

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-04-21

周江华 职称:

Email:zhoujh@bnu.edu.cn 电话 : 个人主页:http://bs.bnu.edu.cn/szdw1/jsml/zrjs/zlglx/207584.html

个人简介 清华大学经济管理学院博士,中国科学院大学博士后。北京师范大学经济与工商管理学院副教授,案例研究中心主任,MBA中心副主任。主要研究方向为创新管理、战略管理、创业管理。

研究领域 创新管理、创业管理、战略管理

研究成果 已发表(录用)杂志论文
Zhou Jianghua, Liu Zixu, Li Jizhen, Zhang Gupeng, The Effects of Collaboration with Different Partners: A Contingency Model, IEEE Transaction on Engineering Management (SSCI, ABS 3星),2020(录用).本文荣获2018年IEEE TEM年会优秀论文.
Guo Jingjing, Guo Bin, Zhou Jianghua, Wu Xiaobo, How does the ambidexterity of technological learning routine affect firm innovation performance within industrial clusters? The moderating effects of knowledge attributes, Technological Forecasting and Social Change (SSCI, ABS 3星), 2020, Vol 155.
Zhou Jianghua、Li Jizhen、Jiaohao、Qiu Hang、Liu Zixu. The more funding the better? The moderating role of knowledge stock on the effects of different government-funded research projects on firm innovation in Chinese cultural and creative industries. Technovation (SSCI, ABS 3星, Impact factor: 4.802), Available online 29 November 2018,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.technovation.2018.11.002
Zhou Jianghua, Wu Rui, Li Jizhen, More Ties the Merrier? Different Social Ties and Firm Innovation Performance, Asia Pacific Journal of Management (SSCI, ABS 3星) , 2019, 36: 445-471 .
Jiaohao, Yang Jifeng, Zhou Jianghua, Li Jizhen, Commercial Partnership and Collaborative Innovation in the Chinese High-tech Industry: The Moderating Effect of Technological Uncertainty and Dynamic Capabilities, Journal of Knowledge Management (SSCI), 2019, 9.
李纪珍, 周江华, 赫运涛, & 江东谦. 2018. 从创新资金的供给面政策到创新券的需求面政策: 基于北京科技型中小企业的实证研究. 技术经济,2018(06): 25-33,119.
程鹏, 柳卸林, 李洋, & 周江华. 2018. 本土需求情景下破坏性创新的形成机理研究. 管理科学(CSSCI,国家自然科学基金委员会认定A类期刊),2018(02): 33-44
Zhou Jianghua,Jiao Hao,Li Jizhen,Providing Appropriate Technology for Emerging Markets: Case Study on China’s Solar Thermal Industry,Sustainability (SSCI),2017.02.05,9(2):178.
Jiao Hao,Zhou Jianghua(通讯作者),Gao Taishan,Liu Xielin,The more interactions the better? The moderating effect of the interaction between local producers and users of knowledge on the relationship between R&D investment and regional innovation systems,Technological Forecasting and Social Change (SSCI, ABS 3星),2016.9.01,110:13~20.
Zhang Gupeng,Zhou Jianghua,The effects of forward and reverse engineering on firm innovation performance in the stages of technology catch-up: An empirical study of China,Technological Forecasting and Social Change (SSCI, ABS 3),2016.1.21,104,212-222.
Zhang Gupeng,Duan Hongbo,Zhou Jianghua(通讯作者),Small worldliness, Chinese culture, and firm innovation performance: an empirical study based on patent collaboration data of China,Asian Journal of Technology Innovation (SSCI),2015.4.1,23(2):189~204
Jiao, H., Wang, Y., Xiao, H., Zhou, Jianghua & Zeng, W. 2017. Promoting profit model innovation in animation project in northeast Asia: Case study on Chinese cultural and creative industry. Sustainability (SSCI), 9(12): 2361.
Genia Kostka,Zhou Jianghua,Government-business alliances in state capitalist economies: evidence from low-income markets in China,Business and Politics,2013.06.01,15(2):245~274.
周江华,仝允桓,李纪珍.企业面向低收入群体的创新模式研究,经济与管理研究, 2010年(10):12-17。
焦豪,周江华,谢振东.公司创业导向与企业绩效的关系研究:基于环境动态性的调节效应.科学学与科学技术管理, 2007(11):70-76。

Zhou Jianghua, Zhang Linlin, Too much water drowned the miller:Returnees and Innovation in high-tech SMEs, Strategic Management Society special conference (SMS会议,战略管理领域顶级会议), 2020.
周江华,刘子諝,李纪珍,市场与技术双重机会窗口下的创新赶超:以中国风电产业的后发企业为例, International Association for Chinese Management Research (IACMR) Conference (IACMR 2020), 中国企业管理案例与质性研究论坛(2019)
Zhou Jianghua, Liu Zixu, Li Jizhen, Technology Complementarity and Collaborative Innovation: The Moderating Effects of IT Adoption, 2019 IEEE TEM年会优秀论文.
Zhou Jianghua, Liu Yifan, Qi Yudong, Gu Ning, Do Tax Incentives Lead to Firm Innovation? An Empirical Study on China's Tax Incentive Schemes, The Academy of Management Annual Meeting (AOM,美国管理学年会,管理学领域的顶级会议) , 2019, Boston, USA.
Liu Zixu, Zhou Jianghua, Qi Yudong, Liu Yifan, How Collaboration with Different Level of Engagement Influence Firm's Radical Innovation, The Academy of Management Annual Meeting (AOM,美国管理学年会,管理学领域的顶级会议) , 2019, Boston, USA.
Zhou Jianghua, Liu Zixu, Jiao Hao, Resource Heterogeneity and Collaborative Innovation: The Moderating Effects of IT Adoption, The Academy of Management Annual Meeting (AOM,美国管理学年会,管理学领域的顶级会议) , 2018, Chicago, USA.
Liu Zixu, Zhou Jianghua(通讯作者), Li Jizhen, Not Only Additionality: The Dual Effects of Subsidies on Firm Innovation, The Academy of Management Annual Meeting (AOM,美国管理学年会,管理学领域的顶级会议) , 2018, Chicago, USA.
Liu Zixu, Zhou Jianghua(通讯作者), Li Jizhen, Zhang Gupeng, Foreign Equity, Exporting and Firm Innovation, International Association for Chinese Management Research (IACMR) Conference, Wuhan, China, 13-17 June,2018; 27th International Conference on Management of Technology (IAMOT), 2018, Birmingham, UK.
Zhou Jianghua, Liu Zixu, Li Jizhen, Jiao Hao, Market Dissimilarity, Technology Complementarity and Collaborative Innovation Performance: The Moderating Effects of IT Adoption, International Association for Chinese Management Research (IACMR) Conference, Wuhan, China, 13-17 June,2018; 27th International Conference on Management of Technology (IAMOT), 2018, Birmingham, UK.
Zhou Jianghua, Liu Yifan, Zhang Yuying, Coopetition between R&D and Marketing department and firm innovation, Asia Academy of Manament & Asia Pacific Journal of Management Paper Development Workshop (2018), Dali, Yunnan.
Zhou Jianghua,Wu Rui,Li Jizhen,More Ties the Merrier? Different Social Ties and Firm Innovation Performance,The Academy of Management Annual Meeting (AOM,美国管理学年会),Anaheim, California,2016.08.
Zhou Jianghua, Jiao Hao, Xing Xiaoqiang, Providing appropriate technology for emerging markets: A case study, The Academy of Management Annual Meeting (AOM,美国管理学年会),Anaheim, California,2016.08.
Jiao Hao, Zhou Jianghua (通讯作者), Liu Xielin, The Interaction between Local Producers and Users of Knowledge and Regional Innovation Systems, The Academy of Management Annual Meeting (AOM,美国管理学年会),Anaheim, California,2016.08.
Zhou Jianghua, Qiu Hang, Li Jizhen, Liu Zixu, Zhou Xingtong, The Different Effect of Central-Government-Funded and Local-Government-Funded Research Projects on Firm Innovation: A Contingency Model, PICMET 2017(EI检索).
Zhou Jianghua, Xia yinan, Hu Yimei, Zhang Si, How constraints trigger firms’ innovation: evidence from china, INFORMS 2016 International Conference, Hawaii, 2016.06.
Jianghua Zhou, Yunhuan Tong, Xielin Liu. Diffusion of solar thermal in China’s BoP market, PICMET 2012 (EI Indexed).
Jianghua Zhou, Yunhuan Tong, Jizhen Li, Disruptive innovation for China’s BoP Market, Proceedings of PICMET 2011 (EI Indexed).
Xudong Gao, Yunhuan Tong, Liping Zhang, Jianghua Zhou, Xi Shao, Inclusive growth through resource integration to serve the high-end market, Technology Management Conference (ITMC), 2011 IEEE International (EI Indexed).
Jianghua Zhou, Genia Kostka. Public-Private Partnerships: Co-opting Chinese Firms to Alleviate Rural Poverty in China, Academy of Management Proceedings(AOM年会),2010.
Jianghua Zhou, Xiaoqiang Xing, Yunhuan Tong. Serving the Low-income Group with Microfinance in China, Proceedings of PICMET 2009,Portland,USA,August 2009 (EI检索),1758 - 1764.
Zhao Jing, Zhou Jianghua, Tong Yunhuan. Knowledge-integration-based Technology Transfer Mode for Manufacturing Firms,the Proceeding of 2008 Chinese Control and Decision Conference,2008 (EI 检索):4880 - 4886。
Jiang Wei , Jianghua Zhou . Technological catching-up of IT start-ups with external learning in Eastern China, paper of Portland International Center for Management of Engineering and Technology 2004.

1. 周江华,基于金字塔底层的颠覆性创新(专著),知识产权出版社,2017。
2. Jianghua Zhou et al. Disruptive Innovation in China’s “Shanzhai” Cell Phone, in Peter Li. Disruptive Innovations from China and India: The Strategic Implications for Local Challengers and Global Incumbents.

1. 周江华,李纪珍,张思,英利集团的筹粮处: 六九硅业创新,中国管理案例共享中心,2014.10。
2. 周江华,耿思敏、谭星辰、赵玟懿、吴建宏,ZDJ地产集团的设计管理模式,中国管理案例共享中心,2017。

Working Paper
1. Zhou Jianghua, Liu Zixu, Li Jizhen, Zhang Gupeng, Foreign Equity, Exporting and Firm Innovation, Submitted to Journal of Technology Transfer (SSCI).
2. Zhou Jianghua, Liu Zixu, Li Jizhen, Jiao Hao, Market Dissimilarity, Technology Complementarity and Collaborative Innovation Performance: The Moderating Effects of IT Adoption, Submitted to Journal of Engineering and Technology Management (SSCI).
3. Zhou Jianghua, Liu Zixu, Li Jizhen, Not Only Additionality: The Dual Effects of Subsidies on Firm Innovation, to be submitted to Research Policy.

研究课题 1. 主持国家自然科学基金面上项目《知识异质性对企业破坏性创新影响机制研究》。
2. 主持国家自然科学基金青年项目《战略性新兴产业中后发企业破坏性创新过程研究》(2013年1月-2015年12月)。
3. 主持北京师范大学自主科研项目《基于中国情景的企业创新模式研究(SKZZX**)》,。
4. 主持横向项目《光伏产品在贫困地区的发展战略研究(SKHX**)》。
5. 北京师范大学-南澳大学合作研究项目,Towards Increased Innovation – the Enabling Role of Performance Measurement in Family Business in Australia and China,中方联合负责人。
6. 主持中国博士后科学基金项目《面向低收入群体(BoP)市场的破坏性创新研究》。
7. 主持企业委托课题《中国信托产业未来的发展与管理的前景》
8. 作为项目的子课题负责人承担了北京软件产品质量检测检验中心委托课题《项目管理和第三方软件测试研究》。
9. 2012年5月2013年6月,作为项目负责人承担了中国科学院院长基金《战略性新兴产业中后发企业破坏性创新过程研究》。
10. 国家自然科学基金面上项目《文化创意产业集群知识网络双重嵌入、动态能力对双元性创新影响机制的实证研究(**》,参与。
11. 科技部平台中心项目《创新券促进科技资源开放共享机制模式分析》,参与。
12. 2012年,作为外聘专家参与世界银行项目,中国的包容性创新政策研究(报告已出版)。
13. 参与国家自然科学基金重点项目《全球化,突破性创新与产业领导力研究》(**)。
14. 作为主要成员参与了国家自然科学基金面上项目《基于中国案例的企业可持续创新模式研究》
15. 作为主要成员参与广东省软科学研究计划项目《广东省创新型企业成长路线图研究》。
16. 作为项目组协调人参与国家自然科学基金国际重大合作项目《面向低收入群体市场的技术与商业创新模式研究》(项目批准号:)。
17. UNDP, Growing Inclusive Markets Initiatives, 参与。
18. 参与国家自然科学基金课题《高科技企业网络能力与创新关系研究》(项目批准号:**)。
19. 作为主要研究者参与了国家自然科学基金课题《基于知识平台的企业技术能力整合和激活模式研究》(项目批准号:**)。


教授课程 战略管理

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