

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-11-26

1999-2002, 副研究员,国家海洋局第一海洋研究所,地球流体力学和数值模拟重点实验室;

  主要从事海洋环流与气候变化研究,包括海洋年代际变异机制、海气相互作用、全球海平面变化、极地海洋与全球气候变化关系等方面。揭示了海洋热量分配对气候年代际变异的调控作用,提出了关于1998-2012年间全球气候变暖“减缓”的一种新机制;发现格陵兰冰盖加速融化是导致近十年全球海平面加速上升的主要原因,指出影响全球海平面上升的关键过程正由热膨胀转变为冰盖融化;揭示了观测数据中太平洋PDO与ENSO之间的相互关系及其对全球气候变化的贡献,为认识太平洋年代际变异机制提供了新思路。近五年来在Nature、Science、Nature Climate Change、Journal of Climate等杂志发表论文14篇。

1. Chen, X. Y.,and K.-K. Tung (2018), Global surface warming enhanced by weak Atlantic overturning circulation, Nature, 559, 387-391, doi:10.1038/s41586-018-0320.
2. Tung, K.-K., X. Y. Chen, J. S. Zhou, and K.-F. Li (2018), Interdecadal variabiltiy in pan-Pacific and global SST, revisited, Climate Dynamics, doi:10.1007/s00382-018-4240-1
3. Chen, X. Y.,and K.-K. Tung (2018), Global mean surface temperature variability: space-time perspective from rotated EOFs, Climate Dynamics, 51, 1719-1732, doi:10.1007/s00382-017-3970-0.
4. Tung, K.-K., and X. Y. Chen (2018), Understanding the recent global surface warming slowdown: A Review, Climate, 6, doi:10.3390/cli**.
5. Wang, J. P., and X. Y. Chen (2018), Intercomparison of the Extended Reconstructed Sea Surface Temperature v4 and v3b Datasets, J. Ocean Univ. China, 17, 209-218.
6. Chen, X. Y.,X. B. Zhang, J. A. Church, C. S. Watson, M. A. King, D. Monselesan, B. Legresy, and C. Harig (2017), The increasing rate of global mean sea-level rise during 1993-2014, Nature Climate Change, 7, 492-495, doi:10.1038/nclimate3325.
7. Chen, X. Y., J. M.Wallace, and K.-K. Tung (2017), Pairwise-rotated EOFs of global SST, J. Climate, 30, 5473-5489, doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-16-0786.1.
8. Chen, X. Y., and K.-K. Tung (2016), Variations in ocean heat uptake during the surface warming hiatus, Nature Communications, doi:10.1038/ncomms12541.
9. Chen, X. Y., and J. M. Wallace (2016), Orthogonal PDO and ENSO indices,J. Climate, 29, 3883-3892.
10. Chen, X. Y., and J. M. Wallace (2015), ENSO-like variability: 1900-2013, J. Climate, 28, 9623-9641.
11. Feng, Y., X. Y. Chen, Q. Wang, and Y. Yuan (2015), Mesoscale characteristics of Antarctic Intermediate water in the South Pacific, Acta. Oceanol. Sin., 34, 91-101.
12. Chen, X. Y., and K. K. Tung (2014), Varying planetary heat sink led to global-warming slowdown and acceleration, Science, 345, 897-903, doi:10.1126/science.**.
13. Chen, X. Y., Y. Feng, and N. E. Huang (2014), Global sea level trend during 1993-2012, Global Plan. Change, 112C, 26-32, doi:10.1016/j.gloplacha. 2013.11.001.
14. He, J. J., M. Zhang, X. Y. Chen, and M. Wang (2014), Intercomparison of seasonal variability and nonlinear trend between AERONET aerosol optical depth and PM10 mass concentrations in Hong Kong, Sci. China, Earth Sciences, 57, 2606-2615.
15. Chen, X. Y., M. Wang, Y. L. Zhang, Y. Feng, Z. Wu, and N. E. Huang (2013),Detectingsignalsfromdatawithnoise:theoryandapplications,J.Atmos.Sci.,70, 1489-1504, doi:10.1175/JAS-D-12-0213.1.
16. Zhang,M.,J.M.Chen,X.Y.Chen,T.T.Cheng,Y.L.Zhang,H.F.Zhang,A.J. Ding,M.Wang,and A.Mellouki(2013),UrbanAerosolCharacteristicsduring the World Expo 2010 in Shanghai. Aerosol Air Quality Res.,2012, 13, 36-48.
17. Chen,X.Y.,Y.L.Zhang,M.Zhang,Y.Feng,Z.H.Wu,F.L.Qiao,andN.E. Huang(2013),IntercomparisonbetweenObservedandSimulatedVariability in GlobalOcean HeatContentusing Empirical ModeDecomposition, PartI: ModulatedAnnual Cycle, Clim. Dyn., 41, No. 11-12, 2797-2815, doi: 10.1007/s00382-012-1554-2.
18. Shao,Q.L.,X.Y.Chen,andR.Huang(2012),EffectsofDrakePassageonocean circulation:Aboxmodelstudy,Sci.ChinaEarthSci.,56, No. 9, 1588-1598 doi:10.1007/s11430-012-4571-4.
19. Yin,X.Q.,F.L.Qiao,Y.Z.Yang,C.S.Xia,andX.Y.Chen(2012),Argodata assimilationinoceangeneralcirculationmodelofNorthwest PacificOcean,Ocean Dyn.62,doi:10.1007/s1023-6-012-0549-1,1059-1071.
20. Guo,J.S.,X.Y.Chen,J.Sprintall,B.H.Guo,F.L.Qiao,andY.L.Yuan(2011), Surfaceinflowinto theSouthChinaSeathrough theLuzon Straitinwinter,Chin. J. Oceanol.Limnol., 30, 163-168.
21. Wu,Z.,N.E.Huang,J.M.Wallace,B.Smoliak,andX.Y.Chen(2011),Onthe time-varyingtrend inglobal-meansurfacetemperature,Clim.Dyn., 37, No.3-4,759-773, doi:10.1007/s00382-011-1128-8.
22. Huang, N. E.,X.Y. Chen, M. Lo,and Z. Wu (2011),On Hilbertspectral representation:Atruetime-frequencyrepresentation fornonlinearand nonstationary data, AADA, 3, 63-93.
23. Wu,Z.,N.E.Huang,andX.Y.Chen(2011),Someconsiderationsonphysical analysis data, AADA, 3,95-113.
24. Chen,X.Y.,Z.H.Wu,andN.E.Huang(2010),Thetime-dependentintrinsic correlation based on theempirical mode decomposition, AADA, 2, 233-265.
25. Wang,G.,X.Y.Chen,F.L.Qiao,Z.H.Wu,andN.E.Huang(2010),On intrinsic mode function,AADA, 2, 277-293.
26. Wu, Z. H.,N. E. Huang, and X. Y.Chen(2009), Themulti-dimensional ensemble empirical mode decomposition method, AADA, 1, 339-372.
27. Chen,X.Y.,F.L.Qiao,Q.Wang,X.H.Wang,andY.L.Yuan(2008),Barrier and compensationlayersin the EastChina Sea,Acta Oceanol. Sinica, 27, 70-78.
28. Chen, X.Y.,F. L. Qiao, R.F.Ge,C.S.Xia,and Y. L.Yuan (2006), Developmentofsub-surfacewarmwaterintheEastChinaSeainfall,J.Geophys. Res., 111, C11S10, doi:10.1029/2005JC003163.
29. Qiao,F.L.,Y.Z.Yang,X.G.Lv,C.S.Xia,X.Y.Chen,andY.L.Yuan(2006), Coastalupwellingin the EastChina Seainwinter,J.Geophys.Res.,111, C11S09, doi:10.1029/2005JC003264.
30. Chen,X.Y.,X.H.Wang,andJ.S.Guo(2005),Seasonalvariabilityofthesea surfacesalinity inthe EastChinaSea during1990–2002,J. Geophys.Res.,111, C05008, doi:10.1029/ 2005JC003078.
31. Liu, N., H. X. Chen,X. Y. Chen,Z. D. Pan, Y. Tao (2005), A dynamic view of the tropospheric teleconnection between IOD and the Pacific Ocean, Chinese Science Bulletin, 50, 2249-2253.
32. Chen, X. Y.,X.Wang, X. H.Wang,and F.L.Qiao (2004), Study of non-Boussinesq effect on sea surfaceheight, J. Hydro., Ser B., 16, 518-524.
33. Chen,X.Y.,F.L.Qiao,X.H.Wang,W.Zhao,andY.L.Yuan(2004),Onthe studyonBoussinesq andhydrostaticapproximationinoceancirculationmodel, Adv. Mar. Sci., 22, 91 -96.

  Email: chenxy@ouc.edu.cn
相关话题/海洋 物理