Sung-Hugh Hong 建筑与建筑环境系助理教授
建筑与建筑环境系 / 理工学院
联系方式 办公室
+86 (0) 574 8188 0000-8381
环境设计与工程专业 博士
高级建筑设计专业 理学硕士
Sung-Hugh Hong博士是宁波诺丁汉大学的建筑与建筑环境系助理教授,研究建筑物理。在过去的十五年中,他着重于研究建筑能耗,热舒适和湿热环境。他曾为英国文化遗产保护机构、能源节约基金会、英国国家档案馆、韩国奥林匹克委员会提供基于实验的咨询服务。
2.2013-2016: 在西交利物浦大学执教
环境科学概论课程负责人 (大二)
3. 2005-2010: 任职于伦敦大学学院
Book ChaptersAlex Summerfield, Tadj Oreszczyn, Ayub Pathan and Sung H. Hong, Occupant Behaviour and Energy Use, A Handbook of Sustainable Building Design and Engineering (edited by Mumovic D., Santamouris M.) Taylor and Francis (2009).
Refereed Journal Paper1. Sung H. Hong, Matija Strli?, Ian Ridley, Konstantinos Ntanos, Nancy Bell, May Cassar (2012), Climate change mitigation strategies for mechanically controlled repositories: The caseof The National Archives, Kew, Atmospheric Environment (49) 163-170.
2. Hamilton, IG and Davies, M and Ridley, I and Oreszczyn, T and Barrett, M and Lowe, R and Hong, S and Wilkinson, P and Chalabi, Z (2011). The impact of housing energy efficiency improvements on reduced exposure to cold - the 'temperature take back factor, Building Services Engineering Research & Technology 32(1) pp. 85-98.
3. Sung H. Hong, Tadj Oreszczyn, Jannet Gilbertson, the Warm Front Study Group (2008), A Field Study of Thermal Comfort in Low-income Dwellings in England Before and After Energy Efficiency Refurbishment, Building and Environment 44(6) 1228-1236.
4. Sung H. Hong, Tadj Oreszczyn, Ian Ridley, the Warm Front Study Group (2006), The Impact of Energy Efficient Refurbishment on the Space Heating Fuel Consumption in English Dwellings, Energy and Buildings 38(10) 1171-1181.
5. Tadj Oreszczyn, Ian Ridley, Sung H. Hong, Paul Wilkinson, the Warm Front Study Group (2006). Mould and Winter Indoor Relative Humidity in Low Income Households in England, Indoor and Built Environment 15(2) pp. 125-135.
6. Tadj Oreszczyn, Sung H. Hong, Ian Ridley, Paul Wilkinson, the Warm Front Study Group (2006). Determinants of Winter Indoor Temperatures in Low Income Households in England, Energy and Buildings 38(3) pp. 245-252.
7. Emma J. Hutchinson, Paul Wilkinson, Sung H. Hong, Tadj Oreszczyn, the Warm Front Study Group (2006). Can we improve the identification of cold homes for targeted home energy-efficiency improvements?, Applied Energy 83 (11) pp. 1198-1209.
8. Ian Ridley, Jacquelin Fox, Tadj Oreszczyn, Sung H. Hong (2003). The Impact of Replacement Windows on Air Infiltration and Indoor Air Quality in Dwellings, The International Journal of Ventilation 1(3) pp. 209-218.
Conference Papers1. Sung H. Hong, Matija Strli?, Ian Ridley, Konstantinos Ntanos, Nancy Bell, May Cassar (2011), Monitoring and Modellingthe Storage Environment at the National Archives, UK, Preprints of the 16th Triennial conference Lisbon, 19-23 September 2011, ICOM Committee for Conservation, in press.
2. Alex Summerfield, Tadj Oreszczyn, Ayub Pathan and Sung Hong (2009). Occupant Behaviour and Energy Use. In Dejan Mumovic & Mat Santamouris (Eds.), A Handbook of Sustainable Building Design & Engineering: An Integrated Approach to Energy, Health and Operational Performance pp. 359-366. Earthscan. UK, USA.
3. Ridley, I and Davies, M and Hong, SH and Oreszczyn, T (2007). Vapour pressure excess in living rooms and bedrooms of English dwellings: Analysis of the Warm Front dataset. In: (Proceedings) Annex 41 MOIST-ENG, Working meeting : Florianopolis.
4. Sung H. Hong, Ian Ridley, Tadj Oreszczyn, the Warm Front Study Group (2004), The Impact of Energy Efficient Refurbishment on the Airtightness in English Dwellings, Ventilation and Retrofitting, 25th AIVC Conference, Air Infiltration and Ventilation Centre.
5. Sung H. Hong, Ian Ridley, Tadj Oreszczyn (2003), A Hygrothermal Monitoring and Modelling of a Historic Roof, IBPSA 8th Building Simulation Conference, International Building Performance Simulation Association.
Conference Meeting Presentations1. The Impact of Energy Efficient Refurbishment on the Airtightness in English Dwellings, Ventilation and Retrofitting, 25th AIVC Conference, Air Infiltration and Ventilation Centre.
2. A Hygrothermal Monitoring and Modelling of a Historic Roof, IBPSA 8th Building Simulation Conference, International Building Performance Simulation Association.
Consulting, Research Reports1. 2013: A member of the scientific committee investigating the environmental performance of Taenung International Ice Staking Rink, Seoul, Korea (Client: Korean Olympic Committee).
2. 2009-2010: Lead investigator in the environmental modelling of the Q1 Repository building at The National Archives, Kew, London (Client: The National Archives, UK).
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