

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-04-17

Isaac Yu Fat Lun 建筑物理和建筑服务工程学助理教授
建筑与建筑环境系 / 理工学院

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+86 (0) 574 8818 0000 - ext. 8933


建筑和建筑科学博士(东北大学, 日本)
航空航天工程哲学硕士(哈特福德郡大学, 英国)
航空工程工学学士 (哈特福德郡大学, 英国)

专长概要Isaac Lun博士在利用计算流体力学(CFD)和实验方法分析流体力学方面有二十年的经验。这包括了这些措施包括模拟复杂的地形/建筑物的风流,模拟海上石油平台自然通风的过程,管道中的油气双相流动,室内火灾模拟以及数值模拟和实验研究的人类环境,热相互作用等。他的研究主要集中于建筑环境和可再生能源技术的CFD分析。他有大量的关于商业CFD代码例如流体力学软件,流体分析商用软件以及火灾模拟软件的专业知识。
Isaac Lun博士有在英国,中国大陆,香港和日本学术机构中教授和指导本科生和研究生的经验。教授内容包括了CFD,数值模拟研究,研究方法论和建筑服务实验室(如空调,管道服务)。他成功的指导了一位博士生和一位工程硕士。
日本建筑学会 会员
英国机械工程师协会 准会员
英国皇家航空学会 准会员



Refereed Journal Paper (Selected papers)1) Isaac Lun and Masaaki Ohba (2012) ‘An overview of the cause of energy shortage and building energy strategy after Fukushima disaster in Tohoku District of Japan’, Advances in Building Energy Research, Vol.6, No.2, November, pp.272-309. (Times Cited: 2) (This paper was featured in the Advances in Engineering Series;http://advanceseng.com/general-engineering/an-overview-of-the-cause-of-energy-shortage-and-building-energy-strategy-after-fukushima-disaster-in-tohoku-district-of-japan/)
2) Francis WH Yik and Yu Fat Lun (2010) ‘Energy saving by utilizing natural ventilation in public housing in Hong Kong’, Indoor and Built Environment, Vol.19, No.1, pp.73-87. (Times Cited: 39)
3) Li Q, Yoshino H, Mochida A, Lei B, Meng Q, Zhao L, Lun YF. (2009) ‘CFD study of the thermal environment in an air-conditioned train station building’, Building and Environment, 44(7), pp.1452-1465. (Times Cited: 56)
4) Mochida, A.; Lun, I.Y.F. (2008) ‘Prediction of wind environment and thermal comfort at pedestrian level in urban area’, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, Vol. 96, Special Issue 10-11, October-November 2008, pp.1498-1527. (Times Cited: 173)
5) Fong, Wee-Kean; Matsumoto, Hiroshi; Lun, Yu-Fat; Kimura, Ryushi (2007) ‘Influences of indirect lifestyle aspects and climate on household energy consumption’, Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering, Vol. 6, No. 2, pp.395-402. (Times Cited: 27) (Best Paper Award)
6) Fong, Wee-Kean; Matsumoto, Hiroshi; Lun, Yu-Fat; Kimura, Ryushi (2007) ‘Energy savings potential of the summer time concept in different regions of Japan from the perspective of household lighting’, Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering, Vol. 6, No. 2, pp.371-378. (Times Cited: 17) (This paper is cited in the Wikipedia The Free Encyclopedia; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daylight_saving_time#cite_note-82)
7) Yoshino, H.; Guan, S.; Lun, Y.F.; Mochida, A.; Shigeno, T.; Yoshino, Y.; Zhang, Q.Y. (2004) ‘Indoor thermal environment of urban residential buildings in China: winter investigation in five major cities’, Special Issue: Energy and Environment of Residential Buildings in China, Energy and Buildings, Vol. 36, No. 12, Dec, pp.1227-1233. (Times Cited: 28)
8) Lun, Y.F.; Mochida, A.; Murakami, S.; Yoshino, H.; Shirasawa, T. (2003) ‘Numerical simulation of flow over topographic features by revised k-e models’, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, Vol. 91/1-2, Jan, pp.231-245. (Times Cited: 57)
9) Lun, Y.F.; Lam, J.C. (2000) ‘A study of Weibull parameters using long-term wind observations’, Renewable Energy, Vol. 20, Issue 2, pp.145-153. (Times Cited: 320)

Conference Papers(Selected papers)1) Masaaki Ohba; Kenji Tsukamoto; Isaac Lun (2013) “State and prospects of natural/cross ventilation research in TPU”, Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Wind Effects on Buildings and Urban Environment: Current State of the Art in Wind Engineering and Outlook for the Future, March 6, Hotel Sunroute Plaza, Tokyo, Japan, pp.97-108. (Contribution: 30%)
2) Isaac Lun (2012) “Cross-ventilation approach by utilizing green design features in residential buildings”, Proceedings of the 22nd National Symposium on Wind Engineering, December 5-7, Tokyo, Japan, pp.49-54. (Contribution: 100%)
3) Shinya Morikami; Masaaki Ohba; Kenji Tsukamoto; Yu-Fat Lun (2012) “Experiment study of the influence of fluctuation air flow on mean skin temperature and sweat rate of human body’, Proceedings of the 22nd National Symposium on Wind Engineering, December 5-7, Tokyo, Japan, pp.43-48. (Contribution: 20%)
4) Shinya Morikami; Masaaki Ohba; Kenji Tsukamoto; Yu-Fat Lun (2012) “Study on evaluation of pleasant sensation in stagnant and cross-ventilated environments Part2 Study on prediction formula on pleasant sensation at unsteady stagnant environment’, Summaries of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan, September 12-14, Nagoya, Japan, pp.381-382. (Contribution: 20%)
5) Shinya Morikami; Masaaki Ohba; Kenji Tsukamoto; Yu-Fat Lun (2011) “Human-subject experiments on thermal sweating for evaporative cooling by fluctuation of cross-wind flow”, Annual Meeting of the Society of Heating, Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan, September 14-16, Nagoya, Japan, C-42, pp1051-1054. (Contribution: 20%)
6) Masaaki Ohba, Ryuichiro Yoshie and Isaac Lun (2010) ‘Overview of extreme hot weather incidents and recent study on human thermal comfort in Japan’, APEC-WW2010, October 22-23, Kwandong University, Gangneung, Korea. (Contribution: 90%)
7) Masaaki Ohba, Shinya Morikami, Yukari Iino, Kunio Mizutani, Kenji Tsukamoto and Yu Fat Lun (2010). ‘Subject experiment on evaporative heat loss and wind fluctuation using climate controllable wind tunnel- Part 1: Skin surface temperature and skin wettedness on steady wind condition’, Summaries of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan, Toyama, pp.515-516. (Contribution: 15%)
8) Shinya Morikami, Masaaki Ohba, Kenji Tsukamoto, Yu Fat Lun, Kunio Mizutani and Yukari Iino (2010). ‘Subject experiment on evaporative heat loss and wind fluctuation using climate controllable wind tunnel- Part 2: Skin surface temperature and skin wettedness on fluctuating wind condition’, Summaries of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan, Toyama, pp.517-518. (Contribution: 15%)
9) Kenji Tsukamoto, Masaaki Ohba, Takashi Kurabuchi, Toshihiro Nonaka, Tomoyuki Endo, Kumiko Tsuruta, Syunsuke Suzuki, Shinya Morikami and Yu Fat Lun (2010). ‘Study on effect of reduction of cooling load in detached house using cross-ventilation by local dynamic similarity model- Part 3: Evaluation of cumulative cooling load in detached house with the difference of major cities in Japan’, Summaries of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan, Toyama, pp.813-814. (Contribution: 10%)
Conference Meeting Presentations1) Isaac Lun (2010) ‘Review of Thermoregulation Models’, Japan-Korea Collaborative Workshop in Pukyong National University, Hotel Illua, 22nd Jan 2010, Busan, South Korea.
2) Isaac Lun (2011) ‘Overview of ventilation studies and measures to improve the environmental performance of buildings’, Korean-Japan Basic Scientific Cooperation Program Workshop, 5th March 2011, Tokyo Polytechnic University, Kanagawa, Japan.

科研项目 / 研究基金
研究补助金Principal Investigator of the project entitled “Development of Environment Responsive Façade Engineering to Enhance Liveability, Sustainability and Energy Conservation in Optimized Design of Low-rise and Midrise Residential Buildings” under the Challenging Exploratory Research by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), (5/2011 to 4/2013) Grant number: ** (JPY 5,000,000, completed)

相关话题/宁波诺丁汉大学 理工学院