
金属有机框架材料(metal-organic frameworks, MOFs)是一类新型的有机-无机杂化材料, 具有可功能化的骨架结构、高比表面积、可调控的孔径尺寸等优势. 将MOFs与性质多样的有机/无机功能纳米材料复合, 不仅有可能充分发挥组分各自的优势, 而且有可能产生“1+1>2”的协同效应, 因而引起了人们的广泛关注. 具有光热效应的MOF复合物作为一类重要的MOF复合材料, 在生物诊疗、催化等领域展现出了良好的应用前景. 作者首先综述了近年来MOF复合材料的主要可控制备方法, 随后讨论了光热MOF复合材料的应用研究, 最后对该类材料的未来研究方向和挑战进行了展望.
关键词: 金属有机骨架材料, 复合材料, 光热效应, 肿瘤治疗, 协同催化
Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) are a growing class of organic-inorganic hybrid crystalline porous materials, showing high levels of structural and chemical diversity. They have a wide range of applications in gas adsorption and separation, catalysis, sensing, biomedicine and other fields. Due to their intriguing properties such as high porosity, adjustable pore size and tunable surface functionality, MOFs have been gaining popularity as a promising platform for integration of various organic/inorganic functional nanomaterials in a predictable and controllable way. The combination of MOFs and functional components offers a possibility to generate synergetic effect between functional units, thus leading to the creation of multifunctional materials with performance superior to each individual components. In this review, we summarized recent research progress on controllable synthesis of MOF composites. There are basically two strategies, including “bottle in ship” and “ship in bottle”. Following that, preparation methods including solution infiltration, deposition, solid grinding and template synthesis, were discussed in detail. Light-to-heat conversion materials have always been a research focus due to their important applications in solar powered water evaporation and near-infrared (NIR) excited bioimaging and noninvasive cancer treatment. MOFs can not only show intrinsic structure-dependent photoresponse activity, but also serve as porous supports to facilitate the stabilization and spatial distribution of photothermal nanoparticles. Recently, MOF composites with photothermal effects have aroused increasing attention in the fields like tumor diagnosis and treatment, bacterial disinfection and synergistic catalysis. This review mainly focused on the recent research progress on photothermal MOF composites. We discussed the integration of functional MOFs with various inorganic/organic photothermal nanoparticles (e.g. Au, Pt, porphyrin, polydopamine etc.), along with the structure and photothermal application of the composites. Research about MOFs based light-to-heat conversion is at the stage of rapid development. Finally, we also give a prospect to the future development of multifunctional and photothermal MOF composites.
Key words: metal-organic framework, composite material, photothermal effect, tumor treatment, synergistic catalysis