
报道了一种无过渡金属催化剂、无化学氧化剂条件下N-无保护苯胺的电化学硒醚化反应. 该反应在非分隔电解槽中进行, 实现了温和电化学条件下4-(芳基硒代)苯胺和4-(烷基硒代)苯胺化合物的高效合成. 该反应具有良好的官能团兼容性和易放大等优点, 为合成4-(烃基硒代)苯胺类化合物提供了绿色实用的合成方法.
关键词: N-无保护苯胺, 二烃基二硒醚, 电化学合成, 温和条件, 绿色化学
A transition-metal-free and chemical oxidant-free method was developed for the uniform synthesis of 4-arylselanylanilines and 4-alkylselanylanilines through electrolytic selenylation of N-unprotected anilines with diorganyl diselenides under mild conditions in an undivided cell. The present approach had good functional group compatibility, which made it to be a green and practical method to synthesize 4-(organylselanyl)anilines.
Key words: N-unprotected anilines, diorganyl diselenides, electrochemical synthesis, mild conditions, green chemistry