

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-11-26

兼任国际CLIVAR太平洋科学指导委员会委员,国际PICES太平洋气候变化与变率科学委员会委员,国际CLIVAR NPOCE计划科学指导委员会委员。2013年当选中国科学院院士。

  长期从事大洋环流与气候研究。发现了20世纪全球大洋副热带西边界流区“热斑”现象,系统阐述了副热带环流变异在太平洋气候年代际及长期变化中的作用机理并建立了相关理论,发展了能确定中-低纬海洋-大气通道在气候年代际及长期变化中作用的模式动力实验体系;开拓了利用Argo国际大计划来研究全球深海大洋混合低频变异的新路径,将深海混合研究推向了全球尺度和季节以上的时变尺度;阐明了大洋热盐环流变异影响热带海—气耦合系统的动力学路径,揭示了北大西洋年代际变化模态是海—气耦合模态。在Nature, NatureGeoscience, Nature Climate Change等海洋与气候研究的国际权威杂志上发表论文80余篇。作为首席科学家主持承担了国家深海大洋973项目、科技部全球变化重大研究计划等项目。

1.CAI W. -J., Ng, B., T. Geng, L. -X. Wu*, A. Santoso, M. McPhaden, 2020: Butterfly Effect and a Self-modulating El Ni?o Response to Global Warming. Nature, accepted.
2.JING Z., S. -P. Wang, L. -X. Wu*, P. Chang, Q. -Y. Zhang, , Sun, B., Sun, B., Ma, X., Qiu, B., Small, J., Jin, F., Chen, Z., Gan, B., Yang, Y., Yang, H., and Wan, X., Maintenance of Midlatitude Oceanic Fronts by Mesoscale Eddies. Science Advances, accepted.
3.SHAN X., Z. Jing*, B. -R. Sun, P. Chang, L. -X. Wu, and X. -H. Ma, 2020: Ocean Mesoscale Eddy-atmosphere Feedback on the Upper-Ocean Haline Stratification. Journal of Physical Oceanography, doi: 10.1175/JPO-D-19-0193.1.
4.LUO B. -H., D. -H. Luo, A. Dai, I. Simmonds, and L. -X. Wu, 2020: Combined Influences on North American Winter Air Temperature Variability from North Pacific Blocking and the North Atlantic Oscillation: Sub-seasonal and Interannual Timescales. Jounal of Climate, accpeted.
5.GENG T., W. -J. Cai, and L. -X. Wu, 2020: Two Types of ENSO Varying in Tandem Facilitated by Nonlinear Atmospheric Convection.Geophysical Research Letters, doi:10.1029/2020GL088784.
6.ZHANG L., B. -L. Gan*, H. Wang, L. -X. Wu, and W. -J. Cai, 2020: Essential Role of the Midlatitude South Atlantic Variability in Altering the Southern Hemisphere Summer Storm Tracks. Geophysical Research Letters, doi:10.1029/2020GL087910.
7.LU L., S. -Q. Zhang*, S. G. Yeager, G. Danabasoglu, P. Chang, L. -X. Wu, X. -P. Lin, A. Rosati, and F. -Y. Lu, F., 2020: Impact of Coherent Ocean Stratification on AMOC Reconstruction by Coupled Data Assimilation with a Biased Model. Journal of Climate, 33: 7319-7334, doi: 10.1175/JCLI-D-19-0735.1.
8.CAI W. -J.*, M. J. McPhaden, A. M. Grimm, ……, T. Geng, ……, S. -J. Li, L. -X. Wu, ect., 2020: Climate impacts of the El Ni?o–Southern Oscillation on South America. Nature Reviews Earth & Environment, doi: 10.1038/ s43017- 020- 0040-3.
9.SUN B. -R., Z. -H. Chen*, B. Wang, and L. -X. Wu, 2019: Seasonal Variation of the North Equatorial Current Bifurcation in Regional Model: Role of Open Boundary Conditions. Ocean Modelling, 145, 101528.
10.CHEN L.*, J. -Y. Yang, and L. -X. Wu, 2019: Modeling the Dispersion of Dissolved Natural Gas Condensates from the Sanchi Incident. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 124(11): 8439-8454.
11.LI S. -J., L. -X. Wu*, Y. Yang, T. Geng, W. -J. Cai*, B. -L. Gan, Z. -H. Chen, Z. Jing, G. -J. Wang, and X. -H. Ma, 2019: The Pacific Decadal Oscillation Less Predictable under Greenhouse Warming. Nature Climate Change, doi:10.1038/s41558-019-0663-x.
12.WANG S. -P., Z. Jing*, Q. -Y. Zhang, P. Chang, Z. -H. Chen, H. -L. Liu, and L. -X. Wu, 2019: Ocean Eddy Energetics in the Spectral Space as Revealed by High-Resolution General Circulation Models. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 49: 2815-2827.
13.RUAN R. -M., X. -Y. Chen*, J. Zhao, W. Perrie, R. Mottram, M. Zhang, Y. N. Diao, L. Du, and L. -X. Wu, 2019: Decelerated Greenland Ice Sheet Melt Driven by Positive Summer North Atlantic Oscillation. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 124, 7633-7646.
14.JIA F., W. -J. Cai*, L.-X. Wu*, B. -L.Gan, G. -J. Wang, F. Kucharski, P. Chang, and N. Keenlyside, 2019: Weakening Atlantic Ni?o-Pacific Connection under Greenhouse Warming. Science Advances, 5, eaax4111.
15.ZHANG X. -Z., X. -H. Ma*, and L. -X. Wu, 2019: Effect of Mesoscale Oceanic Eddies on Extratropical Cyclogenesis: A Tracking Approach. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, doi: 10.1029/2019JD030595.
16.WANG Q., W. -J. Cai, W. -X. Zhong, L. -L. Zeng, L.-X. Wu, and D. -X. Wang, 2019: Response of Southern China Winter Rainfall to El Ni?o Diversity and Its Relevance to Projected Southern China Rainfall Change. Journal of Climate, doi: 10.1175/JCLI-D-18-0571.1.
17.GU S. -F.*, Z. -Y. Liu*, Z., Lynch‐Stieglitz, J., Jahn, A., Zhang, J., Lindsay, K., and L.-X. Wu. 2019: Assessing the Ability of Zonal d18 O Contrast in Benthic Foraminifera to Reconstruct Deglacial Evolution of Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation. Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology, doi:10.1029/2019PA003564.
18.LIU Y., W. -J. Cai, C. -F. Sun, H. -M. Song, K. M. Cobb, J. -P. Li, S. W. Leavitt,L. -X. Wu, et al., 2019: Anthropogenic Aerosols Cause Recent Pronounced Weakening of Asian Summer Monsoon Relative to Last Four Centuries. Geophysical Research Letters, doi: 10.1029/2019GL082497.
19.JING Z.*, P. Chang, X. Shan, S. -P. Wang,L. -X. Wu, and J. Kurian, 2019: Mesoscale SST Dynamics in the Kuroshio-Oyashio Extension Region. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 49: 1339-1352.
20.LIU Y. -Z., Z. Jing*, and L. -X. Wu, 2019: Wind Power on Oceanic Near-Inertial Oscillations in the Global Ocean Estimated from Surface Drifters. Geophysical Research Letters, 46, doi: 10.1029/2018GL081712.
21.GAN B. -L.*, Y. Kwon, T. Joyce, K. Chen, and L. -X. Wu, 2019: Influence of the Kuroshio Interannual Variability on the Summertime Precipitation over the East China and Adjacent Area. Journal of Climate, 32: 2185-2205, doi.org/10.1175/JCLI-D-18-0538.1.
22.GENG T., Y. Yang*, and L. -X. Wu, 2019: On the Mechanisms of Pacific Decadal Oscillation Modulation in Warm Climate. Journal of Climate, 32: 1443-1459, doi: 10.1175/JCLI-D-18-0337.1.
23.GENG T., W. -J. Cai, L. -X. Wu*, and Y. Yang, 2019: Atmospheric Convection Dominates Genesis of ENSO Asymmetry.Geophysical Research Letters, 46:8387-8396.
24.CAI W. -J.*, L. -X. Wu*, and coauthors, 2019: Pantropical Climate Interactions. Science, 363: 6430.
25.YU X., S. Zhang, J. Li, L. Lu, Z. Liu, M. Li, H. Yu, G. Han, X. Lin, L. -X. Wu, and P. Chang, 2019: A Multi-Timescale EnOI-like High-Efficiency Approximate Filter for Coupled Model Data Assimilation. Journal of Advances in Modelling Earth Systems, 11: 45-63.
26.SONG Z., Z. Jing*, and L. -X. Wu, 2019: Online Isolation of Near-Inertial Internal Waves in Ocean General Circulation Models. Ocean Modelling, 134: 30-41.
27.CAI W. -J.*, G. -J. Wang, B. Dewitte, L. -X. Wu*, A. Santoso, K. Takahashi, Y. Yang, A. Carreric, and M. J. McPhaden, 2018: Increased Variability of Eastern Pacific El Ni?o under Greenhouse Warming. Nature, doi: 10.1038/s41586-018-0776-9.
28.YANG H. -Y.*, B. Qiu, P. Chang, L. -X. Wu, S. -P. Wang, Z. -H. Chen, and Y. Yang, 2018: Decadal Variability of Eddy Characteristics and Energetics in the Kuroshio Extension: Unstable Versus Stable States. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 123. doi.org/10.1029/2018JC014081.
29.JING Z.*, P. Chang, S. DiMarco, and L. -X. Wu, 2018: Observed Energy Exchange between Low-Frequency Flows and Internal Waves in the Gulf of Mexico. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 48: 995-1008.
30.YANG P. -R., Z. Jing*, and L. -X. Wu, 2018: An Assessment of Representation of Oceanic Mesoscale Eddy-Atmosphere Interaction in the Current Generation of General Circulation Models and Reanalyses. Geophysical Research Letters, doi.org/10.1029/2018GL080678.
31.WANG S. -P., Z. Jing*, H. Liu, and L. -X. Wu, 2018: Spatial and Seasonal Variations of Submesoscale Eddies in the Eastern Tropical Pacific Ocean. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 48: 101-116.
32.ZHANG L., B. -L. Gan*, L. -X. Wu, W. -J. Cai, and H. Ma, 2018: Seasonal Dependence of Coupling between Storm Tracks and Sea Surface Temperature in the Southern Hemisphere Midlatitudes: A Statistical Assessment. Journal of Climate, 31: 4055-4074, doi: 10.1175/JCLI-D-17-0196.1.
33.CAI W. -J.*, G. -J. Wang, A. Santoso, X. -P. Lin, and L. -X. Wu, 2017: Definition of Extreme El Ni?o and Its Impact on Projected Increase in Extreme El Ni?o Frequency. Geophysical Research Letters, 44: 11184-11190, doi: 10.1002/2017GL075635.
34.YANG H. -Y.*, L. -X. Wu, S. -T. Sun and Z. -H. Chen, 2017: Role of the South China Sea in regulating the North Pacific Double-Gyre system. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 47: 1555-1567, doi: 10.1175/JPO-D-16-0272.1.
35.LI R.*, Z. Jing, Z. –H. Chen, and L. -X. Wu, 2017: Response of the Kuroshio Extension Path State to Near-term Global Warming in CMIP5 Experiments with MIROC4h. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 122: 2871-2883, doi:10.1002/2016JC012468.
36.CAI W. -J., G. -J. Wang, B. -L. Gan, L. -X. Wu, A. Santoso, X. -P. Lin, Z. -H. Chen, F. Jia, and T. Yamagata, 2018: Stabilised Frequency of Extreme Positive Indian Ocean Dipole under 1.5 °C Warming.Nature Communications, doi: 10.1038/s41467-018-03789-6.
37.CHEN Z.*, B. -L. Gan, andL. -X. Wu, 2017: Response of the North Pacific Oscillation to Global Warming in the Models of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Fourth Assessment Report. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, doi:10.1007/s00343-018-7022-z.
38.CHEN Z., B. -L. Gan*, L. -X. Wu, and F. Jia, 2017: Pacific-North American Teleconnection and North Pacific Oscillation: Historical Simulation and Future Projection in CMIP5 models. Climate Dynamics, doi:10.1007/s00382-017-3881-9.
39.DUAN J., Z. -H. Chen*, and L. -X. Wu, 2017: Projected Changes of the Low-latitude North-western Pacific Wind-driven Circulation under Global Warming. Geophysical Research Letters, 44:4976-4984, doi:10.1002/2017GL073355.
40.LI R.*, Z. Jing, Z. -H. Chen, and L. -X. Wu, 2017: Response of the Kuroshio Extension Path State to Near-term Global Warming in CMIP5 Experiments with MIROC4h. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 122: 2871-2833, doi:10.1002/2016JC012468.
41.LUO B. -H., D. -H. Luo*, L. -X. Wu, L. -H. Zhong, and I. Simmonds, 2017: Atmospheric Circulation Patterns which Promote Winter Arctic Sea Ice Decline. Environmental Research Letters, 12: 1-13, doi:10.1088/1748-9326/aa69d0.
42.MA X. -H.*, P. Chang, R. Saravanan, R. Montuoro, H. Nakamura, D. -X. Wu, X. -P. Lin, and L. -X. Wu, 2017: Importance of Resolving Kuroshio Front and Eddy Influence in Simulating North Pacific Storm Track. Journal of Climate, 30: 1861-1880, doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-16-0154.1.
43.WANG G. -J., W. -J. Cai*, B. -L. Gan,L. -X. Wu*, A. Santoso, X. -P. Lin, Z. -H. Chen, and M. McPhaden, 2017: Continued Increase of Extreme El Ni?o Frequency Long after 1.5?C Warming Stabilization. Nature Climate Change, 7: 568–572, doi:10.1038/nclimate3351.
44.YANG H. -Y.*, L. -X. Wu, S. -T. Sun, and Z. -H. Chen, 2017: Selective Response of the South China Sea Circulation to Summer Monsoon. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 47:1555-1568, doi:10.1175/JPO-D-16-0288.1.
45.YANG H. -Y.*, L. -X. Wu, S. -T. Sun, and Z. -H. Chen, 2017:Role of the South China Sea in Regulating the North Pacific Double-Gyre System. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 47:1617-1635.
46.YANG Y*., S. -P. Xie,L. -X. Wu, Y. Kosaka and J. -P. Li, 2017: ENSO Forced and Local Variability of North Tropical Atlantic SST: Model Simulations and Biases. Journal of Climate, pp1-14, doi:10.1007/s00382-017-3679-9.
47.YANG Y*., S. -P. Xie,L. -X. Wu, Y. Kosaka, and J. -P. Li, 2017: Causes of Enhanced SST Variability over the Equatorial Atlantic and its Relationship to the Atlantic Zonal Mode in CMIP5. Journal of Climate, 30: 6171-6182, doi: 10.1175/JCLI-D-16-0866.1.
48.XU L. -X., S. -P. Xie, Z. Jing, L. -X. Wu, P. -L. Li, and Y. Du, 2017: Observing Subsurface Changes of Two Anticyclonic Eddies passing over the Izu-Ogasawara Ridge. Geophysical Research Letters, DOI: 10.1002/2016GL072163.
49.LI S. -J., L. -P. Zhang, and L. -X. Wu, 2017: Decadal Potential Predictability of Upper Ocean Heat Content over the Twentieth Century. Climate Dynamics, 49:3293-3307, doi:10.1007/s00382-004-0419-8.
50.GAN B. -L., L. -X. Wu, F. Jia, S. -J. Li, W. -J. Cai, H. Nakamura, M. A. Alexander, and A. J. Miller, 2017: On the Response of the Aleutian Low to Greenhouse Warming. Journal of Climate, 30:3907-3925, doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-15-0789.1.
51.CAI W. -J., K. Li, H. Liao, H. -J. Wang, and L. -X. Wu, 2017: Weather Conditions Conducive to Beijing Severe Haze More Frequent under Climate Change. Nature Climate Change, doi: 10.1038/NCLIMATE3249.
52.JING Z., L. -X. Wu, and X. -H. Ma, 2016: Energy Exchange between the Mesoscale Oceanic Eddies and Wind-Forced Near-Inertial Oscillations.Journal of Physical Oceanography, doi: 10.1175/JPO-D-16-0214.1.
53.JING Z., L. -X. Wu, X. -H. Ma, and P. Chang, 2016: Overlooked Role of Mesoscale Winds in Powering Ocean Diapycnal Mixing. Scientific Reports, doi: 10.1038/srep37180.
54.LUO D. -H., S. -H. Feng, and L. -X. Wu, 2016: The eddy-dipole Mode Interaction and the Decadal Variability of the Kuroshio Extension System. Ocean Dynamics, doi: 10.1007/s10236-016-0991-6.
55.MA X.-H., Z. Jing, P. Chang, X. Liu, R. Montuoro, R. J. Small, F. O. Bryan, R. J. Greatbatch, P. Brandt, D. -X. Wu, X.-P. Lin, and L.-X. Wu, 2016: Western Boundary Currents Regulated by Interaction Between Ocean Eddies and the Atmosphere. Nature, doi:10.1038/nature 18640.
56.ZHANG L., H. Ma, and L. -X. Wu, 2015: Dynamics and Mechanisms of Decadal Variability of Pacific-South America Mode over the 20th Century. Climate Dynamics, 46:1-11.
57.JING Z., L.-X. Wu, and X. -H. Ma, 2015: Sensitivity of Near-intertial Internal Waves to Spatial Interpolations of Wind Stress in Ocean General Circulation Models. Ocean Modelling, 104:15-21.
58.JIA F., L.-X. Wu, B. -L. Gan, and W. -J. Cai, 2015: Global Warming Attenuates the Tropical Atlantic-Pacific Teleconnection. Scientific Reports, doi:10.1038/srep20078.
59.JING Z., P. Chang, Steven F. DiMarco, and L. -X. Wu, 2015: Role of Near-Inertial Internal Waves in Sub-thermocline Diapycnal Mixing in the Northern Gulf of Mexico. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 45(12):**9007.
60.YANG Y., S. -P. Xie, L. -X. Wu, Yu Kosaka, Ngar-Cheung Lau, and Gabriel Vecchi, 2015: Seasonality and Predictability of the Indian Ocean Dipole Mode: ENSO Forcing and Internal Variability. Journal of Climate, 28:**0005.
61.CAI W. -J., A. Santoso, G. -J. Wang, S. Yeh, S. An, K. Cobb, M. Collins, E. Guilyardi, F. Jin, J. Kug, M. Lengaigne, M. J. McPhaden, K Takahashi, A. Timmermann, G. Vecchi, M. Watanabe, and L. -X. Wu, 2015: ENSO and Greenhouse Warming. Nature Climate Change, doi: 10.1038/NCLIMATE2743.
62.CHEN Z. -H., and L. -X. Wu, 2015: Seasonal Variation of the Pacific South Equatorial Current Bifurcation. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 45: 1757-1770.
63.CHEN Z. -H., L. -X. Wu, B. Qiu, D. -X. Hu, C. -Y. Liu, F. Jia, and X. Liang, 2015: Strengthening Kuroshio Observed at Its Origin during November 2010 to October 2012. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, doi: 10.1002/2014JC010590.
64.YANG H. -Y., L. -X. Wu, S. -T. Sun and Z. -H. Chen, 2015: Low-Frequency Variability of Monsoon-Driven Circulation with Application to the South China Sea. Journal of Physical Oceanography, doi: 10.1175/JPO-D-14-0212.1
65.MA X. -H., P. Chang*, R. Saravanan, R. Montuoro, J. Hsieh, D. -X. Wu, X. -P. Lin, L. -X. Wu, and Z. Jing, 2015: Distant Influence of Kuroshio Eddies on North Pacific Weather Patterns. Scientific Reports, 5, 17785.
66.JING Z., and L. -X. Wu, 2014: Intensified Turbulent Diapycnal Mixing in Midlatitude Western Boundary Currents. Scientific Reports, 4, doi:10.1038/srep07412.
67.HU D. -X., L. -X. Wu, W. -J. Cai, and coauthors, 2015: Pacific Western Boundary Currents and Their Roles in Climate. Nature, 522: 299-308.
68.CAI W. -J., G. -J. Wang, A. Santoso, M. McPhaden, L. -X. Wu, F. -F. Jin, A. Timmermann , M. Collins, G. Vecchi, M. Lengaigne, M. England, D.Dommenget, K.Takahashi, E. Guilyardi, 2014: More Frequent Extreme La Ni?a Events under Greenhouse Warming. Nature Climate Change, 5: 132-137.
69.QIU B., S. -M. Chen, L. -X. Wu, and S. Kida, 2014: Wind- versus Eddy-Forced Regional Sea Level Trends and Variability in the North Pacific Ocean. Journal of Climate, doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-14-00479.1, 28: 1561-1577.
70.YANG C. -X, B. Giese, and L. -X. Wu, 2014: El Ni?o Southern Oscillation in an Ensemble Ocean Reanalysis and Coupled Climate Models. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, doi: 10.1002/jgrc.20284.
71.YANG Y., and L. -X. Wu, 2014: Changes of Air-Sea Coupling in the North Atlantic over the 20th Century. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 32: 445-456.
72.WELLER E., W.-J. Cai, S.-K. Min, L.-X. Wu, K. Ashok, and T. Yamagata, 2014: More-frequent Extreme Northward Shifts of Eastern Indian Ocean Tropical Convergence under Greenhouse Warming. Scientific Reports, 4, doi:10.1038/srep06087.
73.KIM S.-T., W.-J. Cai, F.-F. Jin, A. Santoso, L.-X. Wu, E. Guilyardi, and S.-I. An, 2014: Response of El Ni?o Sea Surface Temperature Variability to Greenhouse Warming. Nature Climate Change, doi:10.1038/nclimate2326.
74.DUAN J., Z.-H. Chen, and L.-X. Wu, 2014: Study on Intraseasonal Variation of Current at the Source Region of Kuroshio by Analyzing the Buoy Observation Data. Advances in Earth Science, 29, 523-530. (in Chinese)
75.HONG L.-Y., L.-P. Zhang, Z.-H. Chen, and L.-X. Wu, 2014: Linkage between the Pacific Decadal Oscillation and the Low Frequency Variability of the Pacific Subtropical Cell. Journal of Geophysical Research, doi: 10.1002/2013JC009650.
76.CAI W.-J., A. Santoso, G.-J. Wang, E. Weller, L.-X. Wu, K. Ashok, Y. Masumoto, and T. Yamagata, 2014: Increased frequency of extreme Indian Ocean Dipole events due to Greenhouse Warming. Nature, doi:10.1038/nature13327.
77.JING Z., L.-X. Wu, D.-X. Wu, and B. Qiu, 2014: Enhanced 2-Hour-8-Day Oscillations Associated With Tropical Instability Waves. Journal of Physical Oceanography, doi: 10.1175/JPO-D-13-0189.1.
78.CHEN Z.-H., L.-X. Wu, B. Qiu, S.-T. Sun, and F. Jia, 2014: Seasonal Variation of the South Equatorial Current Bifurcation off Madagascar. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 44: 631-648.
79.WANG C.-Z., L. -P. Zhang, S. LEE, L.-X. Wu, and C. Mechoso, 2014: A Global Perspective on CMIP5 Climate Model Biases. Nature Climate Change, doi: 10.138/NCLIMATE2118.
80.CAI W.-J., S. Borlace, M. Lengaigne, P. Rensch, M. Collins, G. Vecchi, A. Timmermann, A. Santoso, M. McPhaden, L.-X. Wu, M. England, G. -J. Wang, E. Guilyardi, and F. -F. Jin, 2014: Increasing Frequency of Extreme El Ni?o Events due to Greenhouse Warming. Nature Climate Change, doi: 10.138/NCLIMATE2100.
81.FANG C.-F., L.-X. Wu, and X. Zhang, 2014, The Impact of Global Warming on the Pacific Decadal Oscillation and the Possible Mechanism. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 31: 118-130.
82.GAN B.-L. and L.-X. Wu, 2014: Feedbacks of Sea Surface Temperature to Wintertime Storm Tracks in the North Atlantic. Journal of Climate, doi: 10.1175/JCLI-D-13-00719.1.
83.GAN B.-L. and L.-X. Wu, 2014: Centennial Trends in Northern Hemisphere Winter Storm Tracks over the Twentieth Century. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 140: 1945-1957.
84.JING Z., and L.-X. Wu, 2013: Low-Frequency Modulation of Turbulent Diapycnal Mixing by Anticyclonic Eddies Inferred from the HOT Time Series. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 43: 824-835.
85.SUN S.-T., L.-X. Wu, and B. Qiu, 2013: Response of the Inertial Recirculation to Intensified Stratification in a Two-Layer Quasigeostrophic Ocean Circulation Model. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 43: 1254-1269.
86.WU L.-X., Z.-H. Chen, 2013: Advances and Challenges in Physical Oceanography Observation. Advances in Earth Science, 28: 542-551. (in Chinese)
87.BADIN G., R. Williams, Z. Jing, and L.-X. Wu, 2013: Water-mass Transformations in the Southern Ocean Diagnosed from Observations: contrasting effects of air-sea fluxes and diapycnal mixing. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 43: 1472-1484.
88.YANG H.-Y., L.-X. Wu, H.-L. Liu, and Y.-Q. Yu, 2013: Oceans Eddy Energy Sources and Sinks in the South China Sea. Journal of Geophysical Research, 118: 4716-4726.
89.HU D.-X., S. -J. Hu, L.-X. Wu, L. Lei, L.-L. Zhang, X. -Y. Diao, Z.-H. Chen, Y.-L. Li, F. Wang and D. -G. Yuan, 2013: Direct Measurements of the Luzon Undercurrent. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 43: 1417-1425.
90.JIA F. and L.-X. Wu, 2013: A Study of Response of Equatorial Pacific SST to Doubled-CO2 Dorcing in the Coupled CAM-1.5 Layer Reduced-gravity Ocean Model. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 43: 1288–1300.
91.ZHANG L.-P, L.-X. Wu, and B.-L. Gan, 2013: Modes and Mechanisms of Global Water Vapor over the 20th Century. Journal of Climate, 26: 5578–5593.
92.GAN B.-L. andL.-X. Wu, 2013: Seasonal and Long-term Coupling between Wintertime Storm Tracks and Sea Surface Temperature in the North Pacific. Journal of Climate, 43: 1254-1269.
93.LIANHG X. and L.-X. Wu, 2013: Effects of Solar Penetration on the Annual Cycle of SST in the North Pacific. Journal of Geophysical Research, 118: 2793-2801.
94.LI C., and L.-X. Wu, 2013: Dynamic Linkage between the North Pacific and the Tropical Pacific: Atmosphere–ocean coupling. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 30: 306-314.
95.MA H., L.-X. Wu, and Li, Z.-Q., 2013: Impact of Freshening over the Southern Ocean on ENSO. Atmospheric Science Letters, 14: 28-33.
96.LI C., L.-X. Wu, and S.-P. Xie, 2013: Impacts of Interhemispheric Asymmetric Thermal Forcing on Tropical Pacific Climate: Surface Air–Sea Coupling and Subduction. Journal of Climate, 26: 575-582.
97.CHEN Z.-H. and L.-X. Wu, 2012: Long-term change of the Pacific North Equatorial Current bifurcation in SODA. Journal of Geophysical Research, 117, C06016.
98.GAN B. -L. and L.-X. Wu, 2012: Modulation of Atmospheric Response to North Pacific SST Anomalies under Global Warming.Journal of Climate, 25: 6554-6566.
99.GAN B.-L. and L.-X. Wu, 2012: Possible Origins of the Western Pacific warm pool decadal variability. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 29: 169-176.
100.LIU C.-Y. and L.-X. Wu, 2012: An Intensification Trend of South Pacific Mode Water Subduction rRates over the 20th Century. Journal of Geophysical Research, 117, C07009.
101.WU L.-X., W.-J. Cai, L. -P. Zhang, H. Nakamura, A. Timmermann, T. Joyce, M.J. McPhaden, M. Alexander, B. Qiu, M. Visbeck, and P. Chang, 2012: Enhanced Warming over the Global Subtropical Western Boundary Currents. Nature Climate Change, 2: 161-166.
102.YANG H. and L.-X. Wu, 2012: Trends of Upper-layer Circulation in the South China Sea during 1959–2008. Journal of Geophysical Research, 117, C08037.
103.YANG Y.-J., L.-X. Wu, and C. -F. Fang, 2012: Will Global Warming Suppress North Atlantic Tripole Decadal Variability? Journal of Climate, 25: 2040-2055.
104.ZHANG L. -P. and L.-X. Wu, 2012: Can Oceanic Freshwater Flux Amplify Global Warming? Journal of Climate, 25 (9): 3417-3430.
105.ZHANG L.-P., C. -Z. Wang and L.-X. Wu, 2012: Low-Frequency Modulation of the Atlantic Warm Pool by the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation. Climate Dynamics, 39: 1661-1671.
106.CHEN Z.-H. and L.-X. Wu, 2011: Dynamics of the Seasonal Variation of the North Equatorial Current Bifurcation. Journal of Geophysical Research, 116, C02018.
107.JIA F., L.-X. Wu, and B. Qiu, 2011: Seasonal Modulation of Eddy Kinetic Energy and Its Formation Mechanism in the Southeast Indian Ocean. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 41: 657-665.
108.JIA F., L.-X. Wu, J. Lan and B. Qiu, 2011: Interannual Modulation of Eddy Kinetic Energy in the Southeast Indian Ocean by Southern Annular Mode. Journal of Geophysical Research, 116, C02029.
109.JING Z., L.-X. Wu, L. Li, C. -Y. Liu, X. Liang, Z.-H. Chen, D. -X. Hu, and Q.-Y. Liu, 2011: Turbulent Diapycnal Mixing in the Subtropical Northwestern Pacific: Spatial-Seasonal Variations and Role of Eddies. Journal of Geophysical Research, 116, C10028.
110.LI C., L.-X. Wu, and P. Chang,2011: A Far-Reaching Footprint of the Tropical Pacific Meridional Mode on the Summer Rainfall over the Yellow River Loop Valley. Journal of Climate, 24: 2585-2598.
111.MA H. and L.-X. Wu, 2011: Global Teleconnections in Response to Freshening over the Antarctic Ocean. Journal of Climate, 24: 1071-1088.
112.WU L.-X., Z. Jing, S. Riser and M. Visbeck, 2011: Seasonal and spatial variations of Southern Ocean diapycnal mixing from Argo profiling floats. Nature Geoscience, 4, 363-366.
113.ZHANG L-P., L.-X. Wu, and J.-X Zhang, 2011: Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Responses to Recent Freshwater Flux Changes over the Kuroshio-Oyashio Extension Region. Journal of Climate, 24: 1507-1524.
114.ZHANG L.-P, L.-X. Wu, and J. -X. Zhang, 2011: Simulated Response to Recent Freshwater Flux Change over the Gulf Stream and Its Extension: Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Adjustment and Atlantic-Pacific Teleconnection. Journal of Climate, 24: 3971–3988.
115.ZHANG L.-P., L. -X Wu, and L. -S.Yu, 2011: Oceanic Origin of a Recent La Nina-Like Trend in the Tropical Pacific. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 28: 1-9.
116.JING, Z., and L.-X. Wu, 2010: Seasonal Variation of Turbulent Diapycnal Mixing in the Northwestern Pacific Stirred by Wind Stress. Geophysical Research Letters, 37, L23604.
117.MA H., L.-X. Wu, and C. Li, 2010: The Roles of Southern High Latitude Wind Stress in Global Climate. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 27: 371–381.
118.WU L.-X., Y. Sun, J. Zhang, L. Zhang, and S. Minobe, 2010: Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Response to Idealized Freshwater Forcing over the Western Tropical Pacific. Journal of Climate, 23: 1945-1954.
119.WU S., L.-X. Wu, Q. Liu, and S.-P. Xie, 2010: Development Processes of the Tropical Pacific Meridional Mode. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 27: 95-99.
120.ZHANG L., L.-X. Wu, X. Lin, and D. Wu, 2010: Modes and Mechanisms of Sea Surface Temperature Low-frequency Variations over the Coastal China Seas. Journal of Geophysical Research, 115, C08031.
121.ZHANG H., and L.-X. Wu, 2010: Predicting North Atlantic Sea Surface Temperature Variability on the Basis of the First-mode Baroclinic Rossby Wave Model. Journal of Geophysical Research, 115, C09030.
122.LI C., L.-X. Wu, L. Qu, Q. Wang and L. Zhang, 2009: An Intimate Coupling of Ocean-atmospheric Interaction over the Extratropical North Atlantic and Pacific. Climate Dynamics, 32, 753-765.
123.YANG J., Q. Liu, Z. Liu, L.-X. Wu, and F. Huang, 2009: Basin Mode of Indian Ocean Sea Surface Temperature and Northern Hemisphere Circumglobal Teleconnection. Geophysical Research Letters, 36, L19705.
124.FANG C. and L.-X. Wu, 2008: The Role of Ocean Dynamics in Tropical Pacific SST Response to Warm Climate in a Fully Coupled GCM. Geophysical Research Letters, 35, L08703.
125.WU L.-X., C. Li, C. Yang, and S.-P. Xie, 2008: Global Teleconnections in Response to a Shutdown of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation. Journal of Climate, 21, 3002-3019.
126.LIU Z, Y. Liu, L.-X. Wuand R. Jacob, 2007: Seasonal and Long-term Atmospheric Responses to Reemerging North Pacific Ocean Variability: A Combined Dynamical and Statistical Assessment. Journal of Climate, 20, 955-980.
127.WU L.-X., F. He, Z. Liu and C. Li, 2007: Atmospheric Teleconnections of Tropical Atlantic Variability: Interhemispheric, Tropical-extratropical, and Cross-basin Interactions. Journal of Climate, 20, 856-870.
128.WU L.-X., and C. Li, 2007: Warming of the North Pacific Ocean: Local Air-sea Coupling and Remote Climatic Impacts. Journal of Climate, 20, 2581-2601.
129.WU L.-X., Z. Liu, C. Li and Y. Sun, 2007: Extratropical Control of Recent Tropical Pacific Decadal Climate Variability: A Relay Teleconnection. Climate Dynamics, 28, 99-112.
130.WU L.-X., Q. Liu, D. Hu, C. Li, J. Zuo, Y. Yu, C. Sun and Q. Wang, 2007: Variability of Subtropical North Pacific Ocean Circulation and its Impacts on Dynamic Environment of China Marginal Seas. Advances in Earth Sciences, 22, 1224-1230. (in Chinese)
131.YANG J., Q. Liu, S.-P. Xie, Z. Liu and L.-X. Wu, 2007: Impact of the Indian Ocean SST Basin Mode on the Asian Summer Monsoon. Geophysical Research Letters, 34, L02708.
132.WU L.-X., D. Lee, and Z. Liu, 2005: The 1976/77 North Pacific Climate Regime Shift: The Role of Subtropical Ocean Adjustment and Coupled Ocean-atmosphere Feedbacks. Journal of Climate, 18, 5125-5140.
133.WU L.-X., and Z. Liu, 2005: North Atlantic Decadal Variability: Air-Sea Coupling, Oceanic Memory, and Potential Northern Hemisphere Resonance. Journal of Climate, 18, 331-349.
134.WU L.-X., F. He, and Z. Liu, 2005: Coupled Ocean-atmosphere Response to North Tropical Atlantic SST: Tropical Atlantic Dipole and ENSO. Geophysical Research Letters, 32, L21712.
135.WU L.-X., Z. Liu, Y. Liu, Q. Liu and X. Liu, 2005: Potential Global Climatic Impacts of the North Pacific Ocean. Geophysical Research Letters, 32, L24710.
136.LIU Z., and L. -X. Wu, 2004: Atmospheric Response to North Pacific SST: The Role of Ocean–Atmosphere Coupling.Journal of Climate,17(9), 1859-1882.
137.WU L. -X., Q. Zhang, and Z. Liu, 2004: Toward Understanding Tropical Atlantic Variability Using Coupled Modeling Surgery, in Earth's Climate: The Ocean-Atmosphere Interaction.Geophys. Monogr.Ser., vol.147, edited by C. Wang, S.-P.Xie, and J. A. Carton, pp. 157–170, AGU, Washington, D. C.
138.LIU Z., Q. Zhang, and L. -X. Wu, 2004: Remote Impact on Tropical Atlantic Climate Variability: Statistical Assessment and Dynamic Assessment.Journal of Climate,17(7), 1529-1549.
139.WANG D., J. Wang, L. -X. Wu, and Z. Liu, 2003:Relative Importance of Wind and Buoyancy Forcing for Interdecadal Regime Shifts in the Pacific.Science in China,46(5), 417-427.
140.WANG D., J. Wang, L. - X. Wu, and Z. Liu, 2003: Regime Shifts in the North Pacific Simulated by a COADS-driven Isopycnal Model.Advances in Atmospheric Sciences,20(5), 743-754.
141.WU L. -X., Z. Liu, R. Gallimore, R. Jacob, D. Lee, and Y. Zhong, 2003: Pacific Decadal Variability: the Tropical Pacific Mode and the North Pacific Mode.Journal of Climate,16(8), 1101-1120.
142.WU L. -X., and Z. Liu, 2003: Decadal Variability in the North Pacific: the Eastern North Pacific Mode.Journal of Climate,16(19), 3111-3131.
143.WU L.-X., and Z. Liu, 2003: On the Dynamics of North Atlantic Decadal Variability.Clivar Exchange,28.
144.LIU Z., L. -X. Wu, R. Gallimore, and R. Jacob, 2002: Search for the Origins of Pacific Decadal Climate Variability.Geophysical Research Letters,29(10), 1404.
145.WU L. -X., and Z. Liu, 2002: Is Tropical Atlantic Variability Driven by the North Atlantic Oscillation?Geophysical Research Letters,29(13), 1653.
146.WU L. -X., and Z. Liu, 2002: Dynamical Control of Pacific Low-frequency Oceanic Variability on the Western bBoundary and Marginal Seas.Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics,96(3), 201-222.
147.WU L. -X., Q. Zhang, and Z. Liu, 2002: Searching for the Role of ENSO in the Tropical Atlantic Variability.Clivar Exchanges,25(7).
148.WU L. -X., Z. Liu and R. Gallimore, 2001: Pacific Interdecadal Variability in a Coupled Codel.Dynamics of Atmospheric and Oceanic Circulations and Climate, ed. B. Wang, China Meteological Press, 486-507, Beijing.
149.LIU Z., J. Kutzbach, and L. -X. Wu, 2000: Modeling Climatic Shift of El Nino in the Holocene.Geophysical Research Letters,27(15), 2265-2268.
150.WU L. -X., and Z. Liu, 2000: Kelvin Wave and Rossby Wave Interaction in the Extratropical-tropical Pacific.Geophysical Research Letters,27(9), 1259-1262.
151.LIU Z., and L. -X. Wu, 2000: Tropical Atlantic variability in a Coupled GCM.Atmospheric Science Letters,1(1), 26–36. doi: 10.1006/asle.2000.0003.
152.LIU Z., L. -X. Wu, and E. Bayler, 1999: Rossby Wave-coastal Kelvin Wave Interaction in the Extratropics. Part I: Low-frequency Adjustment in a Closed Basin.Journal of Physical Oceanography,29(9), 2382-2404.
153.LIU Z., L. -X. Wu, and H. Hurlburt, 1999: Rossby Wave-coastal Kelvin Wave Interaction in the Extratropics. Part II: Formation of Island Circulation.Journal of Physical Oceanography,29(9), 2405-2418.
154.WU L. -X., Z. Liu, and H.Hurlburt, 1999: The Effect of Continental Slope on Buoyancy-driven Circulation.Journal of Physical Oceanography,29(8), 1881-1891.
155.WU L.-X., Z. Liu, and H. Hurlburt, 1999: The Effect of North-south Gyre Width on the Inertial Recirculation.Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics,91(1), 45-63.

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