

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-11-26

2010年本科毕业于中国海洋大学海洋科学专业,2012年获得中国海洋大学物理海洋学硕士学位,2016年获得美国德州农工大学海洋学博士学位;2016-2017年于美国德州农工大学海洋系作博士后研究。2017年至今任职于中国海洋大学物理海洋教育部重点实验室,教授。亚洲大洋洲地球科学协会(AOGS)Kamide Lecture奖、国家自然科学基金优秀青年科学基金获得者,山东省“泰山****”青年专家,兼任国际CLIVAR模式发展工作组成员。

  主要从事海洋中小尺度动力过程和湍流混合研究,在Nature、Nature Geoscience、Science Advances、Journal of Physical Oceanography等国际权威SCI期刊上发表论文近30篇,取得了多项重要原创性成果,担任国家南海调查航次首席科学家,科技部重点研发计划课题负责人。其主要学术贡献包括:(1)系统阐释了风能否驱动以及如何驱动深海大洋混合这一困扰学界多年的关键科学问题;(2)在国际上率先利用新型Argo Iridium浮标的观测结果对南大洋混合进行了研究,将目前国际上深海大洋混合研究从以间歇性局部的断面调查推向了持续性覆盖全球的观测研究的新时期;(3)阐明了海洋涡旋垂向热输送的生成机制、变异机理及其对海洋锋面的维持作用,发展建立了涡旋垂向热输送与海气通量间的耦合动力框架。

1. Jing.,Z., S. Wang, L. Wu*, P. Chang, Q. Zhang, B. Sun, X. Ma, B. Qiu, J. Small, F. Jin, Z. Chen, B. Gan, Y. Yang, H. Yang and X. Wan (2020), Maintenance of Midlatitude Oceanic Fronts by Mesoscale Eddies, Science Advances, 6, eaba7880.
2. Shan, X., Z. Jing*, B. Gan, L. Wu, P. Chang, X. Ma, S. Wang, Z. Chen and H. Yang (2020), Surface Heat Flux Induced by Mesoscale Eddies Cools the Kuroshio-Oyashio Extension Region, Geophys. Res. Lett., 47,2019GL086050.
3. Wang, S., Z. Jing*, Q. Zhang, P. Chang, Z. Chen, H. Liu, and L. Wu (2019) Ocean Eddy Energetics in the Spectral Space as Revealed by High-Resolution General Circulation Models. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 49, 2815–2827,
4. Jing, Z.*,P. Chang, X. Shan, S. Wang, L. Wu and J. Kurian (2019), Mesoscale SST Dynamics in the Kuroshio-Oyashio Extension Region,J. Phys. Oceanogr., 49,1339-1352.
5. Liu, Y., Z. Jing*and L. Wu (2019), Wind Power on Oceanic Near-Inertial Oscillations in the Global Ocean Estimated from Surface Drifters,Geophys. Res. Lett., 46,2647-2653.
6. Song, Z., Z. Jing*, and L. Wu (2019), Online Isolation of Near-Inertial Internal Waves in Ocean General Circulation Models, Ocean Model, 134, 30-41.
7. Yang, P., Z. Jing*, and L. Wu (2018), An Assessment of Representation of Oceanic Mesoscale Eddy-Atmosphere Interaction in the Current Generation of General Circulation Models and Reanalyses, Geophys. Res. Lett., 45,11,856–11,865.
8. Jing, Z.*, P. Chang, S. DiMarco and L. Wu (2018), Observed Energy Exchange between Low-Frequency Flows and Internal Waves in the Gulf of Mexico,J. Phys. Oceanogr., 48,995-1008.
9. Wang, S., Z. Jing*, H. Liu, and L. Wu (2018), Spatial and Seasonal Variations of Submesoscale Eddies in the Eastern Tropical Pacific Ocean, J. Phys. Oceanogr., 48, 101-116.
10. Jing, Z.*, L. Wu, and X. Ma (2017), Energy Exchange between the Mesoscale Oceanic Eddies and Wind-Forced Near-Inertial Oscillations, J. Phys. Oceanogr., 47,721-733.
11. Li., F., H. Sang, and Z. Jing*(2017), Quantify the Continuous Dependence of SST-Turbulent Heat Flux Relationship on Spatial Scales, Geophys. Res. Lett., 446326–6333.
12.Liu, Y., Z. Jing, and L. Wu (2017), The variation of turbulent diapycnal mixing at 18°N in the South China Sea stirred by wind stress, Acta Oceanol. Sin., 36,26-30.
13. Xu, L., S-P. Xie, Z. Jing, and coauthors (2017), Observing subsurface changes of two anticyclonic eddies passing over the Izu-Ogasawara Ridge: Changes of eddies passing over Izu Ridge, Geophys. Res. Lett., 44,1857–1865.
14. Li, R., Z. Jing, Z. Chen, and L. Wu (2017), Response of the Kuroshio Extension path state to near-term global warming in CMIP5 experiments with MIROC4h, J. Geophys. Res.,122,2871–2883.
15. Jing, Z.*, L. Wu, X. Ma, and P. Chang (2016), Overlooked Role of Mesoscale Winds in Powering Ocean Diapycnal Mixing, Sci. Rep., 6,37180.
16. Ma, X., Z. Jing, P. Chang, X. Liu, R. Montuoro, R.J. Small, F. Bryan, R. Greatbatch, P. Brandt, D. Wu, X. Lin, and L. Wu (2016), Western Boundary Currents Regulated by Interaction Between Ocean Eddies and the Atmosphere, Nature, 535,533-537.
17. Jing, Z.* and P. Chang (2016), Modulation of Small-Scale Superinertial Internal Waves by Near-Inertial Internal Waves, J. Phys. Oceanogr., 46,3529-3548.
18. Jing, Z.*, L. Wu, and X. Ma (2016), Sensitivity of Near-Inertial Internal Waves to Spatial Interpolations of Wind Stress in Ocean Generation Circulation Models, Ocean Model., 99, 15-21.
19. Ma, X., P. Chang, R. Saravanan, R. Montuoro, J. Hsieh, D. Wu, X. Lin, L. Wu, and Z. Jing (2015), Distant Influence of Kuroshio Eddies on North Pacific Weather Patterns?, Sci. Rep., 5, 17785.
20. Jing, Z.*, P. Chang, S. Dimarco, and L. Wu (2015), Role of Near-inertial internal waves in subthermocline diapycnal mixing in the northern Gulf of Mexico, J. Phys. Oceanogr., 45,3137-3154.
21. Jing, Z.*, L. Wu, and X. Ma (2015), Improve the simulations of near-inertial internal waves in the ocean general circulation models, J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 32, 1960–1970.
22. Jing, Z.*, and L. Wu (2014), Intensified diapycnal mixing in the midlatitude western boundary currents, Sci. Rep., 4, 7412.
23. Jing, Z.*, L. Wu, D. Wu, and B. Qiu (2014), Enhanced 2-h–8-day oscillations associated with tropical instability waves, J. Phys. Oceanogr., 44, 1908–1918.
24. Jing, Z.* and L. Wu (2013), Low-frequency modulation of turbulent diapycnal mixing by anticyclonic eddies inferred from the HOT time series, J. Phys. Oceanogr., 43, 824–835.
25. Badin, G., R. Williams, Z. Jing, and L. Wu (2013), Water-mass transformations in the Southern Ocean diagnosed from observations: contrasting effects of air-sea fluxes and diapycnal mixing, J. Phys. Oceanogr., 43, 1472–1484.
26. Jing, Z.*, and coauthors (2011), Turbulent diapycnal mixing in the subtropical Northwestern Pacific: spatial-seasonal variations and role of eddies, J. Geophys. Res., 116, C10028 .
27. Wu, L., Z. Jing, S. Riser and M. Visbeck (2011), Seasonal and spatial variations of Southern Ocean diapycnal mixing from Argo profiling floats, Nature Geosci., 4, 363-366.
28. Jing, Z.,and L. Wu (2010), Seasonal variation of turbulent diapycnal mixing in the northwestern Pacific stirred by wind stress, Geophys. Res. Lett., 37, L23604.

山东省青岛市崂山区松岭路238号中国海洋大学物理海洋教育部重点实验室 邮编:266100
Email: jingzhao@ouc.edu.cn

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