

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-11-26


  主要从事海洋能量学和热盐环流研究。在海洋能量平衡研究领域做出了系列研究成果:利用实验证明,水平温差只能驱动极弱的垂向环流,在此意义下海洋不是一个热机。该结论使海洋是否为热机这个争论了一个世纪的科学难题有了答案;提出海洋能量平衡的新框架,给出了多种能量源汇的全球分布及变化规律,为进一步深入的研究奠定了基础。从理论上证明在风浪的搅拌下海面热强迫成为驱动大洋热盐环流最重要的能量来源,把小尺度海浪研究同大尺度环流研究连接在一起,明确了海浪在大尺度研究中的重要作用;提出了Ekman波的概念,给出了风能向大洋深处传播的途径。上述研究结果分别发表在JPO、JFM 等著名刊物上,并被广泛引用。其中有关海面风场输入到海浪和Ekman 流中能量的两篇文章被BAMS 作为本研究领域的重要进展进行了专题报道;有关水平温差驱动环流的实验结果则被著名海洋学家Wunsch 教授认为是本研究领域2005 年度最值得关注的论文,并在Nature上对此文作了专门评述。


1.ZHANG Y.*, Z. -G. Zhang, D. -K. Chen, B. Qiu, and W. Wang, 2020: Strengthening of the Kuroshio Current by Intensifying Tropical Cyclones. Science, 368: 988-993.
2.WANG J. -H., S. -Y. Wang, X. Chen*, W. Wang, and Y. Xu, 2017: Three-dimensional Evolution of Internal Waves Reflected from a Submarine Seamount. Physics of Fluids, 29(10).
3.ZHANG Z. -G.*, Y. Zhang, and W. Wang, 2017: Three-compartment Structure of Subsurface-intensified Mesoscale Eddies in the Ocean. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 122:1653-1664, doi:10.1002/2016JC012376.
4.ZHANG Y.*, C. Chen, Z. -G. Zhang, and W. Wang, 2016: Rotating Horizontal Convection and the Potential Vorticity Constraint. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 803: 72-93.
5.WANG J.-H., X. Chen*, W. Wang, and Q. Li, 2015: Laboratory Experiments on the Resonance of Internal Waves on a fiFnite Height Subcritical Topography. Ocean Dynamics, 65(9): 1269-1274.
6.ZHANG Z. -G., W. Wang*,and B. Qiu, 2014: Oceanic Mass Transport by Mesoscale Eddies. Science, 345: 322-324.
7.CHEN C., W. Wang, and D.-X. Wu, 2010: The Intrinsic Depth of Horizontal Convection. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 28(3): 643-648.
8.LIU L.-L., W. Wang, and R.-X. Huang, 2008: The Mechanical Energy Input to the Ocean Induced by Tropical Cyclones. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 38(6): 1253-1266.
9.Whitehead, J. A., and W. Wang, 2008: A Laboratory Model of Vertical Ocean Circulation Driven by Mixing. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 38(5): 1091-1106.
10.HUANG R.-X., C. J. Huang, and W. Wang, 2007: Dynamical Roles of Mixed Layer in Regulating the Meridional Mass/Heat Fluxes. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 112(C5): C05036.
11.HUANG C.-J., W. Wang, and R.-X. Huang, 2007: Climate Variability in the Equatorial Pacific Ocean Induced by Decadal Variability of Mixing Coefficient. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 37(5): 1163-1176.

  山东省青岛市鱼山路5号 中国海洋大学 物理海洋教育部重点实验室
  Email: wei@ouc.edu.cn, Office Tel : +86-
相关话题/海洋 物理