

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-26

杨哲,1, 于胜男,1, 高聚林1, 田甜1, 孙继颖1, 魏淑丽1, 胡树平1, 李荣发1, 李从锋2, 王志刚,11内蒙古农业大学农学院/内蒙古自治区作物栽培与遗传改良重点实验室,呼和浩特 010019
2中国农业科学院作物科学研究所,北京 100081

Quantitative Evaluation of the Contribution of Main Management Factors to Grain Yield of Spring Maize in North China

YANG Zhe,1, YU ShengNan,1, GAO JuLin1, TIAN Tian1, SUN JiYing1, WEI ShuLi1, HU ShuPing1, LI RongFa1, LI CongFeng2, WANG ZhiGang,11College of Agronomy, Inner Mongolia Agricultural University/Key Laboratory for Crop Cultivation and Genetic Improvement of Inner Mongolia, Hohhot 010019
2Institute of Crop Sciences, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100081

通讯作者: 王志刚,E-mail: imauwzg@163.com

责任编辑: 杨鑫浩

作者简介 About authors
杨哲,E-mail: imauyz@163.com

于胜男,E-mail: imauyusn@163.com

关键词: 春玉米;栽培措施;产量差;优先序

【Objective】Quantitative analysis of the contribution of main management factors to grain yield is of great importance for narrowing yield gap of maize (Zea mays L.). 【Method】 To clarify the individual contribution rate of main management factors to maize yield, the present study analyzed data from 114 literatures published after 2000, which focused on crowding tolerance of hybrids, plant density, soil tillage method, nutrient management and leaf disease control in spring maize production of North China. Meanwhile, a 2-year field study with an incomplete factorial design with foregoing 5 factors was conducted in tow fixed locations, to verify the result of literature review and furtherly assess the priority of management optimization for reducing yield gap. 【Result】 The results of literature review was consistent with that of management-factor alternative test in field. The priority of 5 management factors was plant density, nutrient management, crowding tolerance of hybrids, and leaf disease control and soil tillage method, which contributed to yield by 12.6%, 9.2%, 6.7%, 6.3% and 5.5%, respectively. Similarly, the contribution rates to PFPN of them were 16.7%, 4.1%, 3.4%, 3.8% and 3.3%, respectively. Yield gap induced by each management factor was mainly attributed to mass productivity and sink capacity, which were initially increased along with mean leaf area index (MLAI). When MLAI exceeded optimum value, enhancing radiation efficiency and grain producing efficiency by optimizing assimilative capacity was of great importance for closing yield gap.【Conclusion】Concurrent enhancing yield and resource use efficiency by 15% to 20% could be reached easily through optimizing plant density and nutrient management. However, synchronously enhancing yield and resource use efficiency by more than 30% to 50%, four or all five management factors should be optimized systematically.
Keywords:spring maize;management factors;yield gap;priority order

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杨哲, 于胜男, 高聚林, 田甜, 孙继颖, 魏淑丽, 胡树平, 李荣发, 李从锋, 王志刚. 主要栽培措施对北方春玉米产量贡献的定量评估[J]. 中国农业科学, 2020, 53(15): 3024-3035 doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2020.15.004
YANG Zhe, YU ShengNan, GAO JuLin, TIAN Tian, SUN JiYing, WEI ShuLi, HU ShuPing, LI RongFa, LI CongFeng, WANG ZhiGang. Quantitative Evaluation of the Contribution of Main Management Factors to Grain Yield of Spring Maize in North China[J]. Scientia Acricultura Sinica, 2020, 53(15): 3024-3035 doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2020.15.004

0 引言

【研究意义】由于人口不断增长,预计以目前的全球粮食生产能力无法满足2050年粮食最低需求,因而缩小产量差是满足全球未来粮食安全的重要途径之一[1]。【前人研究进展】LOBELL等[2]以农户产量与其他产量的差值为依据,将作物产量差分为3个层次:(1)一般农户与高产农户的产量差,其主要由区域间土壤和气候的不同,及农户投入成本、管理措施和技术水平的差异所造成;(2)一般农户产量与试验田产量的产量差,主要受品种、养分管理、土壤耕作、灌溉及病虫草害等技术措施不同的影响;(3)一般农户产量与模拟产量(产量潜力)的产量差,主要受光温水资源、土壤条件等环境因素的限制,同时也与品种、栽培措施和病虫草害等管理措施有关。刘保花等[3]认为,当前世界玉米的平均产量潜力为11.2 t·hm-2,农户产量只达到产量潜力的53%;MENG等[4]研究中国玉米产量差发现,农户产量与模拟产量(产量潜力)的产量差为6—8.6 t·hm-2,仅实现了48%—56%;与试验田产量的产量差为4.5 t·hm-2,仅实现试验产量的64%。李雅剑等[5]对内蒙古玉米产量差的研究表明,农户产量与产量潜力和试验田产量的产量差分别为7.5 t·hm-2和3.8 t·hm-2,仅实现了49%和66%。受资源禀赋、技术水平和技术扩散能力的限制,在大尺度上缩小与产量潜力的产量差难度较大,但通过优化栽培管理措施消减与试验产量的产量差则相对容易[6,7,8]。因此,研究如何优化栽培措施、优先优化什么栽培措施,对消减不同层级的产量差、探讨玉米高产稳产途径具有重要意义。【本研究切入点】ZHANG等[9]对夏玉米的研究发现,种植密度、品种、播期、施氮量和收获期等栽培措施对夏玉米产量的贡献率分别为20.6%、19.8%、15.0%、7.5%和4.4%;MATIAS等[10]通过多年多点因子替换试验研究了5大措施因子对北美春玉米产量差的影响,但由于生态条件和生产水平差异,以上的研究结果对我国春玉米生产技术优化并不适用。因此,通过对产量贡献定量化明确主要栽培措施的优先序,对春玉米缩差增产至关重要。【拟解决的关键问题】本研究围绕影响我国北方春玉米缩差增产增效的品种耐密性、种植密度、养分管理、土壤耕作和病害防治5大栽培措施因子,通过总结近年发表的114篇文献资料,同时结合田间栽培措施替换来定量化解析5大因子对春玉米产量的贡献及其优先序,以期为探索我国春玉米缩差增产途径提供理论依据。

1 材料与方法

1.1 文献分析数据来源



1.2 田间试验

2017—2018年,在包头市土默特右旗沟门镇(40°57′N,110°52′E)和赤峰市巴林右旗大板镇(43°52′N,118°67′E)开展连续2年定位试验。两地供试土壤有机质含量分别为25.0、11.3 g·kg-1,碱解氮含量分别为48.1、36.7 g·kg-1,速效磷含量分别为3.4、6.4 mg·kg-1,速效钾含量分别为104.7、110.6 mg·kg-1


Table 1
Table 1Treatments of incomplete factorial design with 5 cultivated factors for field experiment
处理 Treatment栽培措施因子 Cultivation factor
Supplemented or withheld
Shallow rotary
Single basal fertilization

+ 品种
Crowd tolerance

Shallow rotary
Single basal fertilization

+ 种植密度
Shallow rotary
Single basal fertilization

+ 土壤耕作
Deep ploughing with manure
Single basal fertilization

+ 养分管理 Fertilization常规Conventional
Shallow rotary
Optimized fertilization

+ 防病
Shallow rotary
Single basal fertilization
Crowd tolerance

Deep ploughing with manure
Optimized fertilization
- 品种
Deep ploughing with manure
Optimized fertilization
- 种植密度
Crowd tolerance

Deep ploughing with manure
Optimized fertilization
- 土壤耕作
Crowd tolerance

Shallow rotary
Optimized fertilization
- 养分管理Fertilization耐密
Crowd tolerance

Deep ploughing with manure
Single basal fertilization
- 防病
Crowd tolerance

Deep ploughing with manure
Optimized fertilization



表1中,FP处理各因子水平由农户调研的数据平均值确定,即采用常规品种(conventional)先玉335(品种≥10℃积温2 700℃,土默特右旗)、和田4号(品种≥10℃积温2 550℃,巴林右旗);种植密度采用当前生产平均密度6.0×104株/hm2(low);土壤耕作为秸秆焚烧后浅旋15 cm灭茬(shallow rotary);养分管理为播种前“一炮轰”施肥(single basal fertilization),即施入养分纯量N、P2O5、K2O分别为255、135和75 kg·hm-2,结合整地一次把全部化肥施入土壤,生育期间不再追肥;生育期间不进行叶部病害防治(none)。HT处理以实现大幅高产高效为目标,以各地高产攻关多年管理经验为依据,通过选用耐高密品种、增密种植、深耕改土培肥、平衡施肥和叶部病害防治5项措施对FP处理进行优化改良。其中,耐高密品种(crowd tolerance)采用MC670(品种≥10℃积温2 700℃,土默特右旗)和华美1号(品种≥10℃积温2 600℃,巴林右旗);种植密度为9.0×104株/hm2(high);土壤耕作采用深翻35 cm秸秆还田结合施用30 t·hm-2有机肥改良土壤(deep ploughing with manure);养分管理为常量微量配合平衡优化施肥(optimized fertilization),大量元素总量平衡(N+P2O5+K2O=270+105+85 kg·hm-2) +中微量元素(S+Zn=3+6 kg·hm-2)+分次追氮(种肥:追肥=3:7),即种肥施入纯养分量N、P2O5、K2O、S、Zn分别为81、105、86、3和6 kg·hm-2,拔节期追施纯N量189 kg·hm-2;病害防治采用喷施甲氧基丙烯酸酯类杀菌剂(with),在8—12叶展开期,用750 mL·hm-2扬彩(先正达),兑水675 L·hm-2均匀喷雾。试验随机区组排列,3次重复;各小区12行区,行长6 m,行距60 cm;生育期间根据当地土壤墒情和降雨情况适时灌溉。

1.3 参数计算公式

1.3.1 文献分析相关参数



1.3.2 因子替换试验相关参数



1.4 数据处理

采用Microsoft Excel 2016软件处理数据,以SPSS 17.0(SPSS Statistics, USA)软件中的一般线性模型进行方差分析,以处理和年度为固定因子,以区组数为随机因子,处理间显著性检验采用LSD法。田间试验因年际间产量差异不显著(P=0.756),其结果以2年平均值表示。采用SigmaPlot 12.5(Systat Software Inc.,USA)软件作图。

2 结果

2.1 基于文献分析的主要栽培措施对产量的贡献

2.1.1 品种耐密性与种植密度对产量的贡献 由图1-a所示,耐密品种和常规品种在种植密度为4.9×104株/hm2时,产量相当,低于这一临界密度时,以株型平展、稀植大穗为典型特征的常规品种可发挥单株生产优势(图1-b),高于此密度时,耐密品种群体籽粒产量显著高于常规品种。耐密品种获得最高产量13.2 t·hm-2时,种植密度为10.0×104株/hm2,常规品种最高产量11.1 t·hm-2时,密度为9.1×104株/hm2。杨锦忠等[12]对我国玉米产量-密度关系进行Meta分析发现,最容易获得产量区间的核密度峰值,即目前农户田间管理下的安全生产密度为6.7×104株/hm2。耐密品种和常规品种在安全生产密度为6.7×104株/hm2时的产量分别为11.8、10.7 t·hm-2,产量差为1.1 t·hm-2,品种耐密性对产量的贡献率为9.3%。



Fig. 1Responses of yield (a) and per-plant yield (b) of different crowding tolerance maize hybrids to plant density

鉴于新一轮品种更替使当前生产中品种耐密性普遍增强,种植密度对产量的贡献应以耐密品种的产量-密度回归方程为基础进行分析(图1-a)。当前生产平均密度6.7×104株/hm2对应籽粒产量为11.8 t·hm-2,与耐密品种密植最高产量13.2 t·hm-2相差1.4 t·hm-2,密度对产量的贡献为10.6%。

2.1.2 耕作措施和耕作深度对产量的贡献 我国北方春玉米区长期浅旋灭茬的耕作方式导致农田耕层明显变浅、土壤结构紧实,限制春玉米增产增效。通过深耕(深松或深翻)增加耕层深度、打破犁底层,可有效解决耕层障碍问题。分析39篇文献的产量结果发现,耕作方式对春玉米产量有显著影响(图2-a)。浅旋灭茬作业的产量区间为4.9—15.2 t·hm-2,均值为9.6 t·hm-2;深耕处理的玉米产量区间为6.0—17.0 t·hm-2,平均值为10.4 t·hm-2。深耕处理的玉米产量较浅旋处理显著提高0.8 t·hm-2,对产量的贡献率为7.7%。



Fig. 2Comparison of yield variation of maize under different soil tillage methods (a) and different tillage depth (b)

The solid line in the boxplot represents the median; The dotted line represents the average; The bottom of the box represents the upper and lower quartile. The same as below

不同耕作深度下玉米产量差异显著(图2-b)。耕深为20—30 cm的玉米产量平均为10.3 t·hm-2,耕作深度30—40 cm的平均产量为11.4 t·hm-2,但将耕深增加到40—50 cm时,其产量显著下降,与浅旋灭茬作业无显著差异。由此可见,适当加深耕作深度可以破除耕层障碍,显著提高玉米产量,但耕作过深不但耗费动力,而且会造成减产,耕深不宜大于40 cm。

2.1.3 养分管理和病害防治对产量的贡献 由图3-a可见,生产上农户习惯施肥的产量区间为5.0—12.4 t·hm-2,均值为8.9 t·hm-2;优化养分管理的产量区间为5.2—13.6 t·hm-2,平均值为9.9 t·hm-2。与农户习惯施肥相比,优化养分管理可增产1.0 t·hm-2,对产量的贡献为10.1%。



Fig. 3Effects of different nutrient managements (a) and strobilurin fungicide application (b) on grain yield of maize

甲氧基丙烯酸酯类杀菌剂不仅能有效防治玉米叶片真菌病害,还具备延缓叶片衰老的功效。由图3-b可知,喷施甲氧基丙烯酸酯类杀菌剂防治叶部病害的玉米平均产量为11.2 t·hm-2;喷施清水(或不喷施)的对照产量平均为10.2 t·hm-2,喷施杀菌剂防病可增产1.0 t·hm-2,对玉米产量的贡献为8.9%。

2.2 基于大田管理因子替换的主要栽培措施对产量的贡献

表2可见,不同栽培管理模式下,某一因子对产量的贡献率受其他栽培措施因子间互作效应的明显影响,即在FP管理水平下,各因子对产量的贡献率明显高于其在HT管理水平下的贡献率,说明在FP基础上优化某一因子会高估其对产量的贡献,而在HT基础上则会明显低估,因此二者平均值将较为客观地估计各因子对产量的贡献率。在FP基础上,增加种植密度或优化养分管理措施分别可增产1.8、1.1 t·hm-2,对产量的贡献分别为15.7%、9.2%;而在HT基础上,将种植密度或养分管理水平替换成FP水平,则分别减产1.9、1.0 t·hm-2,对产量的贡献为13.6%、7.4%。将FP和HT下替换种植密度或养分管理的产量差平均,种植密度和养分管理造成的产量差分别为1.9、1.0 t·hm-2,对产量的贡献分别为14.7%、8.3%。在FP基础上选用耐高密品种、喷施杀菌剂、优化土壤耕作措施分别可增产0.6、0.5和0.4 t·hm-2,对产量的贡献分别为5.1%、4.3%、4.0%;而在HT基础上使用常规品种、去除防病措施、劣化土壤耕作措施,则分别减产0.5、0.5和0.4 t·hm-2,对产量的贡献分别为3.3%、3.3%、2.6%。将FP和HT下替换品种、喷施杀菌剂、土壤耕作的产量差平均,品种、喷施杀菌剂、土壤耕作造成的产量差分别为0.5、0.5和0.4 t·hm-2,对产量的贡献为4.2%、3.8%和3.3%。

Table 2
Table 2Effect of management factors on yield gap and its contribution rate to grain yield of maize
Supplemented or
包头 Baotou赤峰 Chifeng平均值 Average
Yield gap
Contribution rate (%)
Yield gap
Contribution rate (%)
Yield gap
Contribution rate (%)
农户模式FP较FP增减 Compared with FP
+ 土壤耕作Tillage0.
+ 养分管理Fertilization1.4*10.7*
+ 品种Variety0.
+ 种植密度Population2.1*16.2*1.5*15.3*1.8*15.7*
+ 防病Fungicide0.
综合高产HT较HT增减 Compared with HT
- 土壤耕作Tillage-0.5-3.0-0.3-2.1-0.4-2.6
- 养分管理Fertilization-1.1*-7.6*-0.9-7.1-1.0-7.4
- 品种Variety-0.5-3.0-0.4-3.7-0.5-3.3
- 种植密度Population-2.0*-13.4*-1.7*-13.8*-1.9*-13.6*
- 防病Fungicide-0.6-3.6-0.4-3.1-0.5-3.3
FP vs HT2.3*15.7*2.2*19.8*2.3*17.8*
* means significant at 0.05 probability level compared to the respective control treatment



2.3 基于产量性能的春玉米产量差形成原因解析




Fig. 4The relationship of maize yield gap to gaps of yield properties

3 讨论



Table 3
Table 3Magnitude and contribution rate of different management factors to yield gap and PFPN of maize
Yield gap (t·hm-2)
Contribution rate to yield (%)
Contribution rate to PFPN (%)
Field test
Field test
Field test
1种植密度 Population1.41.91.710.614.712.616.7
2养分管理 Fertilization1.
3品种 Variety1.
4防病 Fungicide1.
5土壤耕作 Tillage0.


品种耐密性的优劣直接影响增密能否增产,因而维持高密群体内较高的单株生产力是实现玉米高产的有效途径。本研究表明,品种耐密性对产量的贡献率为6.7%。在高密度条件下,耐密品种的单株产量降幅较小,且显著高于常规品种,因而产量高于常规品种(图1,表2)。耐密品种在高密度时,有较高的光合速率和蒸腾速率[20]、更合理的叶面积指数[21],保持更好的群体光合特性,因此能获得较高产量。值得注意的是,本研究2年4点的田间试验结果表明,常规品种在农户模式养分过量投入条件下,增密至9×104株/hm2(平均实收穗数8.7×104株/hm2),未发生倒伏和明显秃尖以及养分亏缺问题,虽然单株产量明显降低了22%,但群体增大了45%,因此其产量明显增加;耐密品种在综合高产模式下,密度降低至6×104株/hm2,其单株产量接近200 g/株,增加了13.6%,但群体降低近50%,虽然也获得不错产量,但产量仍较高密群体降低1.8 t·hm-2。笔者认为,常规品种推荐种植密度出于生产范围大及生产安全考虑,可能推荐密度偏低,这也是导致农户种植密度低的重要原因之一;而耐高密品种更多强调其对高密环境的耐受性,但并不代表其在低密条件下不能获得相对不错产量。本试验结果也表明,在农户模式低密条件下,耐密品种的产量也高于常规品种,但差异并不显著。当前,我国玉米品种正以籽粒直收为目标向适当早熟和耐高密方向更替,立足于不同生态条件和栽培管理条件,深入研究耐高密品种与密度的互作效应,对进一步探索产量差消减途径至关重要。

MUELLER等[22]指出,通过养分管理优化、补充灌溉可使大部分作物产量提高45%—70%。本研究表明,优化养分管理对玉米产量的贡献率达9.2%。MENG等[4]通过对全国5 584个农户调研发现,我国玉米生产中有32%和31%的农户存在施氮过量或不足的问题,过量施氮会造成氮素冗余,玉米贪青晚熟而影响玉米产量[23,24]。CUI[25]等从148个试验点的试验得到,通过优化养分管理可使玉米产量提高5%以上,且能显著提高氮肥利用效率。北方春玉米区,近40%的农户存在“一炮轰”式施肥,导致玉米后期缺肥而严重影响产量。与农户“一炮轰”施肥的产量相比,氮肥分期调控可明显提高玉米生物量和吸氮量,提高氮肥利用率,减少氮损失[26,27]。可见,优化养分管理不仅能提高养分利用效率、降低生产成本和减少环境污染,还能缩减玉米产量差,对玉米绿色可持续发展具有重要意义。

近年来随气候及田间管理措施的变化,叶片病害成为限制玉米稳定增产的重要因子之一[28]。采用甲氧基丙烯酸酯类杀菌剂防病不但能有效防治玉米大、小斑病及锈病等病害[29],而且可延缓叶片衰老,增加花后光合产物,进而促进产量的提升[30,31,32,33]。本研究对喷施甲氧基丙烯酸酯类杀菌剂的文献总结发现,其对玉米产量的贡献率为6.3%,在5项核心措施中居第4位(表3)。因而,喷施甲氧基丙烯酸酯类杀菌剂对玉米增产具有重要意义[34]。深耕能增加农田蓄水量,显著增加深层根系生长量和吸收活力,不但能提高玉米叶片相对含水量及净光合速率,而且玉米LAI和生物量显著增加,可明显提高玉米产量和周年水分利用效率[35,36,37]。本研究表明,深耕改土较浅旋耕作产量提高0.6 t·hm-2,对产量的贡献为5.5%(表3)。不同耕作深度对产量有显著影响,适当加深耕作深度可以破除耕层障碍,显著提高玉米产量,但耕作过深不但耗费动力,而且会造成减产,耕深不宜大于40 cm。前人研究表明,短期内土壤耕作措施对产量无显著影响[38],因此解析不同耕作持续期对玉米产量的影响具有重要意义,但本研究中因涉及不同耕作持续期的文献数据较少,未能对其进行深入解析。长期改土后耕作措施对产量的贡献是否会增大也需要通过长期定位试验加以验证解析。

本研究对品种、密度、土壤耕作、养分管理、防病(兼化控)5大栽培措施因子的产量贡献进行定量化的意义在于,第一,明确决定玉米产量的栽培措施因子的优先序,阐明缩差增产需要优化哪个或哪些因子,优先优化哪个或哪些因子;第二,对于缩差增产技术模式优化具有定量化指导意义。例如,通过提高种植密度和优化养分管理2项措施,可实现增产21.8%、PFPN提高20.8%,即能实现增产15%、增效20%以上的高产高效发展目标,但若使产量和资源效率均协同增加30%以上的长期目标,则需优化至少4个甚至全部因子才能实现(表3)。以此为指导,我们于2017—2019年在东北开展了连续3年4个点次的定位试验验证,结果表明此思路可稳定实现上述目标。生产上,无论哪个产量水平的群体,其栽培管理都是多个技术的组合,因此栽培因子间的互作效应是不能忽视的。研究表明,密植条件下多项措施互作优化了春玉米群体耐密性,提升了资源利用效率,最终的产量增益显著高于双项措施和单项措施优化的产量增益[10, 39]。因此,从土壤改良培肥、品种遗传改良、群体性能优化等多个方面研究多项栽培措施的协同优化,对实现春玉米增产、增效、可持续发展具有重大意义。

4 结论


参考文献 原文顺序

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DOI:10.1038/nature10511URL [本文引用: 1]

LOBELL D B, CASSMAN K G, FIELD C B. Crop yield gaps: Their importance, magnitudes, and causes
Annual Review of Environment & Resources, 2009,34(1):179-204.

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刘保花, 陈新平, 崔振岭, 孟庆峰, 赵明. 三大粮食作物产量潜力与产量差研究进展
中国生态农业学报, 2015,23(5):525-534.

URL [本文引用: 2]
Understanding yield potential and yield gap for major cereal crops is critical for improving crop yield and helping farmers to adopt effective cultivation strategies. Based on 64 recently published classical literatures, this review summarized research advance in yield potential and yield gap for three major cereal crops (wheat, rice and maize) grown around the world. The different methods of measurement of yield potential and yield gap were also compared. The results showed that global yield potential was 6.7 t hm-2 for wheat, 8.1 t hm-2 for rice and 11.2 t hm-2 for maize, and that the average yields of farmers for wheat, rice and maize were respectively 60%, 60% and 53% of the yield potential. Furthermore, it was noted that yield estimation by crop models was one of the most effective methods of quantifying yield potential. The yield potentials based on recorded highest yield and model-estimated yield were highly reasonable. Although yield potential based on experimental yield and best farmers' yield were lower than that based on model-estimated yield, it was still important for exploring potential improvements in yield in short term. Finally, it was advanced that optimized management strategies, such as integrated soil-crop system management, were effective ways for reducing yield gap. There still existed a large potential to increase grain yield for the three major cereal crops of wheat, rice and maize. It was indicated that studies on how to close yield gap, improve grain yield and ensure food security would attract a considerable attention in the future.
LIU B H, CHEN X P, CUI Z L, MENG Q F, ZHAO M. Research advance in yield potential and yield gap of three major cereal crops
Chinese Journal of Eco-Agriculture, 2015,23(5):525-534. (in Chinese)

URL [本文引用: 2]
Understanding yield potential and yield gap for major cereal crops is critical for improving crop yield and helping farmers to adopt effective cultivation strategies. Based on 64 recently published classical literatures, this review summarized research advance in yield potential and yield gap for three major cereal crops (wheat, rice and maize) grown around the world. The different methods of measurement of yield potential and yield gap were also compared. The results showed that global yield potential was 6.7 t hm-2 for wheat, 8.1 t hm-2 for rice and 11.2 t hm-2 for maize, and that the average yields of farmers for wheat, rice and maize were respectively 60%, 60% and 53% of the yield potential. Furthermore, it was noted that yield estimation by crop models was one of the most effective methods of quantifying yield potential. The yield potentials based on recorded highest yield and model-estimated yield were highly reasonable. Although yield potential based on experimental yield and best farmers' yield were lower than that based on model-estimated yield, it was still important for exploring potential improvements in yield in short term. Finally, it was advanced that optimized management strategies, such as integrated soil-crop system management, were effective ways for reducing yield gap. There still existed a large potential to increase grain yield for the three major cereal crops of wheat, rice and maize. It was indicated that studies on how to close yield gap, improve grain yield and ensure food security would attract a considerable attention in the future.

MENG Q F, HOU P, WU L, CHEN X P, CUI Z L, ZHANG F S. Understanding production potentials and yield gaps in intensive maize production in China
Field Crops Research, 2013,143(1):91-97.

DOI:10.1016/j.fcr.2012.09.023URL [本文引用: 4]

李雅剑, 王志刚, 高聚林, 孙继颖, 于晓芳, 胡树平, 余少波, 梁红伟, 裴宽. 基于密度联网试验和Hybrid-Maize模型的内蒙古玉米产量差和生产潜力评估
中国生态农业学报, 2016,24(7):935-943.

URL [本文引用: 2]
Exploitation of yield gaps in current maize production was needed for increasing grain yields to meet future food requirements. The quantification of yield gap and production potential by scientific method was critical for rational planning of production and development of maize industry in Inner Mongolia. This study combined cultivar and density network test data with Hybrid-Maize model simulation, and used data of recorded the highest yield since 2006, the average yield of the farmers in different ecological regions in Inner Mongolia to analyze the yield gap and production potential of Inner Mongolia and its six ecological regions. Based on the modeled yield potential, the highest recorded yield, experimental yield and farmers’ yield generally increased from the east to the west of Inner Mongolia. Maize yield potential in Inner Mongolia was 14.9 thm-2, with the highest recorded yield of 14.4 thm-2 and experimental yield of 11.1 thm-2. Farmers’ yield reached 49% of the modeled yield potential, 51% of the highest recorded yield and 66% of the experimental yield. Yield gap based on the modeled yield potential (YGM), the highest recorded yield (YGR) and experimental yield (YGE) was 7.5 thm-2, 7.0 thm-2 and 3.8 thm-2, respectively. Based on YGE, the short-term production potential in Inner Mongolia was 3 525.2×104 tons (which was 1.6 times of the current maize production) and the short-term production gap was 1 191.9×104 tons. In the short-term, the four eastern regions (including Hulunber, Xing’an, Tongliao and Chifeng) contributed 61% to the production potential of the whole Inner Mongolia, while the western regions (including Hohhot and Bayannur) contributed only 16%. The main factor of high YGE was inefficient cultivation management practice. To address this challenge, the countermeasures were recommended, such as comprehensive improvement of cultivation management practices, simplification of agronomic techniques easily adopted by farmers, for to gradually narrow YGE.
LI Y J, WANG Z G, GAO J L, SUN J Y, YU X F, HU S P, YU S B, LIANG H W, PEI K. Understanding yield gap and production potential based on networked variety density tests and Hybrid-Maize model in maize production areas of Inner Mongolia
Chinese Journal of Eco-Agriculture, 2016,24(7):935-943. (in Chinese)

URL [本文引用: 2]
Exploitation of yield gaps in current maize production was needed for increasing grain yields to meet future food requirements. The quantification of yield gap and production potential by scientific method was critical for rational planning of production and development of maize industry in Inner Mongolia. This study combined cultivar and density network test data with Hybrid-Maize model simulation, and used data of recorded the highest yield since 2006, the average yield of the farmers in different ecological regions in Inner Mongolia to analyze the yield gap and production potential of Inner Mongolia and its six ecological regions. Based on the modeled yield potential, the highest recorded yield, experimental yield and farmers’ yield generally increased from the east to the west of Inner Mongolia. Maize yield potential in Inner Mongolia was 14.9 thm-2, with the highest recorded yield of 14.4 thm-2 and experimental yield of 11.1 thm-2. Farmers’ yield reached 49% of the modeled yield potential, 51% of the highest recorded yield and 66% of the experimental yield. Yield gap based on the modeled yield potential (YGM), the highest recorded yield (YGR) and experimental yield (YGE) was 7.5 thm-2, 7.0 thm-2 and 3.8 thm-2, respectively. Based on YGE, the short-term production potential in Inner Mongolia was 3 525.2×104 tons (which was 1.6 times of the current maize production) and the short-term production gap was 1 191.9×104 tons. In the short-term, the four eastern regions (including Hulunber, Xing’an, Tongliao and Chifeng) contributed 61% to the production potential of the whole Inner Mongolia, while the western regions (including Hohhot and Bayannur) contributed only 16%. The main factor of high YGE was inefficient cultivation management practice. To address this challenge, the countermeasures were recommended, such as comprehensive improvement of cultivation management practices, simplification of agronomic techniques easily adopted by farmers, for to gradually narrow YGE.

杨晓光, 刘志娟. 作物产量差研究进展
中国农业科学, 2014,47(14):2731-2741.

DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2014.14.004URL [本文引用: 1]
Demand for food is quickly rising with increases in population and living standards. In the past few decades, crop yields increased rapidly due to the utilization of rice seedlings and mulching technologies, improvement of managements such as irrigation and fertilizer, new varieties selections and technology improvements. However, yields in farmer fields are much lower than potential yields, which have been widespread in the world's agricultural production. Therefore, closing the gap between current and potential yields is important to increase the crop yield and make sure the food security. In this study, the definition, research method, and the main results of yield gaps were reviewed. Furthermore, some prospects of yield gaps in the future were made, which will provide reference for further research on yield gaps. Until now there are many different definitions to yield gap, however, in general the maximum yield is the potential yield, and total yield gap is the difference between actual and potential yield. The yield gap caused by a variety of factors, including no-transferable technology and environment constraints, biological constraints (variety, diseases and insects, etc.), and socio-economic constraints (cost and returns, policy, knowledge, and tradition, etc.). In order to analyze the yield gap in detail, scholars divided the yield gap into different levels according to their objectives. There are two kinds of research methods for yield gap, the survey and statistical analysis methods, and crop simulation models method. The survey and statistical analysis methods have a simple concept and easy to be operated, but requires sufficient experiment data, which the cost is higher and the duration is longer; the crop simulation models method can design more scenarios using the computer, but can not quantify all of the management accurately. Therefore, in the yield gap researches, we should combine the statistical methods, crop simulation models and remote sensing technology should be combined for taking the advantages of each method. A comparison of the crop yield gap around the world indicates that for the developed countries, potential ascension of crop production is smaller due to the relatively higher levels of cultivation management. There are many studies on the yield gaps for crops around the world, which provide a scientific basis for enhancing the crop yield and closing the yield gap. However, there are large differences between their results because of different methods used. Due to the limitations of data and methods, most researches have been focused on the constraints of climate, soil, variety, and cultivation management factors on the yield in agricultural production, but ignored the wishes of farmers, policy and economic factors. Therefore, a subsequent study of crop yield gap should quantify the potential yield of the main crops in each region, and identify the constraints of climate, soil, variety, cultivation management, and socio-economic factors on the yield in agricultural production.
YANG X G, LIU Z J. Advances in research on crop yield gaps
Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2014,47(14):2731-2741. (in Chinese)

DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2014.14.004URL [本文引用: 1]
Demand for food is quickly rising with increases in population and living standards. In the past few decades, crop yields increased rapidly due to the utilization of rice seedlings and mulching technologies, improvement of managements such as irrigation and fertilizer, new varieties selections and technology improvements. However, yields in farmer fields are much lower than potential yields, which have been widespread in the world's agricultural production. Therefore, closing the gap between current and potential yields is important to increase the crop yield and make sure the food security. In this study, the definition, research method, and the main results of yield gaps were reviewed. Furthermore, some prospects of yield gaps in the future were made, which will provide reference for further research on yield gaps. Until now there are many different definitions to yield gap, however, in general the maximum yield is the potential yield, and total yield gap is the difference between actual and potential yield. The yield gap caused by a variety of factors, including no-transferable technology and environment constraints, biological constraints (variety, diseases and insects, etc.), and socio-economic constraints (cost and returns, policy, knowledge, and tradition, etc.). In order to analyze the yield gap in detail, scholars divided the yield gap into different levels according to their objectives. There are two kinds of research methods for yield gap, the survey and statistical analysis methods, and crop simulation models method. The survey and statistical analysis methods have a simple concept and easy to be operated, but requires sufficient experiment data, which the cost is higher and the duration is longer; the crop simulation models method can design more scenarios using the computer, but can not quantify all of the management accurately. Therefore, in the yield gap researches, we should combine the statistical methods, crop simulation models and remote sensing technology should be combined for taking the advantages of each method. A comparison of the crop yield gap around the world indicates that for the developed countries, potential ascension of crop production is smaller due to the relatively higher levels of cultivation management. There are many studies on the yield gaps for crops around the world, which provide a scientific basis for enhancing the crop yield and closing the yield gap. However, there are large differences between their results because of different methods used. Due to the limitations of data and methods, most researches have been focused on the constraints of climate, soil, variety, and cultivation management factors on the yield in agricultural production, but ignored the wishes of farmers, policy and economic factors. Therefore, a subsequent study of crop yield gap should quantify the potential yield of the main crops in each region, and identify the constraints of climate, soil, variety, cultivation management, and socio-economic factors on the yield in agricultural production.

刘建刚, 褚庆全, 王光耀, 陈阜, 张耀耀. 基于DSSAT模型的氮肥管理下华北地区冬小麦产量差的模拟
农业工程学报, 2013,29(23):124-129.

URL [本文引用: 1]
Yield gap analysis is important to reveal factors that limit crop production and identify management practices that can potentially increase crop yield. Although nitrogen (N) fertilizer played an important role in wheat yield increase in the past 30 years in China, excessive nitrogen application became a common practice in some farms, which increased input by farmers, reduced farm profitability, and caused significant environmental issues in recent years. Due to the complexity of the system, crop growth models such as the DSSAT model (Decision Support System for Agro-technology Transfer) have been widely used by many researchers across the world to analyze crop yield gap and determine the impact of N fertilizer on yield gap. In this study, the DSSAT model was coupled with data from experiments and a farm survey was employed to assess the impact of N fertilizer management on the yield gap of winter wheat in the North China Plain, to determine the average yields and yield gaps under distinct N fertilizer management scenarios over the years, and to identify the distribution of yield gaps and the agronomic efficiency of applied N fertilizer (AEN) among different fields. The field experiments were conducted in Wuqiao, China from 2008 to 2011. Yield and management data were collected from the experiments to calibrate and validate the DSSAT model and the analysis of AEN in the experiment. The simulated yields of the DSSAT model were closely correlated to the actual yield in the field experiments with different application levels of N fertilizer, indicating that the model was adequate for analyzing the yield gap of winter wheat in the region. Results from a farm survey, conducted in Wuqiao in 2010, indicated that there were remarkable differences among winter wheat yields in different fields, ranging from 5250 to 8630 kg/hm2 with a relatively lower coefficient of variation. The N fertilizer rates ranged from 30 to 495 kg/hm2 with significant variations among different fields, indicating a wide range of N fertilizer application rates among farmers in the region and room for improvement in management practices. Based upon the simulation results, the optimum N application rate was 222 kg/hm2 with the corresponding maximum attainable yield (AYmax) of 7618 kg/hm2. There were considerable differences between AYmax and crop yields from the survey, ranging from -1007 to 2 368 kg/hm2. The gap narrowed gradually as the N fertilizer rate increased and plateaued at a 222 kg/hm2 N fertilizer rate. The N application rates in farmers' fields were commonly higher than the optimum rate with low AEN. Almost 75% of the fields in the survey were in the range of relatively high N rates, indicating excessive N fertilizer applications in the wheat crop in the region. The results indicated that winter wheat yield could be significantly improved with better management practices. Possible optimization strategies to achieve both high yields and high N use efficiency in winter wheat in North China Plain should focus on adjusting N fertilizer application rates to an optimal range, improving N fertilizer application timing, and adjusting the practices according to local soil conditions and climates. Greater efforts in education and on-farm demonstration are needed to help farmers in improving N fertilizer management practices.
LIU J G, CHU Q Q, WANG G Y, CHEN F, ZHANG Y Y. Simulating yield gap of winter wheat in response to nitrogen management in North China Plain based on DSSAT model
Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering, 2013,29(23):124-129. (in Chinese)

URL [本文引用: 1]
Yield gap analysis is important to reveal factors that limit crop production and identify management practices that can potentially increase crop yield. Although nitrogen (N) fertilizer played an important role in wheat yield increase in the past 30 years in China, excessive nitrogen application became a common practice in some farms, which increased input by farmers, reduced farm profitability, and caused significant environmental issues in recent years. Due to the complexity of the system, crop growth models such as the DSSAT model (Decision Support System for Agro-technology Transfer) have been widely used by many researchers across the world to analyze crop yield gap and determine the impact of N fertilizer on yield gap. In this study, the DSSAT model was coupled with data from experiments and a farm survey was employed to assess the impact of N fertilizer management on the yield gap of winter wheat in the North China Plain, to determine the average yields and yield gaps under distinct N fertilizer management scenarios over the years, and to identify the distribution of yield gaps and the agronomic efficiency of applied N fertilizer (AEN) among different fields. The field experiments were conducted in Wuqiao, China from 2008 to 2011. Yield and management data were collected from the experiments to calibrate and validate the DSSAT model and the analysis of AEN in the experiment. The simulated yields of the DSSAT model were closely correlated to the actual yield in the field experiments with different application levels of N fertilizer, indicating that the model was adequate for analyzing the yield gap of winter wheat in the region. Results from a farm survey, conducted in Wuqiao in 2010, indicated that there were remarkable differences among winter wheat yields in different fields, ranging from 5250 to 8630 kg/hm2 with a relatively lower coefficient of variation. The N fertilizer rates ranged from 30 to 495 kg/hm2 with significant variations among different fields, indicating a wide range of N fertilizer application rates among farmers in the region and room for improvement in management practices. Based upon the simulation results, the optimum N application rate was 222 kg/hm2 with the corresponding maximum attainable yield (AYmax) of 7618 kg/hm2. There were considerable differences between AYmax and crop yields from the survey, ranging from -1007 to 2 368 kg/hm2. The gap narrowed gradually as the N fertilizer rate increased and plateaued at a 222 kg/hm2 N fertilizer rate. The N application rates in farmers' fields were commonly higher than the optimum rate with low AEN. Almost 75% of the fields in the survey were in the range of relatively high N rates, indicating excessive N fertilizer applications in the wheat crop in the region. The results indicated that winter wheat yield could be significantly improved with better management practices. Possible optimization strategies to achieve both high yields and high N use efficiency in winter wheat in North China Plain should focus on adjusting N fertilizer application rates to an optimal range, improving N fertilizer application timing, and adjusting the practices according to local soil conditions and climates. Greater efforts in education and on-farm demonstration are needed to help farmers in improving N fertilizer management practices.

刘建刚, 王宏, 石全红, 陶婷婷, 陈阜, 褚庆全. 基于田块尺度的小麦产量差及生产限制因素解析
中国农业大学学报, 2012,17(2):42-47.

[本文引用: 1]

LIU J G, WANG H, SHI Q H, TAO T T, CHEN F, CHU Q Q. Analysis of yield gap and limiting factors for wheat on the farmland
Journal of China Agricultural University, 2012,17(2):42-47. (in Chinese)

[本文引用: 1]

ZHANG W F, CAO G X, LI X, ZHANG H Y, WANG C, LIU Q Q, CHEN X P, CUI Z L, SHEN J B, JIANG R F, MI G H, MIAO Y X, ZHANG F S, DOU Z X. Closing yield gaps in China by empowering smallholder farmers
Nature, 2016,537(7):622-671.

DOI:10.1038/537622aURL [本文引用: 2]

MATIAS L R, LAURA F G, ADAM S H, JULIANN R S, FREDERICK E B. Evaluating management factor contributions to reduce corn yield gaps
Agronomy Journal, 2015,107(2):495-505.

DOI:10.2134/agronj14.0355URL [本文引用: 3]

李少昆, 王崇桃. 玉米生产技术创新·扩散. 北京: 科学出版社, 2010.
[本文引用: 1]

LI S K, WANG C T. Maize Production Tech-Niques: Innovation and Transfer. Beijing: Science Press, 2010. (in Chinese)
[本文引用: 1]

杨锦忠, 张洪生, 杜金哲. 玉米产量-密度关系年代演化趋势的Meta分析
作物学报, 2013,39(3):515-519.

DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2013.00515URL [本文引用: 1]
The relationship between crop yield and plant density in maize is essential for improving cropping systems because of the fact that maize compensates for low plant density is less than other cereals such as wheat. To determine the evolution trend of yield-density relationships from maize plant density experiments reported in China, and to provide potential approaches to improve maize yield, based on requirements for meta-analysis, we collected the historical data of maize plant density experiments from 1950s to 2000s in China containing values more than 1 500 pairs of plant densities and their crop yield. Evolution trends of maximum crop yield, optimal plant density and yield per plant within six decades were examined after all eligible data sets were subject to fitting parabola model and further to statistical analyses such as histogram, correlation, path and gradient. Crop yields in 1970s and 1980s were considerably higher than those in 1950s and 1960s. Crop yield steadily increased in recent three decades and reached the maximum of 10.5 t ha-1. Annual yield increment was 150 kg ha-1 after 1960s. Optimum plant densities for different decades varied from 4.5 to 6.8 plant m-2, showing (1950s and 1960s) < (1970s and 1980s) < 1990s > 2000s. Yield per plant for different decades varied from 0.08 to 0.17 kg and in the order: 1950s > (1960s and 1970s) < 1980s, then gradually increased after 1980s, with a big rise in 2000s. Crop yield loss due to departures from the optimal plant density appeared an increased trend in recent three decades. On the basis of increasing plant density, promoting yield per plant throughout breeding and cultivation approaches may lead to a higher maize production level.
YANG J Z, ZHANG H S, DU J Z. Meta-analysis of evolution trend from 1950s to 2000s in the relationship between crop yield and plant density in maize
Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2013,39(3):515-519. (in Chinese)

DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2013.00515URL [本文引用: 1]
The relationship between crop yield and plant density in maize is essential for improving cropping systems because of the fact that maize compensates for low plant density is less than other cereals such as wheat. To determine the evolution trend of yield-density relationships from maize plant density experiments reported in China, and to provide potential approaches to improve maize yield, based on requirements for meta-analysis, we collected the historical data of maize plant density experiments from 1950s to 2000s in China containing values more than 1 500 pairs of plant densities and their crop yield. Evolution trends of maximum crop yield, optimal plant density and yield per plant within six decades were examined after all eligible data sets were subject to fitting parabola model and further to statistical analyses such as histogram, correlation, path and gradient. Crop yields in 1970s and 1980s were considerably higher than those in 1950s and 1960s. Crop yield steadily increased in recent three decades and reached the maximum of 10.5 t ha-1. Annual yield increment was 150 kg ha-1 after 1960s. Optimum plant densities for different decades varied from 4.5 to 6.8 plant m-2, showing (1950s and 1960s) < (1970s and 1980s) < 1990s > 2000s. Yield per plant for different decades varied from 0.08 to 0.17 kg and in the order: 1950s > (1960s and 1970s) < 1980s, then gradually increased after 1980s, with a big rise in 2000s. Crop yield loss due to departures from the optimal plant density appeared an increased trend in recent three decades. On the basis of increasing plant density, promoting yield per plant throughout breeding and cultivation approaches may lead to a higher maize production level.

DOBERMANN A, ARKEBAUER T J, CASSMAN K G, LINDQUIST J L, WALTERS D T, YANG H S, AMOS B, BINDER D L, TEICHMEIER G J. Understanding corn yield potential and optimal soil productivity in irrigated corn systems//SCHLEGEL A J. Proceeding of Great Plains Soil Fertility Conference
Denver, Colorado, 2002: 260-272.

[本文引用: 1]

BELOW F E. The seven wonders of the corn yield world
2018[2020-04-12]. http://cropphysiology.cropsci.illinois.edu/research/seven_wonders.html.

URL [本文引用: 1]

CHEN X P, CUI Z L, VITOUSEK P M, CASSMAN K G, MATSON P A, BAI J S, MENG Q F, HOU P, YUE S C, ROMHELD V, ZHANG F S. Integrated soil-crop system management for food security
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA, 2011,108(16):6399-6404.

DOI:10.1073/pnas.1101419108URLPMID:21444818 [本文引用: 1]
China and other rapidly developing economies face the dual challenge of substantially increasing yields of cereal grains while at the same time reducing the very substantial environmental impacts of intensive agriculture. We used a model-driven integrated soil-crop system management approach to develop a maize production system that achieved mean maize yields of 13.0 t ha(-1) on 66 on-farm experimental plots--nearly twice the yield of current farmers' practices--with no increase in N fertilizer use. Such integrated soil-crop system management systems represent a priority for agricultural research and implementation, especially in rapidly growing economies.

明博, 谢瑞芝, 侯鹏, 李璐璐, 王克如, 李少昆. 2005-2016年中国玉米种植密度变化分析
中国农业科学, 2017,50(11):1960-1972.

DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2017.11.002URL [本文引用: 1]
【Objective】Enhancing the maize plant population has undergone a constant evolution over the years, with the purpose of increasing the crop yield. However, the rational density range was determined by environmental condition, varieties and management. The objective of this work was to reveal the approach of enhancing maize yield in the future by analyzing the change trend of planting density and its influencing factors in major producing regions. 【Method】 The research data have been obtained over the Project of Sending Agricultural Technology into Farmers’ Homes and National Maize Industrial Technology System from 2005 to 2016, including 23 provinces, more than 267 counties. From this investigation, 117 960 farmer production investigation data samples were obtained from the Northern China spring maize planting region (NM), the Northwest China maize planting region (NWM), the Huang-Huai-Hai Plain summer maize planting region (HPM), the Southwest China maize planting region(SM) and the Southern China sweet-waxy maize planting region (SWM). The number of harvested plants surveyed in nationwide investigation was used to analyze the planting density of maize main producing region and different ecological regions. The sample data were verified and complemented by averaging the values of 5 neighboring points. According to the regional environmental condition and planting patterns, the main maize producing regions have divided into 25 typical ecological regions. Boxplot analysis and Tukey’s honestly significant difference (HSD) test method were used to compare the planting density difference and its significance in different regions. Evolutionary trends of county-scale planting density in different ecological regions were subjected to the fitting linear model to analyze inter-annual trend of planting density and its significance.【Result】The results showed that there were significant differences of planting densities in different regions. At present (2014-2016), the planting density of the main producing region respectively were 6.77×104, 6.19×104, 5.91×104, 5.13×104 and 4.80×104 plants/hm2 in NWM, HPM, NM, SWM and SM. The planting density in NWM was significantly higher (P<0.01) than other regions. Furthermore, planting density in SWM and SM was significantly lower (P<0.01) than that in NWM, HPM and NM. From 2005 to 2016, the inter-annual variability of planting density showed a significant increase in NM. In NWM and SM, the planting density kept it steady between 2009 and 2016. The planting density in HPM increased obviously from 2005 to 2009 and remained stable after 2009. Planting density in SWM showed a significant decreasing trend.【Conclusion】Dense planting cultivation is commonly acknowledged by both the government and the academic researchers. However, the planting density evolution in the main production regions and different ecological regions is not uniform. Regional environmental condition is the key factor for determining the planting density, and reasonable cultivation techniques and appropriate density-resistant varieties are effective approaches to overcome environmental constraints and increase planting density. Consequently, further analysis of the promotion and restriction increase planting density factors, including environmental condition, varieties and management, will provide a theoretical foundation for establishing regional dense planting management mode.
MING B, XIE R Z, HOU P, LI L L, WANG K R, LI S K. Changes of maize planting density in China
Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2017,50(11):1960-1972. (in Chinese)

DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2017.11.002URL [本文引用: 1]
【Objective】Enhancing the maize plant population has undergone a constant evolution over the years, with the purpose of increasing the crop yield. However, the rational density range was determined by environmental condition, varieties and management. The objective of this work was to reveal the approach of enhancing maize yield in the future by analyzing the change trend of planting density and its influencing factors in major producing regions. 【Method】 The research data have been obtained over the Project of Sending Agricultural Technology into Farmers’ Homes and National Maize Industrial Technology System from 2005 to 2016, including 23 provinces, more than 267 counties. From this investigation, 117 960 farmer production investigation data samples were obtained from the Northern China spring maize planting region (NM), the Northwest China maize planting region (NWM), the Huang-Huai-Hai Plain summer maize planting region (HPM), the Southwest China maize planting region(SM) and the Southern China sweet-waxy maize planting region (SWM). The number of harvested plants surveyed in nationwide investigation was used to analyze the planting density of maize main producing region and different ecological regions. The sample data were verified and complemented by averaging the values of 5 neighboring points. According to the regional environmental condition and planting patterns, the main maize producing regions have divided into 25 typical ecological regions. Boxplot analysis and Tukey’s honestly significant difference (HSD) test method were used to compare the planting density difference and its significance in different regions. Evolutionary trends of county-scale planting density in different ecological regions were subjected to the fitting linear model to analyze inter-annual trend of planting density and its significance.【Result】The results showed that there were significant differences of planting densities in different regions. At present (2014-2016), the planting density of the main producing region respectively were 6.77×104, 6.19×104, 5.91×104, 5.13×104 and 4.80×104 plants/hm2 in NWM, HPM, NM, SWM and SM. The planting density in NWM was significantly higher (P<0.01) than other regions. Furthermore, planting density in SWM and SM was significantly lower (P<0.01) than that in NWM, HPM and NM. From 2005 to 2016, the inter-annual variability of planting density showed a significant increase in NM. In NWM and SM, the planting density kept it steady between 2009 and 2016. The planting density in HPM increased obviously from 2005 to 2009 and remained stable after 2009. Planting density in SWM showed a significant decreasing trend.【Conclusion】Dense planting cultivation is commonly acknowledged by both the government and the academic researchers. However, the planting density evolution in the main production regions and different ecological regions is not uniform. Regional environmental condition is the key factor for determining the planting density, and reasonable cultivation techniques and appropriate density-resistant varieties are effective approaches to overcome environmental constraints and increase planting density. Consequently, further analysis of the promotion and restriction increase planting density factors, including environmental condition, varieties and management, will provide a theoretical foundation for establishing regional dense planting management mode.

CASAL J J, EREGIBUS V A, SANCHEZ R A. Variations in tiller dynamics and morphology in Lolium multiflorum Lam vegetative and reproductive plants as affected by differences in red/far-red irradiation
Annals of Botany, 1985,56(4):553-559.

DOI:10.1093/oxfordjournals.aob.a087040URL [本文引用: 1]

张宾, 赵明, 董志强, 陈传永, 孙锐. 作物产量"三合结构"定量表达及高产分析
作物学报, 2007,33(10):1674-1681.

URL [本文引用: 1]
With the increase of crop yield, topping the highest yield becomes more difficult. Higher productivity requires better crop performance, which accordingly requires precise crop husbandry. However, there are still large gaps in understanding crop performance and their relevant physiological factors and furthermore the effective manipulation measures. As a consequence of which, quantified crop yield analysis is badly needed. On the basis of the secondary structure of “three combination structure” crop yield analysis model, which is the organic integration of photosynthetic property, source sink and yield component theory, the concept of “three combination structure quantitative expression” was put forward, and the parameters were calculated by means of field experiments and simulation method. With that the quantitative expressions of spring maize (Zea mays L.), summer maize, rice (Oryza sativa L.) and winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) were founded, respectively. And the causations for high yield and the restrictive factors for higher yield were analyzed. Improving average net assimilation rate (MNAR) would improve rice yield, and properly increasing average leaf area index (MLAI) or harvest index (HI) was the possible way for higher winter wheat yield. The mutative trends of each equation parameter were analyzed for different spring maize populations, the results showed that improving total grain number per unit land area (TGN) via increasing MCGR would result in higher maize yield. The definite function expressions between the parameters were also established. With the definite relationships between the parameters, one parameter can be expressed with other relevant parameter(s). The foundation of the “three combination structure” quantitative expression provided a new idea and new method for the quantitative analysis of crop production. With that one could understand yield formation processes systematically and make a good judgment on the critical factors for limiting higher yield and explore corresponding possible ways to settle them accordingly. So “three combination structure” quantitative expression might be a good guidance for higher crop production.

ZHANG B, ZHAO M, DONG Z Q, CHEN C Y, SUN R. “Three combination structure” quantitative expression and high yield analysis in crops
Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2007,33(10):1674-1681. (in Chinese)

URL [本文引用: 1]
With the increase of crop yield, topping the highest yield becomes more difficult. Higher productivity requires better crop performance, which accordingly requires precise crop husbandry. However, there are still large gaps in understanding crop performance and their relevant physiological factors and furthermore the effective manipulation measures. As a consequence of which, quantified crop yield analysis is badly needed. On the basis of the secondary structure of “three combination structure” crop yield analysis model, which is the organic integration of photosynthetic property, source sink and yield component theory, the concept of “three combination structure quantitative expression” was put forward, and the parameters were calculated by means of field experiments and simulation method. With that the quantitative expressions of spring maize (Zea mays L.), summer maize, rice (Oryza sativa L.) and winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) were founded, respectively. And the causations for high yield and the restrictive factors for higher yield were analyzed. Improving average net assimilation rate (MNAR) would improve rice yield, and properly increasing average leaf area index (MLAI) or harvest index (HI) was the possible way for higher winter wheat yield. The mutative trends of each equation parameter were analyzed for different spring maize populations, the results showed that improving total grain number per unit land area (TGN) via increasing MCGR would result in higher maize yield. The definite function expressions between the parameters were also established. With the definite relationships between the parameters, one parameter can be expressed with other relevant parameter(s). The foundation of the “three combination structure” quantitative expression provided a new idea and new method for the quantitative analysis of crop production. With that one could understand yield formation processes systematically and make a good judgment on the critical factors for limiting higher yield and explore corresponding possible ways to settle them accordingly. So “three combination structure” quantitative expression might be a good guidance for higher crop production.

赵明, 李建国, 张宾, 董志强, 王美云. 论作物高产挖潜的补偿机制
作物学报, 2006,32(10):1566-1573.

URL [本文引用: 1]
High yield is an invariable theme in crop science, and the exploration of crop yield potential is a hotspot of crop science researches. While great strides have been made in exploring the breakthrough of crop yield potential, the capability of over-compensation effects was considered to be a potential untouched part for higher grain yield. In this article, the concept, types, functionary effects and mechanisms of crop compensation were commentated, and a broad sense of crop compensation concept was presented on the basis of integrated analysis. Unbalanced changes often taking place in different factors in different hierarchies or same hierarchy, by the function of systemic regulation, some factors could be improved. That is crop compensation. Compensative effects are ubiquitous in crop system, there are not only “gain and loss” compensations in adverse conditions, but also “asynchronous improved” ones in favorable conditions and even sometimes in high yield plant populations. “Gain and loss” compensation was defined as crop could improve some important elements at the cost of depressing or losing its intrinsic performances of some other elements at specific hierarchy. When the crop population and the single plant are almost in perfect harmony, no more gains could be obtained by “Gain and loss” compensation, a new way must be found to break the yield limit. And “asynchronous improved” compensation might be fall back on. In the synchronous improvements of composing elements at specific hierarchy, one lesser improvement of some element might promote a significant improve of other element. This kind of change in crop system was defined as “asynchronous improved” compensation. Once one limited factor was improved, some other factors in crop system might change and a new harmonization at the higher level will be formed, correspondingly the crop yield would increases to a new level. On the basis of crop compensation effects and the “three combination structure” yield theory, two effective approaches, “structural exploration” and “functional exploration”, were put forward and carried out in exploring crop yield potential, and the mechanisms and the application effects of the approaches were expatiated from the overcompensation profile, which would provide an instructive guidance for higher crop yield.

ZHAO M, LI J G, ZHANG B, DONG Z Q, WANG M Y. The compensatory mechanism in exploring crop production potential
Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2006,32(10):1566-1573. (in Chinese)

URL [本文引用: 1]
High yield is an invariable theme in crop science, and the exploration of crop yield potential is a hotspot of crop science researches. While great strides have been made in exploring the breakthrough of crop yield potential, the capability of over-compensation effects was considered to be a potential untouched part for higher grain yield. In this article, the concept, types, functionary effects and mechanisms of crop compensation were commentated, and a broad sense of crop compensation concept was presented on the basis of integrated analysis. Unbalanced changes often taking place in different factors in different hierarchies or same hierarchy, by the function of systemic regulation, some factors could be improved. That is crop compensation. Compensative effects are ubiquitous in crop system, there are not only “gain and loss” compensations in adverse conditions, but also “asynchronous improved” ones in favorable conditions and even sometimes in high yield plant populations. “Gain and loss” compensation was defined as crop could improve some important elements at the cost of depressing or losing its intrinsic performances of some other elements at specific hierarchy. When the crop population and the single plant are almost in perfect harmony, no more gains could be obtained by “Gain and loss” compensation, a new way must be found to break the yield limit. And “asynchronous improved” compensation might be fall back on. In the synchronous improvements of composing elements at specific hierarchy, one lesser improvement of some element might promote a significant improve of other element. This kind of change in crop system was defined as “asynchronous improved” compensation. Once one limited factor was improved, some other factors in crop system might change and a new harmonization at the higher level will be formed, correspondingly the crop yield would increases to a new level. On the basis of crop compensation effects and the “three combination structure” yield theory, two effective approaches, “structural exploration” and “functional exploration”, were put forward and carried out in exploring crop yield potential, and the mechanisms and the application effects of the approaches were expatiated from the overcompensation profile, which would provide an instructive guidance for higher crop yield.

刘开昌, 王庆成, 张秀清, 王春英, 张海林. 玉米叶片生理特性对密度的反应与耐密性
山东农业科学, 2000(1):9-11.

URL [本文引用: 1]
LIU K C, WANG Q C, ZHANG X Q, WANG C Y, ZHANG H L. Responses of leaf physiological traits to density and density tolerance of new maize hybrids
Shandong Agricultural Sciences, 2000(1):9-11. (in Chinese)

URL [本文引用: 1]

李宗新, 王庆成, 刘开昌, 刘霞, 张慧. 不同粒重类型玉米品种耐密性的群体库源特征研究
玉米科学, 2008,16(4):91-95.

[本文引用: 1]

LI Z X, WANG Q C, LIU K C, LIU X, ZHANG H. Population sink-source on density-tolerance of maize in different kernel-weight types
Journal of Maize Sciences, 2008,16(4):91-95. (in Chinese)

[本文引用: 1]

MUELLER N D, GERBER J S, JOHNSTON M, RAY D K, RAMANKUTTY N, FOLEY J A. Closing yield gaps through nutrient and water management
Nature, 2012,490(7419):254-257.

URLPMID:22932270 [本文引用: 1]

刘淑云, 董树亭, 赵秉强, 李秀英, 张振山. 长期施肥对夏玉米叶片氮代谢关键酶活性的影响
作物学报, 2007,33(2):278-283.

URL [本文引用: 1]
In order to understand the effect of long fertilization to nitrogen metabolism, we studied the effects of long-term(13 years) fertilization on activities of key enzymes (NR,GS,GOGAT and GDH) related to nitrogen metabolism (ENM) of maize leaf. The experiment was conducted in the base of soil fertility and fertilizer effect monitoring in fluvo-aquic soil in Changping County, Beijing, China with 8 treatments as CK(no fertilizer), NPK(N, P, K fertilizers), NPKM(N, P, K fertilizers and manure), NPKS(N, P, K fertilizers and stalk mulching), N(only N fertilizer), PK (P, K fertilizers), NK(N, K fertilizers), NP(N, P fertilizers). The rates of fertilizer application were 150 kg N ha-1, 75 kg P2O5 ha-1 and 45 kg K2O ha-1 per cropping season, and the manure and maize stalk were applied with 22.5 t ha-1 and 2.25 t ha-1 per year. The key enzymes related to nitrogen metabolism were measured. Yield investigation showed that NPKM treatment had the highest grain yield, and N treatment had the lowest one. Balanced fertilization treatments such as NPK, NPKM and NPKS had higher activities of enzymes related to nitrogen metabolism (ENM) of maize leaves during the grain filling phase and higher yields than the treatments of imbalanced fertilization systems (N, NK, NP and PK treatments). Long-term imbalanced fertilization systems such as NP, N, NK, PK and CK did not well match the high activities of enzymes related to nitrogen metabolism (ENM) with high grain filling phase, resulting in lower active growth and lower yields. The high activity of only some single enzyme had little effect on maize yield and quality. That all the key enzymes related to nitrogen metabolism (ENM) of maize leaf had higher activities could be effective on maize yield and quality formation. Even if the Glutamine sybthetase (GS), Glutamate synthase (GOGAT) and Glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) activities on average of N and CK treatments were higher than others, the grain yields of these treatments were lower markedly than others. Different enzymes have different roles in the formation of grain yield and quality, so the study on all enzymes related to the activities of nitrogen metabolism (ENM) will help to understand the nitrogen metabolism of maize and improve the efficiency of fertilizer utilization.

LIU S Y, DONG S T, ZHAO B Q, LI X Y, ZHANG Z S. Effects of long-term fertilization on activities of key enzymes related to nitrogen metabolism (ENM) of maize leaf
Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2007,33(2):278-283. (in Chinese)

URL [本文引用: 1]
In order to understand the effect of long fertilization to nitrogen metabolism, we studied the effects of long-term(13 years) fertilization on activities of key enzymes (NR,GS,GOGAT and GDH) related to nitrogen metabolism (ENM) of maize leaf. The experiment was conducted in the base of soil fertility and fertilizer effect monitoring in fluvo-aquic soil in Changping County, Beijing, China with 8 treatments as CK(no fertilizer), NPK(N, P, K fertilizers), NPKM(N, P, K fertilizers and manure), NPKS(N, P, K fertilizers and stalk mulching), N(only N fertilizer), PK (P, K fertilizers), NK(N, K fertilizers), NP(N, P fertilizers). The rates of fertilizer application were 150 kg N ha-1, 75 kg P2O5 ha-1 and 45 kg K2O ha-1 per cropping season, and the manure and maize stalk were applied with 22.5 t ha-1 and 2.25 t ha-1 per year. The key enzymes related to nitrogen metabolism were measured. Yield investigation showed that NPKM treatment had the highest grain yield, and N treatment had the lowest one. Balanced fertilization treatments such as NPK, NPKM and NPKS had higher activities of enzymes related to nitrogen metabolism (ENM) of maize leaves during the grain filling phase and higher yields than the treatments of imbalanced fertilization systems (N, NK, NP and PK treatments). Long-term imbalanced fertilization systems such as NP, N, NK, PK and CK did not well match the high activities of enzymes related to nitrogen metabolism (ENM) with high grain filling phase, resulting in lower active growth and lower yields. The high activity of only some single enzyme had little effect on maize yield and quality. That all the key enzymes related to nitrogen metabolism (ENM) of maize leaf had higher activities could be effective on maize yield and quality formation. Even if the Glutamine sybthetase (GS), Glutamate synthase (GOGAT) and Glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) activities on average of N and CK treatments were higher than others, the grain yields of these treatments were lower markedly than others. Different enzymes have different roles in the formation of grain yield and quality, so the study on all enzymes related to the activities of nitrogen metabolism (ENM) will help to understand the nitrogen metabolism of maize and improve the efficiency of fertilizer utilization.

侯云鹏, 孔丽丽, 李前, 尹彩侠, 秦裕波, 杨建, 于雷, 张磊, 谢佳贵. 不同施氮水平对春玉米氮素吸收、转运及产量的影响
玉米科学, 2015,23(3):136-142.

[本文引用: 1]

HOU Y P, KONG L L, LI Q, YIN C X, QIN Y B, YANG J, YU L, ZHANG L, XIE J G. Effect of different nitrogen rates on nitrogen absorption, translocation and yield of spring maize
Journal of Maize Sciences, 2015,23(3):136-142. (in Chinese)

[本文引用: 1]

CUI Z L, CHEN X P, MIAO Y X, ZHANG F S, SUN Q P, SCHRODER J, ZHANG H L, LI J L, SHI L W, XU J F, YE Y L, LIU C S. On-Farm evaluation of the improved soil N-based nitrogen management for summer maize in north China Plain
Agronomy Journal, 2008,100:517-525.

DOI:10.2134/agronj2007.0194URL [本文引用: 1]

孙冬梅, 顾明. 不同施氮方式对玉米农艺性状及产量的影响
吉林农业科技学院学报, 2013,22(3):8-11.

[本文引用: 1]

SUN D M, GU M. Effects of different nitrogen application methods on agronomic characters and yield of maize
Jilin Agricultural Science and Technology University, 2013,22(3):8-11. (in Chinese)

[本文引用: 1]

蔡红光, 米国华, 张秀芝, 任军, 冯国忠, 高强. 不同施肥方式对东北黑土春玉米连作体系土壤氮素平衡的影响
植物营养与肥料学报, 2012,18(1):89-97.

DOI:10.11674/zwyf.2012.11213URL [本文引用: 1]
To study the effect of different fertilizing methods on the characteristics of nitrogen mineralization and residual in the black soil and nitrogen balance in the continuous spring maize cultivation, a three-year field experiment was conducted to study the effect of different fertilizing methods (basal fertilizer plus topdressing based on soil mineral nitrogen test, Opt and traditional application, Tra1 and Tra2) on nitrogen (N) balance and residue in the soil at a fixed location in northeast China. The results indicated that the grain yield, biomass, and N uptake of maize in optimized N treatment (basal fertilizer plus topdressing based on soil mineral nitrogen test, Opt) were highest. In the traditional application 1 (85% basal N fertilizer + 15% seed manure, Tra1) and traditional application 2 (basal N fertilizer only, Tra2) were influenced by annual rainfall amount, the residual nitrate moved down obviously. The nitrate-N of 30&mdash;60 cm and 60&mdash;90 cm in the soil under Tra1 and Tra2 treatments were about two and 2.4~3.3 times greater than that of Opt treatment, respectively. The N residue in the soil was decreased significantly under Opt treatment. Nitrogen surplus in the soil sharply increased with increasing N input, and the maximum was 400.9 kg/ha. Nitrogen surplus under Tra2 treatment was the lowest, which was based mainly on residual Nmin. N application once at seeding increased significantly soil Nmin which lead to high apparent N loss. Application of all the N fertilizer at seeding lead to significant nitrate leaching into the deep soil in the condition of black soil in northeast China, and therefore threatened the environment to a large degree. Basal fertilization plus optimized topdressing based on soil mineral-nitrogen test was a promising way to increase N fertilizer utilization and reduce N loss.
CAI H G, MI G H, ZHANG X Z, REN J, FENG G Z, GAO Q. Effect of different fertilizing methods on nitrogen balance in the black soil for continuous maize production in northeast China
Plant Nutrition and Fertilizer Science, 2012,18(1):89-97. (in Chinese)

DOI:10.11674/zwyf.2012.11213URL [本文引用: 1]
To study the effect of different fertilizing methods on the characteristics of nitrogen mineralization and residual in the black soil and nitrogen balance in the continuous spring maize cultivation, a three-year field experiment was conducted to study the effect of different fertilizing methods (basal fertilizer plus topdressing based on soil mineral nitrogen test, Opt and traditional application, Tra1 and Tra2) on nitrogen (N) balance and residue in the soil at a fixed location in northeast China. The results indicated that the grain yield, biomass, and N uptake of maize in optimized N treatment (basal fertilizer plus topdressing based on soil mineral nitrogen test, Opt) were highest. In the traditional application 1 (85% basal N fertilizer + 15% seed manure, Tra1) and traditional application 2 (basal N fertilizer only, Tra2) were influenced by annual rainfall amount, the residual nitrate moved down obviously. The nitrate-N of 30&mdash;60 cm and 60&mdash;90 cm in the soil under Tra1 and Tra2 treatments were about two and 2.4~3.3 times greater than that of Opt treatment, respectively. The N residue in the soil was decreased significantly under Opt treatment. Nitrogen surplus in the soil sharply increased with increasing N input, and the maximum was 400.9 kg/ha. Nitrogen surplus under Tra2 treatment was the lowest, which was based mainly on residual Nmin. N application once at seeding increased significantly soil Nmin which lead to high apparent N loss. Application of all the N fertilizer at seeding lead to significant nitrate leaching into the deep soil in the condition of black soil in northeast China, and therefore threatened the environment to a large degree. Basal fertilization plus optimized topdressing based on soil mineral-nitrogen test was a promising way to increase N fertilizer utilization and reduce N loss.

李睿. 北方玉米叶部病害发生情况及防治技术
科学种养, 2016(5):97.

[本文引用: 1]

LI R. Disease occurrence and control technology of maize leaf in northern China
Scientific Farming, 2016(5):97. (in Chinese)

[本文引用: 1]

王金金. 甲氧基丙烯酸酯类农药残留分析前处理方法的研究应用
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Wuhan: Central China Normal University, 2015. (in Chinese)

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思彬彬, 杨卓. 甲氧基丙烯酸酯类杀菌剂作用机理研究进展
世界农药, 2007,29(6):5-9.

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SI B B, YANG Z. Studies on mechanism and resistance to Strobilurin fungicides
World Pesticides, 2007,29(6):5-9. (in Chinese)

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张晓翔, 刘微, 范文忠. 不同杀菌剂防治玉米大斑病田间药效试验
吉林农业, 2016(21):70-71.

[本文引用: 1]

ZHANG X X, LIU W, FAN W Z. Field efficacy trials of different fungicides against maize macular disease
Jilin Agriculture, 2016(21):70-71. (in Chinese)

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关成宏, 董爱书, 胡新, 杨芳. 几种杀菌剂对黑龙江高寒地区玉米大斑病的防治效果
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Agrochemicals, 2015,54(2):133-135. (in Chinese)

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刘树艳. 两种杀菌剂在玉米不同品种间防病及增产效果比较
农业科技通讯, 2014 (11):58-60.

[本文引用: 1]

LIU S Y. The effect of two kinds of fungicides on the prevention and stimulation of different varieties maize
Bulletin of Agricultural Science and Technology, 2014 (11):58-60. (in Chinese)

[本文引用: 1]

周楠, 周祥利, 任伟, 谢倩, 陶洪斌, 王璞. 凯润对不同密度下夏玉米根叶衰老及子粒灌浆的影响
玉米科学, 2015,23(2):69-74.

[本文引用: 1]

ZHOU N, ZHOU X L, REN W, XIE Q, TAO H B, WANG P. Influence of spraying cabrio under different densities on delaying summer maize root and leaf senescence and grain filling
Maize Science, 2015,23(2):69-74. (in Chinese)

[本文引用: 1]

赵亚丽, 郭海滨, 薛志伟, 穆心愿, 李潮海. 耕作方式与秸秆还田对冬小麦-夏玉米轮作系统中干物质生产和水分利用效率的影响
作物学报, 2014,40(10):1797-1807.

DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2014.01797URL [本文引用: 1]
Straw returning to the field has been carried out in Huang-Huai-Hai Plain for ten years. In a consecutive two-year field experiment from 2010 to 2012, the effects of conventional tillage (CT), deep tillage (DT) and subsoiling (SS) on dry matter accumulation and water use efficiency were tested in a winter wheat–summer maize rotation system for setting up a tillage practice suitable for straw returning. The results were obtained from the comparison among six treatments, including CT+AS (all straw returning), CT+NS (nostraw returning), DT+AS, DT+NS, SS+AS, and SS+NS. Under straw returning condition, either DT or SS practice increasedwater consumption amount during winter wheat or summer maize growth period but decreased it during fallow period. In addition, relative water content, net photosynthetic rate (Pn), transpiration rate (Tr) of leaf, and bleeding sap in stalk were also increased in both crops, leading to more biomass and higher water use efficiency together with increased grain yields in winter wheat and summer maize seasons. The effects of interactions between soil tillage (DT or SS) and straw returning on dry matter accumulation and water use efficiency were significant in both crops. Compared with conventional tillage under no straw returning, DT and SS under straw retuning resulted in increased dry matter accumulation (19.3% and 22.9%, respectively), annual crop yield (by 18.0% and 19.3%, respectively), and water use efficiency (by 15.9% and 15.1%, respectively). The difference of the effect between DT and SS under straw returning was not significant. Therefore, we recommend DT or SS practice in straw returning field under the environment similar to that of this experiment.
ZHAO Y L, GUO H B, XUE Z W, MU X Y, LI C H. Effects of tillage and straw returning on biomass and water use efficiency in a winter wheat and summer maize rotation system
Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2014,40(10):1797-1807. (in Chinese)

DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2014.01797URL [本文引用: 1]
Straw returning to the field has been carried out in Huang-Huai-Hai Plain for ten years. In a consecutive two-year field experiment from 2010 to 2012, the effects of conventional tillage (CT), deep tillage (DT) and subsoiling (SS) on dry matter accumulation and water use efficiency were tested in a winter wheat–summer maize rotation system for setting up a tillage practice suitable for straw returning. The results were obtained from the comparison among six treatments, including CT+AS (all straw returning), CT+NS (nostraw returning), DT+AS, DT+NS, SS+AS, and SS+NS. Under straw returning condition, either DT or SS practice increasedwater consumption amount during winter wheat or summer maize growth period but decreased it during fallow period. In addition, relative water content, net photosynthetic rate (Pn), transpiration rate (Tr) of leaf, and bleeding sap in stalk were also increased in both crops, leading to more biomass and higher water use efficiency together with increased grain yields in winter wheat and summer maize seasons. The effects of interactions between soil tillage (DT or SS) and straw returning on dry matter accumulation and water use efficiency were significant in both crops. Compared with conventional tillage under no straw returning, DT and SS under straw retuning resulted in increased dry matter accumulation (19.3% and 22.9%, respectively), annual crop yield (by 18.0% and 19.3%, respectively), and water use efficiency (by 15.9% and 15.1%, respectively). The difference of the effect between DT and SS under straw returning was not significant. Therefore, we recommend DT or SS practice in straw returning field under the environment similar to that of this experiment.

张瑞富, 杨恒山, 高聚林, 张玉芹, 王志刚, 范秀艳, 毕文波. 深松对春玉米根系形态特征和生理特性的影响
农业工程学报, 2015,31(5):78-84.

URL [本文引用: 1]
为研究深松对春玉米根系形态特征和生理特性的影响。以郑单958和先玉335为供试品种,设旋耕(R)、深松加旋耕(S+R)2个处理,于2012和2013年进行田间试验。结果表明,深松可以显著提高2个品种春玉米实测产量(P<0.05)、春玉米乳熟期和完熟期根干质量(P<0.05)且40 cm以下土层尤为明显。2个品种春玉米30 cm土层处的株、行间根幅均表现为S+R小于R处理,其中行间根幅的差异达到了显著水平(P<0.05),单株根条数和比根长均表现为S+R显著高于R处理(P<0.05)。乳熟期60 cm以下土层根系活力S+R高于R处理且随着土层的加深差异逐渐增大,超氧化物歧化酶和过氧物酶活性在吐丝期和乳熟期各土层S+R均高于R处理,而丙二醛含量低于旋耕处理。深松促进根系特别是下层根系干质量的增加,增加根系纵深分布,春玉米根系重心下移,并保持较高的生理活性,是其能够增产的重要原因。该文可为春玉米高产栽培提供依据。
ZHANG R F, YANG H S, GAO J L, ZHANG Y Q, WANG Z G, FAN X Y, BI W B. Effect of subsoiling on root morphological and physiological characteristics of spring maize
Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering, 2015,31(5):78-84. (in Chinese)

URL [本文引用: 1]
为研究深松对春玉米根系形态特征和生理特性的影响。以郑单958和先玉335为供试品种,设旋耕(R)、深松加旋耕(S+R)2个处理,于2012和2013年进行田间试验。结果表明,深松可以显著提高2个品种春玉米实测产量(P<0.05)、春玉米乳熟期和完熟期根干质量(P<0.05)且40 cm以下土层尤为明显。2个品种春玉米30 cm土层处的株、行间根幅均表现为S+R小于R处理,其中行间根幅的差异达到了显著水平(P<0.05),单株根条数和比根长均表现为S+R显著高于R处理(P<0.05)。乳熟期60 cm以下土层根系活力S+R高于R处理且随着土层的加深差异逐渐增大,超氧化物歧化酶和过氧物酶活性在吐丝期和乳熟期各土层S+R均高于R处理,而丙二醛含量低于旋耕处理。深松促进根系特别是下层根系干质量的增加,增加根系纵深分布,春玉米根系重心下移,并保持较高的生理活性,是其能够增产的重要原因。该文可为春玉米高产栽培提供依据。

蔡丽君, 边大红, 田晓东, 曹立燕, 崔彦宏. 耕作方式对土壤理化性状及夏玉米生长发育和产量的影响
华北农学报, 2014,29(5):232-238.

DOI:10.7668/hbnxb.2014.05.039URL [本文引用: 1]
The objective of this experiment was to study the effects of soil tillage methods on soil physical and chemical properties,summer maize growth and grain yield,and to provide a scientific basis for improving soil structure and grain yield in northern areas of Huang-Huai-Hai region.This experiment contained four tillage styles which were sub-soiling,plowing tillage,alternate year sub-soiling and rotary tillage.The results showed that sub-soiling,alternate year sub-soiling and plowing tillage could significantly reduce the soil compactness at 10 cm underground and deeper;improved the soil moisture content at different growth stages,the effect was most prominent between 20 cm to 40 cm soil layer; increased the soil potassium content's availability between 20 cm to 60 cm soil layer;helped to maintain leaf area index at middle and later filling stages and dry matter accumulation increased 7.79%-18.09%;and increased maximum and average filling rate,grain yield per hectare increased 4.1%-9.3%.Sub-soiling and alternate year sub-soiling had no significant difference between them.As far as high-yield and energy saving were concerned in the experiment,the most appropriate treatment for recommendation was the alternate year sub-soiling.
CAI L J, BIAN D H, TIAN X D, CAO L Y, CUI Y H. Effect of tillage methods on soil physical and chemical properties, growth and grain yield of summer maize
Acta Agriculturae Boreali-Sinica, 2014,29(5):232-238. (in Chinese)

DOI:10.7668/hbnxb.2014.05.039URL [本文引用: 1]
The objective of this experiment was to study the effects of soil tillage methods on soil physical and chemical properties,summer maize growth and grain yield,and to provide a scientific basis for improving soil structure and grain yield in northern areas of Huang-Huai-Hai region.This experiment contained four tillage styles which were sub-soiling,plowing tillage,alternate year sub-soiling and rotary tillage.The results showed that sub-soiling,alternate year sub-soiling and plowing tillage could significantly reduce the soil compactness at 10 cm underground and deeper;improved the soil moisture content at different growth stages,the effect was most prominent between 20 cm to 40 cm soil layer; increased the soil potassium content's availability between 20 cm to 60 cm soil layer;helped to maintain leaf area index at middle and later filling stages and dry matter accumulation increased 7.79%-18.09%;and increased maximum and average filling rate,grain yield per hectare increased 4.1%-9.3%.Sub-soiling and alternate year sub-soiling had no significant difference between them.As far as high-yield and energy saving were concerned in the experiment,the most appropriate treatment for recommendation was the alternate year sub-soiling.

CHRISTOPHER R B, JUDITH B S, TERRY D W, JASON C B, LAUREN M M, TONY J V. Maize grain yield responses to plant height variability resulting from crop rotation and tillage system in a long-term experiment
Soil & Tillage Research, 2010,106:227-240.

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朴琳, 任红, 展茗, 曹凑贵, 齐华, 赵明, 李从锋. 栽培措施及其互作对北方春玉米产量及耐密性的调控作用
中国农业科学, 2017,50(11):1982-1994.

DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2017.11.004URL [本文引用: 1]
【Objective】The purpose of this study was to investigate the regulating effect of cultivation measures and their interactions on grain yield and density resistance of spring maize hybrids, and its contribution to increase of grain yield.【Method】Maize cultivar “Zhongdan 909” was used as experimental materials in 2013 and 2014, which exhibited high yield in the high plant population. From 45 000 plants/hm2 to 10 5000 plants/hm2, five plant population treatments were designed. Subsoiling (S), wide-narrow planting (W) and chemical regulator (C) as cultivation measures, and composed different cultivation modes by split-split-plot design. Path analysis, factor regression and ANOVA analysis of different cultivation modes based on the yield, and using stepwise regression to analyze the efficiency of resource utilization factors under different cultivation modes, combined with the meteorological data. 【Result】The chemical regulator (C) had a significantly positive effect on yield in the integrated measures mode (contribution rate, 27%-41%), which the effect rests with the plant density increasing by 11 700 plants/hm2 under only chemical regulator treatment; wide-narrow planting (W) showed obvious different effects among the treatments. However, the effect of subsoiling (S) on yield displayed priority to indirect effect (contribution rate, 24%-37%), nevertheless, subsoiling plus wide-narrow planting compared with tradition mode (RU) could increase yield by 11.28%. The yield improvement of multiple measures interaction was much higher than those of double measures interaction and a single measure. Compared with traditional mode, multiple measures, double measures and a single measure increased yield by 31.27%, 15.57% and 7.96%, respectively, in a normal year (2013); and increase yield by 15.02%, 11.32% and 5.65%, respectively, in a drought year (2014). The yield increasing was mainly due to the increased population density, and coordinated regulation among radiation use efficiency (RUE), growth degree days use efficiency (GUE) and nitrogen partial factor productivity, then achieved the high yield and high efficiency under integrated measures. 【Conclusion】The yield improvement of multiple measure interaction mode (SWC) was the highest, compared to the traditional mode, the multiple measures could increase plant density by 62 700 plants/hm2 and obtain yield improvement by 11.91%, which the improvement was mainly attributed to the optimized population density under multiple measures interaction and regulating effect from integrated measures on resources utilization efficiency of intensive spring maize.
PIAO L, REN H, ZHAN M, CAO C G, QI H, ZHAO M, LI C F. Effect of cultivation measures and their interactions on grain yield and density resistance of spring maize
Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2017,50(11):1982-1994. (in Chinese)

DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2017.11.004URL [本文引用: 1]
【Objective】The purpose of this study was to investigate the regulating effect of cultivation measures and their interactions on grain yield and density resistance of spring maize hybrids, and its contribution to increase of grain yield.【Method】Maize cultivar “Zhongdan 909” was used as experimental materials in 2013 and 2014, which exhibited high yield in the high plant population. From 45 000 plants/hm2 to 10 5000 plants/hm2, five plant population treatments were designed. Subsoiling (S), wide-narrow planting (W) and chemical regulator (C) as cultivation measures, and composed different cultivation modes by split-split-plot design. Path analysis, factor regression and ANOVA analysis of different cultivation modes based on the yield, and using stepwise regression to analyze the efficiency of resource utilization factors under different cultivation modes, combined with the meteorological data. 【Result】The chemical regulator (C) had a significantly positive effect on yield in the integrated measures mode (contribution rate, 27%-41%), which the effect rests with the plant density increasing by 11 700 plants/hm2 under only chemical regulator treatment; wide-narrow planting (W) showed obvious different effects among the treatments. However, the effect of subsoiling (S) on yield displayed priority to indirect effect (contribution rate, 24%-37%), nevertheless, subsoiling plus wide-narrow planting compared with tradition mode (RU) could increase yield by 11.28%. The yield improvement of multiple measures interaction was much higher than those of double measures interaction and a single measure. Compared with traditional mode, multiple measures, double measures and a single measure increased yield by 31.27%, 15.57% and 7.96%, respectively, in a normal year (2013); and increase yield by 15.02%, 11.32% and 5.65%, respectively, in a drought year (2014). The yield increasing was mainly due to the increased population density, and coordinated regulation among radiation use efficiency (RUE), growth degree days use efficiency (GUE) and nitrogen partial factor productivity, then achieved the high yield and high efficiency under integrated measures. 【Conclusion】The yield improvement of multiple measure interaction mode (SWC) was the highest, compared to the traditional mode, the multiple measures could increase plant density by 62 700 plants/hm2 and obtain yield improvement by 11.91%, which the improvement was mainly attributed to the optimized population density under multiple measures interaction and regulating effect from integrated measures on resources utilization efficiency of intensive spring maize.
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