Eugenio Mangi 建筑与环境系助理教授
建筑与建筑环境系 / 理工学院
联系方式 办公室
University of Nottingham Ningbo China
199 Taikang East Road, Ningbo, 315100, China
+86 (0) 574 8818 0000 Ext.9145
Ph.D. in Architecture (University of Palermo – Department of Architecture), specializing in Architecture design – with scholarship
Master of Architecture (University of Parma – Faculty of Architecture) specializing in Architecture design, with distinction
Bachelor of architecture Architecture (University of Parma – Faculty of Architecture)
Registered Architect n.1009 – Italian Architects Board
Eugenio Mangi is Assistant Professor (Lecturer) in Tectonics in the Department of Architecture and Built Environment at the University of Nottingham, Ningbo China. Eugenio strongly believes in the necessary relationship between practice, research and teaching in the field of architecture and urban design. For this reason, in twelve years’ experience, he has always tried to match his research interests with teaching and practice.
Eugenio has developed a large number of projects ranging from interior to urban design, including heritage renovation, in Italy, Spain and China.
In parallel with the professional experience, Eugenio has been engaged in research and teaching activities in Italy and in China. He is currently module convener for tectonics 2A and 2B at UNNC and he has been adjunct professor for Specialized Design Project - Environmental Design Studio of the part time Master Program at the College of Design and Innovation, Tongji University during 2019 spring semester. In the same institution he has worked as research assistant in the Environmental Futures Lab. As part time tutor Eugenio has taught Design Studio in Architecture program at UNNC and at the University of Parma.
His research interests focus on sustainable urban transformation process in China and local community engagement and participation, traditional Chinese architecture and heritage re-use, social housing typologies and policies implementation and XX century European heritage.
Module Convener for Tectonics 2B (SPR)
Architectural design studio 2 and 3 (SPR)
Teaching contributionsIntegrated Design for Architecture 3 (SPR)
PublicationsMangi, E., Traces of a living memory. Renovation plan of the Dongguan Assembly House in Beijing, in Beijing city planning & construction review n.171 2016/6, p.133-138.
Mangi, E., The Flaminio stadium in Rome (with Antonio Nervi), in Antonucci, M.; Trentin, A.; Trombetti T. (editied by) Pier Luigi Nervi. Gli stadi per il calcio, catalogue of the exhibition Pier Luigi Nervi. Gli stadi per il calcio, Bononia University Press, Bologna 2014, p.187-192.
Mangi, E., The dialogue between the built environment and the unrealized project. The boundaries of modern heritage buildings restoration) in Palazzotto, E. (edited by) Esperienze nel restauro del moderno, Franco Angeli, Milano 2013, p.145-148.
Mangi, E., The railway station of Savona (1958-1960) and its dialogue with the city in Bianchino G.; Costi D. (edited by), Cantiere Nervi. La costruzione di un’identità. Storie, geografie, paralleli proceedings of the international congress, Skira, Milano 2012, p. 143-147.
Mangi, E.,Borgo Uliva: the renovation of the landscape through the development of the Ponte Rotto historical path, in Sciascia, A. (edited by), Periferie e città contemporanea. Progetti per i quartieri Borgo Ulivia e Zen a Palermo, Caracol, Palermo 2012. Outcomes of the PRIN national research project; p.352-355.
Mangi, E.,Borgo Ulivia and Falsomiele. New space hierarchies and urban regeneration, in AA.VV, Abitare il futuro...dopo Copenhagen. Inhabiting the future...after Copenhagen, proceedings of the international congress, Clean Edizioni, Napoli 2010, p.845-853; printed.
Selected professional works (out +60 completed projects in Italy and in China)Shanghai Playscape, Shanghai [China]. Landscape design. Full design.Finalist project at the 2019 Biennale of Public Space of Rome.
Dongguan New Assembly House renovation - Beijing [China]. Heritage renovation and architecture design - Xuanxi North International competition - 1st prize
4 in 1 - Dashila’r courtyards renovation - Beijing [China]. Architecture and interior design. Concept design. Exhibited at Dashila’r Design Community - 2017 Beijing Design Week.
Shen Jiaben former Residence renovation - Beijing [China]. Heritage renovation and interior design. Full design.
Cangzhou Cultural Centre - Cangzhou[China]. Architecture design. Concept design. Restricted competition. 1st phase winner.
SG House – Parma [Italy]. Architecture design. Full design. Wooden building technology
Royal Herbs Farm Headquarter – Giza desert – [Egypt]. Architecture design. Full design. Shortlisted for MENA Green Building Awards as one of the 2017 top 3 Green Building in the Middle East.
Temporary pavilion Parma [Italy]. Full design. Self-constructed. Published on Casabella n.832
BODE Cersaie stand 2017 - Bologna [Italy]. Architecture, interior and product design. Full design.
Wuhan HNA YOHO - Wuhan [China]. Urban design. Full design.
HNA Tower - Haikou [China]. Interior design. Full design.
本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-04-17
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