Regeneration Capacity Evaluation of Some Largely Popularized Wheat Varieties in China
ZHANGWei**, YINMi-Qi**, ZHAOPei, WANGKe, DULi-Pu, YEXing-Guo* 1 Institute of Crop Sciences, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences / National Key Facility for Gene Resources and Genetic Improvement, Beijing 1000812 Hainan Sugarcane Breeding Station, Guangzhou Sugarcane Industry Research Institute, Sanya 572025, Hainan, China 通讯作者:叶兴国, E-mail: ** 同等贡献(Contributed equally to this work) 收稿日期:2017-03-26 接受日期:2017-09-10 网络出版日期:2018-02-12 版权声明:2018作物学报编辑部作物学报编辑部 基金资助:本研究由国家重点研发计划项目(2016YFD0102001)和国家转基因生物新品种培育重大专项(2016ZX08010004)资助
关键词:小麦;花药;幼胚;成熟胚;组织培养 Abstract Strong genotype dependence exists in wheat doubling haploid and genetic engineering breeding, in which high regeneration ability is a main restrain. In this study, we evaluated the regeneration abilities of various explants of 24 commercial popularized wheat varieties and a new breeding line (CB037) with high powdery mildew resistance. The explants used in the two-year experiment were anther, immature embryo, and mature embryo. The regeneration potential was assessed based on callus induction rate, callus differentiation rate, and shoot induction rate. The plantlet regeneration rates of the all genotypes tested were 0-41.75% for anther culture, 2.25%-531.92% for immature embryo culture, and 3.24%-84.34% for mature embryo culture, showing significant differences among genotypes. Generally, immature embryos had stronger regeneration ability (119.79%) than mature embryos (36.23%) and anthers (4.91%). Among all the used genotypes, CB037 showed the highest regeneration rates for the three explant types. Lunxuan 987, Yangmai 16, Neimai 836, Kenong 199, Xinchun 6, Zhengmai 366, Zhengmai 9023, Xindong 20, Yannong 19, and Chuanmai 42 exhibited ideal regeneration abilities in immature embryo culture; Xinchun 6, Jingdong 8, Shimai 4185, Kenong 199, and Luanxun 987 performed good in mature embryo culture; and Shimai 4185 and Han 6172 were characterized with high regeneration rate of green plantlet in anther culture. Plant regeneration efficiency of wheat was closely associated with genotype and explant type. The same explant type from different genotypes showed significantly different regeneration abilities, and different explants of the same genotype showed different regeneration abilities. However, there was no correlation among regeneration abilities of the three types of explants. The selected genotypes with high regeneration potential are recommended for application in genetic and cell engineering breeding of wheat.
在小麦孕穗期, 取处于单核靠边期的小麦幼穗, 用塑料袋包好置4℃冰箱预处理3 d。接种前用70%酒精擦拭茎秆以表面消毒, 在洁净工作台中用镊子剥去颖壳, 取出花药接种在W14愈伤组织诱导培养基上(见附表1), 先在生化培养箱中30℃、黑暗条件下预培养3 d, 然后转到28℃、黑暗下培养30~45 d。将产生的直径1 mm左右的愈伤组织转移到1/2 MSNK分化培养基(见附表1)上, 在(25±1)℃、70 µmol m-2 s-1、16 h光照条件下培养20~25 d分化植株[2, 11]。 Compositions of the media used in this study for callus induction and differentiation 附表1 附表1本研究用培养基配方 Compositions of the media used in this study for callus induction and differentiationCorrelation coefficient between tissue culture traits of different wheat explants
小麦组织培养效率与基因型和外植体类型密切相关。25个小麦品种(系)中, CB037的花药、幼胚和成熟胚3种外植体组织培养植株再生效率均最高; 轮选987、扬麦16、内麦836、科农199、新春6号、郑麦366、郑麦9023、新冬20、烟农19和川麦42幼胚培养植株再生能力较强; 新春6号、京冬8号、石麦4185、科农199和轮选987成熟胚培养植株再生率较高; 石麦4185和邯6172花药培养绿苗诱导率较高。这些不同外植体再生率较高的小麦基因型可分别用于小麦转基因育种和单倍体育种。 The authors have declared that no competing interests exist. 作者已声明无竞争性利益关系。
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