Effects of straw-incorporation combined with autumn plastic mulching on soil water consumption characteristics and winter wheat yield in arid farming areas
CHEN Yu-Zhang1,2, CHAI Shou-Xi,1,*, CHENG Hong-Bo3, CHAI Yu-Wei1, YANG Chang-Gang1,4, TAN Kai-Min1, CHANG Lei1通讯作者:
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陈玉章, 柴守玺, 程宏波, 柴雨葳, 杨长刚, 谭凯敏, 常磊. 秸秆还田结合秋覆膜对旱地冬小麦耗水特性和产量的影响[J]. 作物学报, 2019, 45(2): 256-266. doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2019.71081
CHEN Yu-Zhang, CHAI Shou-Xi, CHENG Hong-Bo, CHAI Yu-Wei, YANG Chang-Gang, TAN Kai-Min, CHANG Lei.
水资源匮乏是限制西北旱农区农业发展的核心问题[1]。该区年均降水量250~600 mm, 年际波动大, 时空分布不均, 超过60%的降水集中于7月至9月[2,3], 与冬小麦生长需水错位, 导致冬小麦产量低而不稳[4,5]。因此, 提高自然降水的有效利用率和土壤蓄水能力是实现该区小麦稳产高产的关键。大量研究表明, 秸秆还田能够降低土壤无效蒸发、减少地表径流, 提高降水资源利用率和土壤保水性能, 从而实现小麦籽粒产量的增加和水分利用效率的提高[5,6,7,8,9]。在黄淮海平原, 旱地麦田深松(耕)+秸秆粉碎还田可使小麦产量增长18.0%, 水分利用效率提高15.9%[9]; 在西北旱区, 麦田秸秆粉碎并氨化还田处理较秸秆覆盖还田显著提高小麦籽粒产量9.1%~11.4%, 水分利用效率和降水利用效率分别提高9.1%~12.1%和8.8%~15.0%[10]。
在西北旱区, 地膜覆盖是广泛使用的一项增温保墒技术, 对促进作物生长发育、提高作物产量和水分利用效率有明显效果[2,5,11-13]。晋南旱地麦田休闲期覆膜处理后播种期土壤蓄水量较未覆膜增加70.0~81.0 mm, 且蓄水效果可延续到孕穗期, 显著提高产量和水分利用效率[14]。甘肃中部旱地麦田覆膜种植能使冬小麦全生育期5~25 cm土层温度较露地高0.2℃、0~200 cm土层含水量较露地高0.2%, 产量较露地高20.3%~29.1%[15,16]; 春小麦覆膜后有效提高了播前和生长前期的土壤贮水量, 提高出苗至孕穗期的耗水量, 且休闲期可完全补充春小麦生育期消耗的土壤水分, 籽粒产量提高40.0%~220.0%, 水分利用效率提高27.0%~239.0%[13]。前人的试验大多只设置不同覆膜方式或只设置秸秆还田方式处理, 研究不同处理对土壤耗水和水分利用效率的影响, 极少探讨不同作物秸秆还田结合覆膜措施对农田耗水特性和水分利用效率的影响。秸秆还田与覆膜结合可使二者优势得到充分发挥, 在改土培肥的同时, 平抑土壤温度, 增加土壤蓄水量, 提高小麦籽粒产量和水分利用效率[11,15,17]。本研究采用地膜覆盖与秸秆还田相结合的模式, 研究不同模式对冬小麦农田土壤贮水消耗量、籽粒产量及水分利用效率的影响, 探索在西北典型旱作雨养农业区旱麦田改土保墒、提高作物产量和水分利用效率的有效措施, 为优化西北地区秸秆还田方式提供理论依据。
1 材料与方法
1.1 试验设计
试验田位于甘肃省通 县常河镇甘肃农业大学试验站(34°99′N, 105°15′E)。该区海拔1590 m, 年均气温7.4 ℃, 年日照时数2100~2430 h, 无霜期120~170 d, 1970—2010年(40年)平均降水444.2 mm, 其中冬小麦生育期降水为196.4 mm, 占全年降水量的44.2%, 蒸发量1530 mm; 主要农作物为玉米、小麦、马铃薯等。该区属中温带半干旱气候, 为典型旱地雨养农业区, 土壤为黄绵土, 0~200 cm土层土壤容重平均为1.25 g cm-3。本试验自2011年9月开始, 2013年7月结束, 经过两个小麦生长季, 两年度冬小麦生育期降水量分别为250.3 mm和239.2 mm, 逐月降水量和40年平均月降水量如图1所示。图1
Fig. 1Monthly rainfall in growth stages of winter wheat and mean monthly rainfall of two years
共设5个处理, 分别是玉米秸秆还田结合秋覆膜(CF)、单一玉米秸秆还田(CNF)、麦秸秆还田结合秋覆膜(WF)、单一麦秸秆还田(WNF)和传统平作(无秸秆还田, 无镇压, 无覆膜, CK)。小区位置和面积固定, 3次重复, 共15个小区。小区面积为56 m2 (7 m×8 m), 四周布置2 m宽相同作物保护带。种植制度为一年一熟, 无灌溉, 长期土壤旋耕; 作物收获后, 秸秆全部移出试验地。试验前, 前茬为地膜覆盖春玉米, 收获后立即揭除地膜。
秸秆还田、施肥、土壤耕作和秋覆膜均在冬小麦播种前3天进行, 操作时间分别为2011年9月24日和2012年9月27日。2011年9月22日收获前茬春玉米, 次日揭除地膜, 分别将玉米秸秆、麦秸秆粉碎成5 cm左右碎段, 人工均匀撒于地表, 立即采用亚澳牌1GKN-150型旋耕机(西安亚澳农机股份有限公司)旋耕2遍, 使肥料和秸秆均匀混入0~20 cm土层, 随后耙地1遍, 耱平后用10 kg轻磙镇压2遍。分别使用春玉米、冬小麦收获后废弃、堆放风干的秸秆还田, 其量接近于当地玉米秸秆、麦秸秆单位面积生产量, 分别为风干重9000 kg hm-2和5500 kg hm-2。
秋季, 在秸秆还田及土壤耕作完成后进行全地面覆膜, 膜面覆土1 cm, 地膜幅宽120 cm, 厚度0.01 mm (天水塑料制品厂)。人工撒施肥料, 各处理肥料用量一致, 其中腐熟牛粪4500 kg hm-2(含水量63.4%), 纯氮和P2O5各120 kg hm-2, 所用肥料为尿素(含N 46.4%)、磷酸二铵(含N 18.0%、P2O5 46.0%)。所有肥料全部用作基肥, 结合土壤耕作及秸秆还田一次性施入, 小麦生育期内不再追肥。
2012年7月收获冬小麦后, 移除全部秸秆, 保留地膜, 按照当地惯例休闲; 2012年9月冬小麦播种前3 d, 揭除CF和WF处理的上茬旧膜, 在各秸秆还田处理原位置人工施肥和添加等量粉碎玉米秸秆和麦秸秆, 旋耕还田后镇压, 并对CF和WF处理重新覆膜。
供试品种为兰天26。各处理播量均为202.5 kg hm-2。每小区种35行, 平作, 穴播, 穴距12 cm, 每穴8±2粒, 行距20 cm。分别于2011年9月27日和2012年9月30日播种, 2012年7月2日和2013年7月2日收获。每生长季均在灌浆前混合喷施杀虫剂、杀菌剂和叶面肥等以防止后期病虫害、干热风和冬小麦植株早衰。
1.2 土壤含水量、土壤贮水量和作物耗水量测定方法
在播种期、冬前分蘖期、越冬期、返青期、拔节期、抽穗期、开花期、灌浆期和成熟期, 从各小区种植行的中间段取0~200 cm土柱样品, 分8个土层, 分别是0~20、20~40、40~60、60~90、90~120、120~150、150~180、180~200 cm。采用烘干法测定土壤含水量, 多土层平均含水量采用各土层含水量的加权平均值。土壤含水量(%) = (土壤鲜质量 - 烘干土质量)/烘干土质量×100。多土层平均含水量(%) = $\sum\nolimits_{1}^{i}{{{X}_{i}}{{H}_{i}}/\sum\nolimits_{1}^{i}{{{H}_{i}}}}$。式中, X为土壤含水量(%), H为土层深度(cm), i为土层。土壤贮水量W = h×ρ×ω×10
小麦生育期耗水量ET = SWD+P+I-D+Wg-R
SWD = γα-γβ
式中, h为土层深度; ρ为土壤容重; ω为土壤含水量; SWD为生育期土壤水分变化量; P为≥5 mm有效降雨量; I为灌溉量; D为灌溉后土壤水向下层流动量; Wg为深层地下水利用量; R为地表径流; γ为土壤容重; α、β分别为某一生育阶段初始和结束时的土壤含水量。本试验各土层ρ和γ平均值均为1.25 g cm-3, 无灌溉条件的地下水位在10 m以下, 且无地表径流, 故I、D、Wg和R可忽略不计。
1.3 小麦产量及其构成因素和水分利用效率测定方法
小麦成熟前1周, 从每小区选3点测定单位面积穗数; 成熟后按小区收获, 脱粒后晒干称重, 并据此计算籽粒产量(Y, kg hm-2), 籽粒含水量约为12.5%。从各小区随机取20株室内考种, 测定穗粒数、千粒重、株高等农艺指标。根据小麦生育期有效降水总耗水量(ET, mm), 计算不同处理的水分利用效率(WUE, kg hm-2 mm-1)。$\text{WUE}=\frac{Y}{\text{ET}}$
1.4 数据分析
利用SPSS17.0统计分析, 采用LSD法进行多重比较。在Microsoft Excel 2013中绘制折线图。2 结果与分析
2.1 秸秆还田和秋覆膜对0~200 cm土壤贮水量的影响
不同秸秆还田和秋覆膜处理冬小麦全生育期土壤水分状况总体高于传统平作, 2011—2012和2012—2013年度冬小麦播种至成熟期的0~200 cm平均土壤贮水量平均比传统平作高6.1%和9.6%, 单一秸秆还田处理平均比传统平作高0.7%和4.6%。不同生育时期各处理对土壤贮水量的影响因秸秆种类及覆膜与否差异较大, 全生育期两个玉米秸秆还田处理具有明显的增墒效应, 两年度小麦不同生育阶段0~200 cm土壤平均贮水量分别比传统平作高4.2%和10.4%, 其中播种-拔节期的土壤贮水量普遍高于抽穗-成熟期, 而两个麦秸秆还田处理在播种-返青期具有明显的增墒效应, 两年度分别较传统平作高4.3%和8.4%, 但在拔节后与传统平作差异不显著(图2)。图2
新窗口打开|下载原图ZIP|生成PPT图20~200 cm土壤贮水量随生育期的变化
每个生育期数据上方的误差线代表LSD0.05。SW: 播种期; TB: 冬前分蘖期; WT: 越冬期; RV: 返青期; JT: 拔节期; BT: 孕穗期; FL: 开花期; GF: 灌浆期; MT: 成熟期。
Fig. 2Dynamical changes of soil water storage in 0-200 cm soil layer
Error bars above data at each growth stage show the magnitude of LSD0.05. SW: sowing stage; TB: tillering stage before winter; WT: wintering stage; RV: revival stage; JT: jointing stage; BT: booting stage; FL: flowering stage; GF: grain-filling stage; MT: maturity stage.
0~200 cm土壤贮水量均以玉米秸秆还田结合秋覆膜处理最大, 2011—2012和2012—2013年度分别较传统平作高7.7%和13.7%, 增墒幅度在越冬期最大, 开花期最小。麦秸秆还田结合秋覆膜处理在生育前期(播种—拔节期)也有显著的增墒效果, 而在生育后期的效果不尽一致, 两年度播种—拔节期0~200 cm土壤贮水量比传统平作分别高6.3%和10.0%, 在抽穗—成熟期分别高2.7%和-1.1%。单一秸秆还田的两个处理对0~200 cm土壤贮水量的影响在年际间和不同生育阶段间存在差异, 总体来看增墒效果不及2个秸秆还田结合秋覆膜处理, 单一玉米秸秆还田处理的增墒作用优于单一麦秸秆还田处理, 尤其后者在返青—开花期表现降墒效应(图2)。4种秸秆还田和秋覆膜处理中, 以玉米秸秆还田结合秋覆膜处理土壤贮水量较高, 其次为麦秸秆还田结合秋覆膜, 以单一麦秸秆还田处理最低。
0~200 cm土体土壤贮水量各处理间差异在越冬期最大, 2011—2012和2012—2013年度各处理间最大极差分别为39.6 mm和87.1 mm, 处理间变异系数分别为5.2%和9.2%; 开花期处理间土壤贮水量差异最小, 两年度处理间极差分别为13.8 mm和11.2 mm, 处理间变异系数分别为1.9%和1.7%。
2.2 秸秆还田和秋覆膜对麦田耗水量的影响
在降水偏多的2011—2012年度, 除玉米秸秆还田结合秋覆膜处理土壤贮水消耗量和占总耗水的比例显著较传统平作低19.0 mm和 4.3个百分点外, 其余处理土壤贮水消耗量及占总耗水的比例差异不显著(表1)。在降水偏少的2012—2013年度, 4个秸秆还田和秋覆膜处理土壤贮水消耗量平均比传统平作高39.1 mm (P<0.05), 耗水比例增加12.0个百分点, 其中玉米秸秆还田结合秋覆膜、单一玉米秸秆还田、麦秸秆还田结合秋覆膜和单一麦秸秆还田处理分别比传统平作多耗水50.2、42.8、42.6和20.7 mm, 耗水比例增加14.9、13.0、13.0和6.9个百分点, 以玉米秸秆还田结合秋覆膜处理土壤贮水消耗量及其占总耗水的比例均最大, 单一麦秸秆还田处理均最小。可见, 单一秸秆还田和秸秆还田结合秋覆膜处理在降水偏少年份对提高土壤贮水的效果更明显。Table 1
Table 1
处理 Treatment | 农田耗水量 Field evapotranspiration (mm) | 有效降水 Effective precipitation (≥ 5 mm) | 土壤贮水消耗 Soil water consumption | ||
总量 Amount (mm) | 比例 Ratio (%) | 总量 Amount (mm) | 比例 Ratio (%) | ||
2011-2012 | |||||
CF | 292.8 b | 206.4 | 70.5 a | 86.4 b | 29.5 b |
CNF | 310.5 a | 206.4 | 66.5 b | 104.1 a | 33.5 a |
WF | 307.7 a | 206.4 | 67.1 b | 101.3 a | 32.9 a |
WNF | 307.9 a | 206.4 | 67.0 b | 101.5 a | 33.0 a |
CK | 311.8 a | 206.4 | 66.2 b | 105.4 a | 33.8 a |
2012-2013 | |||||
CF | 275.0 a | 179.6 | 65.3 c | 95.4 a | 34.7 a |
CNF | 267.6 a | 179.6 | 67.2 bc | 88.0 a | 32.8 ab |
WF | 267.4 a | 179.6 | 67.2 bc | 87.8 a | 32.8 ab |
WNF | 245.5 b | 179.6 | 73.2 b | 65.9 b | 26.8 b |
CK | 224.8 c | 179.6 | 80.2 a | 45.2 c | 19.8 c |
2.3 秸秆还田和秋覆膜对0~200 cm各土层土壤贮水消耗量的影响
单一秸秆还田和秸秆还田结合秋覆膜处理, 0~200 cm各土层土壤贮水消耗量年际间差异较大(图3), 与传统平作相比, 2011—2012年度降低1.3%~18.1%, 2012—2013年度则提高45.5%~110.8%, 土壤贮水消耗的变化幅度以玉米秸秆还田结合秋覆膜处理最大。图3
新窗口打开|下载原图ZIP|生成PPT图30~200 cm各土层土壤贮水消耗量
Fig. 3Consumptions of soil water storage in the 0-200 cm soil layer
Error bars represent the LSD0.05 on the data at each growth stage.
分析上层(0~90 cm)和下层(90~200 cm)土壤耗水特点发现, 在降水偏多的2011—2012年度, 单一秸秆还田和秸秆还田结合秋覆膜处理上层土壤耗水量比传统平作少4.4~15.3 mm, 以玉米秸秆还田结合秋覆膜处理降幅最大, 单一麦秸秆还田最小; 下层土壤耗水量, 除玉米秸秆还田结合秋覆膜处理比传统平作少耗水3.8 mm外, 其他3个秸秆还田处理比传统平作多0.4~5.7 mm (图3-a)。在降水偏多的2012—2013年度, 秸秆还田后上层和下层土壤的耗水量均高于传统平作(图3-b), 其中, 玉米秸秆还田结合秋覆膜对上层土壤水分消耗量比传统平作高10.9 mm, 而单一玉米秸秆还田、麦秸秆还田结合秋覆膜、单一麦秸秆还田处理分别比传统平作高19.5、11.3和11.3 mm; 玉米秸秆还田结合秋覆膜对下层土壤水分消耗量比传统平作高39.4 mm, 而单一玉米秸秆还田、麦秸秆还田结合秋覆膜、单一麦秸秆还田处理分别比传统平作高23.1、31.1和9.3 mm。上述结果表明, 在不同降水年型秸秆还田可调节小麦对上、下层土壤的水分消耗, 在降水偏少时对上、下层的土壤耗水均有所增加, 尤其是玉米秸秆还田结合秋覆膜处理, 对深层土壤水分的调用更为明显。
2.4 秸秆还田和秋覆膜对小麦阶段耗水量的影响
小麦播种至返青阶段, 2011—2012年度, 两个秸秆还田结合秋覆膜处理土壤耗水量及占总耗水的比例显著低于传统平作(P<0.05), 而两个单一秸秆还田处理与传统平作无显著差异; 2012—2013年度, 两个秸秆还田结合秋覆膜处理在这一阶段土壤耗水量及占总耗水的比例与传统平作无显著差异, 而单一玉米秸秆、单一麦秸秆还田处理分别较传统平作增加耗水27.3 mm和14.4 mm, 耗水比例分别提高8.8和5.3个百分点。返青至拔节期, 两年度两种秸秆还田结合秋覆膜处理的耗水比例明显高于传统平作和两个单一秸秆还田处理(表2)。2011—2012年度, 处理间耗水量无显著差异, 主要原因是小麦返青至拔节阶段降水比多年平均降水高15.5% (图1); 2012—2013年度, 在小麦返青的3月无降水, 秸秆还田结合秋覆膜处理在这一阶段的耗水量及耗水比例显著高于传统平作和单一秸秆还田处理, 有利于小麦提早返青, 为植株营养生长及器官形态建成奠定基础, 从而保证秸秆还田结合秋覆膜处理冬小麦在返青至拔节期有较大的群体数量。
Table 2
Table 2
处理 Treatment | 播种至返青 Sowing to revival | 返青至拔节 Revival to jointing | 拔节至开花 Jointing to flowering | 开花至成熟 Flowering to maturity | ||||
数量 Amount (mm) | 比例 Ratio (%) | 数量 Amount (mm) | 比例 Ratio (%) | 数量 Amount (mm) | 比例 Ratio (%) | 数量 Amount (mm) | 比例 Ratio (%) | |
2011-2012 | ||||||||
CF | 45.1 b | 15.4 b | 31.2 a | 10.6 ab | 119.4 a | 40.8 a | 97.1 b | 33.2 a |
CNF | 71.5 a | 23.0 a | 23.1 a | 7.4 c | 107.2 a | 34.5 b | 108.7 a | 35.0 a |
WF | 52.1 b | 16.9 b | 33.6 a | 10.9 a | 118.8 a | 38.6 a | 103.2 ab | 33.5 a |
WNF | 75.5 a | 24.5 a | 26.1 a | 8.4 abc | 108.0 a | 35.1 b | 98.4 ab | 32.0 a |
CK | 72.4 a | 23.2 a | 24.8 a | 7.9 bc | 108.2 a | 34.7 b | 106.4 ab | 34.2 a |
2012-2013 | ||||||||
CF | 22.0 b | 8.0 b | 78.1 a | 28.3 a | 106.1 a | 38.6 a | 68.8 b | 25.0 c |
CNF | 47.3 a | 17.5 a | 19.3 c | 7.3 c | 112.3 a | 42.1 a | 88.6 ab | 33.1 b |
WF | 19.1 b | 7.1 b | 60.0 ab | 22.4 ab | 107.6 a | 40.1 a | 81.4 ab | 30.4 bc |
WNF | 34.4 ab | 14.0 ab | 37.2 bc | 15.1 bc | 90.0 a | 36.7 a | 84.0 ab | 34.2 b |
CK | 20.0 b | 8.7 b | 17.8 c | 8.0 c | 95.3 a | 42.7 a | 92.0 a | 40.7 a |
拔节至开花期是小麦成穗的关键时期, 也是耗水盛期, 耗水占全生育期总耗水的比例普遍超过35%, 两年度在这一阶段各处理的耗水量无显著差异(表2)。
开花至成熟期对小麦籽粒灌浆和最终产量影响较大, 这一阶段各处理的耗水量多数占全生育期总耗水的30%以上。2011—2012年度处理间耗水比例差异不显著, 2012—2013年度不同秸秆还田和覆膜处理的耗水比例显著低于传统平作, 其中玉米秸秆还田结合秋覆膜、单一玉米秸秆还田、麦秸秆还田结合秋覆膜和单一麦秸秆还田处理分别比传统平作低15.6、7.6、10.2和6.5个百分点。2011—2012和2012—2013年度, 玉米秸秆还田结合秋覆膜处理开花至成熟阶段耗水量分别比传统平作显著低9.3 mm和23.3 mm, 其余处理间无显著差异(表2)。
以上结果表明, 秸秆还田和秋覆膜处理可优化小麦耗水结构, 平衡小麦生育各阶段耗水需求, 尤其是返青至拔节阶段旱情较重的年份, 能将更多的水用于植株营养生长及生殖器官形态建成, 利于小麦成穗和籽粒形成。玉米秸秆还田结合秋覆膜处理在降水偏少年份能显著降低开花至成熟阶段耗水及占总耗水的比例, 显著提高返青至拔节阶段耗水及占总耗水的比例, 更有利于小麦提早返青和后期籽粒灌浆。
2.5 秸秆还田和秋覆膜对小麦生物量、产量和水分利用效率的影响
两年度, 各秸秆还田和秋覆膜处理有效增加了冬小麦的株高、生物量、单位面积穗数、穗粒数、籽粒产量和水分利用效率, 而千粒重差异不尽一致(表3)。2011—2012和2012—2013年度秸秆还田结合秋覆膜处理分别平均比传统平作显著增加株高19.2%和15.5%, 增加生物量34.0%和59.1%, 增加籽粒产量31.9%和57.3%, 提高水分利用效率36.4%和34.3%; 单一秸秆还田分别平均增加株高4.4%和6.8%, 增加生物量10.1%和23.1%, 增加籽粒产量6.4%和23.7%, 提高水分利用效率7.6%和11.1%。其中玉米秸秆还田结合秋覆膜处理对小麦各项指标(不含千粒重)的提高幅度最大, 两年度株高、生物量、籽粒产量和水分利用效率分别平均比传统平作高18.6%、55.0%、51.1%和41.7%。分类比较秸秆还田和秋覆膜处理与传统平作的平均增产率, 可见2012—2013年度(40.5%)> 2011—2012年度(19.2%), 玉米秸秆还田(35.5%)>麦秸秆还田(24.2%), 秸秆还田结合秋覆膜(44.6%%)>单一秸秆还田(15.1%), 小麦株高、生物量及水分利用效率的变化趋势与产量变化趋势一致。Table 3
Table 3
处理 Treatment | 株高 Plant height (cm) | 生物量 Biomass (kg hm-2) | 籽粒产量 Grain yield (kg hm-2) | 穗数 Spike number (×104 hm-2) | 穗粒数 Grain number per spike | 千粒重 1000-grain weight (g) | 水分利用效率 Water use efficiency (kg hm-2 mm-1) |
2011-2012 | |||||||
CF | 70.5 a | 10386.1 a | 4687.5 a | 336.0 a | 35.7 a | 46.6 a | 13.9 a |
CNF | 63.2 b | 8694.5 c | 3941.5 b | 327.6 a | 31.1 b | 45.8 ab | 11.1 c |
WF | 69.9 a | 9765.5 b | 4622.0 a | 334.3 a | 35.2 a | 46.3 a | 13.1 b |
WNF | 59.8 c | 7851.0 d | 3571.0 c | 310.4 b | 30.4 b | 44.7 b | 10.2 d |
CK | 58.9 c | 7516.8 d | 3529.5 c | 305.3 b | 30.2 b | 45.0 b | 9.9 d |
2012-2013 | |||||||
CF | 65.9 a | 8296.1 a | 3986.5 a | 274.6 a | 35.6 a | 48.5 ab | 12.3 a |
CNF | 60.2 c | 6130.9 c | 3012.0 c | 240.8 bc | 30.4 c | 48.6 ab | 9.5 c |
WF | 63.7 b | 7058.7 b | 3415.5 b | 252.7 b | 33.9 b | 47.4 b | 10.8 b |
WNF | 59.6 c | 5750.7 c | 2810.5 c | 220.2 cd | 31.2 c | 48.6 ab | 9.6 c |
CK | 56.1 d | 4826.5 d | 2353.5 d | 202.2 d | 27.9 d | 49.1 a | 8.6 d |
秸秆还田和秋覆膜增产的主要原因是提高了单位面积穗数和穗粒数, 2011—2012和2012—2013年度两个秸秆还田结合秋覆膜处理单位面积穗数分别平均比传统平作高9.8%和30.4%, 穗粒数平均分别提高17.4%和24.6%; 而两个单一秸秆还田处理穗数分别平均比传统平作高4.5%和14.0%, 穗粒数平均分别高1.8%和10.4%。相关分析表明, 小麦籽粒产量与穗数、穗粒数、株高、生物量及水分利用效率均呈极显著正相关(P<0.01), 与千粒重相关不显著(P>0.05)(表4)。
Table 4
Table 4
性状 Trait | 产量 Grain yield | 穗数 Spike number | 穗粒数 Grain number per spike | 千粒重 1000-grain weight | 株高 Plant height | 生物量 Biomass |
穗数 Spike number | 0.903** | |||||
穗粒数 Grain number per spike | 0.810** | 0.498 | ||||
千粒重 1000-grain weight | -0.552 | -0.812** | -0.044 | |||
株高 Plant height | 0.915** | 0.668* | 0.934** | -0.175 | ||
生物量 Biomass | 0.993** | 0.932** | 0.758* | -0.557 | 0.883** | |
水分利用效率 Water use efficiency | 0.950** | 0.735* | 0.917** | -0.261 | 0.981** | 0.930** |
3 讨论
3.1 秸秆还田和秋覆膜土壤贮水的影响
秸秆还田和覆膜栽培技术均具有抑蒸保墒、提高降水利用率, 显著改善作物生育期内土壤水分条件的作用, 但二者对土壤水分的影响机制不同[10,18-22]。覆膜直接阻断了土壤水分垂直蒸发, 迫使膜下水分横向迁移, 显著降低了水分无效蒸发和热量散失[23,24], 可明显改善冬小麦孕穗前0~200 cm土壤墒情, 并促进冬小麦对深层土壤水的利用, 有效增加作物蒸腾性耗水, 使作物产量和水分利用效率显著提高[2]。若在小麦晚冬早春阶段性覆膜, 可明显增加积温, 促进早发育, 优化产量因素, 从而提高产量[25]。短期秸秆还田主要影响0~40 cm土壤剖面水分, 对更深土层水分影响较小[26], 长期秸秆还田可显著增加0~3 m土体土壤贮水, 降低作物耗水, 显著提高产量[20]。同时, 秸秆还田和覆膜均能有效调控土壤水分时空再分配, 均衡作物各生育阶段用水需求, 有效促进土壤水分的良性循环[2,9-10,22,,26]。本研究中, 各秸秆还田和秋覆膜处理均能有效改善冬小麦全生育期0~200 cm土壤水分状况, 特别是小麦播种至返青阶段, 两年度4个秸秆还田和秋覆膜处理土壤贮水量平均比传统平作分别高14.6 mm和46.9 mm, 可避免冬小麦在越冬前和返青期遭受干旱胁迫, 有利于冬小麦冬前形成壮苗, 安全越冬和提早返青, 为冬小麦后期生长提供了有利的土壤水分环境, 有利于小麦植株积累更多养分, 为来年丰产打下物质基础。这与侯慧芝等[13]的研究结果一致。另外, 秸秆还田和秋覆膜处理的保墒效应表现为秋覆膜大于秸秆还田材质, 秸秆还田材质间为玉米秸秆大于麦秸秆, 两年度玉米秸秆还田结合秋覆膜、单一玉米秸秆还田、麦秸秆还田结合秋覆膜和单一麦秸秆还田处理0~200 cm土壤贮水量分别平均较传统平作多33.1、12.8、15.3和4.1 mm。本研究还表明, 单一玉米秸秆还田的保墒效果优于单一麦秸秆还田, 究其原因, 一方面玉米秸秆内部大量的亲水纤维结构和外部丰富的蜡质层对土壤水分的保蓄能力、土壤物理结构的改变效果更有利于土壤水分保蓄[27],另一方面, 由于玉米秸秆自身体积明显大于麦秸秆, 直接将秸秆粉碎旋耕均匀还田后, 在耕作层形成的秸秆-土壤混合层的土壤容重玉米秸秆还田小于麦秸秆还田, 从而增加土壤孔隙度, 导致土壤蓄水体积大于麦秸秆, 最终提高了土壤贮水[28,29,30], 是旱作农区农田可持续发展的有效技术[22,31]。众所周知, 土壤水分充足则植株生长快, 群体数量大, 生长耗水和土壤水分消耗相应增加; 相反, 土壤水分不足, 则植株生长受抑制, 不利于群体数量增加, 生长耗水和土壤水分消耗也相应减少。本研究中, 通过对土壤贮水消耗、穗数及地上部分干物质积累的对比计算, 证实了降水偏少年份传统平作耗水量显著低于秸秆还田和秋覆膜处理, 其主要原因是降水偏少年份冬小麦返青至拔节阶段无降水补充, 与传统平作相比, 秸秆还田和秋覆膜处理良好的保墒效果为这一阶段小麦生长提供了更多水分, 而传统平作遭受严重干旱, 导致群体数量不足, 小麦株高、穗数及生物量均显著降低, 最终耗水量、籽粒产量及水分利用率也明显减少。然而, 有****认为有的覆膜模式存在负效应, 在春小麦生育后期覆膜, 使作物根系发育受到抑制, 影响产量形成[32]; 覆膜条件下作物产量的提高会大量消耗土壤有机质、养分和水分, 连年种植导致早衰减产[33,34]。秸秆还田对土壤养分是一种补充, 并可改善土壤结构, 但在西北旱农区长期推行秸秆还田结合地膜覆盖技术, 对农业生态和可持续生产有何影响, 需深入研究。
3.2 秸秆还田和秋覆膜对产量和水分利用效率的影响
秸秆还田和秋覆膜种植能够通过改善土壤水分状况进而促进作物生长发育[12,15]。张哲等[22]试验表明, 秸秆还田结合秋覆膜种植玉米株高和生物量均显著或极显著高于单一秸秆还田和裸地种植。本研究发现, 秸秆还田和秋覆膜种植模式下, 冬小麦株高和地上部分生物量较传统平作均有明显增加, 两年度平均株高和生物量较传统平作分别高17.4%和46.6%, 单一秸秆还田平均株高和生物量较传统平作分别高5.6%和16.6%, 以玉米秸秆还田结合秋覆膜处理提高幅度最大, 两年度平均株高和生物量分别较传统平作高18.6%和55.0%。这表明秸秆还田结合覆膜能有效改善土壤水分条件, 促进作物生长, 效果优于单一秸秆还田。秸秆还田和覆膜种植模式能够有效改善土壤水分状况, 增加籽粒产量, 从而提高水分利用效率。张哲等[22]在辽宁阜新旱区研究表明, 秸秆还田结合秋覆膜种植模式在秸秆经过一个腐解周期后玉米籽粒产量较单一秸秆还田和裸地种植分别提高62.8%和98.0%, 水分利用效率分别提高65.6%和90.3%。本研究获得相似结果, 无论是降水偏多还是偏少年份, 秸秆还田和秋覆膜种植均可有效提高冬小麦籽粒产量和水分利用效率, 两年度小麦籽粒产量和水分利用效率分别比平均传统平作高44.6%和35.3%, 单一秸秆还田平均分别高15.1%和9.3%, 以玉米秆还田结合秋覆膜处理提高幅度最大, 两年度平均籽粒产量和水分利用效率分别较传统平作提高51.1%和41.7%。在本研究中, 秸秆还田结合秋覆膜处理表现出小麦对不同土层土壤水分利用的调控效果, 促进冬小麦返青至拔节阶段的生产和群体形成, 为最终提高籽粒产量和水分利用效率奠定基础, 并且两种秸秆还田结合秋覆膜处理中, 玉米秸秆还田结合秋覆膜似乎更有优势。然而本研究试验年限较短, 尚需在更长的时间内观测玉米秆还田结合秋覆膜在不同降水年型的效果。
4 结论
秸秆还田和秋覆膜种植可有效改善农田土壤水分状况, 促进冬小麦生长发育, 从而显著提高冬小麦产量和水分利用效率。无论是在丰水年份还是偏旱年份, 玉米秸秆还田结合秋覆膜模式的小麦群体结构都处于较好状态, 其株高、生物量、穗粒数、穗数、水分利用效率均高于或显著高于其他处理, 籽粒产量和水分利用效率较传统平作分别平均高51.1%和41.7%。在降水偏少的2012—2013年度, 玉米秸秆还田结合秋覆膜处理比传统平作降低了开花至成熟阶段的耗水及其占总耗水的比例, 显著增加返青至拔节阶段的耗水及其占总耗水的比例, 同时加强了对深层土壤水分的调用; 而在降水偏多的2011—2012年度, 这种效应不明显。参考文献 原文顺序
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1006-6055.1999.02.014URL [本文引用: 1]
通过对我国旱地的定义,内涵和区域性特点的讨论和研究,认为我国 旱地具有如下特点:水分经常限制作物的正常生长和严重的水土流失;人口密度大,土地贫瘠;农业资源利用不合理,生产水平低;生态环境恶化,生态灾害严重; 旱地类型多,地域广;资源丰富,开发潜力大.针对以上旱地的特点,在我国旱地农业生产中,已经开展了许多旱地农业的研究项目,即:开展以水土保持为中心的 农田建设研究;开展以蓄水为中心的提高水资源生产力的综合技术体系的研究;开展以土壤培肥和改良为中心的农田物质循环技术体系的研究;开展作物抗旱机制及 抗旱品种栽培体系的研究;开展综合治理与旱地农业提高产量的综合配套技术研究.以上研究成果已在部分干旱地区取得较好的成效.随全球温暖化程度的加强,旱 地人口增加,旱地农业生产的生态环境仍在退化.为了在下一个世纪提高旱地农业的生产率,改善旱地的生态环境,针对我国旱地的特点,作者提出以下几点建议: 充分推广现存的良好开发模式,进一步加强区域性旱地农业生产理论研究;增加投入,加强对农业工程技术的研究,建立生态农业区;加强宏观规模控制,建立跨区 域综合组织;加强旱地自我发展和科学指导.
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1006-6055.1999.02.014URL [本文引用: 1]
通过对我国旱地的定义,内涵和区域性特点的讨论和研究,认为我国 旱地具有如下特点:水分经常限制作物的正常生长和严重的水土流失;人口密度大,土地贫瘠;农业资源利用不合理,生产水平低;生态环境恶化,生态灾害严重; 旱地类型多,地域广;资源丰富,开发潜力大.针对以上旱地的特点,在我国旱地农业生产中,已经开展了许多旱地农业的研究项目,即:开展以水土保持为中心的 农田建设研究;开展以蓄水为中心的提高水资源生产力的综合技术体系的研究;开展以土壤培肥和改良为中心的农田物质循环技术体系的研究;开展作物抗旱机制及 抗旱品种栽培体系的研究;开展综合治理与旱地农业提高产量的综合配套技术研究.以上研究成果已在部分干旱地区取得较好的成效.随全球温暖化程度的加强,旱 地人口增加,旱地农业生产的生态环境仍在退化.为了在下一个世纪提高旱地农业的生产率,改善旱地的生态环境,针对我国旱地的特点,作者提出以下几点建议: 充分推广现存的良好开发模式,进一步加强区域性旱地农业生产理论研究;增加投入,加强对农业工程技术的研究,建立生态农业区;加强宏观规模控制,建立跨区 域综合组织;加强旱地自我发展和科学指导.
DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2015.00787URL [本文引用: 4]
Mulching strategies and practices are required to increase crop yields in arid and semiarid rainfed areas. This study was carried out to determine the effect of different mulching modes on soil moisture, grain yield, and water use efficiency for winter wheat in a semiarid rainfed region of Loess Plateau, Northwest China during 2008–2009 and 2009–2010 growing seasons. Winter wheat was grown under four cultivation patterns: whole field plastic mulching with soil cover on the top of the plastic mulch and bunch-seeding (T1), whole field plastic mulching without soil cover on the top of the plastic mulch and bunch-seeding (T2), ridges mulched with plastic film and row-seeding in the furrow (T3), and non-mulching with row-seeding as control (CK). Compared with CK, the three plastic mulching treatments showed the increase of water storage in the 0–In the three plastic mulching treatments, the 0–the 0–Although T1, T2 and T3 consumed 0–
DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2015.00787URL [本文引用: 4]
Mulching strategies and practices are required to increase crop yields in arid and semiarid rainfed areas. This study was carried out to determine the effect of different mulching modes on soil moisture, grain yield, and water use efficiency for winter wheat in a semiarid rainfed region of Loess Plateau, Northwest China during 2008–2009 and 2009–2010 growing seasons. Winter wheat was grown under four cultivation patterns: whole field plastic mulching with soil cover on the top of the plastic mulch and bunch-seeding (T1), whole field plastic mulching without soil cover on the top of the plastic mulch and bunch-seeding (T2), ridges mulched with plastic film and row-seeding in the furrow (T3), and non-mulching with row-seeding as control (CK). Compared with CK, the three plastic mulching treatments showed the increase of water storage in the 0–In the three plastic mulching treatments, the 0–the 0–Although T1, T2 and T3 consumed 0–
DOI:10.1016/j.fcr.2014.04.003URL [本文引用: 1]
Owing to the critical situation of water resources and demographic pressure, improvement of crop water use efficiency (WUE=grain yield per unit seasonal evapotranspiration) in the dryland area of Loess Plateau of China is crucial. The aims of this study were (i) quantifying WUE of dryland maize (Zea mays L.) in the Loess Plateau, and (ii) identifying management practices that improve both WUE and yield. We compiled a data base of 36 sets of experiments spanning more than 20 years, where conventional practice (CT) was compared with alternatives including RT/NT, reduced or no tillage without straw mulching; SM, straw mulching; PM, plastic film mulching 100%; RM, plastic film mulching 50% or more; RMS, ridge mulched with plastic film+furrow mulched with crop straw. Yield ranged from 1.12 to 14.6Mgha611 and WUE from 2.8 to 39.0kgha611mm611; the maximum yield and WUE were achieved under RM, PM and RMS and the minimum under CT. Practices had small and inconsistent effect on seasonal evapotranspiration, hence variation in yield and WUE were attributable to changes in both the contribution of soil evaporation to total evapotranspiration and the partitioning of seasonal water use before and after silking. The yield-evapotranspiration relationship indicated that attainable WUE was 40kgha611mm611. Few crops, however, reached this efficiency emphasizing the opportunities for improvement. Implications for crop management and further improvement in yield and WUE are discussed.
DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2014.00101URL [本文引用: 1]
The objective of this study was to explore the effects of the ridge and mulch on soil moisture, grain yield, and water use efficiency (WUE) in rainfall winter wheat growing region in Weibei Area. In a three-year field experiment from Sept. 2007 to June 2010, we compared three ridge (for collecting rainfall) and mulch treatments with traditional plat planting as the control (CK). The ridge was covered with common plastic film, and the dent was bare (P1) or covered with either wheat straw (P2) or degradable film (P3). At the early growth stage of winter wheat, soil water storages in 0–20 cm and 20–100 cm layers were significantly higher in all ridge and mulch treatments than in CK, particularly in P2. At late growth stage, the effect of P3 was similar to that of P1 with no significant difference due to the degradation of the film in dent. However, compared to CK, treatments P1, P2, and P3 had no effect on soil water storage in 100–200 cm layer. Plant height and biomass of wheat were the largest in P2, which were 26.68% and 60.28% higher than that of CK, respectively. Moreover, P2 was also the best treatment for grain yield and WUE with 39.29% increased yield and 35.57% increased WUE over CK. Yield and WUE were similar between P3 and P1 with no significant difference. Therefore, P2 is recommended as an efficient planting pattern in semi-humid drought-prone wheat region.
DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2014.00101URL [本文引用: 1]
The objective of this study was to explore the effects of the ridge and mulch on soil moisture, grain yield, and water use efficiency (WUE) in rainfall winter wheat growing region in Weibei Area. In a three-year field experiment from Sept. 2007 to June 2010, we compared three ridge (for collecting rainfall) and mulch treatments with traditional plat planting as the control (CK). The ridge was covered with common plastic film, and the dent was bare (P1) or covered with either wheat straw (P2) or degradable film (P3). At the early growth stage of winter wheat, soil water storages in 0–20 cm and 20–100 cm layers were significantly higher in all ridge and mulch treatments than in CK, particularly in P2. At late growth stage, the effect of P3 was similar to that of P1 with no significant difference due to the degradation of the film in dent. However, compared to CK, treatments P1, P2, and P3 had no effect on soil water storage in 100–200 cm layer. Plant height and biomass of wheat were the largest in P2, which were 26.68% and 60.28% higher than that of CK, respectively. Moreover, P2 was also the best treatment for grain yield and WUE with 39.29% increased yield and 35.57% increased WUE over CK. Yield and WUE were similar between P3 and P1 with no significant difference. Therefore, P2 is recommended as an efficient planting pattern in semi-humid drought-prone wheat region.
DOI:10.1016/j.fcr.2014.11.016URL [本文引用: 3]
The development of effective water management practices is critical for increasing winter wheat production and achieving food security and sustainable development of dryland agriculture in China. A 3-year field experiment was conducted from Sept 2007 to July 2010 at a tableland and a terrace in Loess Plateau to investigate the effects of plastic film combined with straw mulch on soil moisture, temperature, grain yield, and water use efficiency (WUE) of winter wheat in the drylands. The results indicated that grain yield and WUE greatly varied with precipitation and drought indexes among years, but the plastic film combined with straw mulch (FS) invariably increased grain yield (mean 35%) and WUE (mean 25%) with a slight increase of evapotranspiration (ET) (mean 8%) compared with conventional practices (CK). In the fallow period, the ridge-furrow framework in the FS treatment significantly increased rainwater retention in the furrow during periods of high precipitation, and consequently soil water storage was elevated during sowing. In the growing season, the FS treatment created soil conditions that were both cooler in the hot summer months and warmer in the cool winter months and thus effectively reduced soil water evaporation and retained moisture. Therefore, plastic film combined with straw mulch could serve as a water management procedure in the Loess Plateau. Compared with the tableland, a 35% lower mean grain yield and 33% lower mean WUE were recorded at the terrace, which was attributed to differences in soil properties. Thus, there is considerable potential for further improvement in winter wheat production and WUE at the terrace when the FS was adopted with the modification of soil properties.
DOI:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2015.24.016URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]
DOI:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2015.24.016URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]
DOI:10.1016/S2095-3119(16)61589-7URL [本文引用: 1]
Straw return is an important management tool for tackling and promoting soil nutrient conservation and improving crop yield in Huang-Huai-Hai Plain,China.Although the incorporation of maize straw with deep plowing and rotary tillage practices are widespread in the region,only few studies have focused on rotation tillage.To determine the effects of maize straw return on the nitrogen (N) efficiency and grain yield of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.),we conducted experiments in this region for 3 years.Five treatments were tested:(i) rotary tillage without straw return (RT);(ii) deep plowing tillage without straw return (DT);(iii) rotary tillage with total straw return (RS);(iv) deep plowing tillage with total straw return (DS);(v) rotary tillage of 2 years and deep plowing tillage in the 3rd year with total straw return (TS).Treatments with straw return increased kernels no.ear-1,thousand-kernel weight (TKW),grain yields,ratio of dry matter accumulation post-anthesis,and nitrogen (N) efficiency whereas reduced the ears no.ha-1 in the 2011-2012 and 2012-2013 growing seasons.Compared with the rotary tillage,deep plowing tillage significantly increased the grain yield,yield components,total dry matter accumulation,and N efficiency in 2013-2014.RS had significantly higher straw N distribution,soil inorganic nitrogen content,and soil enzymes activities in the 0-10 cm soil layer compared with the DS and TS.However,significantly lower values were observed in the 10-20 and 20-30 cm soil layers.TS obtained approximately equal grain yield as DS,and it also reduced the resource costs.Therefore,we conclude that TS is the most economical method for increasing grain yield and N efficiency of winter wheat in Huang-Huai-Hai Plain.
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1674-5906.2012.06.007URL [本文引用: 1]
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1674-5906.2012.06.007URL [本文引用: 1]
DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2014.01797URL [本文引用: 3]
Straw returning to the field has been carried out in Huang-Huai-Hai Plain for ten years. In a consecutive two-year field experiment from 2010 to 2012, the effects of conventional tillage (CT), deep tillage (DT) and subsoiling (SS) on dry matter accumulation and water use efficiency were tested in a winter wheat ummer maize rotation system for setting up a tillage practice suitable for straw returning. The results were obtained from the comparison among six treatments, including CT+AS (all straw returning), CT+NS (nostraw returning), DT+AS, DT+NS, SS+AS, and SS+NS. Under straw returning condition, either DT or SS practice increasedwater consumption amount during winter wheat or summer maize growth period but decreased it during fallow period. In addition, relative water content, net photosynthetic rate (), transpiration rate () of leaf, and bleeding sap in stalk were also increased in both crops, leading to more biomass and higher water use efficiency together with increased grain yields in winter wheat and summer maize seasons. The effects of interactions between soil tillage (DT or SS) and straw returning on dry matter accumulation and water use efficiency were significant in both crops. Compared with conventional tillage under no straw returning, DT and SS under straw retuning resulted in increased dry matter accumulation (19.3% and 22.9%, respectively), annual crop yield (by 18.0% and 19.3%, respectively), and water use efficiency (by 15.9% and 15.1%, respectively). The difference of the effect between DT and SS under straw returning was not significant. Therefore, we recommend DT or SS practice in straw returning field under the environment similar to that of this experiment.
DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2014.01797URL [本文引用: 3]
Straw returning to the field has been carried out in Huang-Huai-Hai Plain for ten years. In a consecutive two-year field experiment from 2010 to 2012, the effects of conventional tillage (CT), deep tillage (DT) and subsoiling (SS) on dry matter accumulation and water use efficiency were tested in a winter wheat ummer maize rotation system for setting up a tillage practice suitable for straw returning. The results were obtained from the comparison among six treatments, including CT+AS (all straw returning), CT+NS (nostraw returning), DT+AS, DT+NS, SS+AS, and SS+NS. Under straw returning condition, either DT or SS practice increasedwater consumption amount during winter wheat or summer maize growth period but decreased it during fallow period. In addition, relative water content, net photosynthetic rate (), transpiration rate () of leaf, and bleeding sap in stalk were also increased in both crops, leading to more biomass and higher water use efficiency together with increased grain yields in winter wheat and summer maize seasons. The effects of interactions between soil tillage (DT or SS) and straw returning on dry matter accumulation and water use efficiency were significant in both crops. Compared with conventional tillage under no straw returning, DT and SS under straw retuning resulted in increased dry matter accumulation (19.3% and 22.9%, respectively), annual crop yield (by 18.0% and 19.3%, respectively), and water use efficiency (by 15.9% and 15.1%, respectively). The difference of the effect between DT and SS under straw returning was not significant. Therefore, we recommend DT or SS practice in straw returning field under the environment similar to that of this experiment.
DOI:10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2014.10.019URL [本文引用: 3]
Two-year (2011 2013) field experiment was carried out to investigate the effects of straw pretreatment (comminuted or ammoniated) on soil moisture dynamics (0~100 cm depth) in the whole growth period of winter wheat, crop water consumption, water use efficiency (WUE) and precipitation use efficiency (PUE). The results showed that the changes in soil water storage (0~100 cm depth) under all experimental treatments were similar in the whole winter wheat growing period in 2 -consecutive-year. The ammoniated straw application increased soil water storage (0~100 cm depth) by 4.95% and 1.82% at the maturity stage significantly in two years respectively more than conventional straw mulching, and by 4.24% and 1.75% more than unammoniated straw application. In terms of crop water consumption, conventional straw mulching, compared with conventional straw incorporation, effectively reduced the total water consumption in the growing periods of winter wheat. In addition, the comminuted-ammoniated straw application, compared with unammoniated straw application, also observably reduced the total water consumption at the late growth stage of winter wheat, which promoted the use of irrigation and precipitation by winter wheat. Pretreatment (comminuted-ammoniated) straw application, compared with conventional straw mulching, significantly increased the grain yield of winter wheat by 9.07% and 11.42% in 2 years respectively, which improved winter wheat WUE and PUE significantly as well.
DOI:10.6041/j.issn.1000-1298.2014.10.019URL [本文引用: 3]
Two-year (2011 2013) field experiment was carried out to investigate the effects of straw pretreatment (comminuted or ammoniated) on soil moisture dynamics (0~100 cm depth) in the whole growth period of winter wheat, crop water consumption, water use efficiency (WUE) and precipitation use efficiency (PUE). The results showed that the changes in soil water storage (0~100 cm depth) under all experimental treatments were similar in the whole winter wheat growing period in 2 -consecutive-year. The ammoniated straw application increased soil water storage (0~100 cm depth) by 4.95% and 1.82% at the maturity stage significantly in two years respectively more than conventional straw mulching, and by 4.24% and 1.75% more than unammoniated straw application. In terms of crop water consumption, conventional straw mulching, compared with conventional straw incorporation, effectively reduced the total water consumption in the growing periods of winter wheat. In addition, the comminuted-ammoniated straw application, compared with unammoniated straw application, also observably reduced the total water consumption at the late growth stage of winter wheat, which promoted the use of irrigation and precipitation by winter wheat. Pretreatment (comminuted-ammoniated) straw application, compared with conventional straw mulching, significantly increased the grain yield of winter wheat by 9.07% and 11.42% in 2 years respectively, which improved winter wheat WUE and PUE significantly as well.
DOI:10.1016/j.still.2015.11.003URL [本文引用: 2]
Increasing water and nitrogen use efficiency is important for sustainable agricultural development, especially in arid and semi-arid areas. A two-year field experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of field management practices on soil water, maize development, and yield on the Loess Plateau, China. The experiment adopted a split-plot design, with three mulchings as the main-plot treatments and two urea types (225Nha611) as the sub-plot treatments. Treatments were established as: (1) no plastic film mulching with urea (NU), (2) no plastic film mulching with controlled release fertilizer (NC), (3) white plastic film mulching with urea (WU), (4) white plastic film mulching with controlled release fertilizer (WC), (5) black plastic film mulching with urea (BU), and (6) black plastic film mulching with controlled release fertilizer (BC). The soil water storage was higher under black plastic film mulching than that under other treatments for most sampling dates within the two experimental years, especially in the second maize growing season. Higher soil water stimulated maize growth, as indicated by a higher plant height, leaf area index, and greater biomass accumulation; thus, the highest grain yield (16.64tha611) and water use efficiency (28.3kgha611mm611) in 2014 was recorded in BC plots, which were higher by 34.5% and 34.8%, respectively, compared with those in NU. White plastic film mulching also increased the soil water content and promoted maize development, grain yield, and water use efficiency; thus, higher grain yield (16.02tha611) and water use efficiency (26.5kgha611mm611) were recorded in WC plots in 2014. In the two experimental years, controlled release urea treatments always produced significantly higher maize yields than conventional urea treatments, except the NC plots in 2013. However, significant soil water depletion in the deeper (>120cm) soil layers was detected at harvest time in 2014 under BC treatment, indicating that higher yields might not be sustained in long time periods. In conclusion, plastic film mulching, particularly black plastic film mulching combined with controlled released fertilizer, could improve the water use efficiency and suitably meet the nitrogen requirements of maize, thereby increasing the grain yield in the Loess Plateau, China.
DOI:10.1016/j.fcr.2005.01.030URL [本文引用: 1]
Groundnut ( Arachis hypogaea L.) is one of the chief foreign exchange earning crops for Vietnam. However, owing to lack of appropriate management practices, the production and the area under cultivation of groundnut have remained low. Mulches increase the soil temperature, retard the loss of soil moisture, and check the weed growth, which are the key factors contributing to the production of groundnut. On-farm trials were conducted in northern Vietnam to study the impact of mulch treatments and explore economically feasible and eco-friendly mulching options. The effect of three mulching materials (polythene, rice straw and chemical) on weed infestation, soil temperature, soil moisture and pod yield were studied. Polythene and straw mulch were effective in suppressing the weed infestation. Different mulching materials showed different effects on soil temperature. Polythene mulch increased the soil temperature by about 6 C at 5 cm depth and by 4 C at 10 cm depth. Mulches prevent soil water evaporation retaining soil moisture. Groundnut plants in polythene and straw mulched plots were generally tall, vigorous and reached early flowering. Use of straw as mulch provides an attractive and an environment friendly option in Vietnam, as it is one of the largest rice growing countries with the least use of rice straw. Besides, it recycles plant nutrients effectively.
DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2014.22.005URL [本文引用: 3]
目的干旱、降水供需错位和春季低温是制约西北黄土高原丘陵沟壑区春小麦生产的主要因子,如何最大限度保蓄自然降水、实现水分的跨季节利用,则是该区春小麦产量稳定提高的根本途径。本文在大田定位观测的基础上,揭示全膜覆土穴播对西北黄土高原旱作春小麦季节性耗水特征、产量、水分利用效率和休闲期土壤水分补给的影响,并评判其年际土壤水分平衡效应。方法试验于2011—2013年在西北黄土高原半干旱区的甘肃省农业科学院定西试验站进行(104°36′E,35°35′N),以春小麦陇春27号为试验材料,设全膜覆土穴播(FMS)、地膜覆盖穴播(FM)和露地穴播(CK)3个处理,测定春小麦不同生育时期的土壤含水量、生物量、产量和产量构成因子,计算休闲效率、耗水量、水分利用效率、收获指数等指标。结果2011和2012年3个处理的春小麦耗水量无显著差异,但2013年FMS耗水量显著高于CK。FMS和FM可增加春小麦苗期到孕穗期耗水,且此阶段的耗水量在干旱年份分别较CK增加27.2%和9.6%,在丰水年份分别较CK增加52.2%和44.6%。虽然FMS和FM在各生育期的耗水量无显著差异,但FMS在丰水年(2012年和2013年)的耗水量较FM有增加趋势,且这一效果在2013年尤为明显。FMS和FM在休闲期可补充0—80 cm土层土壤水分25.4和18.3 mm,比CK分别低2.2和9.3 mm;补充80—200 cm土层土壤水分78.0和71.0 mm,比CK分别高30.0和23.1 mm;与2011年播前相比,种植3年春小麦后0—200 cm土层的土壤贮水量FMS增加了23.8 mm、FM增加了22.5 mm、CK增加了12.4 mm。FMS的休闲效率为30.5%—52.6%,比CK高12.8%—109.5%,比FM高4.5%—40.9%。FMS的穗粒数、千粒重等产量构成因子均显著高于CK(P<0.05);收获指数为0.4—0.5,比CK高32.5%。FMS的产量为1750—3180 kg·hm-2,水分利用效率为5.5—11.5 kg·hm-2·mm-1,分别比CK增加40%17
DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2014.22.005URL [本文引用: 3]
目的干旱、降水供需错位和春季低温是制约西北黄土高原丘陵沟壑区春小麦生产的主要因子,如何最大限度保蓄自然降水、实现水分的跨季节利用,则是该区春小麦产量稳定提高的根本途径。本文在大田定位观测的基础上,揭示全膜覆土穴播对西北黄土高原旱作春小麦季节性耗水特征、产量、水分利用效率和休闲期土壤水分补给的影响,并评判其年际土壤水分平衡效应。方法试验于2011—2013年在西北黄土高原半干旱区的甘肃省农业科学院定西试验站进行(104°36′E,35°35′N),以春小麦陇春27号为试验材料,设全膜覆土穴播(FMS)、地膜覆盖穴播(FM)和露地穴播(CK)3个处理,测定春小麦不同生育时期的土壤含水量、生物量、产量和产量构成因子,计算休闲效率、耗水量、水分利用效率、收获指数等指标。结果2011和2012年3个处理的春小麦耗水量无显著差异,但2013年FMS耗水量显著高于CK。FMS和FM可增加春小麦苗期到孕穗期耗水,且此阶段的耗水量在干旱年份分别较CK增加27.2%和9.6%,在丰水年份分别较CK增加52.2%和44.6%。虽然FMS和FM在各生育期的耗水量无显著差异,但FMS在丰水年(2012年和2013年)的耗水量较FM有增加趋势,且这一效果在2013年尤为明显。FMS和FM在休闲期可补充0—80 cm土层土壤水分25.4和18.3 mm,比CK分别低2.2和9.3 mm;补充80—200 cm土层土壤水分78.0和71.0 mm,比CK分别高30.0和23.1 mm;与2011年播前相比,种植3年春小麦后0—200 cm土层的土壤贮水量FMS增加了23.8 mm、FM增加了22.5 mm、CK增加了12.4 mm。FMS的休闲效率为30.5%—52.6%,比CK高12.8%—109.5%,比FM高4.5%—40.9%。FMS的穗粒数、千粒重等产量构成因子均显著高于CK(P<0.05);收获指数为0.4—0.5,比CK高32.5%。FMS的产量为1750—3180 kg·hm-2,水分利用效率为5.5—11.5 kg·hm-2·mm-1,分别比CK增加40%17
DOI:10.7606/j.issn.1009-1041.2014.10.013URL [本文引用: 1]
In order to explore the technological approach to increase yield under plastic film mulching in fallow period matching with nitrogen fertilization, field experiment was carried out in Wenxi, Shanxi with nitrogen application amounts of 75, 150 and 225 kg hm under plastic film mulching and no mulching in fallow period to explicit the effect of mulching in fallow period and nitrogen application amount on water and nitrogen use efficiency, and grain yield in dryland wheat. The results showed that after mulching in fallow period, soil water storage during sowing to booting stage at the depth of 0~300 cm were significantly improved, which improved by 70~81 mm at sowing, and while combined with middle nitrogen, the effect on water retention could be extended to booting stage, yield and water use efficiency of wheat were improved. After mulching in fallow period, N accumulation at different growth stages was significantly improved, nitrogen accumulated before anthesis (NTBA) and nitrogen accumulated after anthesis (NAAA) were improved, so grain N accumulation was significantly improved, and the effects of mulching with middle nitrogen was better. Mean while, N harvest index and N productive efficiency were improved. In all, mulching in fallow period in dryland wheat had a better soil moisture conservation, improved soil water storage in earlier and interim stages, the effect on water retention could be extended to booting stage, finally improved water use efficiency; it was helpful to promote the absorption, accumulation and translocation of nitrogen, finally improved grain N accumulation, meanwhile mulching with N fertilization about 150 kg hm was better for improving N harvest index and N productive efficiency.
DOI:10.7606/j.issn.1009-1041.2014.10.013URL [本文引用: 1]
In order to explore the technological approach to increase yield under plastic film mulching in fallow period matching with nitrogen fertilization, field experiment was carried out in Wenxi, Shanxi with nitrogen application amounts of 75, 150 and 225 kg hm under plastic film mulching and no mulching in fallow period to explicit the effect of mulching in fallow period and nitrogen application amount on water and nitrogen use efficiency, and grain yield in dryland wheat. The results showed that after mulching in fallow period, soil water storage during sowing to booting stage at the depth of 0~300 cm were significantly improved, which improved by 70~81 mm at sowing, and while combined with middle nitrogen, the effect on water retention could be extended to booting stage, yield and water use efficiency of wheat were improved. After mulching in fallow period, N accumulation at different growth stages was significantly improved, nitrogen accumulated before anthesis (NTBA) and nitrogen accumulated after anthesis (NAAA) were improved, so grain N accumulation was significantly improved, and the effects of mulching with middle nitrogen was better. Mean while, N harvest index and N productive efficiency were improved. In all, mulching in fallow period in dryland wheat had a better soil moisture conservation, improved soil water storage in earlier and interim stages, the effect on water retention could be extended to booting stage, finally improved water use efficiency; it was helpful to promote the absorption, accumulation and translocation of nitrogen, finally improved grain N accumulation, meanwhile mulching with N fertilization about 150 kg hm was better for improving N harvest index and N productive efficiency.
URL [本文引用: 3]
在黄土高原半干旱雨养条件下,研究了不同覆盖方式(夏季覆膜,T1;秋季覆膜,T2;小麦碎秆覆盖,T3;小麦整秆覆盖,T4;夏季覆膜+麦秆还田,T5;旧膜二茬利用,T6;无覆盖对照,CK)对旱地冬小麦土壤水分的影响.结果表明:T6在各时期、各土层土壤含水量普遍高于CK,其他5个覆盖处理可明显改善开花前0~90 cm土壤墒情,但开花后0~90 cm土层以及全生育期90~200 cm土层含水量普遍低于CK.全生育期0~200 cm土层平均含水量T6显著高于CK,两者差值为0.9%,其余处理均低于CK.0~200 cm土层平均含水量秸秆覆盖处理高于覆膜处理,旧膜二茬利用高于新覆膜.覆膜处理单位面积籽粒产量较CK提高20.3%~29.0%,秸秆覆盖处理较CK提高5.0%~16.7%,冬小麦产量与生育期耗水量呈显著正相关(r=0.77*).
URL [本文引用: 3]
在黄土高原半干旱雨养条件下,研究了不同覆盖方式(夏季覆膜,T1;秋季覆膜,T2;小麦碎秆覆盖,T3;小麦整秆覆盖,T4;夏季覆膜+麦秆还田,T5;旧膜二茬利用,T6;无覆盖对照,CK)对旱地冬小麦土壤水分的影响.结果表明:T6在各时期、各土层土壤含水量普遍高于CK,其他5个覆盖处理可明显改善开花前0~90 cm土壤墒情,但开花后0~90 cm土层以及全生育期90~200 cm土层含水量普遍低于CK.全生育期0~200 cm土层平均含水量T6显著高于CK,两者差值为0.9%,其余处理均低于CK.0~200 cm土层平均含水量秸秆覆盖处理高于覆膜处理,旧膜二茬利用高于新覆膜.覆膜处理单位面积籽粒产量较CK提高20.3%~29.0%,秸秆覆盖处理较CK提高5.0%~16.7%,冬小麦产量与生育期耗水量呈显著正相关(r=0.77*).
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2014.04.007URL [本文引用: 1]
In order to find out the effects of different mulching models on soil temperatures in the 5-25cm soil layer and grain yield in a semiarid rainfed area of northwestern China, the field experiments with different mulching material and time were conducted from October in 2011 to August in 2012. The field experiments was comprised of the following 7 treatments: mulching plastic film applied in summer and soil placed on the top of the film at 1cm deep (T11), similar to T11 but plastic film applied in autumn (T12), reused the old film mulching after the first harvest of winter wheat (T13), the combination of T11 to field returned wheat straw(T14), mulching 5cm long of wheat straw to the field in summer (T21), mulching whole wheat straw in summer (T22), and an unmulched control (CK). The results showed that:(1)compared to CK, both plastic mulching and straw mulching increased soil temperatures before the jointing stage of wheat but decreased soil temperatures after the jointing stage(P<0.05). The increasing magnitude of soil temperature plastic film mulching was greater than straw mulching, whereas the decreasing magnitude of soil temperature was just contrary. Among the mulching treatments evaluated in the study, T13 treatment increased soil temperatures most and higher than CK 0.24℃, whereas T21 decreased most and lower than CK 0.68℃ in 5-25cm soil layer during the whole growth period of winter wheat.(2)Soil warming effects due to mulching mainly appeared in the morning, but cooling effects were mostly at the noon and at dusk.(3)Compared to CK, any of mulching treatments increased the grain yield(5.0%-29.0%,P<0.05), but the yield of plastic film mulching increased higher than that of straw mulching, Yield of winter wheat increased was mainly caused by being increased spike numbers and 1000grain weight. In conclusion, both plastic film mulching and straw mulching could regulate soil temperature and enhance the grain yield in the whole growth period of winter wheat, but T11 has the most crop productivity in a semiarid rainfed area of northwestern China.
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2014.04.007URL [本文引用: 1]
In order to find out the effects of different mulching models on soil temperatures in the 5-25cm soil layer and grain yield in a semiarid rainfed area of northwestern China, the field experiments with different mulching material and time were conducted from October in 2011 to August in 2012. The field experiments was comprised of the following 7 treatments: mulching plastic film applied in summer and soil placed on the top of the film at 1cm deep (T11), similar to T11 but plastic film applied in autumn (T12), reused the old film mulching after the first harvest of winter wheat (T13), the combination of T11 to field returned wheat straw(T14), mulching 5cm long of wheat straw to the field in summer (T21), mulching whole wheat straw in summer (T22), and an unmulched control (CK). The results showed that:(1)compared to CK, both plastic mulching and straw mulching increased soil temperatures before the jointing stage of wheat but decreased soil temperatures after the jointing stage(P<0.05). The increasing magnitude of soil temperature plastic film mulching was greater than straw mulching, whereas the decreasing magnitude of soil temperature was just contrary. Among the mulching treatments evaluated in the study, T13 treatment increased soil temperatures most and higher than CK 0.24℃, whereas T21 decreased most and lower than CK 0.68℃ in 5-25cm soil layer during the whole growth period of winter wheat.(2)Soil warming effects due to mulching mainly appeared in the morning, but cooling effects were mostly at the noon and at dusk.(3)Compared to CK, any of mulching treatments increased the grain yield(5.0%-29.0%,P<0.05), but the yield of plastic film mulching increased higher than that of straw mulching, Yield of winter wheat increased was mainly caused by being increased spike numbers and 1000grain weight. In conclusion, both plastic film mulching and straw mulching could regulate soil temperature and enhance the grain yield in the whole growth period of winter wheat, but T11 has the most crop productivity in a semiarid rainfed area of northwestern China.
DOI:10.1016/j.agwat.2012.10.004URL [本文引用: 1]
A field experiment was conducted in a dry sub-humid area to study the effect of plastic sheet mulch and wheat straw mulch on water loss by evaporation (E) under fallow and cropped conditions and water use by transpiration (T) under cropped conditions. Results showed that during the entire spring maize (Zea mays L.) growing period with 305.1mm water of precipitation and irrigation from April 22 to August 28, fallow plots mulched with wheat straw conserved 106.9mm water in the 0 200cm soil layer with a fallow efficiency of 35% while those mulched with plastic sheets conserved 140.6mm water with a fallow efficiency of 46.1%. Although plastic film and wheat straw mulch significantly reduced water loss by E compared to non-mulch that had typically a fallow efficiency of 10 15%, water loss by E was still serious, with the largest water losses occurring during the hottest part of summer (July and August). During this period, it was difficult to reduce E, even when mulch was properly applied. In contrast, water losses due to E were much lower when maize plants were grown on the plots. In this case, maize plants continuously took up water from soil, leading to a reduction in the amount of soil water available for E. The large canopy shaded the soil surface and reduced water loss by evaporation. Only 20mm, or 6.3% water was estimated lost by evaporation for maize grown on plots covered with plastic mulch. We developed a regression equation between shoot dry matter and transpiration amounts from plastic sheet mulched plots to estimate water loss by E in non-mulched and wheat straw mulched plots. Results showed that non-mulched plots lost 30.2% and wheat straw mulched plots lost 24.5% of the water received during the maize-growing season to E.
DOI:10.1016/j.fcr.2013.09.004URL [本文引用: 1]
DOI:10.11674/zwyf.2013.0207URL [本文引用: 1]
Based on the results from a 19-year location experiment in rainfed experimental areas of northern China, the effects of various kinds of straw return to field on maize yield, economic benefit and water use efficiency were studied. There were 4 treatments, no straw returning (CK), straw mulching(SM), straw crushing(SC), and cattle manure(CM). The results show that compared to the CK, the experiment of returning stalks to field could increase the yield, net benefit and water use efficiency of spring maize significantly, decrease the accumulated water consumption and increase the soil water storage amount. The accumulated yields ofthe nineteen years are increased by 13.427-24.284 t/ha with increases of 11.57%-20.92%, and the net economic benefits are improved by 12831-18171 Yuan/ha. The total corn yield and net economic benefits of the cattle manure treatment are the highest. In different rainfall years, the corn yields and water use efficiencies are very different. In normal years, the corn yields are the highest, while in dry years, the water use efficiencies of spring maize are highest. The yield increasing effect from the straw mulching is significant. In rainy and wet years, water conservation should be paid more attentions.
DOI:10.11674/zwyf.2013.0207URL [本文引用: 1]
Based on the results from a 19-year location experiment in rainfed experimental areas of northern China, the effects of various kinds of straw return to field on maize yield, economic benefit and water use efficiency were studied. There were 4 treatments, no straw returning (CK), straw mulching(SM), straw crushing(SC), and cattle manure(CM). The results show that compared to the CK, the experiment of returning stalks to field could increase the yield, net benefit and water use efficiency of spring maize significantly, decrease the accumulated water consumption and increase the soil water storage amount. The accumulated yields ofthe nineteen years are increased by 13.427-24.284 t/ha with increases of 11.57%-20.92%, and the net economic benefits are improved by 12831-18171 Yuan/ha. The total corn yield and net economic benefits of the cattle manure treatment are the highest. In different rainfall years, the corn yields and water use efficiencies are very different. In normal years, the corn yields are the highest, while in dry years, the water use efficiencies of spring maize are highest. The yield increasing effect from the straw mulching is significant. In rainy and wet years, water conservation should be paid more attentions.
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2016.06.005URL [本文引用: 5]
2013-2015年在农业部阜新农业环境与耕地保育科学观测实验站,设置秸秆还田(S)和秸秆还田结合秋覆膜(AM+S)两个春玉米种植处理,其中秸秆还田仅在2013年秋季进行,以裸地种植春玉米为对照(CK)。采用Ec H2O土壤水温数据采集器实时观测不同处理的土壤水分和温度动态,结合玉米生长特性,研究秸秆还田结合秋覆膜对春玉米生长和水分利用效率的影响。结果表明,AM+S处理极显著增加了0-50cm土层的地积温和土壤体积含水量,增加了春玉米的耗水量,2014年和2015年春玉米播前1m土层分别较CK多贮水83.92mm和92.68mm。但2014年各处理籽粒产量差异不显著,AM+S处理春玉米水分利用效率显著低于CK和S处理;而在2015年,AM+S处理显著促进了玉米干物质积累,增加春玉米产量,春玉米产量和降水利用效率分别达到13560kg·hm-2、58.52kg·hm-2·mm-1,较CK和S处理分别同时提高97.96%和62.83%,籽粒产量水分利用效率(WUE)达到47.09kg·hm-2·mm-1,较CK和S处理处理分别提高90.34%和65.58%。本研究表明,在雨养农田较干旱的年份,采用秸秆一次性还田结合秋季覆膜技术,是解决半干旱区秸秆过剩,提高半干旱地区春玉米翌年产量和农田水分利用效率的较优方案。
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2016.06.005URL [本文引用: 5]
2013-2015年在农业部阜新农业环境与耕地保育科学观测实验站,设置秸秆还田(S)和秸秆还田结合秋覆膜(AM+S)两个春玉米种植处理,其中秸秆还田仅在2013年秋季进行,以裸地种植春玉米为对照(CK)。采用Ec H2O土壤水温数据采集器实时观测不同处理的土壤水分和温度动态,结合玉米生长特性,研究秸秆还田结合秋覆膜对春玉米生长和水分利用效率的影响。结果表明,AM+S处理极显著增加了0-50cm土层的地积温和土壤体积含水量,增加了春玉米的耗水量,2014年和2015年春玉米播前1m土层分别较CK多贮水83.92mm和92.68mm。但2014年各处理籽粒产量差异不显著,AM+S处理春玉米水分利用效率显著低于CK和S处理;而在2015年,AM+S处理显著促进了玉米干物质积累,增加春玉米产量,春玉米产量和降水利用效率分别达到13560kg·hm-2、58.52kg·hm-2·mm-1,较CK和S处理分别同时提高97.96%和62.83%,籽粒产量水分利用效率(WUE)达到47.09kg·hm-2·mm-1,较CK和S处理处理分别提高90.34%和65.58%。本研究表明,在雨养农田较干旱的年份,采用秸秆一次性还田结合秋季覆膜技术,是解决半干旱区秸秆过剩,提高半干旱地区春玉米翌年产量和农田水分利用效率的较优方案。
DOI:10.13930/j.cnki.cjea.160125URL [本文引用: 1]
为研究全膜覆土穴播栽培技术在环渤海低平原区对冬小麦田土壤水分、盐分、温度、热量状况和冬小麦产量的影响,采用田间试验法,于2014—2015年在中国科学院南皮生态农业试验站,设置全膜覆土穴播(PM)和常规旋耕播种(CK)冬小麦试验,定位监测了耕层土壤温度、水分、盐分和热通量数据动态,并分析了冬小麦产量。结果表明:PM在越冬期和返青期可以有效保持土壤水分,平均土壤含水量比CK高16.4%,达显著性差异(P〈0.05);但是,覆膜也阻隔了后期降水对土壤水分的补充,最大含水量差异可达10.0%。PM处理10 cm深土壤日均温度始终高于CK处理,平均增幅3.8%,差异不显著(P〉0.05);同时,PM减小了土壤温度日较差0.5℃。PM有利于土壤吸收和储存热量,白天具有较高的向下地面热通量,日均土壤热通量比CK显著增加数倍。温度和热通量变化均表明覆膜增强了土壤抵御外界温度变化的能力。PM的土壤电导率显著低于CK24.2%(P〈0.05),特别是在春季返盐期,PM的土壤电导率比CK降低39.7%。PM较CK增加了冬小麦穗粒数和千粒重,增产10.4%,但均未达显著水平。因此,全膜覆土穴播冬小麦栽培技术能改善土壤水热状况,降低土壤盐分对小麦的危害,这为全膜覆土穴播冬小麦栽培技术在环渤海低平原干旱区农业生产中的应用提供理论与技术支持。
DOI:10.13930/j.cnki.cjea.160125URL [本文引用: 1]
为研究全膜覆土穴播栽培技术在环渤海低平原区对冬小麦田土壤水分、盐分、温度、热量状况和冬小麦产量的影响,采用田间试验法,于2014—2015年在中国科学院南皮生态农业试验站,设置全膜覆土穴播(PM)和常规旋耕播种(CK)冬小麦试验,定位监测了耕层土壤温度、水分、盐分和热通量数据动态,并分析了冬小麦产量。结果表明:PM在越冬期和返青期可以有效保持土壤水分,平均土壤含水量比CK高16.4%,达显著性差异(P〈0.05);但是,覆膜也阻隔了后期降水对土壤水分的补充,最大含水量差异可达10.0%。PM处理10 cm深土壤日均温度始终高于CK处理,平均增幅3.8%,差异不显著(P〉0.05);同时,PM减小了土壤温度日较差0.5℃。PM有利于土壤吸收和储存热量,白天具有较高的向下地面热通量,日均土壤热通量比CK显著增加数倍。温度和热通量变化均表明覆膜增强了土壤抵御外界温度变化的能力。PM的土壤电导率显著低于CK24.2%(P〈0.05),特别是在春季返盐期,PM的土壤电导率比CK降低39.7%。PM较CK增加了冬小麦穗粒数和千粒重,增产10.4%,但均未达显著水平。因此,全膜覆土穴播冬小麦栽培技术能改善土壤水热状况,降低土壤盐分对小麦的危害,这为全膜覆土穴播冬小麦栽培技术在环渤海低平原干旱区农业生产中的应用提供理论与技术支持。
DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2015.01582URL [本文引用: 1]
根据马铃薯的生长习性调节起垄造沟方式,2012—2014年进行大田定位试验,设置全膜覆盖垄上微沟(垄上营造10 cm高,20 cm宽的微沟,马铃薯种植在微垄顶部,RMF)、全膜覆盖垄沟种植(RF)和露地平作(CK)3个处理,测定土壤温度、土壤含水量和马铃薯产量,计算≥10℃地积温、作物生育期耗水量、贮水量、水分利用效率等参数,研究全膜覆盖垄上微沟种植对土壤水热环境和马铃薯水分利用效率的影响。结果表明,RMF和RF在平水年(2012年和2014年)可显著提高各生育期和全生育期≥10℃积温,在丰水年(2013年)则与CK无差异。块茎膨大期0~80 cm的土壤贮水量RMF比CK低28.20~31.61 mm,80~200 cm的土壤贮水量RMF高于RF和CK。与CK相比,RMF和RF明显提高马铃薯地上基部茎数、茎分枝数和茎干重;马铃薯产量分别比CK提高60.78%~89.37%和41.91%~73.33%,水分利用效率分别比CK提高49.46%~82.55%和35.62%~65.66%。RMF块茎膨大期的耗水量比CK增加66.52%;在季节性干旱年份,0~200 cm土层的土壤耗水量比RF增加14.19%,从而显著提高产量和水分利用效率。
DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2015.01582URL [本文引用: 1]
根据马铃薯的生长习性调节起垄造沟方式,2012—2014年进行大田定位试验,设置全膜覆盖垄上微沟(垄上营造10 cm高,20 cm宽的微沟,马铃薯种植在微垄顶部,RMF)、全膜覆盖垄沟种植(RF)和露地平作(CK)3个处理,测定土壤温度、土壤含水量和马铃薯产量,计算≥10℃地积温、作物生育期耗水量、贮水量、水分利用效率等参数,研究全膜覆盖垄上微沟种植对土壤水热环境和马铃薯水分利用效率的影响。结果表明,RMF和RF在平水年(2012年和2014年)可显著提高各生育期和全生育期≥10℃积温,在丰水年(2013年)则与CK无差异。块茎膨大期0~80 cm的土壤贮水量RMF比CK低28.20~31.61 mm,80~200 cm的土壤贮水量RMF高于RF和CK。与CK相比,RMF和RF明显提高马铃薯地上基部茎数、茎分枝数和茎干重;马铃薯产量分别比CK提高60.78%~89.37%和41.91%~73.33%,水分利用效率分别比CK提高49.46%~82.55%和35.62%~65.66%。RMF块茎膨大期的耗水量比CK增加66.52%;在季节性干旱年份,0~200 cm土层的土壤耗水量比RF增加14.19%,从而显著提高产量和水分利用效率。
DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2016.01530URL [本文引用: 1]
针对华北平原北部冬春温度变化与冬小麦生长发育所需适宜温度间的矛盾,以及由此造成的冬小麦相对低产问题,于2012—2013和2013—2014连续2个生长季,通过大田试验研究了晚冬早春搭建棚室阶段性升高田间温度对小麦产量的影响。结果表明,2月20日前后麦田塑膜覆盖每提前1周积温提高23.0~49.7℃,1月下旬至3月上旬的整个升温阶段内可增加积温167.7~176.8℃,从而小麦生长发育提前。塑膜揭除后形成的相对低温环境使后续各生育阶段持续时间延长4~10 d。与常规种植(对照)相比,最早增温处理的开花期干物质产量提高18.8%,叶面积指数提高14.7%,花后光合势增加43.6%,花后净光合速率高值持续期延长10 d以上;返青后各生育阶段的延长促进了干物质积累和向籽粒转移,有效穗数增加48~98万hm?2、单穗粒数增加3.9~4.5粒、千粒重增加2.5~5.6 g。在全生长季积温较少的2012—2013年度,最早增温处理的籽粒产量提高37.5%,在积温较多的2013—2014年度增产18.2%,并提前5 d成熟。晚冬早春农田阶段性覆膜增温是有效提高小麦籽粒产量的新型方法,提前并延长了生长发育和干物质累积的时间是改善小麦产量构成因素和获得高产的原因。
DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2016.01530URL [本文引用: 1]
针对华北平原北部冬春温度变化与冬小麦生长发育所需适宜温度间的矛盾,以及由此造成的冬小麦相对低产问题,于2012—2013和2013—2014连续2个生长季,通过大田试验研究了晚冬早春搭建棚室阶段性升高田间温度对小麦产量的影响。结果表明,2月20日前后麦田塑膜覆盖每提前1周积温提高23.0~49.7℃,1月下旬至3月上旬的整个升温阶段内可增加积温167.7~176.8℃,从而小麦生长发育提前。塑膜揭除后形成的相对低温环境使后续各生育阶段持续时间延长4~10 d。与常规种植(对照)相比,最早增温处理的开花期干物质产量提高18.8%,叶面积指数提高14.7%,花后光合势增加43.6%,花后净光合速率高值持续期延长10 d以上;返青后各生育阶段的延长促进了干物质积累和向籽粒转移,有效穗数增加48~98万hm?2、单穗粒数增加3.9~4.5粒、千粒重增加2.5~5.6 g。在全生长季积温较少的2012—2013年度,最早增温处理的籽粒产量提高37.5%,在积温较多的2013—2014年度增产18.2%,并提前5 d成熟。晚冬早春农田阶段性覆膜增温是有效提高小麦籽粒产量的新型方法,提前并延长了生长发育和干物质累积的时间是改善小麦产量构成因素和获得高产的原因。
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DOI:10.1016/j.biortech.2007.06.030URLPMID:17706422 [本文引用: 1]
Experiments with five samples of corn straw were carried out on a one-dimensional bench combustion test rig. The bed temperature distribution and the mass loss of fuel and gas components such as O 2, CO, CO 2 and NO were measured in the bed. The combustion of corn straw occurred in two stages, ignition front propagation and char oxidation. The average burning rate increased with an increase in the primary air flow until a critical point was reached, beyond which a further increase in the primary air flow resulted in a decreased burning rate. The mean concentration of NO reached a minimum value and then increased with increased primary air flow. The time taken for the drying front to reach the bottom of the bed was 800 s, 700 s, and 500 s; the temperatures in the high bed temperature zones were 900–935 °C, 800–850 °C and 700–743 °C; and the maximum concentrations of NO were 725 ppmv, 1287 ppmv, and 2730 ppmv, for whole corn stalks, hollow corn stalks and flaked corn stalks, respectively. The maximum concentrations of CO and NO were quite different between samples. There was only one peak in the distribution of NO concentration for sample B, but there were two peaks for whole corn stalks and sample A.
DOI:10.5846/stxb201303210475URL [本文引用: 1]
通过安徽省蒙城县砂姜黑土上连续4a的冬小麦-夏玉米连作长期定位试验,研究了秸秆还田配合施用不同量氮 肥对土壤理化性质及作物产量的影响.结果表明,秸秆还田可降低土壤容重2.5%-9.2%,提高含水量8.2%-28.5%和表层土壤贮水量 4.1%-19.9%;增加土壤总孔隙度1.1%-8.9%、毛管孔隙度18.9%-41.0%,非毛管孔隙度降低6.4%-38.8%,土壤毛管孔隙度 占土壤总孔隙度的比例增加.秸秆还田所有处理耕层的土壤硝态氮含量高于秸秆移除处理,施氮540、630、720 kgN hm-2 a-1时,秸秆还田处理的硝态氮含量显著高于秸秆移除,而铵态氮含量无明显变化规律.无论秸秆还田还是秸秆移除,耕层土壤的硝态氮含量随氮肥用量的增加呈 指数趋势增加,硝态氮含量与施氮量的相关性秸秆移除处理高于秸秆还田处理;秸秆还田处理的铵态氮含量随施氮量增加成指数趋势增加,而秸秆移除处理呈指数趋 势减小,相关性均不显著.秸秆还田条件下,小麦和玉米获得高产的年氮肥用量分别为630、696 kg N hm-2 a-1,秸秆移除为579、627kgN hm-2 a-1.经作用力分析,秸秆还田是影响土壤物理性质的最重要因素,作物产量受秸秆还田和施氮量的影响,但氮肥水平大于秸秆还田.
DOI:10.5846/stxb201303210475URL [本文引用: 1]
通过安徽省蒙城县砂姜黑土上连续4a的冬小麦-夏玉米连作长期定位试验,研究了秸秆还田配合施用不同量氮 肥对土壤理化性质及作物产量的影响.结果表明,秸秆还田可降低土壤容重2.5%-9.2%,提高含水量8.2%-28.5%和表层土壤贮水量 4.1%-19.9%;增加土壤总孔隙度1.1%-8.9%、毛管孔隙度18.9%-41.0%,非毛管孔隙度降低6.4%-38.8%,土壤毛管孔隙度 占土壤总孔隙度的比例增加.秸秆还田所有处理耕层的土壤硝态氮含量高于秸秆移除处理,施氮540、630、720 kgN hm-2 a-1时,秸秆还田处理的硝态氮含量显著高于秸秆移除,而铵态氮含量无明显变化规律.无论秸秆还田还是秸秆移除,耕层土壤的硝态氮含量随氮肥用量的增加呈 指数趋势增加,硝态氮含量与施氮量的相关性秸秆移除处理高于秸秆还田处理;秸秆还田处理的铵态氮含量随施氮量增加成指数趋势增加,而秸秆移除处理呈指数趋 势减小,相关性均不显著.秸秆还田条件下,小麦和玉米获得高产的年氮肥用量分别为630、696 kg N hm-2 a-1,秸秆移除为579、627kgN hm-2 a-1.经作用力分析,秸秆还田是影响土壤物理性质的最重要因素,作物产量受秸秆还田和施氮量的影响,但氮肥水平大于秸秆还田.
DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2016.01689URL [本文引用: 1]
为了探讨玉米秸秆还田条件下不同耕作方式及施氮量对土壤耕性及冬小麦产量的影响,于2012年10月至2015年6月连续3个小麦生长季进行了田间定位试验。设3种耕作方式,分别为连续3年旋耕秸秆不还田、连续3年旋耕秸秆还田和前2年旋耕秸秆还田第3年深耕秸秆还田,每种耕作方式下均设4个施氮水平,施氮量依次为165、225、300和360 kg hm-2。与旋耕相比,深耕促进还田玉米秸秆的腐解,且增施氮肥能提高秸秆腐解速度,从而提高耕层土壤的有机质含量。秸秆不还田条件下,连续旋耕降低了0~30 cm土层的有机质含量,结果土壤容重增大,孔隙度降低,且增施氮肥不利于土壤物理性状的改善;秸秆还田条件下,连续旋耕提高了0~10 cm土层有机质含量,土壤容重随之减小,孔隙度增加;秸秆还田条件下,连续2年旋耕1年深耕比连续旋耕增加了10~30 cm土层有机质含量,显著降低了0~20 cm土层容重,增加了0~20 cm土层的总孔隙度和10~30 cm土层的毛管孔隙度。连续3年旋耕造成冬小麦减产,尤其是秸秆不还田处理,第3年产量较第1年下降5.0%~8.7%;旋耕秸秆还田较旋耕不还田平均增产7.3%~8.9%,但在第3年产量下滑;而旋耕还田后适时深耕还田比连续旋耕还田平均增加有效穗数14.5%,增加穗粒数5.7%,产量平均提高7.6%。在玉米秸秆还田条件下,增施氮肥有助于改善土壤理化性质,但225、300和360 kg hm-2氮肥水平的产量无显著差异。本研究结果表明,山东省小麦高产高效栽培技术宜采取秸秆还田、2年旋耕1年深耕、配施纯氮225 kg hm-2的种植模式。
DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2016.01689URL [本文引用: 1]
为了探讨玉米秸秆还田条件下不同耕作方式及施氮量对土壤耕性及冬小麦产量的影响,于2012年10月至2015年6月连续3个小麦生长季进行了田间定位试验。设3种耕作方式,分别为连续3年旋耕秸秆不还田、连续3年旋耕秸秆还田和前2年旋耕秸秆还田第3年深耕秸秆还田,每种耕作方式下均设4个施氮水平,施氮量依次为165、225、300和360 kg hm-2。与旋耕相比,深耕促进还田玉米秸秆的腐解,且增施氮肥能提高秸秆腐解速度,从而提高耕层土壤的有机质含量。秸秆不还田条件下,连续旋耕降低了0~30 cm土层的有机质含量,结果土壤容重增大,孔隙度降低,且增施氮肥不利于土壤物理性状的改善;秸秆还田条件下,连续旋耕提高了0~10 cm土层有机质含量,土壤容重随之减小,孔隙度增加;秸秆还田条件下,连续2年旋耕1年深耕比连续旋耕增加了10~30 cm土层有机质含量,显著降低了0~20 cm土层容重,增加了0~20 cm土层的总孔隙度和10~30 cm土层的毛管孔隙度。连续3年旋耕造成冬小麦减产,尤其是秸秆不还田处理,第3年产量较第1年下降5.0%~8.7%;旋耕秸秆还田较旋耕不还田平均增产7.3%~8.9%,但在第3年产量下滑;而旋耕还田后适时深耕还田比连续旋耕还田平均增加有效穗数14.5%,增加穗粒数5.7%,产量平均提高7.6%。在玉米秸秆还田条件下,增施氮肥有助于改善土壤理化性质,但225、300和360 kg hm-2氮肥水平的产量无显著差异。本研究结果表明,山东省小麦高产高效栽培技术宜采取秸秆还田、2年旋耕1年深耕、配施纯氮225 kg hm-2的种植模式。
DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1011.2012.00291URL [本文引用: 1]
试验以未进行秸秆还田(H0,对照)、连续3年秸秆还田(H3,2007-2010年)、连续6年秸秆还田(H6,2005-2010年)及连续9年秸秆还田(H9,2002-2010年)的连作玉米农田为对象,通过测定土壤理化性状及玉米根系发育和地上产量性状的变化,探索不同秸秆还田年限对不同层次土壤改良效应及作物生长响应机理.结果表明:随着玉米全量秸秆连续还田,耕层0~30 cm土层土壤有机质、全氮、全磷含量大幅增加,速效氮、速效钾显著增加,而速效磷养分变化幅度较小,表明秸秆还田能够有效改善土壤养分状况;20~50 cm土层土壤容重随着秸秆还田年限增加较对照显著下降,表现H9<H6<H3<H0趋势.主要生育期玉米根重密度、总根长及根系活力水平等指标,均表现出随着还田年限增加而增加的趋势.特别是生长后期较深土层的根系,表现不同处理间变化幅度差异显著的特点,成熟期40~60 cm土层H9、H6、H3处理根系活力水平分别较对照高54.76%、29.1%和16.3%,H9根重密度、总根长分别较对照高44.3%、79.3%,H6、H3处理根重密度分别较对照增加30.8%、18.8%,根长增加58.9%、47.7%,而对照根系表现迅速衰退现象,说明秸秆还田处理使成熟期玉米根系衰退延迟,有利于后期作物对养分的吸收和产量的形成.随秸秆还田年限增加,玉米地上株高及穗位高相应增加,H9、H6、H3穗位高分别较对照增加11.1 cm、5.3 cm和0.7 cm;百粒重各处理较对照依次增加17.4%、10.2%和7.5%,H9处理产量较对照增产15.4%以上,H6、H3分别较对照增产10.3%和4.5%,表现随还田年限增加显著增产的趋势.
DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1011.2012.00291URL [本文引用: 1]
试验以未进行秸秆还田(H0,对照)、连续3年秸秆还田(H3,2007-2010年)、连续6年秸秆还田(H6,2005-2010年)及连续9年秸秆还田(H9,2002-2010年)的连作玉米农田为对象,通过测定土壤理化性状及玉米根系发育和地上产量性状的变化,探索不同秸秆还田年限对不同层次土壤改良效应及作物生长响应机理.结果表明:随着玉米全量秸秆连续还田,耕层0~30 cm土层土壤有机质、全氮、全磷含量大幅增加,速效氮、速效钾显著增加,而速效磷养分变化幅度较小,表明秸秆还田能够有效改善土壤养分状况;20~50 cm土层土壤容重随着秸秆还田年限增加较对照显著下降,表现H9<H6<H3<H0趋势.主要生育期玉米根重密度、总根长及根系活力水平等指标,均表现出随着还田年限增加而增加的趋势.特别是生长后期较深土层的根系,表现不同处理间变化幅度差异显著的特点,成熟期40~60 cm土层H9、H6、H3处理根系活力水平分别较对照高54.76%、29.1%和16.3%,H9根重密度、总根长分别较对照高44.3%、79.3%,H6、H3处理根重密度分别较对照增加30.8%、18.8%,根长增加58.9%、47.7%,而对照根系表现迅速衰退现象,说明秸秆还田处理使成熟期玉米根系衰退延迟,有利于后期作物对养分的吸收和产量的形成.随秸秆还田年限增加,玉米地上株高及穗位高相应增加,H9、H6、H3穗位高分别较对照增加11.1 cm、5.3 cm和0.7 cm;百粒重各处理较对照依次增加17.4%、10.2%和7.5%,H9处理产量较对照增产15.4%以上,H6、H3分别较对照增产10.3%和4.5%,表现随还田年限增加显著增产的趋势.
DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2015.00778URL [本文引用: 1]
The knowledge on coupling effect of plastic film mulching and limited water supply on corn yield in inland irrigation area is essential in developing effective cropping systems. A field experiment was conducted to reveal yield formation process and mechanism of corn under different plastic film mulching patterns (full-film, half-film and no mulching) and irrigation quota treatments (7200, 6450, and -1 double-ear rate, seed number per ear, seed weight and water use efficiency(WUE). The grain yield reached 13 275.5 and 12 880.5 kg ha under full-film mulching with high and moderate irrigation levels, -1-2which were 23.9%, 658.6 per ear and 36.4 per 100 grain respectively. The average leaf area index (LAI) achieved 2.8 and 2.7 under full-film and half-film mulching with high irrigation level, respectively, which were significantly higher than that with low irrigation level. Moreover, soil water content in the soil layer from 0 to
DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2015.00778URL [本文引用: 1]
The knowledge on coupling effect of plastic film mulching and limited water supply on corn yield in inland irrigation area is essential in developing effective cropping systems. A field experiment was conducted to reveal yield formation process and mechanism of corn under different plastic film mulching patterns (full-film, half-film and no mulching) and irrigation quota treatments (7200, 6450, and -1 double-ear rate, seed number per ear, seed weight and water use efficiency(WUE). The grain yield reached 13 275.5 and 12 880.5 kg ha under full-film mulching with high and moderate irrigation levels, -1-2which were 23.9%, 658.6 per ear and 36.4 per 100 grain respectively. The average leaf area index (LAI) achieved 2.8 and 2.7 under full-film and half-film mulching with high irrigation level, respectively, which were significantly higher than that with low irrigation level. Moreover, soil water content in the soil layer from 0 to
URL [本文引用: 1]
Field experiments were carried out to study the effects of plastic film mulching on soil temperature and moisture, and on yield formation of spring wheat. The results showed that plastic film mulching could increase soil temperature with "U" variances in the whole growth period of spring wheat. Plastic film mulching could also increase soil available water by restraining evaporation and elevating deep water to the layer useable for roots. The promotion of soil temperature and soil water content under plastic film mulching was favorable to the development and water use of spring wheat in its earlier stage. Root developments were restrained when mulching in later stage of spring wheat, with decreases in crop water consumption and water use efficiency, and there was no significant effects on yield formation.The spring wheat yields under control (CK), pre sowing irrigation (W), mulching for whole stage (M), pre sowing irrigation adding mulching for 30 days (WM30), pre sowing irrigation adding mulching for 60 days (WM60), and pre sowing irrigation adding mulching for whole stage (WMw) were 2554, 2424, 2750, 3138, 3305, and 3123 kg路hm, respectively, and the optimum mulching time was at 40锝60 days.
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Field experiments were carried out to study the effects of plastic film mulching on soil temperature and moisture, and on yield formation of spring wheat. The results showed that plastic film mulching could increase soil temperature with "U" variances in the whole growth period of spring wheat. Plastic film mulching could also increase soil available water by restraining evaporation and elevating deep water to the layer useable for roots. The promotion of soil temperature and soil water content under plastic film mulching was favorable to the development and water use of spring wheat in its earlier stage. Root developments were restrained when mulching in later stage of spring wheat, with decreases in crop water consumption and water use efficiency, and there was no significant effects on yield formation.The spring wheat yields under control (CK), pre sowing irrigation (W), mulching for whole stage (M), pre sowing irrigation adding mulching for 30 days (WM30), pre sowing irrigation adding mulching for 60 days (WM60), and pre sowing irrigation adding mulching for whole stage (WMw) were 2554, 2424, 2750, 3138, 3305, and 3123 kg路hm, respectively, and the optimum mulching time was at 40锝60 days.
DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2013.05.006URL [本文引用: 1]
DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2013.05.006URL [本文引用: 1]
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