
铁电性通常是指电介质材料的自发极化取向随着外加电场发生变化的性能. 以自发极化为核心, 铁电材料表现出优异的介电响应、热释电性、压电性、电光效应和非线性光学效应等, 是一类具有广阔应用前景的功能材料. 近年来, 二维有机-无机杂化钙钛矿化合物在铁电研究领域崭露头角, 逐渐发展为铁电材料的重要组成部分. 此类材料具有独特的结构兼容性与可调控性, 能够实现多种功能的共存或耦合, 是发展新型多功能材料的理想体系. 本综述基于居里原理的对称性方法, 以铁电材料的结构相变为基础, 阐述了铁电体的晶体学对称性破缺现象. 具体结合二维有机-无机杂化钙钛矿铁电体的典型实例, 揭示材料铁电性能的结构来源及光电性能调控的潜在途径, 最后对该铁电材料体系的发展趋势和应用前景提出了展望.
关键词: 铁电体, 对称性破缺, 二维结构, 杂化钙钛矿, 光电性能
Ferroelectric materials, characterized by the reversible switching of spontaneous polarization by an applied electric field, exhibit excellent physical properties including dielectric response, pyroelectricity, piezoelectricity, electro-optics, and nonlinear optical effects, etc. All these physical properties have been widely used for diverse practical applications. In recent years, two-dimensional (2D) organic-inorganic hybrid perovskites have emerged as an important family of ferroelectrics. Benefitting from unique structural compatibility and tunability, this 2D class of ferroelectrics enable the coexistence and/or coupling of multiple functions, which become an ideal platform for the development of new multifunctional candidates. Based on the Curie symmetry principle, this work illuminates the crystallographic symmetry breaking and highlights the source of ferroelectricity in 2D hybrid perovskite ferroelectrics, as well as potential strategies to modulate their photoelectric properties. Finally, we propose the development trend and application prospects of these 2D hybrid perovskite ferroelectric materials.
Key words: ferroelectric, symmetry breaking, two-dimensional structure, hybrid perovskite, photoelectric property