
氮杂环卡宾(NHC)催化在有机催化领域占有重要地位, 其催化的有机反应具有反应方式独特、反应位点丰富、底物和产物结构多样性等特点. 然而, 随着有机合成的深入发展, 传统的、单一的催化体系在底物反应活性及反应选择性方面也逐渐面临一些瓶颈和挑战. 近年来, 联合催化策略通过两种单一催化体系的有效结合, 能够实现单一催化体系无法实现的化学转化, 从而能够更好地实现反应性及反应选择性的精准调控, 逐渐成为有机合成中的重要催化策略. 主要综述了近十年来氮杂环卡宾/过渡金属联合催化方面的最新研究进展.
关键词: 氮杂环卡宾催化, 过渡金属催化, 联合催化, 不对称合成
Unique reaction modes, diverse reaction sites, and structural diversity of both substrates and products have made N-heterocyclic carbene catalysis be of great of importance in the field of organic catalysis. However, there have been a lot of barriers and challenges in terms of the reactivity of substrates and the selectivity of reactions for traditional and single catalytic systems with the deep development of organic synthesis. Recently, synergistic catalysis makes it possible for previously inaccessible transformations and can adjust the reactivity and selectivity more accurately by merging two single catalytic systems, thus has emerged as a powerful catalytic strategy in organic synthesis. In this review, the latest research progress in the field of synergistic catalysis of N-heterocyclic carbenes and transition metals in the last decade is mainly reviewed.
Key words: N-heterocyclic carbene catalysis, transition metal catalysis, synergistic catalysis, asymmetric synthesis