

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-26

蒋倩红,, 陆志峰, 赵海燕, 郭俊杰, 刘文波, 凌宁,, 郭世伟南京农业大学资源与环境科学学院/江苏省固体有机废弃物资源化研究重点实验室,南京210095

Potential Analysis of Reducing Chemical Nitrogen Inputs While Increasing Efficiency by Organic-Inorganic Fertilization in Winter Rapeseed Producing Areas of the Middle and Lower Reaches of the Yangtze River

JIANG QianHong,, LU ZhiFeng, ZHAO HaiYan, GUO JunJie, LIU WenBo, LING Ning,, GUO ShiWei1College of Resources and Environmental Sciences, Nanjing Agricultural University /Jiangsu Provincial Key Laboratory of Solid Organic Waste Utilization, Nanjing 210095

通讯作者: 凌宁,E-mail:nling@njau.edu.cn

责任编辑: 李云霞

作者简介 About authors

【目的】评估长江中下游冬油菜主产区化肥减施增效的潜力与区域适宜性,为该区域油菜产业减肥增效提供科学依据。【方法】于2018年在江苏(高淳)、湖南(安仁)、湖北(沙洋)、安徽(休宁和当涂)四省(共5个地点)布置以有机肥(M)用量(0、2 250 kg·hm-2)和施氮(N)水平(0、90、135、180、225、270 kg·hm-2)为控制因素的冬油菜田间试验,分析有机无机肥配施对油菜产量、化学氮肥利用率和经济效益的影响,并评估不同区域冬油菜最佳产量和施肥效益下适宜的有机无机配施技术模式及其减肥潜力。【结果】相比于单施化肥,增施有机肥显著提升油菜产量,增产幅度达7.7%—43.3%。以最高产量为目标,各试验点在增施有机肥的基础上推荐化肥氮施用量分别为:高淳195 kg·hm-2,安仁199 kg·hm-2,沙洋195 kg·hm-2,休宁179 kg·hm-2,当涂185 kg·hm-2。通过模型拟合发现各试验点达到单施化肥最高产量时,有机肥施用可替代26.7%—45.9%的化肥氮投入,且随着土壤基础肥力提高,化肥氮减施潜力增加。不同有机肥用量下,油菜化学氮肥利用率均随施氮量的增加呈下降趋势,但有机无机配施能够有效提高各氮肥梯度下油菜的化学氮肥偏生产力和农学效率,各试验点化学氮肥偏生产力增幅为24.4%—53.0%,化学氮肥农学利用效率增幅为26.3%—89.9%。与不施氮处理(N0)相比,安仁、休宁和当涂试验点在施用180 kg N·hm-2并配施有机肥处理下增收效益最大,依次为8 915、10 358和6 569元/hm2;而高淳和沙洋试验点在单施化肥(225 kg N·hm-2)处理下增收效益最大,分别为11 252、8 500元/hm2。【结论】长江中下游部分冬油菜产区采用有机无机肥配施技术可实现减化肥氮26.7%—45.9%的同时提高籽粒产量、化学氮肥利用率及氮肥或有机肥增收效益,实现减氮增效。
关键词: 冬油菜;有机无机肥配施;最佳化肥氮用量;减氮潜力;长江中下游地区

【Objective】In order to provide a scientific basis for reducing chemical nitrogen (N) inputs and improving N efficiency in the rapeseed production, the reduction potential of chemical fertilizer and regional suitability was evaluated in winter rapeseed producing areas along the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. 【Method】To analyze the effects of organic and inorganic fertilizer on yield and chemical N fertilizer use efficiency of rapeseed, the experiments were set up in Gaochun, Anren, Shayang, Xiuning and Dangtu across in 4 provinces in 2018, which consisted of two factors, including manure dosages (0, and 2 250 kg·hm-2) and nitrogen application rates (0, 90, 135, 180, 225, and 270 kg·hm-2). In total, 12 treatments were contained in all field experiments. Meanwhile, the optimal chemical nitrogen rates for winter rapeseed were evaluated in different regions under the optimal yield and fertilization benefit. 【Result】Compared with only application of chemical fertilizer, applying organic fertilizer could significantly increase the yield of rapeseed by 7.7% to 43.3%. With the target to the highest yield under the application of organic fertilizer, the recommended chemical N fertilizers rates were: 195, 199, 195, 179 and 185 kg·hm-2 in Gaochun, Anren, Shayang, Xiuning and Dangtu, respectively. 26.7%-45.9% of chemical N could be replaced by organic fertilizer to maintain the same highest yield at each site. Moreover, as the soil fertility was better, the substitution rate on chemical N by organic fertilizer got higher. In addition, the N use efficiency decreased with the increase of chemical N rate under different dosage of organic fertilizer, while the combined application of manure and mineral fertilizer could significantly increase the nitrogen fertilizer partial productivity by 24.4%-53.0% and agronomic utilization efficiency by 26.3%-89.9% in rapeseed production. In Anren, Xiuning and Dangtu, the income increases were the highest under 180 kg N·hm-2 input combined with organic fertilizer, and the corresponding values were 8 915, 1 0358 and 6 569 yuan/hm2, respectively. However, in Gaochun and Shayang, the highest income increases were under only application of chemical fertilizer (225 kg N·hm-2 input), and were 11 252 and 8 500 yuan/hm2, respectively. 【Conclusion】In the experimental sites along middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, combined application of chemical and organic fertilizer could reduce 26.7%-45.9% chemical N fertilizer input, increase grain yield, chemical nitrogen use efficiency and income increases for winter rapeseed production, and achieve the goal of reducing chemical N input with increased efficiency.
Keywords:winter rapeseed;organic-inorganic fertilization;optimal chemical nitrogen rate;chemical nitrogen reduction potential;areas of the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River

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蒋倩红, 陆志峰, 赵海燕, 郭俊杰, 刘文波, 凌宁, 郭世伟. 长江中下游冬油菜产区有机无机肥配施下减氮增效潜力分析[J]. 中国农业科学, 2020, 53(14): 2907-2918 doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2020.14.014
JIANG QianHong, LU ZhiFeng, ZHAO HaiYan, GUO JunJie, LIU WenBo, LING Ning, GUO ShiWei. Potential Analysis of Reducing Chemical Nitrogen Inputs While Increasing Efficiency by Organic-Inorganic Fertilization in Winter Rapeseed Producing Areas of the Middle and Lower Reaches of the Yangtze River[J]. Scientia Acricultura Sinica, 2020, 53(14): 2907-2918 doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2020.14.014

0 引言

【研究意义】油菜是我国重要的粮油和能源作物,其产量的提高对于保障国家粮油安全至关重要。土壤氮素供应是限制油菜高产的主要因子之一[1],合理的化学氮肥投入对油菜稳产丰产发挥着不可忽视的作用。长江流域作为油菜的主产区,其种植面积占全国80%以上[2],然而该区域不合理施肥现象较为普遍,前人调查发现约30%的农户施肥过量[3]。过量施用氮肥无益于油菜增产,还会引发众多环境问题[4,5]。为积极响应国家化肥农药“双减”政策的要求[6],优化氮肥用量可实现油菜减氮增效的目标。不同区域油菜减氮潜力并不一致,就长江流域而言,在稳产前提下其下游地区化肥氮减量空间约为11%,中游和上游地区仅为8%和7%[3]。在现有生产管理措施下,部分区域依靠减施氮肥难以实现协同油菜减肥、增产和提效的目标[7,8],而有机无机配施作为一项有力的农业措施,能有效提高作物产量和化学氮肥利用效率。因此,构建有机无机配施技术模式可为长江中下游地区油菜增产增效提供理论依据。【前人研究进展】前人研究发现青海东部及甘肃天水两个春油菜产区,在保障产量的同时,施用有机肥可减少32%和8.1%的化肥氮用量[9,10]。而在长江中游湖南浏阳冬油菜产区,有机肥在稳产增产的前提下可替代化肥氮10%—30% [11],这些研究表明化肥氮的可替代比例在区域间存在较大差异。【本研究切入点】前人多数研究仅对单个地区油菜减肥潜力进行分析,忽视了不同区域气候、土壤特征等因素的影响。而本研究立足于长江中下游冬油菜主产区,针对不同地区气候特征、土壤肥力水平,综合探究有机肥投入对化肥氮减施的潜力,旨在形成一套具有区域特色的有机无机配施技术模式。【拟解决的关键问题】本研究分别在江苏高淳、湖南安仁、湖北沙洋、安徽休宁、安徽当涂四省(共5个地点)设立试验地,以冬油菜为研究对象,探究有机替代实现油菜减肥增效的可能性及区域适宜性,并确定不同地区在配施有机肥条件下的最佳化肥氮施用量,为建立以高产高效、环境友好为目标、有机无机配施为主要技术手段的区域施肥技术体系提供理论依据。

1 材料与方法

1.1 试验地点

试验于2018年在江苏省南京市高淳区、湖南省郴州市安仁县、湖北省荆州市沙洋县、安徽省黄山市休宁县、安徽省马鞍山市当涂县5个地点展开,各试验点生育期依次为227、192、213、223及219 d。各试验点土壤基础理化和气候特征如表1所示,各试验点前茬作物均为水稻(高淳点除外)。

Table 1
Table 1Soil physical and chemical properties and climate features of experiment sites
Accumulated temperature in growing period (℃)
Precipitation in growing period
Soil organic matter (g·kg-1)
Total nitrogen (g·kg-1)
Soil available phosphorus (mg·kg-1)
Soil available potassium (mg·kg-1)
Soil texture
31°19′10″ N, 119°07′54″ E
安仁 Anren
26°46′52″ N, 113°10′27″ E
21599685.129.81.527.350.2壤土 Loam
沙洋 Shayang
30°43′60″ N, 112°18′24″ E
休宁 Xiuning
29°37′23″ N, 118°11′59″ E
31°20′42″ N, 118°35′15″ E
22846447.砂土 Sandy


1.2 试验设计

本试验采用双因素设计,主因素为施用0和 2 250 kg·hm-2有机肥(施用有机肥用M表示),辅以设置6个氮水平,即化肥氮用量为0、90、 135、180、225、270 kg·hm-2 (分别用N0、N90、N135、N180、N225、N270表示),共12个处理,每个处理均设3次重复,随机区组排列,小区面积为50 m2

所有试验点氮肥和有机肥用量统一,其中氮肥按照60%基肥+20%提苗肥+20%越冬肥比例施用,有机肥、磷肥、钾肥和硼肥一次性基施。高淳试验点磷肥、钾肥用量分别为:90和105 kg·hm-2;安仁、休宁、当涂试验点磷肥和钾肥用量分别为:60和75 kg·hm-2;沙洋试验点磷肥、钾肥用量分别为:75和75 kg·hm-2。此外,各试验点硼肥用量均为9 kg·hm-2。试验所用氮肥为尿素(N 46%)、磷肥为过磷酸钙(P2O5 12%)、钾肥为氯化钾(K2O 60%)、硼肥为硼砂(B 10.8%)。5个试验点均采用直播的播种方式,播种量为6 kg·hm-2,播种期为各地直播油菜的最佳时期。

1.3 试验材料

试验所用有机肥均由安徽宁国司尔特有机肥厂提供(有机质34.6%、N 2.22%、P2O5 6.94%、K2O 2.11%);氮、磷及钾肥均由试验点当地肥料经销商提供。种植品种均为当地生产中推荐和适宜的油菜品种,其中高淳为宁油18,安仁为湘油420,沙洋、休宁和当涂为华油杂62R。

1.4 测定项目及方法

1.4.1 油菜籽粒收获 各试验点每个小区收割长势

均匀的10 m2植株,装入网袋待风干后脱粒,称重并计产。

1.4.2 数据处理及分析



Y=a + bx(x<joint)



1.4.3 参数计算[13]





1.4.4 数据统计

试验数据用Excel 2007进行数据处理,SPSS 16.0和R 3.3.1进行数据统计分析。用LSD法检验处理间的显著性差异(P<0.05)。

2 结果

2.1 有机肥与化学氮肥配施对籽粒产量的影响

长江中下游各试验点氮肥和有机肥施用后冬油菜的产量变化规律总体一致(图1,表2)。单施化肥处理下,油菜籽粒产量与化肥氮用量呈线性加平台关系。在单施化肥时,各试验点的最佳化肥氮用量分别为高淳205 kg·hm-2、安仁213 kg·hm-2、沙洋237 kg·hm-2、休宁258 kg·hm-2、当涂202 kg·hm-2,其对应的最高产量分别为2 486、1 754、2 159、3 369和3 024 kg·hm-2。在N0处理下,与休宁(1 292 kg·hm-2)和当涂(1 414 kg·hm-2)相比,高淳、安仁、沙洋试验点油菜籽粒产量较低,分别为123、112和85 kg·hm-2。与单施化肥处理相比,增施有机肥可提高各氮肥处理下油菜籽粒产量(7.7%—43.3%),其中以安仁试验点增产幅度最高,休宁试验点最低(图1,表2)。增施有机肥处理下达到最高产量时的氮肥用量分别为:高淳195 kg·hm-2、安仁199 kg·hm-2、沙洋195 kg·hm-2、休宁179 kg·hm-2、当涂185 kg·hm-2,其对应的最高产量依次为2 777、2 514、2 342、3 629和3 577 kg·hm-2



Fig. 1Effects of fertilization on rapeseed yield and evaluation on chemical N reduction potential

◇ Represents the highest yield and corresponding N application rate under the combination of manure and chemical fertilizer; △ Denotes the highest yield and corresponding N application rate in only application of chemical fertilizer; ☆ Indicates the N application rate when the rapeseed yield of combined treatment is same to the highest yield of only application of chemical fertilizer. Replacement ratio refers to the reduced ratio of nitrogen fertilizer according to on the purpose to achieve same yields. N: Only application of chemical fertilizer; M+N: Combination of manure and chemical fertilizer. The same as below

Table 2
Table 2Fitting expression of relationship between rapeseed yield and N application rate
处理 Treatment高淳 Gaochun安仁 Anren沙洋 Shayang休宁 Xiuning当涂 Dangtu
Ny=12x+142, x<205
y=2486, x≥205
y=8.0x+46, x<213
y=1754, x≥213
y=8.8x+78, x<237
y=2159, x≥237
y=8.6x+1421, x<258
y=3369, x≥258
y=8.2x +1366, x<202
y=3024, x≥202
M+Ny=7.0x+1452, x<195
y=2777, x≥195
y=10x+444, x<199
y=2514, x≥199
y=8.6x+659, x<195
y=2342, x≥195
y=9.7x+1887, x<179
y=3629, x≥179
y=7.3x+2223, x<185
y=3704, x≥185


2.2 化学氮肥减施潜力及其影响因子




Fig. 2The relationships between the basic soil physio-chemical parameters and the substitutable proportion of chemical N fertilizer by organic fertilizer

2.3 有机肥与化学氮肥配施对油菜化学氮肥利用率的影响

表3 所示,有机肥用量、化肥氮用量以及有机肥和氮肥交互作用均会影响油菜化学氮肥利用率。各试验点在单施化肥和增施有机肥处理下均表现为,随着施氮量增加,油菜化学氮肥偏生产力和农学效率呈下降趋势。等化肥氮用量下,增施有机肥能提升化学氮肥偏生产力和农学效率,高淳、安仁、沙洋、休宁和当涂5个试验点化学氮肥偏生产力分别增加31%、53%、33%、29%和24%,而化学氮肥农学效率依次提高36%、66%、26%、90%和50%,其中以安仁和休宁试验点效果较为显著。在同等化肥氮施用水平下,当化肥氮用量低于180 kg·hm-2时,增施有机肥处理下氮肥偏生产力和氮肥农学效率显著高于单施化肥处理(安仁点除外),且均以M+N90处理最高(沙洋点除外)。

Table 3
Table 3Effects of the fertilization regimes on chemical N use efficiency in rapeseed
氮肥偏生产力PFPN (kg·kg-1)氮肥农学效率AEN (kg·kg-1)
N9012.6±3.9 ab *7.2±1.0 bc **9.6±0.4 ab **19.0±0.4 a **21.3±3.4 a *11.2±3.9 ab *5.9±1.0 a **8.6±0.4 ab **4.7±0.4 c **7.6±0.3 bc *
N13513.7±1.4 a *9.4±2.4 a NS9.8±0.9 a *16.1±0.7 b **19.7±1.1 a *12.8±1.4 a *7.3±3.2 a NS9.1±0.9 a *6.5±0.7 b **9.2±1.1 a *
N18011.7±1.6 ab *8.7±0.4 ab **8.4±1.0 bc *16.6±0.2 b **15.5±1.1 b *11.0±1.6 ab *8.1±0.4 a **8.0±1.0 ab *9.4±0.2 a **7.7±1.1 ab *
N22511.0±0.5 ab NS8.3±0.3 ab **9.5±0.0 ab NS13.5±1.3 c *13.3±0.5 bc **10.5±0.5 ab NS7.8±0.3 a **9.1±0.0 a NS7.7±1.3 b *7.0±0.5 bc **
N2709.2±0.7 b NS6.1±0.3 c **8.0±0.1 c **12.5±0.9 c NS11.3±0.9 c NS8.8±0.7 b NS5.6±0.3 a **7.7±0.1 b **7.7±0.9 b NS6.1±0.9 c NS
M+N9022.9±0.7 a14.8±0.4 a16.0±0.4 a26.8±1.3 a29.6±3.6 a21.5±0.7 a13.5±0.4 a15.0±0.4 a15.5±1.7 a13.8±3.6 a
M+N13517.4±1.8 b10.7±0.0 b13.5±1.6 b24.7±0.6 b23.6±1.1 b16.5±1.8 b9.9±0.0 bc12.8±1.6 b15.1±0.6 a13.1±1.1 a
M+N18015.2±0.6 b14.6±0.1 a11.9±0.9 b20.5±1.2 c19.6±1.9 c14.3±0.4 c14.0±0.1 a11.4±0.9 bc13.3±1.2 ab11.8±1.9 ab
M+N22512.4±1.0 c11.2±0.4 b9.9±0.8 c16.3±0.7 d15.9±0.3 d11.8±1.0 c10.7±0.4 b9.5±0.8 c10.5±0.7 bc9.6±0.3 bc
M+N2709.6±0.9 c8.6±0.3 c9.1±0.3 c13.1±0.8 e13.3±0.8 d10.0±0.8 c8.9±1.2 c8.8±0.3 c8.3±0.8 c8.0±0.8 c
In the results of two-way ANOVA, N indicates nitrogen fertilizer gradients, M indicates manure dosages; Different lowercases after mean value indicate significant difference among treatments (P<0.05); Under the same nitrogen gradient,the symbols after the mean value indicates the significant difference between the two manure dosages, ** represents P<0.01, * represents P<0.05, NS represents P>0.05. The same as below


2.4 有机肥与化学氮肥配施对油菜产值及收益的影响

表4结果显示,有机肥用量、有机肥与氮肥交互作用均显著影响安仁和沙洋试验点油菜增收效益。与N0处理相比,安仁、休宁及当涂试验点均在M+N180处理下增收效益最多,依次为8 915、1 0358和6 569元/hm2,而高淳和沙洋试验点在N225处理下增收效益最多,分别为11 252和8 500元/hm2。因此,就考虑氮肥和有机肥的增收效益而言,安仁、休宁及当涂3个试验点推荐采取有机无机配施技术模式,而高淳和沙洋试验点推荐单施化肥技术模式。

Table 4
Table 4Evaluation of output increases and income increases by fertilizing under different fertilization treatment (yuan/hm2)
高淳 Gaochun安仁 Anren沙洋 Shayang休宁 Xiuning当涂 Dangtu
Increased production
Chemical N and manure cost
Labor cost Applying organic fertilizer
Income increase benefit
增加产值 Increased production氮肥和有机肥成本Chemical N and manure cost人工成本(施用有机肥)
Labor cost Applying organic fertilizer
Income increase benefit
增加产值 Increased production氮肥和有机肥成本Chemical N and manure cost人工成本(施用有机肥)
Labor cost Applying organic fertilizer
Income increase benefit
增加产值 Increased production
氮肥和有机肥成本Chemical N and manure cost人工成本(施用有机肥)
Labor cost Applying organic fertilizer
Income increase benefit
增加产值 Increased production氮肥和有机肥成本Chemical N and manure cost人工成本(施用有机肥)
Labor cost Applying organic fertilizer
Income increase benefit
Rapeseed prices at each site: Gaochun 5.24 yuan/kg, Anren 4.8 yuan/kg, Shayang 4.7 yuan/kg, Xiuning 5.6 yuan/kg, Dangtu 4.6 yuan/kg. Applying organic fertilizer: 4.2 labor·d-1·hm-2, labor costs at Gaochun, Anren, Shayang, Xiuning and Dangtu: 150, 120, 140, 100 and 120 yuan·labor-1·d-1, respectively. Fertilizer prices: Urea 2.25 yuan/kg, Superphosphate 0.70 yuan/kg, Potassium chloride 3.00 yuan/kg, Borax 15 yuan/kg, Organic fertilizer 0.80 yuan/kg
各试验点油菜籽售价:高淳 5.24 元/kg,安仁4.8元/kg ,沙洋 4.7元/kg ,休宁5.6元/kg,当涂4.6元/kg;施用有机肥:4.2人·hm-2·d-1,各试验点人工成本:高淳 150 元·人-1·d-1,安仁120元·人-1·d-1,沙洋 140元·人-1·d-1,休宁100元·人-1·d-1,当涂120元·人-1·d-1;肥料价格:尿素2.25元/kg,过磷酸钙0.70元/kg,氯化钾3.00元/kg,硼砂15元/kg,有机肥0.80元/kg


2.5 养分贡献模式图

化肥和有机肥对油菜籽粒产量的贡献可分为四部分,分别为土壤基础肥力贡献、单施有机肥贡献、单施化肥贡献和有机肥促效贡献,其对油菜籽粒产量的贡献分别为605、751、1917和439 kg·hm-2 图3)。各氮肥处理下,增施有机肥均能提高油菜籽粒产量,且在单施化肥处理达到最高产量时,增施有机肥可产生促效作用,进一步提高17.4%的作物产量。



Fig. 3Model of nutrient contribution to rapeseed yield

Each point in the figure is the average yield of rapeseed at five sites under different N rate

3 讨论

3.1 有机肥在油菜减肥增效中的作用

本研究综合考虑了化肥和有机肥对油菜籽粒产量的贡献。结果表明,在油菜生产中,有机肥与化学氮肥配施技术可实现化肥氮减施和增产促效的作用(图3)。据统计,我国油菜生产的氮肥平均用量为181 kg·hm-2,其中长江中游地区习惯施氮量与全国平均水平一致,而下游地区明显高于全国平均水平,为227 kg·hm-2 [7]。在配施2 250 kg·hm-2有机肥的条件下,投入109—174 kg·hm-2化肥氮即可达到各试验点单施化肥处理下的最高产量(图1),该氮肥投入量显著低于长江中下游流域的农民习惯用量[7],这可能是由于长期不合理的化肥施用破坏了该地区土壤结构并且降低了土壤对养分的固持能力[15],而有机肥投入不仅可以提供部分有效养分,还能活化土壤中难以溶解的氮磷钾养分,一定程度上提高了根际土壤养分[16],并能提升大团聚体的比例,改善土壤结构[17,18]。此外,前人研究表明有机肥施用能够改变土壤微生物区系特征,增加微生物多样性,增强土壤微生物-微生物之间的互作[19],进而促进作物生长,实现增产增效。


3.2 化肥氮减施潜力及区域间差异

本研究结果显示,增施有机肥可在稳产的基础上替代26.7%—45.9%的化肥氮,且不同地区减氮潜力不同,这可能是受到土壤地力条件的影响[28]。研究表明化肥氮的可替代比例与土壤有机质含量呈显著正相关(图2,P<0.05),土壤有机质是衡量土壤肥力的重要因子,有机质含量越高,说明土壤肥力越高[29]。总体来看,当涂、休宁和安仁试验点土壤有机质含量较高,其减氮空间较大,高淳和沙洋两个试验点基础土壤肥力低,其减氮空间较小(图1),这与张智等[30]的研究结果一致。高肥力土壤氮素持留和供应能力普遍高于低肥力土壤[31],施用有机肥后可产生激发效应促进土壤养分供应,显著提高微生物量及可溶性有机氮含量,以满足油菜后期生长的需求[32,33,34],因而具备更大的减氮空间。低肥力土壤形成的微生物群落功能相对较弱,在施用有机肥后因微生物的分解能力不足,土壤养分释放能力及活性氮量低于高肥力土壤[35],相应的其减氮空间较小。不同地区减氮潜力也会受到种植制度,气候条件等因素的影响[36,37],贺亚琴[38]指出有效积温是影响油菜生长的重要因素,当有效积温低于1 650℃时籽粒发育受抑制。此外,我国不同油菜产区在温度、降水和土壤性质等方面均有明显差异,因此其适宜的化肥氮用量不同[39,40,41]。本研究制定的有机无机配施技术对于长江中下游冬油菜主产区化肥氮减施具有一定的参考意义,然而不同地区的土壤肥力存在较大差异,应结合当地实际情况进行调整,进而为不同区域油菜施肥提供科学依据。

3.3 有机无机配施的发展前景

经济效益评估结果显示,不同地区产值、有机肥和氮肥成本以及氮肥与有机肥增加收益均存在较大差异。其中高淳和沙洋试验点在单施化肥(225 kg N·hm-2)时氮肥与有机肥增收收益最多,而安仁、休宁和当涂试验点在单施化肥(180 kg N·hm-2)基础上增施有机肥时氮肥与有机肥增收收益最多(表4),说明有机肥投入在以上3个试验点能得到较高的经济回报。造成这种区域间差异的原因一方面是由于不同地区施用有机肥的增产效果不同(图1),另一方面可能是区域间土壤养分和施肥状况不同,进而产生肥料成本上的差异[42]。同时在这项研究中,我们发现过量的氮肥投入无益于油菜的增产增效,反而会增加肥料成本并且减少收益(表4),这与前人在玉米[43]、小麦[44]、番茄[45]等作物上的研究结果一致,且研究指出长期不合理施用化肥会破坏土壤结构、降低农田生态系统的稳定性[46]。试验结果也表明,安仁、休宁及当涂3个试验点均在增施有机肥条件下获得最高产量,且此时氮肥与有机肥增加收益最多(图1,表4),说明有机替代在长江中下游部分区域增产增效作用显著,可同时兼顾产量和经济效益,具有良好的发展前景。

4 结论

在长江中下游部分冬油菜产区,增施有机肥对油菜具有增产增效作用。相比单施化肥,增施有机肥能够提高油菜产量,增产幅度为7.7%—43.3%。在配施2 250 kg·hm-2有机肥条件下,该地区可实现26.7%—45.9%化肥氮减施,同时达到与单施化肥相同的最高产量。此外,有机无机配施在不同区域对化肥氮的减施效果不同,土壤基础肥力越高,化肥氮可替代比例越高。综合考虑产量、经济效益,有机无机配施为长江中下游冬油菜产区的减肥增效的有效措施。



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DOI:10.1093/aob/mci091URLPMID:15701662 [本文引用: 1]
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Despite its high capacity to take up nitrate from the soil, winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus) is characterized by a very low N recovery in the reproductive tissues under field conditions. A significant part of the N taken up is lost to the soil in dead leaves during the growth cycle. An accurate description of N dynamics at the whole plant level in each compartment under field conditions should lead to a better understanding of N allocation in B. napus and improvements in the nitrogen harvest index. METHODS: An experiment was conducted in field conditions using sequential weekly 15N labelling to follow N uptake, partitioning and mobilization. Nitrogen labelling (2.5 kg N ha(-1); 10 % excess) was analysed weekly (from stem extension to harvest) to distinguish between uptake of new N (labelled) and mobilized N (unlabelled) in the different plant components. KEY RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: N requirements for seed filling were satisfied mainly by N mobilized from vegetative parts (about 73 % of the total N in pods). Determination of the endogenous N flow showed that there was net transfer of N to the pods by leaves (36 %), stem (34 %), inflorescences (22 %) and taproot (8 %). Precise study of N flow from leaves at different nodes revealed the existence of two main groups of leaves in terms of their apparent capacity to mobilize N; 30-60 % and 70-80 % of peak N content occurring during flowering and pod filling, respectively. Moreover, the latter group was found to be the main source of endogenous N from leaves. The mobilization of endogenous N from these leaves was prolonged and concomitant with N accumulation in the pods. A complex pattern of N mobilization from the leaves, to vegetative or reproductive tissues, was revealed. These results will be used to model N partitioning during the growth cycle.

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【Objective】 The objective of this study is to research the effect of different nitrogen (N) application rates on soil labile N pools transformations (soil mineral N-SMN; soil soluble N-SSON; soil microbial biomass N-SMBN) and N use efficiency in soils after application of N fertilizer at wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) booting stage. 【Method】 A pot experiment with 15N isotopic tracer technique was conducted to study the soil labile N pools and the effect of supply N in different fertilization managements for 37 years (poor soil-NF: no application of fertilizer; low fertility soil-LF: inorganic fertilizer; moderate fertility soil-MF: low rate of organic fertilizer with inorganic fertilizer; high fertility soil-HF: high rate of organic fertilizer with inorganic fertilizer) after application of three different application rates of N (N0: 0, N1: 135 kg·hm-2, N2: 180 kg·hm-2) in soil and their relationships. 【Result】 SMN and SSON were the highest in the N1 treatment and then decreased with the application rate of N, but SMBN performed opposite tendency with the application rate of N, they were firstly decreased and then increased, and the highest in the N2 treatment. In the same application rate of N, SMN and SSON generally decreased in the order: high fertility soil>moderate fertility soil>low fertility soil>poor soil, while SMBN generally decreased in the order: high fertility soil>moderate fertility soil>poor soil>low fertility soil (P<0.05). The increased amplitude of SMN, SSON and SMBN after addition of N into soils with different fertilities were the highest in the low fertility soil treatments, and were the lowest in the high fertility soil treatments. The soil N supply, NUE, N uptake by wheat and assimilated 15N-labeled fertilizer generally decreased in the order: high fertility soil>moderate fertility soil>low fertility soil>poor soil (P<0.05), respectively. The percentage of N from ammonium sulfate fertilizer by wheat to total N uptake by wheat generally decreased in the order: low fertility soil>moderate fertility soil>high fertility soil>poor soil (P<0.05). In the same soil fertility, the soil N supply, NUE, N uptake by wheat and assimilated 15N-labeled fertilizer were firstly decreased and then increased with the application rate of N, and were the highest in the N1 treatment (P<0.05), as a whole, N from ammonium sulfate fertilizer by wheat/total N uptake ratio averaged 44%; meanwhile, the loss of 15N-labeled fertilizer generally decreased in the order: poor soil>low fertility soil>moderate fertility soil>high fertility soil (P<0.05). Furthermore, significant positive relationships were found between soil labile N pools and the soil N supply, NUE, N uptake by wheat and assimilated 15N-labeled fertilizer (P<0.05). 【Conclusion】 In this experiment, appropriate application rate of N fertilizer (N3, 135 kg·hm-2) in high fertility soil is beneficial to soil labile N pools transformations and has a high ability to synchronize the relationship between soil N supply and N requirements of crops, and increased the NUE, decreased the loss of fertilizer, so it may be an effective strategy for maintaining long-term soil fertility.
YANG X Y, LIU X H, HAN X R. Effect of nitrogen application rates in different fertility soils on soil N transformations and N use efficiency under different fertilization managements
Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2016,49(13):2561-2571. (in Chinese)

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【Objective】 The objective of this study is to research the effect of different nitrogen (N) application rates on soil labile N pools transformations (soil mineral N-SMN; soil soluble N-SSON; soil microbial biomass N-SMBN) and N use efficiency in soils after application of N fertilizer at wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) booting stage. 【Method】 A pot experiment with 15N isotopic tracer technique was conducted to study the soil labile N pools and the effect of supply N in different fertilization managements for 37 years (poor soil-NF: no application of fertilizer; low fertility soil-LF: inorganic fertilizer; moderate fertility soil-MF: low rate of organic fertilizer with inorganic fertilizer; high fertility soil-HF: high rate of organic fertilizer with inorganic fertilizer) after application of three different application rates of N (N0: 0, N1: 135 kg·hm-2, N2: 180 kg·hm-2) in soil and their relationships. 【Result】 SMN and SSON were the highest in the N1 treatment and then decreased with the application rate of N, but SMBN performed opposite tendency with the application rate of N, they were firstly decreased and then increased, and the highest in the N2 treatment. In the same application rate of N, SMN and SSON generally decreased in the order: high fertility soil>moderate fertility soil>low fertility soil>poor soil, while SMBN generally decreased in the order: high fertility soil>moderate fertility soil>poor soil>low fertility soil (P<0.05). The increased amplitude of SMN, SSON and SMBN after addition of N into soils with different fertilities were the highest in the low fertility soil treatments, and were the lowest in the high fertility soil treatments. The soil N supply, NUE, N uptake by wheat and assimilated 15N-labeled fertilizer generally decreased in the order: high fertility soil>moderate fertility soil>low fertility soil>poor soil (P<0.05), respectively. The percentage of N from ammonium sulfate fertilizer by wheat to total N uptake by wheat generally decreased in the order: low fertility soil>moderate fertility soil>high fertility soil>poor soil (P<0.05). In the same soil fertility, the soil N supply, NUE, N uptake by wheat and assimilated 15N-labeled fertilizer were firstly decreased and then increased with the application rate of N, and were the highest in the N1 treatment (P<0.05), as a whole, N from ammonium sulfate fertilizer by wheat/total N uptake ratio averaged 44%; meanwhile, the loss of 15N-labeled fertilizer generally decreased in the order: poor soil>low fertility soil>moderate fertility soil>high fertility soil (P<0.05). Furthermore, significant positive relationships were found between soil labile N pools and the soil N supply, NUE, N uptake by wheat and assimilated 15N-labeled fertilizer (P<0.05). 【Conclusion】 In this experiment, appropriate application rate of N fertilizer (N3, 135 kg·hm-2) in high fertility soil is beneficial to soil labile N pools transformations and has a high ability to synchronize the relationship between soil N supply and N requirements of crops, and increased the NUE, decreased the loss of fertilizer, so it may be an effective strategy for maintaining long-term soil fertility.

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