

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-26

卜容燕1,2, 程燚3, 王慧1,2, 韩上1,2, 胡荣根3, 余忠3, 李敏1,2, 程文龙1,2, 孙义祥1,2, 王家宝1,2, 武际,1,21 安徽省农业科学院土壤肥料研究所,合肥230031
2 养分循环与资源环境安徽省重点实验室,合肥230031
3 安徽省土壤肥料总站,合肥230031

Investigation of Present Fertilization Status and Fertilizer Utilization Rate on Rapeseed in Anhui Province

BU RongYan1,2, CHENG Yi3, WANG Hui1,2, HAN Shang1,2, HU RongGen3, YU Zhong3, LI Min1,2, CHENG WenLong1,2, SUN YiXiang1,2, WANG JiaBao1,2, WU Ji,1,21 Institute of Soil and Fertilizer, Anhui Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Hefei 230031
2 Anhui Key Laboratory of Nutrient Cycling, Resources and Environment, Hefei 230031
3 Anhui Soil and Fertilizer Station, Hefei 230031

通讯作者: 武际,E-mail: wuji338@163.com

责任编辑: 李云霞

作者简介 About authors

【目的】 冬油菜是我国重要的油料作物,合理施肥是保证冬油菜产量的重要措施。明确当前冬油菜的施肥现状和存在问题指导科学施肥。【方法】 以安徽省冬油菜种植为例,于2017—2018年在全省冬油菜主产区进行农户抽样调查,调查内容包括:肥料品种、肥料用量、施肥方式、种植面积和产量水平。根据调查结果进行统计分析当前油菜种植过程中的施肥情况,并以全省冬油菜平均产量和平均施肥量为基准,采用Cate-Nelson方法(十字交叉法)评估冬油菜氮、磷和钾肥施用与油菜产量的关系,以此探索冬油菜种植中施肥增产增效的主要途径。【结果】 调查结果表明,安徽省油菜种植中均施用了化肥,施用有机肥农户比例为59.0%。全省化学氮、磷和钾肥平均用量为160、63和65 kg·hm-2。总的来说,全省化肥平均用量更加趋于合理化,但是施肥分级结果表明全省依然存在氮、磷和钾肥施肥不足和过量的现象。全省化肥施用方式以人工施肥为主,机械化施肥比例较低。Cate-Nelson分析方法结果表明,全省仅有23.8%、20.2%和21.0%农户在冬油菜种植中实现了氮、磷、钾肥高产高效。这说明全省冬油菜种植中增产增效还有很大的空间。【结论】 总的来说,安徽省冬油菜种植中化肥平均用量趋于合理化,但是在施肥方式、养分运筹和肥料品种上面还存在问题。在施肥方式上机械化施肥比例不足,仅为38.8%;在养分运筹上,虽然氮肥用量普遍实现了分次施用,但是以施用两次为主,与油菜养分吸收规律不匹配。除此之外,在施肥品种上存在偏施化肥,有机替代和轻简化施肥比例较低。
关键词: 冬油菜;施肥现状;肥料利用率;Cate-Nelson方法;安徽省

【Objective】 Winter rapeseed is an important oil crop in China, while the rational scientific fertilization is a crucial measure to ensure the yield of winter oilseed rape. Understanding the current situation and existing problems of fertilization in winter rapeseed planting areas of Anhui Province is important to guide rational fertilization. 【Method】Taking winter oilseed rape planting in Anhui Province as example, this study was conducted from farmers in the main winter rape producing areas from 2017 to 2018. The survey included fertilizer varieties, fertilizer usage, fertilization methods and proportion, planting area, and yield level. Based on the survey results, the current fertilization status of winter rape growing areas in Anhui Province was analyzed by Cate-Nelson method to evaluate the yield efficiency of winter rapeseed in Anhui Province, and the main methods to increase yield and efficiency of winter rapeseed in Anhui Province were explored.【Result】The results showed that chemical fertilizers were applied in all farmlands, only 59.0% farmers used organic matter. The results showed that the average yield of winter oilseed rape in Anhui Province was 2 017 kg·hm-2, and the average nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P2O5) and potassium (K2O) fertilizers were 160, 63, and 65 kg·hm-2, respectively. To sum up, the average use of N, P2O5 and K2O fertilizers becomes more reasonable, however, the results of fertilizer grading show that the phenomenon of either insufficient or excessive use of N, P2O5 and K2O fertilizers does exist. The fertilizer is mainly distributed by hand, as the mechanized fertilization is not prevalent. Cate-Nelson method (cross-over method) was used to evaluate the energy production efficiency of winter rapeseed in Anhui Province, the results showed that only 23.8%, 20.2% and 21.0% farmers of winter rapeseed in Anhui Province achieved high yield and high efficiency of N, P2O and K2O fertilizers. This indicated there was still much room for increasing yield and efficiency of rapeseed in Anhui Province. 【Conclusion】 Referring to the current recommended amount of rapeseed fertilizer, the average amount of chemical fertilizer in winter rapeseed cultivation in Anhui Province became more rational, but did not enough in fertilization methods, nutrient management and organic substitution. Therefore, it needed to take measures to increase of fertilizer efficiency by controlling the total amount, increasing organic fertilizer substitution, promoting the application of special fertilizer, rational nutrient management, encouraging the mechanized fertilization, and so on, to finally achieve high yield of rapeseed yield.
Keywords:winter rapeseed;fertilization status;fertilizer utilization rate;Cate-Nelson method;Anhui Province

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卜容燕, 程燚, 王慧, 韩上, 胡荣根, 余忠, 李敏, 程文龙, 孙义祥, 王家宝, 武际. 安徽省冬油菜的施肥现状及肥料利用率[J]. 中国农业科学, 2020, 53(10): 2034-2044 doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2020.10.010
BU RongYan, CHENG Yi, WANG Hui, HAN Shang, HU RongGen, YU Zhong, LI Min, CHENG WenLong, SUN YiXiang, WANG JiaBao, WU Ji. Investigation of Present Fertilization Status and Fertilizer Utilization Rate on Rapeseed in Anhui Province[J]. Scientia Acricultura Sinica, 2020, 53(10): 2034-2044 doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2020.10.010

0 引言

【研究意义】冬油菜是我国重要的油料作物,也是饲用蛋白和生物柴油的重要来源。安徽省是我国油菜种植大省,据统计,2017年全省冬油菜种植面积为47多万公顷、总产100多万吨,在我国的油料生产中举足轻重[1]。冬油菜是一种典型的冬季作物,具有生育期长,养分需求多等特点,因此进行科学地施肥可以有效提高产量[2,3]。明确当前我国冬油菜施肥现状,对于优化冬油菜施肥水平和施肥技术,提高化肥增产增收效应等具有十分重要的指导意义。【前人研究进展】早在2008年,武际等[4]就安徽省冬油菜主产区施肥展开调查,调查结果表明安徽省冬油菜氮、磷和钾肥平均用量为199、56和47 kg·hm-2。存在的主要问题是氮、磷、钾养分比例不协调,施肥模式单一,有机肥投入量过低等。2010年徐华丽等[5]对长江流域中游区域冬油菜化肥施用调查结果表明,相对于2008年,2010年我国氮肥平均用量下降,但是氮肥用量不足和过量并存;磷肥和钾肥总体用量仍然不足,氮磷钾养分比例仍需要进一步改善。除此之外,国家在冬油菜合理施肥方面也开展了大量的工作。自20世纪80年代起,在全国范围内开展了第二次普查工作,摸清了我国的土壤养分状况。2005年全国全面启动测土配方施肥工作,基本明确了我国不同区域土壤肥力状况和推荐施肥水平,并做了大量的推广示范工作。2017年国家启动“油菜减肥减药”重大研究项目,开展油菜减肥减药研究。这些项目的实施,对推进我国冬油菜科学施肥具有重大意义。【本研究切入点】距离上次调查已经过去了10年,随着农业生产水平的不断提高,农民科学施肥的意识越来越强烈,加之国家政策的导向,过去的施肥调查情况已经不能适应当前冬油菜肥料管理的需求。目前我国冬油菜施肥状况到底在何种水平,与10年前调查数据相比,现在并不清楚。【拟解决的关键问题】本文通过对农户施肥情况的抽样调查,以安徽省为例揭示了当前我国长江流域冬油菜施肥现状,为今后冬油菜的科学施肥提供指导,以促进我国油菜产业的可持续发展。

1 材料与方法

1.1 研究区域概况

安徽省地处长江、淮河中下游,地理位置为东经114°54′—119°37′,北纬29°41′—34°38′。土地面积占到全国的1.45%,是我国重要粮食生产基地。该地区属于亚热带季风湿润气候,雨热同期,年均气温为14—17 ℃,年均降雨量773—1 670 mm,无霜期200—250 d。全省可以分为沿江平原区、江淮台地丘陵区、皖南丘陵山地和淮河平原区,其中冬油菜主要分布在沿江、皖南和江淮区域。

1.2 施肥现状调查




Fig. 1Distribution map of experiment site(n=400)


1.3 相关参数计算

氮肥偏生产力(partial factor productivity from applied N, PFPN, kg·kg-1)=施氮处理作物收获时产量/施氮量,其反映施肥对作物的增产潜力[6]。磷、钾肥计算公式同氮肥。

1.4 数据处理与分析



试验数据采用Excel进行数据处理,所有图形均用Origin 2017软件进行绘制。

2 结果

2.1 施肥种类及比例


Table 1
Table 1The type and percentage of fertilizer applied in winter rapeseed during 2017-2018
Type of fertilizer
The type of fertilizer
基肥Base fertilizer追肥Additional fertilizer
样本数 Sample比例 Percent (%)样本数 Sample比例 Percent (%)
Chemical fertilizer
过磷酸钙Super Phosphate82.000.0
氯化钾Potassium chloride20.5102.5
复合肥Compound fertilizer36892.07819.5
Organic matter
粪肥Night soil246.000.0
饼肥Rapeseeds cake30.800.0
绿肥Green manure30.800.0
商品有机肥Commercial organic fertilizer82.000.0
秸秆 Crop straw19649.000.0
单施化肥Total chemical fertilizer16340.800.0
单施有机肥Total organic matter fertilizer00.000.0
化肥+有机肥Chemical + organic matter fertilizer23358.300.0


2.2 化肥施用量

安徽省冬油菜养分投入调查结果表明(表2),全省冬油菜养分由化肥提供的N、P2O5、K2O年均投入量分别为160、63、65 kg·hm-2。安徽省冬油菜3个不同主产区中氮肥用量差别较大。其中沿江区域氮肥用量最低,平均为149 kg·hm-2,变异系数为36.1%;江淮区域氮用量最高,平均为188 kg·hm-2,其变异系数为37.8%,高于另外两个区域;皖南区域氮肥投入量居中,平均为164 kg·hm-2,其变异系数为30.6%。沿江区域磷、钾肥用量略高于皖南和江淮区域。3个区域磷、钾肥用量的变异系数均高于氮肥。从总养分投入看,江淮区域化肥总养分投入量最大,沿江和皖南区域总化肥投入量一致。从氮、磷、钾养分投入比例上看可知,沿江区域氮、磷、钾养分投入比例较为合理,江淮和皖南区域磷肥和钾肥投入量相对不足。

Table 2
Table 2Nutrient application rates in winter rapeseed of different regions during 2017-2018
In all
Nutrition proportion
Yanjiang (166)
变幅Rang (kg·hm-2)0-3830-1380-1500-5251﹕0.43﹕0.46
均值Mean (kg·hm-2)1496469285
变异系数CV (%)36.141.341.332.7
Jianghuai (50)
变幅Rang (kg·hm-2)27-3450-1130-11368-4991﹕0.32﹕0.32
均值Mean (kg·hm-2)1886161310
变异系数CV (%)37.843.743.627.2
Wannan (184)
变幅Rang (kg·hm-2)4-3900-2400-1977-5911﹕0.37﹕0.37
均值Mean (kg·hm-2)1646160285
变异系数CV (%)30.641.943.028.3
Whole Province (400)
变幅Rang (kg·hm-2)0-3900-2400-1970-5911﹕0.39﹕0.41
均值Mean (kg·hm-2)1606365288
变异系数CV (%)41.244.844.530.4


2.3 施肥量分级

对安徽省冬油菜不同主产区氮、磷、钾肥施用量进行分级,结果如图2所示。安徽省冬油菜施氮量主要集中在120—240 kg hm-2范围内。但是施肥量低于120 kg·hm-2和高于240 kg·hm-2比例为21.3%和6.6%,这说明在冬油菜生产中依然存在施氮不足和过量的现象。对比安徽省不同区域可以发现,沿江区域施氮低于120 kg·hm-2所占比例为29.5%,高于其他江淮(10.4%)和皖南(15.7%);而江淮地区施肥量大于240 kg·hm-2的比例最高(20.7%)。具有明显地区域化特征。



Fig. 2Distribution of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer in the different winter rapeseed regions in Anhui Province

安徽省沿江、皖南和江淮区域油菜种植中磷肥(P2O5)用量在45—90 kg·hm-2时比例最大。施肥量小于45 kg·hm-2时的比例为24.1%—27.2%。3个区域只有皖南区域有1.1%施肥量超过135 kg·hm-2,沿江和江淮区域均不存在磷肥施用过量的现象。

与磷肥施用量情况相似,安徽省钾肥(K2O)用量在45—90 kg·hm-2时比例最大。施肥量小于45 kg·hm-2时的比例分别为17.9%—24.1%。施肥量超过135 kg·hm-2时的比例仅为1.8%。这说明在全省冬油菜种植过程中,农民对钾肥的重视程度仍然不够。但是值得注意的是,安徽省冬油菜种植中,作物秸秆还田量较大,占到总样本的49.0%。根据《中国有机肥料养分志》评估还田带入的钾含量为3—40 kg·hm-2左右,这部分秸秆带入的钾素对冬油菜的增产作用不可忽视。

2.4 施肥方式


Table 3
Table 3The investigation of fertilizer application mode of winter rapeseed during 2017-2018
Way of fertilization
Percent (%)
Yield (kg·hm-2)
Yanjiang (166)
Jianghuai (50)
Wannan (184)





Fig. 3The investigation of fertilizer methods and farming households in winter rapeseed during 2017- 2018

2.5 养分运筹


Table 4
Table 4Proportions of winter rapeseed applying chemical fertilizer in different growing season during 2017-2018
氮肥 N钾肥 K2O
Proportion (%)
Base fertilizer
Additional fertilizer
Proportion (%)
Base fertilizer
Additional fertilizer
变幅Rang (kg·hm-2)23-15523-18342-13522-75
均值Mean (kg·hm-2)74916015
变异系数CV (%)25.632.630.945.2
变幅Rang (kg·hm-2)54-20935-1610-112
均值Mean (kg·hm-2)889861
变异系数CV (%)4243.132.5
变幅Rang (kg·hm-2)3-1851-27629-2467-308
均值Mean (kg·hm-2)66988953
变异系数CV (%)29.139.73754.6
1)为分次施肥的农户样本数占调查农户总数的比例 Proportion refers to the proportion of farmers samples applying fertilizer in different times in total number of surveyed farmers samples



2.6 施肥量与冬油菜产量的相关性分析

通过对全省冬油菜产量进行分析可知,2017— 2018年度安徽省冬油菜平均产量为2 017 kg·hm-2,其中有51.8%面积的产量水平在1 500—2 250 kg·hm-2范围内,有28.8%面积的产量水平高于2 250 kg·hm-2;低于1 500 kg·hm-2产量的面积占19.5%。

Cate-Nelson方法分析表明(图4),全省冬油菜种植中,分布于氮、磷和钾肥高产高效区域的农户比例分别为23.8%、20.2%和21.0%,该区域氮、磷和钾肥偏生产力分别为20.6、54.8和52.4 kg·kg-1。分布于氮、磷和钾肥低产低效区域的农户比例分别为29.3%、26.2%和23.8%,该区域氮、磷和钾肥偏生产力分别为8.3、21.1和19.9 kg·kg-1,这部分农户施肥增产效果最差。分布于氮、磷和钾肥高产低效区域的农户比例分别为18.8%、22.1%和21.5%,该区域的氮、磷和钾肥偏生产力分别为12.7、31.0和29.9 kg·kg-1;分布于氮、磷和钾肥低产高效区域的农户比例分别为28.2%、31.5%和33.7%,该区域的氮、磷和钾肥偏生产力分别为12.8、31.0和29.9 kg·kg-1。通过对比可知,高产高效区域内油菜的氮、磷、钾肥用量偏生产力最高;其他3个区域的氮、磷、钾肥偏生产力分别比高产高效区域低37.9%—59.9%、36.5%—61.5%和35.5%—62.0%,这部分氮、磷、钾肥的偏生产力提升空间较大。



Fig. 4Statistical the relationship between yield of winter rapeseed and nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer application rate in different regions in Anhui Province during 2017-2018


3 讨论

3.1 安徽省油菜施肥强度时间变化特征

安徽是我国冬油菜的主产区之一,了解该地区冬油菜的施肥现状对指导冬油菜科学施肥具有重要的意义。自20世纪80年代起,在全国范围内开展了第二次土壤普查工作,摸清了我国的土壤养分状况。增强了农民施肥的积极性。因此在2005年,钱晓华等[9]对安徽省农作物的施肥调查结果表明随着现代农业的发展,在农业生产过程中,氮肥用量持续增长,磷肥出现了缓降的趋势,钾肥用量得到逐渐的提升。但是总体上还存在施肥用量增长过快,肥料施用不合理等一系列的现状。2005年全国全面启动测土配方施肥工作,基本明确了我国不同区域土壤肥力状况和推荐施肥水平,并做了大量的推广示范工作。因此到2008年安徽省冬油菜氮、磷和钾肥平均用量为199、56和47 kg·hm-2。相对于2005年氮肥用量明显下降,但是磷肥和钾肥用量则相对不足,在施肥过程中主要存在问题是:氮磷钾养分比例不协调,施肥模式单一,有机肥投入量过低等问题[4]。随后在2010年,徐华丽等[10]对安徽省冬油菜化肥施用现状开展了大范围的调查表明,2010—2011年度安徽省冬油菜养分投入中化肥占主导地位,氮肥用量基本充足,相对于2008年,2010年氮肥平均用量下降,钾肥用量增加。2017年国家启动“油菜减肥减药”重大研究项目,开展油菜减肥减药研究。相对于10年前的施肥现状,当前安徽省冬油菜种植中肥料的用量已经趋于合理化,其中氮肥用量明显下降,磷肥和钾肥用量有所增加。在肥料品种上,目前有机肥、专用肥和新型肥料施用比例明显上升[11,12]。这主要得益于国家政策的支持和一大批科研工作者对油菜科学施肥的研究和推广。一些制约冬油菜高产高效的问题得以明确,虽然全省冬油菜种植中氮、磷和钾肥平均用量更趋于合理化,但是在肥料品种选择和施肥技术上还是存在很多不合理的现象。

3.2 有机肥投入不足


3.3 氮肥运筹有待改进



3.4 机械化施肥普及率较低

以往的研究表明施肥方式是影响氮素损失的重要因素。表面撒施由于得不到有效的阻控,会增加氨挥发,氧化亚氮排放风险,降低氮损失最根本的方式还是要从传统人工施肥方式上入手[21,22]。魏玉云等[23]通过对大量数据进行统计,施肥方式是影响氨挥发的重要因素,其中表明撒施氨挥发量最大,其次是混施,深条施可以明显减少氨挥发的量。这主要是因为土壤胶体富含大量的阴离子,深施以后可以通过土壤胶体吸附固定氮素,以降低有效态氮含量[24]。除此之外,可以通过机械将肥料施入特定的位置,有利于植物根系对养分的吸收[25]。于晓芳等[25]研究表明,相对于表施氮肥深施5—25 cm,可以增加玉米根系生物量,提高根系活力,促使根系下移,进而提高了玉米的产量和氮肥利用效率。姜超强等[26]进行根区精准施肥研究表明,相对于农民习惯表施,精准穴施尿素和条施尿素可以减少肥料用量、实现作物高产高效。我们的调查数据表明全省不同油菜种植区域机械施肥方式下油菜平均单产水平,氮、磷和钾肥偏生产力均高于人工施肥。由此可见,机械化施肥是一种节肥高效的施肥方式,是未来农业的主要施肥方式。但是全省油菜种植中进行机械施肥比例为38.8%,人工施肥比例为61.2%,机械化施肥普及程度不高。因此,在油菜种植过程中要深入研发施肥机械,并加强推广示范。

当前安徽省冬油菜平均单产水平为2 017 kg·hm-2,相对于2005年国家启动测土配方施肥前的平均单产水平(1 793 kg·hm-2),有了较大幅度的提升(12.5%)。但是相对于发达国家来说,我国冬油菜单产水平依然还有很大的提升空间。采用Cate-Nelson方法(十字交叉法)作图评估安徽省冬油菜产能效率研究结果表明,当前安徽省冬油菜仅有23.8%、20.2%和21.0%农户的氮、磷、钾肥施用量低于全省平均水平,但是可以获得较高的产量,这说明在提升冬油菜的产量和肥料利用效能上还有很大的空间。尤其是全省冬油菜种植中有18.8%、22.1%和21.5%农户实现冬油菜高产,但是没有实现氮、磷、钾肥高效,这主要是因为氮、磷和钾肥平均施肥量较高。因此接下来的工作重点应该是通过合理的有机替代减少化肥投入量,优化施肥技术,加强机械化施肥推广应用提高肥料利用效率。

3.5 区域施肥建议

根据油菜生长的区域特征,可以将安徽省冬油菜分为沿江、江淮和皖南3个种植区。调查结果表明安徽省冬油菜施肥具有明显的区域性,其中沿江地区氮肥投入量最低,江淮地区最高;沿江区域磷、钾肥用量略高于皖南和江淮区域。总的来说,江淮地区化肥总投入量最高,沿江和皖南地区差别不大。尽管肥料偏生产力分析表明相对于人工施肥,机械施肥提高了化肥偏生产力,但是本次调查结果表明全省油菜种植中仍以人工施肥为主,机械化施肥普及程度不高,其中沿江地区比例较高,而江淮和皖南两个地区均较低。这与当地的土壤肥力、地形、经济收益等因素密切相关。2018年安徽省耕地质量检测结果表明沿江、江淮和皖南3个地区土壤有机质含量分别为25.0、19.4和26.0 g·kg-1;全氮含量分别为1.6、1.3和1.7 g·kg-1;有效磷含量分别为14.8、14.3和14.5 mg·kg-1;有效钾含量分别为82.1、107.1和78.2 mg·kg-1(数据未发表)。对比3个区域可知,沿江和皖南地区土壤肥力水平高于江淮地区。我们的调查结果表明在油菜种植中,江淮地区化肥用量最高,这主要是受到土壤肥力水平的影响。与沿江和江淮地区不同,皖南地区多为山区,在缺乏合适的机械条件下,难以大范围在山区实行机械化施肥和有机肥推广。因此在皖南地区可以加强油菜专用缓控释肥的研发及推广,在有机替代方面,可以利用冬闲田种植绿肥,进行部分化肥养分替代。

4 结论

当前安徽省冬油菜氮、磷和钾化肥用量平均为160、63和65 kg·hm-2,其中氮肥平均用量更趋于合理化,但依然存在部分地区氮肥施用过量现状。在肥料品种选择上,有机肥和油菜专用缓控释尿素施用普及率不够。在施肥技术上存在以人工施肥为主,机械化施肥比例较低。在养分运筹方面存在施肥次数较少等问题。


参考文献 原文顺序

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Currently, Chinese edible oils were highly dependent on import. After analyzing the demand, supply and trade of oil crops in the world as well as in China, we discussed the major problems in current development of Chinese oil crops industry. The strategies and suggestions were made to solve the problems related to policy making, technology, etc. 
WANG H Z, YIN Y . Analysis and strategy for oil crop industry in China
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Currently, Chinese edible oils were highly dependent on import. After analyzing the demand, supply and trade of oil crops in the world as well as in China, we discussed the major problems in current development of Chinese oil crops industry. The strategies and suggestions were made to solve the problems related to policy making, technology, etc. 

邹娟, 鲁剑巍, 陈防, 李银水 . 氮磷钾硼肥施用对长江流域油菜产量及经济效益的影响
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Field experiments were conducted at 32 sites in 10 main rapeseed production provinces along the Yangtze River Basin during 2006–2007. The objective of the research was to investigate the effect of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), and boron (B) on rapeseed yield and profit. The results showed that the combination application of N, P, K and B (NPKB) increased the yield of rapeseed significantly. The average yield of NPKB treatment was 2 590 kg hm-2, which was 1 055, 727, 253, 337 and 639 kg hm-2 higher than those of PKB, NKB, NPB, NPK and FFP (farmers’ fertilizer practice) treatments, respectively. N, P, K and B effect on the rapeseed yield ranked as N > P > K≈B. The seed yield increment from P, K and B application had negative relationship with soil available P, K and B content, respectively. Compared with PKB, NKB, NPB and NPK treatments, profit of NPKB increased 2868, 2 139, 434, and 1 076 Yuan hm-2. The average profit of NPKB treatment was up to 7 274 Yuan hm-2 according to the fertilizer and rapeseed prices in 2006 and 2007. However, the effects of N, P, K and B fertilizer on yield and profits of rapeseed were not the same in different experimental sites. The 87.5 percent trials showed significant profits from N and P fertilization, and half of the total trials showed high benefit from K application, which the value to cost ratio (VCR) was higher than 2.0. It was concluded that the combination of N, P, K and B fertilizers significantly increased both rapeseed yield and profits.

ZOU J, LU J W, CHEN F, LI Y S . Effect of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and boron fertilizers on yield and profit of rapeseed ( Brassica napus L.) in the Yangtze River Basin
Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2009,35(1):87-92. (in Chinese)

DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2009.00087URL [本文引用: 1]
Field experiments were conducted at 32 sites in 10 main rapeseed production provinces along the Yangtze River Basin during 2006–2007. The objective of the research was to investigate the effect of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), and boron (B) on rapeseed yield and profit. The results showed that the combination application of N, P, K and B (NPKB) increased the yield of rapeseed significantly. The average yield of NPKB treatment was 2 590 kg hm-2, which was 1 055, 727, 253, 337 and 639 kg hm-2 higher than those of PKB, NKB, NPB, NPK and FFP (farmers’ fertilizer practice) treatments, respectively. N, P, K and B effect on the rapeseed yield ranked as N > P > K≈B. The seed yield increment from P, K and B application had negative relationship with soil available P, K and B content, respectively. Compared with PKB, NKB, NPB and NPK treatments, profit of NPKB increased 2868, 2 139, 434, and 1 076 Yuan hm-2. The average profit of NPKB treatment was up to 7 274 Yuan hm-2 according to the fertilizer and rapeseed prices in 2006 and 2007. However, the effects of N, P, K and B fertilizer on yield and profits of rapeseed were not the same in different experimental sites. The 87.5 percent trials showed significant profits from N and P fertilization, and half of the total trials showed high benefit from K application, which the value to cost ratio (VCR) was higher than 2.0. It was concluded that the combination of N, P, K and B fertilizers significantly increased both rapeseed yield and profits.

武际, 郭熙盛, 张祥明, 王允青, 鲁剑巍 . 安徽省油菜施肥现状调查及其对策分析
安徽农业科学, 2009,37(25):11935-11936.

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WU J, GUO X S, ZHANG X M, WANG Y Q, LU J W . Investigation on the fertilizing present situation of rapeseed in Anhui Province and analysis on its counter measures
Journal of Anhui Agricultural Science, 2015,37(25):11935-11936. (in Chinese).

[本文引用: 2]

徐华丽, 鲁剑巍, 李小坤, 王寅, 苏伟 . 湖北省油菜施肥现状调查
中国油料作物学报, 2010,32(3):418-423.

URL [本文引用: 1]
对湖北省20个油菜主产县(市)的356个农户2007/2008年度油菜施肥状况进行了调查。结果显示,所有种植油菜的田块均施用了化肥;施用有机肥的比例仅为19.8%。全省油菜氮(N)、磷(P2O5)和钾(K2O)肥平均施用量分别为171.9、61.7和50.3 kg&#8226;hm-2,N: P2O5: K2O的比例为1: 0.36: 0.29,其中化肥提供的N、P2O5和K2O分别占总投肥量的96.1%、92.1%和80.3%。施肥量分级结果表明,农户普遍重视氮肥的施用,施氮(N)量>120 kg&#8226;hm-2的田块比例为64.3%;磷、钾肥施用不足,施磷(P2O5)、钾(K2O)量<45 kg&#8226;hm-2的比例分别为35.4%和48.9%。油菜施肥次数以施肥两次(基肥+1次追肥)的比例最高,占56.0%;78.3%的氮肥用作基肥施用。调查结果表明,湖北省油菜种植中的施肥问题主要有:(1)养分不平衡,磷、钾肥用量偏低,尤其钾肥用量明显不足;(2)有机肥施用比例、施用量偏低,秸秆还田率低;(3)氮肥用量不足及过量的现象均有存在;(4)施肥次数与油菜生长及养分吸收规律不匹配,前期氮肥用量比例过高。

XU H L, LU J W, LI X K, WANG Y, SU W . Investigation of present fertilization on rapeseed in Hubei Province
Chinese Journal of Oil Crop Sciences, 2010,32(3):418-423. (in Chinese)

URL [本文引用: 1]
对湖北省20个油菜主产县(市)的356个农户2007/2008年度油菜施肥状况进行了调查。结果显示,所有种植油菜的田块均施用了化肥;施用有机肥的比例仅为19.8%。全省油菜氮(N)、磷(P2O5)和钾(K2O)肥平均施用量分别为171.9、61.7和50.3 kg&#8226;hm-2,N: P2O5: K2O的比例为1: 0.36: 0.29,其中化肥提供的N、P2O5和K2O分别占总投肥量的96.1%、92.1%和80.3%。施肥量分级结果表明,农户普遍重视氮肥的施用,施氮(N)量>120 kg&#8226;hm-2的田块比例为64.3%;磷、钾肥施用不足,施磷(P2O5)、钾(K2O)量<45 kg&#8226;hm-2的比例分别为35.4%和48.9%。油菜施肥次数以施肥两次(基肥+1次追肥)的比例最高,占56.0%;78.3%的氮肥用作基肥施用。调查结果表明,湖北省油菜种植中的施肥问题主要有:(1)养分不平衡,磷、钾肥用量偏低,尤其钾肥用量明显不足;(2)有机肥施用比例、施用量偏低,秸秆还田率低;(3)氮肥用量不足及过量的现象均有存在;(4)施肥次数与油菜生长及养分吸收规律不匹配,前期氮肥用量比例过高。

王寅, 鲁剑巍, 李小坤, 任涛, 丛日环, 占丽平 . 长江流域直播冬油菜氮磷钾硼肥施用效果
作物学报, 2013,39(8):1491-1500.

DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2013.01491URL [本文引用: 1]
Oilseed rape is the dominant oil crop in China. Direct-sowing method has the great significance in increasing winter oilseed rape yield and guaranteeing national edible oil security. Field trials were conducted at 36 sites in the Yangtze River Basin to determine the fertilization effects of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), and boron (B) on seed yield, economic benefit, nutrient uptake and fertilizers efficiencies of direct-sown winter oilseed rape. Then we compared the differences between recommended fertilization and farmers’ fertilizer practice (FFP), and between direct-sowing and transplanting cultivations. The objective was to discuss and offer appropriate suggestions of fertilization management for direct-sown winter oilseed rape in China. Combination application of N, P, K, and B fertilizers (NPKB) resulted in the greatest seed yield (2001 kg ha–1) and economic income (8205 Yuan ha–1), which were significantly higher than those of FFP treatment. The effects of different fertilizers on oilseed rape as N >P>B>K. Nutrient uptakes were obviously improved in NPKB treatment, with the average accumulation of 104.2 kg N ha–1, 20.4 kg P ha–1,and 160.2 kg K ha–1. In addition, the apparent recovery efficiency of N, P, and K fertilizers was 35.8%, 22.3%, and 45.9% in NPKB treatment, respectively, which was considerably higher than that in FFP treatment (20.8%, 7.2%, and 28.0%). Overall, our results demonstrated that suitable fertilization management (combination application of N, P, K, and B fertilizers) would be recommended in the production of direct-sown oilseed rape at the current stage. Both fertilization time and ratio should be adjusted to coordinate with oilseed rape growth and nutrient uptake regulation under direct-sowing cultivation.

WANG Y, LU J W, LI X K, REN T, CONG R H, ZHAN L P . Effects of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and boron fertilizers on winter oilseed rape ( Brassica napus L.) direct-sown in the Yangtze River Basin
Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2013,39(8):1491-1500. (in Chinese)

DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2013.01491URL [本文引用: 1]
Oilseed rape is the dominant oil crop in China. Direct-sowing method has the great significance in increasing winter oilseed rape yield and guaranteeing national edible oil security. Field trials were conducted at 36 sites in the Yangtze River Basin to determine the fertilization effects of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), and boron (B) on seed yield, economic benefit, nutrient uptake and fertilizers efficiencies of direct-sown winter oilseed rape. Then we compared the differences between recommended fertilization and farmers’ fertilizer practice (FFP), and between direct-sowing and transplanting cultivations. The objective was to discuss and offer appropriate suggestions of fertilization management for direct-sown winter oilseed rape in China. Combination application of N, P, K, and B fertilizers (NPKB) resulted in the greatest seed yield (2001 kg ha–1) and economic income (8205 Yuan ha–1), which were significantly higher than those of FFP treatment. The effects of different fertilizers on oilseed rape as N >P>B>K. Nutrient uptakes were obviously improved in NPKB treatment, with the average accumulation of 104.2 kg N ha–1, 20.4 kg P ha–1,and 160.2 kg K ha–1. In addition, the apparent recovery efficiency of N, P, and K fertilizers was 35.8%, 22.3%, and 45.9% in NPKB treatment, respectively, which was considerably higher than that in FFP treatment (20.8%, 7.2%, and 28.0%). Overall, our results demonstrated that suitable fertilization management (combination application of N, P, K, and B fertilizers) would be recommended in the production of direct-sown oilseed rape at the current stage. Both fertilization time and ratio should be adjusted to coordinate with oilseed rape growth and nutrient uptake regulation under direct-sowing cultivation.

倪康, 廖万有, 伊晓云, 牛司耘, 马立峰, 石元值, 张群峰, 刘美雅, 阮建云 . 我国茶园施肥现状与减施潜力分析
植物营养与肥料学报, 2019,25(3):421-432.

[本文引用: 1]

NI K, LIAO W Y, YI X Y, NIU S Y, MA L F, SHI Y Z, ZHANG Q F, LIU M Y, RUAN J Y . Fertilization status and reduction potential in tea gardens of China
Journal of Plant Nutrition and Fertilizers, 2019,25(3):421-432. (in Chinese)

[本文引用: 1]

WAUGH D L, CATE J R B, NELSON L A . Discontinuous models for rapid correlation, interpretation, and utilization of soil analysis and fertilizer response data
Technical Bulletin No.7, North Carlin State University, USA, 1973.

[本文引用: 1]

钱晓华, 廖万友, 胡荣根, 余欢欢, 单梦超, 洪国胜, 杨平 . 安徽省茶园施肥现状与对策分析
茶业通报, 2015(3):108-113.

[本文引用: 1]

QIAN X H, LIAO W Y, HU R G, YU H H, DAN M C, HONG G S, YANG P . Fertilization status and analysis in Anhui tea gardens
Journal of Tea Business, 2015(3):108-113. (in Chinese)

[本文引用: 1]

徐华丽, 鲁剑巍, 李小坤, 王寅, 苏伟 . 湖北省油菜施肥现状调查
中国油料作物学报, 2010,32(3):418-423.

URL [本文引用: 1]
对湖北省20个油菜主产县(市)的356个农户2007/2008年度油菜施肥状况进行了调查。结果显示,所有种植油菜的田块均施用了化肥;施用有机肥的比例仅为19.8%。全省油菜氮(N)、磷(P2O5)和钾(K2O)肥平均施用量分别为171.9、61.7和50.3 kg&#8226;hm-2,N: P2O5: K2O的比例为1: 0.36: 0.29,其中化肥提供的N、P2O5和K2O分别占总投肥量的96.1%、92.1%和80.3%。施肥量分级结果表明,农户普遍重视氮肥的施用,施氮(N)量>120 kg&#8226;hm-2的田块比例为64.3%;磷、钾肥施用不足,施磷(P2O5)、钾(K2O)量<45 kg&#8226;hm-2的比例分别为35.4%和48.9%。油菜施肥次数以施肥两次(基肥+1次追肥)的比例最高,占56.0%;78.3%的氮肥用作基肥施用。调查结果表明,湖北省油菜种植中的施肥问题主要有:(1)养分不平衡,磷、钾肥用量偏低,尤其钾肥用量明显不足;(2)有机肥施用比例、施用量偏低,秸秆还田率低;(3)氮肥用量不足及过量的现象均有存在;(4)施肥次数与油菜生长及养分吸收规律不匹配,前期氮肥用量比例过高。

XU H L, LU J W, LI X K, WANG Y, SU W . Investigation of present fertilization on rapeseed in Hubei Province
Chinese Journal of Oil Crop Sciences, 2010,32(3):418-423. (in Chinese)

URL [本文引用: 1]
对湖北省20个油菜主产县(市)的356个农户2007/2008年度油菜施肥状况进行了调查。结果显示,所有种植油菜的田块均施用了化肥;施用有机肥的比例仅为19.8%。全省油菜氮(N)、磷(P2O5)和钾(K2O)肥平均施用量分别为171.9、61.7和50.3 kg&#8226;hm-2,N: P2O5: K2O的比例为1: 0.36: 0.29,其中化肥提供的N、P2O5和K2O分别占总投肥量的96.1%、92.1%和80.3%。施肥量分级结果表明,农户普遍重视氮肥的施用,施氮(N)量>120 kg&#8226;hm-2的田块比例为64.3%;磷、钾肥施用不足,施磷(P2O5)、钾(K2O)量<45 kg&#8226;hm-2的比例分别为35.4%和48.9%。油菜施肥次数以施肥两次(基肥+1次追肥)的比例最高,占56.0%;78.3%的氮肥用作基肥施用。调查结果表明,湖北省油菜种植中的施肥问题主要有:(1)养分不平衡,磷、钾肥用量偏低,尤其钾肥用量明显不足;(2)有机肥施用比例、施用量偏低,秸秆还田率低;(3)氮肥用量不足及过量的现象均有存在;(4)施肥次数与油菜生长及养分吸收规律不匹配,前期氮肥用量比例过高。

李慧 . 中国冬油菜氮磷钾肥施用效果与推荐用量研究
[D]. 武汉: 华中农业大学, 2015.

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LI H . Fertilization effect and fertilizer recommendation of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium on the winter oilseed rape of China
[D]. Wuhan: Huazhong Agricultural University, 2015. (in Chinese)

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鲁剑巍, 任涛, 丛日环, 李小坤, 张洋洋 . 我国油菜施肥现状及施肥技术研究展望
中国油料作物学报, 2018,40(5):712-720.

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LU J W, REN T, CONG R H, LI X K, ZHANG Y Y . Prospects of research on fertilization status and technology of rapeseed in China
Chinese Journal of Oil Crop Sciences, 2018,40(5):712-720. (in Chinese)

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张磊, 张维乐, 鲁剑巍, 戴志刚, 易妍睿, 丛日环 . 秸秆还田条件下不同供钾能力土壤水稻、油菜、小麦钾肥减量研究
中国农业科学, 2017,50(19):3745-3756.

DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2017.19.011URL [本文引用: 1]
【Objective】 The experiments were conducted to study the effect of reducing potassium (K) fertilizer rates with straw incorporation on crop yield of cereal and oil, K uptake and K efficiency under different soil K supply capacities of Hubei, in order to provide a scientific basis for K fertilization and soil K management under straw returning. 【Method】 Field trials in 38 counties (cities) were carried out to study the effect of the substitution of straw incorporation for K fertilizer on rice, winter oilseed rape and wheat. Six treatments were designed: (1) no K fertilization (CK), (2) chemical K fertilization (+K), (3) straw incorporation (+S), (4) straw incorporation with 50% of chemical K fertilization (S+1/2K), (5) straw incorporation with 75% of chemical K fertilization (S+3/4K), and (6) straw incorporation with 100% of chemical K fertilization (S+K). Three soil K supply levels (i.e., HSKS, MSKS, and LSKS) were graded by relative yield (i.e., crop yield in the CK treatment divided by crop yield in the +K treatment) refer to the CK treatment. 【Result】 Both K fertilization and straw incorporation improved crops yield and K uptake under different soil K supply levels. Total straw incorporation only (+S) would satisfy crops K needs to achieve high yield level (i.e., crop yield in the +K treatment) for the HSKS. For the MSKS, 50% of chemical K fertilization with straw incorporation was needed to reach crop yield level of +K treatment. In case of LSKS, chemical K application rate could reduce 25% for rice and 50% for oilseed rape and wheat under straw incorporation condition, respectively. For the apparent K balance, straw incorporation could offset soil K deficit to some extent. For the seasons of oilseed rape and wheat, straw incorporation to the field could surplus 14.1-152.6 kg K2O·hm-2 and 25.5-95.9 kg K2O·hm-2, respectively. However, soil K balance would still be deficit during the rice season across the sites. The relationship between K fertilization rate and crop yield with straw incorporation was fitted by quadratic and linear-plateau models. The optimum K application rate was obtained from the model under the crop yield of the +K treatment. With straw incorporation, optimum K application rate was 20-33 kg·hm2 for the three crops under the HSKS and MSKS levels, where oilseed rape required less K fertilizer than rice and wheat. However, optimum K rate was 45-49 kg K2O·hm-2 for the LSKS level, where oilseed rape needed more K fertilizer than rice and wheat. Compared with current K economic fertilization rate (60 kg K2O·hm-2), chemical K rate could be reduced by 45.0%-66.7% for the HSKS and MSKS levels, and also chemical K fertilizer could be saved by 18.3%-25.0% for the LSKS level. 【Conclusion】 Chemical K fertilizer could be saved by 18.3%-66.7% while guaranteed crop yields under straw incorporation condition. The reducing rate of chemical K fertilizer should consider soil K supply level.
ZHANG L, ZHANG W L, LU J W, DAI Z G, YI Y R, CONG R H . Study of optimum potassium reducing rate of rice, wheat and oilseed rape under different soil K supply levels with straw incorporation
Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2017,50(19):3745-3756. (in Chinese)

DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2017.19.011URL [本文引用: 1]
【Objective】 The experiments were conducted to study the effect of reducing potassium (K) fertilizer rates with straw incorporation on crop yield of cereal and oil, K uptake and K efficiency under different soil K supply capacities of Hubei, in order to provide a scientific basis for K fertilization and soil K management under straw returning. 【Method】 Field trials in 38 counties (cities) were carried out to study the effect of the substitution of straw incorporation for K fertilizer on rice, winter oilseed rape and wheat. Six treatments were designed: (1) no K fertilization (CK), (2) chemical K fertilization (+K), (3) straw incorporation (+S), (4) straw incorporation with 50% of chemical K fertilization (S+1/2K), (5) straw incorporation with 75% of chemical K fertilization (S+3/4K), and (6) straw incorporation with 100% of chemical K fertilization (S+K). Three soil K supply levels (i.e., HSKS, MSKS, and LSKS) were graded by relative yield (i.e., crop yield in the CK treatment divided by crop yield in the +K treatment) refer to the CK treatment. 【Result】 Both K fertilization and straw incorporation improved crops yield and K uptake under different soil K supply levels. Total straw incorporation only (+S) would satisfy crops K needs to achieve high yield level (i.e., crop yield in the +K treatment) for the HSKS. For the MSKS, 50% of chemical K fertilization with straw incorporation was needed to reach crop yield level of +K treatment. In case of LSKS, chemical K application rate could reduce 25% for rice and 50% for oilseed rape and wheat under straw incorporation condition, respectively. For the apparent K balance, straw incorporation could offset soil K deficit to some extent. For the seasons of oilseed rape and wheat, straw incorporation to the field could surplus 14.1-152.6 kg K2O·hm-2 and 25.5-95.9 kg K2O·hm-2, respectively. However, soil K balance would still be deficit during the rice season across the sites. The relationship between K fertilization rate and crop yield with straw incorporation was fitted by quadratic and linear-plateau models. The optimum K application rate was obtained from the model under the crop yield of the +K treatment. With straw incorporation, optimum K application rate was 20-33 kg·hm2 for the three crops under the HSKS and MSKS levels, where oilseed rape required less K fertilizer than rice and wheat. However, optimum K rate was 45-49 kg K2O·hm-2 for the LSKS level, where oilseed rape needed more K fertilizer than rice and wheat. Compared with current K economic fertilization rate (60 kg K2O·hm-2), chemical K rate could be reduced by 45.0%-66.7% for the HSKS and MSKS levels, and also chemical K fertilizer could be saved by 18.3%-25.0% for the LSKS level. 【Conclusion】 Chemical K fertilizer could be saved by 18.3%-66.7% while guaranteed crop yields under straw incorporation condition. The reducing rate of chemical K fertilizer should consider soil K supply level.

谢军, 赵亚南, 陈轩敬, 李丹萍, 徐春丽, 王珂, 张跃强, 石孝均 . 有机肥氮替代化肥氮提高玉米产量和氮素吸收利用效率
中国农业科学, 2016,49(20):3934-3943.

DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2016.20.008URL [本文引用: 1]
【Objective】 Replacing chemical fertilizer with organic manure is an important way to achieve fertilizer zero increase in China. Eight years location experiments of replacing chemical fertilizer with organic manure were carried out to study maize productivity and nitrogen uptake and nitrogen utilization efficiency in purple soil, so as to provide scientific evidence about rational utilization organic resources and adjust maize fertilization pattern.【Method】In 8 years location experiments, five different fertilization patterns were designed, including CK (non-N fertilization), FP (farmers’ practice), OP (optimal chemical fertilization), MF (organic manure replacing 50% chemical N) and OM (organic manure replacing 100% chemical N), on the variation of maize yield and biomass and nitrogen uptake and nitrogen utilization efficiency.【Result】Replacing partial chemical with organic manure increased maize yield and biomass significantly. Compared with FP and OM and OP treatments, replacing 50% chemical N with organic manure increased maize yield by 13.7% and 13.5% and 12.5%, respectively; it also increased maize biomass by 11.3% and 7.0% and 8.6%, respectively. Compared to CK, the other four treatments decreased the coefficient of variation (CV) and increased the SYI and HI with the greatest change in MF. Organic manure replacing partial chemical N promoted N uptake in maize, and transferred more N to grain. Compared to OP and OM treatments, replacing 50% chemical N with organic manure increased grain N uptake by 7.0% and 29.6%. REN increase 2.5% and 26.5%, respectively. Compare to OP treatment, PFPN and NHI and FCRN in MF increased by 6.2 kg·kg-1 and 3.5% and 6.3%, respectively; Compared to OM treatment, increased by 6.6 kg·kg-1 and 0.8% and 5.8%, respectively. There was a significant difference in N demand for each ton of grain yield among treatments, with 9.4 and 10.8 kg in OP and MF treatments, respectively, which was less than that in FP and OM treatments (14.5 and 12.9 kg). Therefore, OP and MF could improve the N efficiency for grain production. 【Conclusion】 Replacing 50% chemical N with organic manure significantly increased maize economic yield and biomass, also increased yield stability and sustainability; It promoted N uptake in maize and transferred more N to grain, thus increasing N efficiency. So partial chemical N is replaced by organic manure is a rational fertilization pattern to increase maize yield and improve maize yield stability and improve N efficiency in Southwest China.
XIE J, ZHAO Y N, CHEN X J, LI D P, XU C L, WANG K, ZHANG Y Q, SHI X J . Nitrogen of organic manure replacing chemical nitrogenous fertilizer improve maize yield and nitrogen uptake and utilization efficiency
Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2016,49(20):3934-3943. (in Chinese)

DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2016.20.008URL [本文引用: 1]
【Objective】 Replacing chemical fertilizer with organic manure is an important way to achieve fertilizer zero increase in China. Eight years location experiments of replacing chemical fertilizer with organic manure were carried out to study maize productivity and nitrogen uptake and nitrogen utilization efficiency in purple soil, so as to provide scientific evidence about rational utilization organic resources and adjust maize fertilization pattern.【Method】In 8 years location experiments, five different fertilization patterns were designed, including CK (non-N fertilization), FP (farmers’ practice), OP (optimal chemical fertilization), MF (organic manure replacing 50% chemical N) and OM (organic manure replacing 100% chemical N), on the variation of maize yield and biomass and nitrogen uptake and nitrogen utilization efficiency.【Result】Replacing partial chemical with organic manure increased maize yield and biomass significantly. Compared with FP and OM and OP treatments, replacing 50% chemical N with organic manure increased maize yield by 13.7% and 13.5% and 12.5%, respectively; it also increased maize biomass by 11.3% and 7.0% and 8.6%, respectively. Compared to CK, the other four treatments decreased the coefficient of variation (CV) and increased the SYI and HI with the greatest change in MF. Organic manure replacing partial chemical N promoted N uptake in maize, and transferred more N to grain. Compared to OP and OM treatments, replacing 50% chemical N with organic manure increased grain N uptake by 7.0% and 29.6%. REN increase 2.5% and 26.5%, respectively. Compare to OP treatment, PFPN and NHI and FCRN in MF increased by 6.2 kg·kg-1 and 3.5% and 6.3%, respectively; Compared to OM treatment, increased by 6.6 kg·kg-1 and 0.8% and 5.8%, respectively. There was a significant difference in N demand for each ton of grain yield among treatments, with 9.4 and 10.8 kg in OP and MF treatments, respectively, which was less than that in FP and OM treatments (14.5 and 12.9 kg). Therefore, OP and MF could improve the N efficiency for grain production. 【Conclusion】 Replacing 50% chemical N with organic manure significantly increased maize economic yield and biomass, also increased yield stability and sustainability; It promoted N uptake in maize and transferred more N to grain, thus increasing N efficiency. So partial chemical N is replaced by organic manure is a rational fertilization pattern to increase maize yield and improve maize yield stability and improve N efficiency in Southwest China.

田昌, 彭建伟, 宋海星, 荣湘民, 官春云, 刘强 . 有机肥化肥配施对冬油菜养分吸收、籽粒产量和品质的影响
中国土壤与肥料, 2012(4):70-74.

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TIAN C, PENG J W, SONG H X, RONG X M, GUAN C Y, LIU Q . Effects of organic manure application combined with chemical fertilizers on absorption of nutrient, yield and quality of rapeseed
Soil and Fertilizer Sciences in China, 2012(4):70-74. (in Chinese)

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卜容燕, 任涛, 廖世鹏, 李小坤, 丛日环, 张洋洋, 鲁剑巍 . 不同轮作和氮肥分配季节下土壤氮素供应和油菜氮素吸收差异
植物营养与肥料学报, 2019,25(3):412-420.

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BU R Y, REN T, LIAO S P, LI X K, CONG R H, ZHANG Y Y, LU J W . Difference of soil nitrogen supply and rapeseed nitrogen uptake under different rotation systems and seasonal distribution of nitrogen fertilizer
Journal of Plant Nutrition and Fertilizers, 2019,25(3):412-420. (in Chinese)

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QIAO J, YANG L Z, YAN T M . Rice dry matter and nitrogen accumulation, soil mineral N around root and N leaching, with increasing application rates of fertilizer
European Journal of Agronomy, 2013,49:93-103.

DOI:10.1016/j.eja.2013.03.008URL [本文引用: 1]
Rice morphology and N leaching, together with mineral N in the soil and soil solution around root, were determined at different growth stages in a 3-year experiment located in the Taihu Lake region, China. The results showed that the N application rates had little impact on the soil mineral N around root, but increased the dry matter and N accumulation aboveground in the high fertility soil (55.3 mg kg(-1) of soil mineral N before rice season in 2008). However, no significant difference in grain yield was observed in all N treatments in these 3 years. Path analysis showed that spikelet per panicle made the greatest direct contribution (0.781) and total contribution (0.309) to grain yield compared to other yield components. And a higher panicle per m(2) and dry matter accumulation resulted in yield decline later in the season due to a decline in the percentage of filled grains.
No significant increases in plant N uptake, regardless of N application rates, were observed at the seedling stage, which indicated that lower N application rates could suffice during the rice early growing stages. Nitrate contents, in spite of high N rates input, in the percolation water were all below 1.0 mg L-1 throughout the rice growing season. The increased N rates showed an increment of total N leaching through the percolation water, but not significant. The cumulative total N leaching only accounted for 1.86-4.96% of N fertilizer input, which suggested the N leaching should not be considered as main pollution resources in paddy filed in summer rice season. However, the evaluation of N leaching in different stages indicated that N leaching at seedling stage was larger in dominant (averaged 39.8% of total N leaching) than other stages. For the lower absorbing ability of rice seedling and more N leaching risk, suggestions on N fertilizer reduction should be made at rice early growing stage in this region. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V.

刘晓伟, 鲁剑巍, 李小坤, 徐维民, 潘琴 . 不同氮素效率类型油菜的农艺性状、干物质及氮素积累特征
中国油料作物学报, 2011,33(5):487-491.

URL [本文引用: 1]

LIU X W, LU J W, LI X K, XU W M, PAN Q . Agronomic traits, dry matter accumulation and N accumulation of different N uptake and utilization efficiency in rapeseed ( Brassica napus L.)
Chinese Journal of Oil Crop Sciences, 2011,33(5):487-491. (in Chinese)

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鲁剑巍 . 中国油菜生产的高产高效氮素管理
中国农业科学, 2016,49(18):3504-3505.

DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2016.18.004URL [本文引用: 1]
氮素是作物生长最重要的必需营养元素之一,氮肥的合理施用能促进作物生长并提高产量,但过量施氮或不适时的偏施则会抑制作物生长并对生态环境产生威胁[1]。 油菜是中国最重要的油料作物,提供了60%左右的国产食用植物油,近年来种植面积保持在740万公顷左右,其中长江流域的冬油菜种植面积和总产量占全国的80%左右。与其他油料作物相比,长江流域冬油菜为冬季作物,具有不与夏粮作物争地、长期种植可以培肥地力、减少南方冬闲田面积等诸多特点,提高中国食用油自给率、保障食用油安全供给的可行之路只能是稳定和扩大冬油菜种植面积、依靠科技进步提高油料作物产量和产油量[2]

LU J W . Nitrogen management with high yield and high efficiency for oilseed rape in China
Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2016,49(18):3504-3505. (in Chinese)

DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2016.18.004URL [本文引用: 1]
氮素是作物生长最重要的必需营养元素之一,氮肥的合理施用能促进作物生长并提高产量,但过量施氮或不适时的偏施则会抑制作物生长并对生态环境产生威胁[1]。 油菜是中国最重要的油料作物,提供了60%左右的国产食用植物油,近年来种植面积保持在740万公顷左右,其中长江流域的冬油菜种植面积和总产量占全国的80%左右。与其他油料作物相比,长江流域冬油菜为冬季作物,具有不与夏粮作物争地、长期种植可以培肥地力、减少南方冬闲田面积等诸多特点,提高中国食用油自给率、保障食用油安全供给的可行之路只能是稳定和扩大冬油菜种植面积、依靠科技进步提高油料作物产量和产油量[2]

王素萍, 李小坤, 鲁剑巍, 李慧, 吴庆丰, 汪航, 王寅, 肖国滨, 薛欣欣, 徐正伟 . 施用控释尿素对油菜籽产量、氮肥利用率及土壤无机氮含量的影响
植物营养与肥料学报, 2012,18(6):1449-1456.

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Journal of Plant Nutrition and Fertilizers, 2012,18(6):1449-1456. (in Chinese)

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魏玉云, 杜春梅, 茶正早 . 不同母质砖红壤中尿素氨挥发差异的研究
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XIAO K, XU J, TANG C, ZHANG J, BROOKES P C . Differences in carbon and nitrogen mineralization in soils of differing initial pH induced by electrokinesis and receiving crop residue amendments
Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 2013,67:70-84.

DOI:10.1016/j.soilbio.2013.08.012URL [本文引用: 1]
Initial soil pH has been reported to have a great impact on the decomposition of added organic materials and hence to determine the direction and magnitude of subsequent soil pH changes. However, most previous investigations have been conducted on different soil types differing in initial pH and other soil properties. Here, we investigated the effects of initial soil pH on the subsequent soil pH and N mineralization changes caused by addition of crop residues to two soils (a Paleudalf and a Plinthudult) with different pHs induced by treatment with direct electric current. This produced pH gradients of 6.50-3.20 and 6.74-3.81, respectively. Three typical field crop residues differing in C/N ratio, i.e. rice straw C/N = 42, canola residue C/N = 36 and Chinese milk vetch C/N = 14 (vetch), were incubated with the soils for 102 days. With both soils, total CO2 fluxes differed between the type of added crop residues, with vetch > canola residue > rice straw, and decreased with decreasing initial soil pH. The incorporation of crop residues into the two soils at all pHs increased soil pH except for the Paleudalf at pH 3.81 and 4.25 amended with rice straw and canola residue, where pH slightly decreased. As expected, vetch incorporation caused a greater pH increase than the two non-legume residues (rice straw and canola residue), but this effect was transient in soils of higher initial pH. The pH declined rapidly with time in soils of initial pH >= 4.40 treated with vetch, while addition of rice straw and canola residue maintained stable pHs. Irrespective of crop residue addition, soil pH continuously increased or remained steady over the 102-day incubation period in the highly acidic soils (pH <= 4.25). While NH4+ accumulated in highly acidic soils, NO3- accumulated in higher pH soils. Contrasting effects on nitrification and subsequent pH changes occurred between soil pH <= 4.25 and pH >= 4.40. However, no clear relationship between net N mineralization and soil pH was found. This study demonstrated that low soil pH greatly inhibited nitrification, while net N mineralization was generally less affected. This, in turn, affected the direction and extent of soil pH changes after addition of crop residues. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd.

段然 . 施肥方式对稻田氮素转化的影响及其微生物学机制
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于晓芳, 高聚林, 叶君 . 深松及氮肥深施对超高产春玉米根系生长、产量及氮肥利用效率的影响
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姜超强, 王火焰, 卢殿军, 周建民, 王世济, 祖朝龙 . 一次性根区穴施尿素提高夏玉米产量和养分吸收利用效率
农业工程学报, 2018,34(12) : 146-153.

为了明确氮肥一次施用对作物产量和肥料利用率的影响,探寻夏玉米全生育期一次性施氮技术,该文通过2a(2015-2016)在安徽省太和县砂姜黑土和东至县红黄壤的田间试验,研究了农民习惯分次施氮(SSB)、一次性根区穴施尿素(RZF)和一次性条施尿素(BDP)对夏玉米产量、氮磷钾养分吸收和利用的影响。结果表明,各处理玉米产量的顺序为RZF > SSB ≈ BDP > CK,RZF比SSB和BDP分别显著增产8.8%和9.8%。RZF的氮磷钾素积累均为各处理最高,氮肥表观利用率为50.1%~58.9%,比SSB和BDP分别提高8.3和12.4个百分点,并且氮肥农学利用率和偏生产力均最高。RZF的磷肥表观利用率为17.5%,比SSB和BDP分别显著提高18.1%和27.2%。同一施氮水平下,太和点的产量、生物量和氮素积累量比东至点分别高31.5%、25.2%和46.3%。一次性根区穴施尿素提高了氮肥在耕层土壤的集中度,降低了氮素释放速度,达到缓控释肥的效果,能够显著增加玉米产量、提高氮肥利用率。可见,一次根区施肥能够替代当前习惯的分次施肥,实现作物高产稳产,对于化学氮肥减量施用、提高肥料利用率具有很大的潜力和空间,值得进一步研发施肥机械和推广应用。
JIANG C Q, WANG H Y, LU D J, ZHOU J M, WANG S J, ZU C L . Single fertilization of urea in root zone improving crop yield, nutrient uptake and use efficiency in summer maize
Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering, 2018,34(12):146-153. (in Chinese)

为了明确氮肥一次施用对作物产量和肥料利用率的影响,探寻夏玉米全生育期一次性施氮技术,该文通过2a(2015-2016)在安徽省太和县砂姜黑土和东至县红黄壤的田间试验,研究了农民习惯分次施氮(SSB)、一次性根区穴施尿素(RZF)和一次性条施尿素(BDP)对夏玉米产量、氮磷钾养分吸收和利用的影响。结果表明,各处理玉米产量的顺序为RZF > SSB ≈ BDP > CK,RZF比SSB和BDP分别显著增产8.8%和9.8%。RZF的氮磷钾素积累均为各处理最高,氮肥表观利用率为50.1%~58.9%,比SSB和BDP分别提高8.3和12.4个百分点,并且氮肥农学利用率和偏生产力均最高。RZF的磷肥表观利用率为17.5%,比SSB和BDP分别显著提高18.1%和27.2%。同一施氮水平下,太和点的产量、生物量和氮素积累量比东至点分别高31.5%、25.2%和46.3%。一次性根区穴施尿素提高了氮肥在耕层土壤的集中度,降低了氮素释放速度,达到缓控释肥的效果,能够显著增加玉米产量、提高氮肥利用率。可见,一次根区施肥能够替代当前习惯的分次施肥,实现作物高产稳产,对于化学氮肥减量施用、提高肥料利用率具有很大的潜力和空间,值得进一步研发施肥机械和推广应用。
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