
共价有机框架(Covalent Organic Frameworks,COFs)作为一种由有机结构单元通过共价键连接而成的晶态有机多孔材料,具有结晶性好、密度低、比表面积高以及结构可设计性强等特点,已在分子吸附与分离、催化、光电及能源等领域展现出巨大的应用潜力.近年来,COFs因其固有的结构特点,在传感领域也逐渐引起了科研工作者的广泛关注.主要综述了COFs在爆炸物传感、湿度传感、金属离子传感、pH传感、生物传感、气体传感等领域中的研究进展,并对其发展前景进行了展望.
关键词: 共价有机框架, 传感, 爆炸物, 金属离子, 气体分子
Covalent organic frameworks (COFs) are an emerging class of porous crystalline organic materials connected by covalent bonds. Owing to their high crystallinity, low density, large surface area and designable structures, COFs have potential applications in molecular adsorption and separation, catalysis, optoelectronic devices, and energy storage. Recently, due to their inherent characteristics, COFs have attracted a lot of interests in sensing. The research progress of COFs in sensing, including explosive sensing, humidity sensing, metal ions sensing, pH sensing, biosensing and gas sensing is summarized. Finally, a perspective of the application of COFs in sensing is given.
Key words: covalent organic frameworks, sensing, explosive, metal ion, gas molecule