has a great significance to the accumulation and sustainable management of soil organic carbon and fertility, especially for mono-copping system and sandy soil.
DOI:10.1890/0012-9658(1999)080[1150:TMAORR]2.0.CO;2URL [本文引用: 1]
DOI:10.1016/j.fcr.2017.03.011URL [本文引用: 1]
DOI:10.1016/j.geoderma.2006.05.008URL [本文引用: 1]
DOI:10.1016/j.soilbio.2008.06.018URL [本文引用: 1]
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【Objective】 The effects of optimized fertilization on grain yield of rice and nitrogen use efficiency in paddy fields with different basic soil fertilities in Jianghan plain of China were studied. 【Method】 Three-year field trials were carried out to investigate the differences in grain yield, soil N dependent rate (SNDR), N fertilization contribution rate (NCR) and the N fertilization efficiency of the popular middle rice variety Fengliangyouxiang1 in three treatments, including modified farmers’ fertilizer practice (MFP), farmers’ fertilizer practice (FFP) and the control, in Jianghan plain, China. 【Result】 The results showed that the grain yield of MFP was the highest among all the three different nitrogen fertilizer treatments in all the field spots with different basic soil fertilities. The grain yield of MFP increased by about 6.9% and 5.0% in the high soil fertility field (HSF) and low soil fertility field (LSF) compared with the treatment of FFP, respectively; and about 17.3% and 30.3% in HSF and LSF compared with the control, respectively. Moreover, the N recovery efficiency (NRE), N agronomic efficiency (NAE) and partial factor productivity of applied N (PEPN) of MFP increased more greatly compared with that of FFP. The contribution of N fertilization to the grain yield in the LSF was significantly more than that in the HSF; however, low soil N dependent rate and good grain yield potential were observed in the LSF. 【Conclusion】 Optimized fertilization reduced the relative contribution of basic soil fertilities to the grain yield of rice and increased N fertilization efficiency.
DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2012.14.011URL [本文引用: 1]

【Objective】 The effects of optimized fertilization on grain yield of rice and nitrogen use efficiency in paddy fields with different basic soil fertilities in Jianghan plain of China were studied. 【Method】 Three-year field trials were carried out to investigate the differences in grain yield, soil N dependent rate (SNDR), N fertilization contribution rate (NCR) and the N fertilization efficiency of the popular middle rice variety Fengliangyouxiang1 in three treatments, including modified farmers’ fertilizer practice (MFP), farmers’ fertilizer practice (FFP) and the control, in Jianghan plain, China. 【Result】 The results showed that the grain yield of MFP was the highest among all the three different nitrogen fertilizer treatments in all the field spots with different basic soil fertilities. The grain yield of MFP increased by about 6.9% and 5.0% in the high soil fertility field (HSF) and low soil fertility field (LSF) compared with the treatment of FFP, respectively; and about 17.3% and 30.3% in HSF and LSF compared with the control, respectively. Moreover, the N recovery efficiency (NRE), N agronomic efficiency (NAE) and partial factor productivity of applied N (PEPN) of MFP increased more greatly compared with that of FFP. The contribution of N fertilization to the grain yield in the LSF was significantly more than that in the HSF; however, low soil N dependent rate and good grain yield potential were observed in the LSF. 【Conclusion】 Optimized fertilization reduced the relative contribution of basic soil fertilities to the grain yield of rice and increased N fertilization efficiency.
DOI:10.11766/trxb200509280116URL [本文引用: 1]

Based on the data obtained from 9 long-term field experiments(1986~1999)in Hunan Province,difference in rice yield and soil fertility between paddy fields under different fertilization patterns was analyzed,with emphasis on effect of ratio of organic manure/chemical fertilizer on rice yield and soil fertility under the same N input condition.Results show that:based on averages over 13 years,Treatment NPK was 115.43% (early rice)and 68.20% (late rice),Treatment L-OM,128.45% (early rice)and 79.26% (late rice),and Treatment H-OM,122.87% (early rice)and 78.66% (late rice)higher than CK in yield.Mineral nutrients supply in the rice growth period is the key factor that leads to difference in rice production between different treatments.Compared with CK,Treatment NPK was obviously higher in soil nutrient content,indicating that chemical fertilizer does not only supply mineral nutrients to the crop,but also improve soil fertility.Treatment H-OM was higher than Treatment L-OM in soil nutrient content,suggesting that a high proportion of organic manure in fertilization has better effect on improvement of soil fertility.During the early monitoring period,the difference between Treatments L-OM and NPK in yield was widening, and then narrowing in the last few years.The difference between Treatment L-OM and H-OM always showed a narrowing trend, especially for late rice.All these suggest that yield difference varying with organic-inorganic fertilizer ratio is a temporary phenomenon and with the time going by and improvement of soil fertility,this difference will become narrower and narrower and even disappear.
DOI:10.11766/trxb200509280116URL [本文引用: 1]

Based on the data obtained from 9 long-term field experiments(1986~1999)in Hunan Province,difference in rice yield and soil fertility between paddy fields under different fertilization patterns was analyzed,with emphasis on effect of ratio of organic manure/chemical fertilizer on rice yield and soil fertility under the same N input condition.Results show that:based on averages over 13 years,Treatment NPK was 115.43% (early rice)and 68.20% (late rice),Treatment L-OM,128.45% (early rice)and 79.26% (late rice),and Treatment H-OM,122.87% (early rice)and 78.66% (late rice)higher than CK in yield.Mineral nutrients supply in the rice growth period is the key factor that leads to difference in rice production between different treatments.Compared with CK,Treatment NPK was obviously higher in soil nutrient content,indicating that chemical fertilizer does not only supply mineral nutrients to the crop,but also improve soil fertility.Treatment H-OM was higher than Treatment L-OM in soil nutrient content,suggesting that a high proportion of organic manure in fertilization has better effect on improvement of soil fertility.During the early monitoring period,the difference between Treatments L-OM and NPK in yield was widening, and then narrowing in the last few years.The difference between Treatment L-OM and H-OM always showed a narrowing trend, especially for late rice.All these suggest that yield difference varying with organic-inorganic fertilizer ratio is a temporary phenomenon and with the time going by and improvement of soil fertility,this difference will become narrower and narrower and even disappear.
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DOI:10.2136/sssaj2000.6451876xURL [本文引用: 1]
DOI:10.2136/sssaj1997.03615995006100020015xURL [本文引用: 1]
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DOI:10.1046/j.1365-2435.2000.00402.xURL [本文引用: 1]
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DOI:10.1007/s00374-003-0589-2URL [本文引用: 1]
DOI:10.1111/gcb.12767URLPMID:25330119 [本文引用: 1]

Livestock manure contributes considerably to global emissions of ammonia (NH3 ) and greenhouse gases (GHG), especially methane (CH4 ) and nitrous oxide (N2 O). Various measures have been developed to mitigate these emissions, but most of these focus on one specific gas and/or emission source. Here, we present a meta-analysis and integrated assessment of the effects of mitigation measures on NH3 , CH4 and (direct and indirect) N2 O emissions from the whole manure management chain. We analysed the effects of mitigation technologies on NH3 , CH4 and N2 O emissions from individual sources statistically using results of 126 published studies. Whole-chain effects on NH3 and GHG emissions were assessed through scenario analysis. Significant NH3 reduction efficiencies were observed for (i) housing via lowering the dietary crude protein (CP) content (24-65%, compared to the reference situation), for (ii) external slurry storages via acidification (83%) and covers of straw (78%) or artificial films (98%), for (iii) solid manure storages via compaction and covering (61%, compared to composting), and for (iv) manure application through band spreading (55%, compared to surface application), incorporation (70%) and injection (80%). Acidification decreased CH4 emissions from stored slurry by 87%. Significant increases in N2 O emissions were found for straw-covered slurry storages (by two orders of magnitude) and manure injection (by 26-199%). These side-effects of straw covers and slurry injection on N2 O emission were relatively small when considering the total GHG emissions from the manure chain. Lowering the CP content of feed and acidifying slurry are strategies that consistently reduce NH3 and GHG emissions in the whole chain. Other strategies may reduce emissions of a specific gas or emissions source, by which there is a risk of unwanted trade-offs in the manure management chain. Proper farm-scale combinations of mitigation measures are important to minimize impacts of livestock production on global emissions of NH3 and GHG.
DOI:10.1007/s10705-016-9787-9URL [本文引用: 1]
DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2011.12.010URL [本文引用: 1]

【Objective】Under the same nitrogen application condition, the variation of carbon and nitrogen in yellow clayey soil and its relationship with NO3--N accumulation under long-term fertilization were studied to illustrate the main factors affecting the NO3--N accumulation. 【Method】The changes of soil organic carbon(SOC), total nitrogen(TN), microbial biomass carbon(SMBC), microbial biomass nitrogen(SMBN), recovery efficiency of nitrogen and the correlation among accumulated amount of NO3--N in a yellow clayey soil after fertilization were analyzed based on a 25 year long - term fertilizer experiment in yellow clayey soil in Nanchang County, Nanchang, China. In an experiment carried out in 1984 at this site, 8 different treatments were designed in an early rice-late rice rotation system. The treatments were no fertilizer(CK), nitrogen fertilizers deficiency (PK),potassium fertilizers deficiency (NP), phosphorus fertilizers deficiency (NK), balanced chemical fertilizers application (NPK), 70% chemical fertilizers substituted by 30% organic manure in balanced chemical fertilizers application (70F+30M), 50% chemical fertilizers substituted by 50% organic manure in balanced chemical fertilizers application (50F+50M), 30% chemical fertilizers substituted by 70% organic manure in balanced chemical fertilizers application (70F+30M).【Result】Two main results were found from this experiment. First, in the double rice-cropping syetem areas, combined application of organic manure and chemical fertilizers were better than inorganic fertilizers for improving the SOC, TN, available N, SMBC and SMBN, in which combined application of high amount (70%) or low amount (30%) of organic manure was the best. Second, the content and accumulated amount of NO3--N of the combined high amount or low amount of organic fertilizer treatments were more than chemical fertilizers in the soil profile under the same nitrogen condition. The content and accumulated amount of NO3--N of the same ratio of organic manure
combined with chemical fertilizers treatments which greatly reduced the accumulated amount of NO3--N in the soil were equal with no fertilization. 【Conclusion】High amount and the same ratio of organic manure combined with chemical fertilizers is the best to improve soil quality and decrease the accumulated amount of NO3--N in soil, respectively. In consideration of soil quality and environmental protection, the ratio of organic manure combined with chemical fertilizers should be used in the region. Factors affecting NO3--N accumulation are SOC, TN, SMBC and SMBN under the same nitrogen conditions, and SMBC is the most important and direct factor.
DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2011.12.010URL [本文引用: 1]

【Objective】Under the same nitrogen application condition, the variation of carbon and nitrogen in yellow clayey soil and its relationship with NO3--N accumulation under long-term fertilization were studied to illustrate the main factors affecting the NO3--N accumulation. 【Method】The changes of soil organic carbon(SOC), total nitrogen(TN), microbial biomass carbon(SMBC), microbial biomass nitrogen(SMBN), recovery efficiency of nitrogen and the correlation among accumulated amount of NO3--N in a yellow clayey soil after fertilization were analyzed based on a 25 year long - term fertilizer experiment in yellow clayey soil in Nanchang County, Nanchang, China. In an experiment carried out in 1984 at this site, 8 different treatments were designed in an early rice-late rice rotation system. The treatments were no fertilizer(CK), nitrogen fertilizers deficiency (PK),potassium fertilizers deficiency (NP), phosphorus fertilizers deficiency (NK), balanced chemical fertilizers application (NPK), 70% chemical fertilizers substituted by 30% organic manure in balanced chemical fertilizers application (70F+30M), 50% chemical fertilizers substituted by 50% organic manure in balanced chemical fertilizers application (50F+50M), 30% chemical fertilizers substituted by 70% organic manure in balanced chemical fertilizers application (70F+30M).【Result】Two main results were found from this experiment. First, in the double rice-cropping syetem areas, combined application of organic manure and chemical fertilizers were better than inorganic fertilizers for improving the SOC, TN, available N, SMBC and SMBN, in which combined application of high amount (70%) or low amount (30%) of organic manure was the best. Second, the content and accumulated amount of NO3--N of the combined high amount or low amount of organic fertilizer treatments were more than chemical fertilizers in the soil profile under the same nitrogen condition. The content and accumulated amount of NO3--N of the same ratio of organic manure
combined with chemical fertilizers treatments which greatly reduced the accumulated amount of NO3--N in the soil were equal with no fertilization. 【Conclusion】High amount and the same ratio of organic manure combined with chemical fertilizers is the best to improve soil quality and decrease the accumulated amount of NO3--N in soil, respectively. In consideration of soil quality and environmental protection, the ratio of organic manure combined with chemical fertilizers should be used in the region. Factors affecting NO3--N accumulation are SOC, TN, SMBC and SMBN under the same nitrogen conditions, and SMBC is the most important and direct factor.
DOI:10.1007/s10705-006-9042-xURL [本文引用: 1]

Application of chemical fertilizers and farmyard manure affects crop productivity and improves nutrient cycling within soil–plant systems, but the magnitude varies with soil-climatic conditions. A long-term (1982–2004) field experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) fertilizers and farmyard swine manure (M) on seed and straw yield, protein concentration, and N uptake in the seed and straw of 19-year winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and four-year oilseed (three-year canola, Brassica napus L. in 1987, 2000 and 2003; one-year flax, Linum usitatisimum L. in 1991), accumulation of nitrate-N (NO3-N) in the soil profile (0–210 cm), and N balance sheet on a Huangmian soil (calcaric cambisols, FAO) near Tianshui, Gansu, China. The two main plot treatments were without and with farmyard swine manure (M); sub-plot treatments were control (Ck), N, NP, and NPK.␣The average seed yield decreased in the order MNPK ≥ MNP > MN ≥ NPK ≥ NP > M > N > Ck. The average effect of manure and fertilizers on seed yield was in the order M > N > P > K. The seed yield increase was 20.5% for M, 17.8% for N, 14.2% for P, and 2.9 % for K treatment. Seed yield response to fertilizers was much greater for N and P than for K, and it was much greater for no manure than for manure treatment. The response of straw yield to fertilization treatments was usually similar to that of seed yield. The N fertilizer and manure significantly increased protein concentration and N uptake plant. From the standpoint of increasing crop yield and seed quality, MNPK was the best fertilization strategy. Annual applications of N fertilizer and manure for 23 successive years had a marked effect on NO3-N accumulation in the 0–210 cm soil profile. Accumulation of NO3-N in the deeper soil layers with application of N fertilizer and manure is regarded as a potential danger, because of pollution of the soil environment and of groundwater. Application of N fertilizer in combination with P and/or K fertilizers reduced residual soil NO3-N significantly compared with N fertilizer alone in both no manure and manure plots. The findings suggest that integrated and balanced application of N, P, and K fertilizers and␣manure at proper rates is important for protecting soil and groundwater from potential NO3-N pollution and for maintaining high crop productivity in the rainfed region of Northwestern China.
DOI:10.1038/nature25785URLPMID:29513654 [本文引用: 1]

Sustainably feeding a growing population is a grand challenge, and one that is particularly difficult in regions that are dominated by smallholder farming. Despite local successes, mobilizing vast smallholder communities with science- and evidence-based management practices to simultaneously address production and pollution problems has been infeasible. Here we report the outcome of concerted efforts in engaging millions of Chinese smallholder farmers to adopt enhanced management practices for greater yield and environmental performance. First, we conducted field trials across China's major agroecological zones to develop locally applicable recommendations using a comprehensive decision-support program. Engaging farmers to adopt those recommendations involved the collaboration of a core network of 1,152 researchers with numerous extension agents and agribusiness personnel. From 2005 to 2015, about 20.9 million farmers in 452 counties adopted enhanced management practices in fields with a total of 37.7 million cumulative hectares over the years. Average yields (maize, rice and wheat) increased by 10.8-11.5%, generating a net grain output of 33 million tonnes (Mt). At the same time, application of nitrogen decreased by 14.7-18.1%, saving 1.2 Mt of nitrogen fertilizers. The increased grain output and decreased nitrogen fertilizer use were equivalent to US$12.2 billion. Estimated reactive nitrogen losses averaged 4.5-4.7 kg nitrogen per Megagram (Mg) with the intervention compared to 6.0-6.4 kg nitrogen per Mg without. Greenhouse gas emissions were 328 kg, 812 kg and 434 kg CO2 equivalent per Mg of maize, rice and wheat produced, respectively, compared to 422 kg, 941 kg and 549 kg CO2 equivalent per Mg without the intervention. On the basis of a large-scale survey (8.6 million farmer participants) and scenario analyses, we further demonstrate the potential impacts of implementing the enhanced management practices on China's food security and sustainability outlook.