
过渡金属催化烯丙醇的选择性脱氢氧化以得到相应的α,β-不饱和羰基化合物在最近广受关注, 但是很多方法需要用到化学计量的氧化剂, 这会带来大量的废弃副产物, 原子经济性不足. 本工作开发了一种简单易得的[RuCl2(p- cymene)]2催化系统, 可用于高效地催化烯丙醇选择性脱氢合成α,β-不饱和羰基化合物, 而无需使用额外的氧化剂或H2受体.
关键词: 钌, 无受体脱氢, 烯丙醇, α,β-不饱和羰基化合物
Transition metal-catalyzed allyllic alcohol selective dehydrogenation to generate the corresponding α,β-unsaturated carbonyl compound has attached great attention. However, most of these methods require stoichiometric quantities of oxidants, which will bring a lot of by-products and lack of atomic economy. Herein, a simple [RuCl2(p-cymene)]2 catalyzed system to efficiently catalyze the selective dehydrogenation of allyl alcohol to form α,β-unsaturated carbonyls without the use of additional oxidants or H2 acceptors has been developed.
Key words: ruthenium, acceptorless dehydrogenation, allylic alcohols, α,β-unsaturated carbonyls