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许世卫,, 邸佳颖, 李干琼, 庄家煜中国农业科学院农业信息研究所/农业农村部农业信息服务技术重点实验室/北京市农业监测预警工程技术研究中心,北京 100081

The Methodology and Application of Agricultural Monitoring and Early Warning Model Cluster

XU ShiWei,, DI JiaYing, LI GanQiong, ZHUANG JiaYuAgricultural Information Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences/Key Laboratory of Agri-Informatics, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs/Beijing Engineering Research Center of Agricultural Monitoring and Early Warning, Beijing 100081

责任编辑: 杨鑫浩

作者简介 About authors

关键词: 农产品;多品种;供需预测;因素分类解耦;参数转用适配;模型集群

【Objective】The accurate prediction and evaluation of agricultural product supply and demand is an important manifestation for the improvement of agricultural monitoring and early warning capabilities. A multi-variety multi-link model cluster to construct that can efficiently solve analytical technical problems which are difficult to solve with single links or single models.【Method】 The methodology characterized by "factor classification decoupling, parameter conversion adaptation" for multi-variety agricultural products was proposed to build a multi-temporal dimension monitoring and early warning model cluster, which took into account the important factors of agricultural products supply and demand, namely production, consumption, trade volume, price, etc., the strong linkage among commodities, the entangled complex natural, social and economic factors, and the multivariate strong coupling, non-linear, time-varying characteristics of parameters in the model development.【Result】 The model clusters were developed covering production, consumption, trade and price for different agricultural products, based on the "factor classification decoupling, parameter conversion adaptation" methodology. These model clusters could be used to analyze and project the supply and demand situation of major agricultural products including rice, corn, wheat and meat in different spatial and temporal dimensions, and to support the generation of major agricultural products balance sheets in the China Agricultural Outlook Report. The 6-year average forecast accuracy was higher than 97%.【Conclusion】The methodology of agricultural monitoring and early warning model cluster proposed in the paper has effectively improved the solution efficiency and accuracy of agricultural product multi-variety model clusters, enhanced the systematic and intelligent analysis and projection of agricultural supply and demand. The research provided a new technical method for systematically revealing the complex characteristics of supply and demand of agricultural products in time and space, and promoting the scientific and predictable regulation of agricultural products market.
Keywords:agricultural products;multi varieties;supply and demand forecast;factor classification decoupling;parameter conversion and adaptation;model cluster

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许世卫, 邸佳颖, 李干琼, 庄家煜. 农产品监测预警模型集群构建理论方法与应用[J]. 中国农业科学, 2020, 53(14): 2859-2871 doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2020.14.010
XU ShiWei, DI JiaYing, LI GanQiong, ZHUANG JiaYu. The Methodology and Application of Agricultural Monitoring and Early Warning Model Cluster[J]. Scientia Acricultura Sinica, 2020, 53(14): 2859-2871 doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2020.14.010

0 引言

【研究意义】建立粮食和主要农产品监测预警体系是国家食物安全的重要保障,而农产品生产、消费、贸易、价格等主要环节的精准量化分析预测是监测预警的关键[1,2]。面临人口、资源、环境、气候及国内外复杂形势,研究构建农产品监测预警模型集群,高效全面分析预测农产品供需走势,将为国家农产品生产、储备、贸易等管理和调控提供重要参考依据,对保障农产品有效供给以及市场稳定均具有重要科学意义。【前人研究进展】农产品的产量、消费量、贸易量、价格等分析预测一直是国内外学术界关注的焦点,其预测方法已有广泛研究。部分****分别对农产品的生产、消费、价格等单要素环节的影响因素分析,构建预测模型[3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13]。作物生产,尤其是粮食产量分析预测对国家粮食安全具有重大意义,其研究较早、方法较多[3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11],应用较早的方法主要有气象产量预测法、遥感技术预测法和统计动力学生长模拟法。陈锡康等[4]研究提出了全国粮食产量的系统综合因素预测法,该方法利用了投入占用产出技术、考虑边际报酬递减的非线性预测方程和最小绝对和方法,预测提前期长(一般在半年以上),预测平均误差为产量的1.6%,预测精度高。在消费量预测上,针对单品种的预测较多,如猪肉消费量预测,影响我国猪肉消费量的主要因素有猪肉产量、餐饮业发展水平、牛羊肉价格指数等14个因素[12]。通用类消费分析预测模型一般有4种:AIDS(近完美消费模型)、LES(线性支出模型)、Rotterdam模型、Double Log模型。价格预测上,影响农产品价格波动的因素(总供给与总需求角度)是多方面的,主要有生产因素、消费因素、政策因素、偶发因素等[12,13],农产品的价格预测模型方法主要有时间序列模型、随机波动率模型、最小二乘向量机模型等[13,14]。针对农产品供需走势的预测,部分****利用时间序列模型和灰色预测模型进行了分析和预测[15,16,17]。例如,陈艳红等[15]运用ARIMA模型对2012—2017年中国粮食供需预测,结果表明2012—2017年中国国内粮食供给将持续稳定增长,国内粮食需求波动增长。吕新业等[16]利用移动平均法得出2020年中国稻谷、小麦和玉米产量和需求量。另外,一些****和机构利用一般均衡模型和局部均衡模型对农产品供需进行了分析和预测[18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25]。例如,黄季焜等[18]釆用全球贸易分析模型(GTAP)和中国农业政策分析与预测模型(CAPSiM),设置不同情景对2020年中国粮食供需状况和粮食安全水平进行了预测。韩一军[21]釆用了基于产业形势的经验判断和动态一般均衡模型相结合的研究方法,对未来中国小麦供求和贸易形势进行预测。陆文聪等[22,23]考虑了多品种关联以及区域因素的影响,构建了中国—世界农业区域市场均衡模型(CWARMEM),该模型是一个多市场多区域、以中国粮食问题为重点研究对象的全球农业市场政策分析模型,以此模型为基础研究得出中国的城市化对粮食自给的负面影响较小[24]。国际上,一些发达国家主要研究机构和政府决策部门,均建立了较为成熟的农业政策分析模型。如美国农业部开发的Baseline模型(多国商品联结模型),可以分国家、分品种对农产品生产、消费、贸易和价格进行预测;OECD-FAO运用动态回归和局部均衡理论,联合研发了独具特色的AGLINK-COSIMO模型[25],该模型系统涵盖50多个国家(地区)模型,对粮食、肉类、奶类、禽蛋、水产品及生物燃料等20多种主要农产品的生产、消费、价格和贸易等进行中长期(10年)基期预测和展望,并模拟、分析多种政策或其他外部冲击对各国及全球农产品市场的影响,该模型在引导全球农产品市场方面产生了较大的影响力。尽管这些模型研究定量预判了中国未来主要农产品供求与贸易形势,但由于中国农产品供求问题的复杂性以及影响因素的可计量程度的差异,国际机构对中国农产品供需预测结果也往往存在一定的差异。【本研究切入点】农产品品种多、影响因素复杂、品种间关联性强,如何高效辨识分析农产品生产、消费、价格等的主导影响因素,并根据不同农产品模型参数的异同性高效构建预测模型,由此构建多品种分析模型集群,是我国多品种农产品生产、消费、贸易、价格等监测预警面临的难题。模型分析中,单品种或单因素建模,对于全面实现不同维度多品种农产品供需形势的分析预测仍具有局限性,综合考虑农产品品种、区域、时间尺度的影响因素复杂性、模型构建过程中的参数多样性与时变性,汇聚农产品多维影响因素,辨析不同农产品主导影响因素及关联因素,分析不同农产品影响因素的异同性,提升模型预测精准度和效率,是构建农产品生产量、消费量、贸易量、价格等一体化监测预警模型集群的重要研究方向。【拟解决的关键问题】本研究围绕农产品生产消费等供需分析预测过程中缺乏多品种、多因素、多模型汇聚技术,针对农产品多品种影响因素关联缺失、纠缠解析不清、模型参数时变性强的技术难题,通过模型集群构建方法的创新,提升对农业复杂系统预测分析的协同性与时效性,为提高农产品有效供给、实现农产品供需精准量化分析预测提供有效的技术方法。

1 材料与方法

1.1 研究对象


1.2 研究理论与方法


1.2.1 多因素分类解耦技术 本研究中,模型集群构建的前提是系统考虑各因素(xi)对农产品供给或需求的影响。由于农业系统的复杂性,在模型集群构建过程中综合考虑了多种自然因素和社会因素的影响(表1)。针对农业过程复杂因素具有的多变量强耦合、非线性、参数时变特点,基于常规解耦控制技术的控制系统无法解决的问题,本研究应用“多因素分类解耦”方法,在模型的求解过程中反复多次采用校正输出、输入之间的关系,减弱甚至消除各个平衡方程的组成模型之间的相互关联,从而使系统简化为多个单输入单输出系统,用于解决模型集群构建中的复杂因素纠缠难题,并根据农产品不同品种影响因素的异同性,高效建立不同品种模型集群。

Table 1
Table 1Main influencing factors to be considered in the construction of agricultural product monitoring and early warning model cluster
模型变量 Model variable f(x)影响因素Influence factor(xi)
Production quantity
Meteorological yield
Temperature, sunshine duration, precipitation, etc.
Input yield
Cost-benefit situation, expenses and employment situation, fertilizer and seed input, technology, etc.
Management yield
Input policy, support policy, protection policy, science and technology policy, etc.
Harvested area
Price competition area
Input-output benefits of the previous period, input-output benefits of the previous period of other competitive agricultural products, planting area of the previous period, etc.
Survey area
Questionnaire, etc.
Remote sensing area
NVDI vegetation index, phenology, etc.
Livestock production
Fertility factors, benefit costs, management factors, survey factors, etc.
Consumption quantity (QC)
Food use consumption
Population, per capita income, equilibrium price, etc.
Industrial consumption
Production prices, GDP per capita, industrial growth rate, etc.
Feed consumption
Production of livestock products, feed-to-meat ratio, feed prices, prices of inputs and outputs
Seed consumption
Seeded area, seed per mu
Production, wastage factor
Trade (T)
Import and export
Domestic and foreign price differences, tariffs, import and export quotas, production and demand gaps, exchange rates, etc.
Price (P)
Equilibrium price index
Production factors, consumption factors, policy factors, incidental factors, etc.


1.2.2 多参数转用适配方法 本研究所要构建的模型集群的应用场景和对象范围十分广泛,多参数转用适配技术使得多品种多维度的模型集群保持灵活性与简单易用性。该技术基于农产品模型中涉及的品种参数(αi)、时间参数(βi)、区域参数(γi),根据不同应用场景,灵活选择并确定参数及适用模型,显著提升了模型集群分析计算的精准度和广适性,通过计算机迭代算法确立的状态转移矩阵,实现模型集群中可调参数的智能转换,如在不同品种间(作物类、畜禽类)、区域尺度(国家级到省级、县级)、时间尺度(月度、年度、多年度)模型求解的高效转换适用。

1.3 数据来源


1.4 数据处理与模型验证




$MSE(y,\hat{y})=\frac{1}{{{n}_{samples}}}\sum\limits_{i=0}^{{{n}_{samples}}-1}{{{\left| {{y}_{i}}-{{{\hat{y}}}_{i}} \right|}^{2}}}$


$MAE(y,\hat{y})=\frac{1}{{{n}_{samples}}}\sum\limits_{i=0}^{{{n}_{samples}}-1}{\left| {{y}_{i}}-{{{\hat{y}}}_{i}} \right|}$


$EV=1-\frac{Var\left\{ y-\hat{y} \right\}}{Var\left\{ y \right\}}$


${{R}^{2}}(y,\hat{y})=1-\frac{\sum\limits_{i=0}^{{{n}_{samples}}-1}{{{\left| {{y}_{i}}-{{{\hat{y}}}_{i}} \right|}^{2}}}}{\sum\limits_{i=0}^{{{n}_{samples}}-1}{{{\left| {{y}_{i}}-\bar{y} \right|}^{2}}}}$


$MAPE=(\sum\limits_{i=1}^{n}{((\frac{\left| {{y}_{i}}-{{{\hat{y}}}_{i}} \right|}{{{y}_{i}}})})\times 100\%)/N $

2 结果

2.1 模型集群的构成


Table 2
Table 2Cluster model production, consumption, price and trade general model form and variable description
Model form
Main variable
Main parameter
Production quantity (QP)
QPcrop = f (Ym, Yi, Yma, HA)QPcrop:作物产量;Ym:气象单产;Yi:投入单产;Yma:管理单产;As:收获面积
QPcrop: Production quantity of crop; Ym: Meteorological yield; Yi: Input yield; Yma: Management yield; HA: Harvested area
Ym=δ(T, S, P)T:温度;S:日照时间;P:降水量
T: Temperature; S: Sunshine duration; P: Precipitation.
δ: Meteorological factor coefficient
Yi=θ(CE, FE, FI)CE:成本收益因子;FE:费用和用工因素;FI:肥料投入因素
CE: Cost-benefit factors; FE: Cost and employment factors; FI: Fertilizer input factors
θ: Input factor elastic coefficient
Yma =μ(Pol, Man)Pol:政策指数;Man:政策因素
Pol: Policy indexs; Man: Policy factors
μ: Policy coefficient
HA=ε(P, Psubs)P:作物价格指数;Psubs:竞争作物价格指数
P: Crop price index; Psubs: Competitive crop price index
ε: Competitive price index coefficient
QPanimal = f(YLD × SL × CR)YLD:单只动物出栏活重;SL:动物出栏数量;CR:动物出栏率
YLD: Single animal slaughter live weight; SL: Number of animals slaughtered; CR: Animal slaughter rate
Livestock production coefficient
消费量Consumption quantity (QC)QC = g(FC, IC, FEC, SEC, W)FC:食用(口粮)消费;IC:工业消费;FEC:饲用消费;SEC:种用消费;W:损耗
FC: Food use consumption; IC: Industrial consumption; FEC: Feed use consumption; SEC: Seed use consumption; W: Wastage
Coefficients of various consumption items
Trade (T)
IM = h(QP, QC)
EX = f( QP, QC)
QP: Production quantity; QC: Consumption quantity
Coefficient of influence of production, consumption, prices
Price (P)
$\left\{ \overrightarrow{P}\left| \forall {{S}_{i}}(\overrightarrow{P}) \right.-{{D}_{i}}(\overrightarrow{P})=0 \right\}$$\overrightarrow{P}$:均衡价格向量;Si:供给端价格向量;Di:需求端价格向量
$\overrightarrow{P}$: Equilibrium price vector; Si: Supply price vector; Di: Demand price vector
Multi-product equilibrium price Index


Table 3
Table 3Cluster equation form of wheat monitoring and early warning model constructed by multi-factor classification decoupling technology
Predicted variable
Model equation form
Variable description
Supply- demand balance
SWT,t = DWT,tSWT:小麦总供给量 The total supply of wheat in the current period
DWT:小麦总需求量 The total demand of wheat in the current period
Supply (S)
SWT,t = QPWT,t + IMWT,t + OSWT,tQPWT:小麦生产量 Current production of wheat
IMWT:小麦进口量 Current import of wheat
OSWT:小麦期初库存 Opening stock of wheat
Production quantity
QPWT,t = YLDWT,t × HAWT,tYLDWT:小麦单产 Wheat yield
HAWT:小麦收获面积 Wheat harvested area
Yield (YLD)
YLDWT, t = w1Ym, WT, t +w2Yi, WT, t + w3Yma, WT, tYm, WT、Yi, WT、Yma, WT:小麦气象单产、投入单产和管理单产
Current wheat meteorological yield, input yield and management yield
Corresponding value coefficients of Ym、Yi、Yma of wheat
Meteorological yield
Ym, WT, t = w1YTm, WT, t + w2YSm, WT, t+ w3YPm, WT, tYTm, WTw2YSm, WTw3YPm, WT:小麦温度单因素气象单产、日照单因素气象单产以及降水量单因素气象单产
Current wheat temperature single factor meteorological yield, sunshine single factor meteorological yield and precipitation single factor meteorological yield
Corresponding value coefficients of each meteorological yield model
Input yield
${{Y}_{i,WT,t}}=\log ({{\alpha }^{Yi}}+\beta _{1}^{{{Y}_{i}}}\ln {{P}_{t-1}}+\beta _{2}^{{{Y}_{i}}}\times $
$\ln CE_{t}^{\varepsilon }+\beta _{3}^{{{Y}_{i}}}\ln FE_{t}^{\varepsilon }+\beta _{4}^{{{Y}_{i}}}\ln FI_{t}^{\varepsilon })$
Pt-1:小麦上一期价格 Wheat price in the previous year
CEεt:成本收益情况因素向量 Cost-benefit factor vector
FEεt:费用和用工情况因素向量 Cost and employment factor vector
FIεt:肥料投入因素向量 Fertilizer input factor vector
Management yield (Yma)
YLDWT:小麦基础单产 Wheat basic yield
γ:管理因子赋值系数 Management factor assignment coefficient
Harvested area
HAWT,t=(w1HAcompetition,t+w2HAsurvey,t+ w3HArs,t)-kADtHAcompetition:小麦价格竞争面积 Price competition area of wheat
HAsurvey:小麦调查面积 Survey area of wheat
HArs:小麦遥感面积 Remote sensing area of wheat
Corresponding value coefficients of each harvested area model
AD:小麦的成灾面积 Disaster area of current wheat
Disaster index, a value between 0—1, the greater the severity of the disaster
Price competition area(HAcompetition)
lnHA competition, t= α+β1lnHAcompetition,t-1+ β2lnPt-1+β3lnPsubs,t-1HAcompetition,t-1:小麦上一期播种面积 Wheat harvested area in the previous year
Pt-1:小麦上一期价格 Wheat price in the previous year
Price of competitively related crops in the previous year
Survey area
$H{{A}_{survey,t}}=(\sum\limits_{i=1}^{n}{{{w}_{i}}\times H{{A}_{i,survey,t}}})\times k\times \frac{1}{r}$HAsurvey:调查得出的某地区小麦面积 Surveyed area of wheat in a certain area
Surveyed area of wheat in the i-th village in a certain area
wi:第i个村的权重 Weight of the i-th village
The ratio of the number of all villages in a survey county to the number of all villages included in the sampling frame in a certain area
The ratio of the area of counties under national survey to the area of all counties in the province
Predicted variable
Model equation form
Variable description
IMWT:小麦进口量 Wheat import
QPWT:小麦生产总量 Total wheat production
PWT,IM :以当地货币计价的小麦进口价格 Import prices of wheat in local currency
XR:人民币对美元汇率 RMB against the U.S. dollar
αWT,IM:小麦进口量误差项 Errors of wheat import
Opening stock (OS)
OSWT,t= ESWT,t-1
ESWT,t-1:上一期小麦期末库存 The ending stock of wheat in the previous period
Demand (D)
DWT, t = QCWT, t + EXWT, t + ESWT, tQCWT:小麦消费量 Wheat consumption
EXWT:小麦出口量 Wheat export
ESWT:小麦期末库存 Ending stock of wheat
消费量Consumption quantity(QC)
QCWT, t = FCWT, t + ICWT, t + FECWT, t + SECWT, t + WWT, tFCWT:小麦口量消费量 Food use consumption of wheat
ICWT:小麦工业消费量 Industrial consumption of wheat
FECWT:小麦饲用消费量 Feed use consumption of wheat
SECWT:小麦种用消费量 Seed use consumption of wheat
WWT:小麦损耗 Wastage of wheat
Food use consumption
FCWT, t = PCWT, rural, t × POPWT ,rural, t + PCWT,urban, t × POPWT,urban, tPCWT, rural :农村人均小麦口量消费量 Rural per capita FC of wheat
POPWT, rural:农村总人口数 Total rural population
PCWT,urban:城镇人均口量消费量 Urban per capita FC of wheat
POPWT, urban:城镇总人口数 Total urban population
Rural per capita consumption (PCrural)
α2lnPRT, t+α3lnPWT, t+α4lnPMA,t+ α5lnPSB, t+b)
DPIWT, rural:农村人均可支配收入 Rural per capita disposable income
PRI:稻米均衡价格 Rice equilibrium price
PWT:小麦均衡价格 Wheat equilibrium price
PMA:玉米均衡价格 Corn equilibrium price
PSB:大豆均衡价格 Soybean equilibrium price
城市人均口粮消费量Urban per capita consumption (PCurban)PCWT, urban,t=exp(α1lnDPIWT,urban,t+ α2lnPRT, t+α3lnPWT, t+α4lnPMA,t+ α5lnPSB, t+b)DPIWT, urban:城镇人均可支配收入 Urban disposable income per capita
Feed use consumption
FECWT, t = FERWT, 1×(QPPK, t + QPBV, t + QPMU, t) +FERWT, 2×QPPT,t + bQPPK:猪肉产量 Pork production
QPBV:牛肉产量 Beef production
QPMU:羊肉产量 Mutton production
QPPC:禽肉产量 Poultry production
Industrial consumption
ICWT,t = exp (alnGDP + b)GDP:国内生产总值 Gross Domestic Product
Seed use consumption
SECWT, t = SPMWT, t × HAWT, tSPMWT:每亩小麦种子用量 Wheat seed dosage per acre
Wastage (W)
WWT, t = KLWWT, t ×QPWT, tKLWWT:小麦损耗率 Wheat loss rate
Export (EX)
lnEXCHN,WT,t=α1WT,EX+β1WT,EX× lnEXCHN,WT,t-1 +β2WT,EX×
EXCHN,WT,t:全国小麦出口量 National wheat export
EXCHN,WT,t-1:上一期全国小麦出口量 National wheat exports in the previous period
FOBCHN,WT,t:以当地货币计价的小麦离岸价格 FOB price of wheat in local currency
In the variable description, the variables without the subscript time indicate the current amount, that is, the time is t



2.2 模型集群的求解



Table 4
Table 4Main variable parameters of model cluster and its solution
Model variable f(x)
Method for solving variable coefficients of model equation
Production quantity
Meteorological yield
Use historical data to establish regression equations to solve coefficients
Input yield
Use historical data to establish regression equations to solve coefficients
Management yield
Historical data and expert experience determine the coefficients
Comprehensive yield
Expert manual setting and intelligent training assign the weight of each yield
Harvested area
Price competition area
Use historical data to establish regression equations to solve coefficients
Survey area
survey data
Remote sensing area
Monitoring data
Comprehensive area
Expert manual setting and intelligent training assign the weight of each area
Livestock production
Use historical data to establish regression equations to solve coefficients
Consumption quantity
Food use consumption
Use historical data to establish regression equations to solve coefficients
Industrial consumption
Use historical data to establish regression equations to solve coefficients
Feed use consumption
Use historical data to establish regression equations to solve coefficients
Seed use consumption
Use historical data to establish regression equations to solve coefficients
Use historical data to establish regression equations to solve coefficients
Trade( T )
Import and export
Historical data and expert forecasts
Price( P )
Equilibrium price index
Local equilibrium model solution



2.3 技术方法及模型集群的应用

2.3.1 县域尺度农产品产量气象影响因素分类解耦解析 根据34年2 481个气象站点日度数据和全国31省市自治区2 000多个行政县区农作物产量数据,利用对气象因素的分类解耦,分别明确了主要农作物生长各个阶段气象要素与产量的关系,揭示了中国农作物生产过程中产量形成和气象要素的时间、空间分布规律,并通过量化的形式得到各项指标的影响系数[28]

2.3.2 技术支撑农业展望报告及平衡表发布 综合模型集群基线预测和有关专家经验分析判断,从2014年起,已对我国水稻、小麦、玉米、肉类等18类主要农产品未来10年重要时间节点的生产量、消费量、进出口量走势等进行了展望,并支撑发布未来供需平衡表[26, 29]。在2014—2019年期间,年初(每年4月份)预测值与国家统计局最终年报数对比,主要农产品产量6年预测平均准确率高于97%。

3 讨论

农业系统复杂,涉农信息变化常以指数层级增长,对其进行分析涉及多个方面。影响因素的分析判断,是预测模型构建的重要基础。全国粮食产量的系统综合因素预测法[4],在预测方程中综合反映了影响农业复杂系统的四大因素,即政策管理因素、经济技术因素、自然因素和其他因素,因此对当年粮食产量的预测精度较高。“因素分类解耦”的方法理念,用于多品种农产品监测预警模型集群构建,结果表明,在全面考虑自然因素、社会因素影响的基础上,基于主导因素决定原则、主次因素变动原则和结果关联原则,能有效判定不同时空维度农产品供需要素的主要影响因素,并逐一对农产品的影响因素解耦建立模型方程组,解决了多品种因素关联纠缠、品种关联替代的难题。本研究在粮食产量的短期预测中,充分考虑了气象因素的影响。气象因素不仅对作物产量有重要影响,而且对作物产量的影响存在明显差异性[28, 30-33],同样,自然因素、水肥等生产投入因素、人口政策等社会因素以及国际因素等这些复杂的影响因素,因农产品品种、区域尺度、时间周期上的不同,对农产品影响的主导因素及其影响程度也会存在差异性。因此,本研究在构建模型时充分考虑了品种间影响因素在不同时空维度的异同,实现了模型集群的高效建立;与美国、FAO-OECD等开发的Baseline模型、AGLINK-COSIMO模型和FAPRI模型比较,模型集群所利用的数据来源维度更广泛、数据使用效率提升,模型整体的耦合度、智能化程度更高。



本研究在构建模型集群时融入了大数据分析方法,主要基于Python语言开发,更高效便捷。CWARMEM模型[22]利用GAMS的MCP算法,以及传统计量统计模型利用一般开发语言。本研究模型所需原始数据(包括历史数据和实时监测数据)全部存储在Oracle数据库中,中间文件或指定的特殊文件通过Python命令写入xls文件中,方便使用。模型集群求解时利用牛顿迭代方法对多品种形成的非线性方程组进行计算,并利用服务器的并行运算能力对模型的求解进行加速。特别是在进行气象产量预测时,由于获取的各省气象站点的气象数据数据量非常大,为了突破数据处理时间上的性能瓶颈,本研究采用Map-Reduce计算框架设计和实现了多站点输入数据分割的并行化执行模块;设计了基于Rest Web Service的算法访问接口,以快速实现数据预处理和多元回归的算法执行。在农产品供需均衡方程组的求解中,CWARMEM模型[22]采取逐年递归的方式以及基期动态移动的机制,使各年基于上年模型内生决定的均衡解作为基期并导入当年的外生变量值,最终生成所有年份的均衡解。本研究模型集群更多考虑了品种间的竞争、替代关系,均衡解是用每年关联农产品品种的平衡方程迭代求出,求解效率和精准度提高。


4 结论


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Food security and land required for food production largely depend on rate of yield gain of major cereal crops. Previous projections of food security are often more optimistic than what historical yield trends would support. Many econometric projections of future food production assume compound rates of yield gain, which are not consistent with historical yield trends. Here we provide a framework to characterize past yield trends and show that linear trajectories adequately describe past yield trends, which means the relative rate of gain decreases over time. Furthermore, there is evidence of yield plateaus or abrupt decreases in rate of yield gain, including rice in eastern Asia and wheat in northwest Europe, which account for 31% of total global rice, wheat and maize production. Estimating future food production capacity would benefit from an analysis of past crop yield trends based on a robust statistical analysis framework that evaluates historical yield trajectories and plateaus.

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Many studies have examined the role of mean climate change in agriculture, but an understanding of the influence of inter-annual climate variations on crop yields in different regions remains elusive. We use detailed crop statistics time series for ~13,500 political units to examine how recent climate variability led to variations in maize, rice, wheat and soybean crop yields worldwide. While some areas show no significant influence of climate variability, in substantial areas of the global breadbaskets, >60% of the yield variability can be explained by climate variability. Globally, climate variability accounts for roughly a third (~32-39%) of the observed yield variability. Our study uniquely illustrates spatial patterns in the relationship between climate variability and crop yield variability, highlighting where variations in temperature, precipitation or their interaction explain yield variability. We discuss key drivers for the observed variations to target further research and policy interventions geared towards buffering future crop production from climate variability.

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Based on the crop trial data during 1981-2009 at 57 agricultural experimental stations across the North Eastern China Plain (NECP) and the middle and lower reaches of Yangtze River (MLRYR), we investigated how major climate variables had changed and how the climate change had affected crop growth and yield in a setting in which agronomic management practices were taken based on actual weather. We found a significant warming trend during rice growing season, and a general decreasing trend in solar radiation (SRD) in the MLRYR during 1981-2009. Rice transplanting, heading, and maturity dates were generally advanced, but the heading and maturity dates of single rice in the MLRYR (YZ_SR) and NECP (NE_SR) were delayed. Climate warming had a negative impact on growth period lengths at about 80% of the investigated stations. Nevertheless, the actual growth period lengths of YZ_SR and NE_SR, as well as the actual length of reproductive growth period (RGP) of early rice in the MLRYR (YZ_ER), were generally prolonged due to adoption of cultivars with longer growth period to obtain higher yield. In contrast, the actual growth period length of late rice in the MLRYR (YZ_LR) was shortened by both climate warming and adoption of early mature cultivars to prevent cold damage and obtain higher yield. During 1981-2009, climate warming and decrease in SRD changed the yield of YZ_ER by -0.59 to 2.4%; climate warming during RGP increased the yield of YZ_LR by 8.38-9.56%; climate warming and decrease in SRD jointly reduced yield of YZ_SR by 7.14-9.68%; climate warming and increase in SRD jointly increased the yield of NE_SR by 1.01-3.29%. Our study suggests that rice production in China has been affected by climate change, yet at the same time changes in varieties continue to be the major factor driving yield and growing period trends.

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中国农业科学, 2019,52(12):2056-2068.

DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2019.12.004URL [本文引用: 1]
【目的】 模型的有效应用依赖于参数的快速、准确估算。本研究拟解决作物生长模型参数本土化率定过程中运算量大、耗时长、精度低、效率低的问题。【方法】 依据甘肃省定西市安定区2个试验点(李家堡镇麻子川村和凤翔镇安家沟村),多年(2002—2005年和2015—2017年)大田试验数据以及定西市安定区1971—2017年气象资料,利用混合蛙跳算法智能的迭代搜索原理,对APSIM模型旱地小麦叶面积指数相关参数进行了优化,并采用相关性分析方法对模型校正结果进行检验。【结果】 利用青蛙群体即相对独立又合作协调的子群内局部深度搜索与子群间全局信息交流生物进化学习策略,有效提高了运算的速度,实现了对APSIM模型中与旱地小麦叶面积指数相关参数的快速、准确估算。相关参数主要包括:主茎上节出现所需的热时间间隔、小麦出苗后初始化的节数、小麦出苗后初始化的叶片数、小麦出苗后初始化的叶面积指数、某日正在生长的节数和最大比叶面积。分别使用穷举试错法所得参数值和混合蛙跳算法所得参数值模拟叶面积指数,参数优化后,叶面积指数模拟值和实测值之间的RMSE(root mean square error)平均值由0.069降低到0.027,NRMSE(normalized root mean square error)平均值由8.09%降低到4.56%,ME(model effective index)平均值由0.979提高到0.993。【结论】 相对于参数率定常用穷举试错法,混合蛙跳算法具有自发学习特征的智能迭代行为,实现了参数的自动率定,提高了效率。基于该算法进行APSIM模型旱地小麦叶面积指数相关参数的优化,使得模型对叶面积指数的模拟精度显著提高,证明该算法的使用对作物生理生态系统复杂模型的校正效果良好,为改善模型参数率定过程存在的运算量大、耗时长、精度低、效率低的缺点提供了一种行之有效的方法。
NIE Z G, LI G, WANG J, MA W W, LUO C P, DONG L X, LU Y L. Parameter optimization for the simulation of leaf area index of dryland wheat with the APSIM model
Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2019,52(12):2056-2068. (in Chinese)

DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2019.12.004URL [本文引用: 1]
【目的】 模型的有效应用依赖于参数的快速、准确估算。本研究拟解决作物生长模型参数本土化率定过程中运算量大、耗时长、精度低、效率低的问题。【方法】 依据甘肃省定西市安定区2个试验点(李家堡镇麻子川村和凤翔镇安家沟村),多年(2002—2005年和2015—2017年)大田试验数据以及定西市安定区1971—2017年气象资料,利用混合蛙跳算法智能的迭代搜索原理,对APSIM模型旱地小麦叶面积指数相关参数进行了优化,并采用相关性分析方法对模型校正结果进行检验。【结果】 利用青蛙群体即相对独立又合作协调的子群内局部深度搜索与子群间全局信息交流生物进化学习策略,有效提高了运算的速度,实现了对APSIM模型中与旱地小麦叶面积指数相关参数的快速、准确估算。相关参数主要包括:主茎上节出现所需的热时间间隔、小麦出苗后初始化的节数、小麦出苗后初始化的叶片数、小麦出苗后初始化的叶面积指数、某日正在生长的节数和最大比叶面积。分别使用穷举试错法所得参数值和混合蛙跳算法所得参数值模拟叶面积指数,参数优化后,叶面积指数模拟值和实测值之间的RMSE(root mean square error)平均值由0.069降低到0.027,NRMSE(normalized root mean square error)平均值由8.09%降低到4.56%,ME(model effective index)平均值由0.979提高到0.993。【结论】 相对于参数率定常用穷举试错法,混合蛙跳算法具有自发学习特征的智能迭代行为,实现了参数的自动率定,提高了效率。基于该算法进行APSIM模型旱地小麦叶面积指数相关参数的优化,使得模型对叶面积指数的模拟精度显著提高,证明该算法的使用对作物生理生态系统复杂模型的校正效果良好,为改善模型参数率定过程存在的运算量大、耗时长、精度低、效率低的缺点提供了一种行之有效的方法。

庄嘉祥, 姜海燕, 刘蕾蕾, 王芳芳, 汤亮, 朱艳, 曹卫星. 基于个体优势遗传算法的水稻生育期模型参数优化
中国农业科学, 2013,46(11):2220-2231.

DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2013.11.005URL [本文引用: 1]
【Objective】 Fast and accurate estimation of crop growth model parameters is the basis of the crop system simulation.【Method】In this paper, a newly improved genetic algorithm, named individual advantage genetic algorithm (IAGA), is proposed and applied to the field of the parameters evaluation of the rice development stages model. Firstly, the individual advantage operator was introduced into the genetic algorithm, thus improved the mutation operator and the update strategy of population. Secondly, two rice development stages models, RiceGrow and ORYZA2000, were coupled with IAGA in a way of total embedment, and realized automatic estimation of the parameters in the models. At last, a series of comparative experiments were carried out to verify the effectiveness of IAGA with multi-year field trial data of Shanyou63, and other four rice varieties in Xuzhou, Gaoyao, etc.【Result】The experimental verification results which cover RMSE<3.05 d, NRMSE<3.19%, MDA<2.41 d, R2>0.9877, indicated that the accuracy of the model parameters obtained by IAGA was pretty high. The amount of data used for the parameters estimation had little effect on the results. The maximum NRMSE of the fitting results increased from 2.58% to 3.08% when the amount of data used for the parameters estimation from three years to six years was changed. More accurate model parameters were obtained when we select the data of every other year, including the maximum and minimum value of the whole growth period. Compared with the shuffled complex evolution algorithm, genetic simulated annealing algorithm and standard particle swarm algorithm, IAGA could obtain more accurate model parameters.【Conclusion】The IAGA can achieve automatic determination of rice development stages model parameters, therefore it provides an effective and new method for estimating parameters for crop growth model quickly and accurately.
ZHUANG J X, JIANG H Y, LIU L L, WANG F F, TANG L, ZHU Y, CAO W X. Parameters optimization of rice development stages model based on individual advantages genetic algorithm
Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2013,46(11):2220-2231. (in Chinese)

DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2013.11.005URL [本文引用: 1]
【Objective】 Fast and accurate estimation of crop growth model parameters is the basis of the crop system simulation.【Method】In this paper, a newly improved genetic algorithm, named individual advantage genetic algorithm (IAGA), is proposed and applied to the field of the parameters evaluation of the rice development stages model. Firstly, the individual advantage operator was introduced into the genetic algorithm, thus improved the mutation operator and the update strategy of population. Secondly, two rice development stages models, RiceGrow and ORYZA2000, were coupled with IAGA in a way of total embedment, and realized automatic estimation of the parameters in the models. At last, a series of comparative experiments were carried out to verify the effectiveness of IAGA with multi-year field trial data of Shanyou63, and other four rice varieties in Xuzhou, Gaoyao, etc.【Result】The experimental verification results which cover RMSE<3.05 d, NRMSE<3.19%, MDA<2.41 d, R2>0.9877, indicated that the accuracy of the model parameters obtained by IAGA was pretty high. The amount of data used for the parameters estimation had little effect on the results. The maximum NRMSE of the fitting results increased from 2.58% to 3.08% when the amount of data used for the parameters estimation from three years to six years was changed. More accurate model parameters were obtained when we select the data of every other year, including the maximum and minimum value of the whole growth period. Compared with the shuffled complex evolution algorithm, genetic simulated annealing algorithm and standard particle swarm algorithm, IAGA could obtain more accurate model parameters.【Conclusion】The IAGA can achieve automatic determination of rice development stages model parameters, therefore it provides an effective and new method for estimating parameters for crop growth model quickly and accurately.

郑莉. 我国主要农产品产量、消费量预测模型构建及实证研究
[D]. 北京: 中国科学院大学, 2013.

[本文引用: 1]

ZHENG L. Study on the prediction models of output and consumption of main agricultural products in China
[D]. Beijing: University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2013. (in Chinese)

[本文引用: 1]

郑莉, 段冬梅, 陆凤彬, 许伟, 杨翠红, 汪寿阳. 我国猪肉消费需求量集成预测—基于ARIMA、VAR和VEC模型的实证
系统工程理论与实践, 2013,33(4):918-925.

URL [本文引用: 1]
Forecasting pork consumption is very important to stabilize the pork market. By using Granger causality test to choose significant factors, we forecasted China's pork consumption with ARIMA、VAR and VEC model respectively. Based on a dynamic integration method, we integrated the forecast results of three models above. Finally, empirical results show that the dynamic integration method is more accurate and stable by forecasting China's pork consumption from 2009 to 2011 with the four methods above.
ZHENG L, DUAN D M, LU F B, XU W, YANG C H, WANG S Y. Integration forecast of Chinese pork consumption demand—empirical based on ARIMA, VAR and VEC models
System Engineering Theory and Practice, 2013,33(4):918-925. (in Chinese)

URL [本文引用: 1]
Forecasting pork consumption is very important to stabilize the pork market. By using Granger causality test to choose significant factors, we forecasted China's pork consumption with ARIMA、VAR and VEC model respectively. Based on a dynamic integration method, we integrated the forecast results of three models above. Finally, empirical results show that the dynamic integration method is more accurate and stable by forecasting China's pork consumption from 2009 to 2011 with the four methods above.

徐雅卿, 魏轶华, 李旭刚. 农产品价格预测模型的构建
统计与决策, 2017(12):75-77.

[本文引用: 1]

XU Y Q, WEI Y H, LI X G. Establishment of agricultural products, price prediction
Statistics & Decision, 2017(12):75-77. (in Chinese)

[本文引用: 1]

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