关键词:寡核苷酸探针套; 染色体painting; 染色体多样性; 小麦易位系; 非整倍体 Development and Application of High Resolution Karyotypes of Wheat “Chinese Spring” Aneuploids WANG Dan-Rui1, DU Pei1, PEI Zi-You2, ZHUANG Li-Fang1,*, QI Zeng-Jun1,* 1State Key Laboratory of Crop Genetics and Germplasm Enhancement, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing 210095, China
2 Crop Science Institute, Shanxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Taiyuan 030031, China
Fund:This study was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (31370385) and Institute Director Foundation of Shanxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences for Youth (yydzx09) AbstractOligonucleotide (oligo hereafter) multiplex-based chromosome painting facilitates chromosome identification of both wheat cultivars and its relatives in a simple, easy and high efficient way. In this study, an oligo multiplex containing oligos pAs1-1, pAs1-3, AFA-4, (GAA)10, and pSc119.2-1 developed earlier was used for chromosome painting of 18 accessions from 17 Chinese Spring (CS) aneuploids. The high resolution karyotypes allowed to clearly distinguish individual wheat chromosomes. Fourteen aneuploids had the expected chromosome constitutions whereas the other four had chromosome variations including one with a possible small segmental reciprocal translocation T6AS·6AL-6DL and T6DS·6DL-6AL occurred in N5BT5D. The following analysis on eight landraces, nine cultivars (lines), and one synthetic hexaploid wheat, observed karyotype diversities from 15 chromosomes including six B- (except for 4B), five A- (except for 1A and 3A), and four D-genome (1D, 2D, 4D, and 7D) chromosomes. The three widely-used translocations in China, i.e. T1BL·1RS, T6AL·6VS and the reciprocal translocation T1RS·7DL and T7DS·1BL, were clearly detected after only once fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) using the oligo multiplex and without genomic in situ hybridization (GISH). This oligo multiplex also produced rich signals in all chromosomes of Triticum monococum, rye cultivar “Jingzhouheimai”, durum wheat “Langdon”, and Thinopyrum elongatum, and 30 chromosomes of Thinopyrum intermedium. The karyotypes of these five species were thus developed. These results indicate that oligo multiplex-based chromosome painting will play active roles on chromosome identifying, and provide a reference for the standard karyotypes of CS aneuploids.
Keyword:Oligonucleotide multiplex probe; Chromosome painting; Chromosome diversity; Wheat translocations; Aneuploids Show Figures Show Figures
图1 中国春非整倍体寡核苷酸探针套painting A:N3AT3B; B:N5AT5D; C:Dt7AS; D:Dt7BL; E:N4DT4B, 具有多态性; F:T6DS· 6DL-6AL。红色为TAMRA修饰的pAs1-1、pAs1-3和AFA-4, 绿色为FAM修饰的pSc119.2-1和(GAA)10, 箭示目标或变异染色体。Fig. 1 Chromosomes of Chinese Spring aneuploids after oligonucleotide multiplex painting A:N3AT3B; B:N5AT5D; C:Dt7AS; D:Dt7BL; E:N4DT4B with chromosome variations; F:T6DS· 6DL-6AL. Red signals show pAs1-1, pAs1-3 and AFA-4 modified with TAMRA, green show pSc119.2-1 and (GAA)10 modified with FAM, arrows show the target or changed chromosomes.
图2 基于寡核苷酸探针套painting的中国春非整倍体高清核型 箭头示染色体多态性。Fig. 2 Oligonucleotide multiplex painting-based high resolution standard karyotypes of Chinese Spring aneuploids Arrowheads show the polymorphism of chromosomes.
图3 基于寡核苷酸探针套painting和GISH与寡核苷酸探针套painting相结合的小麦品种染色体 A、C、E和G:寡核苷酸探针套painting; B:Fluorescein-12-dUTP标记的簇毛麦基因组DNA探针与寡核苷酸探针套同时进行painting; D、F和H:Fluorescein-12-dUTP标记的黑麦基因组DNA探针与寡核苷酸探针套同时进行painting。pSc119.2-1为TAMRA修饰, 呈红色, 其他探针颜色同图1和图2。A和B为南农1258; C和D为原泛3号; E和F为矮孟牛VII; G和H为矮孟牛IV。Fig. 3 Chromosomes of wheat varieties after oligonucleotide multiplex painting and combined GISH oligonucleotide multiplex painting A, C, E, and G:painted with oligonucleotide multiplex; B:painted combined with oligonucleotide multiplex and total genomic DNA of Haynaldia villosa labeled with Fluorescein-12-dUTP; D, F, and H:painted combined with oligonucleotide multiplex and total genomic DNA of rye labeled with Fluorescein-12-dUTP. The oligonucleotide multiplex was the same to that in Figs.1 and 2, except that pSc119.2-1 was modified with TAMRA (in red). A and B:Nannong 1258; C and D:Yuanfan 3; E and F:Aimengniu VII; G, H:Aimengniu IV.
图4 基于寡核苷酸探针套painting的18个小麦品种核型 18个品种从左到右依次为望水白、和尚麦、赤面小麦、翻山小麦、红头麦、蔷薇麦、丝籽麦、苏麦3号、宁麦9号、人工合成小麦Langdon/KU-2088、扬麦6号、津强6号、南农1258、92R137、周麦27、原泛3号、矮孟牛IV和矮孟牛VII。箭头示染色体多态性。Fig. 4 Oligonucleotide multiplex painting-based karyotypes of 18 wheat varieties From left to right, the 18 varieties were Wangshuibai, Heshangmai, Chimianxiaomai, Fanshanxiaomai, Hongtoumai, Qiangweimai, Sizimai, Sumai 3, Ningmai 9, Langdon/KU-2088 Synthetic wheat, Yangmai 6, Jinqiang 6, Nannong 1258, 92R137, Zhoumai 27, Yuanfan 3, Aimengniu IV, and Aimengniu VII. Arrowheads show the polymorphism of chromosomes.
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