
光笼(photocage)是一种用于光控释放的光敏物质, 是以物理和化学等方法将目标释放物与光敏基团及其他功能基团结合形成的对光敏感的物质, 在指定波段的光照射线下, 光笼能够实现目标物的可控释放. 因其具备时空调控、操作简单、易于控制、可修饰性强和对机体损伤小等优点, 使其广泛应用在化学、生物学、材料学和医学等领域. 本综述介绍并讨论了近10年光笼分子与材料在光控释放金属离子、气体、荧光物质、氨基酸、多肽、酶、蛋白质、药物等目标物的研究进展.
关键词: 分子光笼, 金属离子, 荧光成像, 药物释放, 光控释放, 生物应用
The photocage is a light sensitive substance for photo-controlled release, which is formed by combining the target substance with photosensitive group and other functional groups through physical and chemical methods. Under the irradiation of the specified band, the photocage releases the target substance. It is widely concerned because it can realize space-time control, which means that the time and place of release are controllable. The advantages of simple operation, easy control, strong modification ability and small body damage make it widely used in chemistry, biology, materials science and medicine. In this paper, we introduced and discussed the research progress of photocages in photo-controlled release of metal ions, gases, fluorescent substances, amino acids, peptides, enzymes, proteins, drugs and other target substances in recent 10 years.
Key words: molecular photocage, metal ion, fluorescence imaging, drug release, photo-release, biological application