
电化学有机合成使用无痕的电子替代化学氧化还原试剂, 是一种环境友好的合成方法. 利用碘化钾作为电解质和催化剂, 乙腈和水的混合溶液作为溶剂, 在非分离式电解池中实现了α-酮酸、异腈和水的电化学脱羧酰基化和接力水合反应, 高效合成了一系列的α-酮酰胺化合物. 该电化学反应无需使用化学氧化剂, 无需过渡金属催化剂, 具有反应条件温和等优点.
关键词: 电化学合成, 脱羧酰基化反应, 水合反应, 异腈, α-酮酰胺
Electrochemical organic synthesis is considered as an environmentally benign method because it employs traceless electrons as redox agents, thereby avoiding the need for chemical oxidants. The electrochemical decarboxylative acylation of isocyanides and relay hydration reaction for the synthesis of α-ketoamides was developed. This reaction can be carried out under mild conditions in the absence of a chemical oxidant and a transition-metal catalyst.
Key words: electrochemical synthesis, decarboxylative acylation, hydration reaction, isocyanide, α-ketoamides