
过渡金属催化的C—P键活化转化为有机膦化合物的合成提供了一条经济、高效的途径, 近年来受到了越来越多的关注. 然而由于C—P键较高的键能和P原子强的配位性能, C—P键活化一直较为挑战. 采用不同的底物预活化方法和各类催化剂, 过渡金属催化的C—P键活化转化已经取得了显著的进展. 本综述将对该领域的发展进行总结, 按照反应机理和底物预活化策略的不同, 分类阐述这些反应的类型, 发展、特点和机理等.
关键词: 有机膦化合物, 过渡金属催化, C—P键活化
Transition metal-catalyzed C—P bond activation provides an ecomomical and high-efficient route for the synthesis of organic phosphine compounds, and has received increasing attention in recent years. Owing to high bond energy of C—P bond and strong coordinative ability of P atom, the activation of C—P bond has been a fomidable challenge. Relying on substrate-preactivation and various catalysts, great progress has been achieved. This review will give a summary of this field, and according to different mechanisms of C—P bond activation and strategies of substrate pre-activation, a detailed description on reaction type, development, characteristics and mechanism will be made.
Key words: organophosphines, transition metal, C—P bond activation