关键词:高粱; 抗旱性; 主成分分析; SOM聚类分析 Identification and Classification of Sorghum Cultivars for Drought Resistance during Germination Stage Based on Principal Components Analysis and Self Organizing Map Cluster Analysis WANG Yi-Tao, ZHOU Yu-Fei, LI Feng-Xian, YI Bing, BAI Wei, YAN Tong, XU Wen-Juan, GAO Ming-Chao, HUANG Rui-Dong* College of Agronomy, Shenyang Agricultural University, Shenyang 110866, China
AbstractPEG-6000 was used to simulate drought stress environment in artificial climate chamber for studying the effects of different concentrations of PEG-6000 (80, 120, 150, and 175 g L-1) on the response of 31 sorghum cultivars at germination stage, with the objectives of screening drought-resistant cultivars and exploring methods suitable for assessing drought-resistance of sorghum cultivars. Through principal component analysis (PCA) and Self-Organizing-Map (SOM) cluster analysis, the drought-resistance of 31 sorghum cultivars was evaluated. PCA showed that relative bud length, relative root length and drought-resistance index during germination had the maximum weight in values, and were used as the main indices for evaluating and ranking the drought-resistant capabilities of 31 sorghum cultivars. Five groups of drought-resistance capabilities of 31 sorghum cultivars were detected based on SOM cluster analysis: four cultivars including Jiza 305 were highly drought-resistant, four cultivars including HL8 were drought-resistant, eight cultivars including Liaoza 10 were medium drought-resistant, seven cultivars including Jinza 103 were drought-sensitive and eight cultivars including Jinza 93 were highly drought-sensitive. In conclusion, relative bud length, relative root length and germination drought-resistance index can be used as indices for identifying drought-resistance in sorghum, and SOM cluster analysis is an important method for classifying drought-resistance.
Keyword:Sorghum; Drought resistance; Principal component analysis (PCA); Self-Organizing-Map (SOM) cluster analysis Show Figures Show Figures
表1 供试高粱品种及来源 Table 1 Sorghum cultivars tested and the origins
编号 Code
品种 Cultivar
来源 Origin
编号 Code
品种 Cultivar
来源 Origin
辽杂10号 Liaoza 10
辽宁省农业科学院 LnAAS
吉杂121 Jiza 121
吉林省农业科学院 JlAAS
辽杂12 Liaoza 12
辽宁省农业科学院 LnAAS
吉杂319 Jiza 319
吉林省农业科学院 JlAAS
辽杂21 Liaoza 21
辽宁省农业科学院 LnAAS
黑龙江省农业科学院 HljAAS
锦杂93 Jinza 93
锦州市农业科学院 JzAAS
黑龙江省农业科学院 HljAAS
锦杂103 Jinza 103
锦州市农业科学院 JzAAS
龙杂9号 Longza 9
黑龙江省农业科学院 HljAAS
锦杂105 Jinza 105
锦州市农业科学院 JzAAS
龙杂10号 Longza 10
黑龙江省农业科学院 HljAAS
四杂25 Siza 25
吉林省农业科学院 JlAAS
龙杂12 Longza 12
黑龙江省农业科学院 HljAAS
四杂29 Siza 29
吉林省农业科学院 JlAAS
辽杂11 Liaoza 11
辽宁省农业科学院 LnAAS
吉杂90 Jiza 90
吉林省农业科学院 JlAAS
沈杂5号 Shenza 5
沈阳市农业科学院 SyAAS
吉杂97 Jiza 97
吉林省农业科学院 JlAAS
辽杂19 Liaoza 19
辽宁省农业科学院 LnAAS
吉杂123 Jiza 123
吉林省农业科学院 JlAAS
辽杂35 Liaoza 35
辽宁省农业科学院 LnAAS
吉杂124 Jiza 124
吉林省农业科学院 JlAAS
龙杂11 Longza 11
黑龙江省农业科学院 HljAAS
吉杂127 Jiza 127
吉林省农业科学院 JlAAS
龙杂13 Longza 13
黑龙江省农业科学院 HljAAS
吉杂305 Jiza 305
吉林省农业科学院 JlAAS
锦杂106 Jinza 106
锦州市农业科学院 JzAAS
辽杂15 Liaoza 15
辽宁省农业科学院 LnAAS
葫梁1号 Huliang 1
锦州市农业科学院 JzAAS
吉杂99 Jiza 99
吉林省农业科学院 JlAAS
LnAAS: Liaoning Academy of Agricultural Sciences; JzAAS: Jinzhou Academy of Agricultural Sciences; JlAAS: Jilin Academy of Agricultural Sciences; HljAAS: Heilongjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences; SyAAS: Shenyang Academy of Agricultural Sciences.
表1 供试高粱品种及来源 Table 1 Sorghum cultivars tested and the origins
4 结论通过主成分分析和SOM聚类分析, 将31个高粱品种按照抗旱性强弱分为5大类, 吉杂305和吉杂99等4个品种为高度抗旱品种, HL5和龙杂10号等4个品种为抗旱品种, 辽杂10号和辽杂12等8个品种为中等抗旱品种, 锦杂103和四杂29等7个品种为干旱敏感品种, 锦杂93和四杂25等8个品种为高度干旱敏感品种。相对芽长、相对根长和相对萌发抗旱指数可以作为高粱品种抗旱性鉴定的重要指标。 The authors have declared that no competing interests exist. 作者已声明无竞争性利益关系。
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