1. 浙江大学 滨海和城市岩土工程研究中心, 软弱土与环境土工教育部重点实验室,杭州 310058; 2. 浙江省建筑设计研究院, 杭州 310008
应宏伟(1971-),男,江西省萍乡市人,博士,副教授,硕士生导师,主要从事土力学、地下工程等方面的教学和科研. E-mail:ice898@zju.edu.cn.作者简介:
应宏伟(1971-),男,江西省萍乡市人,博士,副教授,硕士生导师,主要从事土力学、地下工程等方面的教学和科研. E-mail:ice898@zju.edu.cn.基金资助:
国家自然科学基金重点项目(51338009),国家自然科学基金项目(51678523)Semi-Analytical Solution of Limit Support Pressure on Shield Tunnel Face Subjected to Water Level Fluctuation
YING Hongwei,SHEN Huawei,ZHANG Jinhong,ZHU Chengwei1. Research Center of Coastal and Urban Geotechnical Engineering, MOE Key Laboratory of Soft Soils and Geoenvironmental Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China; 2. Zhejiang Province Institute of Architectural Design and Research, Hangzhou 310008, China
摘要: 为研究潮汐作用对盾构隧道开挖的影响,采用有限元软件COMSOL建立三维数值模型,得到水位波动条件下盾构隧道开挖面前的渗流场变化规律,发现粉土地基中的渗流存在幅值衰减与相位滞后现象.将计算所得渗透力应用到 “楔形体—棱柱体”极限平衡模型中,计算并分析开挖面极限支护压力在水位波动条件下的变化特征,发现极限支护压力的波动与隧道埋深比、土层性质、边界水位波动等因素相关.随着隧道埋深比的增大和波动周期的减小,极限支护力的幅值衰减与相位滞后更为显著.潮汐作用下的极限支护压力最大值比最高潮位稳态渗流情况要小,支护力的最大值与最高潮位出现的时间不一致.
关键词: 水位波动, 盾构开挖面, 极限支护压力, 有限元法, 半解析解
Abstract: In order to study the influence of tides on shield tunnel excavation, by using the finite element software COMSOL, a three-dimensional numerical model is established to obtain the seepage field in front of the tunnel face. Phase delay and amplitude decay of seepage are found in the ground. The seepage force from the numerical results is applied to the “wedge-prism” limit equilibrium model, in order for the computation and analysis of the limit supporting pressure under the condition of water level fluctuation. Fluctuation of the limit supporting pressure is related to the ratio of the overburden thickness to the diameter of the tunnel, soil properties, boundary water level fluctuation, etc. With the increase of the ratio of the overburden thickness to the diameter of the tunnel and the decrease of the fluctuation period, the phase delay and amplitude decay of the limit supporting force are more notable. The seepage force on the tunnel face varies with time and the maximum value is smaller than that calculated in static water condition with the highest tidal level. The supporting force and tidal level reach the maximum value at different time.
Key words: water level fluctuation, shield tunnel face, limit support pressure, finite element method (FEM), semi-analytical solution