关键词:小麦; 氮肥管理; 酶活性; 木质素; 抗倒伏; 产量 Effect of Nitrogen Fertilization Timing on Lignin Synthesis of Stem and Physiological Mechanism of Lodging Resistance in Wheat LU Kun-Li, YIN Yan-Ping, WANG Zhen-Lin*, LI Yong, PENG Dian-Liang, YANG Wei-Bing, CUI Zheng-Yong, YANG Dong-Qing, JIANG Wen-Wen National Key Laboratory of crop Biology / College of Agriculture, Shandong Agricultural University, Tai’an 271018, China Fund: AbstractFor understanding the effects of nitrogen management on lignin synthesis in wheat stem and plant lodging resistance, a field experiment was conducted, using the lodging resistant cultivar Jimai 22 and the lodging sensitive cultivar Shannong 16, in 2011-2012 and 2012-2013 growing seasons. The lignin accumulation in stem, activities of enzymes related to lignin synthesis, lodging resistance index, and grain yield were evaluated under four nitrogen treatments. All treatments received 240 kg ha-1 nitrogen during the whole growth period, in which 80 kg ha-1 was applied before sowing. The remaining nitrogen was applied at pseudo stem erection and booting stages (1:1) for N1, at jointing stage for N2, at jointing and anthesis stages (1:1) for N3, and at booting stage for N4 treatment. Compared with N2 and N3, N1 and N4 were superior in lignin content, stem mechanical strength, and lodging resistance. Nitrogen fertilization timing had significant effects on activities of phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL), tyrosine ammonia-lyase (TAL), and peroxidase (POD). Under N1 condition, the three key enzymes were in high activity. PAL, TAL and POD activities were higher in N2 treatment than in other treatments at 0-7 d after emergence of the second internode (ESI), and dropped rapidly at 21 days after ESI. Under N3 condition, the PAL, TAL and POD activities were low at 0-21 days after ESI, and the activity decline was alleviated by the nitrogen supplement at anthesis stage (21 days after ESI). Under N4 condition, the activities of these enzymes were increased after 14 days of ESI. At milk and dough stages, both cultivars had higher snapping resistance of the basal stem in N1 and N4 than in N2 and N3 treatments. Besides, the lodging resistance index and grain yield were also significantly higher in N1 and N4 than in N2 and N3. These results indicated that nitrogen applied at booting stage (N1 and N4 treatments) is propitious to increase PAL, TAL, POD activities and lignin content in stem, leading to the improved stem mechanical strength and decreased lodging area and lodging degree of wheat.
Keyword:Wheat; Nitrogen management; Enzyme activity; Lignin; Lodging resistance; Yield Show Figures Show Figures
表1 山农16和济麦22的倒伏发生期、倒伏程度和倒伏率 Table 1 Lodging occurrence stage, degree, and percentage in Shannong 16 and Jimai 22
处理 Treatment
发生期 Stage
分级 Grade
倒伏率 Percentage of lodging (%)
山农16 SN16
济麦22 JM22
山农16 SN16
济麦22 JM22
山农16 SN16
济麦22 JM22
4.85±1.81 d
28.92±4.06 a
20.39±0.84 b
9.17±0.82 c
2.83±0.30 b
15.89±1.31 a
13.45±1.10 a
4.63±0.45 b
SN16: Shannong 16; JM22: Jimai 22; IDS: Initial dough stage; LDS: Late dough stage; —: No lodging occurrence. Lodging degree was graded by the angle between stem and ground, i.e., 90°-75° for grade 0, 75°-45° for grade 1, 45°-20° for grade 2, and 20°-0° for grade 3. The lodging percentage of Shannong 16 was the average ± standard deviation of three replicates. In each growth year, values followed by different letters are significantly different at P < 0.05. —: 未发生倒伏。倒伏程度以倒伏分级表示, 茎秆与地面夹角90°~75°为0级, 75°~45°为1级, 45°~20°为2级, 20°~0°为3级。山农16倒伏率为3次重复的平均值±标准差。同一年度中, 数据后不同字母表示处理间有显著差异( P < 0.05)。
表1 山农16和济麦22的倒伏发生期、倒伏程度和倒伏率 Table 1 Lodging occurrence stage, degree, and percentage in Shannong 16 and Jimai 22
表2 不同生育期山农16和济麦22的基部茎秆抗折力 Table 2 Snapping resistance of basal stem of Shannong 16 and Jimai 22 at different growth stages
处理 Treatment
山农16 Shannong 16
济麦22 Jimai 22
开花期 Anthesis
乳熟期 Milk
蜡熟期 Dough
开花期 Anthesis
乳熟期 Milk
蜡熟期 Dough
3.354±0.217 a
4.198±0.364 a
3.035±0.177 a
3.386±0.184 b
4.556±0.221 a
3.339±0.197 a
3.498±0.227 a
3.799±0.143 c
2.456±0.239 b
3.725±0.179 a
4.311±0.161 b
2.801±0.219 b
3.201±0.186 c
3.993±0.191 b
2.535±0.208 b
3.480±0.114 b
4.257±0.194 b
2.842±0.188 b
3.062±0.120 d
4.099±0.183 ab
2.928±0.237 a
3.277±0.176 c
4.498±0.249 a
3.214±0.182 a
3.369±0.302 b
4.250±0.308 a
3.058±0.268 a
3.519±0.241 b
4.651±0.269 a
3.431±0.346 a
3.551±0.257 a
3.889±0.277 b
2.231±0.274 c
3.760±0.250 a
4.260±0.277 b
2.707±0.217 b
3.159±0.227 c
3.743±0.222 b
2.441±0.209 b
3.413±0.233 b
4.286±0.368 b
2.802±0.179 b
2.926±0.211 d
4.153±0.253 a
2.972±0.247 a
3.240±0.295 c
4.527±0.314 a
3.333±0.285 a
Data are the means ± standard deviation of 20 replicates. In each growth year, values followed by different letters are significantly different at P< 0.05. 数据为20次重复的平均值±标准差。同一年度中数据后不同字母表示处理间达显著差异( P < 0.05)。
表2 不同生育期山农16和济麦22的基部茎秆抗折力 Table 2 Snapping resistance of basal stem of Shannong 16 and Jimai 22 at different growth stages
表3 不同生育期山农16和济麦22的茎秆抗倒伏指数 Table 3 Stem lodging resistance index of Shannong 16 and Jimai 22 at different growth stages
处理 Treatment
山农16 Shannong 16
济麦22 Jimai 22
开花期 Anthesis
乳熟期 Milk
蜡熟期 Dough
开花期 Anthesis
乳熟期 Milk
蜡熟期 Dough
0.901±0.025 a
0.930±0.056 a
0.553±0.020 b
0.921±0.032 c
1.081±0.019 b
0.647±0.028 a
0.899±0.026 a
0.830±0.015 c
0.455±0.031 d
0.978±0.016 a
0.987±0.024 d
0.546±0.025 b
0.880±0.024 b
0.907±0.030 b
0.474±0.033 c
0.963±0.009 b
1.034±0.017 c
0.558±0.033 b
0.851±0.026 c
0.946±0.015 a
0.577±0.032 a
0.925±0.026 c
1.098±0.026 a
0.655±0.030 a
0.904±0.048 a
0.935±0.041 a
0.547±0.045 b
0.960±0.046 a
1.090±0.024 a
0.649±0.044 a
0.900±0.050 a
0.850±0.044 c
0.416±0.035 d
0.966±0.034 a
0.982±0.037 c
0.524±0.035 b
0.887±0.041 a
0.900±0.035 b
0.465±0.034 c
0.926±0.042 b
1.052±0.053 b
0.547±0.026 b
0.851±0.039 b
0.952±0.034 a
0.602±0.043 a
0.932±0.053 b
1.112±0.043 a
0.664±0.045 a
Data are the means ± standard deviation of 20 replicates. In each growth year, values followed by different letters are significantly different at P< 0.05. 数据为20次重复的平均值±标准差。同一年度中数据后不同字母表示处理间达显著差异( P < 0.05)。
表3 不同生育期山农16和济麦22的茎秆抗倒伏指数 Table 3 Stem lodging resistance index of Shannong 16 and Jimai 22 at different growth stages
图2 不同施氮处理对苯丙氨酸解氨酶(PAL)、酪氨酸解氨酶(TAL)和过氧化物酶(POD)活性的影响(2012-2013)Fig. 2 Effects of different nitrogen treatments on activities of phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL), tyrosine ammonia-lyase (TAL), and peroxidase (POD) (2012-2013)
表4 不同施氮处理的籽粒产量及产量构成因素 Table 4 Grain yield and yield components in different nitrogen treatments
处理 Treatment
山农16 Shannong 16
济麦22 Jimai 22
穗数 SN (×104hm-2)
穗粒数 GNS
千粒重 TKW (g)
籽粒产量 GY (kg hm-2)
穗数 SN (×104hm-2)
穗粒数 GNS
千粒重 TKW (g)
籽粒产量 GY (kg hm-2)
573.33 a
47.05 a
36.75 b
8317.80 a
696.67 a
38.65 a
40.34 a
9071.70 a
555.00 a
43.20 bc
35.45 c
5179.75 c
661.67 ab
38.20 a
37.55 c
8326.70 b
551.67 a
42.30 c
36.06 c
7375.05 b
645.00 ab
36.45 a
38.31 b
7888.30 c
545.00 a
46.20 ab
37.90 a
8142.60 ab
633.33 b
36.90 a
40.05 a
8276.40 b
675.00 a
38.45 a
37.48 ab
8026.30 a
703.33 a
43.00 a
37.48 ab
8777.45 a
661.67 a
38.30 a
36.62 c
7434.60 c
680.00 ab
40.35 ab
37.13 ab
8488.90 a
621.67 a
33.05 b
36.95 bc
7598.20 bc
633.33 b
38.25 b
36.68 b
7858.30 b
615.00 a
37.25 a
38.01 a
7856.90 ab
620.00 b
42.16 a
37.54 a
8331.40 ab
In each growth year, values followed by different letters are significantly different at P< 0.05. SN: spike number; GNS: grain number per spike; TKW: 1000-kernel weight; GY: grain yield. 同一年度中, 数据后不同字母表示处理间达显著差异( P < 0.05)。
表4 不同施氮处理的籽粒产量及产量构成因素 Table 4 Grain yield and yield components in different nitrogen treatments
4 结论在总施氮量240 kg hm-2、基施80 kg hm-2条件下, 起身期和孕穗期按1∶1追施其余氮肥有助于提高茎秆中木质素含量和茎秆抗倒伏指数。氮肥施用模式通过调控茎秆PAL、TAL和POD活性及木质素含量, 影响小麦的抗倒伏能力。在本试验区的小麦生产中, 建议适当减少氮肥基施量, 中、后期追施各占总氮量的30%左右, 可以满足小麦生长氮需求, 同时有利于提高茎秆中的木质素含量, 增强抗倒能力, 为高产打下基础。 The authors have declared that no competing interests exist. 作者已声明无竞争性利益关系。The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
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