
生物医学涉及到人类健康相关的多个领域: 临床医疗、公共卫生、医药研发等多个方面. 其中在医药研发领域, 基于插层结构的纳米药物载体的研发已经成为重要发展方向之一. 水滑石(LDHs)及其衍生物具有成本低、合成简单、载药高效、细胞膜透过率高、生物相容性好、易降解等优点, 在生物医药领域得到了广泛关注. 本文主要介绍了LDHs及其衍生物的制备方法, 以及在抗菌治疗、生物成像和肿瘤治疗等方面的应用. 此外, 还简述了LDHs材料的规模化生产方法和现状, 进一步分析了LDHs的实际应用前景. 最后, 对LDHs材料在生物医药领域的未来发展方向进行了展望.
关键词: 水滑石, 生物医药, 杀菌, 肿瘤治疗, 生物成像
With the awareness of human and public health increasing, biomedical research has been paid more and more attention. 2D intercalation materials with versatile physicochemical advantages have attracted extensive interest in biomedical applications. Layered double hydroxides (LDHs), as a class of typical 2D materials, have been widely utilized as various multi-function materials and exhibited great promise in biomedical applications. The general chemical formula of LDHs can be described as [M2+ 1–x M3+ x (OH)2]q+(An–)q/n·yH2O, where M2+ and M3+ refer to divalent and trivalent mental cations, respectively, and An– is an exchangeable anion, including inorganic, organic, biological compound, and even gene. LDHs have attracted a great attention in the field of biomaterials due to their good biocompatibility, pH sensitivity, biodegradability, high intracellular delivery efficacy and low cost, etc. In this review, we summarize the development of LDHs and related nanocomposites for biomedical applications including sterilization, cancer therapy, bioimaging, etc. In general, the LDH-based sterilization materials can be divided into four categories. The first type is the pristine LDHs and their derivatives named mixed mental oxides (MMO). The second type is organo-modified LDHs nanostructures, including surface modified LDHs and interlayer assembled biomaterials, which embed antibacterial agents or other biomolecules in the interlayer spaces. The last two are enzyme immobilized LDHs and Ag NPs deposited LDHs, respectively. In addition to sterilization, LDHs have also been applied to cancer diagnosis and therapy. We mainly introduce three types of cancer monotherapy, including photodynamic, photothermal and chemodynamic therapy. Moreover, cancer combination therapy and bioimaging for cancer diagnosis are also discussed. Furthermore, the large-scale synthesis of LDH-based materials plays a fundamental role in the potential biomedical applications in the future. Therefore, we summarize the feasible methods of large-scale production of LDHs reported in recent years. Among them, the SNAS (separate nucleation and aging steps) method with a simple and quick operation, and has realized the industrial scale-up production of LDHs. Finally, we also discussed the future challenges and opportunities of LDH-based biomaterials.
Key words: layered double hydroxides, biomedical, antibacterial, cancer therapy, large-scale production