Effects of supplemental irrigation with micro-sprinkling hoses on soil physical properties, water consumption and grain yield of winter wheat
HE Xin-Nan, LIN Xiang, GU Shu-Bo, WANG Dong
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何昕楠, 林祥, 谷淑波, 王东. 微喷补灌对麦田土壤物理性状及冬小麦耗水和产量的影响[J]. 作物学报, 2019, 45(6): 879-892. doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2019.81070
HE Xin-Nan, LIN Xiang, GU Shu-Bo, WANG Dong.
黄淮海麦区是我国冬小麦的重要产区, 其播种面积占全国的60%以上, 产量占全国总产量的70%以上, 对保障国家粮食安全具有极其重要的作用。该地区水资源总量仅占全国的7%左右[1], 农业用水量占该地区总用水量的70%以上且主要用于冬小麦灌溉[2]。地面灌溉面积占总灌溉面积的97%左右, 以畦灌为主[3]。但畦灌难以定量, 灌水量往往过大, 其中30%~50%的灌溉水无效蒸发[4], 造成水资源的浪费, 更加剧了该地区缺水的程度。因此, 加快研发适用的节水灌溉技术是确保该地区农业可持续发展和保障国家粮食安全的重要途径。
前人在设施节水方面做了较多的研究。喷灌与畦灌相比, 灌水量降低12.9%~41.5%, 作物产量提高11.3%~30.0%, 水分利用效率提高23.1%~56.0% [5,6,7,8]。微喷带灌溉是在喷灌和滴灌的基础上发展起来的一种新型灌溉方式, 它利用微喷带将水均匀地喷洒在田间, 所用设施相对简单、廉价, 易于收放[9,10,11]。可是传统的微喷带带型和喷孔设计仅适于在低秆或大行距作物上应用[12,13]。小麦生育中后期采用传统的微喷带灌溉, 喷出的水流会被密集的茎秆阻挡, 射程和喷洒宽度大幅下降, 喷水均匀度严重降低, 难以实现节水灌溉。本课题组前期研究发明的小麦专用微喷带(ZL2014104993757)[14]通过改变水流喷射角, 有效解决了这一难题, 显著提高灌溉水分布均匀系数[15,16]。传统的农艺节水技术多采用定额灌溉, 通过减少灌水次数和灌水量降低灌溉水投入[17,18,19,20]。由于降水年型不同, 每年的总降水量及其季节分布均有较大差异, 定额灌溉难以实现水分供给与作物需水的精确匹配, 影响节水效果[21]。本课题组前期研究探索了一种基于灌溉前土壤含水量确定补灌水量的方法[22]。由于冬小麦关键生育时期一定深度土层土壤贮水量是前期土壤贮水、降水、灌溉及作物耗水的综合表现, 而一定深度土层土壤贮水量与耕层土壤含水率存在数量关系[23], 该方法确定了冬小麦各关键生育时期耕层土壤含水率的补灌阈值和补灌水量的计算公式[24]。将该项农艺补灌节水方法与微喷带设施节水技术相结合形成的微喷补灌技术, 可在较低灌水量条件下保持较高的灌溉水分布均匀度, 与传统的定额灌溉相比, 不仅保持了原有的高产水平, 而且节约用水20%~32%, 显著提高水分利用效率[25]。
已有研究证明畦灌为低频率大水量灌溉, 会造成土壤容重增大, 紧实度增加, 土壤蓄水、保水能力变弱, 尤其导致表层土壤透水透气性差, 制约作物正常生长和产量形成[26]。迄今关于微喷带灌溉对麦田土壤物理性状和水分运移的研究还鲜有报道, 本文以传统畦灌为对照, 探索微喷补灌技术对麦田土壤物理性状、冬小麦群体动态、棵间蒸发与蒸腾耗水及产量和水分利用效率的影响, 以期为冬小麦节水高产栽培提供理论和技术支持。
1 材料与方法
1.1 试验地概况
在山东省泰安市道朗镇玄庄村(36°12′N, 116°54′E)大田属温带大陆性季风气候, 年均气温为13.0~13.6℃, 年均降雨量为621.2~688.0 mm, 地下水位为15~25 m。试验田地面坡度为0.3%, 播种前0~20 cm土层土壤养分状况如表1所示, 播种前0~40 cm土层土壤容重、田间持水率、总孔隙度和毛管孔隙度如表2所示, 两年度自然降水量和气温如图1所示。Table 1
表1试验田播种前0~20 cm土层土壤养分状况
Table 1
生长季 Growing season | 有机质 Organic matter (g kg-1) | 全氮 Total N (g kg-1) | 碱解氮 Available N (mg kg-1) | 速效磷 Available P (mg kg-1) | 速效钾 Available K (mg kg-1) |
2016-2017 | 11.16 | 1.10 | 91.40 | 50.80 | 140.80 |
2017-2018 | 11.37 | 1.16 | 96.16 | 53.64 | 140.21 |
Table 2
表2试验田0~40 cm土层土壤容重、田间持水率、总孔隙度和毛管孔隙度
Table 2
土层 Soil layer (cm) | 容重 Bulk density (g cm-3) | 田间持水率 Field capacity (%) | 总孔隙度 Total porosity (%) | 毛管孔隙度 Capillary porosity (%) |
2016-2017 | ||||
0-5 | 1.18 | 41.58 | 55.66 | 33.33 |
5-10 | 1.21 | 41.35 | 54.51 | 34.11 |
10-15 | 1.14 | 44.09 | 56.91 | 35.25 |
15-20 | 1.28 | 37.93 | 51.79 | 31.16 |
20-25 | 1.54 | 25.73 | 41.92 | 19.51 |
25-30 | 1.56 | 24.32 | 41.07 | 17.68 |
30-35 | 1.55 | 25.46 | 41.48 | 19.32 |
35-40 | 1.44 | 28.26 | 45.56 | 22.01 |
2017-2018 | ||||
0-5 | 1.09 | 44.71 | 58.73 | 45.73 |
5-10 | 1.17 | 43.07 | 55.80 | 42.80 |
10-15 | 1.08 | 48.01 | 59.38 | 46.38 |
15-20 | 1.15 | 43.28 | 56.61 | 43.61 |
20-25 | 1.49 | 27.51 | 43.86 | 30.86 |
25-30 | 1.56 | 24.23 | 40.98 | 27.98 |
30-35 | 1.55 | 26.09 | 41.59 | 28.59 |
35-40 | 1.43 | 28.59 | 46.08 | 33.08 |

Fig. 1Precipitation and air temperature in growing seasons of winter wheat in 2016 to 2018
1.2 试验设计
选用该区当前大面积推广的高产冬小麦品种山农29, 设置畦灌(BI)和微喷补灌(MSI)两处理。左侧畦埂中心线至右侧畦埂中心线的垂直距离2.0 m, 畦面宽1.6 m, 畦埂宽0.4 m, 畦长75 m。BI处理的灌水量由试验田地面坡度、畦田规格、单宽流量和改口成数等因素共同决定。每次灌水时将单宽流量设为4.5~5.0 L m-1 s-1, 改口成数设为90%, 即当水流前锋到达畦长长度的90%位置时停止灌水, 用水表计量整个过程灌水量即为该次畦灌处理的灌水量。MSI处理每畦种植8行小麦, 在自边行向内数第4行与第5行小麦之间沿小麦种植行向铺设一条小麦专用微喷带(ZL2014104993757)[14]。在试验小区内灌溉水均匀喷洒, 微喷带进水端装有水表和闸阀, 用以计量和控制灌水量。依据山东省地方标准《小麦微喷补灌节水技术规程》(DB37/T3174-2018)[24]确定MSI处理的灌水时期和灌水量。1.2.1 播种期补灌水量的确定 于小麦播种前1 d, 测定试验田0~20 cm土层土壤质量含水率(θm-0-20, m/m, %), 用公式(1)计算出播种期0~20 cm土层土壤相对含水率(θr-0-20, %)。当θr-0-20>70%时, 无需补灌; 当θr-0-20≤70%时, 用公式(2)计算需补灌水量(I, mm), 并于播种后实施灌溉。
公式(1)中θr-0-20为0~20 cm土层土壤相对含水率(%), θm-0-20为0~20 cm土层土壤质量含水率(m/m, %), FCm-0-20为0~20 cm土层土壤田间持水率(m/m, %)。
公式(2)中I为需补灌水量(mm), γ0-20为0~20 cm土层土壤容重(g cm-3), FCm-0-20为0~20 cm土层土壤田间持水率(m/m, %), θm-0-20为0~20 cm土层土壤质量含水率(m/m, %)。
1.2.2 越冬期补灌水量的确定 在日平均气温下降至2℃左右、表层土壤夜冻昼消时, 测定0~20 cm土层土壤质量含水率(θm-0-20), 用公式(1)计算出0~20 cm土层土壤相对含水率(θr-0-20)。当θr-0-20>60%时, 无需补灌; 当θr-0-20≤60%时, 用公式(2)计算需补灌水量(I, mm), 并及时实施灌溉。
1.2.3 拔节期补灌水量的确定 在小麦拔节初期, 测定0~20 cm土层土壤质量含水率(θm-0-20), 用公式(1)计算出0~20 cm土层土壤相对含水率(θr-0-20)。当θr-0-20>70%时, 无需补灌; 当θr-0-20≤50%时, 用公式(2)计算需补灌水量(I, mm), 并及时实施灌溉。当小麦拔节初期50%<θr-0-20≤70%时, 暂不灌溉, 于拔节后10 d, 测定0~20 cm土层土壤质量含水率(θm-0-20), 用公式(1)计算出0~20 cm土层土壤相对含水率(θr-0-20)。当θr-0-20>70%时, 无需补灌; 当θr-0-20≤70%时, 用公式(2)计算需补灌水量(I, mm), 并及时实施灌溉。
1.2.4 开花期补灌水量的确定 在小麦完花期, 测定0~20 cm土层土壤质量含水率(θm-0-20), 用公式(1)计算出0~20 cm土层土壤相对含水率(θr-0-20)。当θr-0-20>50%时, 无需补灌; 当θr-0-20≤50%时, 用公式(2)计算需补灌水量(I, mm), 并及时实施灌溉。
BI处理的灌水时期与MSI处理的一致, 两处理各生育时期的实际灌水量如表3所示。灌溉水源为井水。
Table 3
Table 3
处理 Treatment | 2016-2017 | 2017-2018 | |||||||||
播种期 Sowing | 冬前期 Pre-wintering | 拔节期 Jointing | 开花期 Anthesis | 总量 Total | 播种期 Sowing | 冬前期 Pre-wintering | 拔节期 Jointing | 开花期 Anthesis | 总量 Total | ||
MSI | 45.9 b | — | 63.5 b | 48.7 b | 158.1 b | — | 54.0 b | 54.3 b | — | 108.3 b | |
BI | 72.2 a | — | 78.4 a | 68.9 a | 219.5 a | — | 82.7 a | 75.5 a | — | 158.2 a |
试验小区面积75 m × 2 m=150 m2, 随机区组排列, 3次重复。小区之间留1 m宽隔离区, 防止小区间水分渗漏。两年度试验分别于2016年10月4日和2017年10月12日播种, 三叶一心期定苗, 留苗密度为180株 m-2, 于2017年6月11日和2018年6月5日收获。小麦播种前将前茬玉米秸秆全部粉碎翻压还田, 底施纯氮192 kg hm-2、P2O5 120 kg hm-2、K2O 120 kg hm-2, 氮肥50%底施, 50%于拔节期随灌溉水追施, 磷钾肥作底肥一次施入。用尿素作氮肥, 重钙作磷肥, 氯化钾作钾肥。BI处理拔节期追施氮肥的方式为在畦田内人工均匀撒施肥料, 随后畦灌。MSI处理拔节期采用微喷带灌溉水肥一体化系统(包括微喷带灌溉系统和溶肥注肥机等)[14,27]追施氮肥。即于小麦拔节期灌水时, 将所需追施的尿素溶解成肥液注入输水管, 使其随灌溉水通过小麦专用微喷带均匀喷洒施入田间。其他管理措施同一般高产田。
1.3 测定项目与方法
1.3.1 土壤容重的测定 于播种前、冬前期、拔节期、开花期和成熟期用环刀法[28], 每5 cm一层采集0~40 cm土层原状土壤样品, 测定土壤容重、田间持水率、土壤总孔隙度及土壤毛管孔隙度。相关计算公式[29]如下。here
式(3)中, γbd为土壤容重(g cm-3), W干为土样干重(g), V干为土样体积(cm3)。(4)式中Fc为田间持水率(%), W饱为土样饱和水重(g), W干为土样干重(g)。(5)式中SG为土粒密度(g cm-3), W土为固体土粒的干重(g), V土为固体土粒体积(cm3)。(6)式中STP为土壤总孔隙度(%), γbd为土壤容重(g cm-3), SG为土粒密度(g cm-3)。(7)式中CPP为土壤毛管孔隙度(%), Fc为田间持水率(%), WRM为凋萎含水率(%)。
1.3.2 全生育期棵间蒸发量测定 采用自制微型蒸发器测定棵间蒸发量。微型蒸发器由外筒和内筒二部分组成 。外筒和内筒均由聚氯乙烯管(PVC)做成, 其中外筒内径220 mm、高200 mm, 壁厚2 mm, 用于嵌入小麦行间地表下放置内筒; 内筒的内径110 mm、高200 mm、壁厚2 mm, 用于装原状土壤。小麦播种当天, 在小麦行间分别用内筒和外筒采集田间原状土壤。采集完原状土壤后立即用塑料薄膜将内筒封底, 防止筒内水分与外界土壤水分交换[30]。将外筒内的土壤全部清除后, 重新将其嵌入原取样处, 使其上口边缘与地面齐平, 清除底部土壤后, 再将内筒垂直放入外筒内, 其顶部与地面齐平。操作过程中尽可能减少对内筒中原状土壤的扰动, 每天17:00对内筒进行称重。每5 d将筒内土壤清除, 更换位置(在同一行间, 距离原位置2 m以内)继续取样测定。如遇降雨, 则在雨后更换位置继续取样测定。单位时间内的棵间蒸发量通过公式(8)计算。
式(8)中, E为单位时间内的棵间蒸发量(mm); ΔM为单位时间内微型蒸发器内筒(含原状土)的质量差(g), 可以直接通过称量获得; r为微型蒸发器内筒的内径(mm)。
1.3.3 农田耗水量和蒸腾量的计算 参照Lyu 等[32]和Chattaraj等[33]的方法计算农田耗水量。
式(9)中, ETc为农田耗水量(mm); P为降水量(mm); CIR为补灌水量(mm); ΔW为阶段初与阶段末0~200 cm土层土壤贮水量的差值, 计算全生育期总耗水量时ΔW为播种期0~200 cm土层土壤贮水量与成熟期0~200 cm土层土壤贮水量的差值。因试验田地势平坦, 且地下水埋深在10 m以下, 故未考虑地下水及地表径流和渗漏的影响。式(10)中, T为蒸腾量(mm); ETc为农田耗水量(mm); E为蒸发量(mm)。
1.3.4 总茎数的测定 分别在冬前期、返青期、拔节期、开花期和成熟期, 从每试验小区随机选取 1 m2面积调查总茎数。
1.3.5 籽粒产量及其构成因素的测定 成熟期调查单位面积穗数、每穗粒数和千粒重。从每个试验小区收获3 m2脱粒, 自然风干至籽粒含水率为12.5% 左右时称重, 并折算成公顷产量。每处理3次重复。
1.3.6 水分利用效率的计算 水分利用效率(kg hm-2 mm-1) = 籽粒产量(kg hm-2)/总耗水量(mm)[34]。
1.4 数据处理与分析
用Microsoft Excel 2003记录整理数据, 用SPSS 22.0统计软件检验显著性(LSD法, α=0.05)。利用SigmaPlot 12.5软件绘图。2 结果与分析
2.1 补灌前后土壤相对含水率
如图2所示, 2016—2017年度, 播种期补灌后,MSI处理0~40 cm土层土壤相对含水率显著升高, BI处理0~60 cm土层土壤相对含水率显著升高, 且高于MSI处理; 拔节期和开花期补灌后, MSI处理和BI处理0~60 cm土层土壤相对含水率均显著升高, 且BI处理高于MSI处理。2017—2018年度, 冬前期和拔节期补灌后, MSI处理与BI处理0~60 cm土层土壤相对含水率显著升高, 且BI处理高于MSI处理。说明在本区域小麦生长季内采用畦灌或微喷补灌, 灌溉水主要贮存在60 cm以上土层; 畦灌每次灌水量均比微喷补灌多(表3), 其上部土层土壤相对含水率亦较高。图2

图2不同处理冬小麦补灌前后0~100 cm土层土壤相对含水率变化
MSI-B: 微喷补灌处理灌水前; BI-B: 畦灌处理灌水前; MSI-A: 微喷补灌处理灌水后; BI-A: 畦灌处理灌水后。
Fig. 2Changes of soil relative water content in 0-100 cm soil layer before and after supplementary irrigation under different treatments
MSI-B: before irrigation under micro-sprinkling supplemental irrigation treatment; BI-B: before irrigation under border irrigation treatment; MSI-A: after irrigation under micro-sprinkling supplemental irrigation treatment; BI-A: after irrigation under border irrigation treatment.
2.2 土壤容重
如图3所示, 2016—2017年度, 在冬前期, BI处理0~MSI处理0~40 cm土层土壤相对含水率显著升高, BI处理0~60 cm土层土壤相对含水率显著升高, 且高于MSI处理; 拔节期和开花期补灌后, MSI处理和BI处理0~60 cm土层土壤相对含水率均显著升高, 且BI处理高于MSI处理。2017—2018年度, 冬前期和拔节期补灌后, MSI处理与BI处理0~60 cm土层土壤相对含水率显著升高, 且BI处理高于MSI处理。说明在本区域小麦生长季内采用畦灌或微喷补灌, 灌溉水主要贮存在60 cm以上土层; 畦灌每次灌水量均比微喷补灌多(表3), 其上部土层土壤相对含水率亦较高。15 cm各土层土壤容重均大于MSI处理, 两处理在20~25 cm和30~40 cm土层的土壤容重无显著差异; 在拔节期, BI处理0~15 cm土层土壤容重大于MSI处理, 两处理在15~20 cm和25~35 cm土层的土壤容重无显著差异; 在开花期和成熟期, BI处理0~20 cm土层土壤容重大于MSI处理, 两处理在20~40 cm多数土层中的土壤容重无显著差异。2017—2018年度的结果与上一年度的基本一致, 两处理土壤容重在拔节期、开花期和成熟期的差异主要位于0~15 cm和0~20 cm土层, 且表现为BI处理大于MSI处理。说明相对于畦灌, 微喷补灌可显著降低0~15 cm甚至0~20 cm土层土壤容重。图3

图3不同处理冬小麦0~40 cm土层土壤容重变化
MSI: 微喷补灌处理; BI: 畦灌处理。
Fig. 3Changes of bulk density in 0-40 cm soil layer under different treatments
MSI: micro-sprinkling supplemental irrigation treatment; BI: border irrigation treatment.
2.3 田间持水率
如图4所示, 2016—2017年度, 在冬前期、拔节期、开花期和成熟期, BI处理在0~15 cm各土层土壤的田间持水率均明显小于MSI处理, 且二者差异在冬前期、拔节期和开花期较大, 在成熟期较小。2017—2018年度, 在拔节期和开花期, BI处理在0~20 cm各土层土壤的田间持水率均明显小于MSI处理; 在成熟期, 两处理在0~10 cm和25~35 cm土层土壤的田间持水率无显著差异, 在10~25 cm土层, BI处理的田间持水率明显小于MSI处理。说明相对于畦灌, 微喷补灌可使麦田上部土层保持较高的田间持水率, 有利于增加主要根层的土壤贮水量。图4

图4不同处理冬小麦0~40 cm土层田间持水率变化
MSI: 微喷补灌处理; BI: 畦灌处理。
Fig. 4Changes of field capacity in 0-40 cm soil layer under different treatments
MSI: micro-sprinkling supplemental irrigation treatment; BI: border irrigation treatment.
2.4 表层土壤总孔隙度
如图5所示, 2016—2017年度, 冬前期, BI处理0~20 cm土层土壤总孔隙度明显小于MSI处理, 在20~40 cm土层, 两处理无显著差异; 拔节期, BI处理0~15 cm和20~25 cm土层土壤总孔隙度明显小于MSI处理, 在15~20 cm和25~40 cm土层, 两处理无显著差异; 开花期和成熟期, BI处理0~20 cm各土层土壤总孔隙度均明显小于MSI处理, 在20~40 cm土层, 两处理无显著差异。2017—2018年度的结果与上一年度的基本一致, 拔节期、开花期和成熟期, BI处理0~15 cm各土层土壤总孔隙度均明显小于MSI处理。说明相对于畦灌, 微喷补灌能显著提高0~15 cm甚至0~20 cm土层土壤总孔隙度。图5

图5不同处理冬小麦0~40 cm土层土壤总孔隙度变化
MSI: 微喷补灌处理; BI: 畦灌处理。
Fig. 5Changes of soil total porosity in 0-40 cm soil layer under different treatments
MSI: micro-sprinkling supplemental irrigation treatment; BI: border irrigation treatment.
2.5 毛管孔隙度
如图6所示, 2016—2017年度, 冬前期, BI处理0~20 cm各土层土壤毛管孔隙度均小于MSI处理, 两处理在20~40 cm土层的土壤毛管孔隙度无显著差异; 拔节期, BI处理0~40 cm各土层土壤毛管孔隙度均小于MSI处理; 开花期, BI处理0~15 cm和25~40 cm各土层土壤毛管孔隙度均小于MSI处理; 成熟期, 两处理10~15 cm和30~35 cm土层土壤毛管孔隙度无显著差异, 其余各土层土壤毛管孔隙度均表现为BI处理明显小于MSI处理。2017—2018年度, 拔节期, BI处理0~40 cm各土层土壤毛管孔隙度均明显小于MSI处理; 开花期, BI处理0~35 cm各土层土壤毛管孔隙度均明显小于MSI处理, 两处理在35~40 cm土层的土壤毛管孔隙度无显著差异; 成熟期, BI处理0~15 cm各土层土壤毛管孔隙度均明显小于MSI处理, 两处理在15~25 cm和30~40 cm土层中的土壤毛管孔隙度无显著差异。说明相对于畦灌, 微喷补灌对0~40 cm多数土层土壤毛管孔隙度均显著提高, 有利于增强土壤持水能力。图6

图6不同处理冬小麦0~40 cm土层土壤毛管孔隙度变化
MSI: 微喷补灌处理; BI: 畦灌处理。
Fig. 6Changes of soil capillary porosity in 0-40 cm soil layer under different treatments
MSI: micro-sprinkling supplemental irrigation treatment; BI: border irrigation treatment.
2.6 冬小麦生长季棵间日蒸发量与大气日均温
如图7所示, 冬小麦生长季棵间日蒸发量在年际间有较大差异。2016—2017年度, BI处理和MSI处理的最大日蒸发量均为2.0 mm, 2017—2018年度, BI处理和MSI处理的最大日蒸发量分别为0.9 mm和0.7 mm。两处理5月份之前的棵间日蒸发量变化动态与日均温基本一致, 二者相关系数在2016— 2017年度r = 0.434, n = 145, P = 0.000**, 在2017—2018年度 r = 0.271, n = 111, P = 0.004**。5月1日后棵间日蒸发量与日均温的相关系数在2016—2017年度r =–0.464, n = 25, P=0.017*, 在2017—2018年度r =–0.345, n = 21, P = 0.116。说明麦田棵间蒸发量在小麦生育前中期受气温影响较大, 生育后期受气温影响较小, 可能与该时期地表覆盖度大有关。BI处理与MSI处理的棵间日蒸发量动态曲线基本一致, 但总体上表现为BI处理大于MSI处理。图7

MSI: 微喷补灌处理; BI: 畦灌处理; A: 播种期灌水; B: 冬前期灌水; C: 拔节期灌水; D: 开花期灌水。
Fig. 7Daily evaporation of winter wheat and average daily air temperature
MSI: micro-sprinkling supplemental irrigation treatment; BI: border irrigation treatment; A: irrigation at sowing; B: irrigation at pre-wintering; C: irrigation at jointing; D: irrigation at anthesis.
2.7 阶段耗水量及其组成
如表4所示, 两年度试验结果基本一致。BI处理的播种至拔节期各阶段耗水量、棵间蒸发量和植株蒸腾量均显著高于MSI处理, 拔节至成熟期各阶段棵间蒸发量亦显著高于MSI处理, 而阶段耗水量则低于MSI处理或与MSI处理无显著差异。说明相比于畦灌, 微喷补灌不仅可以减少全生育期的棵间蒸发量, 而且显著降低拔节前的蒸腾耗水量, 从而减少全生育期总耗水量。Table 4
Table 4
处理 Treatment | 播种-越冬 Sowing-Pre-wintering | 冬前-返青 Pre-wintering-Revival | 返青-拔节 Revival-Jointing | 拔节-开花 Jointing-Anthesis | 开花-成熟 Anthesis-Maturity | ||||||||||
耗水量 WCA (mm) | 蒸发量 E (mm) | 蒸腾量 T (mm) | 耗水量 WCA (mm) | 蒸发量 E (mm) | 蒸腾量 T (mm) | 耗水量 WCA (mm) | 蒸发量 E (mm) | 蒸腾量 T (mm) | 耗水量 WCA (mm) | 蒸发量 E (mm) | 蒸腾量 T (mm) | 耗水量 WCA (mm) | 蒸发量 E (mm) | 蒸腾量 T (mm) | |
2016-2017 | |||||||||||||||
MSI | 21.4 b | 39.5 b | 8.8 b | 73.8 b | 13.3 b | 33.6 b | 95.9 b | 11.5 b | 84.5 b | 75.2 a | 9.0 b | 66.1 a | 168.5 a | 18.6 b | 149.9 a |
BI | 64.4 a | 51.2 a | 13.2 a | 96.9 a | 20.9 a | 75.9 a | 108.5 a | 15.4 a | 93.2 a | 60.0 b | 12.7 a | 47.3 b | 164.1 a | 22.7 a | 141.4 b |
2017-2018 | |||||||||||||||
MSI | 45.2 a | 17.4 a | 27.8 a | 39.1 b | 19.0 b | 20.1 b | 76.4 b | 4.7 b | 71.7 b | 127.0 a | 7.3 b | 119.7 a | 112.4 a | 9.3 b | 103.2 a |
BI | 45.2 a | 17.4 a | 27.8 a | 80.8 a | 29.6 a | 51.3 a | 88.5 a | 6.1 a | 82.4 a | 95.2 b | 10.4 a | 84.8 b | 102.7 b | 14.6 a | 88.1 b |
2.8 群体动态
图8表明, MSI处理拔节期单位面积茎数显著低于BI处理, 其余生育时期均与BI处理无显著差异, 两年度结果一致, 说明微喷补灌可减少春季分蘖的发生。图8

MSI: 微喷补灌处理; BI: 畦灌处理。
Fig. 8Dynamic changes of population culms in different treatments of winter wheat
MSI: micro-sprinkling supplemental irrigation treatment; BI: border irrigation treatment.
2.9 冬小麦产量和水分利用效率
如表5所示, 两年度试验均表现为MSI处理的穗数、穗粒数、千粒重和籽粒产量与BI处理无显著差异, 但水分利用效率显著高于BI处理, 说明采用微喷补灌技术能够维持高产水平、显著提高水分利用效率。Table 5
Table 5
处理 Treatment | 穗数 Number of spikes (×104 hm-2) | 穗粒数 Grains per spike | 千粒重 1000-grain weight (g) | 籽粒产量 Grain yield (kg hm-2) | 水分利用效率 Water use efficiency (kg hm-2 mm-1) |
2016-2017 | |||||
MSI | 759 a | 28.7 a | 46.5 a | 9417.2 a | 21.7 a |
BI | 788 a | 29.1 a | 45.9 a | 9626.8 a | 19.5 b |
2017-2018 | |||||
MSI | 522 a | 32.6 a | 47.0 a | 7898.9 a | 19.7 a |
BI | 540 a | 31.4 a | 46.6 a | 7730.2 a | 18.8 b |
2.10 生态和经济效益
由表6可知, 与畦灌处理相比, 微喷补灌处理可减少灌溉水投入502~614 m3 hm-2。虽然增加了设备投入(折旧费), 但总产值大幅度提高, 而且减少了灌溉用电量、用电费和用工费, 净收益增加2026.6~ 2181.5元 hm-2。说明采用微喷补灌技术不仅可以节约水电资源, 有利于保护生态环境, 而且减少了用工量和工费投入, 并通过增加有效种植面积大幅度提高产值, 取得显著的生态和经济效益。Table 6
Table 6
处理 Treatment | 总灌水量 TIA (m3 hm-2) | 设备投入 (折旧费) EI (DC) (Yuan hm-2 year-1) | 灌溉用电量 IE (kW h-1 hm-2) | 灌溉用电费 IEC (Yuan hm-2) | 灌溉用工费 ILC (Yuan hm-2) | 产值 GOV (Yuan hm-2) | 净收益 NI (Yuan hm-2) |
2016-2017 | -614.0 | 675.0 | -257.9 | -309.5 | -1200.0 | 1192.1 | 2026.6 |
2017-2018 | -502.0 | 675.0 | -191.5 | -229.8 | -800.0 | 1826.7 | 2181.5 |
3 讨论
土壤物理性状受土壤耕作、灌溉方式和施肥等的影响[35,36,37,38], 其变化直接影响土壤水、肥、气、热的保持和运动, 并且与作物的生长发育有密切关系。柴仲平等[39]研究滴灌、沟灌和漫灌对棉田土壤主要物理性状的影响, 发现各处理土壤孔隙度表现为漫灌<沟灌<滴灌, 而容重则相反。与漫灌和沟灌相比, 滴灌降低土壤容重, 增加总孔隙度、毛管孔隙度和气相比[40]。畦灌由于其灌水量过大[26], 会造成土壤容重和紧实度增大, 土壤水分入渗阻力增加, 土壤蓄水和保水能力变弱, 尤其导致表层土壤透水和透气性差。与畦灌相比, 喷灌处理表土中圆形和不规则气孔的孔隙度均降低, 而且由于其产生较小的土壤裂缝, 可抑制大孔隙水流的发展[41]。本试验中, 微喷补灌处理与常规畦灌处理相比, 不仅降低了0~20 cm土层土壤容重(图3), 而且提高了0~15 cm甚至0~20 cm土层土壤总孔隙度(图5), 使0~40 cm多数土层土壤毛管孔隙度提高(图6), 相应土层的田间持水率也随之提高(图4), 有利于增加主要根层的土壤贮水量, 并使水、肥、气、热协调。由于微喷补灌处理的单次灌水量为45.9~63.5 mm, 比常规畦灌处理减少了14.9~28.7 mm (表3), 目前尚难以区分灌水量和微喷灌方式各自对土壤物理性状的调节作用, 有待今后进一步研究。作物的正常耗水为植株蒸腾和棵间蒸发, 其中棵间蒸发被视为无效耗水[42]。土壤水分状况是影响棵间蒸发的最重要因素, 两者呈显著正相关, 土壤水分越高, 蒸发量越大[43]。另有研究表明, 土壤孔隙分布越均匀, 孔隙连通性越好, 越能抑制土壤蒸发[44]。本试验依据麦田耕层土壤含水率和补灌阈值确定灌水时期和每次灌水量, 并通过微喷带在田间灌溉。微喷补灌处理每次灌水量和全生育期总灌水量均比畦灌处理明显减少(表3), 其上部土层土壤相对含水率亦相应降低(图2), 这是微喷补灌处理全生育期棵间蒸发量较低的原因, 而微喷补灌处理土壤毛管孔隙度的增加亦为减少棵间蒸发量起了作用, 其贡献大小尚待进一步研究。
作物的耗水强度代表其需水状况, 在一定程度上影响作物的水分利用效率。供水量与小麦总耗水量呈线性正相关, 回归斜率为0.67~0.71[45]。随着灌水次数和灌水量的增加, 小麦耗水量增多[46], 灌溉水利用效率降低[47], 这与本试验结果一致。小麦不同生育时期对水分的需求存在差异, 因此灌水时期是影响小麦水分利用效率的重要因素[48]。冬小麦对拔节期土壤水分的响应明显, 增加该时期灌水量可显著促进其株高的增长[49]。本课题组前期的研究证明在底墒适宜的条件下, 不灌越冬水, 直至拔节期才补充灌溉可显著促进0~20 cm土层根系的生长, 有利于对上部根层土壤蓄存的自然降水和灌溉水的吸收利用[50]; 本试验结果表明采用微喷补灌技术显著减少小麦拔节前的灌水量, 明显抑制春季分蘖的发生, 显著减少返青至拔节期间的植株蒸腾量和麦田总耗水量、提高水分利用效率。同时说明在保证冬前群体适宜的基础上, 减少小麦生育前期的供水、抑制春季无效分蘖的发生是降低麦田耗水、提高水分利用效率的一条有效途径。
4 结论
微喷补灌技术可减少冬小麦全生育期灌水量, 降低耕层土壤容重、增加土壤毛管孔隙度和总孔隙度, 减少棵间蒸发量, 同时抑制春季无效分蘖发生, 降低植株无效蒸腾, 是减少麦田总耗水量、提高水分利用效率的重要技术途径。参考文献 原文顺序
DOI:10.1515/helia-2014-0003URL [本文引用: 1]

A 2-year study was conducted to determine the response of four sunflower cultivars (Master, Lakumka, Favorite and Berezanski) to different irrigation regimes: 45 (control), 60, 75 and 90% (I1-揑4) of maximum allowable depletion (MAD) of available soil water (ASW). Severe deficit irrigation (I3 and I4) significantly decreased water-use efficiency, radiation use efficiency, yield and yield-related components. The results also showed that water deficit, compared to full-irrigated treatment (I1), increased the activity of all antioxidant enzymes in leaves. Master had the highest seed yield in full and limited irrigation as well as the highest antioxidant enzymes content. Sunflower plants extracted most of the soil moisture from 0 to 50 cm soil layer. Therefore, it is recommended that only the 0-50 cm soil profile be considered for scheduling irrigation. Measured and simulated results revealed a special irrigation regime threshold for each cultivar with respect to seed yield. The response rate to irrigation regime ceased in higher irrigation rates as Ijoin (65, 63, 65 and 70% MAD for Master, Lakumka, Favorite and Berezanski, respectively). Moreover, all estimated Ijoin for all cultivars were higher than the current recommendation of 50% MAD. This shows the ability to sustain the yield of these sunflower cultivars in the study region under deficit irrigation. The seed yield of all four cultivars tended to respond similarly to irrigation in both years, but Master was more efficient than the remaining three cultivars with respect to the response to diverse treatments.
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DOI:10.1016/j.agwat.2010.09.006URL [本文引用: 1]

The North China Plain (NCP) is one of the main productive regions for winter wheat ( Triticum aestivum L.) and summer maize ( Zea mays L.) in China. However, water-saving irrigation technologies (WSITs), such as sprinkler irrigation technology and improved surface irrigation technology, and water management practices, such as irrigation scheduling have been adopted to improve field-level water use efficiency especially in winter wheat growing season, due to the water scarcity and continuous increase of water in industry and domestic life in the NCP. As one of the WSITs, sprinkler irrigation has been increasingly used in the NCP during the past 20 years. In this paper, a three-year field experiment was conducted to investigate the responses of volumetric soil water content (SWC), winter wheat yield, evapotranspiration (ET), water use efficiency (WUE) and irrigation water use efficiency (IWUE) to sprinkler irrigation regimes based on the evaporation from an uncovered, 20-cm diameter pan located 0–5 cm above the crop canopy in order to develop an appropriate sprinkler irrigation scheduling for winter wheat in the NCP. Results indicated that the temporal variations in SWC for irrigation treatments in the 0–60-cm soil layer were considerably larger than what occurred at deeper depths, whereas temporal variations in SWC for non-irrigation treatments were large throughout the 0–120-cm soil layer. Crop leaf area index, dry biomass, 1000-grains weight and yield were negatively affected by water stress for those treatments with irrigation depth less than 0.50 E, where E is the net evaporation (which includes rainfall) from the 20-cm diameter pan. While irrigation with a depth over 1.0 E also had negative effect on 1000-grains weight and yield. The seasonal ET of winter wheat was in a range of 206–499 mm during the three years experiments. Relatively high yield, WUE and IWUE were found for the irrigation depth of 0.63 E. Therefore, for winter wheat in the NCP the recommended amount of irrigation to apply for each event is the total 0.63 E that occurred after the previous irrigation provided total E is in a range of 30–40 mm.
DOI:10.1016/j.agwat.2016.04.023URL [本文引用: 1]

Water shortage and high irrigation rate has increased the need for appropriate irrigation scheduling to improve agricultural water use efficiency for food security in Northwest China. A two-year field experiment was carried out to investigate the response of melon (Cucumis meloL.) yield, quality and water productivity (WP) to various soil moisture levels with controlled furrow irrigation in the arid oasis region of Gansu Province. Soil water content (SWC) with values of 55% and 65% FC (field capacity) during blooming to fruit setting stage, and 45%, 55%, and 65% FC during fruit swelling stage, respectively, was considered as the lower limit for irrigation. Considering the fruit marketable yield, WP, and quality, an overall integrated index was developed and then used as an indicator to assess the appropriate irrigation scheduling. The overall integrated index value was computed by using the catastrophe progression method. Results showed that the melon yield (total, marketable and high quality yields), and vitamin C content were highly sensitive to lower SWC limits with value from 45% to 65% FC during fruit swelling stage. The treatment with lower SWC limit of 55% FC during blooming to fruit setting or fruit swelling stage was found without significant effect on melon yield and WP, and the treatment with lower SWC limit of 55% FC from blooming to swelling stage had negative impact on melon yield and vitamin C. Considering the overall integrated index values, the lower SWC limit of 55% and 65% FC was recommendable for furrow irrigation of melon crops during blooming to fruit setting and fruit swelling stages, respectively, in the arid oasis region of Northwest China.
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DOI:10.1016/S0378-3774(97)00030-9URL [本文引用: 1]

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DOI:10.1016/j.fcr.2014.08.012URL [本文引用: 1]

A shortage of water threatens agricultural sustainability in the Huang-Huai-Hai Plain of China. Effective water-saving technologies need to be developed urgently. The experiment reported here, conducted between 2010 and 2012, aimed to determine how the length of the micro-sprinkling hose delivering supplemental irrigation affected photosynthetsis, dry matter (DM) accumulation, grain filling, and yield of winter wheat. Four treatments were compared: rainfed (W0) and irrigated with micro-sprinkling hoses with lengths of 40 m (W40), 60 m (W60), and 80 m (W80). The relative soil water content in the 0-140 cm soil horizon (RSWC) did not differ between 0 and 40 m from the proximal border of irrigated plots either in W40 or W60, and no differences in RSWC were observed across four inter-rows, spaced 22.9 cm apart, from the micro-sprinkling hoses in W40. However, RSWC decreased significantly with increasing distance from the proximal border in W80. There were no differences in mean actual photochemical efficiency (Phi PSII), maximum quantum yield of the PSII (Fv/Fm), flag leaf photosynthetic rate (Pn) or canopy apparent photosynthetic rate (CAP) 20 days after anthesis (DAA) between plants from W40 and W60, but all were greater in plants from W40 and W60 than in plants from W80. The Phi PSII, Fv/Fm, Pn, and CAP in plants from W80, but not W40, decreased significantly with increasing distance from the proximal border from 20 DAA. The total DM and the harvest index of plants from W40 were greater than those of plants from W60 and W80. The grain filling rate in the middle and later filling stages, 1000-grain weight, grain yield and water use efficiency became less as the length of micro-sprinkling hose was increased from 40 m to 80 m. In this study, the optimum length of micro-sprinkling hoses for irrigating wheat after jointing was 40 m to 60 m. The results indicate the importance of uniformity of irrigation water distribution in increasing the productivity of winter wheat. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
DOI:10.1016/j.fcr.2014.02.001URL [本文引用: 1]

The development of water-saving irrigation techniques is required for future food and ecological security in the Huang-Huai-Hai Plain of China, which suffers from severe water shortage. Field experiments were performed over two years (2010/2012) with the high-yielding winter wheat cultivar Jimai22 to examine the effects of supplemental irrigation (SI) with micro-sprinkling hoses on water distribution in soil and grain yield of winter wheat. Five irrigation treatments were tested: rainfed (T0), and irrigated with micro-sprinkling hoses with minimum sprinkling angles (i.e. the angle between the tangent of the initial water jet and the horizontal) of 35° (T1), 50° (T2), 65° (T3) and 80° (T4). The SI brought soil water content in the 0–140cm profile to 75% field capacity (FC) at jointing and 70% FC at anthesis in 2010/2011, and 70% FC at both jointing and anthesis in 2011/2012. The distribution uniformity of irrigation water (Cμ) in soil after irrigation at jointing and anthesis was increased by increasing sprinkling angle from 35° to 80°. The increase in the soil water content in the 0–40cm soil layer of the inter-rows decreased significantly with increasing distance from the micro-sprinkling hose in T1, T2 and T3, but there was no significant difference between inter-rows in T4. As sprinkling angle was increased from 35° to 80°, the amount of SI required (CIR), soil water consumption (ΔW) and crop evapotranspiration (ETc) decreased. The grain filling rate at the later filling stage, 1000-kernel weight, dry matter accumulation (DM), grain yield, and agronomic water use efficiency (AWUE) were significantly higher in T4 than in T1, T2 and T3. The CIR, ΔW and ETc had significant, negative, linear relationships with Cμ. However, DM, grain yield, and AWUE had significant, positive, linear relationships with Cμ with mean correlation coefficients of 0.60, 0.91 and 0.91, respectively. In this study, the optimum sprinkling angle of micro-sprinkling hoses for irrigating wheat after jointing was 80°.
DOI:10.1016/j.fcr.2016.07.009URL [本文引用: 1]

The North China Plain (NCP) is a remarkable region with serious water shortages, especially during the winter wheat growing season. Developing water-saving irrigation is an important strategy to thoroughly resolving water scarcity in this region. Field experiments were conducted at Wuqiao Experiment Station of China Agricultural University, Hebei, China, in 2013–2014 and 2014–2015 using “Jimai22”, a winter wheat cultivar planted widely across China. The three irrigation regimes used were no-irrigation (no water applied after sowing), limited-irrigation (60mm of water applied at elongation), and sufficient-irrigation (a total of 180mm of water applied, with 60mm at regreening, elongation, and anthesis stages, respectively). Soil water storage, soil reservoir capacity, root length density, leaf expansion, water use efficiency (WUE), and grain yield of winter wheat were measured. The highest WUE was observed in the limited-irrigation treatment, achieving a relatively high grain yield. With increases in water (i.e., sufficient-irrigation), winter wheat grain yield increased, but water WUE decreased. Limited-irrigation hampered leaf expansion, which can reduce transpiration, and slightly reduced grain yield compared to the sufficient-irrigation treatment. Moreover, limited-irrigation stimulated roots to grow into deeper soil layers and thus enhanced the uptake of soil-stored water from the subsoil layer, developing a large soil reservoir capacity to store rain-water in summer. Overall, this study demonstrates that regulating soil water depletion moderately in the non-critical period and supplementary water in the critical period (through limited-irrigation, i.e., 60mm of water applied at elongation) in winter wheat results in high WUE with relatively high grain yield and enlarges soil reservoir capacity. Therefore, in years with typical climate conditions, irrigation of 60mm applied at elongation is the best irrigation scheme for efficient water use and relatively high yield in winter wheat in NCP.
DOI:10.1016/j.agwat.2015.12.023URL [本文引用: 1]

Central Anatolia is known as the wheat silo of Turkey since the region has the greatest production of wheat in the country. However, the region’s insufficient water resources force producers to use deficit irrigation. The present study was conducted to create deficit irrigation strategies for wheat. Twenty two experimental treatments, including full irrigation and dry treatment, were created based on the different growth stages of wheat (stem elongation, heading, milk stage) and water-deficit levels (0, 35, 65 and 100%). The results revealed different effects of water-deficits on wheat yield, quality, and water-use efficiencies based on the plant-growth stages in which the water deficits are applied. The water deficits applied in the stem elongation and heading stages significantly decreased the wheat yields. On the other hand, a 35% deficit applied only in the stem elongation stage yielded the highest thousand-kernel weight and protein ratio. The seasonal water-consumptive use of experimental treatments varied between 206 and 571mm; the grain yields varied between 288 and 682kgda611; the thousand kernel-weights varied between 33.9 and 52.2g; the total water-use efficiencies varied between 1.02 and 1.30kgm613and irrigation water-use efficiencies varied between 0.51 and 1.17kgm613.
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DOI:10.1007/s11027-014-9612-1URL [本文引用: 1]

Abstract Climate change and variability has the potential to impact crop growth by altering components of a region- water balance. Evapotranspiration driven by higher temperatures can directly increase the demand of irrigation water, while indirectly decreasing the length of the annual crop growth period. The accompanying change in precipitation also affects the need to supply irrigation water. This study focuses on the spatial and temporal variation of historical and future irrigation water requirements of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in the Haihe River Basin, China. Irrigation water requirement is estimated using a simple water balance model. Climate change is incorporated by using predicted changes in daily precipitation and temperature. Changes in evapotranspiration and crop phenophase are then calculated for historical and future climate. Over the past 50 years, a decrease in total net irrigation water requirement (NIR) was observed mainly due to a reduction in the crop growth period length. The NIR is shown to decrease 2.8-6.9 mm with a 1-day reduction in growth period length. In the future, sowing period will come later and the heading period earlier in the year. The NIR in November, March and April is predicted to increase, especially in April. Increased NIR can result in increased water deficit, causing negative impacts on crop yield due to water stress. In the future, more attention should be paid to water resource management during the annual crop growth period of winter wheat in the Haihe River Basin.
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DOI:10.1007/sl1703-011-1149-4URL [本文引用: 1]

This paper studied the variation characters on wheat and corn water consumption and irrigation watersaving amount under different water conditions (ample irrigation level,farmers conventional irrigation level and optimizing irrigation level).The water use efficiency and water saving potential of optimizing treatment and farmers' conventional irrigation treatment were analyzed respectively.The objective of this study was to provide theoretical supporting for popularization and application of optimizing irrigation measures.Crop water requirement under sufficient water supply was calculated by Penman equation.We obtained crop water consumption under conventional treatment and optimizing treatment by field experiment.The main results showed that the irrigation amount of wheat and corn was too much under farmers' conventional irrigation level and basically satisfied their water requirement,therefore,the water-saving amount was smaller while water-saving potential was bigger compared with the optimizing irrigation treatment.The grain yield under optimizing irrigation treatment was improved or appreciably reduced compared with that under conventional irrigation treatment,while the water consumption and irrigation amount of optimizing irrigation treatment was lower,with a higher water use efficiency.Therefore,the optimizing irrigation treatment could achieve a stable yield and high water efficiency at the same time.Moreover,when the optimizing irrigation measure was adopted,the grain yield reached 5940 kg/hm2,water-saving amount reached 91mm for winter wheat,and the grain yield reached 7743 kg/hm2,with water-saving amount of 49 mm for summer corn in the piedmont region of Taihang Mount.The grain yield got 7710 kg/hm2,with water-saving amount of 20 mm for winter wheat in Heilonggang Plain.Therefore,the water-saving amount in the piedmont region of Taihang Mountain was obviously higher than that in Heilonggang Plain.Thus,the piedmont region of Taihang Mountain in the North China Plain is viewed as the key district for water-saving.
DOI:10.1016/j.fcr.2012.12.009URL [本文引用: 1]

Precise application of irrigation water to crops requires an accurate calculation of daily crop evapotranspiration (ET), which has always remained a challenge to the scientific community. Reflectance-based crop coefficients approach has a strong theoretical base, as both the crop coefficient [ratio of actual crop (ETc) and reference ET (ET0)] and remote sensing of crop follow a similar response curve mediated by crop growth stages and crop health conditions. This paper investigates the feasibility of linking the evolution of basal crop coefficient (Kcb) of wheat to the hyperspectral remote sensing derived vegetation indices, through leaf area index (LAI), the principal plant growth parameter. Two years field experiments were conducted with three cultivars of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) under adequate (6-cm each irrigation) and limited (4-cm each irrigation) water supply. Ground based observations on profile water balance components, hyperspectral remote sensing, fractional ground coverage, LAI, water potential and relative water content in leaves were monitored periodically. Biomass and yields were recorded at harvest. Limited water application forced the crop to attain its peak crop coefficients and LAI values early (at flowering, 80-95DAS), compared to at milking stage (90-105DAS) under adequate water supply. Basal crop coefficients (Kcb), indicative of transpiration in plants were able to generate a better estimate of the stage-specific crop water use. The prospect of its retrieval through hyperspectral remote sensing was demonstrated. A reduction in Kcb could be primarily due to reduction in LAI in wheat, especially when soil moisture was not a limiting factor. Exclusion of residual evaporation and minimizing background effect of soil made the evolution of Kcb similar to LAI and LAI similar to Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index (SAVI). These imply that the transpiration and light absorption profile of the crop increase or decrease with nearly the same rate throughout its growth period. The LAI saturated at a value of 3 in limited and 4 in adequate irrigation treatments suggesting that once the canopy coverage is complete, further increase in LAI might not lead to an increase in single crop coefficient values. Interestingly, SAVI showed a linear response to Kcb, and also did not saturate before the LAI reached to 4.5 (LAI>4.0 is reported in full developed canopies of wheat). This makes SAVI superior than NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index), which saturates at LAI>3.5, for retrieving crop coefficient; and improving the accuracy in predicting crop water use at specific stages. These relations have high potential at an operational scale for irrigation scheduling over extended wheat growing areas like Indo-Gangetic Plains, through use of high resolution earth observation satellite data.
DOI:10.1016/j.agwat.2012.06.005URL [本文引用: 1]

Irrigation water is limiting for crop production in arid and semi-arid areas and excess nitrogen (N) application is a source of groundwater contamination. Therefore, alternate furrow irrigation can be used as water saving irrigation (WSI) and a controlling measure of groundwater N contamination. The objectives of this investigation were to evaluate the effect of ordinary furrow irrigation (OFI), variable alternate furrow irrigation (VAFI) and fixed alternate furrow irrigation (FAFI) and different N application rates (0, 100, 200, and 300kgha611) on rapeseed yield and yield quality, drainage water, N leaching, uptake and N use efficiency. Results indicated that in terms of seed yield the VAFI is superior to FAFI and it is equivalent to the full irrigation (OFI). Therefore, VAFI is a water saving irrigation in the study region (25% reduction in water use) even under drought conditions with 175mm of rainfall occurred mostly in winter. Furthermore, based on the seed yield, nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) and water use efficiency (WUE), it was concluded that VAFI with 200kgNha611 is appropriate irrigation and N fertilizer management for rapeseed in the study region. However, based on the seed oil, protein yields, oil yield based WUE and apparent N recovery, VAFI with 300kgNha611 is best treatment. Leaching during the growing season could be reduced by using VAFI especially under conditions with low rainfall in winter. Only in FAFI, N uptake decreased and soil residual N was increased as compared with OFI and VAFI. Thus, in order to avoid N losses, the amount of N fertilizer should be reduced in proportion to the amount of soil water available for plant water uptake under water saving irrigation (VAFI).
DOI:10.1016/j.still.2007.10.011URL [本文引用: 1]

The suitability of soil for sustaining plant growth and biological activity is a function of physical and chemical properties, many of which depend on the quantity and quality of soil organic matter. The equilibrium level of soil organic matter depends on the balance between input through plant residues and other biosolids and output through decomposition, erosion and leaching. However crop residues have numerous competing uses such as fodder, fuel and construction material. Similarly, costs are incurred in its application and these increase with mulch level. Therefore, it is necessary to establish optimum mulch application rates. Empirical data on soil organic matter in relation to input residue of residue are needed to understand management impact on soil quality. Long-term field plots were setup in 1989 to study the effects of mulching on soil physical properties of a Crosby silt loam (Aeric Ochraqualf or stagnic luvisol) soil in central Ohio. Treatments included mulch application at 0, 2, 4, 8 and 16 Mg ha 611 year 611 without crop cultivation. Soil samples from 0 to 10 cm depth were obtained in December 2000, 11 years after establishing the plots. The results demonstrated that mulch rates significantly increased available water capacity by 18–35%, total porosity by 35–46% and soil moisture retention at low suctions from 29 to 70%. At high suctions, no differences in soil moisture content were observed between mulch levels. Soil bulk density was not affected by mulch rate. High correlations were obtained between mulch rate and soil mean weight diameter ( R 2 = 0.87) and percent stable aggregates ( R 2 = 0.84). The study was able to determine optimum mulch rates of 4 Mg/ha for increased porosity and 8 Mg/ha for enhanced available water capacity, moisture retention and aggregate stability.
DOI:10.1016/j.soilbio.2016.11.014URL [本文引用: 1]

Despite our current understanding of soil C and N interactions, less is known about the response and feedback of C mineralization to soil P availability driven by microorganisms. To better understand these interactions, soils with long-term P-sufficient NPK fertilization (available P: 13.4mgkg 1 ) and P-deficient NK fertilization (available P: 0.96mgkg 1 ) were incubated with and without glucose. CO 2 emissions were monitored to characterize C mineralization during the incubation. The soil bacterial community structure, quantity and metabolic activity were evaluated using high-throughput sequencing, qPCR and microcalorimetric dynamics. Compared with P-sufficient soils, P-deficient soils had significantly lower basal respiration, but a significantly higher net mineralization of added glucose, probably due to higher energy cost of soil microorganisms. Glucose addition promoted microbial biomass and activity, particularly in P-deficient soils, and this improvement was maintained for at least 70 days. Shifts in bacterial community composition were induced by a predominance of several specific taxonomic groups, all of which were capable of solubilizing P in soils. P-deficiency decreases the retention of exogenous labile C into soil. Adding labile C to P-deficient soils may shift P from relatively unavailable soil-bound pools into microbial biomass pools through pool cycling. Our results indicated negative effects of P-deficiency on soil C retention, as well as positive effects of labile C on soil P availability in arable soils.
DOI:10.1016/j.still.2008.02.004URL [本文引用: 1]

Crop residues and reduced tillage become current tendency in modifying tillage due to better water management, organic and nutrient supply and increasing crop production. This study was carried out to quantify the effect of fodder radish mulching and different tillage systems in wheat production. In 2004–2006 the field trial was set up on Luvic Chernozems derived from loess. This experiment consisted of two factors: tillage system (conventional or reduced) and mulch (with or without). The air–water properties of soil with particular focus on macropore characteristics were investigated.The tillage system and mulch application significantly influenced physical properties of investigated soil. Reduced tillage, without mouldboard plough, increased the soil density with respect to conventional tillage. However, in the upper soil layer (0–1002cm) with mulch residues the bulk density decreased and reached the similar value as those obtained at conventional tillage (1.2502g02cm). The macroporosity of soil with conventional tillage (14.79%) was significantly higher in comparison with reduced tillage (6.55%). The mulch of fodder radish added at reduced tillage increased the macroporosity in pore diameter range of 50–50002μm. These changes referred to all shape classes: regular, irregular and elongated pores. The lowest transmission pores content (0.07802cm02cm) was noticed at the reduced tillage without mulch at the 0–1002cm layer. Due to lack of differences in storage pores the tillage and mulching had no effect on both AWC (available water content) and PWC (productive water content) values. The higher value of AWC was noticed in the upper soil layer (0.19802cm02cm in average), whereas in the 10–2002cm soil layer it was 0.18602cm02cm. Similar relation was recorded in PWC values, 0.165 and 0.15402cm02cm, respectively. The results obtained in physical properties of soil reflected in wheat yields. The yields obtained at reduced tillage system without mulch (5.5402t02ha) were significant lower with respect to treatment when mulch applied (6.7902t02ha). The mulch residues did not affect yields at conventional tillage (6.5302t02ha without mulch and 7.0002t02ha with mulch). The main conclusion is that the mulching can help to avoid yield reduction in wheat production when reduced tillage is used.
DOI:10.1016/j.agwat.2016.12.015URL [本文引用: 1]

A field experiment was conducted on winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) during 2013–2014 and 2014–2015 to study the root distribution profile and soil water dynamics under the main currently used irrigation methods in the North China Plain (NCP). The WinRHIZO system and the HYDRUS-1D model were used to identify a promising irrigation schedule. In this two-factor experiment, three irrigation methods, i.e., sprinkler irrigation (SI), surface drip irrigation (SDI) and surface flooding (SF), were scheduled to irrigate the crop as soon as the soil water content decreased to 70%, 60% and 50% of the field capacity. The results showed that both the irrigation method and irrigation schedule influenced root development, the profile root distribution pattern and the profile root water uptake (RWU). The soil surface temperature fluctuated very rapidly depending on the irrigation method and scheduling system used, whereas profile soil temperature fluctuations became more consistent with depth. The RWU was higher in the upper soil layer (0–60cm) for all irrigation methods for frequently irrigated treatments, and the maximum was observed in SDI compared to SI and SF due to the higher root length density (RLD) in the top soil under SDI. On the other hand, the RWU was higher in SF at a deep soil profile below 60cm, where it had a higher RLD compared to that of SI and SDI. SDI at 60% of FC not only improved water uptake but also resulted in better water productivity and produced the highest grain yield (9.53t/ha). The simulated RWU and soil water dynamics presented in this paper will be helpful to improve winter wheat production in the NCP and can be used as a reference for further research on water management practices.
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DOI:10.1016/S1002-0160(10)60031-8URL [本文引用: 1]

A two-year experiment was carried out on the effect of sprinkler irrigation on the topsoil structure in a winter wheat field. A border-irrigated field was used as the control group. The total soil porosity, pore size distribution, pore shape distribution, soil cracks and soil compaction were measured. The sprinkler irrigation brought significant changes to the total soil porosity, capillary porosity, air-filled porosity and pore shape of topsoil layers in comparison with the border irrigation. The total porosity and air-filled porosity of the topsoil in the sprinkler irrigation were higher than those in the border irrigation. The changes in the air-filled and elongated pores were the main reasons for the changes in total porosity. The porosities of round and irregular pores in topsoil under sprinkler irrigation were lower than those under border irrigation. Sprinkler irrigation produced smaller soil cracks than border irrigation did, so sprinkler irrigation may restrain the development of macropore flow in comparison with border irrigation. The topsoil was looser under sprinkler irrigation than under border irrigation. According to the conditions of topsoil structure, it is preferable for crops to grow under sprinkler irrigation than under border irrigation.
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DOI:10.1016/j.agwat.2018.04.016URL [本文引用: 1]

Although it is thought that crop transpiration efficiencies are primarily a function of vapour pressure deficit, transpiration efficiencies reported in the literature vary considerably within crops, even after accounting for vapour pressure deficit. We conclude that more reliable estimates of crop transpiration efficiency would be highly valuable for calculating seasonal transpiration of field grown crops from shoot biomass measurement, and provide an fruitful avenue for exploring water use efficiency of grain crops.
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DOI:10.1016/j.agwat.2016.03.005URL [本文引用: 1]

Because of asynchrony between the winter wheat growing season and precipitation, soil water supply is the main factor constraining winter wheat production. Hence, increasing soil water conservation is a crucial approach for improving winter wheat productivity in dryland. A 5-year-long, location-fixed field experiment was conducted to determine the effects of plastic mulch, straw retention, planting legume, and straw-legume on soil water and winter wheat grain yield. In comparison to the control, average rainfall harvest during summer fallow was increased by 9% by plastic mulch and mainly occurred in wet summers, and not affected by straw retention, but respectively decreased by 22% and 17% by planting legume and straw-legume. Average soil water storage at sowing was increased by 5% in plastic mulch and occurred in most summers, as well as also increased by 3% in straw retention but only occurred in one wet summer, and decreased by 5% in both planting legume and straw-legume and occurred in most cases. Average ET was not affected by plastic mulch and straw retention, but respectively decreased by 7% and 5% by planting legume and straw-legume. As a result, plastic mulch caused a 6% increase in the average grain yield of winter wheat, but straw retention, planting legume, and straw-legume decreased it by 8%, 6%, and 5%, respectively. Overall, plastic mulch is a beneficial measure for increasing rainfall harvest during summer fallow and soil water storage at sowing, and preferable for harvesting more grain yield, but the straw retention, planting legume and straw-legume showed hardly any benefit for grain yield of winter wheat in dryland.
DOI:10.1016/j.fcr.2018.02.011URL [本文引用: 1]

Achieving the combination of high water use efficiency (WUE) and high yield is very important for the sustainable development of wheat production in the North China Plain (NCP). For this study, we investigated how to optimize timing of two irrigations to improve winter wheat grain yield and WUE under field conditions. No-irrigation after sowing (W0) as a control, and six irrigation treatments as follows: irrigation of 7562mm each at late tillering and booting (TB), at late tillering and anthesis (TA); at late tillering and medium milk (TM), at jointing and anthesis (JA), at jointing and medium milk (JM) and at booting and medium milk (BM). Experiments were conducted between the 2014–2016 growing seasons. In all the treatments, JA achieved the highest grain yield (9,267.662kg62ha 611 ) and WUE (20.262kg62ha 611 62mm 611 ). Compared with TB, TA and TM, JA coordinated pre- and post-anthesis water use, reduced pre-anthesis and total evapotranspiration (ET), and increased post-anthesis water use amount and ratio; JA reduced biomass at anthesis, but optimized allocation of assimilation, increased spike partitioning index and maintained high fruiting efficiency, and thus obtained the highest grain number per m 2 (GN, 23.7 10 3 62m 612 ). Meanwhile, JA optimized crop characteristics with appropriate leaf area index (LAI), delayed leaf senescence, extended grain filling duration by 1–362days, then increased biomass post-anthesis and harvest index (HI). Compared with JM and BM, JA increased GN, biomass post-anthesis and grain yield as well. These results demonstrated that irrigation at jointing and anthesis could improve grain yield and WUE by increasing biomass post-anthesis, HI and GN. Therefore, we propose that under adequate soil moisture conditions before sowing, two irrigations at jointing and anthesis with 15062mm irrigation amount is the optimal limited irrigation practice for wheat production in NCP.
DOI:10.3329/agric.v11i1.15237URL [本文引用: 1]

An experiment was conducted at the Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh during 2008 2009 and 2009-2010 to investigate the impacts of irrigation by saline water (7 dS m -1 ) at different growth stages of wheat ( Triticum aestivum L .) . Irrigations at crown root initiation (CRI) (T 1 ) or booting (T 2 ) or flowering (T 3 ) or grain filling (T 4 ) stage by saline water but at other growth stages by fresh water, and irrigation at all growth stages by fresh water (T 5 , control) were applied. Wheat was cultivated in two consecutive years (2008 -2010) under four irrigations and with recommended fertilizer doses. Irrigation water having salinity of 7 dS m -1 did not significantly influence plant height, spike density, spikelets per spike, 1000-grain weight, grain yield, biomass yield and harvest index. The observed diminutive variations among the treatments reflected only non harmful impacts of salinity. Irrigation water salinity, however, significantly reduced spike length and grains per spike in most cases in the first year only. Treatment T 4 producing, on an average over two years, the lowest grain yield (30% less compared to T 5 ), grains per spike, spike length and spikelets per spike revealed that the grain filling stage of wheat was the most sensitive to irrigation water salinity. Although application of one of four irrigations by water of salinity 7 dS m -1 did not impart significant effect on wheat production, it was beneficial to avoid such irrigation at the grain filling stage. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3329/agric.v11i1.15237 The Agriculturists 2013; 11(1) 15-23
DOI:10.1016/j.agwat.2018.01.017URL [本文引用: 1]

Determining the effect of different cultivation techniques on photosynthetic characteristics, dry matter translocation and water use efficiency (WUE) will provide insight for the development of water-saving farming systems and exploiting the photosynthetic characteristics of winter wheat under deficit irrigation. In the current study, a mobile rainproof shelter was used to explore the potential role of two cultivation techniques: (1) the ridge and furrow precipitation harvesting technique (R); and (2) the flat cultivation technique (F), under two levels of deficit irrigation (150, 7562mm) levels and three levels of rainfall (1: 275, 2: 200, 3: 12562mm). We found that cultivation technique had a significant effect on rainfall water harvesting and enhanced soil water content under all levels of deficit irrigation and simulated precipitation. Under the R cultivation technique with 15062mm deficit irrigation and 20062mm simulated rainfall level can efficiently improve moisture content, thus significantly increased the average net photosynthetic rate (Pn) (10.4%), stomatal conductance (Gs) (27.2%), transpiration rate (Tr) (9.3%), intercellular CO 2 concentration (Ci) (4.0%), dry matter translocation (31.6%), translocation efficiency (15.2%), pre-flowering assimilate translocation to grain (10.6%), grain yield (18.9%), WUE (75.8%) and economic return (1219762Yuan62ha 611 ) of winter wheat, while significantly reduce (32.7%) ET rate compared with F cultivation technique. The R cultivation technique significantly improved photosynthetic characteristics such as Pn, Gs, Tr, Ci and dry matter translocation in the later growth stage (grain filling stage) compared with the F cultivation technique at each irrigation and rainfall level. Furthermore, these photosynthetic parameters were positively correlated with dry matter translocation, soil water content and grain yield. The greatest improvement in the photosynthetic characteristics, translocation efficiency, WUE, grain production and economic return was achieved when using the R cultivation technique with 15062mm deficit irrigation and 20062mm simulated rainfall (R2 150 ). Therefore, we conclude that the R2 150 treatment is the best water-saving management strategy for growing wheat crops in rain-fed farming systems.
DOI:10.1016/j.fcr.2017.08.007URL [本文引用: 1]

The winter wheat ( Triticum aestivum L.) production of the North China Plain is threatened by increasing water shortages. Therefore, the invention of effective irrigation techniques is crucial to maintain high yields of winter wheat through improved water use efficiency (WUE). In this study, field experiments were carried out in the North China Plain region in 2012–2013 and 2013–2014. Based on the soil moisture regulation at sowing to ensure the normal emergence of the winter wheat, four supplemental irrigation (SI) regimes were set up: no-irrigation after emergence (T1), SI at jointing and anthesis (T2), SI at sowing, jointing and anthesis (T3), and SI at pre-wintering, jointing and anthesis (T4). The results showed that the root length density (RLD), root surface area density (RAD), and root weight density (RWD) in the 0–0.202m soil layer from T2 increased rapidly after jointing and were significantly higher than those from T3 and T4 at anthesis. Those of T2 in the 0.6–0.802m and 0.8–1.002m soil layers were also significantly higher at anthesis. T2 was significantly higher than T1 in the photosynthetic rate (P n ) and instantaneous water use efficiency (WUE leaf ) of flag leaves, post-anthesis dry matter accumulation (DMA), contribution of DMA to grain (CDMA), grain yield and WUE, but lower than T1 in the pre-anthesis dry matter remobilization efficiency (DMRE) and contribution of DMR to grain (CDMR). T2 had significantly lower plant populations and dry matter at jointing, P n and WUE leaf at 2802days after anthesis, DMA and CDMA, but higher dry matter increase rate after jointing, tiller survival rate, DMR, DMRE, CDMR and WUE. The combined effect of these differences enabled T2 to have yield that was not significantly different to T4. In summary, SI at joining and anthesis that was based on suitable soil water content at sowing increased the absorbing area of roots in both deep and surface soil layers; accelerated the dry matter accumulation after jointing; increased the P n and WUE leaf of flag leaves, DMA and DMR; and finally achieved a high grain yield and higher WUE. However, excessive irrigation reduced the WUE by inhibiting the redistribution of dry matter, although the WUE leaf of flag leaves was still increased.