

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-26

刘基伟1, 张相伦2, 李旭1, 王蕾1, 秦立红1, 班志斌1, 吴健1, 张国梁,1, 万发春,21 吉林省农业科学院畜牧所,吉林公主岭 136100;
2 山东省农业科学院畜牧兽医研究所/山东省畜禽疫病防治与繁育重点实验室,济南 250100

Effects of Dietary Energy Levels on Metabolism and Serum Parameters of Steppe Red Cattle

LIU JiWei1, ZHANG XiangLun2, LI Xu1, WANG Lei1, QIN LiHong1, BAN ZhiBin1, WU Jian1, ZHANG GuoLiang,1, WAN FaChun,21 Institute of Animal Husbandry, Jilin Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Gongzhuling 136100, Jilin;
2 Institute of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine, Shandong Academy of Agricultural Sciences/Shandong Key Laboratory of Animal Disease Control and Breeding, Jinan 250100

通讯作者: 张国梁,E-mail:zgl7777777@163.com 万发春,E-mail:wanfc@sina.com

责任编辑: 林鉴非

作者简介 About authors


【目的】探讨饲粮不同能量水平对草原红牛气体代谢、养分消化代谢及血清指标的影响,以期为草原红牛饲养标准的制订和高效饲养提供参考依据。【方法】选用12头体重相近(365.08±2.76)kg、健康的草原红牛公牛,随机分为3组,分别饲喂增重净能为5.65(低能组)、6.05(中能组)和6.43 MJ·kg-1(高能组)的饲粮。试验期20 d,其中,预试期18 d,正试期2 d。正试期利用“大型动物开放回流式呼吸测热装置”开展呼吸测热试验,采用全收粪尿法开展消化代谢试验,试验结束前颈静脉采集血液样本分离血清,测定血清生化指标。【结果】高能组甲烷产生量、甲烷产生量占干物质采食量比例、氧气消耗量及产热量显著高于其他组,二氧化碳产生量显著高于中能组(P<0.05),且各项指标均随饲粮能量水平升高而线性升高(P<0.05)。能量代谢参数分析表明,各组消化能采食量、代谢能采食量、总能消化率、总能代谢率、粪能排泄量和尿能排泄量等指标均无显著差异(P>0.05),但高能组甲烷能排放量、甲烷能占总能比值显著高于其他组(P<0.05),且随饲粮能量水平的升高而线性升高(P<0.05)。饲粮能量水平对草原红牛氮代谢的各项指标均无显著影响(P>0.05)。饲粮能量水平对干物质、有机物、粗脂肪、中性洗涤纤维和酸性洗涤纤维的表观消化率均无显著影响(P>0.05),但干物质和有机物的表观消化率有随饲粮能量水平升高而升高的趋势(P=0.059)。高能组血清总甘油三酯水平显著高于其他两组(P<0.05),血清尿素氮显著低于其他两组(P<0.05),且均随饲粮能量水平升高呈线性变化(P<0.05)。其他各组间血清指标无显著差异(P>0.05)。【结论】适宜提高饲粮能量水平可提高草原红牛的养分利用率,但能量供给过高时会以甲烷能形式损失。综合来看以中能组效果最佳,推荐350 kg草原红牛适宜消化能和消化蛋白日供给量分别为128.12 MJ·d-1、749.50 g·d-1,代谢能和沉积蛋白日供给量分别为121.78 MJ·d-1、678.75 g·d-1,净能日供给量为55.96 MJ·d-1
关键词: 草原红牛;能量;气体代谢;养分利用;血清指标

【Objective】 This study was carried out to investigate the effects of dietary energy levels on gas metabolism, nutrient digestion and serum parameter of Steppe Red cattle. 【Method】 A total of twelve healthy Steppe Red cattle with body weight of 365.08±2.76 kg were randomly allocated into three groups. Each group was subject to one of the following 3 diets: 5.65, 6.05, and 6.43 MJ·kg-1 of net energy for gain, defining as LE, ME and HE, respectively. Experimental period was 20 days with 18 days of adaptive phase and 2 days of testing phase, respectively. Equipment of macrofauna open-type with respiration and calorimetric function was used for respiratory calorimetry trial and digestive and metabolic trial during testing phase. Blood samples were collected from jugular vein of Steppe Red cattle to isolate serum, and serum biochemical parameters were detected. 【Result】 Data showed that methane output, methane output as a proportion of dry matter intake, oxygen consumption, and heat production in HE group were higher than those of other groups, while carbon dioxide output in HE group was higher than that of ME group (P<0.05), and all the indices above increased linearly with the increase of dietary energy (P<0.05). Analysis of energy metabolism parameters showed that digestible energy intake, metabolic energy intake, gross energy digestibility, gross energy metabolic rate, fecal energy output and urine energy output were not affected by dietary treatments (P>0.05). Methane energy output and methane energy output as a proportion of gross energy in HE group were higher than other groups (P<0.05), and the two indices increased linearly as dietary energy level increased (P<0.05). Nitrogen metabolism indices did not differ among groups (P>0.05). Apparent digestibility of dry matter, organic matter, ether extract, neutral detergent fiber and acid detergent fiber were not affected by dietary energy level (P>0.05), whereas dry matter and organic matter apparent digestibility increased linearly with the increase of dietary energy (P=0.059). HE group exhibited increased serum total triglyceride and decreased urea nitrogen (P<0.05), and both indices were linearly changed as dietary energy level increased (P<0.05). Other serum parameters were not affected (P>0.05). 【Conclusion】 Overall, increasing dietary energy level could enhance nutrient utilization, whereas energy would lose in the form of methane energy when dietary energy level was too high. In general, medium energy group achieved the best energy utilization, and the appropriate supply quantity of the digestible energy and protein for 350 kg Steppe Red cattle were 128.12 MJ·d-1 and 749.50 g·d-1, respectively; the metabolic energy and protein were 121.78 MJ·d-1 were 678.75 g·d-1, respectively; the net energy for gain was 55.96 MJ·d-1.
Keywords:Steppe Red cattle;energy;gas metabolism;nutrient utilization;serum parameter

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刘基伟, 张相伦, 李旭, 王蕾, 秦立红, 班志斌, 吴健, 张国梁, 万发春. 饲粮能量水平对草原红牛代谢及血清指标的影响[J]. 中国农业科学, 2020, 53(12): 2502-2511 doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2020.12.016
LIU JiWei, ZHANG XiangLun, LI Xu, WANG Lei, QIN LiHong, BAN ZhiBin, WU Jian, ZHANG GuoLiang, WAN FaChun. Effects of Dietary Energy Levels on Metabolism and Serum Parameters of Steppe Red Cattle[J]. Scientia Acricultura Sinica, 2020, 53(12): 2502-2511 doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2020.12.016

0 引言

【研究意义】草原红牛是我国自主培育而成的乳肉兼用型的优良品种,具有生长性能高、适应北方寒冷地区气候、耐粗饲、抗逆性强、遗传力稳定等优良特性,是我国东北地区肉牛带的主要品种[1]。近几年,国内专家****围绕草原红牛的种质资源开发、良种扩繁、分子育种改良等方面开展了大量实验性研究[2,3],主要从遗传育种与繁殖领域挖掘了其品种特性。而从动物营养学角度开展的草原红牛营养需要及调控方面的研究还较缺乏,严重限制了其推广利用。明确营养需要是动物发挥最佳生产性能的前提,由于缺乏系统研究,草原红牛的科学饲养尚无标准可依。因此,开展草原红牛养分消化代谢规律及营养需要的研究具有重要意义。【前人研究进展】饲粮能量是动物生长的第一限制性因素,其对动物采食、饲料养分的消化吸收、机体新陈代谢等方面具有重要的调节作用[4,5]。陈艳等[6]发现,适当提高饲粮能量水平可显著改善秦川牛的生产性能,提高能量利用效率,但能量过高时则带来不利影响。柏峻等[7]研究表明,提高饲粮能量水平有助于降低锦江黄牛的料重比,提高饲料营养物质的利用率。LI等[8]报道,饲粮能量水平虽然对湘西黄牛生产性能无显著影响,但可提高产肉性能,改善肌肉品质。可见,适宜的饲粮能量水平对于促进动物生长、提高营养物质消化利用、改善胴体品质等方面具有重要作用。【本研究切入点】目前,关于饲粮能量因素在草原红牛上的相关研究较少,仅李旭等[9]初步探讨了不同营养水平饲粮对其生产性能和屠宰性能的影响,且各组能量水平未明确标明,对于草原红牛养分消化代谢规律方面的研究尚未见报道。【拟解决的关键问题】基于此,本研究以体重为350 kg左右的草原红牛为对象,系统探讨了饲粮能量水平对草原红牛气体代谢、养分消化代谢及血清指标的影响,通过汇总分析得出饲粮能量适宜供给量,以期为草原红牛饲养标准的制订和高效饲养提供参考依据。

1 材料与方法

1.1 试验动物与设计

选用12头体重相近(365.08±2.76)kg、膘情相似、健康的草原红牛公牛,随机分为3个处理,每组4头。试验采用单因子试验设计,各处理组分别饲喂3种不同能量水平的饲粮,分别记为低能组(LE)、中能组(ME)和高能组(HE)。试验组饲粮精粗比为4:6,精饲料组成及营养成分见表1,粗料全部为羊草。试验日粮参考《肉牛饲养标准》NY/T 815-2004[10],并结合生产实际进行配制,低能组、中能组和高能组的增重净能分别为5.65、6.05和6.43 MJ·kg-1。试验期14 d,包括预试期12 d,正试期2 d,试验在吉林省农业科学院畜牧所试验牛场进行,于2018年11月份开展。

Table 1
Table 1Composition and nutrient levels of concentrates (air-dry basis, %)
饲料组成 Composition
大豆粕Soybean meal8.08.08.0
玉米干酒糟及其可溶物Corn DDGS8.08.08.0
米糠粕Rice bran meal6.0
玉米皮Corn bran7.87.87.3
大豆油Soybean oil1.0
预混料1 Premix4.04.04.0
营养水平Nutrient levels2
1The premix provided the following per kg of concentrate: VA 3000 IU, VD3750 IU, VE 20 mg, Mn 30 mg, Zn 100 mg, Fe 32mg, Cu 30mg, Se 0.8 mg, I 1.2 mg, Co 0.5 mg; 2 The NEg value was calculated according to the dietary ratios of different feedstuffs based on the NEg data in tables of feed composition and nutritive values in China (2017 twenty-eighth edition), and other nutrient levels were measured
1预混料为每千克精饲料提供:VA 3000 IU, VD3750 IU, VE 20mg, 锰30 mg, 锌100 mg, 铁32 mg, 铜30 mg, 硒0.8 mg, 碘1.2 mg, 钴0.5 mg;2增重净能以中国饲料成分及营养价值表(2017年第28版)[11]中不同饲料原料的肉牛增重净能数据为依据,按照原料配比进行计算,其余指标为实测值


1.2 试验方法及饲养管理


正式期间,利用吉林省农业科学院自主研制的“大型动物开放回流式呼吸测热装置”进行呼吸代谢试验[12],该套装置采用“开放式”气体通路,室内环境温度可控,自动化和精度高。测定期间每隔3min,系统自动检测并记录呼吸代谢室气体及外界大气的气体变化,连续记录2d。正式期间,同时采用全收粪尿法收集每头牛每天的粪便和尿液,连续收集2d,开仓收集粪尿的时间为每日气体数据采集完成时。每天采集的粪便全部称重并作好记录,充分混合均匀后分成2份,1份制备风干样本待测,1份用10%硫酸固氮后,用于定氮的检测。每天排泄的尿液全部收集后,用量筒准确记录,用6层纱布过滤后,量取每头牛每天尿样的10%置于干净塑料瓶中,加入10%的硫酸,密封置于-20℃待测。试验结束前每头牛颈静脉采集血样10 mL,4℃条件下3 000×g离心15 min,分离血清保存于-20℃待测。

1.3 测定指标及计算方式

1.3.1 养分表观消化率 按照《饲料分析及饲料质量检测技术》[13]测定饲料、粪便样本的干物质(DM)、有机物(OM)、粗脂肪(EE)、中性洗涤纤维(NDF)、酸性洗涤纤维(ADF),计算养分表观利用率。


1.3.2 气体代谢及产热量 利用呼吸代谢室检测每头牛的氧气消耗量、二氧化碳产生量、甲烷产生量等,并计算呼吸熵、产热量。

呼吸熵 = 二氧化碳产生量/氧气消耗量

产热量(kJ)[14] = 16.175 × 氧气消耗量+ 5.021 ×二氧化碳产生量-2.167 ×甲烷产生量-5.987 ×尿氮排出量

1.3.3 能量及氮代谢参数 利用氧弹式测热仪(C2000,IKA)测定饲料、粪便、尿样的总能值,根据甲烷产量计算甲烷能值,计算能量代谢相关参数。









利用凯氏定氮法(Kjeltec 8400,FOSS)测定饲料、粪便、尿样的氮,计算氮代谢相关参数。








1.3.4 血清生化指标 利用试剂盒检测血清葡萄糖(Glu)、总甘油三酯(TG)、总胆固醇(TC)、总蛋白(TP)、尿素氮(UN)(南京建成生物工程研究所)。

1.4 数据统计

数据经Excel 2007初步整理后,采用SPSS 20.0软件中的单因子方差分析(One-way ANOVA)进行统计分析,多重比较采用Tukey法进行,采用多项式比较分析一次线性效应,结果以平均值和平均值标准误(SEM)表示,P<0.05为差异显著,0.05<P<0.1表示有变化趋势。

2 结果

2.1 饲粮能量水平对草原红牛气体代谢的影响


Table 2
Table 2Effects of dietary energy levels on gas metabolism of Steppe Red cattle
SEMPP value
甲烷产生量CH4 production (L·d-1)173.75b159.75b257.75a16.960.0180.019
CH4 output as a proportion of DMI (L·kg-1)
氧气消耗量O2 consumption (L·d-1)3564.5b3215.8b4606.2a198.600.0010.002
二氧化碳产生量CO2 output (L·d-1)3243.8ab2826.5b4105.8a190.500.0040.013
呼吸熵Respiratory quotient0.900.880.890.010.0900.102
产热量Heat production (MJ·d-1)73.50b65.80b94.50a3.91<0.001<0.001
Values within same row with no letter or the same letter superscripts mean no significant difference (P>0.05), while with different letter superscripts mean significant difference (P<0.05). The same as below


2.2 饲粮能量水平对草原红牛能量代谢参数的影响

表3结果表明,各组动物消化能采食量(P= 0.053)、总能消化率(P=0.069)随饲粮能量水平升高呈线性升高,各组间代谢能采食量、总能代谢率无显著差异(P>0.05)。随着饲粮能量的升高,草原红牛的甲烷能排放量、甲烷能占总能比值均呈线性升高,以高能组最高(P=0.018)。饲粮能量水平对粪能和尿能的排泄量均无显著影响(P>0.05),但粪能排泄量有线性降低趋势(P=0.076)。

Table 3
Table 3Effects of dietary energy levels on energy metabolism of Steppe Red cattle
SEMPP value
消化能采食量GEI (MJ·d-1)124.63128.12132.351.600.1390.053
代谢能采食量MEI (MJ·d-1)117.73121.78122.141.430.4140.240
总能消化率GE digestibility (%)73.0774.9477.250.910.1740.069
总能代谢率GE metabolic rate (%)69.0271.2371.290.820.4810.299
甲烷能排放量CH4-EE/ (MJ·d-1)6.86b6.32b10.19a0.670.0180.018
甲烷能占总能比值 CH4/GE(%)4.03b3.70b5.95a0.390.0180.020
粪能排泄量FEE (MJ·d-1)45.9242.8638.981.540.1890.076
尿能排泄量UEE (kJ·d-1)33.5926.4228.162.380.4830.386


2.3 饲粮能量水平对草原红牛氮代谢参数的影响


Table 4
Table 4Effects of dietary energy levels on nitrogen metabolism indexes of Steppe Red cattle
SEMPP value
粪氮排泄量FNE (g·d-1)53.3154.9748.491.880.3780.319
尿氮排泄量UNE (g·d-1)11.0011.3311.020.240.8540.970
消化氮Digestible N(g·d-1)119.90119.92122.601.730.7980.569
沉积氮Retained N (g·d-1)108.90108.60111.581.710.7720.566
氮表观消化率N digestibility (%)69.2268.5771.661.050.4950.381
氮表观代谢率N metabolic rate (%)62.8862.0965.221.040.4850.390


2.4 饲粮能量水平对草原红牛养分表观消化率的影响

表5结果表明,饲粮能量水平对草原红牛干物质、有机物、粗脂肪、中性洗涤纤维和酸性洗涤纤维的表观利用率均无显著影响(P>0.05),但干物质(P= 0.059)和有机物(P=0.059)表观消化率有随饲粮能量水平升高而线性升高的趋势。

Table 5
Table 5Effects of dietary levels on apparent nutrient digestibility of Steppe Red cattle (%)
SEMPP value


2.5 饲粮能量水平对草原红牛血清生化指标的影响


Table 6
Table 6Effects of dietary energy levels on serum parameters of Steppe Red cattle
SEMPP value
葡萄糖 Glu (mmol·L-1)3.263.653.140.300.8030.887
总甘油三酯 TG (mmol·L-1)0.10b0.10b0.15a0.010.0270.016
总胆固醇 TC(mmol·L-1)1.992.231.890.130.6060.771
总蛋白 TP (g·L-1)47.6049.7149.750.910.5840.644
尿素氮 UN (mmol·L-1)4.34a4.16a3.53b0.130.0070.003


3 讨论

3.1 高能饲粮可以提高草原红牛气体代谢及产热量

反刍动物的气体代谢中,甲烷反映了瘤胃的发酵活动,而氧气和二氧化碳则说明了机体生命代谢状况[15]。研究人员对甲烷产量与饲料能量含量的关系进行了大量的研究,但没有取得一致的结果。马媚[16]报道,荷斯坦奶牛的甲烷产量随饲粮能量水平的升高逐渐升高,而崔安[17]却发现,低能组秦川牛的甲烷产量高于中能组和高能组,其原因与饲粮精粗比提高、纤维含量降低有关。高精粗比的饲粮使得瘤胃乙酸产量降低,丙酸升高,而乙酸与甲烷的排放成正相关。本研究发现,随着饲粮能量水平的提高,甲烷产生量、氧气消耗量和二氧化碳产生量在数值上呈先降低后升高的趋势,由于各组饲粮的精粗比一致,因此甲烷产生量的高低主要受饲粮成分和营养水平影响。与低能组相比,中能组饲粮中玉米添加比例升高,而高含量的淀粉可降低甲烷的产生[18],因此中能组甲烷排放量略微降低。高能组除玉米含量高于低能组外,还额外添加了1%的大豆油。添加油脂对甲烷产生的影响结果也不一致,有报道表明饲料添加油脂会降低反刍动物甲烷的产生量,本研究结果与其不一致,但其油脂的添加剂量高达50 g·kg-1 DM以上[19,20],本研究仅为4.3 g·kg-1 DM。孙玲玲等[21]研究发现饲粮添加少量的硬核油可提高瘤胃乙酸含量,有可能促进甲烷产生,与本研究预期结果类似。本研究提高饲粮能量水平增加了草原红牛的氧气消耗量和二氧化碳产生量,导致产热量的增加,与马媚[16]的研究结果一致,原因可能是高能量的摄入提高了动物机体的代谢水平[22]

3.2 提高饲粮能量水平可影响草原红牛能量及氮代谢参数

能量和氮代谢均与日粮能量水平密切相关,在适宜的饲养水平范围内,随着饲粮能量水平的提高,饲料有效能量用于维持部分相对减少,用于生产的净效率增加,因此其消化能和代谢能值均增加[5]。本研究提高饲粮能量水平显著增加了甲烷能的排放量,但不影响草原红牛的粪能和尿能的排泄量。由于饲粮能量水平增加提高了甲烷的产生量,进而使甲烷能的排放量显著增加。粪能是饲料能量中损失最大的部分,其排泄量受动物种类、年龄和饲料类型影响;尿能主要来源于机体的蛋白质代谢产物(尿氮)[5]。刘道杨等[23]发现饲粮能量水平对11—12月龄夏南牛(275.57 kg)的粪能和尿能排泄量均无显著差异。但陈艳等[6]报道,秦川牛(336.33 kg)的粪能排泄量随饲粮能量水平的提高呈先增加后降低的变化趋势,但尿能排泄量不受影响。造成上述结果差异的原因与饲粮能量水平差异、动物品种和所处的生理阶段不同有关。本研究发现,各组消化能和代谢能采食量、总能的消化率和代谢率等指标虽然差异不显著,但数值上均随饲粮能量水平提高而升高,其中高能组的总能消化率和代谢率达71.66%和65.22%,这与崔秋佳等[24,25]研究结果类似。

反刍动物蛋白质利用效率受动物生理阶段、日粮组成、饲料蛋白质品质等各方面的影响[5, 26-27]。穆阿丽等[28]报道,提高饲粮能量水平可从数值上提高4—6月龄利木赞×鲁西黄牛杂交牛(105.32 kg)的氮沉积率,但差异不显著。但张蓉[29]报道,饲粮能量对新生犊牛的养分表观消化率均具有显著影响,适宜能量水平可显著提高氮的表观消化率。本研究表明,饲粮能量水平对草原红牛的粪氮、尿氮排出量均无显著影响,各组间可消化氮、沉积氮、氮的表观消化率和代谢率等虽有增加的趋势,但差异不显著,与穆阿丽等[28]的研究结果一致。

3.3 饲粮能量水平对草原红牛养分表观消化率的影响不显著

养分消化率是反映饲粮组成能否满足动物生长需要及营养配比是否均衡的重要指标,饲粮能量水平是影响消化率的重要因素之一。崔祥[30]报道,随着饲粮能量水平的提高,180日龄断奶犊牛干物质表观消化率呈先升高后降低的变化趋势,中性洗涤纤维和酸性洗涤纤维的消化率逐渐升高,但对有机物和粗脂肪消化率无显著影响。曾书秦[31]研究表明,7—10月龄荷斯坦育成牛的干物质、有机物和粗脂肪的表观消化率随饲粮能量水平提高而提高,但酸性洗涤纤维的消化率降低。柏峻等[7]研究了饲粮能量水平对锦江黄牛(301 kg)的影响,发现各组间养分消化率也无显著差异,但随能量水平升高呈增加趋势。上述研究结果表明,适当提高饲粮能量水平有利于提高饲料养分消化率,但当超过一定水平后,消化率开始降低。适宜能量水平的日粮可能会促进瘤胃微生物区系的优化和新陈代谢,提高饲料利用率[26],但过高能量的饲料可能会导致消化底物和酶分泌量的不均衡,导致消化率降低[7]。本研究发现饲粮能量水平对各养分的表观消化率均无显著影响,但数值上随饲粮能量水平的升高逐渐升高,与上述研究报道类似。

3.4 饲粮能量水平可影响草原红牛部分血清生化指标


4 结论

本试验条件下,提高饲粮能量水平提高了草原红牛的甲烷产量及甲烷能排放量,增加了氧气消耗量和二氧化碳产量,增加了产热量;提高饲粮能量水平有提高草原红牛能量和各养分表观消化率的趋势。综合各项指标以中能组最佳,推荐350 kg的草原红牛消化能和消化蛋白日供给量分别为128.12 MJ·d-1、749.50 g·d-1,代谢能和沉积蛋白日供给量分别为121.78 MJ·d-1和678.75 g·d-1,增重净能日供给量为55.96 MJ·d-1

参考文献 原文顺序

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为研究肌肉生长抑制素(myostatin,MSTN)基因对中国地方黄牛品种产肉性能的影响,本试验以吉林省2个地方黄牛品种(草原红牛、延边黄牛)为研究对象,以4个二元杂交黄牛群体(德国黄牛×西门塔尔、利木赞×西门塔尔、夏洛莱×西门塔尔、红安格斯×西门塔尔)为参照,采用限制性片段长度多态性聚合酶链式反应(PCR-RFLP)技术对MSTN基因的多态性进行分型,并将其与草原红牛屠宰性状进行关联分析。测序结果发现,在MSTN基因外显子3上没有发现突变位点,而3'-UTR区发现了C5357A突变,导致了自然酶切位点AclⅠ基因的消失;6个群体皆表现多态性,形成A和C 2个等位基因和AA、CA、CC 3种基因型;4个二元杂交群体的AA基因型频率明显高于2个地方群体,且等位基因A为优势等位基因;CA、CC和AA基因型频率在二元杂交群体间和地方群体间的频率分布变异不大,等位基因C在地方群体间的基因频率明显高于等位基因A,为地方群体的优势等位基因。将草原红牛不同基因型与部分屠宰性能进行关联分析,结果表明AA基因型个体的净肉率和眼肌面积显著高于CA和CC基因型个体(P<0.05),但其他的屠宰性能在3种基因型上无显著差异(P>0.05)。上述结果可为今后草原红牛在产肉性能上的分子育种研究提供参考。
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为研究肌肉生长抑制素(myostatin,MSTN)基因对中国地方黄牛品种产肉性能的影响,本试验以吉林省2个地方黄牛品种(草原红牛、延边黄牛)为研究对象,以4个二元杂交黄牛群体(德国黄牛×西门塔尔、利木赞×西门塔尔、夏洛莱×西门塔尔、红安格斯×西门塔尔)为参照,采用限制性片段长度多态性聚合酶链式反应(PCR-RFLP)技术对MSTN基因的多态性进行分型,并将其与草原红牛屠宰性状进行关联分析。测序结果发现,在MSTN基因外显子3上没有发现突变位点,而3'-UTR区发现了C5357A突变,导致了自然酶切位点AclⅠ基因的消失;6个群体皆表现多态性,形成A和C 2个等位基因和AA、CA、CC 3种基因型;4个二元杂交群体的AA基因型频率明显高于2个地方群体,且等位基因A为优势等位基因;CA、CC和AA基因型频率在二元杂交群体间和地方群体间的频率分布变异不大,等位基因C在地方群体间的基因频率明显高于等位基因A,为地方群体的优势等位基因。将草原红牛不同基因型与部分屠宰性能进行关联分析,结果表明AA基因型个体的净肉率和眼肌面积显著高于CA和CC基因型个体(P<0.05),但其他的屠宰性能在3种基因型上无显著差异(P>0.05)。上述结果可为今后草原红牛在产肉性能上的分子育种研究提供参考。

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Forty cows and twenty heifers were used to study the effects of dietary energy density during late gestation and early lactation on lactation performance and ruminal parameters. A 2 × 2 factorial arrangement of treatments was used. During prepartum (−28 d to calving), animals were fed a low energy density diet [DL; 1.58 Mcal of net energy for lactation (NEL)/kg, 40% neutral detergent fiber (NDF) and 38% nonfiber carbohydrate (NFC)] or a high energy diet (DH; 1.70 Mcal NEL /kg, 32% NDF and 44% NFC). After calving, half of the cows from each prepartum treatment group were assigned to a low energy density diet (L; 1.57 Mcal NEL /kg, 30% NDF and 41% NFC) or a high energy density diet (H; 1.63 Mcal NEL /kg, 25% NDF and 47% NFC) until d 20 postpartum. After d 20, all cows were fed H until d 70. Animals fed DH had 19.8% greater dry matter intake (DMI; % of body weight) and 21.5% greater energy intake than animals fed DL prepartum and the response was greater for cows compared to heifers. Animals fed DH had lower ruminal pH compared to animals fed DL, but no major changes in volatile fatty acid concentrations were observed. Effects of dietary energy density during prepartum on postpartum production responses were dependent on parity. Primiparous cows fed DL had higher 3.5% fat-corrected milk yield and milk fat production and percentage during the first 10 wk of lactation than those fed DH. Prepartum diet did not affect lactation performance of multiparous cows. Cows fed H had higher DMI and energy intake for the first 20 d of lactation compared to cows fed L. Diets did not affect DMI after the third wk of lactation. Milk production increased faster for cows fed H compared to cows fed L. Animals fed DL-L sequence of treatments tended to have the lowest energy intake during the first 10 wk of lactation. Prepartum treatments did not affect ruminal fermentation characteristics postpartum. Cows fed H had lower ruminal pH and higher propionate concentrations than cows fed L. No prepartum × postpartum interactions were observed for ruminal fermentation parameters. The effects of DH on prepartum DMI did not carry over to the postpartum period or influence early postpartum production. Increasing concentrate content of the diet immediately postpartum instead of delaying the increase until d 21 postpartum is associated with a higher rate of increase in milk production and higher DMI.

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The aim of the study was to compare the effect of fiber- or starch-rich diets based on grass silage, supplemented or not with bicarbonate, on CH4 emissions and milk fatty acid (FA) profile in dairy cows. The experiment was conducted as a 4 x 4 Latin square design with a 2 x 2 factorial arrangement: carbohydrate type [starch- or fiber-rich diets with dietary starch level of 23.1 and 5.9% on a dry matter basis, respectively], without or with bicarbonate addition [0 and 1% of the dry matter intake, respectively]. Four multiparous lactating Holstein cows were fed 4 diets with 42% grass silage, 8% hay, and 50% concentrate in 4 consecutive 4-wk periods: (1) starch-rich diet, (2) starch-rich diet with bicarbonate, (3) fiber-rich diet, and (4) fiber-rich diet with bicarbonate. Intake and milk production were measured daily and milk composition was measured weekly; CH4 emission and total-tract digestibility were measured simultaneously (5 d, wk 4) when animals were in open-circuit respiration chambers. Sensors continuously monitored rumen pH (3 d, wk 4), and fermentation parameters were analyzed from rumen fluid samples taken before feeding (1 d, wk 3). Cows fed starch-rich diets had less CH4 emissions (on average, -18% in g/d; -15% in g/kg of dry matter intake; -19% in g/kg of milk) compared with fiber-rich diets. Carbohydrate type did not affect digestion of nutrients, except starch, which increased with starch-rich diets. The decrease in rumen protozoa number (-36%) and the shift in rumen fermentation toward propionate at the expense of butyrate for cows fed the starch-rich diets may be the main factor in reducing CH4 emissions. Milk of cows fed starch-rich diets had lower concentrations in trans-11 C18:1, sum of cis-C18, cis-9,trans-11 conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), and sum of CLA, along with greater concentration of some minor isomers of CLA and saturated FA in comparison to the fiber-rich diet. Bicarbonate addition did not influence CH4 emissions or nutrient digestibility regardless of the carbohydrate type in the diet. Rumen pH increased with bicarbonate addition, whereas other rumen parameters and milk FA composition were almost comparable between diets. Feeding dairy cows a starch-rich diet based on grass silage helps to limit the negative environmental effect of ruminants, but does not lead to greater milk nutritional value because milk saturated FA content is increased.

LOVETT D, LOVELL S, STACK L, CALLAN J, FINLAY M, CONOLLY J, O'MARA F P. Effect of forage/concentrate ratio and dietary coconut oil level on methane output and performance of finishing beef heifers
Livestock Production Science, 2003,84(2):135-146.

DOI:10.1016/j.livprodsci.2003.09.010URL [本文引用: 1]

PETRIE K J, BOLAND T M, HART K J, MCCARNEY C M, WATERS S M, KENNY D A. Effect of level of dietary soy oil supplementation and concentrate to forage ratio on feed intake, methane production and rumen fermentation variables of beef steers
Advances in Animal Biosciences, 2010,1(1):50.

DOI:10.1017/S2040470010001937URL [本文引用: 1]

孙玲玲, 马露, 卜登攀, 许建初, 刘士杰, 何美莹. 硬核油对瘤胃体外发酵及脂肪酸组成的影响
动物营养学报, 2017,29(3):1074-1081.

[本文引用: 1]

SUN L L, MA L, BU D P, XU J C, LIU S J, HE M Y. Effects of scleropyrum wallichianum oil on in vitro rumen fermentation characteristics and fatty acid composition
Chinese Journal of Nutrition, 2017,29(3):1074-1081. (in Chinese)

[本文引用: 1]

赵敏孟, 杨在宾, 杨维仁, 陈冠军. 饲粮能量水平对青山羊能量代谢和产热量的影响
中国畜牧杂志, 2013,49(11):41-45.

[本文引用: 1]

ZHAO M M, YANG Z B, YANG W R, CHEN G J. Effects of digestible energy levels on energy metabolism and heat production of grey goats
Chinese Journal of Animal Science, 2013,49(11):41-45. (in Chinese)

[本文引用: 1]

刘道杨, 付戴波, 瞿明仁, 祁兴磊, 赵连甫, 祈兴运. 11~12月龄夏南牛能量代谢规律与需要量研究
江西农业大学学报, 2013,35(4):802-806.

[本文引用: 1]

LIU D Y, FU D B, QU M R, QI X L, ZHAO L F, QI X Y. The metabolism rule and requirements of energy of 11 to 12-month-old Xianan cattle
Acta Agriculturae Universitatis Jiangxiensis, 2013,35(4):802-806. (in Chinese)

[本文引用: 1]

崔秋佳. 犊牛生长期(90~120kg, 140~200kg)能量和蛋白质代谢规律及其需要量研究
[D]. 保定: 河北农业大学, 2013.

[本文引用: 1]

CUI Q J. Study on metabolic rule and requiements of energy and protein in replacement Holstein heifers
[D]. Baoding: Hebei Agricultural University, 2013. (in Chinese)

[本文引用: 1]

崔祥, 刁其玉, 张乃锋, 邱国梁, 刘策, 曾书秦, 屠焰. 日粮能量水平对断奶犊牛生长性能及营养物质消化代谢的影响
畜牧兽医学报, 2014,45(11):1815-1823.

DOI:10.11843/j.issn.0366-6964.2014.11.011URL [本文引用: 1]
The current study was performed to investigate the effects of different energy levels on nutrients digestion and metabolism of weaned heifers.Thirty-two Holstein heifers aged 98 days were divided into 4 groups (A,B,C and D),each with 8 heifers,and was fed with a diet which the net energy for lactation (NEL) was 6.24,7.04,7.53 or 7.85 MJ•kg-1 for 89 days,respectively.The weight,feed intake and glucose,urea nitrogen,and triglyceride content of serum were measured.Two digestion and metabolism trails were conducted at 151-157 and 181-187 day-old,respectively.Four heifers were randomly selected from each group,feces and urine were collected and the apparent digestibility,utilization rate of energy and nitrogen were measured.The results showed that:the average daily gain of heifers in 4 groups at aged 150-180 days were 0.77,0.91,0.86 and 1.11 kg•d-1,respectively,the value of group D was significantly higher than that of group A (P<0.05).Body weight of heifers aged 180 days had an increasing trend with the amount of dietary NEL increasing (P<0.10);the apparent digestibility of gross energy increased before decreased (P<0.10).The NEL level had significant effect on the apparent digestibility of dry matter,neutral detergent fiber and acid detergent fiber,digestible energy and metabolic energy (P<0.05);When heifers aged 180 days,the ratio of retained nitrogen/nitrogen intake and retained nitrogen/nitrogen digestion increased first and decreased later with dietary NEL increasing(P<0.10),and the value of group C reached the peak.In conclusion,as for the overall nutrition balance of heifers and digestion and metabolism levels,the optimum dietary NEL of heifers is 7.53 MJ•kg-1.
CUI X, DIAO Q Y, ZHANG N F, QIU G L, LIU C, ZENG S Q, TU Y. Effects of dietary energy levels on growth performanc, digestion and metabolism of nutrients of weaned heifers
Acta Veterinaria et Zootechnica Sinica. 2014,45(11):1815-1823. (in Chinese)

DOI:10.11843/j.issn.0366-6964.2014.11.011URL [本文引用: 1]
The current study was performed to investigate the effects of different energy levels on nutrients digestion and metabolism of weaned heifers.Thirty-two Holstein heifers aged 98 days were divided into 4 groups (A,B,C and D),each with 8 heifers,and was fed with a diet which the net energy for lactation (NEL) was 6.24,7.04,7.53 or 7.85 MJ•kg-1 for 89 days,respectively.The weight,feed intake and glucose,urea nitrogen,and triglyceride content of serum were measured.Two digestion and metabolism trails were conducted at 151-157 and 181-187 day-old,respectively.Four heifers were randomly selected from each group,feces and urine were collected and the apparent digestibility,utilization rate of energy and nitrogen were measured.The results showed that:the average daily gain of heifers in 4 groups at aged 150-180 days were 0.77,0.91,0.86 and 1.11 kg•d-1,respectively,the value of group D was significantly higher than that of group A (P<0.05).Body weight of heifers aged 180 days had an increasing trend with the amount of dietary NEL increasing (P<0.10);the apparent digestibility of gross energy increased before decreased (P<0.10).The NEL level had significant effect on the apparent digestibility of dry matter,neutral detergent fiber and acid detergent fiber,digestible energy and metabolic energy (P<0.05);When heifers aged 180 days,the ratio of retained nitrogen/nitrogen intake and retained nitrogen/nitrogen digestion increased first and decreased later with dietary NEL increasing(P<0.10),and the value of group C reached the peak.In conclusion,as for the overall nutrition balance of heifers and digestion and metabolism levels,the optimum dietary NEL of heifers is 7.53 MJ•kg-1.

DA SILVA L D, PEREIRA, O G, DA SILVA T C, VALADARES FILHO S C, RIBEIRO K G. Effects of silage crop and dietary crude protein levels on digestibility, ruminal fermentation, nitrogen use efficiency, and performance of finishing beef cattle
Animal Feed Science and Technology, 2016,220:22-33.

DOI:10.1016/j.anifeedsci.2016.07.008URL [本文引用: 2]

张卫兵, 刁其玉, 张乃锋, 屠焰, 王光文, 袁耀明. 日粮蛋白能量比对8-10月龄后备奶牛生长性能和养分消化的影响
中国农业科学, 2010,43(12):2541-2547.

URL [本文引用: 1]
【Objective】 The study was conducted to evaluate the dietary protein to metabolizable energy ratios on growth performance and nutrients digestion of the 8-10-month-old Chinese Holstein heifers. 【Method】 Eighteen 7-month-old Chinese Holstein heifers (234±21.9 kg of BW) were divided into 3 groups in a randomized experiment design with the treatment period of 90 d. Each group was randomly assigned to one of three treatment rations with a CP:ME ratios of 46.2(Group A),54.2 (Group B) or 62.0 (Group C) g of CP per Mcal ME. The ratio of dietary protein to energy was altered by adjusting the concentration of CP with a similar amount of energy across all diets. Three periods metabolism trials were carried out on 21-28 days, 51-58 days and 81-88 days after formal tests, by AIA method. 【Result】 The results showed that ADG did not differ among the treatments (P>0.05) and the growth curves of all groups in 8-10 months were similar. The apparent digestibility of CP increased with the increasing CP:ME ratios(P<0.05). The apparent digestibility of the nutrients increased with the age and became steady after nine months of the feeding trials. The increased CP:ME ratios were accompanied by increasing concentration of plasma urea N. 【Conclusion】 The diet of CP:ME ratios was 46.2 g of CP per Mcal ME, could meet the needs of the 8-10-month-old Chinese Holstein calves gaining 0.80-1.0 kg&#8226;d-1.

ZHANG W B, DIAO Q Y, ZHANG N F, TU Y, WANG G W, YUAN Y M. Effect of dietary protein to metabolizable energy ratio on growth performance and nutrients digestion of 8-10-month-old Chinese Holstein heifers
Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2010,43(12):2541-2547. (in Chinese)

URL [本文引用: 1]
【Objective】 The study was conducted to evaluate the dietary protein to metabolizable energy ratios on growth performance and nutrients digestion of the 8-10-month-old Chinese Holstein heifers. 【Method】 Eighteen 7-month-old Chinese Holstein heifers (234±21.9 kg of BW) were divided into 3 groups in a randomized experiment design with the treatment period of 90 d. Each group was randomly assigned to one of three treatment rations with a CP:ME ratios of 46.2(Group A),54.2 (Group B) or 62.0 (Group C) g of CP per Mcal ME. The ratio of dietary protein to energy was altered by adjusting the concentration of CP with a similar amount of energy across all diets. Three periods metabolism trials were carried out on 21-28 days, 51-58 days and 81-88 days after formal tests, by AIA method. 【Result】 The results showed that ADG did not differ among the treatments (P>0.05) and the growth curves of all groups in 8-10 months were similar. The apparent digestibility of CP increased with the increasing CP:ME ratios(P<0.05). The apparent digestibility of the nutrients increased with the age and became steady after nine months of the feeding trials. The increased CP:ME ratios were accompanied by increasing concentration of plasma urea N. 【Conclusion】 The diet of CP:ME ratios was 46.2 g of CP per Mcal ME, could meet the needs of the 8-10-month-old Chinese Holstein calves gaining 0.80-1.0 kg&#8226;d-1.

穆阿丽, 杨在宾, 吴乃科, 宋恩亮, 杨维仁, 吕爱军, 崔永华. 不同能量水平下犊牛蛋白质需要量及其代谢规律的研究
中国牛业科学, 2006,32(4):18-22.

[本文引用: 2]

MU A L, YANG Z B, WU N K, SONG E L, YANG W R, A J, CUI Y H. Study on protein requirement and metabolism of calves under different energy levels
China Cattle Science, 2006,32(4):18-22. (in Chinese)

[本文引用: 2]

张蓉, 刁其玉, 屠焰, 张乃峰. 能量水平对早期断奶犊牛消化代谢及血清指标的影响
中国农业科学, 2009,42(3):1024-1029.

URL [本文引用: 1]
【Objective】 The current study was performed to investigate the effects of different energy levels on nutrition’s digestion metabolism and serum biochemical parameters of early weaned calves. 【Method】 Twelve neonatal Holstein calves were selected and assigned randomly to receive 1 of 3 treatments that contained 18.51, 19.66 and 20.80 MJ?kg-1 gross energy, respectively (n=4 per treatment). Digestion and metabolism trials were carried out at 5 phases (12-20, 22-30, 32-40, 42-50, 52-60 d). At the same time, blood metabolites were determined at 21, 31, 41, 51 and 61 days of age prior to morning feeding. 【Result】The results indicated that either DM, OM, and GE apparent digestibility or N and P retention tended to increase as age advanced. The average value of DM、OM apparent digestibility and Ca retention in high-energy treatment were significantly lower than that of other groups (P<0.05). There were no significant differences in the concentration of serum glucose, triglyceride and urea N among treatments, whereas a significant effect of age was found on the level of triglyceride (P<0.05). 【Conclusion】 To sum up, the medium-energy milk replacer seems to be more benefical for GE digestibility and N utilization, whereas low-energy milk replacer appears to be more rewarding for Ca and P utilization.

ZHANG R, DIAO Q Y, TU Y, ZHANG N F. Effects of different energy levels on nutrient utilization and serum biochemical parameters of early-weaned calves
Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2009,42(3):1024-1029. (in Chinese)

URL [本文引用: 1]
【Objective】 The current study was performed to investigate the effects of different energy levels on nutrition’s digestion metabolism and serum biochemical parameters of early weaned calves. 【Method】 Twelve neonatal Holstein calves were selected and assigned randomly to receive 1 of 3 treatments that contained 18.51, 19.66 and 20.80 MJ?kg-1 gross energy, respectively (n=4 per treatment). Digestion and metabolism trials were carried out at 5 phases (12-20, 22-30, 32-40, 42-50, 52-60 d). At the same time, blood metabolites were determined at 21, 31, 41, 51 and 61 days of age prior to morning feeding. 【Result】The results indicated that either DM, OM, and GE apparent digestibility or N and P retention tended to increase as age advanced. The average value of DM、OM apparent digestibility and Ca retention in high-energy treatment were significantly lower than that of other groups (P<0.05). There were no significant differences in the concentration of serum glucose, triglyceride and urea N among treatments, whereas a significant effect of age was found on the level of triglyceride (P<0.05). 【Conclusion】 To sum up, the medium-energy milk replacer seems to be more benefical for GE digestibility and N utilization, whereas low-energy milk replacer appears to be more rewarding for Ca and P utilization.

崔祥. 日粮能量水平对4~6月龄犊牛生长、消化代谢及瘤胃内环境的影响
[D]. 北京: 中国农业科学院, 2014.

[本文引用: 1]

CUI X. Effect and mechanism of different energy level on growth, digestion and metabolism, ruminal environment in heifers aged 4 to 6 months
[D]. Beijing: Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, 2014. (in Chinese)

[本文引用: 1]

曾书秦. 日粮能量水平对7~10月龄育成牛生长、消化代谢及瘤胃内环境的影响
[D]. 北京: 中国农业科学院, 2015.

[本文引用: 1]

ZENG S Q. Effect of dietary energy level on growth, digestion and metabolism, ruminal environment in heifers aged 7 to 10 months
[D]. Beijing: Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, 2015. (in Chinese)

[本文引用: 1]

SHAKERI P, RIASI A, ALIKHANI M, FAZAELI H, GHORBANI G R. Effects of feeding pistachio by-products silage on growth performance, serum metabolites and urine characteristics in Holstein male calves
Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition, 2013,97(6):1022-1029.

DOI:10.1111/jpn.12005URL [本文引用: 1]
This study investigated physiological effects of pistachio by-products silage (PBPS) substituted in Holstein male calves diets and its effects on the growth performance. Twenty-four Holstein male calves (4-5months of age and 155.6 +/- 13.5kg BW) were randomly assigned to one of four experimental diets (n=6); contained 0%, 6%, 12% and 18% of PBPS (DM basis) respectively. During a 6-month experiment, dry matter intake (DMI) and weight gain were recorded and blood and urine samples were collected at different times. Results showed that mean DMI was not affected by different levels of PBPS in diets. But the calves fed 6% PBPS had the highest average daily gain (p<0.05) and the lowest feed conversion ratio (p<0.05). The calves fed 12% and 18% PBPS had lower albumin, white blood cell, haemoglobin and packed cell volume (p<0.05) than those fed other diets. However, other serum metabolites, complete blood count (CBC), insulin and liver enzymes were not affected by the experimental diets. The long-term feeding of PBPS at different levels had no significant effect (p>0.05) on pH, specific gravity, the number of white and red blood cells and epithelial cells count in urine. The animals did not show any symptom of illness or toxicity during the experimental period and all of the blood and urine parameters were in a normal range. It was concluded that substitution of PBPS up to 18% of the total diet that provide up to 18.2g/kg DM total tannin had no adverse effects for Holstein male calves.

COZZI G, RAVAROTTO L, GOTTARDO F, STEFANI A L, CONTIERO B, MORO L, BRSCIC M, DALVIT P. Short communication: reference values for blood parameters in Holstein dairy cows: Effects of parity, stage of lactation, and season of production
Journal of Dairy Science, 2011,94(8):3895-3901.

DOI:10.3168/jds.2010-3687URL [本文引用: 1]
Confidence intervals for blood parameters used for nutritional and metabolic profile testing in cattle were calculated for clinically normal lactating Holstein cows, taking into account the effects of parity, stage of lactation, and season. Blood samples were collected from 740 cows in 33 Italian dairy herds according to a predefined protocol. Herds were visited during summer and the following winter, sampling 12 lactating cows at each visit (4 primiparous and 8 multiparous). Six cows were selected from the early-lactation group (days in milk: 10 to 89) and the other 6 were selected from the mid-lactation group (days in milk: 90 to 215). Cow selection criteria excluded animals clinically exposed to periparturient diseases as well as animals not considered in good health by a veterinary clinical examination. For each blood variable, outliers were identified and discarded. Data were then analyzed for their Gaussian distribution and variables with not normal distribution were log-transformed to adjust for lack of normality. Herd mean values were calculated for each blood parameter according to 3 main classification factors: parity (primiparous vs. multiparous), stage of lactation (early vs. mid) and season of production (summer vs. winter). The resulting data set was statistically analyzed using a mixed model with the fixed effects of these factors, their interactions, and the random effect of herd. General 95% confidence intervals were calculated for blood variables that showed a relevant herd variance component such as albumin, triglycerides, aspartate, urea, glucose, alanine aminotransferase, lactate dehydrogenase, direct and total bilirubin, calcium, magnesium, and potassium. For the remaining parameters, specific confidence intervals were calculated for each level of the significant main factors. Parity affected blood concentration of total protein, globulin, creatinine, alkaline phosphatase, gamma glutamyl transferase, creatinine kinase, and phosphorus. Blood nonesterified fatty acids, aspartate aminotransferase, gamma glutamyl transferase, creatinine kinase and cholesterol were influenced by stage of lactation. The season of production had a significant effect on total protein, globulin, creatinine, alkaline phosphatase, phosphorus, sodium, and chlorine. The outcomes of this work will improve the accuracy of the biochemical profile as a tool for dairy practitioners to assess the metabolic status of lactating Holstein cows.

武婷婷, 王敏, 郭辉, 杨膺白, 贺志雄, 王荣, 马志远, 黄琳峰, 林波, 梁云斌. 不同能量水平的象草饲粮对肉牛生长、消化及血清生化指标的影响
动物营养学报, 2018,30(3):1178-1184.

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WU T T, WANG M, GUO H, YANG Y B, HE Z X, WANG R, MA Z Y, HUANG L F, LIN B, LIANG Y B. Influences of elephant grass diet with different energy levels on growth, digestion and serum biochemical parameters of beef cattle
Chinese Journal of Nutrition, 2018,30(3):1178-1184. (in Chinese)

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MARTY B J, BLOCK E. Effects of dietary fat supplementation and recombinant bovine somatropin on milk production, nutritional status and lipid metabolism of dairy cows
Canadian Veterinary Journal La Revue Veterinaire Canadienne, 1992,72(3):633-649.

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吕小康, 祁敏丽, 王杰, 王世琴, 崔凯, 刁其玉, 张乃锋. 饲粮能量和蛋白质水平对61~120日龄湖羊羔羊生长性能、氮代谢和血清生化指标的影响
动物营养学报, 2017,29(12):4355-4364.

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X K, QI M L, WANG J, WANG S Q, CUI K, DIAO Q Y, ZHANG N F. Effects of dietary energy and protein levels on growth performance, nitrogen metabolism and serum biochemical indices of Hu lambs at 61 to 120 days of age
Chinese Journal of Nutrition, 2017,29(12):4355-4364. (in Chinese)

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