Research progress of crop diseases monitoring based on reflectance and chlorophyll fluorescence data
JING Xia,1, ZOU Qin1, BAI Zong-Fan1, HUANG Wen-Jiang,2,*1College of Geometrics, Xi’an University of Science and Technology, Xi’an 710054, Shaanxi, China 2State Key Laboratory of Remote Sensing Science, Aerospace Information Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China
Abstract Crop diseases are biological disasters that affect grain production and quality. The infestation of diseases consumes the nutrients and water, disrupts its normal life process, and causes changes in the internal physiological and biochemical state and external appearance of the crop. Canopy reflectance spectrum can detect crop population structure information well, and chlorophyll fluorescence data can sensitively reflect changes in crop photosynthetic physiology, both methods are capable of detecting crop diseases via remote sensing technology. This article outlined the current research status of crop diseases detection based on reflectance spectrum through remote sensing technology from the aspects of monitoring methods and monitoring scales, summarized the research progress of using active fluorescence, passive fluorescence and coordinated solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence and reflectance spectroscopy to monitor crop diseases, analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of reflectance spectrum and chlorophyll fluorescence data in crop disease early warning detection, and discussed the possible problems in the remote sensing detection of crop diseases. On the basis, we made a prospect for the development of remote sensing monitoring crop diseases. This paper provides an important reference for the subsequent applications of crop diseases detection based on reflectance spectrum and chlorophyll fluorescence data. Keywords:reflectance;chlorophyll fluorescence;crop diseases;remote sensing monitoring
PDF (520KB)元数据多维度评价相关文章导出EndNote|Ris|Bibtex收藏本文 本文引用格式 竞霞, 邹琴, 白宗璠, 黄文江. 基于反射光谱和叶绿素荧光数据的作物病害遥感监测研究进展. 作物学报, 2021, 47(11): 2067-2079 DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2021.03057 JING Xia, ZOU Qin, BAI Zong-Fan, HUANG Wen-Jiang. Research progress of crop diseases monitoring based on reflectance and chlorophyll fluorescence data. Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2021, 47(11): 2067-2079 DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2021.03057
Table 3 表3 表3不同尺度的作物病害遥感监测应用案例 Table 3Application cases of remote sensing monitoring crop diseases at different scales
监测尺度 Monitoring scale
设备 Devices
特点 Characteristics
病害类型 Type of diseases
参考文献 Reference
叶片及冠层尺度 Leaf and canopy scale
非成像高光谱扫描仪、成像高光谱仪。 Non-imaging hyperspectral scanner and imaging hyperspectral spectrometer.
方便、灵活以及受外界因素影响较小、监测精度高, 通常用于作物病害的遥感探测机理研究, 受探测范围限制, 难以实现大区域作物病害的遥感探测。 Convenient, flexible and less affected by external factors, with high detection accuracy. It is usually used to study the mechanism of early warning and detection of crop diseases. Due to the limitation of the detection range, it is difficult to realize the correction and detection of large-area crop diseases.
甜菜叶斑病、叶锈病和白粉病 Sugar beet leaf spot, leaf rust and powdery mildew
成像多光谱仪、成像高光谱相机、热红外成像仪。 Imaging multi-spectrometer, imaging hyperspectral camera and thermal infrared imager.
通常利用搭载于航空平台的传感器监测, 探测范围较大, 数据源获取相对航天数据更为灵活且受天气状况影响较小, 对爆发性流行病害具有一定的应急监测能力。 Usually, the sensors carried on the aviation platform are used for monitoring, which has a large detection range, more flexible data source acquisition compared with space data, and less affected by weather conditions, and have a certain emergency monitoring ability for explosive epidemic diseases.
多光谱卫星、高光谱卫星、热红外卫星。 Multispectral satellites, hyperspectral satellites and thermal infrared satellites.
探测范围广, 以卫星数据为数据源, 能周期性地对同一地区进行重复监测, 为大尺度病害预报和流行趋势提供依据。 Wide detection range. Using satellite data as a data source, it can periodically re-monitor the same area and provide a basis for large-scale disease forecasts and epidemic trends.
Fig. 2Effect of narrow atmospheric absorption zones on solar irradiance (left) and filling effect of fluorescence emission on absorption zone (right)[104]
λin、λout、λleft、λright分别表示吸收线内、外、左、右波段的波长值; ωleft、ωright分别表示吸收线左右波段反射率的权重系数; αR和αF分别为反射率和荧光的校正系数; f(rλ)和f(Fλ)为利用数学函数拟合的反射率和荧光曲线; ${{\phi }_{i}}$和${\varphi }_{i}$分别为反射率和荧光的主成分, ki和ji分别为反射率和荧光的主成分权重。 λin, λout, λleft, and λright represent the wavelength values of the inner, outer, left, and right bands of the absorption line; ωleft and ωright represent the weight coefficients of reflectivity in the left and right bands of the absorption line, respectively; αR and αF represent the correction factor for reflectance and fluorescence, respectively; f(rλ) and f(Fλ) are the reflectance and fluorescence curves fitted by mathematical functions, respectively; ${{\phi }_{i}}$and $ are principal components of reflectance and fluorescence, and ki, ji are the principal component weights of reflectance and fluorescence, respectively.
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