螺环缩酮结构片段广泛存在于许多具有不同来源的生物活性天然产物中,该片段往往对生物活性起着重要作用.合成了两类结构新颖的螺环缩酮类化合物,并以甲基丁香酚为标准品对照,测试其对桔小实蝇(Bactrocera dorsalis)的电生理活性.结果表明:雄性和雌性桔蝇对大部分化合物小实有明显的电生理响应.螺环缩酮的立体化学和其苯环上取代基对电生理响应有一定的影响.
关键词: 螺环缩酮, 性引诱剂, 桔小实蝇, 触角电位反应
Spiroacetal motif is widely distributed in many bioactive natural products of different origins and essentially contributes to various bioactivities. In this paper, two series of spiroacetals were synthesized and biologically evaluated as insect sex attractant towards oriental fruit flies (Bactrocera dorsalis) using methyleugenol as the standard. Biological evaluation demonstrated that a large part of the tested compounds triggered apparent electrophysiological responses from both male and female fruit flies. The stereochemistry of the spiroacetals and the substitution on their phenyl rings influenced the responses to some degree.
Key words: spiroacetals, sex attractant, oriental fruit fly (Bactrocera dorsalis), electroantennogram response