

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-26

刘妍,, 刘兆新, 何美娟, 刘婷如, 杨坚群, 甄晓宇, 栗鑫鑫, 李向东,*, 杨东清,*山东农业大学农学院 / 作物生物学国家重点实验室, 山东泰安 271018

Effects of tillage modes in winter fallow period on leaf senescence and pod yield in continuous cropping peanut

LIU Yan,, LIU Zhao-Xin, HE Mei-Juan, LIU Ting-Ru, YANG Jian-Qun, ZHEN Xiao-Yu, LI Xin-Xin, LI Xiang-Dong,*, YANG Dong-Qing,*Agronomy College, Shandong Agricultural University / State Key Laboratory of Crop Biology, Tai’an 271018, Shandong, China

通讯作者: 杨东清, E-mail: chengyang2364@126.com; 李向东, E-mail: lixdong@sdau.edu.cn

第一联系人: E-mail: liuyansdtz@163.com

Fund supported: This study was supported by the National Key Technology Support Program of China.2014BAD11B04-2
the National Natural Science Foundation of China.30840056
the National Natural Science Foundation of China.31171496
Shandong Modern Agricultural Technology & Industry System.SDAIT-04-01

大田连作条件下种植大花生品种“山花108”, 以冬闲期免耕晾晒土地后整地种植(冬闲免耕露地, MGLD)为对照, 设置冬闲免耕覆膜(冬闲期免耕晾晒土地后整地覆膜种植, MGFM)、冬闲翻耕露地(冬闲期翻耕晾晒土地后整地种植, FGLD)、冬闲翻耕覆膜(冬闲期翻耕晾晒土地后整地覆膜种植, FGFM)、冬闲压青露地(前茬花生收获后常规种植冬小麦, 于花生种植前粉碎还田后整地种植, YQLD)、冬闲压青覆膜(前茬花生收获后常规种植冬小麦, 于花生种植前粉碎还田后整地覆膜种植, YQFM)5种处理, 探究对连作花生叶片衰老、光合特性和产量的影响。结果表明, 覆膜、冬闲翻耕与压青处理均可提高植株功能叶片光合色素含量、净光合速率、气孔导度及蒸腾速率, 降低胞间CO2浓度; 同时提高叶片超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)及过氧化物酶(POD)活性, 降低丙二醛(MDA)含量, 延缓叶片衰老, 进而增加荚果产量。YQFM、FGFM、MGFM处理的荚果产量较YQLD、FGLD、MGLD处理分别增加5.11%、6.77%、3.70%; 与MGFM处理相比, YQFM、FGFM处理分别增产14.83%、8.30%; 与MGLD处理相比, YQLD、FGLD处理分别增产13.30%、5.18%, 并且增产幅度由高到低依次是YQFM、YQLD、FGFM、FGLD、MGFM处理。冬闲压青覆膜处理的产量和经济效益最佳。
关键词: 连作花生;冬闲期耕作方式;衰老特性;产量

A field experiment was conducted using large peanut variety Shanhua 108 with five treatments, including mulching after no tillage in winter fallow period (MGFM), planting peanut after plowing tillage in winter fallow period (FGLD), mulching after plowing tillage in winter fallow period (FGFM), planting peanut after previous crop wheat as green manure straw returned to the field (YQLD), mulching after previous crop wheat as green manure straw returned to the field (YQFM), and the conventional planting method, planting peanut after non tillage in winter fallow period (MGLD) as the control. The treatments of mulching, green manure and plowing tillage significantly improved photosynthetic pigment content, net photosynthetic rate, stomatal conductance and transpiration rate, and decreased intercellular CO2 concentration in functional leaves. Meanwhile, the above three treatments also significantly increased leaf superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), peroxidase (POD) activities, decreased malondialdehyde (MDA) content, thereby delaying leaf senescence and increasing pod yield. The pod yield of YQFM, FGFM and MGFM treatments increased by 5.11%, 6.77%, 3.70% compared with YQLD, FGLD, and MGLD treatments. Compared with MGFM treatment, YQFM and FGFM treatments significantly increased pod yield by 14.83%, 8.30%, respectively. Compared with MGLD treatment, the pod yield under YQLD and FGLD treatments significantly increased by 13.30%, 5.18%, respectively, and YQFM, YQLD, FGFM, FGLD, and MGFM treatments had the increase of pod yield from high to low in order. From the perspective of pod yield and economic benefit, YQFM is the optimum treatment.
Keywords:continuous cropping peanuts;tillage modes in winter fallow period;leaf senescence characteristics;pod yield

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刘妍, 刘兆新, 何美娟, 刘婷如, 杨坚群, 甄晓宇, 栗鑫鑫, 李向东, 杨东清. 冬闲期耕作方式对连作花生叶片衰老和产量的影响[J]. 作物学报, 2019, 45(1): 131-143. doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2019.84024
LIU Yan, LIU Zhao-Xin, HE Mei-Juan, LIU Ting-Ru, YANG Jian-Qun, ZHEN Xiao-Yu, LI Xin-Xin, LI Xiang-Dong, YANG Dong-Qing. Effects of tillage modes in winter fallow period on leaf senescence and pod yield in continuous cropping peanut[J]. Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2019, 45(1): 131-143. doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2019.84024

由于耕地面积和种植制度的制约, 我国花生主产区春花生种植通常多年连作[1]。连作使土壤耕层变浅, 板结度加深, 化感物质逐渐积累, 且导致土壤养分含量降低, 比例失衡, 不能满足作物生长发育的需求[2,3,4]。前人研究发现, 多年连作后花生土壤中有害微生物群富集, 使植物根部发生病害[5], 根系吸收与运输能力下降[6], 进而影响花生地上部叶片光合生理等进程, 导致花生荚果产量和籽仁品质下降[7]。叶片衰老是叶片生长发育进程中的最后阶段, 是植物正常发育所需的[8], 但花生连作导致叶片抗氧化能力下降, 发生早衰, 尤其在饱果期, 叶片早衰引起叶片以及整个植株生理生化代谢改变, 影响荚果充实发育, 最终限制产量。因此, 研究缓解连作花生叶片早衰的耕作措施对花生高产栽培有重要理论意义。

叶片早衰是一个复杂的生理生化过程, 会使叶片形态和颜色变化[9]、叶绿体等细胞超微结构变化[10]、活性氧自由基(ROS)含量增多[11]等。前人研究发现ROS对叶绿素和蛋白质等大分子有强氧化作用, 光合机构中光系统II也易被ROS氧化破坏[12], 这均导致叶片的光能捕获和转化、电子传递、气体交换等能力降低, 最终叶片光合能力下降, 光合持续期缩短[13,14]。植物体内的抗氧化酶系统, 如超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)和过氧化物酶(POD)等能够有效清除ROS, 防止膜脂过氧化, 延缓叶片衰老, 提高光合能力[15]。前人研究表明, 采用覆膜通过增温保墒可增加花生叶片光合色素含量, 提高净光合速率, 进而延缓叶片衰老[16,17]。另外, 翻耕能显著提高小麦旗叶的净光合速率和蒸腾速率, 促进植株干物质积累, 提高小麦籽粒产量[18]。将小麦秸秆当作绿肥, 其腐解过程释放大量氮素, 能满足花生生长对养分的需求[19]。油菜作绿肥还田后, 水稻叶面积指数、叶绿素含量、光合速率、干物质积累量均有不同程度的提高[20]。前人针对延缓花生叶片衰老, 稳定连作花生产量做了相关研究, 但多是针对种植越冬作物、肥料运筹和土壤栽培等单项技术, 关于冬闲期耕作方式对延缓连作花生叶片衰老及产量形成影响的研究鲜见报道。本研究探讨花生一年一熟种植制度下冬闲期耕作措施对连作花生产量及经济效益、叶片色素含量、光合性能和衰老酶活性的影响, 及提高叶片光合性能和抗氧化能力的生理机制, 以期为延缓连作花生叶片衰老, 提高花生荚果产量提供理论依据。

1 材料与方法

1.1 试验设计

于2016年和2017年在山东农业大学农学试验站进行大田试验。试验田块为花生连作田块, 土壤为沙壤土。0~20 cm耕层土壤含有机质13.98 g kg-1、碱解氮73.52 mg kg-1、速效磷49.17 mg kg-1和速效钾68.74 mg kg-1

选用大花生品种“山花108”, 以每公顷15万穴(畦种, 每畦6行, 行距为30 cm, 株距为20 cm), 每穴播2粒种植。以冬闲期免耕晾晒土地后整地种植(冬闲免耕露地, MGLD)为对照, 设置冬闲免耕覆膜(冬闲期免耕晾晒土地后整地覆膜种植, MGFM)、冬闲翻耕露地(冬闲期翻耕晾晒土地后整地种植, FGLD)、冬闲翻耕覆膜(冬闲期翻耕晾晒土地后整地覆膜种植, FGFM)、冬闲压青露地(前茬花生收获后常规种植冬小麦, 于花生种植前粉碎还田后整地种植, YQLD)、冬闲压青覆膜(前茬花生收获后常规种植冬小麦, 于花生种植前粉碎还田后整地覆膜种植, YQFM) 5种处理(表1), 每个处理重复3次, 小区面积23 m×6 m=138 m2。冬闲压青处理为花生收获后选用小麦品种济麦22为压青材料, 机械播种, 于灌浆初期压青还田, 小麦绿肥还田量为5.5×104 kg hm-2。所有处理花生播种前基施复合肥(N-P2O5-K2O 15-15-10) 600 kg hm-2

Table 1
Table 1Experimental design
Tillage mode
冬闲期翻耕晾晒土地后整地种植FGLD前茬花生收获后于10月10日翻耕, 冬闲晾晒土地, 直至花生播种前于次年5月5日旋耕两遍, 花生播种后不覆膜。
The land was plowed on October 10th in winter fallow period after former peanuts were harvested. Then rotary tillage was conducted twice on May 5th of following year, and peanuts were not covered with film after sowing.
冬闲期翻耕晾晒土地后整地覆膜种植FGFM前茬花生收获后于10月10日翻耕, 冬闲晾晒土地, 直至花生播种前于次年5月5日旋耕两遍, 花生播种后覆膜。
The land was plowed on October 10th in winter fallow period after former peanuts were harvested. Then rotary tillage was conducted twice on May 5th of following year, and peanuts were covered with film after sowing.
前茬花生收获后常规种植冬小麦, 于花生种植前粉碎还田后整地种植YQLD前茬花生收获后于10月10日翻耕, 旋耕2遍, 种上小麦, 至灌浆初期次年5月5日进行小麦秸秆压青还田, 翻耕, 旋耕两遍, 花生播种后不覆膜。
The land was plowed with rotary tillage twice on October 10th in winter fallow period after former peanuts were harvested, and then wheat was planted. The wheat straw as green manure was returned to the field on May 5th of following year, and land was plowed with rotary tillage twice. Then peanuts were not covered with film after sowing.
前茬花生收获后常规种植冬小麦, 于花生种植前粉碎还田后整地覆膜种植YQFM前茬花生收获后于10月10日翻耕, 旋耕2遍, 种上小麦, 至灌浆初期次年5月5日进行小麦秸秆压青还田, 翻耕, 旋耕两遍, 花生播种后覆膜。
The land was plowed with rotary tillage twice on October 10th in winter fallow period after former peanuts were harvested, and then wheat was planted. The wheat straw as green manure was returned to the field on May 5th of following year, and land was plowed with rotary tillage twice. Then peanuts were covered with film after sowing.
冬闲期免耕晾晒土地后整地种植MGLD前茬花生收获后不翻耕, 冬闲晾晒土地, 于次年5月5日进行翻耕, 然后旋耕两遍, 花生播种后不覆膜。
Non tillage was conducted in winter fallow period after former peanuts were harvested. Then land was plowed with rotary tillage twice on May 5th of the following year, and peanuts were not covered with film after sowing.
冬闲期免耕晾晒土地后整地覆膜种植MGFM前茬花生收获后不翻耕, 冬闲晾晒土地, 于次年5月5日进行翻耕, 然后旋耕两遍, 花生播种后覆膜。
Non tillage was conducted in winter fallow period after former peanuts were harvested. Then land was plowed with rotary tillage twice on May 5th of following year, and peanuts were covered with film after sowing.
FGLD: planting peanut after plowing tillage in winter fallow period; FGFM: mulching after plowing tillage in winter fallow period; YQLD: planting peanut after previous crop wheat as green manure straw returned to the field; YQFM: mulching after previous crop wheat as green manure straw returned to the field; MGLD: planting peanut after non tillage in winter fallow period; MGFM: mulching after non tillage in winter fallow period.


1.2 测定项目与方法

1.2.1 土壤理化性质的测定 2017年收获期(播种后约115 d, HS), 按五点取样法使用环刀测定各处理0~10 cm、10~20 cm、20~30 cm耕层中土壤容重和总孔隙度。按五点取样法使用土钻(内径5 cm)在各处理花生行中间采集 0~10 cm、10~20 cm和20~30 cm土层土样, 将每小区同一土层的土样混合成一个样品, 每个处理3次重复, 自然风干后, 过80目筛, 参照鲍士旦[21]的水合热重铬酸钾氧化-比色法测定土壤有机质。

1.2.2 光合色素组分测定 2016年和2017年分别在各处理花针期(播种后约50 d, FP)、结荚期(播种后约75 d, PS)、饱果期(播种后约100 d, PF)、收获期(播种后约115 d, HS), 选其长势一致的代表性植株5株, 取主茎倒3叶的鲜样, 参照Arnon[22]的方法, 测定叶片叶绿素a (Chl a)、叶绿素b (Chl b)、类胡萝卜素(Car)、叶绿素a+b含量。

1.2.3 光合参数的测定 2016年和2017年分别在花针期(FP)、结荚期(PS)、饱果期(PF)、收获期(HS)采用Li-6400便携式光合仪(Li-Cor Inc., USA)测定主茎倒三叶净光合速率(Pn, μmol CO2 m-2 s-1)、气孔导度(Gs, mmol m-2 s-1)、胞间CO2浓度(Ci, μmol mol-1)、蒸腾速率(Tr, mmol H2O m-2 s-1)。测定时使用开放式气路系统, 选用红蓝2叶室, 设定叶室温度为25℃, 光照强度为1400 μmol m-2 s-1

1.2.4 SOD、CAT、POD活性和MDA含量 分别在花针期(FP)、结荚期(PS)、饱果期(PF)、收获期(HS)选各处理长势一致的代表性植株5株, 取主茎倒3叶的鲜样。参照赵世杰等方法[23], 用双组分光

光度法分别测定反应产物在600、532和450 nm下的吸光度, 计算MDA含量。用氮蓝四唑(NBT)光化还原法测定SOD活性, 愈创木酚法测定POD活性, 过氧化氢法测定CAT活性[24]

1.2.5 收获、考种及测产 2016年和2017年均按小区收获, 荚果晒干后放入室内平衡10 d, 称量计产; 取10株考察单株结果数; 同时从每小区收获荚果中随机取500 g考种, 计算籽仁产量、千克果数、出仁率等。

1.2.6 经济效益 利用市场价值法, 以农产品的净增加值表示各处理提供的农产品经济效益。经济效益=荚果产量×市场价格-生产成本。其中, 生产成本=机械投入+劳动成本+生产资料(农药+种子+化肥)投入, 花生荚果价格以5元 kg-1

1.3 数据处理

用DPS 7.05统计分析软件对数据进行方差分析和显著性检验(LSD法), 用SigmaPlot 10.0作图。

2 结果与分析

2.1 冬闲期耕作方式对连作花生土壤理化性质的影响

表2可知, 同一耕作方式, 覆膜处理与露地处理相比显著降低0~20 cm土层土壤容重, 提高0~20 cm土壤孔隙度及有机质含量。与MGFM处理相比, YQFM、FGFM处理0~20 cm土层土壤容重平均降低9.12%、4.57%, 土壤孔隙度平均提高7.55%、4.29%, 有机质含量平均提高13.48%、6.14%; 与MGLD处理相比, YQLD、FGLD处理容重平均降低8.53%、3.76%, 孔隙度和有机质含量平均提高8.03%、3.87%和13.78%、5.59%。说明无论覆膜与否, 冬闲压青和冬闲翻耕较冬闲免耕均可降低0~20 cm土层土壤容重, 提高土壤孔隙度及有机质含量, 改善连作花生土壤理化性质。与MGLD处理相比, 其他5种耕作方式均可改善0~20 cm土层土壤理化性质, 以YQFM处理最优。

Table 2
Table 2Effects of tillage modes in winter fallow period on the soil bulk density, porosity and organic matter content of peanut in continuous cropping
Soil layer (cm)
处理 Treatment
Soil bulk density
(g cm-3)
0-101.28 d1.33 c1.34 c1.39 b1.41 b1.45 a
10-201.31 d1.35 c1.38 c1.43 b1.44 b1.48 a
20-301.47 d1.50 cd1.52 bc1.53 bc1.55 b1.59 a
Soil porosity (%)
0-1051.07 a49.73 b49.69 b47.36 c47.02 c45.35 d
10-2049.91 a48.32 b48.23 b46.91 c46.87 c45.41 d
20-3044.57 a42.73 b42.67 b41.45 bc41.24 c39.90 d
Soil organic matter content (g kg-1)
0-1011.96 a11.72 a11.25 b10.98 c10.65 d10.34 e
10-2010.87 a10.52 b10.11 c9.67 d9.48 d9.21 e
20-306.38 a6.01 b5.88 b5.85 b5.61 c5.42 d
Abbreviations are the same as those given in Table 1. Values within the same line followed by different letters are significantly different at P < 0.05 as determined by LSD test.
缩写同表1。同一行中标以不同字母的值在P < 0.05水平上差异显著, 以LSD 数据统计。


2.2 冬闲期耕作方式对连作花生叶片色素组分含量的影响

表3可知, 冬闲期耕作方式下各处理功能叶色素含量均呈先升高后降低的趋势, 在结荚期达到最大值。同一耕作方式, 覆膜较露地处理显著提高功能叶叶绿素a、叶绿素b和类胡萝卜素含量。与YQLD处理相比, YQFM处理叶绿素a、叶绿素b分别提高5.51%、6.59%; 与FGLD、MGLD处理相比, FGFM、MGFM处理叶绿素a+b和类胡萝卜素含量分别提高5.66%、12.81%、7.95%和16.17%。与MGFM和MGLD处理相比, YQFM、FGFM、YQLD和FGLD处理叶绿素a+b分别提高20.59%、9.18%、23.01%和11.56%。可见无论覆膜与否, 冬闲压青和冬闲翻耕较冬闲免耕均可促进叶片色素的合成。与MGLD处理相比, 其他5种耕作方式均可提高叶片色素的合成, 以YQFM处理最高。

Table 3
Table 3Effects of tillage modes in winter fallow period on the chlorophyll content of peanut in continuous cropping (mg g-1)
生育时期 Growth stage
叶绿素aYQFM1.73 a2.16 a1.62 a1.41 a1.84 a2.25 a1.69 a1.42 a
Chl aYQLD1.65 b2.06 b1.55 b1.34 b1.41 b2.09 b1.60 b1.35 b
FGFM1.75 a1.95 c1.49 c1.31 b1.89 a1.98 c1.46 c1.33 b
FGLD1.67 b1.87 d1.37 d1.25 c1.80 a1.93 d1.39 d1.26 c
MGFM1.72 a1.83 e1.32 d1.19 d1.82 a1.90 d1.35 e1.22 c
生育时期 Growth stage
MGLD1.61 c1.75 f1.23 e1.05 e1.31 b1.78 e1.29 f1.12 d
叶绿素bYQFM0.63 a0.72 a0.57 a0.55 a0.69 a0.74 a0.60 a0.57 a
Chl bYQLD0.56 b0.68 b0.53 b0.51 b0.48 bc0.70 b0.56 b0.53 b
FGFM0.64 a0.66 b0.51 b0.49 b0.71 a0.69 b0.53 bc0.52 b
FGLD0.57 b0.62 c0.47 c0.45 c0.64 ab0.65 c0.51 cd0.48 c
MGFM0.62 a0.61 c0.45 c0.43 c0.68 a0.61 d0.49 d0.47 c
MGLD0.54 b0.57 d0.41 d0.39 d0.45 c0.56 e0.45 e0.42 d
类胡萝卜素YQFM0.36 ab0.46 a0.38 a0.35 a0.35 ab0.47 a0.37 a0.34 a
CarYQLD0.31 cd0.42 b0.34 b0.31 b0.36 a0.43 b0.33 b0.30 b
FGFM0.38 a0.41 b0.33 b0.30 b0.36 a0.42 b0.32 b0.29 b
FGLD0.32 cd0.37 c0.29 c0.26 c0.37 a0.38 c0.29 c0.25 c
MGFM0.34 bc0.36 c0.28 c0.25 c0.32 b0.37 c0.28 c0.24 c
MGLD0.30 d0.32 d0.24 d0.21 d0.34 ab0.33 d0.24 d0.20 d
叶绿素a+bYQFM2.27 b2.88 a2.18 a1.96 a2.52 a2.99 a2.29 a1.99 a
Chl a+bYQLD2.14 c2.74 b2.08 b1.85 b2.41 a2.79 b2.16 b1.88 b
FGFM2.35 a2.61 c2.00 c1.80 b2.60 a2.67 c1.99 c1.85 b
FGLD2.17 c2.49 d1.84 d1.70 c2.43 a2.58 d1.90 d1.74 c
MGFM2.25 b2.44 d1.77 d1.62 d2.50 a2.51 e1.84 e1.69 d
MGLD2.04 d2.32 e1.65 e1.44 e2.36 a2.34 f1.74 f1.54 e
FP: flowering-setting stage; PS: pod-setting stage; PF: Pod-filling stage; HS: harvest stage. Other abbreviations are the same as those given in Table 1. Values within the column followed by different letters are significantly different at P < 0.05 as determined by LSD test.
缩写同表1。同一参数中标以不同字母的值表示不同处理间在P < 0.05水平上差异显著, LSD数据统计。


2.3 冬闲期耕作方式对连作花生叶片光合参数的影响

2.3.1 对净光合速率的影响 由图1可知, 冬闲期耕作方式对连作花生功能叶净光合速率有显著影响。各处理功能叶净光合速率随生育进程均呈单峰曲线变化, 在结荚期达到最大值。从结荚期到收获期, 同一耕作方式覆膜处理叶片净光合速率均高于露地处理。与YQLD、FGLD、MGLD处理相比, YQFM、FGFM、MGFM处理功能叶净光合速率分别提高5.06%、5.77%、4.55%。与MGFM处理相比, YQFM、FGFM处理功能叶净光合速率分别提高17.78%、9.51%; 与MGLD处理相比, YQLD、FGLD处理分别提高17.22%、8.25%。说明无论覆膜与否, 与冬闲免耕处理相比, 冬闲压青和冬闲翻耕处理均显著提高结荚期到收获期的功能叶净光合速率。与MGLD处理相比, YQFM、YQLD、FGFM、FGLD、MGFM处理功能叶净光合速率分别提高23.22%、17.22%、14.55%、8.25%、4.55%。



Fig. 1Effects of tillage modes in winter fallow period on the photosynthetic rate (Pn) of peanut in continuous cropping

Abbreviations are the same as those given in Table 3.

2.3.2 对气孔导度的影响 由图2可知, 冬闲期耕作方式对连作花生功能叶的气孔导度有显著影响。各处理功能叶气孔导度随生育进程均呈单峰曲线变化, 在饱果期达到最大值。从结荚期到收获期, 同一耕作方式覆膜处理较露地处理提高功能叶气孔导度。与YQLD、FGLD、MGLD处理相比, YQFM、FGFM、MGFM处理功能叶气孔导度分别提高5.96%、8.09%、7.29%。与MGFM、MGLD处理相比, YQFM、FGFM和YQLD、FGLD处理功能叶气孔导度分别提高23.64%、12.52%和25.18%、11.66%。可见无论覆膜与否, 冬闲压青和冬闲翻耕较冬闲免耕均可提高功能叶气孔导度。与MGLD处理相比, YQFM、YQLD、FGFM、FGLD、MGFM处理功能叶气孔导度分别提高32.64%、25.18%、20.71%、11.66%、7.29%。



Fig. 2Effects of tillage modes in winter fallow period on the stomatal conductance (Gs) of peanut in continuous cropping

Abbreviations are the same as those given in Tables 1 and 3.

2.3.3 对胞间CO2浓度的影响 由图3可知, 冬闲期耕作方式对连作花生功能叶胞间CO2浓度有显著影响。在连作花生生育前期, 胞间CO2浓度较低, 进入结荚期以后逐渐升高, 不同耕作方式变化趋势一致。从结荚期到收获期, 同一耕作方式覆膜处理较露地处理降低功能叶胞间CO2浓度。与YQLD、FGLD、MGLD处理相比, YQFM、FGFM、MGFM处理功能叶胞间CO2浓度分别降低2.13%、1.93%、2.14%。与MGFM处理相比, YQFM、FGFM处理功能叶胞间CO2浓度分别降低6.83%、3.30%; 与MGLD处理相比, YQLD、FGLD处理分别降低6.85%、3.51%。说明无论覆膜与否, 冬闲压青和冬闲翻耕功能叶胞间CO2浓度均低于冬闲免耕。YQFM、YQLD、FGFM、FGLD、MGFM处理功能叶胞间CO2浓度较MGLD处理分别降低8.83%、6.85%、5.37%、3.51%、2.14%。



Fig. 3Effects of tillage modes in winter fallow period on the intercellular CO2 concentration (Ci) of peanut in continuous cropping

Abbreviations are the same as those given in Tables 1 and 3.

2.3.4 对蒸腾速率的影响 由图4可知, 冬闲期耕作方式对连作花生功能叶蒸腾速率有显著影响。各处理功能叶蒸腾速率随生育进程均呈单峰曲线变化, 在结荚期达到最大值。从结荚期到收获期, 同一耕作方式覆膜处理功能叶蒸腾速率均高于露地处理。与YQLD、FGLD、MGLD处理相比, YQFM、FGFM、MGFM处理功能叶蒸腾速率分别提高6.51%、8.32%、7.96%。与MGFM处理相比, YQFM、FGFM处理功能叶蒸腾速率分别提高21.09%、11.32%; 与MGLD处理相比, YQLD、FGLD处理分别提高22.75%、10.95%。可见花生花针期后无论覆膜与否, 冬闲压青和冬闲翻耕较冬闲免耕均可提高叶片蒸腾速率。与MGLD处理相比, YQFM、YQLD、FGFM、FGLD、MGFM处理功能叶蒸腾速率分别提高30.81%、22.75%、20.21%、10.95%、7.96%。



Fig. 4Effects of tillage modes in winter fallow period on the transpiration rate (Tr) of peanut in continuous cropping

Abbreviations are the same as those given in Tables 1 and 3.

2.4 冬闲期耕作方式对连作花生叶片抗氧化酶活性和膜脂过氧化特征的影响

2.4.1 对SOD活性的影响 由图5可知, 冬闲期耕作方式对连作花生功能叶SOD活性有显著影响。各处理叶片SOD活性均随生育进程呈单峰曲线变化, 在结荚期达到最大值。从结荚期到收获期, 与露地处理相比, 同一耕作方式覆膜处理可提高功能叶SOD活性。与YQLD、FGLD、MGLD处理相比, YQFM、FGFM、MGFM处理功能叶SOD活性分别提高4.56%、5.30%、5.43%。与MGFM处理相比, YQFM、FGFM处理功能叶SOD活性分别提高15.52%、7.80%; 与MGLD处理相比, YQLD、FGLD处理功能叶SOD活性分别提高16.51%、7.93%。说明无论覆膜与否, 冬闲压青和冬闲翻耕功能叶SOD活性均高于冬闲免耕。与MGLD处理相比, YQFM、YQLD、FGFM、FGLD、MGFM处理SOD活性分别提高22.01%、16.51%、13.74%、7.93%、5.43%。



Fig. 5Effects of tillage modes in winter fallow period on activities of SOD, POD, CAT, and MDA contents in functional levels of continuous cropping peanut (2016)

Abbreviations are the same as those given in Tables 1 and 3.

2.4.2 对CAT活性的影响 由图5可知, 冬闲期耕作方式对连作花生功能叶CAT活性有显著影响。各处理功能叶CAT活性随生育进程先升高后降低, 结荚期达到最大值。从结荚期到收获期, 同一耕作方式覆膜处理叶片CAT活性高于露地处理。与YQLD、FGLD、MGLD处理相比, YQFM、FGFM、MGFM处理功能叶CAT活性分别提高5.14%、5.83%、6.44%。与MGFM处理相比, YQFM、FGFM处理功能叶CAT活性分别提高14.96%、7.64%; 与MGLD处理相比, YQLD、FGLD处理分别提高16.38%、8.25%。可见无论覆膜与否, 冬闲压青和冬闲翻耕较冬闲免耕也可提高叶片CAT活性。与MGLD处理相比, YQFM、YQLD、FGFM、FGLD、MGFM处理功能叶CAT活性分别提高22.37%、16.38%、14.57%、8.25%、6.44%。

2.4.3 对POD活性的影响 由图5可知, 冬闲期耕作方式下, 连作花生功能叶POD活性的变化趋势与SOD和CAT活性的趋势一致, 各处理均随生育进程先升高后降低, 结荚期达到最大值。花生花针期后, 同一耕作方式覆膜处理功能叶POD活性均高于露地处理。与YQLD、FGLD、MGLD处理相比, YQFM、FGFM、MGFM处理功能叶POD活性分别提高5.94%、7.05%、5.98%。无论覆膜与否, 冬闲压青和冬闲翻耕也可提高叶片POD活性。与MGFM和MGLD处理相比, YQFM、FGFM和YQLD、FGLD处理功能叶POD活性分别提高21.38%、11.19%和21.41%和10.08%。与MGLD处理相比, YQFM、YQLD、FGFM、FGLD、MGFM处理功能叶POD活性分别提高28.67%、21.41%、17.84%、10.08%、5.98%。

2.4.4 对MDA含量的影响 由图5可知, 冬闲期耕作方式对连作花生功能叶MDA含量有显著影响。各处理功能叶MDA含量随生育进程呈现上升趋势。整个生育时期, 同一耕作处理, 覆膜处理叶片MDA含量均低于露地处理。与YQLD、FGLD、MGLD处理相比, YQFM、FGFM、MGFM处理功能叶MDA含量分别平均降低6.47%、6.32%、5.45%。无论覆膜与否, 冬闲压青和冬闲翻耕也可降低叶片MDA含量。与MGFM处理相比, YQFM、FGFM处理功能叶MDA含量分别降低19.76%、9.93%; 与MGLD处理相比, YQLD、FGLD处理分别降低18.89%、9.10%。YQFM、YQLD、FGFM、FGLD、MGFM处理功能叶MDA含量较MGLD处理分别降低24.08%、18.89%、14.82%、9.10%、5.45%。

2.5 冬闲期耕作方式对连作花生产量及经济效益的影响

表4可以看出, 冬闲期耕作方式对连作花生产量及经济效益有显著影响。覆膜、冬闲压青与冬闲翻耕均可提高花生荚果产量与籽仁产量。与YQLD、FGLD、MGLD处理相比, YQFM、FGFM、MGFM处理的荚果产量分别增加5.11%、6.77%、3.70%; 籽仁产量分别增加9.19%、4.46%、7.35%, 其增产原因主要是增加花生单株结果数和出仁率。与MGFM处理相比, YQFM、FGFM处理荚果和籽仁产量分别增加14.83%、8.30%和16.21%、5.22%; 与MGLD处理相比, YQLD、FGLD处理分别增加13.30%、5.18%和14.26%、8.14%, 其产量提升原因主要是增加单株结果数和果重(降低千克果数)。

Table 4
Table 4Effects of tillage modes in winter fallow period on peanut yield and economic benefit under continuous cropping
Pod yield
(kg hm-2)
Kernel yield
(kg hm-2)
Pods per plant
Pods per kg
Shelling rate (%)
Economic benefit
(yuan hm-2)
2016FGLD4659.13 c3585.47 c18.67 c549.34 b68.46 c12 495.65 c
FGFM4981.32 b3775.31 b21.00 b544.78 b68.52 c13 506.60 a
YQLD4995.12 b3795.39 b22.00 b526.14 c69.80 b13 050.60 b
YQFM5250.52 a4058.12 a23.50 a521.17 c70.19 a13 727.60 a
MGLD4408.14 d3350.79 d16.15 e567.39 a67.51 e11 240.70 e
MGFM4606.16 c3556.44 c17.50 d562.67 a67.92 d11 630.80 d
2017FGLD4778.38 c3605.36 c20.47 c515.00 b71.12 d13 091.90 c
FGFM5095.29 b3735.89 b22.26 b510.50 b71.73 c14 076.45 b
YQLD5171.36 b3802.68 b23.78 a485.00 c73.18 b13 931.80 b
YQFM5435.14 a4238.02 a24.40 a479.50 c74.26 a14 650.70 a
MGLD4565.87 d3299.58 d16.18 e538.00 a70.11 e12 029.35 d
MGFM4698.17 c3582.17 c17.73 d533.00 a70.36 e12 090.85 d
Abbreviations are the same as those given in Table 1. Values within a column followed by different letters are significantly different at P<0.05 as determined by LSD test.
缩写同表1。同一参数中标以不同字母的值表示不同处理间在P<0.05水平上差异显著, LSD数据统计。


同一耕作方式, 覆膜处理经济效益优于露地处理。与MGFM处理相比, YQFM、FGFM处理的经济效益分别增加19.60%、16.28%; 与MGLD处理相比, YQLD、FGLD处理分别增加15.96%、10.00%。可见无论覆膜与否, 冬闲压青和冬闲翻耕较冬前免耕均可提高花生经济效益。与MGLD处理相比, 其他5种耕作方式以YQFM处理产量和经济效益最高。

2.6 光合参数、抗氧化系统参数与产量及其构成因素的相关分析

表5可以看出, 光合参数中的净光合速率、蒸腾速率、气孔导度及抗氧化系统参数中的SOD活性、CAT活性、POD活性与花生荚果产量、籽仁产量、单株结果数呈极显著正相关; 除蒸腾速率、气孔导度及CAT活性与出仁率呈显著正相关外, 上述指标与出仁率呈极显著正相关; 同时除净光合速率、SOD活性与千克果数呈极显著负相关外, 上述指标与千克果数呈显著负相关。此外, 光合参数中的胞间CO2浓度及抗氧化系统参数中的MDA含量与花生荚果产量、籽仁产量、单株结果数、出仁率呈极显著负相关, 与千克果数呈极显著正相关。

Table 5
Table 5Correlation coefficient of photosynthetic parameters and antioxidant system parameters with yield and its components
Pod yield
Kernel yield
Pods per plant
Pods per kg
Shelling rate
净光合速率 Pn0.994**0.974**0.975**-0.924**0.927**
蒸腾速率 Tr0.989**0.975**0.969**-0.910*0.913*
气孔导度 Gs0.975**0.950**0.971**-0.904*0.894*
胞间CO2浓度 Ci-0.979**-0.977**-0.972**0.922**-0.921**
SOD活性 SOD activity0.991**0.988**0.964**-0.930**0.945**
CAT活性 CAT activity0.967**0.967**0.930**-0.851*0.861*
POD活性 POD activity0.990**0.990**0.960**-0.913*0.926**
MDA含量 MDA content-0.994**-0.975**-0.988**0.955**-0.955**
* and ** indicate significant difference at the 0.05 and 0.01 probability levels, respectively.
***分别代表在0.05和 0.01水平上差异显著。


3 讨论

3.1 冬闲期耕作方式对连作花生叶片光合特性的调控效应

叶绿素含量与光合速率能够反映植株叶片光合生产能力, 是影响作物产量的重要因素[17]。叶片较高的叶绿素含量有利于光合作用, 但研究发现连作降低花生功能叶片叶绿素含量及光合速率, 导致花生干物质积累少、荚果产量显著降低[25,26]。前人研究表明不同耕作方式可显著影响作物的光合性能。覆膜可提升花生叶片叶绿素含量, 提高光合特性, 有利于提高产量[27]。冬前翻耕[28]和播种前施用绿肥[29]可分别提高棉花及烟草叶片的叶绿素含量及光合速率, 利于干物质的积累。本研究结果表明, 覆膜、冬闲压青和冬闲翻耕处理均可不同程度提高连作花生功能叶光合色素含量, 同时提高其净光合速率、气孔导度和蒸腾速率, 在一定程度上降低胞间CO2浓度, 说明上述冬闲期耕作方式可促使连作花生叶片光合色素含量及光合速率在生育期内维持较高水平, 延长功能叶片发挥较高光合性能的持续时间, 增强同化生产能力, 进而导致光合产物的合成与积累[17]。研究发现覆膜可提升花生叶片的光系统性能, 增强电子传递能力, 进而提高光合性能[30]。与MGLD处理相比, 其他5种耕作方式均可改善花生叶片光合性能, 进而加快光合产物的合成、运转与积累, 促进荚果发育, 提高荚果产量, 其中以冬闲压青覆膜处理效果最优。

3.2 冬闲期耕作方式对连作花生叶片衰老特性的调控效应

花生叶片衰老是活性氧代谢失调的过程, MDA含量反映细胞膜脂过氧化水平, 该过程可使多种酶和膜系统遭受损伤, 而SOD、POD、CAT是植物保护酶系统的关键酶, 三者活性协调一致, 使细胞内活性氧的产生和清除处于动态平衡状态, 以缓解活性氧过多积累对生物膜结构的破坏[31,32]。连作显著降低花生功能叶片SOD、POD、CAT活性, 引起活性氧代谢失调, 导致膜脂过氧化物MDA含量增加, 生物膜结构被破坏, 叶片衰老加快[33]。众多研究表明通过适宜的耕作方式可改善环境条件, 提高活性氧清除酶活性, 降低MDA含量, 从而延缓叶片衰老进程。如覆膜[34]、残茬覆盖[35]和翻耕[36]可提高玉米叶片SOD、POD和CAT活性, 降低MDA 含量, 延缓叶片衰老, 增加产量。本研究结果表明, 覆膜、冬闲压青和冬闲翻耕均可不同程度降低连作花生土壤0~20 cm土层土壤容重, 提高土壤孔隙度及有机质含量; 同时增加地上部功能叶片SOD、POD和CAT的活性, 降低MDA积累量。说明上述耕作方式提高连作花生功能叶光合色素含量及光合速率的生理基础可能是由于其通过改良土壤理化性质, 进而提高功能叶保护酶活性, 减缓蛋白质、核酸和脂类等生物大分子及叶绿素的降解, 延缓叶片生理功能的衰退[35]。此外与MGLD处理相比, 其他5种耕作方式均可不同程度提升叶片保护酶活性, 降低MDA含量, 进而延缓叶片衰老, 使叶片维持较高的光合色素含量及光合速率, 利于花生荚果产量的提高, 其中以冬闲压青覆膜处理效果最优。

3.3 冬闲期耕作方式对连作花生产量的调控效应

连作障碍易导致花生营养失衡、病虫危害逐渐加重, 造成单株结果数减少, 果重降低, 最终导致荚果产量下降[36,37]。采用地膜覆盖及绿肥翻压可分别改善花生及玉米的产量性状, 提高产量[38,39]。冯国艺等[40]研究发现不同翻耕时间影响棉花的成铃数、单铃重及最终产量。花生产量构成因素中, 在种植相同密度条件下, 产量是由单株结果数和果重决定的, 而果重提高主要取决于较高的出仁率[41]。本研究结果表明, 同一耕作方式, 覆膜处理荚果产量均优于露地处理。无论覆膜与否, 压青与翻耕较免耕均可提高花生单株结果数、果重(降低千克果数)和出仁率, 进而显著增加荚果产量。相关分析表明, 净光合速率、蒸腾速率、气孔导度及SOD活性、CAT活性、POD活性与花生荚果产量、籽仁产量、单株结果数、出仁率呈显著或极显著正相关。说明覆膜、冬闲压青和翻耕可通过维持花生叶片在生育后期较高的光合能力和抗氧化能力, 促进干物质积累, 最终显著增加花生荚果重和产量。

4 结论

覆膜、冬闲压青和冬闲翻耕均可提高连作花生功能叶光合色素含量和光合速率, 改善光合性能; 提高SOD、POD 和 CAT 活性, 降低MDA积累量, 延缓叶片衰老, 改善产量性状, 最终提高荚果产量。与冬闲免耕露地处理相比, 其他5种耕作方式均可改善花生叶片光合性能、延缓叶片衰老, 进而增加花生荚果产量和经济效益, 其中以冬闲压青覆膜处理最优。

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


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We characterized the senescence-associated proteases of postharvest broccoli ( Brassica oleracea L. var Green King) florets, using class-specific protease inhibitors and gelatin-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Different classes of senescence-associated proteases in broccoli florets were partially characterized for the first time. Protease activity of broccoli florets was depressed by all the inhibitors and showed different inhibition curves during postharvest. The hydrolytic activity of metalloprotease (EC 3.4.24. –02) and serine protease (EC 3.4.21. –02) reached a maximum, 102day after harvest (DAH), then decreased, while the hydrolytic activity of cysteine protease (EC 3.4.22. –02) and aspartic protease (EC 3.4.23. –02) increased throughout the postharvest senescence based on the calculated inhibition percentage of protease activity. The senescence-associated proteases were separated into seven endoprotease (EP) groups by gelatin-polyacryamide gel electrophoresis and classified into EP1 (metalloprotease), EP2 (metalloprotease and cysteine protease), EP3 (serine protease and aspartic protease), EP4, EP5, EP7 (cysteine protease), and EP6 (serine protease) based on the sensitivity of class-specific protease inhibitors. The proteases EP2, EP3, and EP4 were present throughout the postharvest stages. EP3 was the major EP at all times during senescence; EP4 intensity of activity increased after 202DAH; EP6 and EP7 clearly increased after 402DAH. Our results suggest that serine protease activity contributes to early stage (0–102DAH) and late stage (4–502DAH) of senescence; metalloprotease activity was involved in the early and intermediate stages (0–302DAH) of senescence; and cysteine protease and aspartic protease activities participated in the whole process of broccoli senescence.

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Abstract A proteomics approach has been used to study changes in protein abundance during leaf senescence in white clover. Changes in cell ultrastructure were also examined using transmission electron microscopy. The most obvious ultrastructural changes during senescence occurred in chloroplasts, with progressive loss of thylakoid integrity and accumulation of osmiophilic globules in the stroma. Quantitative analysis of 590 leaf protein spots separated by two-dimensional electrophoresis indicated that approximately 40% of the spots showed significant senescence related changes in abundance. Approximately one-third of the protein spots present in mature green leaves were also visible by two-dimensional electrophoresis of an isolated chloroplast fraction, and these spots represented a major proportion of the proteins showing senescence related declines in abundance. Chloroplast proteins that were identified by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization-time of flight mass fingerprinting included rubisco large and small subunits, a rubisco activase and the 33 kDa protein of the photosystem II oxygen-evolving complex. These proteins declined in abundance late in senescence, indicating that the photosynthetic apparatus was being degraded. A chloroplast glutamine synthetase showed partial decline in abundance during late senescence but was maintained at levels that may support provision of glutamine for export to other tissues. The results emphasise the importance of proteolysis, chloroplast degradation and remobilisation of nitrogen in leaf senescence.

林萌萌, 孙涛, 尹继乾, 李琦瑶, 宁堂原, 米庆华 . 不同生物降解地膜对花生光合特性和产量的影响
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为探讨生物降解地膜的控温控水效应及对花生生长发育和产量的影响,进行了4种全生物降解地膜、普通地膜与不覆盖地膜的对比试验。结果表明:地膜覆盖均优于不覆膜处理。生物降解地膜Q2降解速度过快,其他生物降解地膜降解期适宜。生物降解地膜Q3更利于花生的光合特性和产量的形成,效果优于普通地膜;Q4与普通地膜相近,效果略差于普通地膜;Q1、Q2 2种地膜效果差于普通地膜。生物降解地膜降解期适中,能达到与普通地膜相似的保温保墒效果,在提高叶绿素含量,叶片净光合速率,延缓叶片衰老方面优于普通地膜处理。Q3、Q4 2种生物降解地膜能满足花生不同生育期对土壤温度、水分的需要,前期增温保水,后期降温增渗,促进光合作用,并且可以减少白色污染,减轻对土壤性质的破坏,生态效益和经济效益良好,具有广阔的应用前景。
Lin M M, Sun T, Yin J Q, Li Q Y, Ning T Y, Mi Q H . Effects of different biodegradable films mulching on the photosynthetic characteristics and yield of peanut
Chin Agric Sci Bull, 2015,31(27):190-197 (in Chinese with English abstract).

DOI:10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb15030142URL [本文引用: 1]
为探讨生物降解地膜的控温控水效应及对花生生长发育和产量的影响,进行了4种全生物降解地膜、普通地膜与不覆盖地膜的对比试验。结果表明:地膜覆盖均优于不覆膜处理。生物降解地膜Q2降解速度过快,其他生物降解地膜降解期适宜。生物降解地膜Q3更利于花生的光合特性和产量的形成,效果优于普通地膜;Q4与普通地膜相近,效果略差于普通地膜;Q1、Q2 2种地膜效果差于普通地膜。生物降解地膜降解期适中,能达到与普通地膜相似的保温保墒效果,在提高叶绿素含量,叶片净光合速率,延缓叶片衰老方面优于普通地膜处理。Q3、Q4 2种生物降解地膜能满足花生不同生育期对土壤温度、水分的需要,前期增温保水,后期降温增渗,促进光合作用,并且可以减少白色污染,减轻对土壤性质的破坏,生态效益和经济效益良好,具有广阔的应用前景。

杨富军, 高华援, 赵叶明, 朱统国, 王绍伦, 周玉萍 . 地膜覆盖栽培对花生生殖生长及产量的影响
安徽农业科学, 2013,41:10643-10645.

DOI:10.3969/j.issn.0517-6611.2013.26.031URL [本文引用: 3]
[目的]在田间试验条件下,研究花生地膜覆盖栽培对两个播期下花 生(Arachis hypogaea Linn.)生殖生长和产量的影响.[方法]以花育22花生品种为材料,设置4个处理,处理Ⅰ:地膜覆盖栽培,5月13日播种;处理Ⅱ:露地栽培,5月 13日播种;处理Ⅲ:地膜覆盖,5月20日播种;处理Ⅳ:露地栽培,5月20日播种.[结果]与传统露地栽培方式相比,采用地膜覆盖栽培技术可提前7d播 种,显著提高出苗率;增加有效开花数、有效果针数;促进荚果发育,显著增加单株结果数和荚果产量.地膜覆盖栽培适当提前播期,较正常播期露地栽培增产 925.9 kg/hm2,较正常播期地膜覆盖栽培增产209.1 kg/hm2.[结论]吉林省花生采取地膜覆盖栽培,适期播种,能有效解决气温低影响花生生长的问题,取得较好的增产效果,是一项重要的增产栽培技术措 施.
Yang F J, Gao H Y, Zhao Y M, Zhu T G, Wang S L, Zhou Y P . Effects of plastic film mulching on reproductive growth and yield of peanut
Anhui Agric Sin, 2013,41:10643-10645 (in Chinese with English abstract).

DOI:10.3969/j.issn.0517-6611.2013.26.031URL [本文引用: 3]
[目的]在田间试验条件下,研究花生地膜覆盖栽培对两个播期下花 生(Arachis hypogaea Linn.)生殖生长和产量的影响.[方法]以花育22花生品种为材料,设置4个处理,处理Ⅰ:地膜覆盖栽培,5月13日播种;处理Ⅱ:露地栽培,5月 13日播种;处理Ⅲ:地膜覆盖,5月20日播种;处理Ⅳ:露地栽培,5月20日播种.[结果]与传统露地栽培方式相比,采用地膜覆盖栽培技术可提前7d播 种,显著提高出苗率;增加有效开花数、有效果针数;促进荚果发育,显著增加单株结果数和荚果产量.地膜覆盖栽培适当提前播期,较正常播期露地栽培增产 925.9 kg/hm2,较正常播期地膜覆盖栽培增产209.1 kg/hm2.[结论]吉林省花生采取地膜覆盖栽培,适期播种,能有效解决气温低影响花生生长的问题,取得较好的增产效果,是一项重要的增产栽培技术措 施.

赵亚丽, 郭海斌, 薛志伟, 穆心愿, 李潮海 . 耕作方式与秸秆还田对冬小麦-夏玉米轮作系统中干物质生产和水分利用效率的影响
作物学报, 2014,40:1797-1807.

DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2014.01797URL [本文引用: 1]
Straw returning to the field has been carried out in Huang-Huai-Hai Plain for ten years. In a consecutive two-year field experiment from 2010 to 2012, the effects of conventional tillage (CT), deep tillage (DT) and subsoiling (SS) on dry matter accumulation and water use efficiency were tested in a winter wheat ummer maize rotation system for setting up a tillage practice suitable for straw returning. The results were obtained from the comparison among six treatments, including CT+AS (all straw returning), CT+NS (nostraw returning), DT+AS, DT+NS, SS+AS, and SS+NS. Under straw returning condition, either DT or SS practice increasedwater consumption amount during winter wheat or summer maize growth period but decreased it during fallow period. In addition, relative water content, net photosynthetic rate (), transpiration rate () of leaf, and bleeding sap in stalk were also increased in both crops, leading to more biomass and higher water use efficiency together with increased grain yields in winter wheat and summer maize seasons. The effects of interactions between soil tillage (DT or SS) and straw returning on dry matter accumulation and water use efficiency were significant in both crops. Compared with conventional tillage under no straw returning, DT and SS under straw retuning resulted in increased dry matter accumulation (19.3% and 22.9%, respectively), annual crop yield (by 18.0% and 19.3%, respectively), and water use efficiency (by 15.9% and 15.1%, respectively). The difference of the effect between DT and SS under straw returning was not significant. Therefore, we recommend DT or SS practice in straw returning field under the environment similar to that of this experiment.
Zhao Y L, Guo H B, Xue Z W, Mu X Y, Li C H . Effects of tillage and straw returning on biomass and water use efficiency in a winter wheat and summer maize rotation system
Acta Agron Sin, 2014,40:1797-1807 (in Chinese with English abstract).

DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2014.01797URL [本文引用: 1]
Straw returning to the field has been carried out in Huang-Huai-Hai Plain for ten years. In a consecutive two-year field experiment from 2010 to 2012, the effects of conventional tillage (CT), deep tillage (DT) and subsoiling (SS) on dry matter accumulation and water use efficiency were tested in a winter wheat ummer maize rotation system for setting up a tillage practice suitable for straw returning. The results were obtained from the comparison among six treatments, including CT+AS (all straw returning), CT+NS (nostraw returning), DT+AS, DT+NS, SS+AS, and SS+NS. Under straw returning condition, either DT or SS practice increasedwater consumption amount during winter wheat or summer maize growth period but decreased it during fallow period. In addition, relative water content, net photosynthetic rate (), transpiration rate () of leaf, and bleeding sap in stalk were also increased in both crops, leading to more biomass and higher water use efficiency together with increased grain yields in winter wheat and summer maize seasons. The effects of interactions between soil tillage (DT or SS) and straw returning on dry matter accumulation and water use efficiency were significant in both crops. Compared with conventional tillage under no straw returning, DT and SS under straw retuning resulted in increased dry matter accumulation (19.3% and 22.9%, respectively), annual crop yield (by 18.0% and 19.3%, respectively), and water use efficiency (by 15.9% and 15.1%, respectively). The difference of the effect between DT and SS under straw returning was not significant. Therefore, we recommend DT or SS practice in straw returning field under the environment similar to that of this experiment.

常帅, 闫慧峰, 杨举田, 张永春, 孙艳茹, 贺远 . 两种禾本科冬绿肥生长规律及腐解特征比较
中国土壤与肥料, 2015, ( 1):101-105.

DOI:10.11838/sfsc.20150119URL [本文引用: 1]
在山东临沂研究了冬播绿肥黑麦(冬牧70)和大麦的生长发育、养分吸收规律,并通过原位培养法比较了绿肥翻压后腐解及养分释放的差异。结果表明,冬牧70和大麦在返青后均迅速积累干物质,大麦的快速生长期在3月下旬,冬牧70的快速生长期在4月上旬,冬牧70进入快速生长期后的生长速率高于大麦。两种绿肥的养分吸收规律与干物质积累规律一致,冬牧70和大麦的氮、磷、钾吸收量基本一致。两种绿肥在翻压30 d内快速腐解,腐解率和氮素释放率达到了80%以上,大麦的腐解速率高于冬牧70,而矿质营养元素的释放率低于冬牧70,根据腐解和养分释放规律确定两种禾本科绿肥的适宜翻压时间为4月上旬。
Chang S, Yan H F, Yang J T, Zhang Y C, Sun Y R, He Y . The comparison of growth dynamic and decomposing characteristics of two kinds of winter green manure
Soil Fert Sci China, 2015, ( 1):101-105 (in Chinese with English abstract).

DOI:10.11838/sfsc.20150119URL [本文引用: 1]
在山东临沂研究了冬播绿肥黑麦(冬牧70)和大麦的生长发育、养分吸收规律,并通过原位培养法比较了绿肥翻压后腐解及养分释放的差异。结果表明,冬牧70和大麦在返青后均迅速积累干物质,大麦的快速生长期在3月下旬,冬牧70的快速生长期在4月上旬,冬牧70进入快速生长期后的生长速率高于大麦。两种绿肥的养分吸收规律与干物质积累规律一致,冬牧70和大麦的氮、磷、钾吸收量基本一致。两种绿肥在翻压30 d内快速腐解,腐解率和氮素释放率达到了80%以上,大麦的腐解速率高于冬牧70,而矿质营养元素的释放率低于冬牧70,根据腐解和养分释放规律确定两种禾本科绿肥的适宜翻压时间为4月上旬。

王丹英, 彭建, 徐春梅, 赵锋, 章秀福 . 油菜作绿肥还田的培肥效应及对水稻生长的影响
中国水稻科学, 2012,26:85-91.

DOI:10.3969/j.issn.10017216.2012.01.014URL [本文引用: 1]
In order to definite the effects of rape straw manuring on soil fertility and afterreap rice growth, four planting models were designed in year 2004-2008 in Fuyang, Zhejiang Province, China, including fallow(CK), Chinese milk vetch(T1), returing burned rape straw to field after harvest(T2), returning infullblooming rape to field(T3). The results showed that under the T3 treatment, the organic content, total N content, and total P content increased, the bulk density and soil specific gravity of the soil decreased, improving paddy field fertility, physical traits, soil urease and acid phosphates activities in afterreap rice growth period. Under T3 afterreap rice growth was improved and the yield of all rice cultivars increased. This attributes to increased number of effective panicles in hybrid rice Nei 2 you 6, Liangyoupeijiu and Xiuyou 5, and to increased number of grains per panicle in conventional rice cultivar Xiushui 5. In photosynthesis traits, after returning rape as green manure, rice leaf area index, flag leaf length, width, chlorophyll content, photosynthetic rate and biomass all increased. Results showed returning rape as green manure to paddy field is a very good biofertilization method.
Wang D Y, Peng J, Xu C M, Zhao F, Zhang X F . Effects of rape straw manuring on soil fertility and rice growth
Chin J Rice Sci, 2012,26:85-91 (in Chinese with English abstract).

DOI:10.3969/j.issn.10017216.2012.01.014URL [本文引用: 1]
In order to definite the effects of rape straw manuring on soil fertility and afterreap rice growth, four planting models were designed in year 2004-2008 in Fuyang, Zhejiang Province, China, including fallow(CK), Chinese milk vetch(T1), returing burned rape straw to field after harvest(T2), returning infullblooming rape to field(T3). The results showed that under the T3 treatment, the organic content, total N content, and total P content increased, the bulk density and soil specific gravity of the soil decreased, improving paddy field fertility, physical traits, soil urease and acid phosphates activities in afterreap rice growth period. Under T3 afterreap rice growth was improved and the yield of all rice cultivars increased. This attributes to increased number of effective panicles in hybrid rice Nei 2 you 6, Liangyoupeijiu and Xiuyou 5, and to increased number of grains per panicle in conventional rice cultivar Xiushui 5. In photosynthesis traits, after returning rape as green manure, rice leaf area index, flag leaf length, width, chlorophyll content, photosynthetic rate and biomass all increased. Results showed returning rape as green manure to paddy field is a very good biofertilization method.

鲍士旦 . 土壤农化分析(第3版). 北京: 中国农业出版社, 2000. pp 25-111.
[本文引用: 1]

Bao S D. Soil Agricultural Chemistry Analysis, 3rd edn. Beijing: China Agriculture Press, 2000. pp 25-111(in Chinese).
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Arnon D I . Copper enzymes in isolated chloroplast, poly-phenol oxidase in
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赵世杰, 许长城, 邹琦 . 植物组织中丙二醛测定方法的改进
植物生理学通讯, 1994,30:207-210.

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Zhao S J, Xu C C, Zou Q . The improvement of MDA measurement in plant
Plant Physiol Commun, 1994,30:207-210 (in Chinese with English abstract).

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邹琦 . 植物生理学实验指导. 北京: 中国农业出版社, 2000. pp 173-174.
[本文引用: 1]

Zou Q. Experimental of Plant Physiology. Beijing: China Agriculture Press, 2000. pp 173-174(in Chinese).
[本文引用: 1]

Buttery B R, Buzzell R I . The relationship between chlorophyll content and rate of photosynthesis in soybeans
Can J Plant Sci, 1977,57:1-5.

DOI:10.4141/cjps77-001URL [本文引用: 1]
Photosynthetic rate of soybeans (on a leaf area basis, P) estimated from the incorporation of COunder field conditions was highly correlated with chlorophyll content of the side leaflets of the same leaves. Among a collection of 48 cultivars, the linear regression of Pon chlorophyll content accounted for 44% of the variation, whereas with a selection of genotypes with various mutant chlorophyll genes, the regression accounted for 81%. When the data for the two tests were re-calculated relative to the check cv. Altona, a quadratic equation between Pand chlorophyll accounted for nearly 90% of the variation. When photosynthetic rate was expressed on a unit chlorophyll basis (P), no significant differences among lines were established in the cultivar test. In the mutants test, significant differences in Pwere established with higher values of Passociated with lower chlorophyll contents; a linear regression accounted for 45% of the variation. Transformation of the data from both experiments relative to Altona allowed the fitting of a common regression line (quadratic) which accounted for 63% of the variation. We suggest that initial screening of progenies in a breeding program for high photosynthetic rate could be done by measuring chlorophyll content.

吴正锋, 成波, 王才斌, 郑亚萍, 刘俊华, 陈殿绪 . 连作对花生幼苗生理特性及荚果产量的影响
花生学报, 2006,35(1):29-33.

DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1002-4093.2006.01.007URL [本文引用: 1]
Wu Z F, Cheng B, Wang C B, Zheng Y P, Liu J H, Chen D X . Effect of continuous cropping on peanut seedling physiological characteristics and pod yield
J Peanut Sci, 2006,35(1):29-33 (in Chinese with English abstract).

DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1002-4093.2006.01.007URL [本文引用: 1]

张艳君, 郭丽华, 于涛, 华丽民, 叶鑫 . 花生连作对植株生长发育及主要农艺生理指标的影响
辽宁农业科学, 2015, ( 6):17-20.

[本文引用: 1]

Zhang Y J, Guo L H, Yu T, Hua L M, Ye X . Effect of peanut in plant growth and main agronomic and physiological indexes during continuous cropping
Liaoning Agric Sci, 2015, ( 6):17-20 (in Chinese with English abstract).

[本文引用: 1]

冯国艺, 张谦, 祁虹, 杜海英, 王树林, 李智峰 . 不同深耕时间对滨海盐碱棉田土壤理化性质及棉苗光合特性的影响
河南农业科学, 2015,44(2):34-38.

DOI:10.15933/j.cnki.1004-3268.2015.02.007URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]
为探讨不同深耕时间对土壤理化性质及棉苗光合生产的影响,于冬前 (T1)、开春(T2)、播前(T3)对滨海重度盐碱棉田进行深耕,测定棉花苗期叶面积指数(LAI)、光合特性、叶绿素含量(SPAD)以及干物质积累 和分配情况,并对0~ 40 cm土层土壤含盐量、含水率和容重进行分层测定.结果表明,与T0(免耕直播)处理相比,T1处理各土层含盐量和含水率无明显变化,容重下降4.0% ~9.1%,棉苗叶片SPAD、LAI以及根冠比增大8.0% ~29.4%,光合参数增大4.1% ~14.8%,棉苗总干质量增大9.8%;T2处理各土层含盐量降低47.2%~50.9%,10~ 40 cm土层含水率无显著变化,容重下降9.6%~18.2%,棉苗叶片SPAD、LAI以及根冠比增大23.6%~56.0%,光合参数增大 14.2%~49.4%,棉苗总干质量增大45.6%;T3处理各土层含盐量增加14.5% ~57.7%,含水率降低2.4% ~8.7%,容重下降18.5% ~25.4%,叶片SPAD和LAI分别降低13.0%和24.0%,光合参数降低21.4%~64.6%,棉苗总干质量降低21.9%.可见,开春深耕 (T2处理)可有效改良滨海盐碱土壤,更有利于棉苗光合特性提高及其正常生长发育.
Feng G Y, Zhang Q, Qi H, Du H Y, Wang S L, Li Z F . Effects of different deep ploughing time on physico-chemical properties of soil and photosynthetic characteristics of cotton seedlings in coastal saline area
J Henan Agric Sci, 2015,44(2):34-38 (in Chinese with English abstract).

DOI:10.15933/j.cnki.1004-3268.2015.02.007URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]
为探讨不同深耕时间对土壤理化性质及棉苗光合生产的影响,于冬前 (T1)、开春(T2)、播前(T3)对滨海重度盐碱棉田进行深耕,测定棉花苗期叶面积指数(LAI)、光合特性、叶绿素含量(SPAD)以及干物质积累 和分配情况,并对0~ 40 cm土层土壤含盐量、含水率和容重进行分层测定.结果表明,与T0(免耕直播)处理相比,T1处理各土层含盐量和含水率无明显变化,容重下降4.0% ~9.1%,棉苗叶片SPAD、LAI以及根冠比增大8.0% ~29.4%,光合参数增大4.1% ~14.8%,棉苗总干质量增大9.8%;T2处理各土层含盐量降低47.2%~50.9%,10~ 40 cm土层含水率无显著变化,容重下降9.6%~18.2%,棉苗叶片SPAD、LAI以及根冠比增大23.6%~56.0%,光合参数增大 14.2%~49.4%,棉苗总干质量增大45.6%;T3处理各土层含盐量增加14.5% ~57.7%,含水率降低2.4% ~8.7%,容重下降18.5% ~25.4%,叶片SPAD和LAI分别降低13.0%和24.0%,光合参数降低21.4%~64.6%,棉苗总干质量降低21.9%.可见,开春深耕 (T2处理)可有效改良滨海盐碱土壤,更有利于棉苗光合特性提高及其正常生长发育.

孟玉山, 潘文杰, 陈伟, 陈世军, 宗学凤, 王三根 . 绿肥压青对烤烟光合特性的影响研究
西南农业学报, 2011,24:2156-2159.

DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1001-4829.2011.06.027URL [本文引用: 1]
通过油菜(十字花科)和黑麦草(禾本科)两种绿肥肥料用量的小区 试验,以研究绿肥压青对烤烟光合特性的影响.结果表明:在烟苗移栽前土地施用绿肥,可以提高移栽后烟苗的叶绿素含量,气孔导度和蒸腾速率,净光合速率也略 有提高,同时可以不同程度改善烟苗移栽后不同时期的水分利用率和气孔限制值.
Meng Y S, Pan W J, Chen W, Chen S J, Zong X F, Wang S G . Effects of green manureon photosynthetic characteristics in flue-cured tobacco
J Southwest Agric, 2011,24:2156-2160 (in Chinese with English abstract).

DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1001-4829.2011.06.027URL [本文引用: 1]
通过油菜(十字花科)和黑麦草(禾本科)两种绿肥肥料用量的小区 试验,以研究绿肥压青对烤烟光合特性的影响.结果表明:在烟苗移栽前土地施用绿肥,可以提高移栽后烟苗的叶绿素含量,气孔导度和蒸腾速率,净光合速率也略 有提高,同时可以不同程度改善烟苗移栽后不同时期的水分利用率和气孔限制值.

孙涛, 张智猛, 宁堂原, 米庆华, 张学鹏, 冯宇鹏 . 有色地膜覆盖对花生叶片光合特性及产量的影响
作物杂志, 2013, ( 6):82-86.

URL [本文引用: 1]
在田间试验条件下,以花育22号花生品种为供试材料,研究了有色地膜覆盖栽培对花生光合特性及产量的影响。结果表明,花生覆盖黑白配色地膜、浅银灰色地膜均可不同程度的促进花生生长,增加其叶绿素含量,花生功能叶片光合效率显著提高,荧光参数也有不同程度的增加,覆盖黑白配色地膜和浅银灰色地膜的花生饱果率和果重明显增加,其荚果产量分别达到了4 700.0kg/hm2和4 943.3kg/hm2,比普通地膜处理增产6.09%和14.96%。经济系数也明显提高。而覆盖绿色地膜花生光合荧光特性不及普通地膜,花生荚果产量仅为3 813.3kg/hm2,比覆盖普通地膜处理减产11.32%,说明在花生生产中覆盖黑白配色地膜和浅银灰色地膜可明显提高花生光合特性和产量。
Sun T, Zhang Z M, Ning T Y, Mi Q H, Zhang X P, Feng Y P . Effects of coloured mulching on photosynthetic characteristics and yield of peanut leaves
Crops, 2013, ( 6):82-86 (in Chinese with English abstract).

URL [本文引用: 1]
在田间试验条件下,以花育22号花生品种为供试材料,研究了有色地膜覆盖栽培对花生光合特性及产量的影响。结果表明,花生覆盖黑白配色地膜、浅银灰色地膜均可不同程度的促进花生生长,增加其叶绿素含量,花生功能叶片光合效率显著提高,荧光参数也有不同程度的增加,覆盖黑白配色地膜和浅银灰色地膜的花生饱果率和果重明显增加,其荚果产量分别达到了4 700.0kg/hm2和4 943.3kg/hm2,比普通地膜处理增产6.09%和14.96%。经济系数也明显提高。而覆盖绿色地膜花生光合荧光特性不及普通地膜,花生荚果产量仅为3 813.3kg/hm2,比覆盖普通地膜处理减产11.32%,说明在花生生产中覆盖黑白配色地膜和浅银灰色地膜可明显提高花生光合特性和产量。

李向东, 王晓云, 张高英, 万勇善, 李军 . 花生衰老的氮素调控
中国农业科学, 2000,33:30-35.

DOI:10.3321/j.issn:0578-1752.2000.05.005URL [本文引用: 1]
研究了鲁花11号和辐8707两个高产花生品种始花期施N对花生 衰老的调控作用.结果表明,始花期施N可以延缓花生整株衰老进程,改善群体光合性能;提高叶片叶绿素含量和净光合速率;增加叶片Pr含量,提高其SOD、 POD酶活性;降低叶片MDA积累量,提高其CAT、NR酶活性.每公顷施N 225~450kg可明显增加花生荚果产量.
Li X D, Wang X Y, Zhang G Y, Wan Y S, Li J . The regulation of nitrogen in peanut senescence
Sci Agric Sin, 2000,33:30-35 (in Chinese with English abstract).

DOI:10.3321/j.issn:0578-1752.2000.05.005URL [本文引用: 1]
研究了鲁花11号和辐8707两个高产花生品种始花期施N对花生 衰老的调控作用.结果表明,始花期施N可以延缓花生整株衰老进程,改善群体光合性能;提高叶片叶绿素含量和净光合速率;增加叶片Pr含量,提高其SOD、 POD酶活性;降低叶片MDA积累量,提高其CAT、NR酶活性.每公顷施N 225~450kg可明显增加花生荚果产量.

孙虎, 王月福, 王铭伦, 赵长星 . 施氮量对不同类型花生品种衰老特性和产量的影响
生态学报, 2010,30:2671-2677.

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为了探讨花生高产的适宜施氮量,在大田高产条件下,以珍珠豆型花生品种白沙1016和普通型 花生品种花育17为材料,研究了施氮量对不同类型花生品种衰老特性和产量的影响。结果表明,两花生品种叶片叶绿素含量和光合速率、SOD和CAT活性均随 着施氮量的增加而增加,MDA含量随施氮量的增加而降低,只是白沙1016品种在施氮超过135kg/hm2后上述指标增加或降低不显著,说明增施氮肥可 以延缓花生叶片的衰老。在一定施氮量范围内,两花生品种有效荚果数随着施氮量的增加而增加,千克果数随着施氮量的增加而降低,导致荚果产量随着施氮量的增 加而增加(珍珠豆型花生品种白沙1016施氮在0-90kg/hm2、普通型花生品种花育17在0-135kg/hm2范围内),但是超过此范围后再增加 施氮量反而导致有效荚果数下降、千克果数增多、荚果产量下降。
Sun H, Wang Y F, Wang M L, Zhao C X . Effects of nitrogen fertilizer rate on senescence characteristics and yield of different peanut
Acta Ecol Sin, 2010,30:2671-2677 (in Chinese with English abstract).

URL [本文引用: 1]
为了探讨花生高产的适宜施氮量,在大田高产条件下,以珍珠豆型花生品种白沙1016和普通型 花生品种花育17为材料,研究了施氮量对不同类型花生品种衰老特性和产量的影响。结果表明,两花生品种叶片叶绿素含量和光合速率、SOD和CAT活性均随 着施氮量的增加而增加,MDA含量随施氮量的增加而降低,只是白沙1016品种在施氮超过135kg/hm2后上述指标增加或降低不显著,说明增施氮肥可 以延缓花生叶片的衰老。在一定施氮量范围内,两花生品种有效荚果数随着施氮量的增加而增加,千克果数随着施氮量的增加而降低,导致荚果产量随着施氮量的增 加而增加(珍珠豆型花生品种白沙1016施氮在0-90kg/hm2、普通型花生品种花育17在0-135kg/hm2范围内),但是超过此范围后再增加 施氮量反而导致有效荚果数下降、千克果数增多、荚果产量下降。

王才斌, 吴正锋, 成波, 郑亚萍, 万书波, 郭峰 . 连作对花生光合特性和活性氧代谢的影响
作物学报, 2007,33:1304-1309.

DOI:10.3321/j.issn:0496-3490.2007.08.014URL [本文引用: 1]
)and canopy apparent photosynthesis () , as well as leaf area index(), while little influenced chlorophyll (Chl) content. Significant positive correlations of with and with crop growth rate (), as well as Chl content with P were observed. Therefore, the decrease of was the dominant factor that hampered dry mass accumulation and lowered pod production in CP peanut. Sensitivity of different peanut variety types to CP press was evident: Luhua 12 >Luhua14>8130. The change of all the characters mentioned above became larger with the plant development. CP decreased the activities of SOD, POD, and CAT, and increased MDA content in leaf, and the changes were larger when the year of CP increased. CGR was significantly correlated with activities of POD and SOD in leaves and not correlated with MDA, CAT and soluble protein. The activity decrease of protective enzyme, such as POD and SOD, was one of the reasons for poor growth and development and early senescence in CP peanut.
Wang C B, Wu Z F, Cheng B, Zheng Y P, Wan S B, Guo F . Effects of continuous cropping on photosynthetic characteristics and active oxygen metabolism of peanut
Acta Agron Sin, 2007,33:1304-1309 (in Chinese with English abstract).

DOI:10.3321/j.issn:0496-3490.2007.08.014URL [本文引用: 1]
)and canopy apparent photosynthesis () , as well as leaf area index(), while little influenced chlorophyll (Chl) content. Significant positive correlations of with and with crop growth rate (), as well as Chl content with P were observed. Therefore, the decrease of was the dominant factor that hampered dry mass accumulation and lowered pod production in CP peanut. Sensitivity of different peanut variety types to CP press was evident: Luhua 12 >Luhua14>8130. The change of all the characters mentioned above became larger with the plant development. CP decreased the activities of SOD, POD, and CAT, and increased MDA content in leaf, and the changes were larger when the year of CP increased. CGR was significantly correlated with activities of POD and SOD in leaves and not correlated with MDA, CAT and soluble protein. The activity decrease of protective enzyme, such as POD and SOD, was one of the reasons for poor growth and development and early senescence in CP peanut.

桑丹丹, 高聚林, 王志刚, 于晓芳, 李丽君, 王俊秀 . 不同覆膜方式下超高产春玉米花粒期叶片衰老特性研究
玉米科学, 2009,17(5):77-81.

URL [本文引用: 1]
Sang D D, Gao J L, Wang Z G, Yu X F, Li L J, Wang J X . Study on leaf senescence of super-high yield spring maize during flowering and heading period on different film-covering modes
J Maize Sci, 2009,17(5):77-81 (in Chinese with English abstract).

URL [本文引用: 1]

郭书亚, 张新, 张前进, 王振华, 李亚贞, 顾顺芳 . 秸秆覆盖深松对夏玉米花后穗位叶衰老和产量的影响
玉米科学, 2012,20(1):104-107.

[本文引用: 2]

Guo S Y, Zhang X, Zhang Q J, Wang Z H, Li Y Z, Gu S F . Effects of straw mulching and subsoiling on ear leaf senescence after anthesis and yield of summer maize
J Maize Sci, 2012,20(1):104-107 (in Chinese with English abstract).

[本文引用: 2]

Chen M N, Li X, Yang Q L, Chi X, Pan L, Chen N . Soil eukaryotic microorganism succession as affected by continuous cropping of peanut-pathogenic and beneficial fungi were selected
PLoS One, 2012,7:e40659.

DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0040659URLPMID:22808226 [本文引用: 2]
Peanut is an important oil crop worldwide and shows considerable adaptability but growth and yield are negatively affected by continuous cropping. Soil micro-organisms are efficient bio-indicators of soil quality and plant health and are critical to the sustainability of soil-based ecosystem function and to successful plant growth. In this study, 18S rRNA gene clone library analyses were employed to study the succession progress of soil eukaryotic micro-organisms under continuous peanut cultivation. Eight libraries were constructed for peanut over three continuous cropping cycles and its representative growth stages. Cluster analyses indicated that soil micro-eukaryotic assemblages obtained from the same peanut cropping cycle were similar, regardless of growth period. Six eukaryotic groups were found and fungi predominated in all libraries. The fungal populations showed significant dynamic change and overall diversity increased over time under continuous peanut cropping. The abundance and/or diversity of clones affiliated with Eurotiales, Hypocreales, Glomerales, Orbiliales, Mucorales and Tremellales showed an increasing trend with continuous cropping but clones affiliated with Agaricales, Cantharellales, Pezizales and Pyxidiophorales decreased in abundance and/or diversity over time. The current data, along with data from previous studies, demonstrated that the soil microbial community was affected by continuous cropping, in particular, the pathogenic and beneficial fungi that were positively selected over time, which is commonplace in agro-ecosystems. The trend towards an increase in fungal pathogens and simplification of the beneficial fungal community could be important factors contributing to the decline in peanut growth and yield over many years of continuous cropping.

孙秀山, 封海胜 . 连作花生田主要微生物类群与土壤酶活性变化及其交互作用
作物学报, 2001,27:617-621.

[本文引用: 1]

Sun X S, Feng H S . Changes of main microbial strains and enzymes activities in peanut continuous cropping soil and their interactions
Acta Agron Sin, 2001,27:617-621 (in Chinese with English abstract).

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林英杰, 李向东, 周录英, 李宝龙, 赵华建, 高芳 . 花生不同种植方式对田间土壤微环境和产量的影响
水土保持学报, 2010,24(3):131-135.

[本文引用: 1]

Lin Y J, Li X D, Zhou L Y, Li B L, Zhao H J, Gao F . Effects of different planting patterns on fields soil microenvironment and pod yield
J Soil Water Conserv, 2010,24(3):131-135 (in Chinese with English abstract).

[本文引用: 1]

周开芳, 何炎 . 豆科冬绿肥翻压对土壤肥力和杂交玉米产量及品质的影响
贵州农业科学, 2003,31(增刊):42-43.

DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1001-3601.2003.z1.009URL [本文引用: 1]
通过对绿肥翻压和不翻压 (对照 ) 2个处理的试验研究 ,结果表明 :与试验实施前耕层土壤理化性状指标相比 ,绿肥翻压后能使土壤有机质、碱解氮、速效磷、速效钾分别提高 0 .0 7%、1 .9mg/ kg、4.7mg/ kg、3.1 mg/ kg。土壤酸碱度 p H值由 5.5变化为 6.0 ,土壤容重降低 0 .0 5g/ cm3 ,孔隙度增加 1 .9%。对照除土壤速效磷有所增加外 ,其余土壤理化性状指标均有所恶化。与对照玉米籽粒产量 555.8kg/ 667m2相比 ,绿肥翻压玉米籽粒产量 62 5.4kg/ 667m2 ,较对照增加 69.6kg/ 667m2 ,增产 1 2 .5%
Zhou K F, He Y . Effects of soybean and green manure fertilizer on soil fertility and yield and quality of hybrid maize
Guizhou Agric Sci, 2003,31(suppl):42-43 (in Chinese with English abstract).

DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1001-3601.2003.z1.009URL [本文引用: 1]
通过对绿肥翻压和不翻压 (对照 ) 2个处理的试验研究 ,结果表明 :与试验实施前耕层土壤理化性状指标相比 ,绿肥翻压后能使土壤有机质、碱解氮、速效磷、速效钾分别提高 0 .0 7%、1 .9mg/ kg、4.7mg/ kg、3.1 mg/ kg。土壤酸碱度 p H值由 5.5变化为 6.0 ,土壤容重降低 0 .0 5g/ cm3 ,孔隙度增加 1 .9%。对照除土壤速效磷有所增加外 ,其余土壤理化性状指标均有所恶化。与对照玉米籽粒产量 555.8kg/ 667m2相比 ,绿肥翻压玉米籽粒产量 62 5.4kg/ 667m2 ,较对照增加 69.6kg/ 667m2 ,增产 1 2 .5%

冯国艺, 翟黎芳, 杜海英, 张谦, 梁青龙, 祁虹 . 不同深耕时间对河北省滨海盐碱地土壤理化性质以及棉花植株性状和产量的影响
河北农业科学, 2016,20(1):25-29.

URL [本文引用: 1]
为了探明深耕时间对河北省滨海盐碱地土壤理化性质以及棉花生长发育和产量的影响,分别在冬前、开春、播前进行深耕,以棉花(冀棉228)免耕直播处理为对照,分析了不同深耕时间对棉花苗期0~40 cm表层土壤理化性质(含盐量、含水量、容重)以及棉花植株性状(株高、果枝数、幼铃数、成铃数)、产量构成因子(单株铃数、铃重、衣分)和产量(子棉产量、皮棉产量)的影响。结果表明:与免耕直播处理相比,深耕处理的土壤容重均明显下降,其中,冬前深耕处理的各土层含盐量和含水量无明显变化,株高、果枝数和成铃数无显著变化,幼铃数明显增多,产量提高不显著;开春深耕处理的各土层含盐量明显降低,10~40 cm土层含水量无明显变化,株高、果枝数、成铃数和单铃重明显增大,幼铃数在生育后期(9月10日)明显减少,产量显著提高;播前深耕处理的各土层含盐量明显增大、含水量显著降低,株高、果枝数、幼铃数、成铃数和单铃重明显减小,产量明显降低。开春深耕能有效改良滨海盐碱土壤,有利于棉花生长发育和产量提高。
Feng G Y, Zhai L F, Du H Y, Zhang Q, Liang Q L, Qi H . Effects of different plough-deep times on physico-chemical properties of soil and the yield and plant trait of cotton in coastal saline area of Hebei
J Hebei Agric Sci, 2016,20(1):25-29 (in Chinese with English abstract).

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为了探明深耕时间对河北省滨海盐碱地土壤理化性质以及棉花生长发育和产量的影响,分别在冬前、开春、播前进行深耕,以棉花(冀棉228)免耕直播处理为对照,分析了不同深耕时间对棉花苗期0~40 cm表层土壤理化性质(含盐量、含水量、容重)以及棉花植株性状(株高、果枝数、幼铃数、成铃数)、产量构成因子(单株铃数、铃重、衣分)和产量(子棉产量、皮棉产量)的影响。结果表明:与免耕直播处理相比,深耕处理的土壤容重均明显下降,其中,冬前深耕处理的各土层含盐量和含水量无明显变化,株高、果枝数和成铃数无显著变化,幼铃数明显增多,产量提高不显著;开春深耕处理的各土层含盐量明显降低,10~40 cm土层含水量无明显变化,株高、果枝数、成铃数和单铃重明显增大,幼铃数在生育后期(9月10日)明显减少,产量显著提高;播前深耕处理的各土层含盐量明显增大、含水量显著降低,株高、果枝数、幼铃数、成铃数和单铃重明显减小,产量明显降低。开春深耕能有效改良滨海盐碱土壤,有利于棉花生长发育和产量提高。

侯乐新 . 豫东平原夏花生生产量构成因素分析及增产途径探讨
商丘师范学院学报, 2005,21(5):129-130.

DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1672-3600.2005.05.037URL [本文引用: 1]
Hou L X . An analysis of the factors for the yield and the ways for the yield increase of summer pea-nut in Yudong plain
J Shangqiu Teach Coll, 2005,21(5):129-130 (in Chinese with English abstract).

DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1672-3600.2005.05.037URL [本文引用: 1]
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