关键词:白菜型油菜; 黄籽; 分子标记; 遗传图谱; 物理图谱 Development of Molecular Markers and Map Integration for Seed Color Traits in Dahuang Rape (Brassica rapa L.) ZHAO Hui-Yan**, XIAO Lu**, ZHAO Zhi, DU De-Zhi* Institute of Spring Rapeseed, Qinghai Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences / Key Laboratory of Qinghai Province for Spring Rapeseed Genetic Improvement / National Key Laboratory Breeding Base of Qinghai Province for Innovation and Utilization of Plateau Crop Germplasm, Xining 810016, China Fund: AbstractA BC4 population and a F2 population, derived from the cross between Dahuang and 09A-126 (brown seed,B. rapa), were constructed. AFLP (amplified fragment length polymorphism) methodology and bulked segregant analysis (BSA) were used to get five AFLP markers closely linked to yellow-seeded geneBrsc1, termed Y11-Y15 respectively. Five AFLP specific fragments were homologue with some sequences on chromosome A09 ofBrassica rapa, which we converted into five SCAR markers, termed SC11-SC15. Seven SSR markers, BrID10607, KS10760, B089L03-3, A1-A4, tightly linked toBrsc1 were developed in the region of chromosome whereBrsc1 was located. With five SCAR markers and seven SSR markers used for genotyping in F2 population, SC14 and A1 were confirmed as co-dominant markers. Using BC4 population,Brsc1 was located in the region of 1.7 Mb between Y06 and A04 on chromosome A9 with genetic distances of 0.115 cM and 0.980 cM. Y05 and Y12 co-segregated withBrsc1. The results were useful for developing yellow-seeded rapeseed lines by marker-assisted selection (MAS), and also laying the foundation for fine mapping and map-based cloning ofBrsc1.
Keyword:Brassica rapa L.; Yellow seed; Molecular marker; Genetic map; Physical map Show Figures Show Figures
图3 Brsc1基因区域的遗传连锁图谱A: Xiao等[ 18]构建; B: 本课题组构建; C: A9染色体上与 Brsc1连锁的分子标记的物理图谱。虚线为同一标记在不同图谱中的位置。Fig. 3 Linkage map of Brsc1geneA: constructed by Xiao et al.[ 18]; B: constructed by our research group; C: map of markers linked with Brsc1 on A9 of B rassica rapaL. dotted lines indicate the same marker on different maps.
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